The United States Department of Nerds Podcast

We are discussing our thoughts on the team up of the Century, Deadpool and Wolverine.

What is The United States Department of Nerds Podcast?

USDN podcast is run by USDN_JeffyJeff and the Council of Nerds. We strive to bring you the all the latest news and rumors from the World of Nerds and consolidate it right here at USDN. USDN is for the people, by the people and of the people.

Hello there and welcome to

the United States

Department of Nerds where

we are for the people, by the people,

and of the people.

Let's dive into this intro.


What is up, good buddy?

What's up, man?

What's up?

I made it by the skin of my teeth out here,


Yeah, I was just going to roll it, man,

and see when you and Black hopped in.

Bro, I will say this right now.

I'm glad that we're doing

this virtually because, like I said,

I just came back from Busch Gardens,

the water park out there.

So I'm smelling like chlorine.

I still got the bracelets

and everything on.

My wife's like, you want to shower before?

I was like, I can't.

Poured my drink,

got coals right there for

my hookah in a little bit.

So I was like,

I got to be here for the start, man.

So glad to be here.

Can you not hear?

We good or no?

Hang on.

I'm trying to.

There we go.


No, you're good, Matt.

I was trying to get it

shared to the other page

and it was getting stuck in a loop.

Oh, okay.

It's that TVA stuff, man.

They'd be messing around with our shit,


Yeah, I don't know why it does that.

It's good if it's... Give me

like a couple seconds.

I'm going to run and get my

phone and just try to share

it manually from the... I

think I got it shared.

I'm not sure,

but for some reason it gets

stuck in this weird loop

when I try to share it to

the actual podcast space.

Not the fan page, but the other one.

yeah I'm like I don't know

why it does that it only

does it when I go live but

it doesn't matter I think I

got it shared it's at least

shared to the fan page I

believe which is the

important one where

everybody comes to share so

that's all good you

drinking after the water

park man what you drinking

Uh, some soju and some, uh, cherry limeade,

some pineapple soju mixed

with the cherry limeade.


just do something together real quick

to sip on while doing the show.

And, uh, give me like a couple minutes.

I'm gonna run, put these coals on and set.

And no worries.

I'll, uh,

I'll do a quick little how to do

for everybody.

All right, everybody.


we are going to be doing Deadpool

and Wolverine.

If you haven't watched it yet.

Spoilers ahead.

It's been six years since

we've had a Deadpool movie,

since they made part two.

And this may be the best yet,

the best entry into the

Deadpool franchise.

If I do say so myself,

we're talking this movie

has already tapped a billion dollars.

That's a billion dollars.

with a B and it's not

showing any signs of slowing down either.

So I was just telling the,

the audience that this has

been six years since

Deadpool two come out.

And this one has already hit

a billion dollars.

I don't think the first two

even got close to that.

Um, I can see.

No, I don't,

I don't think either hit a billion.

I think they both made profit,

like ridiculous profit.

I don't think they hit a billion.

I think the only reason this

one probably hit that mark

is people have been waiting

for – I think people just

wanted to see what Disney

was going to do with a rated R movie.


And then we got the team up

of team ups that

everybody's kind of really

wanted for years now.

You know what I'm saying?


so 100 because after logan

we thought he was done yep

um so very clever way to

bring hugh jackman back

into the role and um I

think that that kind of

gave it a little boost too

I mean every it was like a

perfect storm of everything

that went together with

this one so um that plus

the backing of of

of kind of where it was

going to fit in the MCU.

I think a lot of people were

intrigued by that.

Cause MCU has kind of been up and down.

So it has.

And I think this is the

first movie from the MCU

that has hit a billion since end game,

perhaps the end game was

the end game that did it in game,

in game crushed billions.

I think infinity war hit billion.


I think black Panther hit a billion.

So, I mean, they've,

they've had billion dollar movies,

but yeah,

This it's been a while since

this new phase came out

that they had a movie that's profitable.

So good on them for also saying, you know,

we're not going to try to slam me.

I would like four to five movies a year.

We're just going to give you all.

Yeah, you're right.

Mm hmm.

It's just this one this year, I think.

And I think we'll get another one.

I think early next year,

like spring next year.


So I'm a fan drag out the

theatrical releases.

If you're going to have the,

the televised series on Disney plus,

you know,

more bang for the buck when I

sit in a theater.

Yeah, no, absolutely.

So from a overall perspective, like for me,

when, as I'm at the theater watching this,

it kind of felt like an ode to Fox and,

To me,

it was like the final goodbye to Fox.

It's kind of like how it felt, you know?

That's a nice way to put it,

because Ryan held back no

punches when talking about Fox.

And he didn't,

but he didn't like... But I

see what you're saying.

I think Deadpool was the

last thing Fox had that was

working for it.

And for Disney to just, hey, Fox,

here's a lot of money.

Give me your shit.

We'll take it from here.

So it wasn't too much of

a... The character was like, fuck you,


I got billions of dollars of budget now.

And I love that part.

But I think, like you said,

Ryan was also paying homage

because they're the one

that gave him the chance.

To bring Deadpool to the big screen.

I mean,

he had already leaked the original

footage for a potential Deadpool movie.

And then once people started

talking about it, Fox was like, hey,

how much is this going to cost to make?

And we've been on a roll since.

And I said earlier when you

stepped away from the mic that this,

I don't know if,

I don't want to say this is

the best out of the

franchise because I think

the first one was probably

the better of the three.

But this one's kind of like

right there next to number

one out of the Deadpool franchise so far.

All right.

it's kind of hard to usurp the first one.

Cause you know,

that's where it all started at.

Everybody was kind of how,

how is this going to work?

How are you going to kind of

incorporate the X-Men into this?

And, you know,

Colossus showed up and I

think for the origin story,

it wasn't too bad.

I mean, it was funny.


It hit, like,

it's probably the most character actor,

what I would expect

Deadpool to be like on a big screen.

Like, if somebody was to say, you know,

15 years ago, you know, 2010, hey, man,

Deadpool, a movie with Deadpool,

how would you want him to act?

I think Ryan Reynolds is

spot on when you're talking

about the perfect person to

play that character.

There's certain people out

there that will play a

character and you just in your eyes,

nobody else can ever do that again.

And Deadpool and Ryan

Reynolds is one of those

matches made in heaven when

it comes to that, in my opinion. 100%.

But let's talk about the

mutants in general real

quick before we really

start diving into this thing.


So this was kind of like one

of those where you're like, hey,

we're going to introduce mutants.

But we had X-Men 97 prior to

this on the Disney who

introduced us to the mutants.


And before that,

I believe we had Patrick

Stewart show up as

Professor X and Doctor Strange 2.

We also had Kelsey Grammer's

Beast in the Marvels.


And we had WandaVision.

Wanda had made a mention of

Quicksilver in her series.

So we've they've been slowly

teasing the mutants.

And then Deadpool finally was just like,

we got him.

We got them all.

Here you go.

The deal went through.

We got him.

It's like when watching wrestling,

you know,

somebody goes out of the ring

and brings out that little velvet sack.

You need to know what's in that sack.

Only Marvel did it with

mutants and they just

opened the bag out and just

shoved it all out, you know?


I mean, that's the way to do it instead of,

you know, the slow.

Like, they gave us the slow tease,

but when it came to unleashing, hey,

you know, X-Men are here.


Deadpool and Wolverine just turned to

fucking, you know,

toddlers when you give them

a thing of Legos.

And instead of taking them out,

they're like, oh, fuck it.

Dump it all at once.

Get it out there.

Oh, bro.

We're going to get into that.

We're going to definitely dive into cameos,

our favorite Deadpool core member.

We're going to get into all that.

I always like to do a fun fact.

You know that.


What you got for us?

So the fun fact I'm going to

bring up today is Marvel

Studios director of visual development,

Andy Park.

He did an interview.

where he is discussing

Deadpool's katanas for the new movie.

In the previous movies,

he had the two katanas, of course,

and the names on them were

B. Arthur after one of the Golden Girls.

And in this one,

he wanted to have his

katanas referred to as the Golden Girls.

That was the going in plan.


So anytime he would mention them,

he would say the Golden Girls.

Well, they didn't quite get to that point,

but if you look at the end

of the handles of his katanas,

they have the initials DRBS for Dorothy,

Rose, Blanche, and Sophia.

So it looks like Dr. BS,

but it's actually the

initials of the Golden Girls.

The Golden Girls?

That's dope, man.

