Body of Crime

 | 0:00 | The Intro

 | 1:24 | Case Highlight

 | 2:54 | Timeline Starts

 | 3:17 | 1983 - James McFadden Born

 | 3:46 | 1988 - Cody McFadden and Holly Mayo

 | 4:35 | 1995 - Jesse is in 5th Grade, the last report grade that can be proven

 | 6:14 | 1999 - Jesse would have been in 9th Grade.  Also the year that he allegedly sexually assaults a 6th grader on the school bus.  The first known sexual assault that Jesse is purported to have committed.

 | 9:00  | 2002 - Jesse is 19 years old and has a short stint working at Walmart.  He robs his grandfather, stealing $64K.

 | 12:45 | 2003 - Jesse sexually assaults Krystal Strong while in violation of his probation

 | 28:07 | 2004 - 1st prison violation - Possession of Tobacco  Jesse request sentence modification but gets denied  The victim advocate reaches out to Krystal Strong and attempts to convince her to allow Jesse to write her letters excusing his actions by saying he would not have committed the assault if it had not been for the drug use.  Krystal strong overdoses on prescribed sleep medication.

 | 32:40 | 2005 - Receives 2nd violation for possession of cigarettes and 3rd violation for testing positive for THC.

 | 33:08 | 2006 - Rylee Allen was born to Cody Allen and Holly Mayo  Linda Price Williams, the Pittsburgh County Clerk that worked at the 
court house where Jesse was processed through, is charged with fraud and embezzlement and does not serve any jail time.

 | 33:25 | 2007 - Jesse gets his 4th violation for being out of his cell during a lockdown

 | 33:40 | 2008 - Michael Mayo is born.  He is Cody Allen's son, but Joe Mayo is present for the birth and raises him like his own.   Joe and Holly seal the knot and get married.  Brittney Brewer is born.

 | 35:44 | 2009 - Jesse receives his 5th violation.  This is for consensual homosexual activity.   Ivy Webster is born to Ashleigh Webster.  Justin Webster will eventually adopt her.

 | 36:58 | 2010 - Jesse receives his 6th violation for sexual activity.  His sexual partner reports it as a sexual assault but the DOC categorizes it as a consensual sex act.   A few weeks after the sexual assault, Jesse receives his 7th prison violation for battery of another inmate.  Prison paperwork indicates that Jesse had a black eye  Tiffany Guess is born to Joe and Holly Guess.

 | 38:44 | 2012 - Jesse files an application to withdraw his plea claiming he was not notified of the 85% rule.  It is granted, but then mysteriously retracted most likely due to the possibility of having to go to trial.

 | 42:26 | 2013 - Holly and James Fleming become pen pals.  She is still married to Joe Guess but he talks about writing her, speaking to her on the phone and her visiting him on a few occasions  The Oklahoma Pardon & Parole Board are criminally charged for not disclosing the release of 51 prisoners early between 2010 - 2013 as required by state law.  Jesse receives his 8th prison violation for possession of a cell phone.  He had been using the cell phone to harass an unknown woman who supposedly contacted the DOC and assisted in orchestrating a sting, due to the stalking and harassing nature of his calls.  Unfortunately, they did not execute the sting in accordance with legal requirements and so charges could not be pressed, but he did receive a violation for having the cell phone.

 | 48:18  | 2014 - Jesse and James Fleming become cell mates.  James will describe Jesse as someone he knew of prior to becoming his cell mate and through he was clean cut.  When he was assigned to his cell, he thought it would be a good fit because Jesse had his own stuff, his mother keep money on his books and Jesse had his own TV.  During this time, Jesse has an situation at the in-prison call center where he works as a telemarketer where he arrives early to the job and places his genitals on the buttocks of one of the non-prison women that work in the call center.  She fires him as an employee and is very bothered by the incident, but does not report it to the DOC.  James learns about it from Jesse.

