Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast

Yay! We’ve got another guest on the show this week, Mariah Hatch!

Mariah is a yoga wellness professional who specialises in helping people process their emotions through meditation, yoga asanas and practical tools. Her Human Design is a 4/6 Sacral Generator.

We cover topics such as trusting your gut, the importance of making mistakes, and the power of human design. Mariah shares her experiences as a yoga teacher and her journey in starting her own business.

  • (00:00) - WD016 - Mariah Hatch
  • (01:21) - Welcome to the episode!
  • (04:20) - Our guest's first experience with Human Design
  • (05:23) - Going from helping struggling teens to becoming an emotional wellness coach
  • (10:48) - What stood out to you about your Human Design?
  • (13:29) - How an undefined emotional center can affect your decision making process
  • (16:34) - Getting stuck in your defined mind
  • (19:45) - Why our percieved weaknesses are actually our strengths
  • (23:01) - Looking deeper into an undefinied center
  • (25:35) - Starting a business with a 4 in your profile
  • (36:20) - Why you might feel more like a different type
  • (42:19) - A rundown of the Channel of Vision (1-8)
  • (44:34) - Charging what your worth as a wellness professional
  • (47:33) - An example of using your type's strategy
  • (53:46) - Talking about the 6 Profile - on the cusp of a transition from the 1st to the 2nd phase

Links to things we mention:

Creators & Guests

Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
Kyle Wood
Co-Host of Well Designed
Mariah Hatch
Coach at Honey, Be. Yoga

What is Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast?

A podcast that helps health and wellness professionals find more ease in their work. Each episode we'll look at challenges that you might face in running your own business and how human design can help.

Brandi Healy: I really wish
it would do the countdown.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I know.


Mariah Hatch: like the silent,

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: Well, we had, well,
because we had, we used another

platform that had countdown.

And yes, it was very
much the Wayne's World

Kyle Wood: Yep.

Brandi Healy: moment

that we had before every episode.

And I kind of miss that.

But everything else about

Kyle Wood: We could

Brandi Healy: great.

But, you know,

Kyle Wood: I could count you

Brandi Healy: I mean, I just did it.

So, like, now we're going to
have to count each other down.

So whoever is introducing the episode,
Gets to like, sit, and then the

other person gets to cue them in.

Kyle Wood: Sounds good.

Brandi Healy: Done.


I'm in.

Alright, great.

Welcome to Well Designed.

I'm Brandy Healy, and I'm here
with my co host Kyle Wood.

Kyle Wood: Hello.

Hello, hello.

Brandi Healy: Or you could
just be quiet and weird.

Just kidding.

The pause.

The pause, sorry.

I'm just like, spicy today.

Um, and you might have heard at
a giggle that you're unfamiliar

with, we have a guest episode.

So, these have been super
fun for us to record.

This is our third one.

And, you know, this was always
something that was in the plan when

we talked about doing a podcast.

It's like, how exciting will it
be, like, when we have guests on?

And now they're here,
and it's just been...

Loads of fun.

I don't know, Kyle, what do you think?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, the guest
episodes are my favorite.

So, and I like, we keep having
your, your, uh, acquaintances on.

Um, so it's nice meeting
people I don't know as well.

In this kind of setting.

Brandi Healy: It's been so fun, and
so this is our third guest episode,

and our guest today, um, is Mariah.

And Mariah is a, I'm gonna screw this up,
I'm putting so much pressure on myself

Mariah Hatch: Too many words.

Brandi Healy: Yes, you are an emotional



Mariah Hatch: coach.


Brandi Healy: I was

like, I don't want to, I
don't want to get this wrong.

Thank you so much for being
on with us today, Mariah.

I'm so pumped to have you.


as Kyle mentioned, you and
I, you know, know each other.

And one of the reasons that, you know,
I'm super excited to have you on is.

You are a little bit newer in
the discovery of human design.

So some of the people that we
had on, um, in our previous

episodes, like they've had.

You know, six months to a year of kind
of awareness in the space, maybe a little

bit longer than, you know, two years.

So still fairly new, but we're
like, you're like months into

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, I'm
a baby on this journey.

And I was just saying before we started
recording, like I feel like famous

being on this podcast because I'm a
fan first and foremost of this podcast.

I'm like, my main content for
learning about human design right

now is through this podcast.

So I'm so excited to appear on it and.

Learn as a guest, which is
kind of a fun avenue to do it.

Brandi Healy: so I don't know
about you, Kyle, but like my

projector heart is exploding.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, it feels pretty good.

Brandi Healy: You just made
us both feel very deeply seen.

So for those of you out there, for the
projectors in your life, like words

of affirmation are our love language.

And that was.

That was a good one.

That was a good one.

Thank you so

Mariah Hatch: and Brandy too,
you gave me my first reading.

I literally was like,
wait, what's human design?

And Brandy's like, Oh, I'll give
you a little 30 minute reading.

So like literally first
experience is from you.


Brandi Healy: Well, it was funny
because like, so Mariah and I

have the same business coach
and Mariah is getting coached.

And the whole time I'm just
sitting there going, I wonder

what her human design type is.

If I, if she knew, if she
knew her strategy, I think

that would really help her.

She knew her authority.

I think that would really help her a lot.

Just me

projectoring away.

Mariah Hatch: Well, and it
has honestly, and now I do the

same thing as I'm listening.

I'm like, Ooh, I wonder
what my husband's design is.

Ooh, I wonder what my dad's is.

Ooh, I wonder what my

sister's is.

How would this.

Play out.

So it's very helpful information.

Brandi Healy: Welcome,
welcome to the rabbit hole.

We're glad to have you.

So Mariah, we would love for you to just
chat a little bit about what it is that

you do and maybe, or maybe before what you
do, how did you get, how did you get here?

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, so I was
thinking about this before, like

how did I get in the wellness phase?

And I mean, it's a bit of a journey.

Um, so I I've always just
been really emotional.

Like I'm a really emotional, sensitive
human, but never really leaned into it.

So for a lot of years, this was
just like a weakness of mine.

I didn't really ever envision
myself in the wellness space.

To be a teacher.

I was really into like the arts
and theater and stuff like that.

Um, and it was when I was in college, I
like switched major so many times, but

I was kind of just like bored of my job.

I was like working in a theater
and I was kind of like sick of it.

And so I just like.

Wanted to try something new and so I
found a job working at like a treatment

center for Suicidal teenagers, and
loved it, mostly because, like, I'm

getting trained on how to teach them
these, like, emotional wellness skills,

and I'm like, wait, this information
is extremely helpful, and, like, why

isn't everyone learning about this?

