Clydesdale Media Podcast

On tonight's show we recap the week in CrossFit News:  What did Dave say this week, and what has he shown us, Should women get paid more than men? We rank the deepest field of men that we may have ever seen. The CrossFit Store is back!  New Opening Ceremonies Uniforms released. and we have a best training camp award.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

What's going on?

My name is Josh Weitzer.

She's Jamie Latimer.

She's Carolyn Pivo.

We're all here.

It's the weekend.

I've been driving like every weekend.

I am so done driving.

Next weekend, I'm not going anywhere.

And then I go to the games

like a couple weeks, days after that.

But I need to like park the

car for a little bit.

Are you driving to the games?




If you remember,

the only reason I'm going

is because I got a round trip for $200.

Yep, that's right.

And I couldn't pass up the deal.

So Bruce and Kenneth are already here.

What's up, guys?

Make sure that you like and

subscribe to the channel.

Hit that notifier.

We've got so much happening this week.

If you have not hit that

little bell to know what's going on,

you're going to miss a ton.

A ton.

So, uh,

Kenneth says a rare hair down Prevo


It's cause I showered and

then it's just air dried.


so have you guys watched the opening

ceremonies Olympics this weekend at all?


Oh yeah.

I've watched like, I mean,

everything that I could, um,

not the 3 0 AM ones normally, probably,

probably this week when we

head to the gym.

Cause we normally are up at

three 45 Lex and I,

so we'll be catching some

of the very early ones.

But yeah, we watched opening ceremonies.

We watched, what did we watch today?

Men's basketball.

I watched some soccer, the horse.


A little bit of everything.

The, the, the kayak crazy.

I love the launch at the

kayak where you like,

they drop you off of a ledge and,


And how they,

they have to turn back and

not hit any of the posts or

like those little floating thingies.


It's just cool to watch

different sports that you

don't get to watch throughout the year.

Essentially some,

most of these sports I only

get to watch every four years.


You can tell it's it's a

sports we don't normally watch.

Cause you're like, you know,

when you go around the

thingy and you drop off the

ledge and then, you know, you got to back,

you know,

we don't even use any of the

correct terms.

but I watched I watched

rugby today I watched um

swimming of course I

watched some gymnastics

simone boz is just a cyborg

like that is just not even

fair that how fast she

flips is insane is it fault

what was going on so they

were they were doing

everything today to qualify

for team finals okay

but she did the vault and flipped so fast.

I was just in awe.

And then I, I missed her floor routine,

but when I heard that was just insane.

It's just,

it's the height that she gets to,

and she comes from such a

small body and she just is

able to generate so much power, um,

in her tumbling.

It's, it's crazy.

I watched the men.

I think the men were yesterday.


That was very cool to watch as well.


I mean, everything's just,

you're just looking at the

best of every sport.

It's, it's my favorite time of the year.

I love watching the Olympics

because I love watching sports.


So what I've, you know,

I'm a big swimming fan, right?

I'm watching as much as I

can of the swimming,

but I'm finding myself

almost rooting against

China more than for the U S

because of that drug thing.


28 people popped for,

for performance dancing drugs.

I, I don't,

it's almost like I don't care

if the U S wins.

I just don't want China to podium.

I just don't get how they're

allowed to compete.

It makes no sense to me.

What did they say?

It was all like tainted meat

and they were... They said

they all went out to dinner together.

And... Really?

Like we've heard all the excuses.


And that just break down the

fairway of excuses.


and we have plenty of excuses in our



We've heard them all.


So I just...

So anyway,

I was happy that we're doing okay,

but I'm just glad China is

not doing okay.


I was sad for Team Canada's soccer team.

I don't know if you saw that.

There's like a drone gate.

The military tech of women's soccer?

Essentially, Jamie,

if you're not up to date,

the Canadian women's soccer team,

their staff flew a drone over Canada

New Zealand,

I think it was their soccer

teams closed practice and

you're not allowed to film anything.


I had read that one of the,

the guy flying the drone

was getting like eight

months to like in prison or

something because it's like

illegal to film things that

are closed also in their country.

But the head coach got a

year suspension and two of

the assistant coach are also gone for the,

for the whole competition.

And they deducted six points

from Team Canada.

So right now,

there's only three games in the pool play,

and each game is worth three points.

Canada's the defending

Olympic champions as well.

And so now they have zero points.

They just beat France today.

They've won both games,

but it still might not even

be enough to move on

because they some six full points.

So now they're at zero.

So they essentially need to

win the next game.

And then they might need

like someone else to tie as well.

Or I think they should be good.

Maybe if they win the next game,

but I was just so invested

for the girls today because I mean,

they train all four years

and it's not like,

the players fault like

they're like they're

getting punished in my

opinion for not knowing

what was going on like they

were apparently not in the

know that that happened so

it just it sucks so just to

see the girls win today I

was like just super pumped

yeah and I agree with you

if the if they did not know

and they did not take part

in it they're being

punished way too severely for this

But yeah, it was,

everybody's coming out of

the woodwork now saying

that they feel like it's

been done to them as well.

Like it's been going on for years.


and I think Andrew Sten said something

about that as well.

And he's a huge soccer guy.


Yeah, but I mean,

unless you know what's been

happening in all the other

teams and everyone's kind

of on the same playing field,

if it really is just a Canada thing,

then do they have a

competitive – even if the

girls didn't know about it,

do they have a competitive

advantage from the coaching

knowledge that was passed down?

I mean – Yeah.

It's the whole New England

Patriots thing all over again.

Like Bill Belichick, Spygate, Deflategate,


Did the players get a

competitive advantage or not?


It's an extremely harsh

penalty that was handed out.

But, I mean,

it's just going to prevent

other teams to do it, right?

Like you want a harsh

penalty because if the

penalty is not harsh enough,

then you have this

continuing to happen and

people will just lose their

coaches and it's all good.


I just felt like six points is a lot,

but it is what it is.

And they can only do what they can do now.

So they're playing basically

without coaches and they've

won two games.

So it's exciting.



Bruce is bringing up the Astros.

Did it stealing signals?

One, one, a world series.

Like it happens in sports all the time.

And I think the penalty does

have to be severe or it's

just going to continue to happen.

I typed this in right before

we went on the air.

I was looking at the metal count,

and it puts all the silver, the gold,

the bronze, and the total at the end,

but it's in order of gold.

When you think of metal count,

do you think all the metals?

Is that good enough,

or do you think gold only?

I think total metals, personally.

I mean, podium's podium.

Same here.

I like looking at the total,

but I also like looking at

the countries just

dominating in gold medals.

But I normally try to look at the total.

Of course, everybody does that.

They want to compete against

the other countries.

But it's kind of unfair

because basketball gets one medal count,

yet you have a team of men

that have done this.

And then the 100 butterfly

gets a medal count.


So it's kind of

disproportionate because for years,

like when we send our best

basketball players, nobody touched us.



But you only get one gold medal for that.

So it kind of goes down the

line of some other things

we're going to talk about tonight.

So Jeffrey Birchfield says total medals,

Bruce Wayne, total medals.

It's a team sport.


Before we dive into all the news that is,

uh, masters interviews.

I put out a post last night.


The response, um, that, uh,

calling all legends,

which legends is running

the masters competition.

Uh, if you are a masters games athlete,

I'm trying to profile as

many as I can before the

masters CrossFit games.

I got a,

an overwhelming response and there

are still some in my inbox

that I haven't even been

able to touch yet.


So if you're in that inbox,

please be patient.

I will get to you.

It just takes a lot of back

and forth to schedule and

to make a thumbnail,

to be able to put it into

StreamYard and all that stuff.

But we are really booked up for this week.

I think I can show

StreamYard real quick and

just show you kind of what

we have on deck here.

Because it is insane.

Here we go.

So I will try to blow this up.

So we have Denise Moore and

Cindy Hinkle doing it together.

Carleen Matthews, Brett Owsley,

Brandon Fontenot, Julie Schaefer,

Kelly Friel, Laura Redman,

and Haley Queller.


And there are still,

we've done two already.

There are at least 10 in my

inbox that I'm trying to schedule.

