Hope in Real Life with Jason Gore

You asked, we answered! Join us for this special episode where the tables are turned and Jason Gore takes the spotlight to answer questions from our listeners. Jason shares some silly stories and also shares some personal stories and lessons that he's learned along the way.

#questionanswer #hopeinreallife #hope

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What is Hope in Real Life with Jason Gore?

Tomorrow can be different from today.

Our lives often leave us feeling hopeless—like nothing will ever change. But perspective is everything. When you know where to look, hope can be found in the spaces and places you least expect.

Join Jason Gore (Lead Pastor of Hope Community Church) for a fresh perspective, practical steps, and weekly encouragement that hope really is possible… even in real life.

What if we put a different target on our wall

and said, Hey, is that, can I see these things?

And then what if we were willing to ask those good friends

that you talked about earlier,

or our spouse who can be brutally honest with us, Hey, am I,

are you seeing more of these things in my life?

And that's a question a lot of

us are probably scared to ask.

Welcome to The Hope and Real Life podcast with Jason Gore.

Our team is passionate

and committed to bringing you more hope in the everyday

real areas of your life.

If this conversation and content is valuable for you,

please do us a favor, like, subscribe, and even share.

You never know how valuable it could be

to share a little bit of hope as someone else.

Let's get the conversation started.

Well, hello, hope in real life family.

Welcome back to another episode

of The Hope in Real Life podcast.

I'm here with my good friend, Aaron Nelson. Hello.

Hello Aaron. Welcome to the show. Glad to be here.

We are wrapping up season three with this episode with, uh,

how we've ended seasons one

and two as well with, uh, you asked and we answered.

And so, uh, we've got Aaron in here to kinda help lead

and steer that conversation

and to do a lot of the questions.

But first, Aaron, why don't you just tell the good people

of hope in real life, a little bit about yourself?

Yeah. Um, I don't know anything that's, you know, all

that fascinating, but, uh, yeah.

Um, enjoy being in this space.

Enjoy kind of the, the whole podcasting thing.

My wife and I, uh, we've been married

for going on four years now.

Um, we have our first kid on the way,

which we're super excited about.

Yeah. Um, and our free time,

we enjoy having conversations like this as well.

Um, yeah, man, it's, uh,

I'm just along for the ride. You know,

First kid on the way.

Have you gone public yet with Boy, girl?

Or is that still being held?

So, it's funny you say that. Yeah. So we, uh, we, because

No one, I mean, no one will know if you just tell me

right now, it's just me and you. It's just a conversation.

It's fine. We'll edit it out in post. Right.

So we're good? Yeah. No,

we're having a girl, so, okay. Right

On. Yeah. Gonna be

be a girl dad and excited about

and I didn't know that, so I'll try.

Act surprise. But

What, Congratulations. Thank

You, man. We're excited.


What do we do now? We, we

got some questions. That's it.

Somehow you, did you make up all the questions yourself?

I am taking the role of you today. Yeah. Okay. You asked.

And so, hello, my name is you.

Um, and now Jason, you're about to answer. So,

Alright. Let's see what we got. See, let's

go see

how many of these I can dodge. Yeah.

There's a good little healthy mix here.

I think some of 'em are just fun.

Kind of get to know you sort of stuff. Yep.

Uh, and then the further we go, we'll get

to more hard hidden stuff

and, you know, see where you are in some, uh,

some staunch issues, maybe.

I don't know. We'll see. We might get

weird. I had coffee and it just

Kicked over. I can pass if I wanna

pass, pass.

No, you can't. Alright. Uh, here we go.

Number one, um, what is the most

adventurous thing that you've ever done?

The most adv. I, I've done a lot

of adventurous things. Are

You an adventurous person by nature?

I am, yes. By nature. I am.

Um, I think I'm just like any other guy

that's teetering on the edge of getting old.

Right? Like, I'm at 45 just learning the gas in the tank's.

Not the same that it used to be, but,

and we got, we got three kids, man.

We're always on the go. And so it's like, sometimes I just

Imagine adventurous is changing.

Before it was like, we're gonna go skydiving now.

It's like, am I gonna go

get something from the fridge right now?

That's right. Or am I,

I don't know. I'm thinking about going

to Walmart. It's after 10 o'clock.

Sounds pretty dangerous. Um, yeah.

The most adventurous thing.

Let's see, you know, a couple of them.

And, and they've been on a different continent.

I think two things I would, I would highlight that I've,

and I've done some fun stuff, man.

I mean, I've jumped off some cliffs.

I had no business jumping off of into water. Okay.

So, just to be clear. But, um, so one time myself

and, uh, a mutual friend of ours, Cory Paxton.

Yeah. This was probably 20 years ago, something like that.

We were in, we went to Kenya

to this suburb outside of Kenya called Coli.

Uh, working with a friend of ours

who had started an orphanage, uh, for kids

that had lost both of their parents to hiv aids.

Mm. And so we were there

and then we got, uh, part of what we were gonna do on

that trip, and we were there for like two weeks, was

to fly over the, we were gonna take medical supplies.

Um, basically this is how it worked. All right.

So the guys, the guys says, listen,

since you guys are coming, I need some extra bodies.

'cause there's this group of people that we do work

with over the mountain range in northern Kenya,

and it's hard to get folks to go with me

and then carry the supplies

because we literally land in the middle of a desert

and then we gotta carry 'em like a mile

and a half to get them to where the people are.

I'm like, well, that sounds fun. That's not

What, what was in the brush air

Over here. That's right.

I assure you this trip,

there's no brochure about anything that we did on this trip.

And so, uh, we show up

and we get on, uh, we go to the, uh, what,

what they call these things where airplanes are

airports that they call them.

Right. That's, and so we go to the airport

and we walk by this plane that I think,

and I'm like, aren't we gonna get on the plane?

It's like, no, the plane that we're

gonna get on is down here.

Oh. And I look and it's like 20 yards.

And it's like, I'm like, that's an airplane.

Like it looks like a go-kart with some propellers on it.

That's what, and I'm like, how

are we gonna fit all this stuff?

And so we get there and, uh, you know,

some other people are helping load the stuff in.

And it is, man, it's like a single engine plane. Yeah.

There's three of us.

And then these medical supplies, I,

I'm pretty sure it was single engine.

There might be a fact checker on here that's like, oh,

no single engine plane can fit.

I a really small airplane. Yeah. Okay.

And so we get on this thing and we're flying out

and we're flying towards this mountain range,

and we're getting closer and closer

and closer to this mountain range

and this airplane, I mean, it's like up and down

and moving around and I mean, I could kick the pilot from

where I was sitting if I wanted to.

And I asked the pilot, I said, Hey, we're getting closer

to those mountains, but it doesn't seem like we're

going any higher.

Um, or, or don't we need to go, something

Has to move here, Don't need to go up.

And he literally said, this plane is not really

meant to go that high.

Gosh. And I said, what, what are we gonna do?

He said, no, we go through the mountains. Oh my gosh.

And so we literally take this plane

through this mountain range terrify.

