The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this empowering episode, we're throwing caution to the wind and diving headfirst into a thought-provoking discussion on the art of self-expression and the importance of standing unwaveringly on the side of the people. Join us as we peel back the layers of self-censorship and explore the liberating journey towards embracing authenticity. πŸŽ™οΈ

Discover how stifling our voices can inadvertently hinder progress and change. We're delving into stories of individuals who defied the norm, shattered constraints, and paved the way for genuine conversations. From everyday heroes to historical trailblazers, we'll explore the impact of unfiltered narratives and the profound connections they forge.

Join us as we unpack the transformative effects of standing in solidarity with the people, amplifying voices that deserve to be heard. From grassroots movements to online activism, we'll delve into the dynamic ways individuals are making an impact and fostering inclusivity.

Tune in to this riveting episode as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging you to cast aside the veil of self-censorship, stand boldly alongside the people, and celebrate the strength that emerges from embracing unfiltered authenticity. πŸŽ§πŸ—£οΈ
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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
live. What's up everybody? Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. I got to be real with you. Real with you. I wasn't going to go live today. Got a lot going on in my life. And you know what? I thought about the people. I thought about you. I thought about your family. I thought about people all across the world. Different countries. Different ethnicities. Different religions. Different sexes. Different everything. And I thought, you know... There has never been a time in history where it has been more necessary to unite than right now. And so I sat down in this chair that I'm obviously sitting in because I just told you I sat down. And I just wanted to talk to you and talk about a couple subjects here and then we can go through a few things. So this is off the cuff. This is off the cuff if you can be off the cuff. Okay? This is off the cuff as the cuff has been offed. Self-censorship. I will not self-censor. I will not do it. I will not play those games. You know why? Because it's not good for the people. And when something is not good for the people, I decline to do it. If it's not good for humanity, I decline to do it. If it isn't good for the peasants, I decline to do it. And so for those of you that are scared to speak your mind, to say something that isn't socially accepted. Even though you know it to be true or believe it to be true or it is your true opinion, everyone's got an opinion. You don't need to, you know, not everyone needs to listen to you. Not everyone needs to, you know, try and cancel you. You have the right to share your opinion in the digital public square, in the public square, but now it's digital. Share it. We need more people like you. Truth seekers, apolitical. soon to be heroes to bring back the pendulum to the people. You know, a lot of there's a lot of freedom fighters out there on this battlefield. You know, this podcast is one of them. We're consistent. We have been there from the get when it wasn't popular, but we did it because we knew in our hearts it was right. And we had to do what's best for humanity. This is it, baby. This is the battle. We win or we lose forever. Do you want to help Wayne? It'd be fantastic to have you out here. We got men, women with blown off legs, missing fingers. We're carrying them off in stretchers. But all of a sudden, we have these army reserves that are coming to fight. And then we realized we had more reserves than we thought we had. The silent majority is real. And for that, I want to say thank you. And more importantly, subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you get your podcasts. If you haven't subscribed or shared this show, shame on you. Shame on you. This isn't about Jonathan Kogan. This isn't even about Jonathan Kogan's Show. This is about truth. And this is about bringing facts back to earth and bring an apolitical back and making it cool. All right. This is, this game isn't political. They're trying to divide us. Think about how sick and twisted it is that your mainstream media, wherever you are in the world. want you to be divided with your neighbor and hate your neighbor. They make up fake narratives that half the people hate the other half. They think about how sick it is that the way that you're supposed to get your information, those very people want you divided with your own peers. That's disgusting. That is disgusting. And that's why in this podcast, we don't stand for that. We stand with all people. We do not care what you believe. We just care if you believe. We care if you want the earth to continue, if you want humanity to prosper, if you want us to have a better future than our past. That's what we're here for. That's what this podcast is here for. Maybe you should ask yourself why you're here. What kind of world do you want to live in 10 years? The world will be radically