My True Ghost Stories

Join Jennifer, a spiritual medium, as she recounts paranormal encounters from her life. In Episode 5, Jennifer brings you two supernatural tales: first, a group of funny theater people navigate the peculiar presence of a wandering ghost ; and second, an orthodontist office that used to be something else. Dive into these true ghost stories filled with humor, tension, and the paranormal.

Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

What is My True Ghost Stories?

Join a New York City native and professional spiritual medium as she shares authentic paranormal encounters from her life and work. From childhood experiences to present-day revelations, these stories aim to normalize the supernatural and encourage listeners to trust their intuition.

Hello, and welcome to My True Ghost
Stories, where each story is a chapter

from my own journey as a spiritual medium.

I'm Jennifer, and I specialize in
helping trapped spirits to cross over.

I clear haunted houses, bring
closure to those left behind, and

I craft custom rituals that help
both the living and the departed.

In this podcast, I share my true
ghost stories, exploring those

moments of connection between
this side and the other side.

So join me as I explore these
experiences one true tale at a time.

Welcome to Episode 5 of
My True Ghost Stories.

I have two true tales for you today.

The first is about funny theater people
dealing with a wandering ghost man.

And the second takes place in
an orthodontist office that

used to be something else.

And here goes.

Speaker: This story is called Summerstock,
and this is a story that comes from

my early 20s before I knew what ghosts
wanted from me and that I could help them.

So I was performing in Summerstock,
which is when a theater in the country

somewhere, has a bunch of shows over the
summer and they usually recruit local

actors and then people from the big city.

And I was one of those people who
auditioned from New York City and went

to spend the summer at this theater.

So it was like a hundred year old theater.

And it was connected to a resort.

And part of the resort was that you
could go to the theater at night.

And that, that was us.

That was the shows that
we were putting on.

So the performers lived in a house.

Which was probably as old as the theater
and was very close to the theater and

I think that it used to be like for the
staff of the resort or a dormitory for

like groups that would come to the resort.

And I spent four months there from like
June to September and it was lots of fun.

. There was lots of intrigue going on,
which is what happens when you have

a lot of high energy 20 something
theater people living together.

And there was also lots of fighting,
which is the other side of high energy

theater people living and working
together for months on end but at

This particular theater job, there was
something else going on, besides just

people getting on each other's nerves.

So this story is about
my first night there.

It starts with my first night there
so I traveled there probably on a

bus, a Greyhound bus or something.

And, I met everyone and I was there
to start rehearsals for the show

that was opening up in a few weeks
and there was another show going on.

So there was already a cast living
in the house and some of them were

staying for the next show and some of
them were finishing up their run there.

So I, we walk up and it, it was a very
shabby house, and someone had driven

me from the bus station to the house.

And we walk up and I'm observing
that it's not a beautiful house.

I walk in and to my right, there's a
community bulletin board in the hallway.

Right next to the payphone, and on it
were posted, like, flyers for, you know,

cabaret night at the resort, and local
attractions, you know, you could go do

this, you could go do that in the town
and there were some silly notes from

the people living in the house, cause
theater people are very clever and funny.

, and this was before cell phones,
thus the mention of the payphone and

these things probably would have been
posted online, but at this time, you

would look at the community bulletin
board to see what was going on.

But right in the middle of this community
bulletin board was a big handwritten

note, and it said, To everyone.

I sincerely apologize for the
scene that I caused last night

I was out of line and I'm sorry
for any damage I may have caused.

And this was a new, no, you could
tell it was, it was a newer item and

I was like, Oh, this can't be good.

This is what's going on in this house.

So there was tension in the house
and you could feel it, but everyone

was still hilarious Because they're
theater people and they're funny.

That evening I probably grocery
shopped and ate my dinner and

hung out with all my new friends.

I think we probably watched a
movie and got to know each other.

And, um, it was time to go to bed.

And I was exhausted from dealing
with these high energy people.

And they were obviously all pretty
stressed from the apparent fighting,

which was the night before.

No one was really talking about it, but
that note had been from the night before.

I went upstairs to my room and it was a
shabby room like the rest of the house.

It had like a little sink and it
had a bunk bed and another single

bed and I chose the bottom bunk.

They all had terrible mattresses
and I will say that I had a really,

really nice roommate who remained
that way for the entire run.

of the summer, and , I remain
very grateful for that.

I had trouble sleeping, which
I often do in a new place.

This was a different kind
of troubled sleeping.

During the night, I had a dream.

I was on the bottom bunk.

For real, not in my dream.

I was on the bottom bunk.

And then, in this dream, this like,
Clown face dropped down from the

top bunk and was yelling, Hello!



It was terrifying.