So that was adventurous

that I didn't know what I was signing up for.

Oh man. Another one involved an airplane in Africa,

and I'm not kidding, on another trip.

And we were, we went to Uganda.

We were with some friends in Uganda, uh,

different group still working with orphans.

And we were flying over the Nile River.

And I'm not kidding, I was sitting right next to the pilot

and the pilot asked me if I wanted to fly and I,

or if I had ever flown before.

I said, I said, yeah, my uncle, uh, used

to have his pilot's license when I was a kid.

And he would take me up and he'd like, you know,

hand me the, the stick

and let me, I was like, so I've done it before.

He is like, do you wanna give it a shot?

And I'm in the plane and like,

this was a little bit bigger plane.

Yeah. Like a two engine type deal.

And all the people in the back like, no, no, he doesn't.

He does not want to. And I was like, well, I absolutely do.

And I, so I'm not kidding. I've flown Yeah.

An airplane over in parallel, oh my gosh.

To the Nile River with like Will de Beast,

like animals running along below

and, um, like very exhilarating and other

Plenty of collateral below In case potential.

My wife was on the plane, uh, Dave

and Cindy Nuity, who, you know, oh my gosh.

They were on the plane. Ask them about it.

They would tell you. But yeah, so those are probably two

of the more adventurous

Thing I've been in that exact scenario,

except I was one of the passengers of the plane.

And I remember how terrified I was.

So in this, in this case, what the guy did was he looks at

the guy in the passenger seat and the guy in the passenger

seat, he's the one that initiates this.

And he goes, well, you let me fly the plane.

And the guy told him, he says, you can tell me why

that light's flash and I'll let you fly the plane.

I don't know what light it was. I don't know

what significance it had, but genuinely he

told him, Hey, this is what it does.

He's like, all right, you got it. And so he let them let him

fly the plane for a few minutes later.

We asked him about it when we get on the ground,

and he's like, dude, it's just like flight simulator,

like the PlayStation game.

Yeah. That's how he had learned.

And the guy was, we talked to the pilot after the fact,

and, uh, he goes, no,

if you played flight simulator,

you got it. Like, that's pretty much

It. Here's what's

crazy though.

So we talked about the instruments

and like you can see on there, he is like, over there is

where turbulence is, and you can see, and you look over

and you see the thunder clouds and stuff like that.

Yeah. And it was literally like,

you could steer the plane over towards the,

and you start getting a little bit closer to the clouds

and you see the turbulence stuff on the ra

and like you, so you get closer

and the winks start shaking, the plane start shaking,

you get a little bit closer, it gets, and the people,

of course are yelling in the back, what are you doing?

Get the heck away. So anyways. Oh my gosh. Most adventurous,

Exaggerating Is what they're doing. Those

are the top two. Um,

I also shot a BB gun at my dad one time growing up

that almost cost me my life as

Well. That was high risk,

high risk, low reward, I'm sure.

Uh, kind of in that same vein,

you're international traveler.

So I'm assuming this might be, I don't know, maybe not.

This could be something stateside,

but what's the weirdest food you've ever

tried? And did you like it?

The weirdest food I've ever tried? Um, I didn't like it.

Um, I was in Kyrgyzstan, weirdest food I've ever had.

They have something there called MA's milk.

Um, mayor's milk is the milk from a horse

that they allow to ferment.

Okay. And it's a delicacy there. Mm.

My stomach did not think it was a delicacy.

Yeah, that sounds, uh, They serve it at

like room temperature.

Oh, horse milk fermented. Okay. Uh, not great.

And then the other weirdest thing, it was on that,

I think it was on that same trip, um,

they bring out, they brought out a lamb's head

and it was cooked, I'm assuming, like steamed

because they told us it was cooked,

but it looked still like a lamb's head.

Yeah. And they began to cut the skin off the face

of the lamb and people started eating, eating it.

You didn't meeting that. I mean, I, I chewed on it

for a good minute and I, uh, I, I found a way

to get it in my napkin.

All right. Well, so it was two weirdest

things, man. And I've

Never, was it one of those, like, I don't wanna offend

anybody's situations or

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's what it is, right?

You, you,

you know, you're in a different culture.

Yeah. So you don't want to offend them.

But, um, man, that was so, if, if that's your delicacy

and you love it, I apologize.

I don't eat a lot of hot dogs,

but a hot dog over that, just about any time.

I feel like we've learned too much already. But, uh,

What else you Got? Another

question we have is, uh, what's a fun fact about you

that most people don't know?

Man, there's fun fact people about me don't know.

Um, I don't know. I mean, I love juujitsu. That's a thing.

Okay. Um, we've probably talked about that on here before.

I enjoy that. Um, I love to fish.

Uh, that's, I guess,

moderately fun when you're catching stuff.

And, um, man, that's it.

And then the other, I, I guess, you know, some people,

you know, I talk in front of people sometimes.

Mm-Hmm. Have podcasts.

I think some people naturally assume

that I'm like extroverted all the time.

Mm. That is not the case, man.

I hit a wall and I want to be either with my people

or just sitting at home or at the gym Yeah.

By myself. Love going to the gym.

I do not go to the gym to talk to people. Yeah.

No, that's real. Yeah. I put earbuds in even if

nothing's going on in my earbuds. Just

So I can't

Hear you. Yeah. What?

Yeah. No, that's great.

I don't know if any of those are fun facts, but they are

Facts, man. It's good to know. Yeah.

That could be useful information in

case anybody ever runs into you in the gym.

Yeah. He's like,

he left his headphones at home

the day he's still like, what?

I don't know, wants a talk. Yeah. He's like, ah, I got it.

Okay. No. Pretty good. Um, those headphones. Yep.

You got 'em in your ear. You're at the gym.

You know, I'm, I'm gonna put a

little bit of a spin on this one.

Okay. The question is, is what, uh, if you could only listen

to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

But I'm curious to know what's your, like

what's on Jason's gym playlist?

My gym playlist. Are

You okay? Can you listen to

podcasts when you work out?

I, I do, but I know I don't take everything. Yeah. I know.

I don't retain everything. Mm-Hmm.

But I do, I I try, I listen to podcasts sometimes. Okay.

There is a difference though, in like listening

to music versus listening to a podcast like Oh, yeah.

With just with the intensity

that you kind of take to the workout.

So if I'm feeling it and I'm feeling good

and I don't need any extra gas in the tank, then yeah.

I'll listen to a podcast. Mm-Hmm.

I do try to make sure this is the nerdy side of me.

I really do try

to make sure I'm taking in at least two hours of

outside content a week that maybe has nothing to do

with anything that I'm preparing for.

Planning for just Yeah. Try to grow. Right.

And so, so if I'm backlogged on that, then I'll, you know,

halfway listen to it while I'm working out. Can

You work out with nothing?

Yeah. With silence. Oh, yeah.

Yeah. I can. Yeah.

Absolutely. I know it's a struggle for some people,

So Yeah. No, and there's, there's

times this, again,

this is gonna sound kind of nerdish,

but there's times where I like tell myself,

you need to do this.

