Recovery themed, Christian flavored daily reflections for those struggling, recovering, or seeking understanding.
For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.
Mark 3:35
My daily affliction is the misdirection of my mind.
Here, I find that I am stuttering back and forth from one distraction to the next while haphazardly navigating the day’s work.
Has it always been this way?
Sometimes it seems that with the infinite options in front of us and opportunities available in the modern-day convenience culture, we are numb to simple things.
Let’s pray for God to show us His will. But then, let’s practice listening to the response.
Very practically.
The same way we listen attentively to a friend or teacher: we stop talking and we tune in.
This is difficult at first.
This is difficult down the road too.
But it is very simple to practice.
Carve space for quiet time. This is one of the critical components. If you have a devotion time already, you’re a step ahead.
He will meet us there; he already does. But use a portion—and I’m talking single digit minutes—to get started.
This doesn’t have to be complicated, but the distracting thoughts that accompany our first waking moments are not a reason to keep from trying.
God, quiet my heart and my will.