Hello, flower friend. This is Jen and you're listening to the floral hustle podcast. And tis the season for you to be thinking about this year and making big things happen in your business. But what are you going to do to make big things happen in your business? And we only have so many hours a day. We only have so much capacity.
So I want to talk about how to get more. Out of this year based on these productivity hacks to help you set yourself up for success. So one way to get things done or to achieve more is to be more productive, and often as if you're a mother or if you have a day job. you're like, I'm tapped out. I don't have anything more to get.
Cause then you also have these family goals or you have personal goals. We were just in the mastermind doing our goal planning party talking about 2025 goals. And we were talking about our personal goals and creative goals and our professional goals and financial goals and just When you think about all of these goals compounded, you know, sometimes that's like suffocating to people.
They're like I didn't even get any of this done that I wanted to this year. How am I going to actually make shit happen in 2025? And so some things that I do, and I actually, I did a podcast episode and I felt like it was probably a little bougie to talk about it. But. I just was having the same conversation with my husband that I get more done than the average person and there are some processes that I have in place, but also some just like mental kind of like this is my position on something that also helps me.
Get to getting more done than the average person. And when you think about getting more done, I used to think about being tired and that I was like just spread thinner, like that used to be my definition of getting more done. And that isn't farther from the truth because you can get more done if you are optimizing and improving.
that time or those bursts of what you are working on and prioritizing things that are important. There's just a long laundry list. So one of the things that I think really sets the stage is starting right now is your goal planning. So diving in to your goal planning and really putting hard and fast dates is going to make you more productive.
I don't know if you guys have seen the study or if you've experienced this yourself. If you tell someone that I need this completed by And you give them two weeks from now, it'll be done in two weeks from now. If you tell them, I need this in three days, as long as that's not crazy, impossible. If it's feasible, like it'll get done in three days.
People take the time that you give. And so if you don't give yourself that leeway. You could be getting more out of it and I it's it's interesting. There's a book the power of one more by Ed Milet and He segments his day like one day isn't one day four hours Is a day to him, and so he treats that pocket of time to get all of these initiatives done in a completely different way.
And that man gets more done than the average human being, because he's just approaching it with all micro deadlines that I have four hours to get a day's work done. And then from noon to four, he has that same four hours to get a day of work done. So if you give yourself an abundant amount of time without clearly defined goals and timelines, you will accomplish less.
You will be less productive in 2025. So in our mastermind call, which was just such a fun call today. I love like just seeing all the things that, that people want to accomplish and help them really dissecting it down. Because of course, many were going into this with some very big open ended goals. I want to be healthier.
What does that actually mean? Okay. I want to work out like five days a week. What does that actually mean? I want to do three days of weight training and then I want to do cardio. Okay. What does that mean? Like, where are you physically doing that? How are you going to make sure that actually happens?
Breaking that process down so much is going to help you make it actionable. If we don't make it actionable, then it is just going to be this subjective thing that you just want to do at some point. So if you say, I want to be healthier, that could be you going into the fridge and not eating the cookie dough.
That could be you convincing yourself that you're choosing healthier behavior, or you go in and you didn't eat a pint of ice cream, you put a scoop in a bowl instead of a pint. Really making that objective that you want to accomplish so clearly defined that if you told a kindergartner, they would understand.
That way, you can get support from your spouse, your partner, your best friend, your business coach. If you need additional support in the mastermind. Like, with that support, And putting it out there with a clear, actionable thing for someone to actually hold you accountable for, that goal is so much more achievable.
And, for one, I know myself personally, and that's why I even threw this out on the podcast. I am working on putting together a membership. I want to bring some things that I think are missing in the floral education space. For one, I think that there's a complete lack of a business. information of how to sell on how to bring someone through a process on how to do recipes on how to order.
Like there are so many things that I think are lacking and not everyone can wants that really small intimate group that the floral CEO mastermind provides, even though it is providing so much more. Accountability and value to a person. Not everybody is at that level that they want that. So I threw it out there that I am going to do this in 2025 because with doing that, with throwing it out in the universe, that is me telling myself that this is a priority.