It's easier with music, but it might be harder without,

but you know what, you can do hard things.

Yeah. And that's, it's a weird, weird thing.

No, that's good. We had, when I was,

you didn't ask about this, but I'll tell you when I was,

You didn't ask, but I answered.

That's a new episode you didn't ask.

But I'm here to tell you for like an hour.

I think that's like the normal news cycle, isn't it?

That's just the news. These are all things

nobody really wants to hear about.

I'll tell you. We're gonna tell you the world's gonna end.

We're being taken over by Killer Bees.

Um, what was the question?

No, uh, there was, there wasn't one

That was, that was the point.

What are we doing? Um, so no, someone asked,

I heard this guy. And so

I know all of our listeners aren't necessarily don't.

Well, I think all of our listeners probably are on a faith

journey where they, whether they realize it or not,

but they might be, might not be listening to this for that.

Mm-Hmm. But I was in college

and, uh, wrestled at NC State Go Pack

and, um, heck of a wrestling team over there.

And you know, a lot of people, just like any other sport,

you know, you listen to headphones while you warm up.

Right. So I don't think we had beats back then.

And we certainly didn't have iPhones.

I think we had like the little mini disc players back then

was the thing that were popular for like skips

On every rep. Yeah.

They were popular for like nine months. Yeah.

Um, but thi this guy, uh,

we had this sports performance guy come in

and he was, um, he was a Christian

and he said, listen, you gotta figure out,

you gotta be able to answer this question.

What are you gonna do when the music stops?

'cause you can warm up and get as hyped as you want to

with headphones in.

But the reality is, when you're up

and it's your weight class, you take off your warmup top.

Yeah. You take off your headphones and it's deathly quiet.

Mm. You know, I mean, in your head right.

The cloud's cheering and whatever. Yeah.

But in your head, man, there's no music going.

And so what is it that like gets you going?

And so what he taught us was, if you're a believer,

like you need to be able to see your athletic performance

as a worship performance.

Mm-Hmm. Like, you've got to get in your mind

that you're gonna use the talents

and abilities that God's given to you

and that you've worked hard for to go back

and then worship God through using those.

Yeah. That's good. So that was his, his spin over.

So, so yeah. So I've just kinda

carried that with me at times.

Like, Hey, I can do this just because I can. Yeah.

It's not always my personal preference. No,

That's good. I,

But I feel like 27 minutes ago,

you actually did have a real question around this in it.

Um, what was the, uh, uh, yeah, if you listen to one song

for the rest of your life, what would it be? Yeah.

Okay. So in my playlist, I'm a, so I will say this,

if I'm at the gym and I really need something, man,

that old school Rocky four soundtrack.

Okay. It's hard to beat. All right. Yeah.

So that's gonna be in there, but I sometimes

just, I'll just throw on.

So it just depends on what mood I'm in, man.

I would go to Apple Music

and just search country music,

country music station if I'm into that.

Or I'll search Rock and Roll Station,

or I'll search, you know, um, yeah.

Workout, hip hop. It's just whatever mood I'm in.

So I don't really have a, a go-to all the time. Yeah.

I see this question here, now

that I'm looking down at the paper, there's one song

that you could listen to for the rest of your life.

What would it be? So, music for me is, uh, I enjoy music,

but it also, like my dad was big time musician.

And, um, then I have these memories of my stepdad and my mom

and, and the music that we listen to.

And so it, for me, music, it has a lot to do with nostalgia.

Mm-Hmm. So when you say one song for the rest of your life,

there's a couple songs that just have a lot

of memories in them and like Mm-Hmm.

Are listeners probably have no idea, um, what those are.

Yeah. But I'll say this. Yeah. No, that's cool.

There's a song by a guy named Michael Martin Murphy

called Carolina in The Pines.

Okay. And, uh, my dad used to, I mean, he would play

that song when I was young, like, and we'd sing it together.

And so, so that's a song that I go

to if I just wanna be an upbeat Good.

Yeah. Fun, happy mood. That's cool, man.

And then my mom and stepdad, for whatever reason,

I just have these memories

of them loving Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.

Hmm. And they had,

they sing a duet together, islands and the Streams.

And, uh, that's just,

That's my wife's go-to karaoke song.

Is it really? It really is. Yeah.

We should, I'm make go do both parts too. I

Thought I was gonna say we should, we

Should go do karaoke and I'll sing the guys' part,

but there's some lyrics in that I don't want,

I don't wanna sing that song with your wife.

You and Aaron are islands in the stream. What?

That's what you are. I'm not there with you.

What's your go-to karaoke song? Do you have one? Oh,

I don't, You don't have one? Okay.

No, I don't. I don't. But I will tell you that

I will lay down some Otis Reding if I have to. Okay.

Right on. Right on

Hope and Real Life family.

I wanna pause for a moment

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hope in everyday life.

Listen, I know a lot of our viewers probably aren't a part

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but I don't want you to miss out on the hope

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Or if you actually want to tune in during a service time,

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Again, that's at Get Hope tv.

We hope that you'll take a chance with us

and experience what it is God has for you in your life.

You're gonna find practical messages

that will help you find hope in

the everyday moments of your life.

Hope you'll check it out. Do

You have a hobby or an activity that you've always wanted

to try but just haven't gotten around to either for,

hasn't been made available to you

or you just haven't had the opportunity?

A hobby that I haven't,

It doesn't have to be a hobby. Maybe

a one time experience

or something that, you know, you say,

if I ever had the chance to do this,

You know, when I was younger, I,

I would've told you it was skydiving.

Mm-Hmm. Now let's go back to, let's call back to

that 45 years old.

And I got three kids. And

Have you ever been, never been stopped.

I never have, but here's the thing.

I don't, I don't know that I want to anymore.

Why would You jump out of an airplane? Yeah.

That, you know, I'm sure shoots, statistically speaking most

of the time parachutes open up,

but man, I mean, it's not a hundred percent.

It's not. So, Uh, you know what?

I, uh, if I could do something, if I had the time

and I could do it every week, um, oh man.

I don't want anybody to,

this is not a political statement Okay.

In any way, shape or form. Listeners, I'm sorry.

I just, growing up, I, I enjoyed shooting guns.

We grew up on, on a farm, so, I mean, I think like going

to a gun range Yeah.

And having time to, you know, just, there's just something

that's, you know, kind of stress relieving about that.

Yeah. And so if I had time, yeah.

If I had time, um, if I had a couple hours every Friday,

every Saturday, I'd probably get back.

Yeah. Nice. Cool. Somebody does every Sunday in my

neighborhood, every Sunday

I wake up some gunshots. I'll

say this, I, I told you I enjoy training Jiujitsu when

I, I had to stop when my third kid, when Connor got

like two years old

and really started getting more mobile,

we had three kids on the go.

Um, I pulled back from Jiujitsu

and then they got into wrestling.

Mm-Hmm. And so now most of my mat time goes into wrestling,

but I think when my kids get older

and get out of the house, like I'll probably end up back in

the jujitsu world a little bit. Nice.