So, it really started to help me,
like, understand my own emotions and,

like, be more in tune with them myself.

And then I just, like, loved being
able to help others with that,

like, helping these teenagers.

Um, and then I actually, so at the time
I was going to school to be a teacher

and I took, like, a semester off to
go teach in China, um, teach English.

And it was when I was there that, like,
I was just struggling a lot with mental

health stuff, like, not, not because
I was away from home, but just, like,

my normal stuff, and, but because I
was away, I was, like, kind of cut off

from my normal coping resources, and

so I was, like, oh my gosh, what do I do?

So it was when I was living in China
that I, like, really leaned into Eastern

philosophy and was learning a lot about
that and it just like totally resonated

with me and that's when I found yoga as
like my main tool for healing and coping.

And I learned a lot through doing
yoga regularly about how important

movement is with like emotion release.

So I'm just like huge into emotion
and understanding emotion and learning

skills for how to process them.

Um, I ended up still becoming a teacher.

So I was a teacher for two years
with like, and I worked with.

Middle schoolers.

So still in the teenager
realm, which I love.

Um, and it was like a little heartbreaking
because it was like really hard, like,

as just an English teacher to, like,
have the amount of time and space

that I wanted to, like, teach these
skills of emotional wellness, right?

So I, like, especially, like, post
COVID and, like, in the community that

I was in, like, I needed to teach these
kids how to read, you know, so I just

feel like there was like a, it was
very draining and very exhausting and

my first year of teaching was so hard.

That's actually, it was when I was
off my first year that I decided

to get certified to teach yoga.

So I've only been certified as a yoga
teacher for a little over a year.

Um, I started teaching yoga on
the side and it was just like.

really fulfilling, um, like being able
to physically witness others, like being

able to release their emotions, um, and
process them through yoga philosophy.

And so I ended my last year teaching
and I've gone full time into my

business to help people to do that.

So that's how I got here.

Brandi Healy: Such a cool story.

Like, I didn't realize how you got
into working with like adolescence,

like through a treatment center.

So now it makes so much sense.

It's like

hearing you talk about like.

You know, you have a degree in psychology,

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, that's right.

Brandi Healy: yep.

And so like now, like all of these
pieces are kind of like clicking

together and I'm like, oh, this makes
so much sense now, like hearing a

little bit more about your story.

Mariah Hatch: Cause it's just like, I
felt so defenseless as a teenager, like my

emotions just felt like always a problem.

And so coming into a space
where we're like, I was teaching

teenagers how to experience this.

I'm like, wait, why aren't we, why
is not everyone learning about this?

This is so important and so beautiful.

And it's, it's been.

a really beautiful transformation for me
to like have this thing that used to be

such a weakness be like The thing I love
most about myself like I love feeling

deeply I love giving myself permission
to just feel without knowing why i'm

feeling a certain thing and just like
letting my body be and experience it and

it's just like so grounding and Lovely.

It just, like, makes living
so much more beautiful.

Brandi Healy: So good.

So good.

I'm like, can you teach my kids

Mariah Hatch: would love to.

It's funny because I actually
mostly work with adults now.

Um, I have, like, one client
who's a child, but yeah,

I mostly work with adults.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Mariah Hatch: But it is, I would
love to eventually get back into

using what I'm doing now in my
business in a school setting.

Um, but yeah, I've needed to kind
of take a step back from school.

Brandi Healy: We'll sidebar.

I'm going to hook you up with Gina
because you two have a lot of parallels.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: like, she was like, uh,
in musical theater and like taught

musical theater to middle schoolers.

Mariah Hatch: Oh, that's so funny.

Brandi Healy: So again, we'll
sidebar on that, but you can talk

to her because she works with kids
and yoga out here in California.

Mariah Hatch: That's so cool.

Brandi Healy: Yep.

Anyhow, I would love to just hear, I
know, like you had mentioned that you,

um, had first heard about human design
through me and just really curious, like,

would really just like to hear from you.

What about it piqued your interest?

And maybe the first time that you
heard about your human design, like

what stood out to you and maybe
how did you feel hearing about it?

Mariah Hatch: Yeah,
that's a good question.

I feel like, well, when you reached out
to me, Brandy, you had like mentioned,

cause in the, in the coaching call that
we had been on together, I was talking

about struggling to make decisions, which
is something I've always struggled with.

Um, and so I think that's, probably the
first thing like my, um, I don't even

know what it's called, but like, I, in my
chart, it says that I should trust my gut,

Brandi Healy: Your authority.

Mariah Hatch: my authority.

Thank you.


so to trust my gut, like, that's just
something that's been a reoccurring

theme throughout my life, is like,
when I'm trying to figure things out.

Like, the overwhelming lesson that
I feel like I'm constantly needing

to learn is like, no, just trust
yourself, just trust yourself.

Um, and so that really spoke to me.

And then.

Um, as I mentioned being deeply emotional
like my emotion center is open and when

you talked about the emotion center I
was like, oh my gosh, please all the

avenues for helping me understand like

why like I don't even know the word
empath until I was like 24 years old

and I Someone like I was like four
years into working in the treatment

center and people are like, yeah, it's
really hard for empaths I'm like What?

Like, I used

to just be like, Oh yeah, I have a lot
of empathy, and people were like, Neat!

And I'm like, No!

It's like, Very painful!

Like, it is Not an enjoyable experience!

And so, I, when I learned the word Empath,
like, someone gave me a book, and I read

The first page, and just like, sobbed,
and then gave It to everyone I know.

Like, here,

This explains me.

Here, I like, gave it to my

husband, Gave it to my mom,
and like, Just, read this.

It explains Everything.

So, and that's Kind of like, with Human
design, the open emotion center is just

like another avenue of understanding
like, oh, like I literally in my

body and I'm absorbing other people's
emotions and like, the first time

I learned that it was so helpful.

Um, and it's through yoga that I
learned to kind of like, release that.

Um, so, yeah, I would say those are the
2 things my authority and my open centers

were kind of what resonated the most.

Brandi Healy: And so, Kyle, I'm really
curious because I think that in what

Mariah is speaking to, I know you and I
have had conversations because similar

to you, Mariah has a defined mind and
a defined head, and it's disconnected

from where she makes her authority.

And like, what I've kind of
witnessed is she gets stuck in her

head and ignores her authority.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Mariah Hatch: Yes.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: And similarly,
you both have open throat.


Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: so lots of similarities.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

So looking at your chart, if I didn't
know you and know anything, this

is what I would say would happen.