 | 49:09 | 2015 - Jessie lies to James about being in prison for a statutory sex crime which James clearly knows is false.  This creates a divide between him and Jesse which culminates in a beat down when James' friends jump Jesse shortly before Jesse is moved to another prison.   When leaving, Jesse attempts to make nice with James by offering him his porn collection, but James declines and searches his cell for potential contraband from Jesse that he may have left stashed to get James in trouble and potentially cause him to lose his early release status.  Several months after Jesse's departure, James gets a message from Holly letting him know that Jesse has started communicating with her.  James believes that Jesse may have gone through his things when he was not in his cell and gotten Holly's contact information and used it later when he moved to a new prison.

 | 59:05 | 2016 - Jesse randomly connects with Kaitlyn Babb, who is 15 years old on a contraband cell phone.  He carries on a sexual digital relationship with Kaitlyn where they sext and share explicit photos.  He is discovered when Kaitlyn's grandfather reports the communication to the DOC.  The cell phone is confiscated and the digital evidence results in his 9th prison violation for having a cell phone.  Holly receives a speeding ticket on I412, a route which would have taken her from her home in Arkansas where she lived with Joe to the Joseph Harp Correction Center where McFadden would have been imprisoned at the time.  Jesse receives his 10th prison violation for committing a crime while incarcerated for the child porn and sexting offenses related to Kaitlyn Babb.

 | 1:03:19 | 2017 - LaDonna want to make Jesse a quilt after his grandmother passes away.

 | 1:08:19 | 2018 - OK has the highest incarceration rate in the Nation  LaDonna starts working in the Pittsburgh County Court, the same court that processed her son.  Kaitlyn Babb's case agaisnt Jesse has three continuances from the Defense Counsel for various reasons and the DA also requests a continuance as well. All are approved by the judge, pushing the case that started in 2017 into 2019.

 | 1:15:01 | 2019 - There are four more continuances in 2019, three for the DA and one for the Defense Counsel.   Jesse's attorney attempt to attack the sufficiency of the evidence but there is sifficient evidence to move forward with a jury trial.  Governor Stitt approves 527 commutations of prisoners and sets records for the most prisoners released in a single day.

 | 1:19:08 | 2020 - Jesse is released from prison with 10 prison violations, pending two felony charges, is not place on probation or the sex offender registry  A bench warrant is issued for a "Failure to Appear" but Jesse is never picked up for the warrant.  High probability that Holly has relocated from Arkansas where she lived with Joe Guess to Henryetta to be with Jesse, based on the Websters statements that Holly's kids were the first friends that Ive Webster made when they moved to Henryetta  The Websters move to Henryetta and Ivy Webster becomes instant friends with Holly's kids.  LaDonna files a protective order against Cody McFadden when he has a psychotic meltdown and sets the world on fire. 

 | 1:24:14 | 2021 - Cynthia Ledford is arrested for nepotism, where she worked with LaDonna.. She was paying a family member with County court funds  Jesse posts a video on Tik Tok on his mom's property.  Lawrence Anderson, whose sentence was commuted by Governor Stitt, and who as identified by DOC as someone who was highly likely to offend again, kills multiple family members after he is released without warning to any of his family.  Joe Guess files for divorce from Holly Guess.  

 | 1:28:24 | Holly purchases a 9mm hand gun.  According to Jesse's status as a convict he cannot be around guns.  Jury Trial #4 is shifted again.  Cody McFadden has another psychotic break and assaults a girl that has come to check on his wellbeing.  After locking her in a dog cage and beating the cage with an axe the girl escape by jumping through a window.  He is arrested and charged, but the charges are later dismissed and he is released due to his status as a Native American.  Holly finalizes her marriage settlement agreement  Jury Trial #5 is shifted again.  Joe and Holly's divorce becomes final.  The same day, Jesse reports as a Sex Offender and list Holly's address as his new address.  Holly and Jesse get married 2 days after her divorce is finalized.  Jury Trial #6 is shifted again.  Justin Webster officially adopts Ivy Webster