Yeah. Nice. That's awesome.

Um, alright, we're gonna go ahead

and turn the corner a little bit here.

You've talked about your kids, you've talked about just kind

of these other relationships that you have.

Yep. And, um, all this sort of things singing karaoke

with, with my wife.

Sounds weird outta context. Different, it's different.

It's, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You had to go

back a few minutes and hear the whole thought. Could

You imagine if they just took

that one little clip and made that decision?

That's what happens when you let AI

pick your social media clips.

Oh, man. Um,

Did you guys hear that, Jason?

Uh, healthy relationships,

I know that's a big deal to you.

Yeah. I know. It's something that's really important to you.

Something that you invest in pretty intentionally. Yeah.

Um, what do you think are key components

of a healthy relationship?

Yeah. And I, I guess we can leave it kind of broad.

Um, just between you

and the way that you interact with others around you,

what are some key components that you always want to

Yeah. So I

mean, a relationship is something that

it's usually changing.

Um, and it's usually going in one direction or another. Hmm.

But you don't meet somebody

and then all of a sudden just have an incredibly

healthy relationship.

You might have a positive impression of that person

and they might have a positive impression of you,

but I wouldn't necessarily call it a healthy relationship.

I think, um, the primary key

to a really healthy relationship is,

is knowing one another well, and,

and allowing one another to be who that person is, you know,

outside of sin or doing something stupid like, you

and I know me, really, you know me pretty well.

If you thought I was gonna go rob a bank,

you shouldn't let me go rob a bank.

Right. You should say, Hey, don't do it.

But, um,

or you can drive the car, either one DC I mean, but much.

Yeah. So I think one, you gotta know each other

and you gotta, um, like give one another space

to be who you are.

You've gotta be able to set appropriate boundaries.

You've gotta know how to interact with somebody, when

to push, when not to push, when to let them be who they are.

And so, I think just, just flat out knowing somebody.

And the truth is, in today's world, I just don't know

that we really know each other all that well anymore.

You know? I mean, those people that are close

and spend time together and intentional do it.

But it's so easy just

to connect over text message or over social media.

And I don't, I don't necessarily wanna beat that drum,

but I think really genuinely knowing someone

and then going out of your way to honor someone by

allowing them to be themselves, you know, in

that relationship and doing what you can do

to help them feel comfortable, you know, being themselves.

So I think that's important. I think another key

to healthy relationships is having people

around you in your life that like,

understand what's important to you,

and they're going to continue to encourage you.

That's to live out the things that are important to you.

And then vice versa, even

if they're not in the same direction.

Now, some real magic happens when some folks

like really do care about each other.

They know about, you know, what's important to each other,

and they all wanna run in the same direction.

Yeah. So, no,

That's good. I like that.

Um, I'm not one of those people who,

when people say, Hey, we should go get a coffee

and get to know each other, that sends me running.

Yeah. Right. I'm kind of like you, the same way I can,

I can tend to be pretty introverted, right?

Yeah. So I don't wanna do, I'm not a

big fan of small talk Yeah.

Of like, so what are you, you know, yada, yada,

like the questions you're supposed to ask.

And then, so you mentioned you're a bit introverted.

You have a relationship with someone, someone that you know,

and oftentimes they're kind

of these friendships, relationships that we have.

Where is this a question that one person wrote

in? Is this about, hey, this is,

This is asking for a friend right here.

Okay. That's what this, that's what this segment is.

Um, and you say, this is a question that someone wrote in,

but I'm, I'm kind of contextualizing it a little bit

based on what we've been talking about here.

But there's a relationship that you have

that you want to invest in.

Okay. Let's say it's a friend, spouse, coworker, whatever.

Right? Just somebody you know, Hey,

I want to get to know them a little bit better.

Whatever. Um, what do you do?

And you can speak to this personally, to build

and maintain strong relationships,

because I think it's, I'm a drifter naturally by tendency.

Right? Like, I'm, it's very easy for me

to be outta sight outta mind with people.

Um, and I've actually been told specifically like, man, I,

I wish you would invest a

little bit more in this relationship.

Yeah. What does that look like for you, um,

in letting people know they're seen, they're cared about.

I I want to invest in this relationship. Yeah.

So two things I would say.

One, there is something,

and again, I agree with you, like the, the small talk.

If it's not flowing

and it feeling forced, that can be like death. Man,

I heard something the other day that it takes

on average about seven minutes if you're talking

to a stranger Yeah.

To like, break that seal of like, oh,

I'm comfortable talking to you now.

Yeah. I'm like, that's seven minutes is a long time.

Yes. So there are some, I think there's some secrets

that kind of help pass the time.

So it's like, if you can spend time

with somebody while you're doing something else,

that's why the sitting and having a cup of coffee is kind

of intimidating and doesn't feel good.

'cause it's like, there's really only one thing you can do.

You can take a sip of coffee,

Man, this coffee's good.

It's like, man, look, I know I don't really have anything

to say right now, so I'm just gonna,

It's not as warm as it was

the last time I checked the temperature.

My cup's empty. I'm gonna get a refill, don't need it,

but I'm gonna go get one.

So, you know, so actually doing something productive and,

and I would even say like, doing something that's valuable

and productive to society.

I mean, like, that's good.

Serving alongside of someone,

someone doing something mission focused.

You wanna get to know somebody.

I don't really care what they tell you.

Can you watch them serve other people?

Can you watch them do something that doesn't just add value

to their own life, but to somebody else You can really see,

you know, kind of where they stand.

So I think that's one thing.

Uh, another thing is if you want to get to know someone,

and this isn't all that different than, uh, than a cup

of coffee, but there's more to it.

But there's something to the art

of ha just having someone over to your place

and preparing a meal for them.

Yeah. And then sharing that meal.

Um, you know, when you're eating, like,

there's obviously more things going on, and so,

and then just something happens.

Mm-Hmm. Like in, we, we eat food multiple times a day.

Most people do. Some

of us eat too much food multiple times a day.

But, you know, there's just, walls just kind

of break down when you're doing something

that's comfortable.

Again, going to a coffee shop

specific place, it's not your house.

It's not your comfort zone. Mm-Hmm.

But inviting someone into your space

where you're comfortable to

where you can just focus on serving them.

So I think, you know, those are a couple things I would say.

Um, sharing a meal or actually doing something

productive with someone.

And the other thing is, obviously if you have a mutual

hobby, you know, that's a way to, to get to know someone,

but I don't think anything's gonna trump

actually doing something for somebody else together.

You really get to see Yeah.

Somebody. That's good. I like that.

Um, obviously you care a lot about

kind of the digital space

and I mean, this seems to be just the trend

in the way that the world is headed in.

Right? We only get more

and more, I mean, especially as we see, you know,

AI technology and stuff like that, getting involved,

technology is playing a bigger role in our lives.

Excuse me. Yeah. A bigger role in our lives day by day.

Um, how do you see that impacting the way

that the church reaches people?