Like a, like a scary movie.

Like a jump scare in a scary movie.

And so it, it was so
scary that it woke me up.

And I, I, uh, I woke up with a start and
I opened my eyes and there I see for real,

not in a dream, I see the outline of a
man now these days not in my twenties, I

see these spirits like in my mind's eye
or I feel their energy or I might see

them out of the corner of my eye, but
I don't see them plain as day , like I

saw this man., and that could be like
some sort of protection from the, from

the universe because it's so scary.

I, I can't handle it
when I actually see them.

So it, it was, I could sort of see
him and it was mainly his outline

and he was saying to me, You're new.

You're new here.

You're new.

He just kept saying that over and
over again and I just shut my eyes.

I can't deal with this.

This is too scary and as I said
at that time, I didn't know what

ghosts wanted from me and I didn't
know that I could help them.

So I shut my eyes and turned over and
I probably fell back asleep eventually.

The next morning I was having
coffee in the kitchen and there

was a particularly high energy cast
member that was already living there.

And I pretty sure she was part
of the seed that was mentioned on

the note in the bulletin board.

And she just came into the kitchen
and she said, Oh, that man was walking

around the house again last night.

So I listened to the conversation that
she had, and I was very relieved to

hear that it was not an actual man,
walking around the house at night.

I probably would have just packed my
bags and left if that were the case.

Um but it turned out it was the ghost of
a man that regularly walked the hallways.

I don't think I mentioned my dream to
them, but I did know, I was pretty sure,

yeah, that's the man that was telling
me that I was new here last night,

who's trying, I guess, to be friendly.

I don't know time went on.

There was no sightings for probably
a few weeks, uh he did not bother me.

However, the tension in the house
really continued, and then some

people in the house decided that
they didn't like me, and there was

some serious, well, not serious, low
level mean girl activity going on

Which I tried to deal with by being
really nice to them and which never works.

, so I had to deal with that.

It was not very pleasant.

And a few weeks later,
I had another dream.

In this dream, I was not
woken up by a spirit.

In this dream, I was walking around
the house, just going into the

kitchen, going into the living room.

Going into the hallway, up the stairs,
into the bedrooms, , not so much

into the bedrooms, but mostly in
all the common areas of the house.

And it was not a regular dream.

It was like watching
someone record something.

It was like watching it
through a viewfinder.

Again, the next morning, in
the kitchen, having coffee,

And that.

Speaker: Particularly high energy
cast member who, you guessed it,

was one of the mean girls came in
and announced that man was walking

around the house again last night.

And I knew that that was
the weird dream that I had.

But I did not know why, why
did I see the house through

his eyes while I was sleeping.

Years later, I told the story to
someone who had some experience in

the psychic world and he said, Oh,
he borrowed your consciousness.

Talking about the man in the dream.

He borrowed your consciousness.

I recently decided to do some research
on this and I wasn't able to find

anything relevant to the borrowing of
one's consciousness, but I did find

a term that seems to fit and it's
called a dream stealer and maybe that's

what this person was referring to.

Here's what I found.

A dream stealer is a concept found in
various cultural and spiritual beliefs,

particularly in European folklore,
Native American traditions, African and

Caribbean folklore, and Asian mythology.

It typically refers to a supernatural
entity or malevolent spirit

that is believed to steal or
interfere with a person's dreams.

This interference can manifest in
different ways, such as causing

nightmares, preventing restful sleep,
or even influencing the dreamer's

thoughts and emotions negatively.

In some traditions, dream stealers are
seen as beings that feed on or drain the

energy of individuals while they sleep,

often leading to feelings of
exhaustion or unease upon waking.

They are sometimes associated
with folklore surrounding

sleep paralysis, night terrors,
or other sleep disturbances.

And back to our story.

The tension never lifted for my
four month stay in that house.

And there were no more actual sightings
of the man and the girl who would

announce that he was walking around the
house left before the end of the run.

She wasn't in the last show.

I left.

that theater, and I retained one or
two friends, , not the mean girls, some

people who were nice, like my roommate,
I retained them, which is the usual trend

for summer stock friendships, usually stay
friends with like two people afterwards.

So I think what was going on there.

Partly, I think what was going on there
was that it was a bunch of young people,

theater people spending 24 hours a day
together with some particularly strong

personalities and that accounted for
some of the drama and tension there.

But I had worked in other Summerstock
productions and there's always some

drama, but it was never as bad as this.

So what I think that was
going on there was this man.

was harassing everyone.

He was invisible and I think
he was walking around the house

all the time harassing people
and everyone was agitated.

If this had happened now, I
would be able to talk to him

with the skills that I have now.

I would be able to find out what he needs.