I would say you would feel someone,
someone else you're picking up on

someone else's vibe, whether it's like
intensely sad or angry or whatever.

You've also got an undefined ego
center, which is like where, where our

self esteem and things can come from.

So, you're like, it's my fault.

You immediately put

Mariah Hatch: hmm.

Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: And then, that,
and that comes as a feeling as

well, not just in your head.

And then, you, then you go up into
your head, which is very powerful,

and you start trying to make,
Rational sense of what's happening

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: Um, and then you've
got that undefined threat.

So you probably then have trouble
communicating to other people What it

is brain is just like smiling over there

Mariah Hatch: Like, I'm like about to cry.

I'm like, yes!


Kyle Wood: yeah, so that's your

Brandi Healy: Like, he's
going real deep, real fast.

So, I'm like, so proud

Kyle Wood: Yeah, if I just look at that
like right side of the chart, yeah, so

like, it's just, it is just your makeup
and it's actually, I hope today we'll

talk a bit about like, and I think you've
already started understanding how much

of a superpower all of that can be.

Like in the moment, obviously it
feels horrible, but um, finding

practices and like I was going to say
before when you were talking about.

Being in China and started getting
exposed to these Eastern philosophies,

it just reminded me how I don't,
I sometimes think of this stuff as

being like a modern day problem.

Like we're all having existential
crises and stuff like that But like

how, you, you're both yoga instructors.

How old's yoga?

2, 000, 3, 000, 4, 000, more.

Yeah, so like Obviously, as humans,
we've been struggling with stuff

for a long time that we've had to
develop these, uh, practices to, um,

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: to help, help ourselves.

So, uh, I think that's a
good, good reminder as well.

Brandi Healy: Yes.

They've just, the problems
have just changed flavor, but

at the end of the day,
they're still the same

Kyle Wood: yeah,

Brandi Healy: you know, do people love me?

You know?

Like, do I matter?

Like, why am I here?

Like, we're still asking
the same questions.

Kyle Wood: yep.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, and it's so
interesting, like, thinking about the

defined mind like you were talking about,
Kyle, because I've never, like, con I

think because my emotion center is, like,
the most prevalent thing, like, I've never

considered myself, like, a logical person,

but I am very, like, intellectual, and
I worry a lot, and so I do get in my

head I also have, like, I have obsessive
compulsive disorder, and so I do a

lot of the, like, what does this mean?

I gotta figure it out.

I need to understand it.


And, yeah, just like, learning to
drop into my body and trust the fact

that my emotions, like, know a lot.

Um, it's just like, something I
didn't think that I struggled with

because I, you know, I've always
been very emotionally intelligent.

Um, but yeah, that kind of like, conflict
with the head is like, really resonates.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.



So, even now knowing it, I
still get, get stuck there.

Well, I, well I was, when,
was that even this week?

Last week?

I was melting down with Brandy.

You know, in our chat messages.

Totally melting down.

Um, and it's nothing that like a good,
uh, a good walk or something like that.

Uh, I mean, for you it might be yoga
practice, but that like, disconnect.

And my wife was also like, I
think you need to go for a walk.

I think you're trying to like,
shuffle me out of the house.

ha ha

Brandi Healy: I think I'm like,
it sounds like you're thinking a

lot and you should do something

that you enjoy to distract

yourself for a little bit.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, I feel that.

Brandi Healy: real in your head right now.

And he's like, yeah, I think so.

He just told me to go for

a walk.

And then he's

like, much better.


Kyle Wood: ha

Brandi Healy: person.


like, you know, when

you get off of your mat,
when you get off of your mat.

It's like, oh, it's just, it's

an energetic shift.

Kyle Wood: Hmm.

Heh, heh,

Mariah Hatch: yeah, even in my
business, I feel like I'll literally,

like, be crying to my husband, like, I
don't even, I don't know if this is a

good idea, like, I just

started a whole business, I
don't, do I even like yoga?

I don't even know if
this is the right thing.

And then, and then I'll, like, go teach a
session, and I'm like, Oh, I love my job,

I love my clients, that was amazing,

I had the best life ever.

Like, it's, it's very Yeah,


Kyle Wood: resonate with that so much.

I feel like I want that as a T shirt now.

Like, do I even like yoga?

Brandi Healy: Yeah, yeah,

Kyle Wood: He, heh, Like
those moments where you just

have these, like, irrational

Mariah Hatch: my gosh.

Kyle Wood: Um, in the moment.

Brandi Healy: yeah.

That's like, every person that's
like, takes like, public yoga

classes, like, that is like your
existential crisis before you go.

That is like the meme in the making.

And then

like, afterwards,

like, say that you're like,
clicking up your heels and like,

moonwalking out of the studio to your car.




It's like a

glow up, like,

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, and as a
teacher, I'm doing the same thing.

Kyle Wood: Yeah,

Mariah Hatch: Literally like.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Sometimes we have to be our own teacher
and talk ourselves off the ledge, right?

Mariah Hatch: Exactly.

Brandi Healy: So, you know, one of
the things that, like, When we first

started chatting and you were talking
about your emotions, you kept saying

like, it was always a weakness.

It was

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: And like, you know, I
think that one of the things that I

have found so useful about human design
is That usually the things that we

perceive as our weaknesses actually
turn out to be, like, our strengths.


Mariah Hatch: Oh, 100%.

Kyle Wood: Hmm.

Brandi Healy: having that open emotional
center is, like, where you are sensitive

and where you're really impacted,
like, that's also the place, like,

you have to learn your biggest lesson

and then to, like, teach that lesson.

So then to see, like, That's where
you're taking your clients as well is,

you know, you can really be that voice
of like, I've been where you've been.

I've like, you know, I've

sat in that low place

or I've

taken on other people's
emotions, or I have felt.

You know, like, I, I think like a good,
like, term that people feel like when

they're emotional is like, they feel
like they're too much for other people.

And at the beginning, you just like, so
beautifully were like, and now I can like,

feel my emotions and like, allow myself to
experience them and feel very liberated by


And like, What a different conversation
around having a depth of emotion and

being able to feel other people's
emotion adds to like, it was a weakness.

It was like.

Too much

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

Well, and even like, not even like
experiencing what my clients feel

in terms of being full of emotions,
but even in a session itself, like

I can feel what they're feeling.

I'm like, Oh, this is
making them anxious right

now, where.

In the past I'd be like, oh
my gosh, I can't even decipher

what's mine, what someone else's.

I'm so overwhelmed.

I don't know how to get rid of this.