He knew he was going to get

his Golden Girls in the

movie one way or the other.

So that was that was that off.

Oh, yeah, dude.

I think there's a there's a

Golden Girls reference in

all three Deadpool movies.

And it might just be a Ryan Reynolds-ism,


He might have references to

him to other movies as well.

I mean, him and Betty White, I mean,

they were pretty good friends.

They were really close friends.

They were in that one

rom-com with him and Sandra Bullock,

The Proposal.


That was actually, like,

I'm not going to lie.

I actually enjoyed it.

I enjoyed that movie.

Some rom-coms, man.

You know, I'm here for them.

Not all of them.

Very, very,

very small percentage that I rock with.

But The Proposal was one of them.

I mean, it's Sandra Bullock, too, man.

I can get down with Sandra Bullock.

Prime Sandra Bullock, too.

Dude, yeah, without a doubt.

Prime Sandra in her bag.

Chef kiss.

Indeed, sir.

So, everybody,

I know when I gave the introduction,

I didn't really say who was

going to be coming on tonight,

but we do have Mac, a.k.a.

your boy tonight.

I think Black is coming through as well,

if I ain't mistaken.

I think he's going to join a bit later.

And what I also did for

y'all is I sent out some other invites.

I just sent them the link to StreamYard.

I was like, hey,

if you want to come through

and give your opinion and

your thoughts on Deadpool,

come through at any point.

We will pause.

We will bring you in and

we'll let you give your

thoughts and opinions.

So we'll see who pops in.

I know a lot of them are busy.

I know like Amanda,

she's not here tonight

because she's shooting one

of her other shows that she does.

And she's going to be

covering Jim and the Holograms.

Yo, Amanda is solid, man.

She's a good addition to the council, man.

Every time she's on, you know,

great insights, great comments.

I love her fan team.

Esteemed professional,

and she never comes incorrect.


Brings it every single time.

Every time, man.

So shout out to Amanda.

A Mandalorian, I think.


She is, yeah.

So let's just jump right in

to the Deadpool.

I did say we were going to have spoilers.

So if you haven't watched it yet,

you can turn off now or you

can continue watching.

But it's been about three weeks.

So you've had time.

If you were going to see it,

you would have already seen it by now,

in my opinion.

Because I don't see this one

going to the dollar theater anytime soon.

Do they still have those?

I haven't seen one around here,

but I know what you're talking about.

I know exactly what you're talking about.

Let's jump in and discuss

the TVA and Paradox, this motherfucker.

We'll start in 2018.

when Wade Wilson uses

Cable's time-traveling

device to travel from his timeline,


to Earth-616 on the Sacred timeline,

where he discusses with

Happy Hogan on becoming an Avenger,

which was dope as hell, to be fair,

that Happy Hogan showed up.

John Farva.

That's when it was solidified to me, like,

yeah, we're in the MCU now.

yes and I think they had to

do that from the get-go and

I think it worked out

perfect with it being john

farva happy aka happy hogan

and I know we got some

pretty cool cameos in that

first few minutes there in

the office did you see any

of them um I'm trying to

recollect I know the

biggest thing I remember

from that one is uh

To me,

and this will probably be a running

arc throughout this show that we're doing,

but to blend the level of

fourth wall breaking, the level of humor,

the level of fucking...

bullshitting that uh ryan

reynolds is doing oh yeah

the entire movie dudes you

do see him he he does he's

an actor because he was

actually tapping into the

emotional side of wade

wilson where you're like so

he's not all about bullshit

and having fun and joking

around like when there's

some shit he cares about

like he's he's gonna go out

there he this was definitely his uh

His dream job, as he put it.

He wanted to do something that mattered.

And he was 100% on board, going all out,

doing whatever it took to get there.

So seeing that side,

when Happy was just like, bro,

this ain't going to work out.

You can see how it affected Wade.

Fuck, man.

This was my last chance to

do something that matters,

is to join your team.

That was definitely a kick

in the junk for him, to put it nicely.

But in that scene, though,

we got Captain America's shield.

It's in there.

Tony Stark's original arc reactor.

The one that says Tony does have a heart.

Tony does have a heart, yeah.

And then we also got Pepper

Potts on the cover of

Forbes sitting on his desk.

Just a couple little

sprinkles in there right

from the get-go of what was

kind of to be expected of

Out of this movie.

And it's literally the entire movie.

Is sprinkled.

With stuff like that.

Which I thought was.

What really.

Made this movie.

But we'll fast forward past that.

And so.

What happens after this is.

He essentially retires.

He's like I'm no longer Deadpool.


And he starts selling cars with Peter.



If you don't know why his name is PETA,

check it out for yourself.

I mean, the man is gifted.

What can we say?

He becomes a used car salesman with Peter.

He's hung up the uniform.

It's literally sitting in

his locker at work.

He's wearing a hairpiece.

I mean, he's trying to be a normal person.

For those he cares about.

And, you know,

he's also broken up with

Vanessa at this point as well.

They decided to part ways,

which it was heartbreaking, you know?

And he definitely, like, that side of Wade,

like his human side for the

first act of the movie was...

incredible really because

you don't really see that

much you see it when he

talks if you if you're a

fan of the comic book you

see it when he interacts

with his daughter and you

see it when he interacts

with um peter parker

spider-man that's when you

really see like he's like

the cool uncle to peter

And then he's like this

great dad to his daughter,

which nobody is like, hey, you shouldn't.

You know, you see him in the comic book.

People are like,

you shouldn't be talking to the kid.

And he's like, it's my kid.


So it's kind of cool when

you see like him actually

as a human and not just the

Merc with the mouth.

But anyway, so his birthday.

And he had some uninvited

guests that the TVA.

they capture him and bring him back to, uh,

the TVA and, um,

introduce him to paradox.

And paradox is kind of like the,

his earth.


I don't want to say Owen Wilson from Loki,

but he's the manager of the TVA.



But so but he offers him a

place on the sacred timeline,

which is Earth 616.

And but he has to leave

everything he loves behind

because they are going to.

What was it called?

Time rip.



Because the core or the anchor,

the anchor being is gone,

which turns out to be.

Their Wolverine, their Logan.

Logan from the Logan movie.




Who gave his life to save X-23,

which I think her name is Lauren.


And the rest of the kind of

like the kid mutants that

were like hiding out.

So, yeah, if you haven't seen Logan, like.

It would hurt to watch it first.

I'm sure we're not spoiling anything,

but he did go out on his shield,

so to speak.


He took that last little bit

of adrenaline or whatever

that chemical was that had

him go berserker mode and

wrecked shop and sacrificed

his life to save, like you said,

X-23 and the rest of the kids.

So heroic death.

So that's why he's the

anchor being and then enter

paradox like without that.

He showed him the graph

timeline was slowly

dissipating and stuff.

And I mean,

it was going to take thousands of years,

I think, to for this,

his earth to actually finally disappear.


Paradox has a plan to speed

that process up,

which we'll talk about here

in a little bit.


What Logan, not Logan Deadpool was like,

no, we ain't about that life.

What do I have to do, basically?

And he's like, well,

there's nothing you can do.

He's like, well, okay.

Well, he whoops paradox, you know,

punches him in the nose,

steals his temp pad and

starts time jumping to find

himself a new anchor being.



and of course with that comes all the

shenanigans that you would

expect from the Merc.

And I think he originally,

he starts out in his timeline, right?

He goes back to his earth and,

Well, yeah, the movie starts out, you know,

and then he does the

flashback talking about that,

but he's trying to find

Logan because he's just like, dude,

he has a super healing,

so he's not dead dead.


He's dead dead.

But the TVA shows up to try

to intercept him, we can say.

And what happens next is probably, what,

10 minutes of

Logan's saving the day from the grave.


The, uh, the team up before the team up.


If you're not a fan of, um,

digging up graves and I

guess desecration of bodies, then, um,

It may not be the movie for

you because let's just say

that was a very good team

up to begin with.

And it went out and it started great.

The first 10 minutes lets you know, oh,

it's rated R. Oh, this is rated RR.


Capital R. Got it.


It was definitely the

capital R. The brutality

along with the humor.


so me and my wife went on a date night.

She was in tears off the jump, you know,

so I knew we were in for a good time.

Like when the first 10

minutes is like that, I'm just like, bro,

I'm here.

I'm here for all of this.

I went, I told my daughter, you know,

because when the first two come out,

she wasn't old enough to see them.


And here I am, you know,

six years after part two

and she still wasn't old

enough to see part two.

