The Viktor Wilt Show

The most positive states in the U.S., things that guys do that women find to be very unattractive, giving away more awesome gear with No Limit Guitar Company, things people thought were normal until they found out otherwise, the new show on HBO "It's Florida, Man", giving away a Nintendo Switch with Brent Gordon Law, orca poos in tank at SeaWorld and splashes it all over the crowd, man nearly burns down home attempting to get rid of a bees nest with a flame thrower, skip Coffee City on your next trip to Texas, catching up with Peaches about his weekend, the ghost ship in Florida is fake, face in a rock found on Mars

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Well, hi. Welcome to my program, the Viktor Wilt Show. I hope you're well. Hope you had a good weekend and that it didn't go by too quickly. It always does, but hopefully just a a tiny bit slower than usual.

Mine just blazed by over in the blink of an eye. Very disappointing, But it was good. It was good. Watched a variety of good films and relaxed. I did not accomplish much around the house, so that's kind of, you know, bothering me.

But who cares? I slept in and relaxed and enjoyed myself, and I think that was what I was needing. So sometimes you just gotta put the chores off. You know? I mean, before we know it, not gonna be able to go outside, so I'll have all the time in the world to clean the inside.

Right? Yeah. Who cares? Alright. Was that, a positive way to start the day?

Making excuses for not doing chores and slacking? You always gotta keep a positive outlook if you can. Lot of lot of negativity out there. I don't know if you've noticed. My social media feed, man.

People are getting feisty. Getting feisty. I think over the next, you know, 2 weeks, it's gonna get crazy with the negativity. So try to stay calm every everybody. You know?

No fighting. We should all be able to get along to a degree. No need to get too too psycho, or maybe we just live in a negative place. I don't know. I was looking at a list of the, you know, most positive places, and it was a surprising list.

Yeah. Apparently, some of the metrics they use to determine the, most positive states in the country were how likely residents were to keep going in challenging situations, how often they exercised or ate a healthy breakfast. How all of that determines positivity, I don't know. And how they would determine that residents were able to keep going in challenging situations, I don't know. But apparently, Wyoming's where it's at where people wake up ready to own the day.

Well, I mean yeah. I guess in Wyoming, it's kinda similar to here where, you know, the next 6 months, you're gonna have to be able to endure to get by, but we're not on the list. We're not on the list of the, at least top 5 most optimistic states. California at 2, New Jersey at 3, Alabama at 4, and Maryland at number 5. Okay.

I mean, jeez, from talking to people from California, talking to people from the East Coast, I never seem to hear dude, New Jersey, everybody's in such a great mood. Everybody's so happy and, optimistic. I don't tend to hear that about Wyoming either, but, hey, that's what the list says, and, I mean, you could make a list for just about anything I would imagine, and, I mean, it doesn't necessarily have to be true. But, anyway, if you're looking for somewhere positive to go, Wyoming and New Jersey. Oh, okay.

I mean, I could understand depending on where you're at in California being positive. Oh, the weather's 70 degrees year round. That would keep me fairly positive, but snow makes me feel negative. So it's what it is. When I saw the snow in the mountains on Friday, like, hiding inside.

Alright, dudes. Victor Welt here to help you out with the ladies. Yeah. A bunch of women were recently pulled online, asked, what isn't nearly as attractive, attractive as a lot of guys think it is? And right out of the gate, I'm like, okay.

Are these things that guys actually think are attractive or guys just doing dumb things and need to be told, hey. Like, don't do that. You look like a fool. You're not impressing the ladies. Let's dive in, and we'll see here.

Overconfidence. Okay. So they said confidence is great, but overconfidence can be a turnoff. I I hope everybody knows that sometimes guys are faking their confidence for sure. I know plenty of dudes that act really confident, but on the inside, not so much, not so much.

So that could probably lead to what would seem like overconfidence because the confidence wasn't real to begin with. So, yeah. I I don't know if that would be an intentional one where guys are going yeah. You know, I gotta make sure I appear confident. Maybe.

Maybe. I mean, confidence is important. But if you're not coming across as genuine, yeah, peep people are gonna sniff that out immediately. What else do the ladies not like you dudes doing? Bragging about your money or income?

Alright. Don't brag it up. Be humble. I would imagine that bragging probably comes up more than once in the responses here. Because do you like it when anyone brags?

Like, whether you're a man or a woman. You know, if somebody's bragging and they're being totally serious about it, it's really annoying. Like, you might hear me jokingly brag, and, hopefully, it's blatantly obvious that I am, just being ridiculous when I do that on air. Let's see. Unwanted pictures.