So yeah, it's, it's stacked up.

but if you missed the first two we did, uh,

with, uh,

Alison and Alison stall and Ryan Redkey,

they were awesome.

Uh, Alison is eight months postpartum.

She competed in semis last year, pregnant.


it was fun to kind of see how that has

affected her in her

training and the battle

she's going through because of that.

Um, and then, uh,

with ryan retke who won fear

factor back in 2003 uh when

he had a full head of hair

he is now bald um and his

kids call the fear factor

days his when dad had hair

um and it was it was funny

because I said yeah joe

rogan did too um and he was

not as popular back then as he is today

I watched the full episode that he was on.

It was crazy what he went

through to win that.

Um, but yeah,

and we talk about it pretty

in depth on the episode,

but those are the cool

backstories that you get, uh,

when you're interviewing

the masters athletes who

have a ton of life experience.


many of them are working full-time jobs

as they're doing this thing,

just like the two ladies on

my show with me tonight,

working full-time jobs and

trying to pull this off.

So, uh,

With that,

do we want to get into what Dave

had to say this week?


I need to hold on.


So he, in his weekend review,

I believe said that the

number on the happy star

was not the weight of the happy star.

So we wanted to clarify that.

Do we believe them?




I just think it's odd that

it would be written like that,

unless that's the max that it can take.

I don't know.

It's weird.



I don't know.

And if it's not, if it's not taught,

like it's easier to lift, right?


So it depends on how not taught it is.

Like we have one that's like

60% full and I feel like

it's the hardest one to lift.

It's so floppy.

Yeah, I agree.

When they're like, when they're more full,

they're almost easier.

They just kind of just grab them.

They're just kind of like,

like it's super hard to

touch and go cleans with

the sandbags when they're not, um, full.

I have only done a handful

of sandbags that didn't have a handle.

And when they're taught,

I find getting your hand under is harder.

Like getting under it to start.

But I see what you mean.

It's just too floppy.

If it was just like bear hug carries, yeah,

you might want it a little empty.

Although with this being the

star and basically having...

areas to put your arm um I

think it I think it's fine

you're gonna want a pretty

full the starts like to me

would be easier for the

carry but maybe that'll

allow more speed if they're

running with it so it's not

like as easy to fold over

or something or thumb fall

might just be easier

In addition,

Dave has finished all 79 interviews.

Plus, he interviewed Matt O'Keefe,

which we'll get into in a second.

His last one was Danielle.

I know the barbell spin put out a poll.

Many people said it would be Danielle.

In fact, it was Danielle.

And she got a full hour.


Did you guys watch?

I did watch it.

Yeah, I watched it.


I actually thought it was a

good interview.

I liked when she talked

about her behavior at the 21 games.

It's very introspective.

I haven't seen her really

touch on that in anything else she's done,

even that

rad tapes that they did um

which you would have

thought maybe she would

have gotten more into that

there um yeah I i liked it

it was a little bit of a

different side of her for

parts of it yeah I like

that they went through the

whole history of her

crossfit games experience

and just where she began

her time with the demo team

um the book that he gave

her um we saw him post that on the story

And I agree with you.

I like this when she talked

about the 2021 games and

just that experience,

because that was obviously

a very difficult time for her,

but it also like boosted

her following so much that year.

I mean,

it was already really high and then

that just took it over even more.

So while there may have been

negative that she felt from that,

there was a lot of positive,

I think that she could take

away from that experience.


Jay Burch asked the flipping off incident.

It was actually more than that.

Yeah, it was more than that, Jeff.

She, she talked a lot about like,

she's like, I was like a brat.

Like I, you know, she didn't necessarily,

she was embarrassed of her behavior.

She just learned more about

herself and she could have

handled everything, the whole,

the entire games process just better.

You'll have to give it a watch.

It's, it's good.

She called it all a learning experience.

That she could have used

that energy in a different

way to help her perform as

opposed to hurt her.

And I do think in her documentary,

she was a little

introspective at times

during that documentary.

And so I have noticed her

being a little more

introspective this year.


she's not out there in the media all

the time this year.

She's pretty much stayed to herself.

But yeah,

Bruce said probably her best

interview to date.

I agree.

Yeah, I would agree.

And I do think Dave got

better as he went along.

I think Dave got to be a

better interviewer as he went along.

Like if you compare Brooke

at the start to Danielle

and both being his favorite athletes,

if I were to say it, like I,

it was a little bit cringy

with Brooke and I did not

feel that way really with Danielle.


I thought it got better throughout.

And like you said, um,

he was able to get deeper,

especially in the later

ones that were getting a

little bit longer.

Like it started off around

the 10 to 15 and then a lot

more of them were beginning

to be closer to the 20 minute.

And obviously we got Pat

with the 30 minute one.


But yeah, I like those interviews a lot.

Learned a lot about the

athletes and I'm excited to

watch them in less than two weeks.

It's coming up.

Vice says it did feel a

little weird that some

athletes got 11 and she got an hour.

I can say just from an

interviewer's perspective,

there are some athletes

that give you so much more.

Like interviewing Ryan Redkey,

I could have gone on for

three hours because when

you ask him a question,

he gives you details about

the story that you don't have to like,

you don't have to pull out of him.


He just does.

When I, when I talked to Ariel, it just,

it just flows because she's

naturally a person who just

likes to talk.



And so you have some

interviews that it just

goes a lot easier.


it doesn't surprise me that the last

couple were longer.

He's essentially done and he

cares less about the time.

Imagine if you had started

at 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

That would have felt overwhelming.


If I'm doing seven in a day,

they're going to all be short.

When that was the last one

or only one on that day and

he doesn't have any more scheduled, sure.

Great point, Bruce.

Fee as well.

Fee is someone that when I

sit down and talk to, it just goes.

And we don't even talk about

anything in the sport most of the time.

You have some of those

people that that's just natural.

And I'll say when we've had Danielle on,

she has been very open and

transparent during our talks.

And that's probably why

they're the highest rated

shows we have on this channel.

Because every time she's on,

it just explodes.

But, yeah.

Again, Vi,

it's not about who's been here

the longest.

There's just some people

that you naturally have conversation with,

and the conversation just flows, right?

My favorite interviewer was still Pat.

I thought he pushed back

more than any other athlete

in terms of his opinion on

stuff and just the

experience that he has.

I thought that it was hard

to even tell who was

interviewing who between

those two because it was good.

That was my favorite.

And I love Pat.

That's a perfect segue, Carolyn.

Chris Alford asks,

did you see Dave on Savant's podcast?

I went through it at two

speed today because I went

to celebrate my daughter's

birthday with her this

weekend and tried to catch

up on everything.


they talked about the Pat interview

during that conversation

and Dave was kind of

defensive about some of the

comments Pat made about that

Because Pat then came on Savant,

said some things,

and then Dave responded to

the follow-up of Pat,

which was that if you're

not watching other events

and you don't know the

names of the athletes,

do you care about the sport?

And Dave was very adamant

that nobody cares about the

sport more than he does.

He's like, it was on my ranch.

It started there.

I've built this thing.

Nobody cares about it as much as I do.

I still think...

That he can learn a lot from

other competitions to not

make the same mistake.

But that's why I think a lot

of input from his team is

crucial because I'm sure

they watch other competitions,

which I know that they would.

So he might not have to,

but as long as someone from

the team is in the know of

what's going on, what's been programmed,

what works, what doesn't,

what's safe for the athletes,

I think that's where

It's beneficial to be

looking at what's going on

in the sport elsewhere.

They did talk about the

monetization as well.

And through that conversation,

it became clear to me that

Dave has monetized his channel.

He just chose not to

monetize those interviews.

And he said there is like

his hunting content.

He monetizes.

There are some things he does monetize,

but he chose not to

monetize the interviews.

which we had a private

discussion this week during

Danielle's interview

because it looked like

there was a monetization marker on it,

but it just meant you could

do super chats,

but he wasn't monetizing it through ads.

And it was kind of explained.

If you do YouTube,

you understood it when he

was talking about it yesterday.


But he did interview Matt O'Keefe, too,

and he was asked to do that

by people at HQ to

interview partners at the games.

And HWPO is doing some activations.

I think O'Keefe said like

164 different activations

during the week.

And so they interviewed him about that.