We need to start building an action plan, which I already have built. If you've listened to my episodes on organization. I built a Trello board. Trello is a free project management software that you can have up to 10 boards for free. And I went and started planning out a board. That was a way for me to start really making it actionable.
I want to have X done by this. Or on Intrello, you can make a kind of a stage. So here is your brain dump of everything that needs to be done. I can take this chunk over to this initial phase. And then in this initial phase, I can go in and, you know, do this and this and this by this date. That is so actionable.
If you started approaching every project or goal in your life in this way, you will be more productive in 2025. Guaranteed. Take your goal, make it broken down into bite sized chunks, take those chunks and say, I can have this done by this date, and I want to have this project, you know, wrapped up by X date.
That is how you will move things forward, bite sized chunks, accountability, telling people that's why I'm telling you guys I am going to have a membership in 2025 because I want to support more of you on a bigger scale and have more impact because like that makes me feel good. So that's in alignment with my personal goals.
of me feeling like I want to give back. Not just like I'm pumping out weddings, which I definitely have a whole slew of business goals around the floral business, but like those have layered strategy. I'm, again, breaking that down into bite sized chunks of, okay, I have these revenue buckets in my business, and I am taking, I want this revenue bucket to bring in this revenue.
And then that means that by this and this and this date, this revenue would be here, that revenue. And so I can track everything and hold myself accountable.
And then that added layer of accountability is, okay, I now have revenue goals based on these chunks to bring forward in the business. So this one's falling short. Okay, we need to build an action plan. And set a goal to figure out how to get this back on track. Those bite sized pieces will help you be so much more productive.
Using a project management software like Trello will help you be so much more productive. And I love being able to take a card and drag it over when I have Completed it. And then you can actually see it. It's tangible that you are chipping away at a project, not that the project is just chipping away at you.
So putting things together from your, your goal standpoint, or clearly laying out what you want to happen is going to help you be more productive. The next layer is having a weekly check in so that you can take Those bite sized pieces and support those bite sized pieces and you're overarching reach, you know, overreaching goals.
Like you have this weekly check in. I call mine my Sunday night prep. I've talked about this on the podcast several times because I feel like it is such a critical component of setting your week up for success. So during my Sunday night prep, I am doing our family calendar. I do not want to be the scheduling department where everybody has to check in every day what they're doing.
So it is on our board. Bodhi can't read yet. He's working on it, but we, I still show him. That we're going to jujitsu this night, that night, like it's still laid out for him and you can do that same thing so that you are not feeling anytime I can take a little bit of the mental load of the house off, I'm going to do that.
Same thing is setting chore charts for the week. Like here is our chore chart. This is what we have to be accountable. Having a conversation with. My husband, this is what's going on this week. Just to let you know. It's a very big week This week is a little bit easier. So like if I can help him alleviate Anything like if I didn't know like he was having a really big week.
It just invites that discussion in I'm going in I'm filling out my personal calendar. I'm making sure that I have a Everything that I need to do this week, and then I'm taking those again, bite sized chunks on how I'm going to get that done. And then I love paper still. So I'm crossing my lists off. If you guys are looking on, on Instagram or on YouTube, you can see I've written all these things down and I got my little check marks that I have crossed them off the list.
I love to do it. To cross off or to do check marks, like it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, especially when I feel overwhelmed doing what I call a brain dump it. That for 1 is going to make me feel so much better. That initial brain dump will help you be more productive because 1 thing that makes me feel really unproductive is when I feel like I'm forgetting something as someone with a neurodivergent brain, I have ADHD.
I have so many things that are, like, randomly coming up all the time, and I'm like, shit, I'm gonna forget. And so I have failsafe systems to funnel and sift the plethora of ideas. I'll think of podcast ideas. I will think of, oh crap, I was supposed to do this, and then, like, I'm just writing myself a note.