I'm like, was like afraid to be vulnerable
with people because people, you know,

they feel that and people just like share
their whole life stories with me all the

time and it was like really overwhelming
and now I, because I have like the skills

and the tools to feel it and experience
it and then shut it when I need to.

Like it's such a superpower in my
actual sessions where I'm like, okay,

this is making you feel anxious.

Like, let's explore that.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandy must be looking up.

Oh, no.

Mariah Hatch: I was
like, do we lose Brandy?


She's here.

Kyle Wood: ha ha ha ha.


Okay, I, I do, uh, so, I'll say
something else on the emotional

center, and then I do want to...

When am I touching on, like,
your generativeness, and then...

Some of the specific offerings you
have with your business and sort of

how they came about and I think how
that relates to your design would be

really interesting to explore too.

Um, so with your, sometimes it's really
interesting with the undefined centers to

look, um, there's different like numbers
when you look at your chart on the center.

It could be interesting to look
at like what's defined, well

sorry, which gates are defined,
so which gates are like lit up.

Uh, which those are the
numbers, they're the gates.

So especially when there's like one
gate lit up, cause that can mean

like, it's something that's like
coming in and out of your life,

um, with some amount of frequency.

So for you, yours is the gate, it,
it connects to your, uh, ego center,

which I mentioned before, which has
to do with like self esteem and stuff.

And this one's all about,
um, but it doesn't, you don't

have a full connection there.

It's like I said, it can come and
go be a bit inconsistent and this

one's all about like friendship and
family and connecting with people.

So like reading through this, the
feeling I got was like, it's about

like loyalty is really important to
you both in like you being loyal to

others and others, you having that
loyalty returned, uh, to you and then

how painful that can be when that's not.


Um, and so like, does
that, does that resonate?

I mean, I guess it resonates
for everyone, but that resonate

particularly for you Yeah.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

no, that resonates with me a lot.

I, I have like a pretty small
group of people that I feel

like are my group of people.

Um, and yeah, I've been through shifts and
friendships that have like, like, it feels

like it takes over my whole life, right?

Like, when something's
kind of falling apart.


Kyle Wood: yeah,

Mariah Hatch: because, yeah, Like, I am

Brandi Healy: It's very project,
it's very projector of you

Mariah Hatch: deep connections,

Brandi Healy: hate

small p

Kyle Wood: I dunno.

That's why I was just like,

Mariah Hatch: which is a lot too.


Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Mariah Hatch: yeah, but
it's also like, it's.

Um, I crave deep connections, but
I'm not, like, good at making them.

Like, I I think I'm probably friends
with people who are projectors because

I'm They get deep with me,

and I'm like, oh, yes,


I'm not really good at initiating
that, which I think is part of why

I have, like, a really small circle.

But, like, that circle's,

like, everything to me, you know?

Brandi Healy: Well, I think that
that also speaks to your profile.

So like in your profile,
like you're a four six

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: four in his profile as well.

And like,

um, when people have a four in their

profile, it's like they are like very
deep relationship builders and like, their

friends, their family, their communities
are incredibly important to them.

So that's like, you know, it's reinforced
in those two areas of your chart.

And like, oftentimes people with fours,

you know, especially when they're like
starting a business, like it's very

natural for their first clients to be like
their friends and family members and like

friends of their family of their friends

Mariah Hatch: That is literally
all my clients right now.

It's like connections and
connections of connections.

Brandi Healy: with it,

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

And I, yeah, I, I, I think that was a
really important thing for me to learn

because, um, of like, oh, it doesn't
count if it's people I already know.

It's like, what?

Yes, this is like who I want to work with.

These are like the people
that are so important to me.

Um, and then, yeah, and then just
like expanding that circle, people

that find that deep connection
and want to share it with others.

It's like exactly how I want
my business to run, you know?

Kyle Wood: that's very,

Brandi Healy: I don't know if you have
any, Advice for her as a fellow four in

Kyle Wood: yeah, that's what I was
trying to say, it's, it's right,

no, I mean it sounds like you're
on, you're on the right track.

Uh, my fourth line is something I feel
like I need to get back in touch with, so

I don't know if I'm like the best person
to, I, there's definitely like aspects

of it, uh, but like going online, I feel
like I, I lost that, there was, there was

something missing and it was that like.

Getting to know and I can see how like
in the early days of going online.

I had a lot of success through Creating
relationships and a lot of these things

would come out of those relationships
But yeah, I think that's that's really

cool That you've got You've noticed you
do like the monthly sun moon salutations

Would you like run

Mariah Hatch: Mm


Kyle Wood: just let people

come and then you started doing
yoga at like a bookstore see

like Bringing community together.

Yeah, did that

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

So, well, so my primary, like, offer
is to work with people one on one,

and I work with them long term.

So my offer's for six months,
and it's a weekly meeting that's

really, really intimate and
personally curated for whatever

they're going on with emotionally.

So right now I tend to work with a lot
of like women who are in transitional

phases, like transitioning into
motherhood, transitioning like out of

marriage, people who are getting divorced,

um, people who are going through like
spiritual or religious transitions,

um, just cause that's kind of
what stirs up emotions, right?

And like, even if you have a Tool belt
of dealing with emotions like a shift

or a change happens in your life.

And you're like, how do
I manage all of this?

Um, so that tends to be like kind of the
clients that I work with that's primarily

what I offer is Sitting with them,
going through these kind of emotional

check ins, and using meditation and
asana, um, to really sit with emotion,

to process it, to experience it, to
really learn to accept those emotions,

so that they can then be released.

through the movement of yoga.

And so everything else I do is
kind of like a way to give a piece

of that to people that want to
experience that in a group setting.

Um, so yeah, bookstore yoga is just like.

I just thought it would be
something really cozy and

kind of like a soul massage.

And that's kind of like the feeling
I want to create with my one on

one clients is like feeling like
their soul is just so taken care of.


and I, when I

think of that.

in like a

physical place, I think
of like a bookstore.

So that's

Brandi Healy: I

Mariah Hatch: yeah,

Brandi Healy: that.

Did you

know the

bookstore owner beforehand?


you approach them?

Like, how


the, how did that specific,
you know, bookstore,

you know, come

Mariah Hatch: yeah.

well, honestly, I was just looking for
like, um, a place in the community.

And so I live in this really kind
of historic area in Maryland.

It's called Ellicott city.

And it's like.

Older than America and it's so cute and
quaint and there's all these like fun

little local shops And it's really great
like connecting with people there because

everyone there is like a little small
business And so this bookstore, they've

only been open like since november,
I think so almost a year Um, and so

yeah, I just reached out to her and she

was so excited and

she's like, yeah, this
would be perfect They have

like a beautiful wood floor
and they're upstairs and it's

just a really cute vibe So

Brandi Healy: So did you walk by it?