And I told her, I'm like, Hey,

as soon as you see the first two,

now that you're old enough,

we'll go see it.

So we went and seen it last weekend.

So it was cool.

Finally getting to see a

movie like that with my

daughter and her friends.

So I was like the old guy in the group.

People are probably looking at me weird.

Like what's this dude doing

with the four young girls, you know,


I'm like, I swear to God,

this one actually is my child.

Shut up and watch the movie, guys.

Don't worry about it.



Mind your business.

But yeah,

it was cool getting to do that

with my daughter.

especially with her about to like,

this is basically her, not this week.

Next week is her last full

week at home before she goes to college.

So it was cool to get to do

that one more time.

That's awesome, man.

Glad you guys got to do that.

But yeah.

So after the desecration of

a Logan's for original

corpse on his earth,

he starts time jumping and

we see some Logan variants along the way.


Now with that comes my first question.

We see several Logan

variants as he time jumps.

Which was your favorite?

Oh, Henry Cavill, bro.

Hands down easily.



Henry Cavill, but he turned around.

I was just like,

if a torch was to be passed, that would,

yeah, dude, I would not be upset.



but you know,

and they're calling it cavalry,

which was like, I'm like, I can,

I can get with that.

But we also see some other

really cool variants of

Logan while we're there.

We see Hulk, uh,

OK, we see the Incredible Hulk cover 180,

which is the first

appearance of Wolverine.

When you see Logan like pull

his claws and you see the

Hulk in the claws,

that's the original cover on Hulk 180,

which is the.

or first appearance of Wolverine,

which was really cool to see that.


And then of course, you know, Hulk,

the Hulk smashed Deadpool.


And he cried like a little girl,

which is hilarious.

Then we see a patch with the eye patch.

Of course that is, um, from,

he was undercover in Madrapoor,

the Island where all the

mutants are killed in X-Men, um,

97, which is a cool Logan variant as well.

We see Fever Dream Cover

where he's on the cross,

which is where the Reavers

torture him to test his

healing abilities.

We get the Age of Apocalypse Wolverine,

which is the one with one hand.

And I think that was it

until we get to the Logan

that he selects.

To come back to his earth,

which is the worst fucking

Logan of all the Logans.


Well, at the time,

because you don't know why that Logan is,

because he shows up at the

bar and everybody just hates Wolverine,


You're not here, all that other shit,

and you're just like... You

can't figure out why.

Damn, bro, like the fuck?

Like, what the hell did this... Oh,

I forgot,

we also got the miniature Logan.

The one that actually the

comic book accurate Logan.




I almost forgot about that one.

And you just mentioned in

that made me like, Oh yeah,

we had the miniature Logan, but, um,

but yeah, this Logan was fucking hate it.

He's a drunk and we really don't know why,

but, um,

We do find out when he

brings him back to the TVA

after they make that one last jump.

And we learned why.

He was the worst Logan.

Of all the Logans in the timelines.

And do we want to touch on

that or do we we want to

let that one slide for

people to go see the movie?

I will give their spoilers, but like.

Like, it's not known yet, right?

It's more of those, like, when he shows up,

Paradox is like,

of all the fucking Logans,

you brought back the worst Logan,

you know?

But the cool thing is,

we get to see him in the

blue and yellow suit, right?

Yeah, so...

For casuals that just watch

the animated series on

Saturdays growing up,

and you always see them in

the blue and yellow,

going from Fox where

they're wearing the

all-black stealth suits and

all that other stuff.


In the blue and yellow,

it's kind of a shock to

most people because they're just like,

bro, this is super colorful.

But it's his fucking superhero outfit.

The dude's a mutant.

And he had it on.

Yeah, you got it on the mutant shit.

You know what I'm saying?

So I think that's what what

kind of drew people is

they're seeing the trailers

and they're seeing that and

they're just like, hey,

that's the Wolverine.

I remember that's the Wolverine.

I know outside of the one time.

I think there was one

variant he saw when he was

wearing like the gold and

the bronze or the, yeah.


He was like, Ooh, that, you know,

but most people only see

them and recognize them

with the blue and yellow.

So having that on them,

I think that was like that,

that was a nice nod.

And he had it on underneath his clothes.

Underneath his clothes.


He's wearing his normal, you know,

what is it?

Flannel shirt and jeans.

He's like, he's like, what the fuck?

But yeah, so Paradox is like, bro,

of all the Logans,

you brought back the absolute worst one.

And everybody's just like, he's like, fuck,


Like, how do I fix it?

You know,

like he's just constantly trying

to fix his world because of

the people he cares about.

You know, everybody who was at his party,

he's like, I can't let these people go.

How do I fix it?

How do I fix this?

So I did read this is a

original plot point to the movie.

This is before the Jonathan

Major stuff happened.

It was this Logan that returns with him.

Originally, his X-Men,

the rest of the X-Men were

supposed to be killed by Kang variants.

He ran away.


That was the original plot for that.

But they changed it, of course,

because of the stuff with

Jonathan Majors and them

going in a different

direction with RDJ as Dr.

Doom versus the Kang variants.


Which would have been cool, though,

in retrospect, looking back,

knowing that now, like, oh,

originally it was going to

be the Kangs that showed up

in his timeline and took him out.


And it was also supposed to

be the point of this movie

was Paradox building anchor beat,

like going out and getting

anchor beings from the

different timelines to come

back to fight the Kangs.


Which we're not going to get anymore,



So they had to do a lot of

reshoots and retakes on

this movie to get it to where it was.

But that was what we were

originally going to get.

Which when you look at it and you go, fuck,

we got robbed.

We did, and a little side trail,

a scenic route, if you will,

posted in the USDN fan

group or fan page about the

Agatha all along.

There is going to be a

tie-in with Kang as well.

Now it's got to do some... I

think for what they're trying to do,

I don't think they're

trying to erase Kang.

I think they're just going to...

Circle around him.

Let stuff settle down for a bit.

So the king that wrote the

book that was going to be

in Agatha was Rama Tutt.

Rama Tutt was one of the

guys who was going to be

shown showing up in the

Logan timeline that took out the X-Men.

But what could have been?


And I mean,

with the introduction of the multiverse,

different timelines and stuff,

Marvel can always circle

back around and stuff with Kang.

So, I mean,

it's not a... It's sad that we

didn't get it this way.

But Doctor Doom, it's... You know, like,

if you had to find another bad,

another big bad...

to have a phase be the central point,

the central big bad of a phase,

you could do way worse than Doctor Doom.

And they have before.


But anyways,

that's our sidetrack on how we

got to where we're at.

to get to where we're going

to learn that we actually

have two baddies in this

movie versus just Cassandra Nova.

So let's, so we all know,

obviously they go to the wasteland,

the void,

which means they get pruned by paradox,

which is cool.

And this is after he tells

them that they have a time

ripper that is basically

going to completely speed

up his timelines destruction.


So they, you know,

now that we're in the wasteland,

I guess our borderlands,

whatever you want to call it.

Um, we'll call it wastelands.

It's borderlands.

Is it doing too well right now?


Sad, man.



But, um, yeah,

we'll talk about that when

it comes to streaming y'all.

I swear we're going to talk

about the movie,

but we're probably going to

wait until it comes to streaming.


Let's see.

Where am I at here in my notes?

Of course, they... Okay, yeah.

They fight, of course,

as soon as they get to the wastelands.

And while they're fighting,

they meet Chris Evans as Johnny Storm.


And they get captured, of course.

And they're taken to meet

Cassandra Nova for the first time.

And that's where we get the line.

Oh, look, Paul Rudd rate, you know,

finally aged.


Which is hilarious as hell.

Cause Paul Rudd still looks

like he's in his early twenties.

Yeah, man.

I don't know what he's doing.

Him and Keanu, man.

I swear they're both vampires.

They must have all them old

sci-fi movies where they

have clones of themselves

that they continue to just

draw life serum from to remain young.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I told you we were going to

have a special guest pop back in tonight.

And our very first guest has popped in.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

children in all ages,

I present to you the man, the myth,

the legend,

the creator of the PopRate,

Mr. Bill Bodkin.

And then I mentioned he was

a BCP Plus Hall of Famer.

What's up?

I heard someone talk about Dr. Doom,

and I was just like, what's up, guys?

Let's talk about same mask, same task.

All right.

In the most pro wrestling

revealed ever pro wrestling ever.

Come on.

How long we got you for, Bill?

You got me for a few.

Got me for a few.

All right.