And in that conversation,

Dave announced that they

were going to give an award

for the best training camp.

He explained a little more

in this interview with Siobhan as well.

But basically,

each camp can pick three

athletes to represent them.

And based on where they score,

they can get a point or where they finish,

they get a number of points.

I must have missed the three.

Each camp picks three athletes part.

He said that in the O'Keefe interview.



It would be like a golf score.

I don't know.

Let's say Pat's HWPO now and

other athletes.

If Pat got second and

someone else got fourth or

at six points total or

added a third athlete,

whoever has the lowest

would essentially win the top camp,

if you want to call it.

Which is different than the affiliate cup,



So, Carolyn,

as someone who's not a part of a camp,

what are your overall

thoughts that they're going

down this path?

Or does it not bother you?

I just think...

It's interesting to look at

camps when half of them

don't even train together, like ever.

They just follow the program

versus an actual training

camp where they're training

one-on-one or whatever, like together.

I don't know.

I feel like they already get

a lot of advantages in the sport.

That's just another thing

that they're given,

a little trophy or whatever they'll get.

I don't know.

I don't know that it really means much.

It just, it helps the bigger camps,

I guess, show which one's best.

I feel like most of the

analysts or the journalists, I should say,

will write about which camp

did the best anyways.

But yeah, it's just hard.


Some of them don't even

follow the program and they just,

they'll take the money or

the sponsorships that that

camp will give them.

And that's the other issue too.


if you look at certain

athletes that were very recently,

let's say changed camps or acquired,

or even like last year,

like let's say Colton, right?

Like he was not proven.

And then he was proven and

whatever sponsorship he's

getting through that, like right away,

like, like they'll,

they'll claim him right away, but like,

we all know he was built, you know,

from his,

from his farm and doing his own

stuff or whoever he was following before,

just like the underdogs

moving to prove it now a

few weeks before the games, like,

are they proven or are they underdogs?

Like, yes, they're technically proven now,

but how long have they been

training there?

Like that's another factor.

So I have in my notes,

there should be a minimum

month requirement,

but when Dave talked about it yesterday,

he was like, listen,

it means nothing and it means everything,

was his quote.

And it just gets people to talk.

And what he was looking into

was that they have to

declare when they sign in for the game.

So if...

bailey martin shows up at

the games and he's like you

know what I identify more

as underdogs than proven I

want to go under underdogs

this year boom he then he's

publicly declared as an

underdog athlete and he

goes I don't care if they

did anything under them or

they did whatever but you

have to publicly declare

whatever it is um

I think it just gets to be messy though,

when it,

when you're that freewheeling by

it and and then do people

get signed up just as a,

as a number to win this award?


I mean,

at some point it probably would

monetarily benefit one of

these camps to get one of

these big names last minute,

be on their team.

That's going to be the

winning team and more

people are going to sign up

for that programming.


Is it like, is it better to finish,

get three athletes that

finish high or get 10

athletes that qualify?


That's another thing too.

Like, but yeah, I don't know.

I don't really have an opinion.

I don't really,

I don't follow any training camp program.

my own stuff john young says

you telling me pat is doing

frazier's programming

carolyn or is he doing the

same deal with latondra

they ain't influencing

nothing it's just in the

name only unless you know

something I don't no to me

he's he is michelle's

athlete and he's doing deca

which is now acquired by hwpl he's

To me,

I think it's so weird that he's HWPO.

To me, he's DECA.

It's even weird for certain

athletes that are switching

training camps now.

It's just a name.

It's just sponsorships.

They'll do what they'll want

to get more money or support,

whether it's access to

treatment at the games,

access to information at the games,


Being a part of a training

camp is helpful at times.

Again, like I said earlier,

like Dave's idea of at

least people are talking

about it and that's what his goal is.

I just don't think that's

like big thinking marketing

in this day and age.

That's great in 2012 when

you're a small sport coming up.

But at some point you have

to prove that you're doing

things the right way.

Not people talking.

And are they even affiliated half the time,

these like training camps or whatever,


So like underdogs is a program,

but I don't think that's an

actual affiliate underdogs CrossFit.

So it has other, I don't know,

other repercussions, I guess.

To me, the affiliate cup is a team stuff.

The journalists and stuff

and the analysts will say

which one's the best camp anyways.

I don't think it's, I mean,

if he wants to do it, he wants to do it.

It's a little...

It's a fun little award.

It's a Spirit of the Games award.

Yeah, a little bit.


It's like the last-minute

drop of the Triple Crown

that Dave tried to say.


when you do it in the middle of the

Triple Crown and nobody

knew it even existed,

is it really a Triple Crown?


And the scoring was absurd anyway, but...

And then that just, to me,

that's just going to go by the wayside.

And this is another thing

that just flippantly was said,

and unless there's

something put behind it

that means something,

it's just going to go away.

So there's that.

We'll finish up with Dave

posted on his Instagram a

video of Trista Smith, demo athlete,

doing Chad.

Now, yesterday on Savan,

he said that he's the one

that took the video and he

on purposely made sure that

you could not see the box.

So does that tell you

anything or is that just another one?

I think there might be like

two circles or two pieces

of tape or something on the box.

So you have to step up and then you can –

like rotator twist the other way.

And there might be, it might be, yeah,

like you step up with both

feet need to be like this

versus you can't stand up

halfway on the box where

you can step down.

You have to stand up.

So your foot is on both parts of the,

let's say a tape line on the box.

Do you know what I mean by that or no?

There's like, yeah, like you can't,

you can't step to the far

side of the box and be ready to get down.

You need to be on this side of the box.

Then you can turn and get your feet over.


I think,

I think there's something like

that on the box so that

you're not halfway turned

when you're doing your step up,

which would save seconds

throughout the whole movement.


so that's the first thing I thought of

was there must be something

she's stepping on there.

And then the second thing,

which we talked about was

that she was wearing knee

sleeves folded on her ankles.

So I didn't know whether every, you know,

a hundred or 200 steps,

Instead of moving a pile on,

they had to go and do one rope climb,

one weighted rope climb and

then come back to their step ups.

It's something that wouldn't

be taking that long anyways.

And then they just would do

something like that.

I don't know.

But it was interesting that

she wore knee sleeves to me

unless she thought she was going to trip.

But I don't think that you

would wear knee sleeves

during the box step ups.

The twist is that you have

to step down backwards,

which means you have to

turn on the top of the box.

Tape line makes sense.


Or chalk circles or whatever

forces them to do that.

Andrew Sten also, unpurposely.

Yes, that is official podcaster language.

And it's a secret handbook

we're given when we start a podcast.

And we know the secret words you can use.

So on purposely is one of those words.

A literal twist.

A literal twist.


That would be so Dave that

Chad will have a twist and

it actually is a literal twist.



I think, I mean,

I think Carolyn's right

that there is something else.

I mean,

he said in that conversation with

Saban that he spoke to

Chad's spouse and informed

her of the changes.

And he even said like, well,

she was testing components.

So I mean,

it sounds like there's something

else being involved in that

workout other than just the box.

So, and I, yeah, I could,

it could be the rope.

It could, I don't know.

Jay Birch,

I could see that if they were on

her knees,

but they were actually folded

down around her ankles.

Or someone in our little

chat said maybe their ankle weights.

So that would be even another twist,

but that would be crazy.

Historic agrees.


there's historic fitness came in with

the same thing.

I mean,

if the workouts are already super hard,

like I've, I've done it with a 35 before.

I don't think you need to add the weights.

They have a heavy clean

ladder coming right after.

Um, it's already very leg intensive.

Like your quads are gonna be blown up.

Your calves are going to be sore.

don't think the ankle

weights are needed I just

thought it was weird I i

think it was knee sleeves

um if I wear my knee

sleeves on box jumps

normally it's just in case

I would you know fall and I

don't have them rolled down

I would have them higher up

like middle of my shin in

case I jump so the fact

that they're all the way

down the only time that you

wear them all the way down

is for rope climbs so to me

and we've seen weighted

rope climbs at rogue

invitational or other

competitions um to me it

would make sense to

I wouldn't be surprised if

it's there just based off of that.


I wouldn't be surprised either.

I mean, we could – you could, like,

try to guess other workouts

of the earlier days.

