Plenty with Kate Northrup

Are you ready to transform your relationship with work, money, and yourself? In this eye-opening episode of Plenty, I sit down with Cally Pedersen, a Relaxed Money Student and the visionary behind The Sage Agency, a powerhouse in the Google Ads space.

Cally's journey with the Relaxed Money program is nothing short of inspiring, offering invaluable lessons for anyone looking to thrive without the constant hustle.

Cally opens up about how her shift from a high-stress hustle mentality to a more relaxed, intentional pace has not only brought joy back into her household, but has also propelled her business to new heights.

With her agency flourishing, she shares her belief in the possibility of having it all—running a successful business and expanding her family.

A key to her transformation has been the open dialogue about finances with her husband, coupled with the strategic insights from working with a financial planner.

But the heart of Cally's message lies in the support and community she found within Relaxed Money.

Listen in to this enlightening episode and start your journey towards a life where success and peace coexist beautifully.

“Relaxed Money taught me that success doesn't have to come from constant hustle. Shifting to a relaxed, joyful approach has brought unprecedented love, joy, and connection into both my life and business.” - Cally Pedersen

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you.

In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you.

Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!

What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Cally Pedersen:

An example, one of my clients, she does women's fashion socks, which are really cool.

Kate Northrup:

Love that.

Cally Pedersen:

And her website conversion rate was a little on the low side, and then her average order value was also on the low side. And I said, work on this. I gave her some tips. Come back to me in 6 months. She came back.

Cally Pedersen:

We're killing it in ads. And last Black Friday, Amazon started bidding on her brand name, But she was still showing up at the top. And I'm sorry, but if I can make sure that women owned businesses beat Amazon, then

Kate Northrup:

I'm happy. Incredible.

Kate Northrup:

Welcome to Plenty. I'm your host, Kate Northrup, and together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of hunting. Let's go fill our cups.


Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrop or anyone who works within the Kate Northrop brand.

Kate Northrup:

Hey, Cali. Thanks for being here.

Cally Pedersen:

Hi, Kate. Thanks for having

Kate Northrup:

me. I'm so excited to get to chat with you and just find out more about your business, about Relax Money, about how it served you. And so I'm curious, what how did you find out about relax money and what was going on in that moment in your business or in your life that it made you feel like, oh, this would be really helpful for me?

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. So, I originally found out about you in general through doctor Cleopatra.

Kate Northrup:

Oh my gosh. I love doctor Cleopatra. We were just texting this morning.

Cally Pedersen:

Oh, she is amazing.

Kate Northrup:

All this.

Kate Northrup:

I know.

Cally Pedersen:

Oh, great. I know. Yes. Aw, that

Kate Northrup:

makes me so happy. Yeah.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. No. She's incredible, and I love I love how you both I'm a very creative and also analytical person. So, like, for example, in yoga class, I like it when the instructor tells me what body part is being used and why. You know?

Cally Pedersen:

And doctor Cleopatra, uses her scientific data to also back up her holistic so so for those of you, she has a who may not know doctor Cleopatra, she has a beautiful course called trimester, and the idea is that it's 90 days to prepare to become pregnant. And, you know, it's funny. I there's been little nuggets throughout my my life and my my career journey that have absolutely brought me to relax money, and, you know, hindsight's 2020, so I'm like, oh, that's interesting. So I originally heard about you through doctor Cleopatra. I think you're one of her bonuses in her Yeah.

Cally Pedersen:

Her offer. And I thought, oh, who's this amazing woman? And doing less while having, the life you wanna live. Like, that sounds, yeah, right up my alley. So I bought do less.

Cally Pedersen:

I devoured the book. I think I've read it three times. I, have your do less planner that I use every week, and, I don't know. I I I attended plenty, and then you started talking about relaxed money. And to be honest, the the real reason why or the final reason why I decided to join was for the relax money live.

Cally Pedersen:

I like that. Yeah. I had just moved to Miami not that long ago, and I was really looking for that community and that connection and the fact that you were in Miami, so I think overall, you know, looking back and obviously still being in it, what Relax Money has brought into my life is more love, more joy, and more connection. You know, the love is is a lot of self love. I I have my just learning from Do Less, the book, how women are on a 28 day cycle versus the 24 hour cycle, which makes sense once you know it, but I'm like, oh, okay.

Cally Pedersen:

And I actually have my, the four phrase phases of my cycle in my Gmail calendar, like you recommend. It's just such a relief when those days that you wake up and you're like, I don't have the energy, you know, and I don't wanna push through. And know, I look at my calendar, I'm like, oh, yeah. Okay. I'm in luteal, and and I have the little notes of what you suggest to do, and I'm like, okay.