I would be able to contact his
guides and my guides, and I would

be able to help him cross over.

I did not have those skills then,
and maybe he's still there, but

I'm not going back there to check,

unless I'm invited for some reason.

To me, the poor man was
clearly very unhappy and was

making everyone else unhappy.

I looked up that theater recently.

Many many years later and
it's still running and it's

not just the summer anymore.

It's year round now So I guess that
they're doing fine, and I'm very happy

for them So maybe they had somebody Come
and clear that house clear the energy

out or maybe they demolished that house.

But whatever happened, I hope that
their cast members are getting along

as best as they can, and I hope
that that wandering ghost man has

finally crossed over and found peace.

Speaker 2: And here is
today's second story.

Speaker: The name of this
story is Orthodontist's Office.

My daughter's orthodontist office was not
a regular doctor's office, but it was in

a one family house on a residential block
and it was attached to one other house.

When you went in, the waiting
room was obviously where

the living room used to be.

The receptionist desk was clearly in
what was once a dining room and the

bathroom was upstairs along with what
obviously used to be bedrooms and they

were all now offices and file rooms.

So I took my daughter to her appointment
and I actually found a parking spot

on the same block as this orthodontist
office, which was quite miraculous.

We went into the office.

She went into her appointment and
I was sitting in the waiting room,

which was once a living room.

After a little while, I went upstairs
to use the bathroom and Upstairs, almost

all the doors to the former bedrooms
were open, revealing the offices and

file rooms, and there was a hallway
leading to a far, I can only imagine

that it was also a bedroom, former
bedroom that had its door closed.

I was exiting the bathroom and
headed for the stairs when I saw some

movement in my peripheral vision.

When I looked down the hallway, I could
tell that there was a woman, the spirit

of a woman, in front of a closet door that
was on the left hand side of this hallway,

and she was trying to get into that
closet, and she was very, very sad.

She was pounding on the door, she
was trying the knob, she was pressing

herself against the door, and her
focus was toward the top of the door.

She would then fall onto the floor
and hold her face in her hands,

only to get back up and try again.

Always focusing at the top of the door.

So there seems to be a loop in her
actions, and she didn't seem to be

aware of my presence, although she
might have been demonstrating this

struggle for me as a way to ask for help.

But what I could tell was that this spirit
was stuck in a repeating pattern of action

and needed intervention to get out of it.

I was a little new to helping
ghosts at the time, and I hadn't

developed any real processes.

At that point in my life, I just knew
that they needed my help, and I did

know that I could sometimes get them to
cross over by communicating with them.

In this case, I do not remember exactly
what our communication was, but I do

know that she expressed her frustration
to me with her actions and her facial

expressions, but not with words.

And I do remember that I was
able to help her cross over.

After I finished with that spirit,
I went downstairs and walked

over to the reception desk.

And there was no other
patients near the desk.

They were all in the waiting room.

And this receptionist
seemed very approachable.

And I just found myself telling her, uh,
there was a ghost of a woman upstairs,

uh, but I helped her to move on, so
if there were any weird disturbances

up there, they should be done now.

So I guess this receptionist was giving
off, like, a majorly open minded vibe

because I said this to her in this
totally matter of fact way, like,

the way you would say, The sink was
running upstairs, so we turned it off.

I had picked up on her vibe
correctly because she wound up being

very excited to hear this message
about the woman ghost upstairs.

At this point, the orthodontist was
finished tightening my daughter's

braces and he was walking into the
reception area and she called him over

and asked me to tell him the story.

And then other employees came in to listen
and I found myself telling the story to an

audience, which doesn't really bother me.

The orthodontist then told me that
this house had been his childhood home.

He had inherited it and converted
it to his private practice.

Then I told him that the spirit of the
woman had been particularly concerned

with the closet in the hallway,
especially the top of the door.

And he said, well, there's something
very interesting about that closet.

He told me that when They built these
two houses, which were attached.

They had never finished
the back of that closet.

Then there was an opening behind
the top shelf of the closet

that went into the other house.


I don't know what was going on there.

I do remember that the spirit
hadn't said anything to me, so I'm

guessing that maybe she was concerned
about the wall not being finished.

Maybe she used to live in the house next
door and couldn't get back over there.

Maybe something had happened in this
house and she was trying to get out.

I don't know.

But I am glad that I was able to
help her give up this struggle

with that closet and get out of
that frustrating loop and move on.

And I hope that she found
peace on the other side.

And that's all for today.

Thank you for listening to today's
episode, and if you think your house

is haunted, want energy cleared
from your space or need a custom

spiritual ritual, I'm here to help.

Visit jp or email me
at JP clearing

Don't forget to join me here
every Tuesday for a new episode.

Until next time.