But, I mean,

he said it's going to be well-balanced.

And I don't know that just straight Chad,


without adding a gymnastics

component or something,

would be the best elimination workout.

I mean, I like the –

endurance aspect of it the

you know it is a mindset

thing but I do think

throwing something in like

a weighted rope climb would

be a good idea yeah I'm

okay with it um it would

give it would give the

judges a break from

counting yeah that's true

It just seemed like she was

taking so many steps across the top.

Maybe the box was wider.

She is short though, right?

She is short,

but you could tell it was a

wooden box by the squeaking of the shoe.

Because you don't get that

on the wide Rogue box.

I just think that there's

something where you have to stand up.

You have both your feet there,

you stand up,

and then you can rotate your foot.

I think it's the only way that I...

I think would be fair where

you're the judge can fully

see the standing up and then you rotate.



Can you pull the video and

show it just so we can look

at it quickly?

Or I told Jamie,

I forgot my mouse upstairs.

So I'm not as.


Historic says I like 10 rounds,

100 step up plus one rope climb.


Yeah, I like it.

Wasn't this like he was

training to climb a

mountain or something?

This was part of the reason

he did this workout?

I don't know.

I don't know the history of it.

I know that Dave talked

about the history of him

making it something in honor of him.



So that's, that's the video.

And you can see the black

around the bottoms of her legs.

Like, like to me,

she purposely taps that

circle or whatever's there.

It could be a counter to

count the reps so that it's,

I have no idea,

but there's something there

to tap and then you can rotate,

tap and then rotate.




I totally agree.

I just, I mean, if like,

if he was a remote mountain

climber doing training for

something like that, you,

you typically will have

like a rope rope with you too,

when you go do some of that stuff.

So I could, I mean,

I can see him throwing it,

not taking away from the workout, um,

throwing like a rope climb in there.

I just like the dense step ups.

So getting them away from the box too much,

I think deviates from Chad.


So I hope that they keep it

like where you're having to

do a dense set.

I've heard different

channels talk about like

elimination factors.

I just don't see being an

elimination of Chad,

like where they cut after a

certain amount of people or

a certain amount of steps or time,

just because if two people

extend at the same time,

it would take forever to

like figure out, Oh,

which one actually stood up first.

Let me check this, you know,

the stopwatch of a judge.

Like there's no way that

they have an elimination style.

He said, everyone finishes Chad.

Everyone's going to do Chad and finish it.



Uh, fills us in Sarah Wilkinson.

His wife has spoken publicly

about his training habits,

including doing a thousand

step ups at a time while

preparing for a climb up

and can congo at the

tallest mountain in South America.


But this,

this announcement was made as well.

And it turns out that it is

a clean ladder and it looks

like it is an elimination

from 30 to 20 to 10.

Just for the workout, to be clear.


Just for the workout.

This is event eight.

If you look at the top,

individual event eight,

right beside clean and jerk

or clean ladder.

So any thoughts about this?

Two events after the first cut.

And probably... No.

This is the first event after the cut.

First event after the cut.


I'm not surprised it's a clean ladder.

I have two...

Well, if it's right after Chad and I mean,

they'll also done a lot of

legs so far with like the

running and things going on,

even the night prior,

like their legs are like,

I think we'll be smoked going into it.

I don't see like some of the

people online were saying

like three 85 cleans.

I'm like,

there's no way like Fraser clean

three 80 and he was the

only one to clean that.

And that's, you know,

on a single platform,

like it's right as a speed ladder.

Normally it's something that's faster.

Um, I think it's out of two things,

either it's the same weight

for all three rounds and

then it's like three, two,

and then they get rid of

the one bar and now it's the two, one,

one, one.

And then they get rid of that one.

And then it's the three.

And then it just, let's say it goes,

I don't know,

245, 275, 315, 325, 345.

I don't even know.

I'm just saying numbers right now.

Let's say it ends around 345.

You get rid of that 245.

So it could be something like that,

or it gets progressively,

and then you start seeing

the heavier weights come out.

You could see either style.

Just because the way that he

wrote the bars, I felt like, oh,

maybe they're just

eliminating that top one,

and it's the same weight.

weight as the one one one

but I could see them going

heavier but not no way

that's going to 385 yeah I

i don't know that that

would even be it wouldn't

if if only a couple men are

going to get the final bar

if you make it something

like super heavy like that

is that even fun to watch

like you want to see the

race you want to see people

move the weight

Yeah, it needs to be a race.

It's a speed ladder.

And especially with 30 athletes to begin,

you don't want half the

field to also be stuck on a bar.


I mean, it'll probably be lighter, heavier,

and then heaviest.

But I don't think you're

going to see numbers like

we've seen in certain.

In the gases?

I agree.

Yeah, it's too heavy.


But it just, it brings the question that,

you know,

you're doing a clean ladder after cuts.

Last year,

they also did the Olympic

liftings after the first

cut and some of the

stronger athletes didn't

maybe get to showcase their strengths.

Hopefully they have some

strengths being tested in

events prior to number seven,

because we have Chad,

you have that run swim.

You have some other running implements.

I'm sure there's going to be

some strength probably in

that one involved with the mile.

Just not sure how it's going

to get scored.

But you have to think that

there's going to be

cross-city events coming up.

Gymnastics needs to be there.

And some sort of strength

needs to get tested before

they get to the clean ladder.

Does it?

I mean, he kind of touched on that.

And he's like...

You have to earn your spot to lift heavy.

Like we aren't just trying

to find the strongest person.

They're trying to find the fittest.

And they don't necessarily

want you if you're just the

strongest person there.

Like you got to get there.

Then you can show us what you can lift.

But to me,

it's too monostructural heavy on

the first part.

If you don't have a strength.

I think it'll be well-rounded.

Yeah, it should be well-rounded.

John Young says,

every speed ladder they've done,

it goes up in weight.

I think last bar is 365.

That was my guess of the

weight on the – because

Dave said that you could, like,

predict the weights each round.

That's what I guessed.

I went to 365 for the last one.

No more than that.

Julie and I have heard kind

of different subject.

What did you guys think of

Tommy forgetting Emma

Lawson on CrossFit Games

show when he listed his top 10?

So if people did not see this,

there was CrossFit Games

put out an Instagram post

where they were previewing

the games and listed just like one, two,


and it was Tommy Marquez reading it.

Women to look for at the games.

Emma Lawson did not appear in the top 10.


I don't think that was Tommy

Marquez's picks.

I think that was... I think

he was just doing the narration.


If it was,

all three of us had her in the

top 10 when we did our

rankings last week.

So for us,

we all... We all picked her to

finish in the top 10.

It is interesting that she was left off.

Was it a...

Was it somewhat out of

respect for her to stop

having attention brought to

her name and less pressure put on her?

I don't know.

It could be a pressure thing, yeah.

I mean,

I still think you have to

acknowledge her in the top 10.

Pressure or no pressure.

That girl's a top 10 athlete.

They didn't name her,

which is the biggest name,

and then I was surprised

they didn't name Brooke as well.

It was maybe another one

coming back from last year.

I would have thought they would have...

used her, but yeah,

I was very surprised when

Emma wasn't there because

she's a podium threat for sure.

She could even threaten for

the top spot pending if Tia

has a very bad weekend.

Another event was announced

and that is a team event

which said 5x400.

The picture had Big Bob and

Carolyn thinks that I'm

overstating that Big Bob is

in the picture,

and they just grabbed a picture.

Jamie, you're agreeing with Carolyn?


They've used two different

Big Bob pictures now.

So why do you keep grabbing

a picture with Big Bob if

that's not part of this?

No, the more I thought about it,

I think they are using it.

But I still like...

My guess that I did with you

where it's like you do one

part of the field.

Let's say one sled.

You get one part of the sled

distance and then you go

for a 400 meter run.

Let's say two athletes, male, female.

They come back.

All four athletes push

another part of the slide.

Let's say 10 meters or

whatever section 15 yards.

And then the other male,

female goes and then female, female, male,


and then all four of them do the

last 400.

Just so that they have still

close to a mile of running

because in boss's interview,

he says that it mimics a

lot of the events of the individuals.