Cally Pedersen:

You know, it's almost like relaxed money. Sometimes you just need someone to give you permission, and relaxed money has done that for me, not only with my business, but also just having more love to give because I'm more relaxed, and so, you know, I knew I had a nervous system before relaxed money. I just didn't really know what was going on in there and and how to speak to it, and so now, rather than pushing through, I think, you know, a lot of the business coaches and everything that I've done before Relax Money was very money loves speed, hustle, work hard, that sort of thing, and I just didn't wanna do that anymore. And so but I also wanted a successful business, and and so it's just bringing me you know, when I'm having one of those days where there's a lot going on, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna get this done, and then I'm gonna go dance, or I'm gonna go ground myself at the beach and take off my shoes and just sit for 30 minutes, you know, and I just listen to myself more in my body, and and there's just a lot more singing in our household.

Cally Pedersen:

Wow. There's a lot more joy, and then just that connection with everyone. You know, I'm in 2 2 different groups within relaxed money that we've created ourselves. Okay. 1, we meet every 2 weeks, and it's just kind of like a co working situation.

Cally Pedersen:

And then 1, it was actually our table at the Relax Money Business, the Relax Money Live Business. Yeah. And so it's just metaphorically and physically sitting at new tables with women who are really incredible and are really everyone's just lifting each other up, and Relax Money Live was so it was such a vibe, and everyone had such a smile on their face. Like, I didn't once feel, oh, awkward. Should I walk over there and talk to them?

Cally Pedersen:

Like, everyone was like, hey. Let's meet. Let's talk. You know? Because we already had this camaraderie.

Kate Northrup:


Cally Pedersen:

But, also, you just attract really high quality women, so I appreciate that.

Kate Northrup:

Case in point. I I will say that is our secret superpower is we just attract the best people. Our community is the greatest of all time. Yeah. Okay.

Kate Northrup:

So for you, I know you run a Google Ads business, a paid ads business. When did you start that business? How long have you been doing that?

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. So I started my business in 2018. Mhmm. My kind of origin story with my business actually started in Madison Avenue in New York City, because my grandfather was one of the original madmen, when they, you know, drank martinis at lunch, and he's an artist, and so that was all the ads, advertising, and, my parents are entrepreneurs. They've always owned their own business, and so what was modeled to us was, you work hard, you have a good life, and you can provide for your family.

Cally Pedersen:

And so I thought, well I've always been in marketing and sales, and I thought, well, if I'm gonna work hard for someone else, I might as well work hard for myself. Mhmm. But that work hard, you know, that was always there, even that word hard. You know? And so when I started the Sage agency in 2018, because I had so much experience in marketing, I was just taking anything a client would ask.

Cally Pedersen:

So in a way, it was great. I got to try all these different things, but I also was, like, okay, I don't like these. And in 2021 was when I switched to only offering Google Ads as a service. And I'll never forget, obviously, 2021, it was during the pandemic, and I lovingly broke up with, like, 5 clients, which was, you know, on paper, a little crazy, monetarily a little crazy. But I'd written this email, and I edited it, and I was thinking about it for weeks.

Cally Pedersen:

And my friends were on Zoom with me, and I had glass of wine in one hand, and they're, like, just press enter. Just do it. And I'm, like, and I'll never forget seeing that first email because then I sent about 4 more. But it was the start of flexing my boundaries. I raised my rates that, you know, that day.

Cally Pedersen:

I also I felt like I was telling the universe, like, these are not my people. This is not what I wanna do. Thank you so much. I'm ready for the next step. So my business is kind of, like, pre 2021, post 2021.

Cally Pedersen:

And that year, I tripled my business, tripled tripled my profits. I grew a team. It was all great, but what I realized is that I had this, basically, this sabotaging belief that I can't be a successful businesswoman and get pregnant. And so I was also, at that time, the sole, provider of our family. My husband's Danish, and, we were living in Sweden, and then we moved to Miami, which, as you know, is very expensive.

Kate Northrup:

Yes. It is.

Cally Pedersen:

But what's interesting, one of the little nuggets I was talking about before, is I started doing Profit First that year as well. And for those of you who don't know, if you're a small business, check out Profit First. Amber Duggar is amazing, and it will change your business. You can

Kate Northrup:

go to katenorthrup.comforward/profit.

Cally Pedersen:

Yes. Do it now. No. Seriously, it it really it it helps you again, those boundaries. You know?

Cally Pedersen:

Pay yourself. You are the most important person. Without you at that point in my business, it wouldn't have been a business. So that was also a little nugget towards you, and and, yeah, and then, you know, one of the biggest, relaxed money money wins, well, a, just recognizing a money win Yeah. For the start.

