Tiny DevOps

Tiny DevOps Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 1

Parham Doustdar — The Blind Leading the Sighted: What We Can Learn From an Ex-Software Engineer Without Sight


Parham Doustdar, Engineering Manager of Accessibility at Booking.com, joins me to discuss life as a fully blind sofware engineer, and how we can make engineering tools more accessible for everyone, not just those with disabilities.

Show Notes

Parham Doustdar, Engineering Manager of Accessibility at Booking.com, joins me to discuss life as a fully blind sofware engineer, and how we can make engineering tools more accessible for everyone, not just those with disabilities.

Whether you have a disability or not, whether it's visible or invisible, accessibility affects you.  Parham talks about the benefits to everyone of clean code, explict error messages, and using multiple modes of communication. He talks about his experience getting into tech, the unique challenges, and joys, of doing so without the benefit of physical sight, and gives some tips for how every one of us can improve the quality of life of everyone else who uses the systems we build.

Microsoft Accessibility resources
Apple's developer resources
Book: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin

Parham Doustdar
Twitter: @PD90
Web site: https://parhamdoustdar.com/

Watch this episode on YouTube.

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