And if they're individuals

are running a mile,

like you would think the

teams are not just running

400 meters or 800 meters.

They probably have three, three to do,

and then it becomes strategy.

which male and female you put together,

maybe on which part,

who can go back to back.

I think that would be cool.

So Kenneth asked, is there an average Bob?

I think really what's

pictured is just like Bob.

There was a big Bob that

actually had pull-up bars

on it way back in the day,

but they only used it like in 15,

maybe 14, 15.

And then we haven't seen it since.

Uh, Jay Burch thinks Carolyn is right.

Uh, it's also supposed to be a relay,

maybe an 800.

So maybe I've looked at this wrong.

Isn't it like a,

like something on the field

is done with something with

the happy star, who knows hurdles,


I know, no,

but I'm talking about

individuals right now.

So, so I can mimic it to the team.



So isn't there just like a

workout on the field and then stop, reset,

like, and then the run, the mile run?

Event six says field sprint, rest 1600.


So why do you think that it

couldn't just be a...

relay carolyn like I think I

think it could it could

have a buy-in on on a sled

if you want and then it's a

relay yeah I would love it

was the bob rest relay and

actually do well a five by

four hundred like I legit

think it could be the five

by four hundred you would

put your most you would put

your little bit longer

endurance athlete somebody

who can run an 800 fast fourth

and just one one one one all

four it could be for sure

well I'm making a decision

I'm going to skip through

these next two really fast

because we're already at 50 minutes um

CrossFit stores back.

If you want to get CrossFit gear,

it's available.

Dave kind of said yesterday

that they might even have

some pop-up stores in the

venue next week and week and a half.

And I'm sure they'll have

something in Vendor Village.

The other thing is new uniforms,

they were for the opening ceremonies,

what it was said in the caption,

but I cannot find them now.

So they've been pulled down from,

I can't find them on GORUCK,

can't find them on TIA,

can't find them on CrossFit Games.


So I don't know what that means.

Did Spin post them though?

I feel like Spin would have

an article with them.

He always has.


but it's weird that I can't find them

on Instagram.

That is weird.

Because they were definitely there.

Yeah, he did have an article with Tia.

So this will be fast because

we really got to get

through to our rankings.

They're a military type.

I thought the men's was more muted.

And that's the only picture

he has of hers.

But like they showed Adler's

and it was very muted

compared to the women's.


But this is supposed to be

opening ceremonies.

So I don't know if this is

for everything or just for that.

Well, I would assume it'd be similar.

Just maybe, like,

maybe there is an all-black

or an all-green or something.

I mean, that's typically how it goes,


Some variations of that

opening ceremony look.


I thought they were okay.

At least they're different

and not the same old, same old.

Clocks is watching CrossFit

team athletes dropping

batons all over the track

would be so much fun.

That is so much harder than it looks.

I would love to watch it personally.

The website just says it's

Tia Jersey could be exclusive for her.

I did talk to Emily Rolfe,

who was the first sponsored

athlete by go rock.

She does not have a Jersey,

which I think is pretty low,

but that's just me and I'm

friends with Emily.

And so I'm probably, you know,

I have an influence there that is bias.

So there's that.

All right.


I'm going to skip past the female

thing one more time.

We'll do the ranking.

If we have time,

we'll come back to the women thing.

We ranked the men from one to 40.

We will count them down this

week and take all abuse

given when I put Saxon

Pancheck number one.

Just kidding.

Just kidding, John Young.

This was so hard too.

So hard.

I, I, I just had to.

Yeah, it was a different way this week.

So it shows up a little bit better.

Yeah, I can see it.


So this is the 31 to 39.

If you recall,

the fifth place finisher

after drug tests was unable

to get a visa from Asia.

So we are only going to have

39 male athletes.

Jamie, go ahead and start with yours.

Okay, 39, Calum Clements, then Ruan Pogge,

Arthur Seminov, Bruno Marans,

Harry Lightfoot, Peter Ellis,

Kellyanne Souza, Anul Ikai,

and Cole Graysaber.

Okay, 39th, I have Ruan.

I have Souza in 38, Bruno in 37,

Peter Ellis, Arthur Seminov,

Kalem Clements.

I have Victor Hoffer in 33rd.

I will explain why after.

Harry Lightfoot.

I just don't know enough

about Harry Lightfoot and

Cole Grayshaber.

I'll let you go, Scott,

and then I'll explain.

I want to know because

weren't you demo teammates last year,

became all chummy,

and then you disrespect them like this?

She might know something.

I'm just kidding.

So I had a seminar off 39th

Ruan pot guider.

I think, uh, Kalen Clements,

Harry Lightfoot, Bruno Marins,

Cole Sager.

I just think like it's time.

Uh, Kalen Sousa,

Anola Kai and Peter Ellis in my, uh,

bottom 10, bottom nine.

Go ahead, Carolyn.

He's not a great runner.


He has tremendous gymnastics.

On his interview with Dave,

he talked about injuries to

his calf and how he hasn't

been able to lift the same numbers,

but he's working back towards them.

I think with the amount of step ups

and the amount of running

that is programmed prior,

I think he might be,

unless there's a pure

gymnastics stuff that he

can get a hundred points on,

I think he's going to be

struggling to make the cut

just off these first few events,

knowing that his calf has,

has issued for years now.

And he's talked to, he talked,

if you go back to listen to

Dave's interview,

he talks about this injury.

Um, he had a lower back problem at rogue.

I just don't know where he's

at with some of his,

I think it was lower back problem.

Could be wrong with that, but, um,

with some of his injuries

and where that'll put him.

He's a rookie.

I think in two years,

he is going to be extremely

competitive at the games.

I think he's just needs a

little bit of time and

maybe healing for his, um,

whatever is going on with his calf.

Cause I think that's still

not a hundred percent and yeah,

go back and listen to that Dave one.

That was the, that's what I used to

put him there um I think if

he was healthier he'd be

much higher he has all the

potential I love him he was

super nice it's just based

off of where I think his

health is going into the

games fair enough for both

of you uh you don't think

cole grease saber has done

anything to improve I just

look at the people in front

of him and it's just so hard I yeah I i

I guess I don't know if he's

going to be good enough in the run.

He was my one where I'm like,

do I think he can make that first cut?

And I just was like,

somebody's got to be out.

And you're right.

It could be Cole,

but I feel like Cole always sneaks in.

So you'll see I have Cole

very slightly higher.

I don't know.

There's got to be one.

It was the same with Kyra.

So it came down to Cole for Cole.

Kind of.

It's not a direct one-to-one, but yeah.


I actually only have him

like two spots higher, so.


I just wanted to see your reaction.


So we will do the next one now.

If there's handstand walking beforehand,

I guess he has a shot.

Same with Hoffer.


We'll start with Carolyn, 21 to 30.

Luckett, Cole Sager, Luke Parker,

Agnola Kai, Chris Ibera, Alex Caron,

Moritz Fiebig, Jack Rosema,

Hendrik Hapelainen, Sam Cornwallier.

I had Caron 30th, Cole Griesaber 29th,

Fiebig 28th, Hoffer.

Luka Djukic, Luke Parker, Chris Ibarra,

Austin Hatfield, Guy Mejeros,

and Brandon Luckett.

I have 30th, Luke Parker, Ben Kolsager,

Chris Ibarra, Alexander Caron,

Brandon Luckett, Luka Djukic,

Victor Hoffer, Moritz Fiebig, Jack Rosema,

and Henrik Heppelainen.

I will say that...

The really hard for me is like,

I know Luka Jukic can run.

And with what's been put out

there right now, like I really,

really wanted to move him

up a little bit.

And I just, where,

like when you get into the,

it's so insane.

And I knew,

I knew John Young was going to

come at me.

Hatfield slander will be

remembered for all my days.

I, I just want to see it at the games.

I have learned in my 13

years watching this sport

that the semifinals or

regionals is way different

than the games.

And I just,

I need to see him perform at the games.

Uh, Larry young Fargo could,

if he was there.



And Henrik, I think,

had a good year last year, Heppelainen.

I just think he'll have a

little bit of a fallback

just with how good the field is.

I don't know.

Maybe he won't.

Sam Cournoyer,

he's a tough one because

he's so talented.

There is a lot of running right now.