 | 1:34:10 | 2023 - Rylee reports abuse at home to the school.  It falls on deaf ears and she reports it to CPS.  Jesse and Holly remove Rylee from school.  LaDonna's employment with the Pittsburgh Courthouse is ended.  Anon caller reports that there is a registered sex offender living at Holly's residence with children and asking for the issue to be documents  Jury Trial # 7 is shifted again  James Fleming contacts the Henryetta PD to inquire about the fact that Jesse is not on the sex offender registry for the county.  They refer him to the National Registry.  He contacts Holly and small talk but nothing seems amiss.  Annicka, Ivy and Brittney are all invited to a sleep over at the McFadden's.  Annicka cannot attend.  The girls do not return home when they were supposed too and the families report them missing Sunday night and an Endangered Persons report goes out the morning.  Jesse doesn't show up to his Jury trail on Monday.  Sunday night Jesse calls his mom , LaDonna and tell her that he is not going back to jail and that he was going to kill himself instead.  LaDonna does not report this to anyone.  Jesse also calls Kaitlyn Babb and tells her that everything he's done is because of her and that he is not going back to prison.  Kaitlyn is unaware of what he has done, but reports the communication to the DA who was preparing for the next mornings jury trail  The Henryetta PD go to the McFadden's residence armed with a search warrant for the Bench Warrant issued from the Failure to Appear, earlier in the day.  They find Holly and her children deceased as well as both Ivy and Brittany.  Jesse has also taken his own life as well.  The crime scene is investigated very poorly. After the police release the crime scene, the Webster family find evidence that as never collected and they force the PD to return to continue their investigation.  They return a second time and find additional evidence.  At this point OSBI takes over the investigation.   The first night of the investigation, the Henryetta School hosted a vigil for the deceased kids.  Holly's family claims a Krystle Strong impersonator had explained the sexual assault to Holly as a misunderstanding. It is unable to be confirmed.  Because of all the inaccuracies reported by Holly's family, any information they provide is questionable and handled with skepticism.     
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Creators & Guests

Alicia Anaya
Crystal Garcia
Jose Medina

What is Body of Crime?

Body of Crime is a true crime podcast for crime lovers. Join hosts, Crystal, Joe, and Alicia as they present cases and dissect each body of crime. Rather your love is to hear true crime stories, research, debate, and / or even attempt to solve some of the world’s most intriguing cases, we have you covered. Get ready to put your detective hats on and take some notes – you never know which mysteries will get messier with each case!

| 0:00 | The Intro

| 1:24 | Case Highlight

| 2:54 | Timeline Starts

| 3:17 | 1983 - James McFadden Born

| 3:46 | 1988 - Cody McFadden and Holly Mayo

| 4:35 | 1995 - Jesse is in 5th Grade, the last report grade that can be proven

| 6:14 | 1999 - Jesse would have been in 9th Grade. Also the year that he allegedly sexually assaults a 6th grader on the school bus. The first known sexual assault that Jesse is purported to have committed.

| 9:00 | 2002 - Jesse is 19 years old and has a short stint working at Walmart. He robs his grandfather, stealing $64K.

| 12:45 | 2003 - Jesse sexually assaults Krystal Strong while in violation of his probation

| 28:07 | 2004 - 1st prison violation - Possession of Tobacco Jesse request sentence modification but gets denied The victim advocate reaches out to Krystal Strong and attempts to convince her to allow Jesse to write her letters excusing his actions by saying he would not have committed the assault if it had not been for the drug use. Krystal strong overdoses on prescribed sleep medication.

| 32:40 | 2005 - Receives 2nd violation for possession of cigarettes and 3rd violation for testing positive for THC.

| 33:08 | 2006 - Rylee Allen was born to Cody Allen and Holly Mayo Linda Price Williams, the Pittsburgh County Clerk that worked at the
court house where Jesse was processed through, is charged with fraud and embezzlement and does not serve any jail time.

| 33:25 | 2007 - Jesse gets his 4th violation for being out of his cell during a lockdown

| 33:40 | 2008 - Michael Mayo is born. He is Cody Allen's son, but Joe Mayo is present for the birth and raises him like his own. Joe and Holly seal the knot and get married. Brittney Brewer is born.