Um, in which way do you see, uh,

the big C church playing a role in impacting the digital

world and spaces, um, for, I mean,

anyone who takes up a space on this big rock, man, why do,

what what impact do you see it making?

Yeah. So I want to clarify something which I,

because you said obviously you're a big fan

of the digital spaces or, or something like that.

Somebody can replay the tape if they really want to know.

But the truth is, I I, it's not like I wake up

and I'm like, oh, I love the digital space.

I love online community,

or I love engage digital engagement.

I think what it is, especially as it relates

to the church world and this podcast even in particular,

I want to see people have more hope.

All right. And at the end of the day,

like listeners li listen,

we're gonna keep talking about different areas in your life

where you are looking to find more hope.

Period. We're gonna do that.

At the end of the day, I believe

that hope is ultimately found in Jesus Christ.

Yeah. And so, um,

so when you start talking about the church, it's like,

how do you, why would I get involved

or be excited about digital spaces?

It's just because that's where people are.

And so if you want to create environments for people,

if you want to create a pathway for people

to find more hope, and people are engaging in,

in things digitally more than they are in person

just en mass, well then, man,

we gotta figure out a way to get in that space.

Yeah. And so I do believe, um,

and again, depending on what you believe, I,

I don't believe the church is just a building that you go to

or an event that you do

for one hour a week on a Sunday morning.

I believe the church is a group of people that carry

with it the hope that we have in Jesus.

And so if you really want to get down, if, if

that's your definition of the church, then I think

the church will have its maximum impact in today's world.

And, and who knows, like we could,

the internet could potentially disappear to, I mean,

I highly doubt it, but something could happen.

But in today's world, I think the church that the churches

that want to see, um,

a maximum impact Mm-Hmm.

They're gonna find a way to get into places

and spaces where people are.

And so they're gonna find a way to get content,

to get opportunities for people to connect

and build community in an online space Yeah.

Where people are. And so that's

what this hope in real life thing is all about, man.

It's how do we get there? Good.

And I think other churches,

and look, not every church has the resources to do that.

And I'm not saying that if there's a church out there

that's not engaged in a digital space,

that they actually don't have a presence,

that they're not living out God's kingdom.

Yeah. That, that's not what I'm saying at all.

I'm just saying the church is called to be on mission,

and there's a huge mission field out there

that the church would serve itself well, um,

to find a way to engage.

No, that's good. That's good.

I opened up social media the other day

and saw a post that I wasn't a fan

of that I didn't agree with.

And, uh, it just kind of sent me down this rabbit hole

of thinking technology is amoral, there's no,

it's neither good nor bad.

Right. That's exactly right. It's a matter of

how we populate it and what we choose to put on.

So if your timeline is garbage,

Right? That's right.

I mean, you put it there, you know what I mean?

Your algorithm that you chose.

Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's, it's just funny, man.

I, I don't know a single person who wouldn't agree

with a statement that technology is or can be toxic,

but it's like, yeah, but who's hand did we put it in?

That's right. So I love that you're using this platform

as a way of saying, Hey, if we have an opportunity

to populate this space, let's populate it

with something that's hopeful for people.

That's good. Let me ask you though,

'cause you're, you have a podcast.

Mm-Hmm. So what was the driving force behind you starting

what you true discipleship? Yeah.

So for us it was, um, my wife

and I were just having faith conversations around the table.

And, uh, I remember just kind of having this feeling of,

I wish we could bottle this up.

Yeah. Like, I wish we could hold on to the things

that we're learning through this time.

And, uh, I was just thinking about like, Nate,

we were having conversations about things that I'm like,

man, I wish I would've realized this sooner,

or I wonder what other people's

perspectives would be into this.

Yeah. Um, so how do we take a conversation that we're having

around a table and invite other people into that?

And so really that's what it was.

It was just kind of blurring that line a little bit

so we could have some community and people to talk to.

Um, but also, man, it's just selfishly speaking,

like it's super cool for me once a week to be able

to sit down in our office at home, just me and my wife

and talk about things that actually matter.

Yeah. And so it's kind of created this space for us

to be open and vulnerable with each other.

Um, yeah.

In a way that happens in weeks when it's normally too busy

to sit around the di dining room table, you know?

Yeah. It's been good.

One of the reasons why I love the, the podcast space is

because this sounds crazy, but just sitting down

and having a conversation with somebody, um, that, um, that,

you know, you do have a relationship with Mm-Hmm.

And there is a specific topic.

It's not necessarily just small talk. Yeah.

Uh, there's just something life giving

to that that feels right.

Yeah. You know, that you can learn from something,

from somebody else that you can maybe be challenged on a

perspective or be encouraging a perspective. So yeah.

Yeah. That's good. That's good man.

Hope in real life family, we just want to take a moment

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Let's keep sharing some hope.

What role does the church have in politics, Jason?

That's, that's a question We got that. Um,

Well, it looks like that's the, all the time we have

for this episode with

what role does church have in politics?

Alright. So the, the root word

polis, I think we've talked about this maybe,

I think we did an episode with Lance, uh mm-Hmm.

Where we talked about, uh, the church

and politics is, that's the root word, right?

And so really what that's talking about,

the word politics is really just talking about

how do we live in society?

Mm. I think the church has a huge role

in how we live in society.

Yeah. That's now, that's not

what you really meant when you said what's the

church's role in politics?

Right. What we're talking about, what most people mean is,

Hey, we have at large, um, by

and large two parties, a Republican

party and a Democratic party.

And most people mean,

so which side is the church supposed to pick?

Yeah, no, that's really, And that's, man,

the reality is, I would say if you are trying to make

that decision, you've framed up your question the wrong way.

Because neither one of those is going to

send you down the appropriate path of

how the church should actually live in society.

Mm. That's good. Um, at the end of the day,

if you believe the best, what you would say is both

of those political parties

or any political party for that matter,

have the best interest of the people, um, in mind.

It's just they have dramatically different paths

of how they want to get there.

Yeah. Um, I would say that none of them are, um,

bring the abundant life that the way

of Christ gets us there.

Yeah. So how does the church, uh,

what role does the church have in politics?

There is a level, uh, you know,

Jesus is asked in the Bible like,

what do you think about paying taxes?

Mm-Hmm. You know, and he said, Hey, you know, give

to Caesar what is Caesars?

And that's kind of his way of saying like,

if you live in a society that has a certain set of rules,

and then hey, yield to those set of rules.

Yeah. You know, obviously short of sin that starts

to become into a different question.

Mm-Hmm. But, um, you know, it's,

that's not your personal preference.

You're inside of a, but I think outside of that,

I think the church's role in politics is

to actually live out in society the ways of Jesus.

Mm. Now Jesus didn't necessarily force his

way on other people either.

Mm-Hmm. I mean, obvi Jesus actually was quite different in

that he would challenge people on things.

He would ask people questions, he would tell people stories

that led them at, at large towards what he was saying.

Truth was Mm-Hmm. Um,

but ultimately he allowed other

people to make their decision.