Do you just like, were you, did you
like do a Google search and like see it?

Mariah Hatch: i'm in
that area all the time.

So yeah, I I was like a frequent visitor
of the bookstore, like, It's one of

my favorite places to go on like a
rainy day in the area where I live.

Just like get a little cup of
tea and go look at the bookshop.

So I was like, Oh, this
would be perfect for yoga.

So yeah, it was so lovely that she was

excited to do


So that's how

Brandi Healy: So it's
like a couple of things.

it's so cool to listen
to you talk through that.

Cause it's like a couple of things.

It's like, it's a spot

in your community.


some space that you felt like good in.

And like, as a generator, the
strategies for generators is to respond.

So it's like first, like walking by that
place, like you responded by going in

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: Continuing
to go back repeatedly.

And then as you're kind of

processing through, okay, I want to do

these group events in a, in a space like.

A bookshop and then it's like kind
of probably mentally going down your

list and you're like that bookshop.

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Yeah, I mean, I don't even

think I could think of
any other bookshops.

Honestly, I'm just
like, you know, I just I

Brandi Healy: your your gut

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, yeah.

And that is true.

Like With the head thing that I
was talking about, when it comes

to like, decisions that I feel
like are big, I've always been

really good at trusting my gut.

Like, especially, yeah, I don't know, I
was talking about this with my husband

because he's, um, he's wait for clarity.

And so like, when it'll come to
something really big, I'll be like,

okay, this is what we're gonna do.

And he's like,

uh, and then the next day, he'll
be like, yeah, you're right.


Brandi Healy: Sounds like our
house, my husband's trust your

gut as well, and I'm

wait for clarity and he's like,

let's go.

Mariah Hatch: yeah, exactly.

Brandi Healy: helpful when you
understand how the people close to

you operate, especially I think that
when it's different, because then

you're like, all right, I know that
this person like needs a minute.

And like, I can't expect them to be
as quick as and move as quickly as

as I'm


Um, you

know, I think what was
interesting as well about.

Just hearing about your journey prior
to doing what you're doing now and,

and even, you know, in what you're
doing now is like, you're doing a

couple of different things, right?

It's like, you're doing these moon
ceremonies, as Kyle mentioned,

you're doing, you're working
with your one to one clients.

You're doing this,

like, bookstore yoga and like, one
of the pieces of our human design

is called our definition and it's
how we process and usually the more.

We call them like splits
you have in your chart, like

the longer it takes you to kind of process
information, and so you have what's

called a synthesizing or a triple split.

So like the way that your, um,

the way that your centers
are grouped together are like

three separate connections.

So people with a synthesizing connection
tend to like a lot of flexibility.

In the people that they're around, in
the spaces that they're in, and kind of

like what their day to day looks like.


like, they're the kind of people
that are like, I like to mix it up,

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: if they're in one space
for too long, like, they start to get


And it's like, has

nothing to do with the space or
the person that they're with,

it's just that the lack of change

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Brandi Healy: make them feel stuck.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

And that,

Brandi Healy: And

listening to you hear to

hear you, it's like, oh


like, it seems very natural to you.

Mariah Hatch: yeah, and it's so
interesting that you say that because

I'm always someone that's like, oh
my gosh, like change stresses me out.

But then I also think about like, Like,
I think that was one thing that was

really hard for me with teaching is
like having the same routine every day.

I loved my school.

I loved my students.

I loved my admin.

Like, all of it was like, I really loved
it, but like Getting up and going to

school at the same time every day and
having this structure like it just felt

like it was so like Like pulling my energy
down I don't know how to like else to

say it but it was just rote and I felt
so drained and it's like Yeah, I feel so

much more ease and like oh, let's try this
and let's try this and see how it feels

Even though it's like scary to do it.

Like I do feel a lot


energetic when I'm able to kind

of Move and process
through things like that.

Brandi Healy: And for
generators, you know,

even though they

have very consistent energy to kind
of go, go, go all day long, if they're

not doing, if you're not doing what,
like, is personally satisfying to

you, you end up feeling frustrated.

And so, it's like, Even if it's
something that you really love

and doing and passionate about,
like you were about teaching,

it's just like, because you weren't
able to move that energy around,

you started feeling, did it start
to kind of make you feel confined?

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, and like, well,
honestly, like I said, my background's

in psychology And I'm really passionate
about emotional wellness, and I

didn't initially have my degree in
teaching English So I think it's like

the teaching English part


was like, uh, Okay, this is exhausting.

Brandi Healy: so.


So it's like, can lead you
to feeling like very drained,

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.


Brandi Healy: So like,

I think one of the misconceptions

about both generators and

manifesting generators
is like, Oh, you have

energy to do, to just go all day.

It's like, yes, but like, it
needs to be something that

feels like really satisfying to


Mariah Hatch: Yeah, exactly

Brandi Healy: Kyle, did we, what other

bits did you want to talk
about Moriah about her chart?

Kyle Wood: Um.

I wanted, you mentioned earlier that you,
you like resonate with being a projector.

So like, I'd already looked
up one of your channels.

So like our channels, they're where
your two centers are connected.

Um, by one or more lines, the lines,
and they kind of, they're things that

do shop really consistently for us.

So we call them your strengths, um,
because, yeah, and so you've got

three, uh, cause of the way your
channels kind of, your charts kind

of split up and two of them are
what are called projected channels.

So that's why it's, even
though you're a generator.

And, you know, you've got this consistent
sort of, so channel two of your three

sort of main strengths do require
being invited in, um, to use them.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, that makes sense

Kyle Wood: Yeah, so one is your ones that
connect your head and your mind together.

Uh, cause I was looking, cause yours
is, we've got different channels here.

Uh, I won't explain mine because then
you'll get confused, but yours is like

the channel of inspiration and so um
That can often come like in the moment.

It can't really be forced but you're
really here to inspire others With

your mind, which I thought was really
interesting because like your knowledge

of yoga and things like that that you
are then here to like really like teach

that and inspire others like a different
way of of doing things and Uh, your using

your ideas to inspire people as well.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, no, I feel like that
shows up so much in my business because

I mean, honestly, like, I feel like the
thing that gave me courage to start my

business is because of inspiration from

a friend who had a business
and really believed in mine.

Like, so I, I feel like
I'm really easily inspired.

Like I just love taking things in and
I'll turn around and implement it so fast.

Like I'll go to like a, like just
recently I went to a, um, nervous system

workshop and I was like, Oh my gosh, yes.