| 35:44 | 2009 - Jesse receives his 5th violation. This is for consensual homosexual activity. Ivy Webster is born to Ashleigh Webster. Justin Webster will eventually adopt her.

| 36:58 | 2010 - Jesse receives his 6th violation for sexual activity. His sexual partner reports it as a sexual assault but the DOC categorizes it as a consensual sex act. A few weeks after the sexual assault, Jesse receives his 7th prison violation for battery of another inmate. Prison paperwork indicates that Jesse had a black eye Tiffany Guess is born to Joe and Holly Guess.

| 38:44 | 2012 - Jesse files an application to withdraw his plea claiming he was not notified of the 85% rule. It is granted, but then mysteriously retracted most likely due to the possibility of having to go to trial.

| 42:26 | 2013 - Holly and James Fleming become pen pals. She is still married to Joe Guess but he talks about writing her, speaking to her on the phone and her visiting him on a few occasions The Oklahoma Pardon & Parole Board are criminally charged for not disclosing the release of 51 prisoners early between 2010 - 2013 as required by state law. Jesse receives his 8th prison violation for possession of a cell phone. He had been using the cell phone to harass an unknown woman who supposedly contacted the DOC and assisted in orchestrating a sting, due to the stalking and harassing nature of his calls. Unfortunately, they did not execute the sting in accordance with legal requirements and so charges could not be pressed, but he did receive a violation for having the cell phone.

| 48:18 | 2014 - Jesse and James Fleming become cell mates. James will describe Jesse as someone he knew of prior to becoming his cell mate and through he was clean cut. When he was assigned to his cell, he thought it would be a good fit because Jesse had his own stuff, his mother keep money on his books and Jesse had his own TV. During this time, Jesse has an situation at the in-prison call center where he works as a telemarketer where he arrives early to the job and places his genitals on the buttocks of one of the non-prison women that work in the call center. She fires him as an employee and is very bothered by the incident, but does not report it to the DOC. James learns about it from Jesse.

| 49:09 | 2015 - Jessie lies to James about being in prison for a statutory sex crime which James clearly knows is false. This creates a divide between him and Jesse which culminates in a beat down when James' friends jump Jesse shortly before Jesse is moved to another prison. When leaving, Jesse attempts to make nice with James by offering him his porn collection, but James declines and searches his cell for potential contraband from Jesse that he may have left stashed to get James in trouble and potentially cause him to lose his early release status. Several months after Jesse's departure, James gets a message from Holly letting him know that Jesse has started communicating with her. James believes that Jesse may have gone through his things when he was not in his cell and gotten Holly's contact information and used it later when he moved to a new prison.

| 59:05 | 2016 - Jesse randomly connects with Kaitlyn Babb, who is 15 years old on a contraband cell phone. He carries on a sexual digital relationship with Kaitlyn where they sext and share explicit photos. He is discovered when Kaitlyn's grandfather reports the communication to the DOC. The cell phone is confiscated and the digital evidence results in his 9th prison violation for having a cell phone. Holly receives a speeding ticket on I412, a route which would have taken her from her home in Arkansas where she lived with Joe to the Joseph Harp Correction Center where McFadden would have been imprisoned at the time. Jesse receives his 10th prison violation for committing a crime while incarcerated for the child porn and sexting offenses related to Kaitlyn Babb.

| 1:03:19 | 2017 - LaDonna want to make Jesse a quilt after his grandmother passes away.

| 1:08:19 | 2018 - OK has the highest incarceration rate in the Nation LaDonna starts working in the Pittsburgh County Court, the same court that processed her son. Kaitlyn Babb's case agaisnt Jesse has three continuances from the Defense Counsel for various reasons and the DA also requests a continuance as well. All are approved by the judge, pushing the case that started in 2017 into 2019.