Listen, Peanut,

let's let's let's talk some

Deadpool Wolverine.

Let's do it, man.

So we're at where we're about to meet.


we have met Cassandra Nova now and

Deadpool is about to do the

greatest thing ever.

And that's get Johnny Blaze killed.

Yeah, poor Johnny.

I gotta tell you, I saw this movie twice,

and the first time I saw it,

it was at 11 o'clock on Thursday night.

No one reacted to anything

except for the Peter Poole

stuff at the end.

Uh, which was crazy.

Cause when Johnny storm came out,

I was like dead.

No one came out except for

popped except for me.

So I got very self-conscious after a while,

but, uh,

Chris Evans talking like dropping

them eyes like this.

Nobody's business was, uh,

as was a blessing to my sacred timeline.

I'll tell you that.


he was full Bostonian Chris Evans as

Johnny blaze.

And, uh,

He's like, you know,

the last thing I'll ever

want to do is become a meat

sickle by Cassandra Nova.

And within three minutes of

them meeting Cassandra Nova.

Johnny Blaze is all like,

he's going to say it.

Oh, no, Deadpool's like,

he's going to say it.

He's going to say it.

And he goes, flame on.

Oh, I popped so hard.

I was like, yes.

And then, you know.

I was going to pop either way.

Avengers Assemble or.

Oh, yeah.

I ain't going to hold you, man.

Flame on.

That was the.

I was like, he did play Johnny Storm.

I forgot about that.


Yeah, man.

Into the worst movies that

ever graced the MCU.


I mean, Thor, the dark world exists.



That's love and thunder.

Thank you.

No, no, no.

Love and thunder is a great movie.

I love it dearly.

It has a very special place in my heart.

I try to tell people like

Marvel wasn't always

batting a thousand because Thor,

the dark world was, was dark world.


That, that Edward Ed Norton Hulk.



And then there was that man too.

And then there was that

other fantastic four movie.

That was Foss.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

It was Foss.

Oh, yeah.

Good call.

But anyways.

But horrible nonetheless.


But anyways,

we get meat-sickle Chris Evans.

Oh, real quick.

Real quick.

I like how they built up the, oh, man,

Wolverine, Sabretooth, the showdown.

Oh, yeah.

We skipped that.

We did.

Come on.

How awesome Logan is.

I was just like, well, damn.

there you have it and

disrespect former wcw pro

wrestler big sky over there

he definitely made short

work of him which we did

get the russian cameo by

kevin nash in this movie no

you didn't it wasn't kevin

nash but we got the russian

we there's a lot of people

who are saying like I think

that's a misnomer about

this movie like oh this

person was back as this character like


it was not Kelly who is Lady Deathstrike.

It was there was so many

people that were not those

characters were there,

but they were not the same.

It's like I was the other one.

The I got it written down here somewhere.

Yeah, Toad, that was the original actor.

Original Toad.

Was that the Pyro from X2?

Yeah, it was the original Pyro.

Who I found out graduated

from my college when I got there.


Rutgers University has a long MCU


We have Luke Cage,

we have The Winter Soldier,

and we have Pyro, so yeah.

There you go.

And you have Amanda Jr.,

who just got engaged.

I know,

she is my favorite part of the MCU.

So shout out to Amanda Jr.

who got engaged today.

Not Amanda Sr.

She's not engaged.


Amanda Sr.

is Amanda Rivas,

the one that always joins us here.

Bill went out and got him an Amanda Jr.

for the pop break as well.

She's a fresh graduate from Rutgers.

Yeah, man.

Very smart girl.

And she went and got herself

engaged today.

So congrats.

But, you know,

we sidestep and pivot here

at USDN in case you didn't know.

So this was a question that

I asked to Mac before you got here.

what has been, what was your favorite?

And I don't know if I asked

this version of the question,

but what was y'all's

favorite cameo overall?

Oh, Gambit.

A hundred percent.

Uh, I love Gambit.

It was the best.

Uh, I loved him in X-Men,

the animated series,

and I love him in the comics.

And I remember I was talking

on one of the podcasts and

they're talking with Alex,

who's my cohost on bill versus the MCU,

which people don't know.

It's a,

For me, a first watch and for him,

a rewatch Marvel podcast.

And I was like, he's like, I'm like,

I bet you Gambit's going to show up.

He's like,

it's not going to be Channing Tatum.

I said,

I guarantee you it's Channing Tatum

because Ryan Reynolds is going to be like,

he never got the chance to do it.

we're not bringing Taylor Kitsch back.

And I think a lot of people forgot this,

how funny Channing Tatum is.

It's been a long time since

the jump street movies.


And so he came out and man,

he absolutely killed it.

A lot of great in jokes.

Like if you know, you know, he's like,

did I ever exist?

Did I ever get a,

I don't even know who my father is.

It's great moments.

And then he got to show out.


we got to see the deck of cards in play

and it looked really, really cool.

It wasn't played for any

sort of like spoof or satire.

It looks so cool.

So Gambit 100% for me.

OK, but you got Mac.

Which one was your favorite overall cameo?

I got to go with when Blade came out,

you know,

because all of the things going

around with, you know.

Granddaddy of the MCU.

Yeah, Mahershala, you know,

the back and forth with

what's going on with that one.

He did have this line.

He was like,

there's only going to be one Blade,

you know.

Uh, I laughed at that part, you know,

cause this other blade

movie is taking forever to come out, but,

um, you know, seeing him come back out,

um, you know, also shout out, you know,

uh, honorable mention, uh, uh,

Jennifer Garner coming back out, uh,

Electra, um,

and dropping Ben Affleck jokes.

Yeah, that was, that was classic.

It's he's an easy target right now.

Um, but yeah, seeing her come back kind of,

you know,

bringing some better light,

kind of a better taste in

the mouth of the original Deadpool.

And then, of course,

her Elektra standalone movie,

which I didn't think was

super bad compared to Wolverine.

Or not Wolverine,

but the original Deadpool.


Yeah, I thought it was good.

But in the grand scheme of things,

I'm like,

y'all probably could have did a

better job when that does a

better job with Electra and

the defenders and the dead.


Seeing her come back.

And like Bill said,

when they all get their

chance to kind of redeem themselves.


They didn't hold back.

They were like legit threats out there,

competent fighters.

So I applauded that.

That was a great thing that

happened in the movie.

I also have to say that they

were able to recreate the

greatest line in cinema history.

Some motherfuckers always

trying to ice skate a pill.

And I think by them saying

some motherfuckers are still trying to,

I was just like...

it really hit me in the heart.

And it really was like, he, Ryan Reynolds,

like heard me somewhere.

It was like, you know what?

I'm going to give that son of a bitch.

He's like, he's going to, he's going to,

I'm going to do right by that guy.


that scene when they all showed up at

the safe house and dude.


Having all of them there together,

seeing the,

them just jab each other like

verbally and,

Blade and Deadpool making

fun of Ryan Reynolds and

Wesley Snipes' real drama

from making Blade III.

yeah it's seeing um shannon

tatum is fucking gambit

dude I i still don't know

what the fuck he said but I

loved it him not serious at

all in this role I thought

he'd show up and it'd be

some goofy way that he dies

or something but like bill

said man like he he had him

show up and seeing his

powers like actually fuck

people up instead of the

car just blasting people backwards no

Even the bow staff,

when he broke out the bow.

Gambit is not for play, man.

Gambit is a threat out here.

See the new run with Gambit and Rogue,

their comic book.

Oh, is it Uncanny?


No, no, no, no.

It's Gambit and Rogue.

It's like their solo side story.

Okay, because they just did Uncanny,

and they're like the leads,

and it's really awesome.


Dude, legit badasses.

And when he broke out the

bow and started laying people out too,

I was like, yeah.

I love his speech before.

I've been waiting for this.

You know how long I've been

waiting for this?

People have been on and off

with his accent.

I've had people from

Louisiana saying the Cajun

French accent was not as

bad as people are claiming.

It's really not.

I was here for everything, man.

I'm just like, keep talking your shit,


I'm here for it, bro.

You just make sure I'm happy here today.

I did love Deadpool's

exasperation of that.

I feel like we're missing

critical dialogue.

Not even mad about it.

Let's jump into a little bit

more of where we're at with this.

We're in there.

We're back in Cassandra Nova's little

After they take the Honda

Odyssey to the compound.

What a piece of shit car.


they're going to sell so many fucking

Honda Odysseys.

Like the market is going to

crash on Honda Odysseys.

I'm telling you.