And it just like inspired me so much.

I had all these thoughts and I can
put it into my business immediately.

Um, and I feel like

that is like my biggest passion.

so cheesy, but I feel like the one
consistent thing throughout, like all the

things I've wanted to do throughout

my life is like, I

just want to change the world.

I just want to be a part of something
where people feel like inspired and good

Brandi Healy: love that.

Mariah Hatch: um, yeah.

Which like, I think as a kid that
felt like it needed to be really

grandiose, but now I'm just like,
Oh, like changing the world.

Like my world is changed so often
by just like inspiring people that.

Just make shifts in my mind or shifts
in my heart or just open it up in a way

that I'm like, wow, that is so beautiful.


I think that's what I think of now
when I think of changing the world is

just how can I help people shift their
mindset or their heart and just feel.

their deep and worthy goodness.

Like I think so many of us just go through
our life not knowing how good we are.

Um, and I feel that when I am inspired
by others, you know, and like when

others can help me see how good I





I just want to help other

people feel that same way.

Brandi Healy: Well, and it's what,
what Kyle mentioned about this being a

projected channel of like, you know, for
this inspiration to land with people, it's

like they, they need to invite you in.


So it's like your clients are
inviting you in to be inspired

by you.


it's like.

You don't need to, like, force
that you need, like, feel the

pressure to inspire people.


Mariah Hatch: Mm.

Brandi Healy: when people are inviting you

in by working with you, by
following you on Instagram, signing

up for your newsletter, showing up
to one of your events, it's like,

that's like that moment to be able
to share what it is that you know.

Um, and be, and be able
to ship them in that way,

Mariah Hatch: have a question.

So, is that like, projector line
that you were talking about, how

does that connect with like, being,
like, because I know I'm a generator,

I'm not a projector, but that line.

Just, I'm, I'm also thinking about how
you said, like, words of affirmation

because I feel like that, that is
my number one love language, too.


when a client, like, messages me
and tells me how good the session

was, I'm like, oh, I'm in the
right, I'm doing the right thing.

Like, it's really validating for me.

So, yeah, I'm

curious, like, how those lines are

connected to,

Brandi Healy: like, your type.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: Kyle, do you want

to answer that or do you want me to


Kyle Wood: Uh, I mean, it depends on.

Um, the lines themselves that
don't, the type more informs your

strategy, which is like to respond.

Uh, I, I feel like the words
of affirmation might come more

from, yeah, the open emotional
center and the open ego center.

Like having people

Mariah Hatch: that makes sense.

Kyle Wood: because my wife's
a projector, but her love

language is acts of service, not.

Words of affirmation.

Whereas mine it's like
definitely words of affirmation.

Not that she doesn't like being
told things but yeah for her

Mariah Hatch: Right?

Kyle Wood: and it was such a
miscommunication there because

she'd be like doing things for me.

And I'd be like, I just want you to
tell me that you love me, hehehehehehe

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: And like, touch is my other
word, it's like I just want a foot

massage, like what, stop cooking me

Mariah Hatch: Oh my gosh.



Kyle Wood: And uh, then I'd be trying
to like, you know, tell her, she's

like, why do you just keep telling me
all these, like, nice things, she's

like, I want you to You know, cook me,
cook me dinner or something like that.

So, um, yeah, that was a good one.

Uh, with, with your, so your other
two channels, it makes a lot of sense

that you, because you've got the
channel of Vision, which is all about,

like, moving, giving people other
permission to, Um, sorry, to be a role

model in moving in a new direction.

So really giving other people permission
to like move in a new direction.

And then the other one is ambition,
which like in its shat, what we'd call

your shadow can be like just trying
to do everything, make all the money,

get all the success and burn out.

But in its wisdom, it's really
about, um, what do I not say here?

Uh, It's really about helping other
people find their full potential.

So it's like using that sense of drive
that you have to empower other people.

So again, like with your, with your
mind, it's like you can do the same

thing if you end up, um, just getting
stuck up there trying to solve all

your own problems all the time.

You won't get anywhere just frustrated,
but when you like can turn that

onto other people and help them.


I feel like looking at your charts is
always a good thing for you to come back

to if you feel like you're getting stuck.

It's like, oh, how can I help someone
else get to their goals rather

than focusing on just my goals.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

No, I think that's, that's a lesson I'm
still learning, because it is like such

a vulnerable place to be, where you're
like, oh, like, I'm now using this gift

that I want to use to inspire others and
to help them reach their full potential.

But I'm now using it as my business
and my like main source of income.

And I do really easily
get stuck in my head.

And that's when I noticed,
like, I'm more out of alignment.

I'm like, Oh, I'm not like, like, I'm
kind of trying to force something.

Um, and then I start to feel like
inauthentic and yeah, just like finding

my, like, and I think with the open
ego too, I'm like, Oh my gosh, like,

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Mariah Hatch: You know, I start to

think like I'm

doing it for the wrong reasons
and then I get really in my head

about that and yeah, it's the

Brandi Healy: Talking to
two people with defined

egos here, and

like, we're here to tell you, like,

charge your worth.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: And when you,
and when you are, and like, you

know, one of the things is like,

to consider Obviously, it depends on
when you're when you're your business,

whether you're just starting out or
you're scaling, but it's like, you're not

serving anyone if you can't feed yourself,

Mariah Hatch: Right, right.

Brandi Healy: you know, so

there's, you know, it's a slippery

slope, of course, but at the same time,

it's like, also reminding yourself
that, like, You know, the, the way

that you're serving people, like
it's an, it's an exchange, right?

It can be emotional, it can be
energetic, it can be monetarily.

And so just making sure
that you are feeling.

You know, it's efficiently compensated
for the work that you're doing,

at least in one of those areas.

And it's like, those buckets
can probably change, like, how

much of each one as time goes on,
um, and, you know, through different

interactions and engagements, but that
is something that is really common

for people to feel really tripped up
on is when they're using a gift, um,

for a monetary, uh, Monetary purposes
and like having self doubt about it.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

Well, that's why I think this, what
you guys are doing is so beautiful.

Like well designed, like human design
for people in wellness businesses.

I think this is something that


It's like, oh, I have wellness.

I want to give it and I want
like, it's so needed in the world.

We should be like charging for it.

Like it's so important.

Um, yeah.

And understanding all those
facets is like so insightful.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Do you have, uh, like, like business
buddies who you can, you know, when you

have those moments who you can, like,
not just friends, but other people who

are also in business who you can talk to?

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

I actually, I feel like my number one
person that I deal with, it's so funny.