different in 10 years. And you are here right now at this moment in time. to help shape that future. Or you can stay silent and just give in and just get what's given to you, all right? Just eat, just sit in your pod and eat your bugs and say, oh my God, I should, oh my God. Eat the bugs. Eat the bugs. You missed your chance. You were on the sidelines when it counted. And now you're in a pod and we're going to hook up a charger to you, to get your mitochondria going so you could power the elite's baseball field because they want to play softball at night. Just a friendly game, not even professional friendly. And they're going to use your mitochondria to power that. Is that what you want? Listen, if that's what you want, that's what you're going to get. But we refuse. We don't care about our social credit score being negative. Probably the lowest social credit score in the world. Because that means we're doing something right. We're standing up for the peasants against the elites, trying to go for a total technocratic takeover once and for all to get AI behind them and all these digital surveillance systems. And then we can never rebel. Chop off our penises, take our testosterone through the food, through the fluoride in the water, make us dumb. Make us stupid so we can't think straight. Make our balls small and make us so we can't rebel. But we're fighting. We're not even fighting for just you. We're fighting for everybody. And I hope you join us. We hit a milestone today on another note. We're going to switch and cover a few things. We'll go through some current news on Twitter, aka X, which a lot of people just got paid significant sums of money for their monthly revenue ad share last month. One day at KOGZ will make it. But breaking US credit card debt has now passed one trillion. Congratulations. We did it together. We spent more than we earned. And now we have debt at like 80% interest rates. That's fantastic. That's great. Now we have more slaves in the system, more slaves, digital slaves. This is how they're trying to do in the 21st century. Get you on debt and they own you forever. On another note, remember Neo? Neo was an R&B artist when I was younger, when I was a teenager, and he had some really catchy songs, a bunch of catchy songs. Maybe some people say he's a rapper, but really, yeah, rapper, R&B, but man, he had some catchy, catchy stuff. So he was asked a question about, you know, mutilating children and letting children decide, like they just six, if they want to, if they're born, they want to be a girl and chop off their penis. Like, should they be able to do that? And then his publicist came and he said, no, like that's crazy. Like no children. He was like, maybe they should be able to chop off their penis. Maybe they should wait till they're 18. And he got a bunch of backlash for it because it's such a radical position. Um, and his publicist put out, I guess, a statement without asking him, apologizing for his stance, saying the mutilating kids is fantastic. And that we should chop off all genitals and make all boys and girls and girls, boys and just whatever we should make everybody. We should remove genders so that we could just be AI robots, okay? Make us have no sex. You know, a lot of tyrannical governments like Mao, they want to remove gender. They don't want women to be attractive. They want everyone to look the same. They want people to be asexual. They want you to obey and love the state. The state, the state, the state. And when that happens, you have tyranny. But Neo came out and reverses his publicist's, that's a lot of cisgender, publicist's apology for comments against allowing kids to transition. This is how I feel. Listen to this two minute clip that he just came out with. Pretty interesting stuff, here we go. Sounds like an anti-Semite, if you ask me. Sounds like an anti-Semitic, racist person. And I know that's what you were thinking. Just totally anti-Semitic. So what else we got? Ooh, interesting. We got some, so in Australia, they are asking questions to Pfizer and they're not really. So watch as I question, this is a representative in Australia, Malcolm Roberts. Watch as I question Pfizer representative last night in a Senate hearing. The company was very reluctant to attend the committee hearing and also reluctant to supply a straight answer, automatically falling back on their safe, effective mantra to dodge answering the question. Already, the Senate hearing revealed that Pfizer is rewriting history on transmission of infection. We're supposed to conveniently forget they said, quote, get it to protect others to save grandma, and quote, when you're vaccinated, the virus stops with you. They're hiding behind their identity, identity contract with our government and dodging responsibility. ATAGI and the Australian governments must stop pushing these unsafe and ineffective shots and drop the destructive mandates now. Wow. They still have mandates in Australia? Oh, wow. That's crazy. This is a long clip. So let's just listen. I haven't listened to it. We're going to both hear it in real time. Let's just see how it starts and we'll, we'll go from there. Wow. They have mandates that I'm sorry, Australia that's messed up. That is really