He hasn't been traditionally

a great runner as well.

And he was a little bit injured last year.

He always seems to be sick at the games.


And until he can actually

prove to me at the games

and not a Wadapalooza that

he can kind of correct there,

I kind of just left him

right there close to that cut line,

which is exactly where I

think he finished last year.

I hope to see him make the

cut because I think he's

got really good potential.

I just don't know with some

of the events that have

been programmed so far where he'll stack.


And how many events before the second cut?

Because we don't know that part, right?

It's the end of the day on Saturday.

So on Sunday they'll start with the 20.

So yeah, but we, yeah, we don't know.

We don't even know how many

total events there are or yeah.

My tough one here was Jack

Rosema and it kind of goes

like hand in hand with Hatfield.

Like I've talked about

Hatfield for a long time.

I really, really like Jack.

I really hope,

I really hope he can make it

to the final day.

So, so Jack is my John's Hatfield, right?


And I think it's a good pick.

Yeah, I think – I mean,

I even considered – yeah,

I was stuck with Rosema and Ibera.

I just thought with being rookies,

like they could – those are

two that I think really

could propel themselves

inside that top 20.

But I just figured they're rookies.

I put – I went with Hatfield

just based off of his year –

like a crash and a few other

events that he's had just

went by gut gut for him

over those other two

rookies that are there.

Let's hit a couple of these comments.

Jay Birch says,

John Hatfield ain't got that dog.

I don't,

I don't necessarily agree with that.

I just think he needs a year at the games.

Lynn says, and Guy, Scott,

I thought we talked about this last week.

He's going to be top five in

speed ladder and top 10 in sprint.

I got to see it.

I need to see that he's

worked on the other stuff.

We don't even fully know

what the sprint is to say that.


Guy will be top 15 if he

gets to the clean ladder.

He will have another home

run in the ladder events.

I don't know.

I just don't know.

I don't have... So... There we go.

So then let's go to the

next... To get these to blow up,

it is not the easiest thing to do.

Here we go.

I'll lead off the 11 to 20.

I have Heinrich Heiplein in 20th,

just barely making the cut.

Bailey Martin with a little

bit of a slip back this year.

BKG, Travis Mayer, James Sprague in 16th,

Sam Korn, 15th, Jason Hopper, 14th,

Sam Korn, 13th, Rosema, 12th, Yellowhosta,




Gosh, Carol,

I cannot believe how similar

we are on these.

Okay, I have 20th, Travis Mayer.

Then Hatfield, Sam Cornwaye, Gee,

James Sprague, Bailey Martin, BKG,

Saxon Panchik, Sam Quant, and Yala Hoste.

Travis Mayer, another good runner.

Luca, I had a gut instinct just for Luca,

and I'd like to see him do

well at the games.

Austin Hadfield,

I think that's my highest

rookie finisher.

I just think for the rookies,

it's rare to see them get

close to that top 10.

We did see that last couple

years with female athletes.

We saw it with Yelahosta last year.

This field just seems to be so deep.

Could Austin finish higher?

Maybe, but we'll see.

Gee, Bailey Martin in 17th, BKG, Saxon,


James Sprague,

I think he'll have a great year.

I think he's looking awesome.

Super impressed by him in the semifinals.

And Sam Quant, 11th.

So the big thing here is,

I had Jason Hopper in the top 10,

but I said last year after

the games that I am not

trusting him ever again.

He burns me every year.

And so I dropped him down

and I looked at him as he's

just become another Sam Quant.

Like, depending on programming,

he could get a top 10,

but this is really the

normalization of where

Jason Hopper is going to be.

I hope he proves me wrong

because he has looked like

a different athlete this year,

but he always looks

different in semifinals.

I need to see it at the games.

James Stig, I saw in the comments,

people are like, I think he's top 10.


semifinals are so different than the


It's a lot longer and...

James has been dealing with a hip issue.

So with that longer format at the games,

I don't have him in the top 10.

And with this field,

to make the jump from not

making the cut last year to

making the top 10 in the

men's side is insane.

To me,

he's my most improved for my male pick,

most improved for the year.

And my rookie of the year is

Austin for the men.

And I don't know if they'll

have male and female.

And I think I had Walton on

the female side being my highest rookie.

Anything from you, Jimmy?


No, I, Travis is a hard one for me.

I always want him to,

I always want to pick him hard,

much higher than I have him here.


I'm hoping he can do enough to make it

to the last day, but I mean, I think,

I think what we've seen

stacks up for him pretty well.

Uh, but I was,

I had hoped he would do

better at semis than he did.


Um, yeah.

So what's funny is, uh,

I'm the only one that's

seen all three of our top

picks and they're, they're,

they're actually going to be very similar,

um, when we get there.

But, um, this talk,

like I put out a poll

question a couple of weeks ago,

is this the deepest men's

field we've ever seen?

And I could not believe that

it was not a hundred percent.

Because how you get someone

into the top 10, going in just in my mind,

I'm thinking, yeah,

he's a top 10 athlete.

But I don't know where to put him.


the one thing you will notice is Saxon

Pancheck has not made my list yet.

John Young.

Just saying.

Saxon's still available on my top 10.

So with that, let's go to the top 10.

There it is.


Go ahead, Jamie.


10th, Jason Hopper.

9th, Lazard Jujkic.

Jay Crouch, Brent Fikowski, Dalen Pepper,

Justin Medeiros, Pat Bellner,

Roman Kronikoff, Ricky Garrard,

Jeff Adler.

I'll go.

Jay Crouch, Lazar, Jason Hopper, Dallin,

Brent Fikowski, Justin Medeiros.

I think we'll have a great

bounce back here.

Roman Krennikoff, Pat Vellner,

Ricky Gerard, and Jeff Adler.

And I went Lazar Jukic, Brent Fikowski,

Saxon Panczek, Jay Crouch, Dallin Pepper,

Roman Krennikoff, Justin Medeiros,

Pat Vellner, Ricky Gerard, Jeff Adler.

So we all have Jeff Adler

and Ricky Garrard 1-2.

What shocked me to death is

the biggest Pat Vellner fan

does not have him in the top three.

I'm, like, so sad about this right now.

What the heck, guys?

So I thought a lot about

what Carolyn said with last

year's programming was

super upper body pulling, like,

great for Gazan.

And it's true for Pat, too.

And it makes me think, like,

will we see different programming?

And, like, what if it goes back to, like,

the year before was so,

so shoulder intensive?

And we know Pat starts to

struggle in those long

shoulder endurance stuff.

So I started thinking if we just get –

a shit ton of shoulder

overheads or snatches.

I mean,

is he going to pull out another

podium finish?

And it just, it scares me.

I just, I don't know.

It's got to line up for him good.

And I don't know that it's

going to be a bunch of

upper body pulling again this year.

I think that's extremely

valid points that you're making.

I struggled a little bit with Brent.

I wanted to put him,

I think closer towards the 10th.

I went with just Brent,

history a little bit and

just where I think he was

last year and he said he's

feeling the healthiest this

year but I feel like he

said that every year and

he's had issues with his

knees or hamstring or

something like that um my

heart went with pat and on

the podium over roman so I

couldn't put pat off the

podium um yeah I think all

of these guys are gonna be

battling really um all weekend long

So here's my big take.

I've said Jeff Adler for two years, right?

I think he's the most

well-rounded athlete there

is in the sport right now.

There's something deep

inside of me that believes

that Justin is taking all of this stuff,

bottling it up,

and is going to have

another great year and

watch him quietly win the

games for the third time.

I just,

nobody paid attention to him the

entire semifinal,

and at the end of the weekend, he won.

Just like he did the other

two years at the games.

He is being quiet about all this stuff,

and I truly think he is

back to having some fun with this,

and he's back to the old Justin,

and it would not shock me

because nobody is putting

Justin Medeiros on the podium.

I've watched every show.

Nobody has Justin on the, in the podium.

I think that's because, well, like we've,

he just doesn't seem to have home runs.

Like he might be consistent, but I,

I think with this field,

you're going to have to have someone like,

you know, there's an event Jeff can win.

And we know that, like,

I don't know if we can say

that about Justin.

And I think that's why it's

hard to give him a even podium.