Yeah. Dudes. Unsolicited photos being sent to people's social media pages. I I just don't understand that one. I guess there are people out there who wouldn't have any worry in the world about somebody spreading that around.

You send somebody one of those photos. If they get mad at you, they could just send it to everybody. I I don't know. It's a it's a weird one, and I just can't imagine it actually pays off for people. It I guess it must from time to time.

Otherwise, people wouldn't keep doing it right or or people just exhibitionists. You know? It's like the guy with the the trench coat back in the day who would walk down the street and all of a sudden flash people. That kind of thing? Alright.

What other things are guys doing that ladies think is stupid? Calling yourself an alpha male. Yeah. Dudes, I hate to break it to you, but it's pretty cringey. You know?

Like, it's okay to try to be manly man, but I don't know. Maybe it's just all the guys online who lead the alpha male, you know, charge that are total tools. That phrase, it just I don't know. It does not have the same connotation that it did back in the day, I guess. May well, people didn't really use it much back in the day.

Right? You'd hear it, but I'm an alpha male. I don't know. Yeah. Have you ever heard anybody say that in person?

You see people post about it on social, but that'd be really weird. Some hey. So what do you do? I'm an alpha male. That's what I do.

No. Like, do you have any hobbies? Yeah. Manly stuff. Well, I I hope I'm helping you dudes out here.

Just wanted you know, we're heading into the winter months. You need someone to snuggle up with. These behaviors are not gonna get you any closer. Don't wear too much cologne. And more don't send unsolicited photos.

Being rude. Yeah. I think being rude, that's, you know, not gonna help you in general with just making friends, period. So okay. Somebody said that hand rubbing thing y'all do when you come up to women for the first time.

Hey. Rubbing your hand. Dudes don't really do that, do they? Hey, lady. Rubbing your hands together.

That'd be pretty creepy. There's gotta be dudes to do it. Alright. Talking bad about other women's bodies. Yeah.

Yeah. That's not gonna impress anybody. Sorry, dudes. I'm I'm telling you, just try to come across as a good human being. That's like number 1, be likable.

You know, friendly, fun, funny, likable, all of those things. Alright. Because honestly, if you're, like, negative and mean and some of these other things that have been discussed here, You know, what type of person do you think you're going to attract? Somebody who's just like that themselves. You want somebody who's a keeper gonna stick around.

You gotta kind of behave in the way that would lead you to pick up the type of person that also behaves in that way. You know? Just try to think about it that way. Put out into the world the type of people you want to draw to you. On Friday, our good friend Rulon from No Limit Guitar Company stopped by, hung out for a bit.

We drew a winner for that Schecter Avenger standard guitar and unleashed the details on a massive new giveaway from No Limit Guitar Company in Kay Bear. Hey. You gotta sign up if you haven't entered to win this one yet. We are giving away on Halloween a grand prize package of an LTD Aero 200 electric guitar. It's like flying v style and a PRS Sonzera 20 amplifier, $1700 value.

Somebody's gonna win it from Kay Bear and No Limit. All you gotta do, enter to win in the Kay Bear or All Taps. Or if you get into No Limit and check out their big 6th anniversary sale and purchase something, Anything you purchase is gonna get you an extra entry into that drawing. Now on top of that awesome grand prize package of a sweet guitar and amp, we're giving away some bonus items as well, like a Yamaha THR 5 guitar amp, about a $200 value. Got the WayHuge overdrive pedal, about a $130 value.

A Fishman PowerTap acoustic guitar pickup. This thing I would love to have this for my acoustic guitar. $300 value and then a ukulele. They run around a $100. So lots of prizes up for grabs.

Halloween day with No Limit Guitar Company in Kay Bear. All you've gotta do to enter to win again, fire up the Kay Bear or alt apps, enter in the app. And if you're lucky on Halloween, we'll be calling you up going, happy Halloween, you won. Lots of sweet stuff. So get in to win now.

Spread the word to your guitar playing friends and family and thank you again to No Limit Guitar Company for teaming up with us on these awesome giveaways. I mean, what a month it's been. We've given away 2 guitars already and yeah, now we got this massive grand prize package and additional prizes that we're gonna hook you up with. So get in, get signed up, and good luck. Hey.

What's up? It's Victor Wilt. Good morning. Happy Monday to you. Alright.

Trying to find all of the details here on well, maybe I'm just gonna have to talk about that later. Peaches, I know you're listening. Update my notes. Update them liners so I have the information that I need. Alright.