| 1:15:01 | 2019 - There are four more continuances in 2019, three for the DA and one for the Defense Counsel. Jesse's attorney attempt to attack the sufficiency of the evidence but there is sifficient evidence to move forward with a jury trial. Governor Stitt approves 527 commutations of prisoners and sets records for the most prisoners released in a single day.

| 1:19:08 | 2020 - Jesse is released from prison with 10 prison violations, pending two felony charges, is not place on probation or the sex offender registry A bench warrant is issued for a "Failure to Appear" but Jesse is never picked up for the warrant. High probability that Holly has relocated from Arkansas where she lived with Joe Guess to Henryetta to be with Jesse, based on the Websters statements that Holly's kids were the first friends that Ive Webster made when they moved to Henryetta The Websters move to Henryetta and Ivy Webster becomes instant friends with Holly's kids. LaDonna files a protective order against Cody McFadden when he has a psychotic meltdown and sets the world on fire.

| 1:24:14 | 2021 - Cynthia Ledford is arrested for nepotism, where she worked with LaDonna.. She was paying a family member with County court funds Jesse posts a video on Tik Tok on his mom's property. Lawrence Anderson, whose sentence was commuted by Governor Stitt, and who as identified by DOC as someone who was highly likely to offend again, kills multiple family members after he is released without warning to any of his family. Joe Guess files for divorce from Holly Guess.

| 1:28:24 | Holly purchases a 9mm hand gun. According to Jesse's status as a convict he cannot be around guns. Jury Trial #4 is shifted again. Cody McFadden has another psychotic break and assaults a girl that has come to check on his wellbeing. After locking her in a dog cage and beating the cage with an axe the girl escape by jumping through a window. He is arrested and charged, but the charges are later dismissed and he is released due to his status as a Native American. Holly finalizes her marriage settlement agreement Jury Trial #5 is shifted again. Joe and Holly's divorce becomes final. The same day, Jesse reports as a Sex Offender and list Holly's address as his new address. Holly and Jesse get married 2 days after her divorce is finalized. Jury Trial #6 is shifted again. Justin Webster officially adopts Ivy Webster

| 1:34:10 | 2023 - Rylee reports abuse at home to the school. It falls on deaf ears and she reports it to CPS. Jesse and Holly remove Rylee from school. LaDonna's employment with the Pittsburgh Courthouse is ended. Anon caller reports that there is a registered sex offender living at Holly's residence with children and asking for the issue to be documents Jury Trial # 7 is shifted again James Fleming contacts the Henryetta PD to inquire about the fact that Jesse is not on the sex offender registry for the county. They refer him to the National Registry. He contacts Holly and small talk but nothing seems amiss. Annicka, Ivy and Brittney are all invited to a sleep over at the McFadden's. Annicka cannot attend. The girls do not return home when they were supposed too and the families report them missing Sunday night and an Endangered Persons report goes out the morning. Jesse doesn't show up to his Jury trail on Monday. Sunday night Jesse calls his mom , LaDonna and tell her that he is not going back to jail and that he was going to kill himself instead. LaDonna does not report this to anyone. Jesse also calls Kaitlyn Babb and tells her that everything he's done is because of her and that he is not going back to prison. Kaitlyn is unaware of what he has done, but reports the communication to the DA who was preparing for the next mornings jury trail The Henryetta PD go to the McFadden's residence armed with a search warrant for the Bench Warrant issued from the Failure to Appear, earlier in the day. They find Holly and her children deceased as well as both Ivy and Brittany. Jesse has also taken his own life as well. The crime scene is investigated very poorly. After the police release the crime scene, the Webster family find evidence that as never collected and they force the PD to return to continue their investigation. They return a second time and find additional evidence. At this point OSBI takes over the investigation. The first night of the investigation, the Henryetta School hosted a vigil for the deceased kids. Holly's family claims a Krystle Strong impersonator had explained the sexual assault to Holly as a misunderstanding. It is unable to be confirmed. Because of all the inaccuracies reported by Holly's family, any information they provide is questionable and handled with skepticism.