We have him in fourth or fifth,

basically all of us.

But to say he's going to

even get third is tough if

you can't say he can win

one or two events.


seventh best and everything won't be

good enough, exactly.

Sarah Cooper says, please no.

Winning overall but not

winning an event annoys me

for no valid reason.

It annoys me for no reason.

But there's something

telling me that that's what

this is going to be this year.

I think you're going to have

to win an event this year with this feel.

It's so deep that you need

to win an event.

To me, this past year,

the Rogue Invitational,

the other competitions,

I think Roman had a quieter offseason.

I thought he was going to be

a little bit more dominant at semifinals.

I normally would have had him probably

in first or second,

but I just haven't seen

that in him this past year,

but maybe he'll turn it on

at the games like he did

last year and everything

will be peaking at the right time,

which is what you want to

do as an athlete.


I mean, it's a solid list.

I think you're right.

Scott, like Justin could be on the podium.

Do I see him winning?

I don't know.

He is very consistent.

He's looking good in his training.

He's looking, he looked good at semis.

I'd be happy for him to do that comeback.

It's like the magic goatee

came in and took over.


I just, I couldn't,

this is where I've been all year,

so I didn't want to change

it up too much at the top.

But that's really how I'm

feeling at this point in

the season is I just think he's going to,

he's going to have a great

year and I have not Justin

fan through this whole thing.

Yeah, that's true.

Did you also submit your spin pool?

I did.

Did you spend exactly this 40?

Exactly this.


I have mine's I think a little different.

I don't think much, but yeah,

I knew we were doing this.

So I just screenshot it as I

went through it.

So that I could,

it just made it easier with

all my travel this weekend.

So with all of our women's

picks and men's picks,

who's your rookie of the

year and who's your most improved?

I believe Grace Wallen is

also my rookie of the year women.

And I think,

so Hatfield would be my rookie

of the year here in 19th.

Do you have someone that is

your most improved?

That just jumped up from before?

I don't know.

It'd probably be James.


I, uh,

I I'm just going by memory cause I

don't remember where I put them, but I,

I do have Hattie pretty

high on the women's side.

I think I have her 15th.

Uh, and I, that's ahead of grace.

Um, gosh, just trying to,

there's so many rookies.

Like I know,

I feel like I'm forgetting somebody.

How high did you have Jack Rosamond?

Jack was 15th, I think.


So he would be your rookie.


Rosamund would be my rookie of the year.

And then most improved,

I think I'd have to go with John Young.

I think Abby Doman I have

jump in the most.

Yeah, I have her pretty high.

That might be more than a

James Sprague for me.

I'm not sure.

Yeah, I think I have her eighth.

Oh, I don't have her that high.


I have her with a big jump,

so I think that's my most improved.

And my comeback player of

the year is Saxon Panjack.

I mean,

your comeback would technically be

Justin on these picks.


Saxon came back from not even being

at the games.

That's true.

Mine, I guess,

would be Hopper for a comeback.

I don't think like Hopper

would be most improved

because he's already been

in the top 10 before, like,

I think he got six or seven, six,

seven to one year.

So to me it would be if

you're consistently lower

and then you made a big jump to me,

that's what most improve is,

but it could be off your last year,

but I don't know.



Uh, Larry young, thank you for the 4 99.

I borrow is rookie men, rookie men's.

Um, and they're right.

I Ricky would, if I go with,

it wasn't there to where

they are at Ricky.

I have second, right?

yeah we all do so yeah uh

how many more events will

get released before the

games you think three three

that's a lot I don't know

uh jonathan most improved

from not attending the

games to winning the games

Yeah, you're right.

Can you give a seven-time

champion most improved?


Anyway, I think three is too much,

but are these really released events?

Because we still don't know

anything about them.

I think Dave wants people talking.


I think it's great that I mean,

a lot of the athletes don't

like them released.

I like them when they're released.


I don't mind practicing some stuff.

But it does get, you know,

people talking about them

people speculating about

the movements or what it can be.

I think this is positive,

right without giving exact

details on the workouts.

I think it's, it's good.


They're teasers, or appetizers.

I just think it's

interesting that the team

workouts will be close.

Not all of them,

but Bosman did say that

they were close to the individuals.

I just wonder how they go

about programming that.

Does Boz have to wait for

Dave to program the

individual ones so that he

can do similar ones that works?

I think that would be interesting to see.

ask Boz on how they work on

their programming so that they have,

you know,

similar concepts or are

utilizing the rings on the

same workouts and just equipment stuff.


And he did say that they're

going to mimic some of the

things that they're doing.

So if Dave is programming the individuals,

I would assume that Boz has

to wait a little bit for

some of the information and

then try to think of something,

but I could be wrong.

Yeah, I agree.

That is an interesting take because,

I mean,

he did say they're like separate

and Boz is doing team, but...

is he really for one and for two,

I feel like it,

it makes the most sense to

mimic that workout as much as possible.

One, just for setting up the field,

but the people that just watched,

if you get new people watching,

at least if you watched the individual,

which is usually a little

bit easier to follow,

then you understand what's

happening in the team a little easier.

If it's a very, if it's a similar workout,

when you just throw a whole

nother workout out there,

people are like,

Like last year was so confusing.

There was workouts out there.

I was like, man,

I hope people are not

watching this on TV right now.

Like I would be lost.


Some of the team events in

the last couple of years

have been really hard,

really hard to watch.

They're fun to do.

They're great tests,

but they're not just not

watchable sometimes.


Kenneth says, I want a full-blown release,

all details,

a video of demo team doing the workout,

the whole kit and caboodle.

And the response to that

from Jonathan Ortega, hold the phone.

It's kit and caboodle,

not kitten caboodle?

Yeah, it's kit and caboodle, yes.

I've never heard of either, so.

Oh, that's funny.

Larry Young says, it's only 11 days away.

So I think he's saying three

more events in 11 days is a lot to ask.

Did you ever have a caboodle, Carolyn?

I have no idea what you guys

are talking about.

Oh, God.

Pull up a caboodle, please, Scott.

It's like your little

container for makeup or whatever.

You put hair thing.

I don't know.

You put whatever in it.

caboodle yeah maybe if I see

it I don't know I never

call it up scott what the

heck is a caboodle oh god

it might be that old um wow

okay I didn't know what one

of these I just I've heard

the phrase oh gee but I

have uh never I didn't know

it was a thing

So a caboodle is this like

kit that you put all your makeup in.



My sister's had them.

Not me.

So that is a caboodle.

And it actually starts with a C,

not a K. Yeah.

I feel,

I sort of feel like maybe the

phrase is older than this.

And then the caboodle got named because of,

I don't know.

I'm not sure.

This is the Kitten Caboodle

Doodle Edition.

Can't say I put my makeup in

there growing up.

I'm pretty sure I had one.

It looks like what I used to

put fishing lures in.

Yeah, yes.


Like a tackle box, exactly what it is.

There you go, Jeff Birchfield.

Yeah, wow.


Well, do we want to hit this last topic?

We've had it in here for two weeks.

Let's hit it real quick,

and then maybe we run it over next week.

So when Andrew Hiller did

his top 10 based on social

media followers,

it was incredibly lopsided

to the women had way more

followers than the men.

And then he said with that,

and he just threw this out as,

if there are more followers

for the women in this sport,

should the women get paid

more than the men?

Because that has been the

concept in the reverse for

a lot of the sports that

have been going on,

that men get paid more

because more people watch,

more people follow.

But yet in this sport that has been equal,

more people are following the women.

So should the women get paid more?

I mean,

I think naturally they will based

on sponsorships because of

their following.

So that'd be the only thing I would say.

Do I think there,

do I think the first place

women's check should be

350,000 and the first place

men's should be 250 or 300?


Yeah, I agree.

They're already getting the money.

based off of sponsorships

and stuff like that.

They're already making more

naturally in the sport than the men do.

So let me take that a step further.

If you're CrossFit and the

women are being followed

more than the men,

should you make sure that

the women have prime spots on ESPN,

that the women have...

prime locations of in the

weekend that they are being

featured because it it does

seem very much that the men

are talked about a lot and

the women still a lot but

not quite as much for what

you're seeing in these

numbers and it's you'd

almost have to see like the

streaming numbers for for

both as well which we don't know yeah

Because the reason I say

that is I had Holly go back

and grab who was the final

event for all of the CrossFit Games.