Um, if it's an email, I need to reply to this email. I will write them. in my notebook. If I don't have my notebook, I text myself. And then on Sundays, I take my text messages to myself and I write it down onto my to do list. So it's kind of like a funnel that I'm catching all of that information. So you can do that same thing in whatever way works for you, but having a way to catch all of those messages.
tasks. And maybe it's even your your husband, like if he's texting you, or if you guys have a shared note, or if it's something with the business and you have a person that works with you and they have either a shared note or something so that you're on the same page, just like syncing that information on one day per week as a reset to really grasp what's happening for your week is going to be so helpful.
Then, During this Sunday night prep, if you want to take it to the next level, like I, I look at my calendar, okay, this is all that I have going in. I go in and I update my scheduling tool. I use Calendly. So I make sure that my Calendly is completely up to date. So after I do that, That's great. I've got all that up to date.
My next step is going in and making sure like, if there's any meetings that, that I need to try to facilitate reaching out to or circle back with a person I'm doing that. If it's someone in the mastermind I'm meeting with, like I'm going in and just saying, Hey, we didn't do our call.
Like you want to blah, blah, blah, reach out. And that helps me make sure that I'm getting all of my appointments in my calendar. And if I don't have that appointment, I'm then writing it on my book because I then have that fail safe system. You know what? I sent an email reminder for my last weeks for this person, for me to do whatever, especially with like doctor's appointments and all of these things, like for my children.
Keeping track of all that is somewhat exhausting. Okay, I got to go and schedule this. I got to schedule that. I'm just writing it. And then when I really feel a productivity burst, I'm going in and I'm just like banging three or four of the items out of my list in one shot. If I'm driving, I'm like, okay, I'm going to be driving for like 45 minutes.
I'm going to have my AirPods with me so I can make a couple of appointments for the kids. Like using those opportunities strategically to get more done. I am with a neurodivergent brain. I feel like I'm pretty good at multitasking, even though they say nobody's good at multitasking. I do feel like I'm pretty good at it.
And so I'm going in and really making sure that I'm using any pocket of time, like right now. I just got done with a call, um, listening about a new software that is like doing invoicing and CRM stuff and like, I'm like, okay, we have an hour before we need to go to jujitsu. I'm going to like pocket in cause I knew that I needed to do an episode.
So I'm looking for those pockets because I have like almost like a in the queue list. That when I get time, I need to fit this in the queue. So what could you strategize having this list, this power list of things that you need to do, and then whenever you have pockets of time, you're plugging them in? I think I often see people, like, they're usually, they have no idea what they should be doing, because You're probably inevitably not starting with clear goals or bite sized pieces to chip away at to make those goals happen.
And then you're sitting on the couch and Grey's Anatomy sounds way funner than actually working on your goals. So, uh, you're like, I don't even know what I would be working on. So having that foundation is so important. Then I am a big fan of batching. So I like to batch podcast episodes. I like to batch my estimates that I'm doing.
I like to batch my emails. I'm not going in my email. I'm not going in whatever all the time, because that is not a good use of time. Strategically going in there for a burst at the morning and at the end of the day. When I can be focused on this is the task that I'm completing. is going to be so much more productive.
I'm not going to be in and out getting distracted by, ooh, Victoria's Secret is having a sale, and ooh, what is this new thing? And ooh I'm not going to be going ooh and ah to my email. I'm going to be like, I'm going in there like a ninja and I'm going to crack this out. So I'm making sure that I'm creating focus time to batch out that work, batching out, uh, if you're working on a wedding, I hope you're batching your boutonnieres in one shot, your corsages in one shot, your bouquets in one shot, your centerpieces.
I usually make three to four centerpieces at one time because I'm batching how I'm making them to make it more productive. So you could do the same thing on a daily basis, on a hourly basis. If you have big tasks that you have to complete monthly, Sunday night prep is basically like one big back session of me preparing for my week.
When you batch, your brain is more focused on one task. Your brain is in that mode of accomplishing that task. You don't go when you're let's just say you're shaving your legs if you do that. You don't go and shave six inches of it and then come back. You shave your whole legs at one time because you're focused, you're in that task.