bizarre. You're saying that a contract that your government signed and then forced you to take the medication that is in that agreement, you're not allowed to see the agreement that you not only paid for, that you were forced to take and that it had mandates over and the government works for you, at least in America, and you can't see the contract that your government signed who really works for you, the people. It's bizarre. It's a major red flag. I didn't know that major red flag. Wait, what? So Pfizer had received its own custom batch for its employees that did not go through the government when everyone else's went through the government. Is that not a red flag? That's not a red flag? That they got a special shipment in that got to bypass the government and go directly to them for their employees. Is that not weird? That is really weird. That is so sketchy. I'm so happy that during the pandemic, Pfizer found Jesus and decided to just forgo all profits and business in general and just become basically a nonprofit humanitarian foundation. I'm very grateful for that. That's really quite a turnaround on a dime. Really, they paid the most fines in history, the most criminal organization ever, by far the most criminal industry of all time. But then the pandemic came and they just became a philanthropist. It's beautiful, actually. It almost brings a tear to my eye. Wow, that was juicy. I'm glad we watched that together. That was... You know, if they didn't find Jesus in the pandemic and just totally disregard the fact that our business and became the most philanthropic organization of all time that just cares about humanity and wants everyone to be injected with love and passion and swell their heart with joy, you would think that maybe they're criminal and that they had other intentions here. And his one question that he said, did it come from the American DOD? like did start with that. Well, we've proven that on this podcast. Sasha Lyatoba, whatever her last name is, she was one that had shared that earlier. So you should go check that podcast. Probably a hundred episodes ago, honestly, of The Jonathan Kogan Show. We've reported that at length. Also, Dr. David Martin knows that as well. He shared that. We have several podcast episodes with him. Go check that out. So we know this. But they're avoiding the question because. They know. So, we'll end on this just because I'm not an organizer. Oh, oh, very important actually before we get into this. Actually, no, we're going to get into this and then we're going to get into the last story. Here we go. So Taylor Lorenz, you know Taylor Lorenz, right? Taylor Lorenz lost her mind in the pandemic. The people who sold out their soul, their morals and everything to become a Covidian, to be so aggressive, to be able to feel like they have higher social status than others, but based on if they get more injections, that they know more and they were basically wrong in every single thing. I have a friend that was like that, wrong at every single thing. And now you want to take that person seriously on like climate change and stuff, even though on 100% of the things that they stood for, 100, because they're brainwashed. So Taylor Renz is one of those people. She wrote the other day, quote, we could literally stop the virus at any, she just wrote this, this is literally from like August, like the second. We could literally stop the virus at any time with basic mitigation measures, but that might mean slightly less profit for corporations. So we'll just keep letting vulnerable people needlessly die and millions become permanently disabled with zero support system in place. That's August 2023. First of all, didn't these incredible vaccines save humanity? And basically everybody took it. So we're good. Didn't we? We need to take more measures now. What do you mean? If you take the vaccine, we're going to get back to normal. And people took like 18 of them. People are still getting boosters. OK, they're going to get so booster, they're going to end up on the moon. Jay Bachari, a friend of the show, good podcast with him earlier, wrote, the problem is not Lorenz per se, but rather the Washington Post. which embrace such anti-science nonsense as its guiding principle in much of its pandemic coverage. Would any post reporter care to share what magical mitigation measure will bring us to zero COVID? And by the way, Jay Bhattachary, he's a very fringe epidemiologist, Stanford, you know, he's at Stanford Medical School, also a PhD economist, very fringe, very fringe, you know, Stanford, so fringe, really out there. Just crazy. People have lost their mind. I feel bad. It became, COVID was, it was basically a test of mental illness is basically what we got to. So, uh, last thing I want to share is like the first tweet I had today. Oh, you know what? That reminds me trust the experts, right? That means according to Taylor Larens and all these people who lost their minds, they say trust the experts. Well, what does Thomas Sowell say about trust the experts? Listen to this. I love that. Many of the great disasters of our time have been committed by experts, Thomas Sowell. And guess what? He's still right, because that's exactly what happened. This crime