Cally Pedersen:

Here. Totally.


And so

Cally Pedersen:

now I can't remember what just happened, but 2 days ago I was, like, oh, that's a money win. So, you know, that's just like now that's my knee jerk reaction.

Kate Northrup:

I love that you have reprogrammed yourself to notice money wins because, a, they were happening already and then just passing by, but, b, it does like, tuning our attention, tuning to that frequency does make us you know, it it expedites the number of money wins that we have when we celebrate them.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. Just having that moment of gratitude Mhmm. And that space to take a moment and say, okay. This is a money win. Yeah.

Cally Pedersen:

This is what's happening, like, this is what I'm attracting, this is what I'm creating in my life. And one of the biggest money wins for me was I got to give myself that grace and love and space and be with my grandmother when she was passing, and be with my dad to support him in that. Yeah. And, you know, last year, I actually didn't bring on a new client until June, and I was actually okay with it.



Cally Pedersen:

And we still hit our numbers. We still increased our profit, and we're actually, this year, tracking to do half a1000000. So, essentially, in 3 years, you know, as a woman owned business and what we do, just going back to Google Ads, is we work with businesses who are doing great things. Mhmm. And if I can help an amazing business make more profit through ads to go and do more amazing things and help other people, then that's a win

Kate Northrup:

for me.

Cally Pedersen:

You know? And so that's really our whole motto is just we're we're very tactical and very transparent and upfront. Unfortunately, a lot of people come to me who have been really burned by other agencies. Mhmm. And it's really unfortunate because I know how important it is as a as a business.

Cally Pedersen:

You know, every dollar does count, especially when it's marketing. And so, you know, we take it very seriously when we do start to work with someone because I wanna make sure that the ads will be profitable for them. And so, you know, one of the things is is, especially maybe for smaller businesses who have never dabbled with ads, it's, like, is your business even ready for Google Ads? I won't get too nerdy about it, but, one

Kate Northrup:

of the things Although, I would imagine we have people who are wondering, is their business ready for Google Ads? So we might as well share how you would know.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. Yeah. So ads in general, so whether it's Facebook ads, TikTok, Google, whatever it is, the key one of the key factors is your website conversion. So what that means is what percentage of people are coming to your website and then taking an action, like setting up an appointment, purchasing, calling, whatever your your action is. You wanna know the percentage of people who are coming to your website.

Cally Pedersen:

So, for example, if you don't already have Google Analytics, it's a free tool you can easily put on your website, and it'll start telling you how many people are coming to your website. If your website conversion rate is low, that's fine. We can help you boost that, but the ads won't change that.

Kate Northrup:

Yes. Because that's the same thing that I teach, which is if you don't have a financial management system, you are literally just pouring water into a bucket that is full of holes. So that is the same thing. Like, don't put more traffic into a system that is not converting the traffic you have.

Cally Pedersen:

To begin with. Yeah. Yeah.

Kate Northrup:

Same thing.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. A 100%. And also, you know, a lot of times with smaller businesses, I see that, they're putting a small amount of money behind their ads, and honestly, I tell people open up a bank account just for marketing, put money in that account, and compound interest, and build it up for 6 months to a year, and then really do it right, because you're actually just wasting that money. So actually, an example, one of my clients, she does women's fashion socks, which are really cool.

Kate Northrup:

Love that.

Cally Pedersen:

And, she came to me, and her website conversion rate was a little on the low side, and then her average order value was also on the low side. And I said, work on this. I gave her some tips. Come back to me in 6 months. We've now been working together for 2 years.

Cally Pedersen:

But, she came back. We're killing it in ads. And last Black Friday, Amazon started bidding on her brand name Wow. But she was still showing up at the top. And I'm sorry, but if I can make sure that women owned businesses beat Amazon, then

Kate Northrup:

I'm happy. Incredible. Yeah. What a great success story.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. She's amazing.

Kate Northrup:

Oh my gosh. So great. Okay. So I love that you're bringing that level of care and service because one of the things that, you know, we have in common is making people feel safe and cared for, which is at the foundation of growth. What we know from the data and is that people who feel safe and cared for and loved, they grow in a sustainable way.

Kate Northrup:

Like, that's where real transformation comes from. Unfortunately, we many of us were raised in environments where, we were tried, where, and we just talked about this with Wendy Snyder in the in the last conversation with a relaxed money student where, the belief, which is erroneous, is that, like, the more we beat people up, the more we shame people, the more like, that's how the transformation comes. Like, that's how we change people and get the behaviors out of them that we want, and that is actually not how any of us are wired. We need to feel safe first. We need to feel cared for first.