You're not setting your razor knife. You're not, going back and forth because your brain is having to go back and forth. If your brain can stay focused on that task, you're going to be more productive. Also, when you are really thinking about batching tasks, like this is, if you want to be more productive, you need your family's support to do that.
So you need to make sure you're having a conversation with your kids, your
I'm going to be working on this. I'm trying to, batch out a whole bunch of these. And so I'm just letting you know that I'm going to probably need two hours of interrupted time uninterrupted time. And so you're also just like looping people in and you can do that on Sunday night prep when you're having that conversation about the week with your family to help kind of loop them into that process.
Then, when you're thinking about scheduling these, I also am not a morning person. I am not scheduling batching crap in the morning because I, and I, this is probably a story I've been telling myself, but I am not a morning person. I'm not fully awake. I'm a little bit crabby. I just, I'm tired. I'm like, I've always slept like crap, which is actually one of my 2025 goals is to figure out how I can sleep better.
And so I am, went and met with a sleep specialist and I am going to do a sleep study. So I'm again, taking that task and making that into bite sized pieces. You can do the same thing with anything in your life. I swear to God, it is so good. So with these batching kind of techniques, you can also do that with just work in general.
They call it the Pomodoro method, so that you can take. A timer and set 25 minutes and you are going to work in uninterrupted for 25 minutes. And then at the end of the 25 minutes, you get a five minute break. That five minute break is for you to, clear your head, move around, get your brain kind of working again.
And that is going to be helpful in you being able to recharge before you come back and maybe have another 25 minutes. Power session of getting things done when you commit and have this time that just like I am going to get as much as I can done in this 25 minutes, you would be so surprised, like, set your timer.
This is your power list of things you need to do. Bang it out. Like, how many of those items and you can even have it be erased. Like, how many of these could I get checked off my list? Or I look at at the end of the day. Okay, like, was my day really productive? What did I get accomplished? And Use that, like, what didn't really work with me getting more accomplished.
So what can I change tomorrow to get more accomplished? A lot of this foundationally starts with making sure you're planning your week. And then the day before, planning your, okay, tomorrow, I'm looking at my calendar. I do this. I have like a bath ritual that every night I take a bath. I have since I was very little, I have to sleep with wet hair.
It's really weird. Just always have. And I go in there and I look at my calendar for the next day, and I mentally plan out my day right in the bathtub that night before. So I know, like, okay, I need to be up by this time, um, this is going on with the kids, I'm working out this time, I'm gonna have to, I have to do these, like, I really need to prioritize getting these errands done.
And I'm like chipping away at it. So I kind of mini plan that strategy the night before in the bath tub. You could do that when you're sitting down. I've taken Marie Farleo's Time Genius. She says make your to do list for tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon so that it doesn't go by to the wayside.
So whatever works for you, but having a plan even going into that next day is critical. Then, one thing that I think that has been helpful is that I always am trying to schedule in into this productivity a break. So if you're always just planning, go, go, go, Your brain is not getting a break. So to me going to work out is a break.
Me running, I have this like down like a ninja. What entrance I have to go into at the Mall of America because I'm in, I live in Bloomington. I'm about seven or eight minutes away from the Mall of America, which is like this huge mega mall. I know what exit I need to park in and exactly what escalators, everything to get to my favorite massage place.
I can get a 20 minute, 30 minute massage and get out of there really fast and take care of myself, feel better. And like, that is part of my self care mechanism or routine. And especially if my neck or back is having like some issues from, I've been in a couple of car accidents, like, like I need to build that break or that kind of.
Almost recharge back in. Otherwise, I'm really not going to be feeling good. And I'm really going to be feeling run down, and I just don't want to feel like that. So I am prioritizing building those things in to help me be more, more productive in the moment. Because if I feel like crap, I'm not going to be very productive.