Just wait.

But we get the cool fight

scene in the Honda Odyssey too.

So we can't forget about that.

That's one of those I don't

think Honda... Honda was

probably upset at first.

Like, man, dude,

they are really trashing our vehicle.

And then the... Man,

I was wrong about the Honda Odyssey.

It fucks hard.


This shit is pretty legit.

So, you know,

kind of a blessing in disguise if,

you know,

the Honda Odyssey sales pick up.

Hey, we got some... But, you know,

we got some great little

throwbacks in the Honda Odyssey.

We got the...

I don't know if they'll hear

that later on the,

on the podcast when they go

to listen back, but that's me doing the,

the Spider-Man which sits the, yeah.

And then we also in the,

we get the Flash Thompson,

Peter Parker fight

throwback in there as well with the, no,

nobody noticed that.

Which part, which part was that?

It was in the original

Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire,

where he gets into that

fight with Flash in the hallway.

Oh, okay.

When he's dodging everything.

When he's dodging everything?


We get that in there as well,

which was kind of like a

little cool little... One

of those... We're going to

just drop this in here a little bit.

All right.

Can I ask a question?

Because I do have to go be a

dad very shortly.

I know you do.


Was there anything you guys, any cameo,

because this was the big thing, right?

Was there anyone that you

desperately wanted or

wanted and you didn't get

that was just like, wow,

this would have been nice.

You stole my end question,

but I'll roll with it.

Well, listen, man,

I have to go give baths

while watching people

bludgeoning each other with

objects on dynamite.

So, you know,

these are things I got to do.

Orange Cassidy is about to start.

Son of a bitch.

I'll let Willie go first.

Mac, I'll let you go first.

What you got?

Who would you like to have gotten?

I will say...

seeing how they're trying to, you know,

justify everything that Fox

did with their X-Men.

I don't know if they would

have brought a little bit

more of them back, you know,

Anna Paquin as Rogue or

something like that.

But, you know, everybody's busy, you know,

trying to find, you know,

time in everybody's

schedule to come and do, you know,

things like that.

But, you know, like a throwback to, like,

I don't know.

Because in the Wasteland, just...

I'm on this big X-Men kick,

and I'm glad they're coming back over,

but just to see more of the

Fox guys come back and

reprise their roles.

For what it's worth,

I didn't leave there like, man,

they should have had this in there,

but it would have been nice

to see one of them come back.

So it's hard to be like, man,

if they had added this or added this,

but I think they knocked it

out the parks with the

cameos they did bring in

and introducing us to Gambit Tatum.


For me,

it would have been Storm Halle Berry.

That that would to me would

have been like one of those

where I'd have probably

stood the rest of the movie.

Just because Storm fan.

That and Halle Berry, yes.

I figured that was coming.

How about you, Bill?

Alex and I had this theory

we were dead certain and

this was it's kind of a

disappointment for my

daughter is because I was

dead certain Taylor Swift

was going to be in this

movie and I was like she is

going to be Dazzler and I

was just dead certain

because she was in Dark

Phoenix which I had to

watch and no one else had

to thank you for that I

mean listen and I'm like oh

that's perfect I'm like

she's not going to be Lady

Deadpool because that's

obviously going to be Blake Lively yep

But I'm like,

I should come back because she's,

you know,

she's there and it didn't happen.

That was like my daughter

really wanted to see this movie.

And I'm like, I'm putting my foot down.

You cannot see this movie.

I said,

the only thing you see it is if

Taylor Swift's in it and

it's not inappropriate,

you could watch it.

And then I come home and she's like,

is she in it?

I'm like, no.

And she's like,

then I don't want to watch this movie.

And I'm like, all right.

Do you think if Taylor was

in it that she would have

played it up to the rated R rating?

Yes, 100%.

She has been called on

national television to drop

the F-bomb at Chiefs games.

More than once.

I think she's down.

On top of that,

she's literally Blate and

Ron's godmother to their children.


she will be in Marvel at some point

because she's like in talks

to be like Blonde Phantom

or something like that.

Yeah, Scar Jo production.

But guys, I do have to go be a dad.

I just wanted to do my little cameo.

So I'm going to go be eaten by a life now.

If you don't mind, go check out. every single

day got lots of great stuff

here uh and don't forget

coming up we on socially

distance which is our

flagship podcast we are

doing a football episode

jeff is going to be

contributing to that

talking about bears so is

kelvin kelvin will be

talking about the saints

back I don't know if you

have a you're more than

welcome if you have a team

uh you can come on and talk

about it we're doing you

want to talk about the

panthers good buddy

we have literally no one

talking about the Panthers.

I'm not surprised.

No, no, no.

I just don't know any Panthers fans.

I'm not surprised.

I know one.

As a New York Giants fan,

thank you for Brian Burns.

I appreciate it.

I hope he does something for us.

That'd be really nice since

we haven't done anything

for ourselves in a long time.

So guys,

thank you so much for having me on.

Purple Monster is going to eat me now.

Catch you later, man.

Take care, man.

Appreciate you stopping by, brother.

Ladies and gentlemen,

that was Bill Bakken from the Pop Break.

Great guy.

Love him to death.


He never disappoints when he

is here at the United

States Department of Nerds.

I'll tell you that.

So we're going to jump right

back into this.

we'll go ahead and we'll, we'll kind of,

we'll fast forward.


I don't want to give away a whole

lot of the movie cause I

really do want people to go

in and experience it for themselves.


But let,

let's kind of go toward the end and, um,

Cassandra Nova comes out.

She sends, uh,

Wade and Logan back to their

timeline to look to Deadpool's timeline,

which is earth one, zero, zero,

zero five.

And, uh,

But she's like, you know what?

I'm going to go back to and

I'm going to bring all the

Deadpool variants with me

and let them take care of you.

So Cassandra Nova just plans

to end all timelines by

using this time ripper.



I think the cool thing with that one is.

Their initial plan,

they wanted to destroy her, right?


So they took the whole thing.

They took Juggernaut's helmet.

Shout out to X23 for making

that shit happen.

Dude, X23 with the save.

So they're just like, yeah,

we're going to kill you and

all that good stuff.

We want you to send us back.

She's like,

I can't send you back because

you're blocking my powers

with this helmet.

Pyro shows up, tries to kill her,

all of that stuff.

So she ends up finding out that Paradox,

who she thought they were partners,

is ending up trying to kill her,

take her out.

So that is what causes her to be like, hey,

I'm going to send you guys

back to save your world.

bonus you're not saving your

world because I'm gonna go

and take the power of this

time ripper and fuck

everything up now because

she's a woman scorned you

know you oh yeah somebody

betrayed me now I'm about

to get the upper hand on

this so that's her whole

thing why she showed up uh

with the deadpool army

deadpool core that's

literally what they're

called but uh yeah it's um

So they end up killing... No,

they don't kill Paradox.

Paradox is... He's a weasel.

Weasels are going to weasel.

But thankfully... What is her name?


Hunter B-15 shows up.

Who is played by... God,

I'm going to massacre this name.

Wonmi Mosaku?

I think maybe.

But she's.

This one me.

We apologize.

I am really sorry.

You guys to come on and

correct how to say the name.


But she is.

She's great because she was

also the same one from Loki as well.

So she reprised her role back,

which was really cool to

see her on there.

But she ultimately arrests

Paradox and says, hey, now.

Your timeline's cool.

We're not going to fuck with it.

Because they did save the day, ultimately,

with their powers combined.

And like I said,

I don't want to give too much of it away.

But it is really cool.

Ultimately, it's a Disney movie.

We get a happy ending, of course.

It's not a cheesy happy ending, too.

It's a well-earned... It really is.

It is a well-earned

Well thought.

We're going to dive into the

Deadpool core now.

I kind of wanted to get to the main body.

Leading up to the fight.

Shout out to whoever put

together the soundtrack, the musical,



On a song coming in.

And bro, you want to talk about a pop?

I have not heard a pop in a theater.

Dude, we all sang it in the theater.

To where it came through

when Wolverine reaches back

and pulls out the mask and

puts the mask on.

I was like, Lord Jesus,

this is my Wolverine.

This is my Wolverine.

This is my Logan here.

The whole theater.

Dude, we were all singing like a prayer.

So really cool behind that song is.

Ron and Hugh went to Madonna

personally to ask

permission to use the song.

So Madonna actually gets a

production credit because she was like,

I like it,

but y'all need to go back and

reshoot this one part, this one part,

tweak this here.