But I think his example and what people saw in

and through him is what it was that drew people

to follow after him.

Yeah. So I think the church is, the way

that we live in society is to live out the ways

of Jesus in a world that's a lot of times

that's swimming upstream.

Mm-Hmm. Um, in hopes that, um, one,

that we would bring glory to God

because that's how we're called deliver life.

But that other people would see this

and be like, wait, some of the ways

that you're living your life seems a little bit upside

down and a little bit crazy.

Yeah. But I'm intrigued

because it seems to be working for you

and you are more joyful than anyone else that I've ever met.

You seem to have more hope than

anybody else that I've ever met.

So I think, I think that's a rule. I I don't That's good.

You're never, I don't think

that you can legislate morality Mm-Hmm.

Or a perfect society though. Yeah. So,

No, that's good. That's

good. Yeah. If government was crushing it,

Jesus wouldn't have had to come to That's right.

That's right. Establish another kingdom. Right. Yeah.

That's really cool. Um, I think you kind

of answered our next question here.

You know, you, I like how you kind of polarized both sides

of that political coin of what, what does politic,

what does politic actually mean versus

how do we exercise it?

But the next question was what,

what role does the church have in culture?

Yeah. Um, with it being posed that way.

Do you have anything else to add or,

You know, I would say we have to be careful

as the church to not be, um, molded by the culture.

Mm-Hmm. You know, we live in a world where there's like,

like it's so easy to get canceled right now

and to get, you know, people yelling at you Mm-Hmm.

For your beliefs. And so we have to be careful, I think,

as the church to not just run away

and hide in places that people don't actually see a group

of people living out what we're called to believe.

Mm-Hmm. And so I believe the church in its most healthy

form is actually living a Christian life in public,

in society, in culture, for people to see,

not in a dogmatic way, certainly not in a judgmental way,

but living it out and standing strong in

what they believe truth is.

Yeah. But doing so in a loving way. Yeah.

And, um, that's good. And not, um, not throwing shade

or judgment at other people.

And so I think, man, if more people just got that,

that we're supposed to love and serve our neighbors

regardless of what their beliefs are, um,

the church would probably be painted in a little bit more

positive light as opposed to doing it the wrong way

and yelling and screaming at people

or the other wrong way, which is just,

I'm gonna go hide in my house and, you know, not show up.

Yeah. No, that's good. But seriously,

do you vote Republican or Democrat? He's

Gonna pass. Yeah. We'll,

we'll pass on that one.

Um, you've dropped hope a lot. Yeah.

Uh, you've mentioned that word, that idea about

how important it's for, for people to have hope, um,

from a Christian perspective, from your worldview,

what is a Christian's hope?

Um, is it, uh, I'm gonna pose kind of a couple

of caricatures out here.

Okay. Uh, is it simply that we go

to heaven when we die like that?

Is that the only thing that we really hang our hat on?

Um, and then where do you think that plays in

with the idea of finding purpose?

Because I think hope plays a role in that as well, right?


I think that there is hope

in heaven when we die, um, but it's not hope

and that we get to go to a destination.

Right. Heaven is a place where there's white fluffy clouds

and a pudgy baby with wings playing a harp is,

is actually not all that enticing to me,

the good news is I don't really think you see

that picture in the Bible either.

Yeah. So, um, but heaven being a place

that you see in scripture described as basically

that everything that we experience is broken right now.

Mm-Hmm. In this world is actually put back together again.

The Bible tells us that every tear

that's been shed will be wiped away.

Um, that a world like that that's put back together again,

like there is hope in that Mm-Hmm.

That even on the i I preaching this past weekend

and said that, man, if you have hope in Christ, I mean,

he went to a death on a cross,

but three days later rose from the grave and overcame sin

and death so that we could experience new life.

So like even on the other side of death

as resurrection and new life.

So I do think there's hope in that,

but man, there, there's,

there's gotta be more to it than that.

And I think there is, I think it's the hope of knowing, no,

no, no, we can actually experience peace

and in an abundant life, even in this broken world,

if we actually live into the forgiveness

and the grace that Jesus has shown to us

and actually live out, um, the Jesus way Mm-Hmm.

And the world around us. And so I, I think, yes,

there is hope when we die, but I think there's so much more

to it that we come to experience if we actually live into it

and live it out while we're here before we die.

That's good. I like that.

Um, the opposite of hope,

I would say is despair.

Okay. And despair is a characteristic

of anxiety, um, an issue that we see

prevalent in our society, especially among young people.

Um, how do you think families, um,

and you can talk about this from a church perspective if you

want, um, but how do you think families, uh,

should address the current kind of zeitgeist of

anxiety that seems to be running rampant?

I mean, I, I know for me is,

Sir, what does zenge mean? I

Don't know. I don't even know if I said it right.

I was hoping you

wouldn't bring too much attention to it,

but that brought some anxiety up to me.

No, um, no, I just, what?

You know, um, because it is so prevalent, I mean,

there's people in my life who I know that struggle

with anxiety, and it's really, I mean,

I think we've all been in a situation

where someone's freaking out about something.

You say, calm down, it doesn't work. No,

It's bad. No, I learned

that in like year one of marriage. Yeah.

What do you think is the, I'm not gonna say the right,

but maybe a patient, uh, approach to those

who are struggling with anxiety.

How can we, as a culture

and a society, um, deal with this as a communal issue

and not just somebody else's problem?

Yeah. So, man, I don't, I've got some answers

that could be a whole nother podcast.

Yeah. You know, for sure. There's so much to it

because I do, while I do believe that anxiety

and the state of our mental health is like, is is unhealthy

or more unhealthy than it's ever been, I also think

that we live in this echo chamber that we're being told

that it's such a big issue

and all these things that are going wrong in the world.

It's just, and like, so we had

John Delony on the show earlier in the year,

and he, he actually made a point,

it actually makes it easier to actually believe

that we're in those states.

And look, I'm not saying that. Nah, it's just in your mind.

What I am saying is sometimes what we need

to do is just turn down the noise.

Hmm. I mean, we've got so much stuff.

We're connected, people are coming at us left and right.

Um, you, you turn on the news, everything's negative.

You get on social media, people are bickering and fighting,

and we're about to go into an election season.

I'm telling you, the anxiety

and all that stuff that you're hearing right now,

when we get into election season,

I guarantee you it's gonna jump.

Yeah. And it's because it's gonna be, look,

more people are fighting and now I gotta pick a side.

And so I pick a side that now these people are mad at me.

And this is, so I think number

one, we gotta turn down the noise.

Mm-Hmm. Number two, we do need to do some business, I think

as a culture with, um,

what are we believing as truth?

I mean, what are we giving ourselves to?

'cause the reality is, if we were created,

or if there is some set of this is your best life,

or this is how you were created to experience life

and you go about it a different way,

it would just make sense.

Mm-Hmm. For your body to not respond in a healthy way. Yeah.

And anxiety itself is not a sickness. Right.

It's a, it's an alarm to let you know

that something else is wrong.