So if I'm not taking care of myself, I'm not going to be very productive. So, it's kind of this cycle of, I'm not going and taking care of myself and so then I'm going to be inevitably less productive because I'm going to maybe potentially not feel good. I'm going to have a migraine, I'm going to have a headache, I'm not going to be able to sit and feel good recording a podcast.
Whatever it is, like there is a way around it and I think that we, especially if you are a mom. Don't take time or pause to be like, I also need to take care of myself if I want to achieve all of these goals. If I want to be a more productive person, I need to, to do all of these things. So make sure if some of your goals are especially health related this year, that you're figuring out how to make and prioritize taking care of you so that you can take care of everything that you take care of, which I'm guessing is a lot.
Cause as a mom, as if you're in a relationship, like we take care of a lot of things, but we don't give ourself grace to be like, I take care of everything. And I'm just a little tired and I need that space. The next thing that I do to help make myself more productive is, and I've done a whole podcast episode on this is I live my life on D and D.
So, my phone is on Do Not Disturb. I have mechanisms set up in my phone that if it rings more than twice, and it is a key contact, it's going to get through. Most everybody in my life knows that. I do not, with the amount of spam, especially, I almost lost it last week on somebody calling from Capital One, yet again.
This is the sixth time they've called and told me that my credit card had been stolen and somebody and they've changed the city. Each time has, been charging on my card and they need to know if I want to authorize these charges right then. I said, okay, I will call Capital One. Thank you for calling.
And they're like, no, I need to help. And then they want to gather information. And I'm like, what kind of horrible human being are you? Because I know That you're not with Capital One, because I've gotten this exact call six times. I get a email notification on every single charge that's gone through, and I just don't want to deal with that anymore.
So if someone really needs to talk to me, they can call back twice and they can leave a message. The bandwidth that that has saved. Because I am no longer living in reactivity to my phone and being on everyone else's schedule. Having notifications flood me and just take me off track. I'm just no longer available for that.
If someone really wants to get a hold of me, they can leave a message. If it is life or death, they can call back a couple times and I will pick up. If it's something with my children, obviously, I turn my phone on sometimes if I'm expecting a call because, like, last night, um, one of my rabbits, I don't, if you have followed me on Instagram, I have two little bunnies, um, they're not little anymore, but they are little because they're mini bunnies, and one of them is, is sick with head tilt right now, and, um, I have her in the, like, bunny ICU at a vet.
And, which seems ridiculous, I keep wrapping my head around that I have a bunny in an ICU at a vet, but I Between 7 and 8, the doctors call me. And so my phone goes off a do not disturb. So it doesn't mean that I don't have to, you know, have it on all the time. I can choose, but especially during the day when spam calls are coming over, like, I just don't even want that interruption.
To like, cause it triggers me. I'm just like, what is wrong with people? And I just, I'm, I'm not available for that. I'm done wondering what kind of horrible human beings these people are that want to try to take advantage of other people. It just makes absolutely no sense to me. And so I'm just, I'm not available for that.
I'm available for people who leave me a message and I can call them back. I have notifications for important people and important things turned on if I need them to be. And that's it. I'm no longer going to be living in reaction to everybody else, and I hope you don't either. Because doing that makes you less productive.
Oop! My phone's dinging. Instagram's dinging. I do not care if Instagram is dinging. Instagram can ding and fill up the dings. I will look at that later. With all of my coaching clients, my mastermind girls, I strategically go in And I feel like my answers are so much more thoughtful and prepared because I can go in and really, when I'm at an optimum mental space, when I'm in a good physical space, I'm going in and I'm like, okay, I need to I'm going to listen to this message and I'm going to sit down.
I'm going to think about my answer on like, what would be the best case scenario in this? And then I go through. So like, you can do that same thing. You do not need, and I have. Listen to all the arguments against this what if something happens? Have those numbers that you care if something happens programmed to be ringing.
Every other number doesn't. Your husband's, the school, the best friend, your parents. And I, you know, what's funny is when I first started doing this, my husband basically operates with his phone this way and has forever. And as someone, and if you guys have listened to the podcast for a while, I took care of both my parents before they passed away.