She's actually like, so.

I know her from a friend.

She's also a life coach and
actually I'm one of her clients.

And then she hired me to go to a retreat

and teach yoga.

And then after that, she hired

me to be.

She's one of

my clients now,

and so we, like, both

Brandi Healy: Four, a four line.

You're such a four line.

Kyle Wood: Oh, I love

Mariah Hatch: and yeah, so people
like that, like, I feel like we're,

we are working with each other, seeing
each other in our own roles, and as

friends have our own business, um,
and that's been, like, super helpful

advice and person to
turn to for that sort of


Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Business buddies are so helpful.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, Yep.

Uh, can I share a, I've been wanting
to share this on an upcoming episode.

Uh, it's very, it's a, it's a real
projector thing, but it's just with

talking about using your strategy.

So really like, and in terms of
like finding clients and getting

your worth and stuff like that, I
think this is a good example of it.

So my wife, she's like a personal
trainer who specializes in

pelvic floor stuff and not like.

Not like, Oh, you


you know, do these breathing exercises.

It's like full blown, like, and that
understanding the anatomy and, well,

yeah, the strength training, but then,
yeah, like also understanding like

how the pelvic floor has crazy impacts
on the whole, your whole physiology.

Um, so

she's really like gone deep and she's
got, she's got a one line, uh, in

her profile, which is

all about like, Becoming an

expert on something.

So she said, that's weird.

That's the rabbit hole she's gone down.


Brandi Healy: Yeah.

So good.

Kyle Wood: a local like
physiotherapist group here

where we live.

Hopefully, I don't know if

anyone local to me listens to
this podcast, but hopefully not.

Brandi Healy: Dream.


Kyle Wood: I'm not going to
say anything too bad, but.

I probably don't want it getting super
ran, but she, uh, yeah, so they, there's

like a bunch of video therapists there.

They do like clinical Pilates there.


they do, they have like different
therapists come down from like

Melbourne, which is like our nearest
capital city who like specializes

in like hands and stuff like that.

So, so they, they're pretty good.

And yeah.

My wife kept being like, Oh, I
feel like I should reach out to

them and like, you know, offer my
services or something like that.

Because, you know, you go see
a physiotherapist, they sort

of give you some exercises
to do at home and that's it.

But they don't really work
with you one on one to really,

like, implement those changes.

And, uh, I was like, uh, thinking about
it and sort of started getting up in

my, using my defined mind to be like,
all right, let's work out a strategy

of how you're going to approach it.

And then like halfway through, I
was like, I think you should just

follow like your strategy on this.

And just like, like, it doesn't really
make sense and follow your authority.

Like if you feel like.

You, you're meant to reach out to him,
she's a Splenic Authority, it wasn't

there, and then like a few months later
she's like, Oh, I really feel like I

should just like, I could really help
their clients, because she was looking for

clients, and she's like, oh, we should,
and again I was like, no, I think you

should just follow your authority with it.

Uh, anyway, then like another
month later, out of nowhere, the

lady who runs this physiotherapy
messages her on Instagram and is

like, Can I book in to come see you?

Um, and my wife is still in the
early stages of her business.

She has about five or six clients.

Like, so she's still pretty, pretty new.

Uh, and he was a very experienced person
who would like have added everyone

in that area had reached out to her.

She's like, you seem to know
what you're talking about.

Um, can we catch up?

Uh, anyway, it's just so
interesting for that to happen.

Like, literally out of nowhere, by her,
like, continuing to just trust her thing

about her one line, which is about honing
her craft, three line, which is about,

like, experimenting, making mistakes,
uh, and then trusting her, you know,

authority, uh, which her intuition
was not saying she was definitely

coming from this, like, mental place.

Anyway, that was just,

like, this really, like, awesome

success story.

So she's had a session

with her, and, um,

Mariah Hatch: That's


Kyle Wood: oh, can we ref, can we
refer clients to you, um, who we

feel like need, like, ongoing stuff?

There was no hustle, no
hustling there going on at all.

Mariah Hatch: Mm-hmm.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, so that was, yeah,
I've been like, oh, yes, definitely need

to share this in an upcoming episode.

And, yeah, good thing about trusting for
you, Mariah, like, trust that fourth line,

which you're already doing, which is like,
Start with the people you know, um, start

with the connections you have, trust that
they lead to, like, more opportunities.

Um, and then, I know we talked about it
a lot last episode, yeah, trust your gut.

Yeah, don't, yeah, it's so
tempting with that powerful mind

to, like, try and rationalize it.

Don't just be like, I don't know
why, but this is the right choice.

Or this is, I don't know why, but this
is the wrong choice, this person is

not right for me, or this situation.

Mariah Hatch: Hmm.

Yeah, that, I feel like that's exactly
where I'm at right now is like knowing.

When to sit back and just kind of
trust the process that I'm doing now

Because it's it is I'm like exactly
like where you were saying your wife

is like I'm at the very beginning You
know I have like seven clients and I'm

just you know This bookstore yoga is
starting for the first time on Friday.

Like it's all very very fresh and it is
so easy to and I can I am getting better

at knowing like When I'm regulated like
emotionally because it's when I'm not

regulated that I start getting into my
mind and decisions that I felt so good

about like even like my price on my
offer that I'm like, yes, this is the

perfect place to be like, then I'll start.

Picking it apart and oh, I don't think
people are going to pay this or this is

what people are thinking and it's yeah
just learning to sit back and trust

and it's it's like it's so crazy how
quick those shifts can happen because

especially with like the Catastrophizing
I'll just be like, oh my gosh, this isn't

working This is terrible and then it'll
be something like you just said with

your with the experience your wife
had where something will just come

Up from the back work
that I've been putting

in and I'm like, Oh,

it is working.

Um, it's just so hard at the beginning.

Kyle Wood: oh my

Mariah Hatch: scary, but

Kyle Wood: ha ha

Brandi Healy: It's hard in
the middle, it's hard at the

Kyle Wood: ha

Mariah Hatch: I know it's all hard.

We're all always learning.

Kyle Wood: um, when, so when I
was, uh, breaking up a bit before,

you guys didn't talk about 6Line,

Mariah Hatch: No.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm obsessed with six lines.

So I'd love to

talk about it.

Kyle Wood: you're, you're like

28, right, or have you had
your birthday yet, Yeah,

Brandi Healy: Oh,

Mariah Hatch: I, I'm almost 29.

My husband's also a six line.

He just turned 30 and

I shared it with him and
he's like, Oh, I feel it.

Feel it.


feel it.

And my mom's also six line
and she's in her guru stage.