And they went back and

literally did all that

stuff that Madonna suggested.


And that's what we got in

the theater was what, you know,

the little tweets that

Madonna made while they

were using her song.


Now, I will say this.

I was kind of saving it toward the end.

But since we're talking about the song,

they did not get to use

like a prayer on the soundtrack.

I mean, we got bye bye bye.

Thank God.

Because that's my jam.

Everybody knows that.

but we did not get like a

prayer on the soundtrack

because Madonna does have

an anniversary album for

like a prayer coming out here soon.


And, and no fault on that.

There's been plenty of

movies where I hear a song

while the movie's playing

and I go look at the sound check.

I'm like, where the fuck is that song at?

You know, exactly.

Cause I was, that is, yeah,

but it's all good.

I mean, we just,

now we know we're going to get a,

like a prayer anniversary album.

It should be a 40 year.

I think anniversary of like

a prayer shit since the eighties, bro.


I think before that,

but Donna has been around

since the dinosaurs, man.

Oh, the like a version, like a prayer,

all of that stuff.

And Pepsi was endorsing her

and people just like, bro, Pepsi,

you really endorsing this chick?

She'd be like, you know what?

Maybe you should step back from that.

So it was a whole thing back

in the eighties.

I'm old.

So I know that shit.

So weird.

Al dated her.

I'm just saying.


Who hasn't dated Madonna at this point?

Bro, that's a lot, bro.

It's a shorter list of who

hasn't dated her than who has dated her.

I believe it.

So we'll leave it alone.

Hey, Madonna, though, we still love you.

All right.

Podcast Madonna.

Anytime you want to come on.




So we're going to dive into

our Deadpool core fight

sequence and we're going to

do it by me asking you.

What was your favorite?

Deadpool core variant.

Out of all the Deadpools we got,

what was your favorite Deadpool?

Let's just low-hanging fruit.

Blake Lively coming out in

the Deadpool uniform with

the blonde ponytail.

I'm just like, hi, mom.

Hi, mommy.

That's not her in the suit, though.

She only voiced.

I know, but I'm just like, hi, mommy.

But yes, whoever was in the suit,

God bless her.

Because she did her job very well.

Yes, costume department.

I will say there,

wasn't there like a samurai

one that showed up in there?

There was the samurai one.

There was Deadpool 2099.

I like the kid pool.

So there was a baby pool and

kid pool were both played by their kids.

That's what I was about to add.

Like, bro, I've heard and, you know,

credits are going and I'm

trying to look at them, look at them.

I'm just but I'm looking at the fucking,

you know, salute the Fox.


So I'm like trying to read

credits while looking at that.

I'm just like, yeah,

I'll get to the credits.

I can Google those later.

I'm going to just look at

this farewell to Fox and

everything they've done for

Marvel before they got

handed off to Disney.

It was really cool.

It was a nice touch.

Instead of having a normal cut scene,

we got the love to Fox, which was cool.

But so Blake Lively was Lady Pull,

which in the comments is Wanda Wilson,

who becomes Lady Deadpool on Earth 3010.

And cool story about lady

Deadpool or woman pull,

whatever they call her.

Uh, Greg Liefeld,

I think of his name is the guy who,

who invented a Deadpool.

I think that's his name.

Either way.

It's Liefeld is his name.

Last name.

He based her off of Serena

Vanderwood sin from gossip girl.

Do you know who played

Serena Vanderwoodson in Gossip Girl?

I don't.

Blake Lively.

Oh, yeah?

Well, there you have it.

So, cool thing there.

Then Baby Pool and Kid Pool

were the Ryan Reynolds' kids.

Matthew McConaughey voiced

Cowboy Pool or Deadpool Kid.

Nathan Fillion was Head Pool.

Of course, there's Dogpool.

We can't forget about her.

She's the main character as

far as I'm concerned.

And that her name is Peggy in real life.

And she is Britain's ugliest dog.

But in the comic book,

her real name is Mary Puppins.

And then we, of course, get Nicepool.


Yeah, that was the name.

Nicepool was Mary Puppins.



He gave him the Honda Odyssey.

And that is played by Gordon Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds is fake twin.

It's just Ryan Reynolds in a wig.


But this is the second time

that they had Gordon

Reynolds show up in a movie

and get a movie credit,

even though he's not a real person.


And then we get Peter pool, Peter pool.

And that's what saved

ultimately Deadpool and

Wolverine's life was PETA.

Cause every timeline has a PETA.


And every timeline PETA is packing PETA.

If you know, you know.

But my favorite,

if I'm going to pick a

favorite Deadpool variant,

the greatest showman pull.

Were you shocked that we didn't get more?

I thought it was enough, you know,

throwback to Hugh Jackman

and his love of musicals

because my man can act and

sing outside of fucking Wolverine.

And he sits foot two and

fucking shred it for a 50

plus year old man.

what was that like at the

end when they come back

after fucking obliterating

the fucking the time

shredder and everything

like Deadpool's uniform is

still there he jacked it

comes up he's missing a

shirt just jacked right to

the point where like people

are looking at him like oh

shit exactly look at this

guy put a fucking shirt on bro yeah

Still at his age, man, I'm just like,

I don't know,

the fucking fervor he goes

into training when he knows

he has to play Logan is

fucking ridiculous, man.

Dude, that's 100%.

8,000 calories a day.

I eat 8,000 calories a day by accident.

It doesn't equal that.

No, not at all.

Nobody does it differently.

Not at all.

Mine's like, oh,

you eating how much today?

Straight to your ass.

I know.


I know exactly where I'm putting that.



But of course, you know,

not everybody's a 6'2 Australian,

you know.

They built different.

You got to be able to fight a kangaroo,


That whole fight scene, man,

it was a visual and audio fucking utopia.

Orgasm, if you will.

Eargasm, eyegasm, all of that stuff, man.


Wolverine and Deadpool,

they've had fights.

There's two big fights that

they have where it's pretty violent,

but because of their powers,

they're able to come back from it.

But you're watching this one, and bro,

I love when it turns to the

side-scrolling and the

fucking team-up moves and everything,

like a prayer is playing,

and it's just like...

Dude, that song fucking worked.

That song worked so fucking

well for that scene.

It shouldn't work.

It really should not work.

That's the beauty of it.

But it worked so damn well.

But yeah, guys, please, I'm begging you,

go see this.


It's visually just a fantastic movie.

It tells a great story while

introducing really the

mutants into the mainstream MCU.

And I'm going to go see it again.

I'm taking the wife.

Probably not this weekend,

but maybe next weekend.

Probably for my birthday weekend.

It's definitely a movie

worthy of paying money to

see again in theaters,

which is rare for me to do that.

I think the last one that I was just like,

I got to see this again,

was the Across the

Spider-Verse movie that came out, I think,

either last year or the year before.

Yeah, it was last year.

But yeah, this is definitely,

if you watch it once,

there's obvious Easter eggs

and stuff that you may have missed.

Or maybe you just want to

watch it again because it was that good.

I do have a question for you

because I know you probably

have the notes.

How much did Ryan Reynolds

play in writing?

Between him, his other writing buddy,

like the two guys that wrote it with him,

the original.


And then Sean Levy,

the guy who directed it.

They did the entire movie.

Those four.

The talent that it took to

be able to not just write a

movie where it's just

one-liners and quips all over the place,

but to have, like we talked about,

the emotional tie-in to

Wade and Deadpool.

There are serious moments

where you're just like...

The Deadpool is a hero, you know,

like everybody's favorite

Merc with the mouth, all of that stuff.

Fourth wall breaking.

I love it.

You know, I'm here for the comedy.

But there are parts of that

movie where I'm sitting there like, fuck,

man, like I hope I hope they fucking make,

you know, shit like that.


I mean,

it's it's I know we talk spoilers

on this one, but I'll tell you like this.

Somebody could have came and

told me everything about

Endgame before I went and saw it,

and I still would have went

to see it because I want to

see it myself.

It's different you hearing

us talking about it, but when you see it,

it's going to hit way different.

Even though you know shit's coming,

but when you see it for yourself,

you're like, fuck.

I cannot convey through my own words,

the type of human emotion

that Ryan Reynolds put into Wade Wilson,

AKA Deadpool as a character

in that first 20 minutes,

that alone is worth going to see.

Cause it is like, it shouldn't be there.

Like you shouldn't feel the way you do,


In that 20 minutes.

You have emotions for

something that isn't real.