Mm-Hmm. Anytime you talk to someone

and say, well, I've got this anxiety,

and often what you hear is, I've got this anxiety

and I don't even know what it's coming from.

No. It's telling you.

What it's telling you is you need to stop

and take a deep breath and figure out why,

which direction you're heading in.

That's the wrong direction. Mm-Hmm. Something's going on.

And so I think a lot of us, man, we just gotta stop

and do business with the fact that we could be enga,

we could be pushing ourselves too, too hard.

We could be in a relationship that we don't need to be in.

We could be saying no to something

that we need to be saying yes to.

We could be saying yes to something that we need

to be saying no to, and all that stuff stacks.

Mm-Hmm. And I think when you put all that together

with all the noise, I, I think it tells on us.

And so one, I'd say turn down the noise.

Two, I think we gotta do some business with, you know,

what are we actually giving ourselves to in our lives?

And is it the most healthy thing

That's good world's busy,

all sorts of things going on around us.

A lot of those things can be, you know, anxiety inducing.

Um, when we talk about spiritual growth, when we talk about,

um, doing things that contribute to

who we are on a spiritual level,

how can someone deepen their

spiritual practice in a busy world?

Why don't you answer this? You're a big John

comb man fan. I think that'd,

Uh, I left my collection in the office.

I can't go. No. Yeah.

I mean, I honestly, I mean, I say this in full sincerity.

I think that you, I would consider you

as a subject magic expert on this as much as anybody

realize when we do these episodes.

And it's like, Hey, uh, you asked,

we answered the only thing I'm answer,

I'm answering at large Mm-Hmm.

Based on the stuff that I've heard from some of our guests

or something that I heard from that two hours to learn.

And it's not because I'm a subject matter expert. Yeah.

Um, but man, I, there

we have to, again, we gotta turn down the noise.

Mm. If you can't say, this is how I experience silence

and solitude in my life.

Mm-Hmm. I mean, I'm just telling you from the moment,

really from the moment my kids get up.

But I would say from the moment I leave the house

until I lay down my head at night,

it's just bit, it's just hectic.

It's just noisy. And so part

of my routine is getting up early in the morning

and having a cup of coffee,

and that's like nobody else can get to me.

Yeah. And, uh, so I think we've gotta figure out

what is a rhythm where we're actually just sitting

with ourselves and doing business

with what's going on in our lives?

Where do we need to put our attention?

What's grabbing for our attention?

What are we wrestling with? And so

it's only when we actually take the time to do that

that we can figure out, okay, so

what is it that I need to address?

Yeah. And you know, truthfully, I mean, 'cause you,

and you said spiritually, right?

Mm-Hmm. And so, like, it's, we, it's,

it's in our silence and in our solitude

that we actually have an opportunity to hear from God.

Yeah. So what about you though? What would you say?

Um, I'm actually gonna quote my wife on this one.

She says something that I love. Um,

Man, do you remember that time her hat sang karaoke?

No. She's, she says something that I absolutely love, man.

She, I remember, uh, she told me, um,

I think we were still dating at the time,

and I don't remember what it was.

I was like, man, I wish I had

more time for this, or whatever.

And she's like, you know, I've taught myself

to stop saying I don't have time for something.

And instead I've started saying,

this isn't a priority for me.

Hmm. That'll get your,

that'll get you in in order real quick.

Yeah. So when you start thinking through, you know, the,

I think the heart of this question, um,

how can someone deepen their

spiritual practice in a busy world?

I, it's like, man, how am I supposed to

read my Bible when I, I don't, just don't have time.

How am I supposed to fill in the blank

with any spiritual practice?

How am I supposed to do that? I, I just don't have the time.

When you start changing that

to now reading the Bible's not a priority to me.

Wait a minute. That Hits different, right?

Yeah, it does. Um, there are plenty.

I don't have time to eat most days. Yeah.

And then I go through a Bo Jingles drive through,

and I regret it later, but I knew it was like,

it's either I do this or it's just not gonna happen.

Right. Or I'm gonna be miserable for the rest of the day.

And so I do think there has to be a bit of a prioritization

of realizing that, um, man, if I,

if I don't prioritize this, what's gonna happen to me?

You know, we were talking about this, um,

before we started recording actually with Hailey, one

of the producers on the show. She

Yeah. She makes it happen.

Yeah. And, uh, I was telling her, I was like, you know,

it's funny, so many people, we set physical goals.

Yeah. Um, either for, this is what I want my body

to look like in X amount of time.

This is how much money I wanna make one day.

This is the type of car I want to have.

Uh, these are the dreams that I have for my children.

All these sort of things. But rarely do we say, man,

in two years, I wanna be like a person of integrity.

Yeah. What do I have to start doing

today in order to get to that point?

Or I wanna be a more generous person or fill in the blank.

Right. So I, I just don't think we think about investing in

our character that same way.

And so I I, I agree with you.

I think to sit down and actually I think kind of the,

the overarching theme of kind of

what you were just talking about a minute ago with culture,

and now what we're talking about with,

with spiritual practices is, uh,

we're not just supposed to coast through anything.

Right. Like, we have to deeply examine every area

of our lives, whether that's culture, whether

that's politics, our spiritual

development, all these things.

Like, you can't just blindly hope for the best. Yeah. You

Know, or just take some influencer's word for it or

Exactly. There has

to be some sort of lens that you look through, um,

that says, this is how I determine

how I'm gonna take the next steps in my life, whether it's

who I vote for, how I interact with other people, whatever.

Um, and it just so happens that we believe that the,

the best lens to do that through is through the word of God.

Yeah. And, and through the life of Jesus, you know? Yeah.

So when I look at life

through those lenses, what do I do next? Yeah.

Hey, I wanna call back to one thing you just said

that your wife Morgan, she said, we have to say, hey,

that's not a priority to me.

Mm-Hmm. You asked me earlier something along the lines

of what's a key to a healthy relationship?

I think in a healthy relationship, you have somebody that's

able to say to you, Hey, I hear what you're saying.

You don't have time. But

what it really sounds like you're saying is

you don't prioritize it.

Yeah. Like, we need friends in our life

that will talk to us that way.

That's good. And, uh, you know,

So that's good. Yeah.

Yeah. Um, I mo at you

because I saw where you were going and I didn't like it.

Uh, don't go there. The

Holy move.

Um, we're talking about spiritual growth.

What are some signs that a person is growing spiritually?

Uh, a sign that, that wasn't even a mo. What was that?

That really good groan, A sign

someone is growing spiritually.

Yeah. You know what?

I think, um, the Bible gives us a clear picture, I think

of the, the fruit of the spirit.

Mm-Hmm. Uh, it says right in Galatians, love, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.

Like, I could say, Hey, I think I'm being a good dad

because my kids are doing this.

They're making straight A's, they're doing this,

they're doing this, and then, and work is doing this,

and then the church has grown this way.

And so I must be doing a good job.

That's one way to say, another thing to do is

to put up a gr a grit of saying, okay, love.

Am I being loving? Mm-Hmm. Okay, joy. Am I joyful?