against humanity, this potential Nuremberg 2 violation is 100% the fault of the experts. And a lot of the brainwashed peasants went along with them. So what other, since the world is so stable and everything's so fine, it's not weird that this happened. There was an explosion. at the Turkish grain depot. This depot holds up to 8 million tons of wheat, barley, legumes, chickpeas and lentils. It has been full due to the uncertainty of war and to ensure the population has backup food in case they are unable to import. And guess what? It just blew up. Look at that smoke. If you're not watching it, it just, it just blew up. Yep. Just blew up. Just totally random. The world state. Thank you Biden, Bidenomics. We love it. Greatest most stable world ever. The people who are saying the economy's great, the world's great, we've never had a better president ever. It's so crazy to me that they're willing to go that far and say that stuff when we are clearly in the most unstable world of anybody's lifetime. Things are more chaotic. There's more tragedies. There's no control of our own. We don't even have a country. We have no borders. We have wars going on everywhere. We're saber rattling with the biggest nuclear powerhouse, Russia. We're... Taiwan's going to possibly be invaded. We can't build the chip factory in Arizona. We got 7 million people we know nothing about in our country from prisons elsewhere and all sorts of people that are probably bringing in disease and stuff from Michael Yan, who reported that like tuberculosis, it's going to spread like wildfire, which gives more an excuse for a pandemic and then just crazy, and people are saying, yeah, he's the greatest of all time. Thanks, God. Oh my God. Thank you, Joe Biden. You're the best. And who, and people have lost their minds. You can't, there's no easier way to show you that you're a shill. If you say that, just say, Hey, I think these are good. He's a decent president. Don't say he's the better than Lincoln and everything. Speaking about the new pandemic, new from British scientists begin developing vaccines in a high security laboratory complex against a new pandemic caused by an unknown disease X that's from Sky News. And here's the source. UK scientists have begun developing vaccine. as an insurance against a new pandemic caused by unknown quote disease X. The work is being carried out at the government's high security porting down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists. You excited? You getting ready? You getting ready? I know, I know, I know. It's hard to contain the excitement for pandemic number two. And Bill said Dr. Bill Gates, he said this time that people are going to pay attention on this one. And then, you know, he gave that psychopath smile. You know, people who murder people smile. Yeah, you did that. That's great. That's fantastic. I'm so happy. Our world is run by psychopaths where many are pedophiles who went to Epstein Island and have no accountability and can do whatever they want. And the mainstream media actually says they're heroes and fantastic people, but really they break every law of all time. They got all the wealth from all the peasants during the pandemic. They locked us down, forced injections, did no repercussions. I'm so happy how fantastic the world's being run. because things are so stable. Thank you, Bidenomics. Okay, let's be real. Let's bring the world back to the people. It's time the people run the show. It's time for the elite's reign to be over. They've ran it for centuries and it's done. I can't do it anymore. We can't do it anymore. We need to be decentralized, community focused. We can't be a top-down centralized dictatorship, all right? We need to have free speech that cannot be taken away by one entity by just deplatforming you, okay? We need open protocols like Nostr. We need money that can't be traced like CBDCs, like Bitcoin. We need freedom. You know why? Because freedom is awesome. Freedom is in all of us. And you can have it if you want it, but you must stand for it. And this time it's even easier for us. It's an information war. We can stand up for freedom, unlike our ancestors who died. So many people died for us to have freedom, and we're about to just give it away and hand it over to a bunch of these oligarchs? You gotta be kidding me. To BlackRock, to Larry Fink, to all these people? Are you out of your mind? I ain't going down and listen, if we're going down, I ain't going down without a fight, a big fight, a serious fight. So I ask you, do you stand with us? You come into the brawl. How about you think about that tonight when you go to bed at night, think about it. Do you want to keep the freedom or not? If you do, let me know. Send me a DM on Twitter at KOGZ. Say I'm in. That's all you need to say. I'll give it a thumbs up. And then I know we're on the same page. That's what we're going to do. All right, if you want to support the podcast, go to forward slash ownership economy, one word ownership economy. You could donate five bucks. It really helps trying to raise money for this pod. Thank you so much. Subscribe to the John the Coke show, share the John the Coke show. I'll see you tomorrow. I truly do love you. You're amazing. God bless. Bye.