He does it so damn well in

that 20 minutes of him just

being Wade Wilson again.

hugh as well like we all

know yes he he can he can

act his ass off you know

but uh the scene where you

know x23 comes it's just

like yo you're you're very

in my world did exit and

he's like well I'm not that

person and then then you

see he tells the story he

gives the flashback on why

he's so hated yeah and his

timeline but the emotion he

has uh because you can tell

it's eating him up like he

feels he really falls down he felt like

He let everybody down,

and I just wasn't there.

That's the one thing he

really regrets is the one family,

the one unit that brought

him in and treated him like family,

he wasn't there for them

when they needed him.

So for him to pull that out

and kind of let that lead

him into helping them on

their assault on Cassandra's fortress,

I love that part about it too.

But I will flip it to this as well.

Daphne Keene,

fresh off playing Jackie from The Acolyte,

in that scene with him,

she didn't say a whole lot,

but when she said,

I think it was something

along the lines of,

you were never there until

you needed to be there.

Dude, when she said that, I was like,

all right, all right.

That hits.

That hits.

But it was like that scene, again,

another one,

where it was just the writing.

It was well done.



Ryan had a part in this, man.

Bro, that dude's on his way, man.

I know everybody just

associates him with comedy

and doing the little slapstick stuff.

But if he had to,

I'm pretty sure he could

write a fucking dope-ass

fucking dramatic movie.


he has a writing credit on his wife's

new movie.

Oh, I see.

The the interviews that he's

been doing for that one.


he he actually him and Blake actually

rewrote some scenes in the movie.

And I know that caused a lot

of controversy because

supposedly her co-star

slash director in that

movie was like a complete

dick to everybody on set, supposedly.

So it created its own little drama.

And then you see all these

little skits with Ron and this guy.

And it's kind of like, really?

The joint when he walks up

to him and interviews him.


Then he leaves and then his

mom comes to interview him.

And then Hugh Jackman does the same thing.


I was like, all right.

I'm like, I see what they're doing.

They're kind of doing this

little cross promotion.

Kind of get some Barbie

hammer going on this weekend.

It's done right, bro.

I have no problem with it.

And by the way,

I never really said what my

favorite variant was of the Deadpools.

It's probably going to be...

the greatest showman variant,

just because you don't see them long,

but you see a Deadpool

dressed up as the greatest

showman for about half a second.

And it's fucking awesome.


No, it's, it's such a good movie.

It did.

Like I said, I'm going to go see it again.

And I know we did this question with Bill,

but my last kind of like

question I was going to be like, hey,

is what's that one cameo?

And we already kind of hit that.

And like I said,

I'm a big fan of Halle Berry and Storm.

So that for me was that

would have been my my creme de la creme.

If I could go back and put

any one person in there,

it's Halle Berry all day.


I think most people would want to see

more of the Fox Universe X-Men.

Kind of make a reprisal and

kind of show you what they

can really do outside of PG-13 stuff.


and we kind of got that a little bit

in X-Men 97,

even though that was kept at

the PG level.

But we really seen what the

X-Men were capable of doing.

And shout out to Bo, man.

That dude...

genius level on that first

season of uh x-men 97 100

man and then they fire him

but hey I don't know what

this man did wrong but yeah

I'm waiting to see man

because usually they don't

they don't part ways with

people unless you know some

like disney got people out

there that do digging on

people so they probably

found something yeah you

gotta cut ties with you now

but he wrote his fucking

ass off the showrunner for x-men 97

He was fired, and then he's just like,

yeah, I'm no longer with it.

But if you thought episode 5

was way too... No.

And he did most of season 2 as well.

Season 2 is all Bo as well.

But before we sign off,

I'm going to hit a few more

random cameos from the movie.

We got...

Your favorite Guardians of

the Galaxy Milano spaceship was in there.

We got a Sentinel's foot.

Doctor Strange's cloak is

actually on Cassandra Nova's desk.

Of course, we get Paul Rudd aging.

There's pieces of the Asgard castle.

The helicarrier is in there.

Thanos' Q-ship is seen.

Tony starts hot rod is one

of the cars being driven by

Cassandra Nova's.


And that mad Matt scene.

Oh yeah.

And there's a Chimichanga truck.

If you look close enough as well,

which is a shout out to

Deadpool in the comments.


And then, um, of course we got life fields,

just feet, the store.

And then one of the stores

next door to it is a, is a, a homage to,


one of the creatives from

the Deadpool movie who passed away.

Oh, that's awesome.

It's just his name on the sign.

And it's really cool that

they kind of like do that

in there for him.

But like I said,

I did say we were going to do spoilers,

but I tried to minimize it

as much as possible.

I know I talked it out.

Like we were just going to

drop all the fucking spoilers,

but I really want y'all to

go see the movie.

So I was like, you know,

I'm not going to do that.

I mean, I had it written that way,

but as we were sitting here doing it,

I'm like, we're going to do a one, two,

skip a few 99, a hundred,

take it back to the elementary days.


but right now we're going to

do what we do at the end of every show.

Real quick, real quick before we leave.



23 went down.

I know you're probably

planning a episode to

review everything from there.

I am not actually going to,

because somebody else beat

me to that punch kind of.

And I shared a lot of that

stuff as it dropped on USDN.

So I wasn't going to put it

together in a show.

Unless people are interested in me.

And if y'all are interested in that,

drop something in the comments.

I'm always like... Shoot me

a DM and I'll put something

together for it.

But I did share a lot of

that stuff as it dropped.


So I really wasn't going to

put that together in a show.

But however...

I'm just somebody in tact

with comics and the nerd

stuff like you are.

Just your perspective on things.

I know other people probably

covered in this stuff,

but just the USDN chairman perspective.

I will give my real quick

down and dirty on it.

Yeah, what you got?


I think it is Ben Wyatt.

five years since uh frozen

has been made something

like that anytime I i see

something like five years

already yeah it might have

been longer than that but

disney is definitely

breaking out their cash

cows to be milked one last

time for being put back out

to the pasture and that was

my takeaway from it I mean

we did get a lot of great

we got the new moana

um animated short uh trailer

we got the the skeleton

crew trailer finally for

star wars um we got a lot

of cool releases coming but

personally it's

underwhelming and very

uncreative same that was my

biggest takeaway is like do

we need a live action lilo and stitch


some of these movies are classic

because they're one and dones.


Lilo and Stitch didn't have

the Disney princess,

didn't have all that original stuff.

I'm just like, bro, this movie is great.

It was very non-traditional

from a Disney perspective

with Lilo and Stitch.

I loved it.

I loved the animated series

they did based off of it later on.


But now they're like, oh,

we're circling back and

we're going to give you a live action.

I'm like, dude,

I don't want a live action.

I'm like,

you're fucking up something right

now that didn't deserve this treatment.

It's kind of like when they

went and fucked up the Lion King.

And now they're looking at

fucking it up one more time for the road.

Hey, this is how Mufasa came into power.

Nobody gave a shit.

I don't think nobody was

sitting there after

watching The Lion King.

Like, how the fuck did Mufasa become king?


He became king because his

father died before him, okay?

He's always been the king, in my eyes.

The Alpha and Omega was fucking Mufasa.


Africa was created by Mufasa.



But yeah, so Moana 2,

all of these other things, I'm just like,

I'm not big on sequels, man.

And we're not done with Moana.

We're getting live action.

We're going to get a fucking

live action Moana 2 with

the fucking rock.

Like, dude,

they milk the fuck out these

cows until they ain't

blowing nothing but powder

milk out they teats.

Dwayne Johnson, let me just say this.

You came back as final boss.

That's what I want to remember you for.


Never mind.

Did you see the trailer when

you went to go see it about

the new fucking Dwayne

Johnson fucking Santa Claus movie?

I'm just like, rock, my man.

I mean, if they're cutting checks,

get your money, Dwayne.

I ain't mad at you, bro.

Hey, that dude's a billionaire,

so I'm not going to knock

anything he's doing,

but I am going to knock Disney.

for milking the fuck out these cows, man.

Leave them in the pasture.

It's okay, man.

Let them pass away, man.

You literally have all these

people in creative and the

best they could come up with is, hey,

we should do a fucking Moana too.

Or hey,

it's a new generation of little

girls out there.

Let's do Frozen again.

One more time for the road.

Come on.

The fact that my daughter was five...

When the first Frozen came out.

And she was all about that bro.

Soundtrack on repeat.


Blu-ray on repeat.

Frozen 2 comes out.

Many years later.

My daughter didn't even give a shit.

She was like oh there's a second one.