And in 2007, they went at the same time.

But then in 2008,

it was women doing grace.

2009 to 2014, it was the men.

And he's talking about the

men are always ending the games.


So they're the main event type thing.

Then in 2015, the women ended the games.

2016 to 2019, it was the men again.

2020, we were the small ranch games.

They both went at the same

time because that was the Atalanta.

And then 21 and 22,

the women finished the games and 23,

the men finished the games.

Don't they alternate every

year who starts and who leaves the day?

I had Holly do the research.

I know.

I understand.

And I'm kind of wondering if

some of those years they

just didn't like... Because

I know I can picture in the

past they've like...

Say the women started the odd years.

They would do heats one and

two or however many.

If there's three heats,

then they would do heats one and two,

wait, let the men go,

and then the last heat of

the women would go.

So Holly did that research.

The last heat has been men

the majority of the time.

11 to 4,

I think I counted on your stat sheet.

just interesting like I you

would think that they would

rotate every year like I

don't think it matters but

you would think that they

would go one year it's the

men that finish one year

it's the woman that finish

um but it's just

interesting that the men

often finish the events not

on different days because

like it'll be the woman on

like they'll change every

other day but always the

last day typically in in

the history is what we're

seeing is the men will end the games

Which is just, like, I don't know.

I would argue, though,

that even if the men, like,

if the men had heats one

and two and then all three

heats of the women finish,

or two heats or however many there is,

or four heats for one year, like,

that breakup to put the men

then at the end, like,

you maybe got more eyes on

that full group of women.

I don't know.

I don't know.

It was just a thought.

We don't have hard data to go with this,

but it was just Andrew

threw it out when he did

that based on social media following.

We don't have the views on

the stream during those events.

That would be the telltale sign.

But I for sure think that

they should be paid even.

I think people in our sport

are invested in both the

men and the women field, I think,


I like the fact that it's

equal in our sport because

that's not the case in most sports.

I like that.

I know when I was young,

female tennis was more

popular than male tennis.

I don't think that the pay

back in the 80s and 90s

translated to that.

I think Billie Jean King

worked really hard to get

the women's pay basically even, I think,

or pretty close to even with the men.

Because there was a while,

like I was really into women's tennis,

and the men's game was just

boring because it was just

about the serve.

And the women actually

volleyed a lot more back then.

you're and john young's

probably serena probably

has made more money than

any tennis player ever but

that is not just from

winnings that is from like

she is a global company

herself right um and and

the williams sisters did a

lot to advance tennis for

for women so yeah

And you're right.

She should have.

She should have made more

money than anybody.

It was just something to

throw out there because of

what was said in a fleeting

moment on a post.

And I just was like, well,

let's try to find some

numbers to back that up or

how things have gone.

I think my biggest concern

with it is these are

numbers that CrossFit

should be looking at.

And I wish I had the

confidence to know that

that's what they were doing.

You know what I mean?

Like, look at the streaming numbers.

Are they lining up the

events so that the most

popular things are being

shown in the most popular time,

in the featured times?


I mean,

I don't even know that they look at

viewership or any of that.

I mean,

they've made a lot of poor

decisions in regards to

trying to increase viewership.


I know they can't really do a lot with

the Olympics right now, but like,

it's not a great time to

have the games going on.

I mean,

maybe you needed to move it up two

weeks this year.


I had that question in there.

Are you going to feel torn

with the games and Olympics

going on at the same time as a viewer?


I mean,

and then it's the same with the Masters.

Like, I swear they're hoping that,

they're trying to prove

that it's going to fail.

Well, yeah,

you've put it all on the same

weekend where your entire,

all the people trying to

watch have to split between

your teens and your Masters.

Like, that's just silly.

That's not how you grow.

And be like, see, we told you.

And all the other people

that are trying to be like, well,

you guys keep asking for it,

but you can't go.

No, people can't go.

They can't even go.

Moms and daughters can't even go together.

Like, it's terrible.

I am glad they're at least streaming,

live streaming the Masters

and Adaptive and Teens,

as they wrote on their Instagram.

So that's a positive.

And Sean Woodland did get

picked up for the Masters.

He got recruited.


we knew that would happen pretty quickly.


It looks like a lot of

people are not torn.

They're going to use IG for

the Olympics and watch the CrossFit,

but we're a bunch of CrossFit nerds here.


Well, and I'll be honest.

I am not the Olympic fanatic

that some people are.

I will watch pretty heavily

through the swimming

because that's what I did for so long.

And then when they get to track and field,

I'll start to hit a burnout

during that week of like a

week and a half of trying

to catch everything.

And then rugby's not as cool

as I thought it was.

And fencing, well,

maybe not as exciting as I

thought it was in week one.

And I'll probably just dive

over to the CrossFit.


Yeah, I'll be watching both,

but I want to make sure my

heat one picks are in line.

So I got to I got to be

paying attention to the

games workouts as well.

I just hope that the Wi-Fi

at the arena is better than Madison.

Do it the night before.

But a lot of the Olympic

stuff are very early in the morning.

So it could work from where

I am right now in California.

So I think I'll be able to

watch both of them.

As an old man,

I love that I get to watch

the primetime Olympic events at 2 p.m.

It doesn't affect my bedtime.

It doesn't affect anything.

I love it.

Larry, who's not going?

I don't feel like there's

any masters that were going

that are not going now.

Yeah, everyone I've talked to is going.

So, yeah.

I mean,

if you're talking like someone like Rich,

we always knew he wasn't

going to be going.

He wasn't even.


it's a full docket at the Masters games.


What helped is they kept at

least the same prizing money, right,

for the Masters as past years.

Had that gone down,

I think you would see a

difference in maybe some of

the international athletes

that would travel.

The only person that I knew

was in question is Will Morad,

but it's due to an injury,

not to anything else.



But everybody else I've

talked to is going.


So there we go.

John Young is saying that if

he can get it in, I can get it in.

I just wait until the last minute.

I will admit, I am not the best planner.

And I'm going alone this year,

so I have nobody to be on

my butt about getting all

this stuff done.

I may show up at the games

mid-afternoon because I

just am not put together.

This will be the first time

in a long time I don't have someone to

Make sure I don't forget stuff.

I feel so bad next year.

We're going to have a good

team there though.

With that guys, it's been fun tonight.

Rip apart our picks.

Uh, it was really hard.

It was so hard,

much harder to do the men than the women.

Uh, it is such a deep field.

It's going to be a fun

competition to watch.

so much fun it's going to be

a just like the olympics

have come down to like

hundreds of a second this

men's competition is going

to come down as a nail

biter to the end you know

it so can't wait all right

I'll be about it john

And I'm going to finish with this.

I had Caitlin Johnson on on Friday.

I've been watching swimming.

I want to get back in the pool.

The dog is coming back out in me.

I want to supplement my

training with some swimming again.


I think it'll do wonders for my

recovery and help this old

body mend faster and

Just by doing some non-impact stuff.

Now I just got to find the

pool that is open

consistently that will

allow me to do that.

But, yeah, I'm pretty fired up about that.

That's awesome.

So, yeah.

So once I get back from the games,

I got to find a membership,

get in the pool,

like two days a week swimming,

and then do my CrossFit the

rest of the week.

But just to, like,

get some low-impact time in

to feel better.

With that,

Will Moore had just posted on IG

of a pick of a box and a rock.

I know he liked the prize

money for the 35 to 39.

And he told me that if it

was staying the same,

he was going to try to get

there and make decisions on

his recovery based on that.

They stayed the same.

Maybe he's going to give it a go.

And if he is,

we'll be behind the scenes to

catch it all.

So that's going to be a blast too.

With that,

we're going to get everybody out

of here tonight.

Enjoy the Olympics this week.

We'll be back next week.

Maybe we'll do our thoughts

on who's going to win the teams.

Maybe not a full 40 or 30 breakdown.

We tried that last year,

and you might as well just

put them in a box.

Top five.

Yeah, we'll go top five.

With that, everybody, have a great week.

We'll see you next time on

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.