Kate Northrup:

So I love that you're bringing that even into an analytical world like Google Ads and supporting women business owners. I'm sure you have male business owners too, but

Cally Pedersen:

We do.

Kate Northrup:

You and I have that common of, like I mean, it's always men are welcome, and we're really here for the empowerment of women.

Cally Pedersen:

Absolutely. No. I I love men, and I work very well with them, but I have many brothers. But, it is really great, especially you know, we're just living in such a cool time where okay. So growing up, one of my favorite shows was Who's the Boss, and It's a

Kate Northrup:

great show.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. Tony Danza, you know. And but I feel like maybe even since the pandemic, women business owners aren't even that much step up. We're like 6 figure, 7 figure. I mean you know?

Cally Pedersen:

And so it's really and this is a time where, especially, you know, with daughters, that we are creating a new world. We

Kate Northrup:

are. We are. And we get to decide what the economy is going to be that we are going to participate in, and we are literally able to create our own economies. And that's one of the things that I'm really excited about with relax money, with supporting business owners like you because the more and more I mean, think about, like okay. So it's, like, doctor Cleopatra is working in this really beautiful way, and then she connected us, and then you're you know, you were already doing beautiful work, and then now it's even infused more with the way that the ripple effect works.

Kate Northrup:

Like, this really is changing the paradigm of the entire world, one person at a time, and each person we impact gets that ripple effect of now your people are impacting their clients, and it's just so incredible. And, you know, it's really easy to look out at the world and focus on all the terrible things because there are really terrible things going on. Yeah. And simultaneously, there are really beautiful things going on. And the way we can enhance and fertilize the beautiful things is not ignoring what's wrong, but also not thinking what's wrong is the only thing.

Kate Northrup:

And what we know about our brains and our nervous system is, as humans, we are animals who are wired for survival. And so our brain left on its left to its own devices and our nervous system left to its own devices will be tracking for what's wrong at all times. We're just wired that way

Kate Northrup:

To keep us safe. To keep

Kate Northrup:

us safe, and yet that's not how we thrive. That's not how we expand. So I'm curious for you in your business, knowing you already were thriving, though it sounds like 2023 was a very big year, and you're on track in 2024 as well, which is so great. So it seems like there's been some expansion.

Cally Pedersen:

How has

Kate Northrup:

you know, working with your nervous system or any other aspects of the inner game impacted your personal financial life or your business financial life or both?

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. Absolutely both. I mean, I was feeling very masculine. Again, going back to, you know, those coaches and just hustle hustle hustle. And I respect my masculine, but I don't wanna be masculine.

Cally Pedersen:

And so doing relaxed money and going through the modules, even I love the module, the feng shui for finance. I actually helped my friends set up amazing. It really so that was a big reason why I joined Relax Money was more for the nervous system and opening that side of my myself up. There's just a lot more joy and fun in my day, and my so I'm an Aries Taurus Taurus cusp, and my husband's a Pisces, and so he's just, like, floating around. And, and I'm like, stick to the schedule.

Cally Pedersen:

But, it's really brought us together in such beautiful ways, and I feel like it's not just on me anymore because we sit down so we sit down we try to do it weekly. He's a chef, so it doesn't always work with his schedule. And we have our sexy accountant dates. I love it. I asked him if I could share that.

Cally Pedersen:

He said I could, because he doesn't care about the numbers, really. I mean, listen

Kate Northrup:

He's doing creativity and food and in that way. Yeah.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. He's very creative. Yeah. But when I'm wearing his button down shirt and red lips and then sun you know, and and glasses, suddenly he gets very interested in the numbers. So not only our money dates, but also we we combine it with what's called like a a family meeting, essentially.

Cally Pedersen:

So we're we were hoping to build our family, and and we want to create that foundation now. And we also another little nugget was, theory, planning partners. So we are working with Caitlin, and that's also really helped bring us together. So the combination of relaxed money, my, experience with Amber Dugger with Profit First, and then Caitlyn, it's all just become this beautiful culmination, and I don't know how to describe it, except I just I feel like something really big is coming, but I am so relaxed about it. Wow.

Cally Pedersen:

I'm just trusting, and, you know, knowing that my Enneagram I'm I'm a 7, so I'm an enthusiast. I'm so excited about everything, and and now I get to just also trust that the right things are happening, and and the way I do that every day is multiple times a day, whether it's shaking, shaking it off, or dancing, or, like I said, grounding, even just floating in the water. Mhmm. There's all these different ways of calming my nervous system and giving myself space that I would have beat myself up about a year ago. Wow.