So it's really fun.

I'm seeing it in all the all


Kyle Wood: yeah.

Brandi Healy: In her

Mariah Hatch: yeah, that's

Brandi Healy: I love that!

Mariah Hatch: Oh, absolutely.


Brandi Healy: Kyle and I know a

Six Flags that's

also in her

guru stage, we're actually
gonna have her on the show

and like, cannot wait.


Mariah Hatch: Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited.


I feel like of all human design.

I don't know why I didn't talk about
this before, like, because obviously the

emotion center and the authority, but
like, The, I don't even know what that

thing, the profile, the sixth thing, when
I heard, I was like listening, I'm like,

oh my gosh, I just, I'm obsessed with it.

I, it's like, it gives me
so much excitement to like,

know the three phases.


and like have, I,

I can think back to being
a child and like seeing

Brandi Healy: It's so cool when

Mariah Hatch: phases and seeing

her now.

And I'm

just like, I'm so, excited.

Brandi Healy: think, especially
for a six and my husband has a

six and so do both of my kids.

And so, like, I'm

very excited.

that they have similarly, like, that
example of what that looks like.

And what can be challenging sometimes,
what I've noticed, is sometimes people

see a six line and they're like, Ugh,
I have to wait until I'm 50 to, like,

You know, like hit my like high point
and it's like, it's not like that.


I think I had someone really explain
it to me in like such a fun way

where they're like, it's like wine.

It just keeps getting better.

And I'm like, I don't drink,
but like, yes, I love that.

But I love,

I just love your excitement around.

Like, yes, I love my six line, and
it's just like, you're like, so...

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Mariah Hatch: Well, it makes me feel
like, okay, that I'm like a chaotic mess.


Kyle Wood: yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: just

Mariah Hatch: be, and

Kyle Wood: That's right.

Mariah Hatch: learning and

Brandi Healy: a baby.

I love that.

Mariah Hatch: taking off.

So anyway, I sorry, I derailed that,
but yeah, I'd love to go into that.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I mean, where
you are now, like, I would just

say, like, I thought of it because
you're talking about your business.

Just trust that this might not be its
final form and that it, you, yeah,

it's possible you've hit it early.

Like, cause it's, you know,
it's around your Saturn return.

So it's possible that

Mariah Hatch: Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: the change from teaching.

to this has already been it or it's
possible this is also just like a

stepping stone that you're meant to
experiment with that will help lead you

to the next thing in the next few years.

Uh, but yeah, that would be like, my main
theme would be like, don't see any of

these changes, which you don't see into
any way as like a failure or anything,

Mariah Hatch: mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: like giving you this
experience that you, that you need

to help prepare you for the next bit.

Mariah Hatch: I am like
a huge perfectionist.

So I think that's why I was so
excited about the sixth line It

like almost gave me if I felt like
it gave me permission to Mess up

and just to like experiment
and to like really

learn and and I, I had gotten an astrology
reading around the time I was thinking

about shifting from teaching to my
business and that's when I learned about

Saturn return and I was just starting it.

And so I've definitely been like,
tuning into that and like, seeing

this huge shift, like, it, it really
has been a big year of shifts.

Like, I just bought a house.

We just moved, like, started my business.

Yeah, it's happening.

And I, and yeah, I think, I
think I've through the lens,

even if human design and just.

Leaning into trusting my gut,
um, I feel like, wow, how

awesome is it to make mistakes?

Like, I, I used to just, that, I guess
that open ego, just like, oh my gosh,

like, just be so, so, so, so hard on
myself my whole life for making mistakes.

And I was just reflecting on this.

In the last month or so.

I'm like, I have made so many
mistakes in my business and like,

I'm living my dream, like I'm doing
exactly what I want to be doing and.

Yeah, I just am totally shifting
my perspective on making


I'm like,

it works.

Learning from mistakes is like such
a positive thing that I had such a

bad relationship with for so long.

Kyle Wood: That's cool.

Mariah Hatch: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: Uh, but yeah,

thank you for sharing that.

Mariah Hatch: Absolutely.

Kyle Wood: Alright.

We're nearly

at our time, guys.


Mariah Hatch: Oh,

Brandi Healy: you have
any questions for us?

Mariah Hatch: I don't know, I'm feeling

like, I'm feeling my open
throat put on the spot.

Brandi Healy: presh.

you can I know.

you're like, I don't like

Kyle Wood: Stop asking her open ended


Brandi Healy: it's okay to say no?

Also, if you think of something

Kyle Wood: Well, that's true.

Yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: Do you want
another question, yes or no

Kyle Wood: All right.


Mariah Hatch: I'm just here for the ride,


Brandi Healy: no problem.

If something

Mariah Hatch: Absolutely.

I will.

Brandi Healy: just message one of us.

We got you.

We got you

Well thank you so much, it was so fun

Mariah Hatch: thank you.

This was such a wonderful experience.

Kyle Wood: Where, uh,

yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: And Mariah, if people want

Kyle Wood: where can we find you online?

Mariah Hatch: Um, I'm, my
biggest presence is on Instagram.


Honeybee yoga, uh, bee with one E,

so it's like addressing
honeybee, um, honeybee yoga.

And my website is honeybee yoga.com.

And yeah, you can always
book a free consult with me.

Um, I know we talked about the
coffee shop, which not coffee

shop, the bookstore yoga, which is.

Maybe I need to do that too, um,
which is local, but I also do

virtual group sessions once a month.

The last Saturday of the month,
um, this month is Processing Grief,

which I'm so excited about.


yeah, this, I'm actually
celebrating, well, not celebrating,

that was the wrong word.

I am coming up on, um, the anniversary
of one of my closest friends, um, death

date, um, for two years, and I'm doing the
Processing Grief on that anniversary, so

I think it's going to be really beautiful.

So anyone, um, struggling with grief, I

love the feeling of grief.

I think it's

beautiful and wonderful, and I'd

love to help people kind of

create that relationship with


So that's what I've got

coming up most


Kyle Wood: awesome.

Yeah, I think I need to
book a session with you.

Brandi Healy: Thank you

Mariah Hatch: Yes, please.

Kyle Wood: Yeah,

Mariah Hatch: Love to have you guys.

Brandi Healy: Probably need to
attend that session as well.

Mariah Hatch: it'll, it'll be


your tissues.

Brandi Healy: Well, thank you
so much for, for hopping on with

us and chatting with us today.

If any of you want to get in contact
with Mariah, hit her up on the gram

Mariah Hatch: Awesome.

Thank you so much.


Brandi Healy: Thank you!