My dad especially was very confused. He would take his oxygen off and he would call me. And so I, I was always worried something was going to happen to him. And so like, even at night I wasn't fully sleeping because I was always worried my phone was going to ring, which is a horrible feeling. I mean, you.
You don't know how horrible that feels until you're living that and you're just like, I'm worried. Something's going to happen at all times. And after both of them had been gone, I was with my husband, Steven, and I have my phone on the bad side. And I have my ringer on, he was just like, something, somebody called really late.
And I have one of my friends, my Indian decorator friend, like, her and I will text and we will call each other late because we're both night people and that's okay. But like, he's like, why in the hell do you have your ringer on? I was like, what if somebody needs me? What if something happens? He's like, what's going to happen?
And I'm like, something could happen to somebody. And he's like, and what would that change if you found that out tomorrow when you woke up? And I'm like, I don't know. But it made me think I, other than my sister, I mean, I have, I am, I have a lot of brothers and sisters, but one I'm really close with.
And like, other than something happened to her they honestly all could wait till the next day. And so I can program her husband's number or, you know, whatever, like he was just like, you, you don't need to worry that something bad's going to happen. Our children are in the house, you know, we're here.
And it was almost like I didn't feel safe enough to do that, and if you have taken care of anyone, I totally, I'm guessing you're like, nodding your head because this is, it doesn't feel good to be here, and so like, now that I'm past this, and, I just turned my fucking phone off, like, I feel so much more peace, and, You deserve that piece too.
So if there is a way for you to figure out how you can no longer be living in reactivity of your phone, I would highly recommend it because it is so freeing. Another thing we don't allow phones at phones or tablets at the dinner table. So we have our family dinner together every night and sometimes friends, my husband's best friend, um, like he's here tonight.
He goes to jujitsu with us and he's kind of like, like one of our big kids. You know, like we just, even if somebody's like my daughter's friend is over, we don't have phones at that table. Like that is our time to protect our peace, to protect our Us actually spending time together as a family and asking questions and like, hearing about our kid's day.
If you are tied to your technology, like, that is not happening. So how could you? Prioritize, because honestly, if you do prioritize deprioritizing your phone, you're going to be more productive. Putting locks on things, like putting locks on Instagram that you can only look at it for X amount of time per day.
Putting locks that your phone just shuts down, like you have to enter a key code and it can prompt you even if you have an Apple product, like it is past 8pm, are you sure you want to be doing that? That is going to make you more productive. You deserve to be the human that you want to be and I want to be a really productive human.
But I have put guardrails in to help that in so many ways and you can do that same thing. So, this year, go out, set some actionable goals. Break those things down into the smallest bite sized pieces. Go in, if you feel inclined, which I hope you do, get a project management software. Break those down. Have a support system that will support you, and I think another thing that has made me so much more productive is that I no longer do everything.
So if you're at a point that your business is growing, and this is a conversation that I've had with coaching clients because they're just like, God, I got to do this wedding and whatever. And I honestly can say, because I have let, I have let go of my ego around. I need to make a bunch of shit for a wedding because for one, the majority of people that work for me, they know how I want something made.
I can make a demo. I can make the mock up. I don't need to make everything anymore. I just don't I know so many florists that their ego is tied to, like, that they need to have their creative touch on everything. Like, I just, I don't need that. So some weeks, it was so funny, I was thinking about a big wedding week that was, I think, 20, 23, 500 or something like that.
It was like a big weekend. I made a bridal bouquet. Three centerpiece mockups or examples. And on site, I actually made a couple of the installation things. But that was it. Like there was 10 people here making things. So to be more productive, I had to let go that I need to do everything. I have somebody that will help me with my social media.
I have someone who will schedule a social media post. I have someone who takes my contracts and implements them into my system. Like, all of these things I don't need to do them. I do not need to clean my house. I also do not need the cleanest house in the world. I don't care. I don't, I want it to be a safe environment and obviously clean enough for my kids and everything, but do I am not Martha Stewart, nor do I care.