Cally Pedersen:

I did, and the beautiful nugget on top of it all is I no longer believe that I can get pregnant. I I now believe let me rephrase this. I will get pregnant and have a successful business, and I feel really

Kate Northrup:

authentic about that. Yeah. And how about this one? What if having your successful thriving business was actually an essential ingredient in your fertility?

Cally Pedersen:

Wow. Okay. I like that. Well, it's almost like I've been mothering myself, you know, and birthing my business. And, I mean, there's all these, know, metaphors you can get.

Cally Pedersen:

But yeah.

Kate Northrup:

And, like, in terms of perfect timing, just, you know you didn't ask for this, but just as a mom, I just wanna say being listen. The time we have our children is completely perfect for everyone's individual journey. However, I really wanna affirm the wisdom of your body in taking its time so that you could build this incredible business foundation and financial foundation so that you can be the kind of mom that you were meant to be, which, of course, is different for everyone, but it is clear that this is what was meant for you, and the timing is perfect. And I'm just so excited for you.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. Thank you for saying that. I just wanna share one quick thing, because I feel like you'll appreciate it. So and, hopefully, this gives hope to other women out there. I met my husband later in life.

Cally Pedersen:

I we met on the beaches of Tulum. Amazing. So it was my 40th birthday, Easter Sunday, and a full moon, and he's Danish. He's the first Danish person I've ever met. And we I was living in Sydney, Australia at the time, and we did the most long distance you can possibly do.

Cally Pedersen:

So between 40 and now 44, a lot can happen. So I just wanna agree


that with yeah.

Cally Pedersen:

Thank you. So with timing, it

Kate Northrup:

really Timing divine timing is always working out for you. Always, always, always. I love that so much. Okay. So before we, find out where to come find you, if folks wanna work on their Google Ads, which they should, what is one thing that if someone is considering engaging with this work, what is one thing you would want them to know?

Cally Pedersen:

You're not alone. And whatever you're feeling right now, whether you're having a high or a low or you're feeling like I'm the only one who's ever experienced this, I promise you, you are not alone. And being a part of the Relax Money community has it's completely changed my life. So, you know, all these little moments that I just shared, these milestones, without a doubt, relaxed money is now gonna be a part of my story and one of these milestones. And so whether you're wanting to come more from the business aspect, growing your business and money and and getting clear with that, or you want to get more in touch with just a side of you that maybe you've been missing.

Cally Pedersen:

I feel like relaxed money will meet you where you are no matter where you are, and you're gonna have the support. It's like having that safety net almost to just let go, relax, trust yourself, and be around incredible women.

Kate Northrup:

Absolutely incredible. Thank you, Cali. I'm so I love being in community with you. I love having you here locally Yeah. Having you in our extended relax money community.

Kate Northrup:

So if folks wanna find you and connect, where should they go?

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. So the is our website. I'm most active on LinkedIn. Great. Don't judge me on my Instagram.

Cally Pedersen:

We never would. And, if if you are interested in knowing if if your business is ready for Google Ads, there is a link that, it's a 3 part video series. Perfect. But I'm more than happy to just get on a quick call and and walk people through it.

Kate Northrup:

That's great. Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

Cally Pedersen:

Yeah. I appreciate you. Thank you.

Kate Northrup:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Plenty. I absolutely loved hearing the really beautiful nourishing ways that the relax money work has infused Cali's entire life, business, fertility journey, just, like, days in her household with more joy and more love, more relaxation, more expansion. That is what this work is about. It is about the richness in your entire life, and, yes, that's going to include financial expansion, but it will also include expansion on every other possible level that is actually more important than your money. So thank you so much for listening.

Kate Northrup:

If you're inspired by this conversation and you wanna check out this work, head over to katenorthrup.comforward/wide, where you can sign up for the free workshop that I am leading, which will give you the first steps you need to take to take your relationship with money to the next level. I can't wait to see you there, and I will see you also for the next episode of Plenty.

Cally Pedersen:

Woo hoo.

Kate Northrup:

You made it to

Kate Northrup:

the end of an episode of Plenty. Don't you feel expanded already? So if you liked this episode, go ahead and

Cally Pedersen:

leave us a review.

Kate Northrup:

Subscribe to the podcast, text a friend and let them know they need to listen, and that helps us spread the word so more people can experience plenty together. And if you want to ease your path to creating wealth, I created a money breakthrough guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high earning women friends, and I asked them what their biggest money breakthrough guide was. And the responses were so mind blowing and helpful, I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to katenorthrup.comforward/ breakthroughs and get the guide.

Kate Northrup:

Again, that's katenorthrup.comforward/breakthroughs. And I'll see you next time for plenty.