Cool I don't care.

My daughter by that time.

Was all about anime.



But I mean, it's you know,

somebody was like Frozen 2 came out.

Somebody's daughter was five

and was just like, yo,

my life will never be the same.


And that soundtrack was on repeat.

And then now Frozen 3 will come out.

Some five year old girl will

be there like I want to be

her for Halloween.

And I want to see the other

ones before we go see it.

And then they're going to

want the toys just in time for Christmas.

hundred percent it's not

like they need the money

either way because I mean

their parts generate

ridiculous income so it's

like you guys don't need to

put stuff out but their

licenses to the toy

companies are paying their

bills because they license

um their star wars stuff to

hasbro to lego to all these

companies that's paying

their bills they don't

They're just doing it.

I mean, ain't nothing better than money,

but more money.

And that's how they're operating, too.

And I mean, I'm not mad at them.

No, not at all.

Not at all.

I mean, I'm not going to go see Frozen 3.

No, no.

But, you know,

mad props to them for

milking the fuck out them cows, man.

Leave a couple in the field, man.

Some things don't need a remake.

They start to milk goats.


Dude, they doing something over there.

They doing something.

I'm just like, bro,

you're... They have the

least creative

motherfuckers working over

there or something.

I don't know, but come on.


Hey, let's hit the final thoughts, man.

I think this... We've been

on about an hour and a half,

which is a pretty good timing for us.

Normally, we end up like...

two, two and a half hours.

And like I said,

I didn't want to give too

much away of this movie, but what's the,

the pit got coming up, man.

Uh, so, uh,

we're back Friday live for our patrons.

And then, uh, of course,

Monday we're dropping.

Um, so, uh, expect that next Monday, uh,

expect a new bracket to roll out.

Uh, we're going to be doing a bracket,

seeing who the best 90 sitcom dad is.

So, uh,

I don't know if you can pick up the


We've been changing the

profile pictures to reflect some of the,

the old school 90 sitcom.

So, Oh no,

I've been picking it up for

quite a while.

And I'm like,

Where are we going with this?

It's time for a bracket.

So we'll put that out and

let the pitmasters decide

who is the overall champ

when it comes to a 90s sitcom.

Being a pitmaster myself, I'm just saying,

some of us ain't got good taste,

and we're going to fuck

this bracket up real quick.

Now, this one I got...

So what was the last one?

Best Cartoon Network show

and people were like

fucking some random ass

shit over Teen Titans and I'm just like,

wait, what is happening here, guys?

Dude, they shit on Powerpuff Girls, man.

What the fuck?

I was just like, I am flabbergasted.

beyond flabbergasted

gobsmacked you could say

yeah so uh that's that's uh

that's what the pit has

coming up uh next episode

of eat the cake anime will

be dropping not this

thursday uh possibly next

thursday depending on uh

okay ability but uh we'll

be talking about a fire

force uh already yeah we'll

be coming out later uh this

year or early next year I

gotta go and uh look at that again but

That's what we got going on over there.

Sometime this week,

we will be doing our $100

giveaway for our quarter

two for our Patreons as well.

Nice, nice.

A month late on that.

If you're not on our Patreon,

and I say ours because it

is a DFPN Patreon.

It is.

I will...

Usually if I'm doing a

show-by-show breakdown of a

TV series from Disney or something,

I usually do them over on Patreon.


Because that's kind of like

something I want to keep

special for those who are

paying members and give

them something special

because they are paying.


We also have fantasy sports

coming up at the end of the month.

Our draft's coming up.

Ooh, smoke pit football, fantasy football.


That's right.

If you follow our fantasy football page,

we'll be posting our weekly

shenanigans as one of us is

bound to get destroyed over the weekend.

There's always the one person.

Like, not just the weekend,

because I've taken some colossal L's.

I took some of the worst L's.

That's like 2 and 11.

You know, those guys that are like,

the playoff thing is just like,

you have a chance, 90%,

and then there's the guys at the bottom,

like 1% chance.



I lost a game last season before we

ever got out of fucking

Thursday night football.

That's how bad I lost one

game when last season,

I didn't even make it out.

That's the whole week.

It was done.


But, um, I, myself, I have, um, we,

we did counsel a show two weeks ago, uh,

Cobra Kai and the boys finale.

It's the first part of Cobra

Kai and the boys finale.



We did cancel it because a personal issue.


But we will be back.

We are circling back.

I didn't take it off the table.

We are circling back on the 20th at 8 p.m.

Eastern time.

And we are going to be...

doing The Boys and Cobra Kai.

The first part of Cobra Kai

because Cobra Kai was split

into three for the final season.

Of course it was.

Which, by the way,

Cobra Kai is the first TV

show in Netflix history to

get six seasons.

Even though the first two were on YouTube.

That's amazing when you

think about all the shows

Netflix has done.

But then you think about

they're usually done like

four or five seasons.

Five has been the match so far.

And Cobra Kai got a six to close it out.

And they split it into three,

five episodes, basically.

So we get the second half in

November and then the third

half early 2025.


But that's cool by me.

You know,

that gives me time to write a

show about that section and cover it.

You're doing me favors,

so I appreciate it.

But that will be me and Brother Rob.


I'm going to introduce a new

council member that night as well,

I believe.


The council grows.

It does continue to grow.

And I can't thank Bill

enough for lending me his people.

Shout out to Bill again, man.

Appreciate him jumping on

when he... Exactly.

And, you know, I...

I kind of like the way I did

this for this show with it

being a multiverse saga movie.

I was like, my going in is like,

I'm just going to shoot

some messages and drop the

link to join us here on

stream yard and just say, Hey,

if you want to swing through,

if you got time,

We will pause where we're at.

We will let you come in,

give your thoughts on the movie,

and then you can deuce back out.

I was like, dude,

that to me was perfect for this.

And I think we'll do that

again later on when we do

something else like this.

Because I thought that was a

cool concept to bring about.

Yeah, worked well, man.


Even my council members out

there who are interacting

every day with my post,

having discussions in the post.

If you ever want to come on the show,

this is literally of the people,

for the people, by the people.

If you have ideas for a show,

you want to come on and

talk with me about a

certain topic in the nerd world,

drop me a line.

We will fucking rock it out.

And that's on the Bible, dudes.

When I swore in as the

chairman of the USDN,

I had my hand on a comic

book when I said my sacred vows.

So I'm all about doing that kind of stuff.

And I really want this to be

really about everybody.


And that's what tonight for

me was all about is like,

I'm going to drop some

invites if they can swing through.


And if anybody else out there,

that are, that is a part of USDN.

If they ever want to come on and just like,


I know you're about to do Cobra Kai

and the boys.

Can I come on and talk to

the boys with you?

And then I'll bounce.

Dude, we, we want that.

We love that kind of shit.

And we want you to come on

and talk about the boys with us.

So I think I'm going to start doing that.

And if anybody's ever

interested in coming on the show,


I'm a DM away or a tag away.

Just tag me up,

and I'm more than happy to accommodate.

So that's what I got, the 20th, 8 p.m.,

Cobra Kai, the boys.

What comes on after that,

I'll let you know.

That's the one good thing about –

running your own podcast.

Whatever tickles your fancy, you're like,

I like that.

I want to talk about it.

We're doing a show.

There's so many things you

can do show going.

The nerd genre, it's endless.

That's what I'm appreciating

about you doing Eat the

Cake right now is that I

don't have to worry about

talking about something

that I'm not that familiar with.

If people have questions on

anime I go let me direct you

to my boy mac because he's

got me covered on this I

because I watch very little

anime and it's not like

nothing against anime yeah

I'll watch anime but I'm

not so many things to try

to catch up on like this is

like the size of my plate

and all my my fits are

falling off you know what I'm saying

I 100% get you.

Then getting this kid ready for college.

Like, guys,

if you haven't got a kid off to

college and you're about to,

just know you're going to

look like me when it's over.

Gray hair, overweight,

and tired all the time.

You still have hair, sir.

But I do have hair, unlike some people.

This isn't a style choice.

It's a necessity at this point, so...

This is how I prevent sunburn.

This isn't a fashion statement.

This is a necessity at this point.

All right, guys.

Now that we've made fun of

each other a little bit,

we've told you what's going

on coming up for us here down the road.


We're signing it off, man.

I think this is episode 21 or 22 of USDN.

Stay tuned for updates from

all of us here at DFPN.

On behalf of myself, the Council of Nerds,

this show is USDN Improved.

We are out of here.