I, I just, that's not a priority to me. And making that a priority sometimes takes away from what you can accomplish in your business. And I've, I've given this analogy before that, and maybe you've heard this, but you have this plate and your plate is your capacity. If you are heaping on
I don't eat meat, so let's have some tofurkey on there. You have green bean casserole, you, whatever and it's just spilling off. For one, when you look at it, you're just so overwhelmed. It's just like, how the hell am I going to eat all this? That is the same thing with the tasks that you have in your life.
If you have a manageable plate, if you've put a little bit of everything, or to me, like, if, if turkey was served, I would just leave that off and I have my sides that I'm going to eat for my meal. Like, then I'm enjoying those sides. Like, it's not overrunning and I'm not having to clean up a mess around my plate.
is nicely filled. It's not overwhelmingly filled. And to be more productive, you can't have your plate spilling over onto everywhere. You need to have it look appealing. Because when it looks appealing, it feels appealing. If your schedule looks like shit at the beginning of the week, what can you take off?
You want to be more productive? Take things off that don't add value. Take things off that are other people's agendas. take things off that don't feel good. Like if it doesn't feel good, I'm probably not doing it unless it's like something that directly benefits my kids. I do things that feel good. My business, I want it to feel good.
I want my relationships to feel good, so am I going to go and hang out with a friend that doesn't feel good anymore? No. Like, all those things, I've prioritized things feeling good in this process, because when you are in action of doing things that feel good, you are also going to get more done. If you are doing things that just naturally feel good instead of feel like shit, you You're going to get more done.
So let's get more done in 2025. Let's get rid of things that don't feel good. Let's get rid of overwhelm. And if you want help and support to move your goals forward in 2025, the floral CEO mastermind is doing some serious upgrades. We are at one year of the launch of the Floral CEO Mastermind, and I love the girls in there.
They're so many amazing humans. It is a space that you get so much support and accountability. If you need accountability, if you're like, I am floundering, I want to be your floral fairy godmother that is poking you with the wand to get your dreams on a path of success. of making it happen. There's no more hypothetical.
Have 2025. Is there no, there's no more hypothetical that you want these things. These things are going to happen. Start to change the way you talk to yourself. No I'm gonna, I want to get healthier. I want my business to make money. Like my business is going to make X amount of money. I am going to be healthier.
And that means this. I am going to go work out three to four times per week. I am going to eat better. This is what that means. I am going to have a better relationship. One of my goals this year is I am going to improve the relationship with my husband because honestly, sometimes I want to fucking kill him.
And you might be at the same spot. Like sometimes He is maddening to me. I don't want to live like that. Like, how are we going to better communicate? How am I gonna feel like he's hearing me more? How is he going to feel like I'm hearing him more? Like, how can we create this conduit? And we did some of that in 2024 with hiring a autism parenting coach.
because being a parent of a kiddo with autism is complicated. One that's going through early puberty, even more complicated. So I wanted a conduit for us to have this like neutral third party to give us ideas and strategies, but also to be our referee. Cause sometimes we are not on the same page. So that was one step.
Now we're going to take it a next step. What are those things for you? Because the life you're living now doesn't need to be the life you live in 2025. And I hope you really believe that, because I full heartedly believe that. I have made so many shifts in these last five years since I left working in corporate.
As Bodie is almost six, it's almost been six years since I left working in an office. Being a slave to someone else's schedule, I've tripled, if not more, my income, I have tripled, if not more, my happiness, my fulfillment, my there are some, the goals that I have are so much deeper than they ever have been, and you can have that same thing.
2025 can be your year. So if you need help, I would love to be there to support you. Go check it out. The Floral CEO Mastermind is at thefloralhustle. com forward slash mastermind or on any Instagram post, just comment the word mastermind and it will send you the link because this is a game changer for you.
I would love to be a part of your floral journey. Thank you so much for listening, flower friend, and you 📍 have an amazing flower filled day. Transcribed