I mean, I taught this last week, right?

Like, consider it joy when you face trials. Why?

Because those trials develop something inside of us

that takes us down the road of character

and integrity and completeness.

Mm-Hmm. So, um, am I exhibiting joy, joy, peace, peace?

Am I showing peace in the midst of a storm? Peace, patience?

Am I being patient? Am I being kind?

Am I showing gentleness?

Am I showing self-control in the areas of my life

that I might be tempted or I really want to go and do this?

But I know that's not the Jesus way.

Like that's a whole different grid. Yeah.

And, and I think oftentimes we,

we just throw up the world's filters of

what the world's chasing after Mm-Hmm.

And like, man, I'm gonna tell you, I I don't wanna like

oversize this, and I'm not a guy that's like, Hey, the,

there's a devil around every corner and he's gonna get you.

But I think you Almost scared me.

I'm coming to get you. Uh,

But I do think that if we did have an enemy Yeah.

And if you wanted us to be distracted away from the things

of God, and he could get us to see things like, well,

my bank account's growing

and I'm moving up the corporate ladder

and my kids are doing great in

school, or any of those bad things.

No, those are great things, but he can get our eye off.

What if we put a different target on our wall

and said, Hey, is that, can I see these things?

And then what if we were willing to ask those good friends

that you talked about earlier,

or our spouse who can be brutally honest with us, Hey, am I,

are you seeing more of these things in my life?

And that's a question a lot of

us are probably scared to ask.

So that's one. The other two I would say, like, are,

are you, are you living a life of service?

Are you living a life of generosity? Mm-Hmm.

I mean, those are things that I think really show if

somebody's actually showing

growth in their life spiritually.

No, it's good. I like

that you went to the fruit of the spirit.

I like, I like to think of it this way.

It's a little cheesy, but you know,

when you squeeze fruit, what do you get?

Uh, juice. You get juice. Yeah. Right.

Okay. I was like, is this a trick question? Coffee.

Wait. No. It's Jesus. Jesus

Is always the answer.

No. When you, when you, when you squeeze

fruit, juice comes out.

Right? And so when you get disclosed, when

When you get Disclosed, when you get disclosed,

what comes out, that's good.

And that's a clear barometer of if you're growing spiritual,

I mean, your spirit is within you.

Right. It's the title of the episode. That's right.

What, what to do when you get disclosed.

Uh, but man, yeah.

What your spirit is

what's on the inside of you. That's right.

That's Exactly right. And so when,

when the pressure comes out, dude, I, I asked this question.

You wanna know, you wanna know, uh, what are the signs

of you're growing spiritually?

How do you react in traffic today

versus six months ago? Yeah.

Yeah. When you're put under pressure. Yeah.

What naturally I want say to,

But I hope, I hope my wife is listening to this episode

because you just asked a great question

that I don't need to ask her because you did

Well. How's

she doing traffic? Just kidding. I'm kidding.

You do great. All gonna wrap up.

This is it. Anything else? You got a last

Question? I got one last question

for you. All right.

So we talked about the progression, setting spiritual goals

for yourself, having a desire for yourself, the type

of person that you want to be somewhere down the road.

Mm-Hmm. It's 2024.

Yep. In 2029, what do you hope is true

of Jason Gore?

Five years from now, what do I hope is true of Jason Gore?

I wouldn't have told you this five years ago.

I, I sincerely can say,

'cause you asked me about Jason Gore, right?

Mm-Hmm. You didn't ask about my family, my kids that

Yeah. I can

sincerely say

that I hope in five years I'm more loving than I am today.

Hmm. I hope that, um, I have learned how to be more joyful

in the midst of struggles.

I, I pray that, um, I can be a, um,

an anchor for peace for those around me in the midst

of whatever trial or storm that we find ourselves in.

I hope that I'm more gentle than I am today.

I hope that I'm more kind that I am today.

Um, because I've just seen when

in the rare events it seems like

that I actually do get those right.

Man. It just, it, it really is a part

of ushering in a different, I would say, kingdom way,

Jesus way of life that our souls are actually meant

to live out and experience.

And it's the same for other people. Mm-Hmm.

And so you wanna talk about bringing hope into the lives

of other people, man, live a hope-filled life, uh,

around other people and watch what it does.

And so, man, I would say if I'm going down that journey,

um, I'm in a good spot.

That's good. That's good. And that's admirable.

I mean, I would obviously, I asked you very personally,

but I think that's good sound advice

for anyone who's listening to this. So thank you for that.

Yeah, for sure. Good stuff.

Can I add one other thing to it since we're about

to sign off on season three?

Why That's good. Um, I, and I, I'll just say this

'cause I don't, I don't want anybody to hear that.

While I think my answer was, was great for me, uh,

I don't want anybody to hear that and think, oh, okay, cool.

I don't know much about Jesus.

I don't know much about the church.

And so I'm just going to go and try to be more loving.

I'm gonna go and try to be more kind

as if that's going to do it.

Yeah. Um, Jesus is really clear in the Bible,

I'm the way, the truth and the life like the way Mm-Hmm.

No other way. I'm the way, the truth and the life.

No one comes through the father except through me.

Um, the reality is you can try all you want.

I can try as hard as I want to, and my heart

and my soul is not really gonna change.

Mm. I'm a broken man.

We live in a fallen world

and the Bible tells us that we can try as much as we want,

but there's no way to actually earn back that Right.

Standing before God. And so I would just say,

if you're there and you're asking questions

and where do I start and what do I do, man,

don't start with doing the trying.

'cause you're gonna try and you're gonna get beat up

and you're gonna get burn out and you're gonna try

and you're gonna get beat up and you're gonna be burnt out.

And you're gonna think, man, I can never do this.

And the reality is you can't.

And what you need to know, and what the Bible tells us is

that we have a God that loves us so much

that he allowed his son

and sent his son down to this earth to walk on this earth

to actually show us what it really looks like,

that it is possible to live that life.

But not only that,

because we weren't going to get it right, he went to a cross

to pay the penalty that we deserve

to pay for not getting it right.

And then he went into a tomb

and three days later, the Bible says he rose from the grave

overcoming sin and death.

So that if we believed in that

and trusted in that, that we could actually have new life.

And it's only through that restored relationship with God

that we actually have a shot at this thing.

And so, um, I just, for our listeners, thanks for giving me

that 30 to 45 seconds.

Um, and Aaron, thank you so much, man. It

Was so much fun. Thanks

for, thanks for having me. This was a good time.

Yeah. We should do it again sometimes.

And talk about episode 11, what happens when you get quotes?

Yeah. What hope in real life.

Thank you so much for tuning in to season three.

Uh, we are excited for what is to come down the road.

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or if you think it would be beneficial for someone else,

or if you just think it would be worth listening to

for a good time, we would encourage you, like, subscribe,

share it with somebody else that

you know would benefit from it.

We love you guys. We cannot wait

to see you next time around.

Aaron, thanks again. Yeah. Thanks for having me.

Hope in real life. Love you guys. See you soon.

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