Anyway, what else is going on around here? Sorry. This is what happens when you're like, I'm gonna talk about this particular thing next and then can't find the information. Okay. How about things that people found to be normal experience them?

Alright. Sure. It'll do its content. Took me a while to put together that most people notice that they're hungry before it starts to hurt. Yeah.

That doesn't sound normal to me. I I tend to notice hunger long before it's pain induced hung Oh, my stomach needs food. You know, generally what is it? About every 8 hours, you'd probably be hungry? Doesn't work that way for me necessarily.

Like, right now, not hungry, but, you know, depending on the day, could be. Anyway, what other things do people think were normal until they were like, oh, I've talked to somebody else and, yeah. Turns out I'm a weirdo. Constant existential dread. Turns out not everyone's brain is a 247 horror show.

Yeah. If you feel that way, talked about this multiple times, get in and talk to somebody. K? That that isn't normal to fill constant existential dread. You probably need to talk with someone depending on your situation.

Your doctor may prescribe you some things. Get in and talk to a doctor. K? No need to go through life feeling that way. Let's see.

Someone says, I used to think getting random deja vu moments was totally normal for everyone, but then I found out some people never really experience it. Felt so common to me I was surprised. There are people who don't ever get deja vu. That's weird. I mean, I don't have it happen super frequently.

Maybe weekly. Is that a lot? I'd say weekly I get deja vu. Maybe people don't understand what it is. I don't know.

That that is weird to me. Let's see. This user says I used to think everyone replayed conversations in their heads and analyzed every word they said, but then I found out most people just move on without giving it a second thought. Is that true too? I definitely analyze stupid conversations I've had in my head and been like, oh, I should have said something that a little bit differently or what did that person mean by that?

Maybe it's just because I work with a bunch of radio DJs and we're all kind of, weird and needy. You know, I mean, if you work in a box that you just talk out into the ether, just hoping people are listening to you, you're you got some issues, I'd say. I've yet to meet a normal radio person that doesn't have some kinda issues. So I'm sure that most DJs are replaying conversations in their heads. I mean, me yapping.

I'll go back when I'm getting the the podcast version of this show together, the on demand version that you can pick up anywhere the podcasts are available. YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music. I'll be listening to that and be like, why didn't I take this angle? Why did I say it that way? Oh, I'm such an idiot.

Alright. What else do we have here? Norm things people think are normal, then they find out, oh, it's not. Not trusting your parents and being very careful to not share any details of your personal life because they'll use it against you. Okay.

Sounds like a bad household to me. That is not normal. It's sad. I I mean, I I don't know how you fix that issue. If you have parents that are that vindictive, I guess we'll go back to get in and talk to somebody because, you know, parents can really mess people up.

They really can. You know? I mean, as a parent, you do your best to or at least I did my best to try to raise the kids right. And, you know, you look back and go, gosh, man. I really screwed up in this way and that way.

But you you wanna hope you didn't mess them up too bad. You know? As long as they turn out pretty normal. There's no perfect parents out there, so try to not beat yourself up too bad. But I I guess if your kids will actually talk to you about their problems, maybe you're doing okay since this other person, they won't tell their parents anything.

This person says I thought everyone could make their eyes vibrate at will. Vibrate? Alright. I'm I'm gonna make myself, feel very off kilter if I try that again. Alright.

No more trying to make my eyes vibrate. Instead, let's make the walls vibrate. So earlier, I mentioned that I watched a few good things over the weekend, some good movies and such. But one of the main things that stands out to me that I watched over the weekend that I'd highly recommend you check out is a new show on HBO called it's Florida, man. And it's, as you would guess, a show with Florida man stories.

And I didn't expect much out of this because we've been doing Florida man bits on this radio station for years years years. But the approach they took to making this show, holy cow, I was rolling laughing. I threw it on before bed. Was it Friday night or Saturday night? Anyway, just to have something on to drift off to sleep while it was playing and I I did not fall asleep while this show was airing.

I watched the entire episode. I mean, they're not very long, but I was blown away. Hilarious. The first episode of It's Florida, man. And I don't wanna ruin the story.

I don't recall if we did this particular story on, you know, the Florida man feature on the afternoon show or anything. But it was a story about a Florida man who he needed some money, so he posted on Craigslist that he'd do anything for some cash. And, well, somebody messaged him and we're like, alright. If you can help me with my ultimate fantasy, I'll give you some money. And I won't tell you what their ultimate fantasy was.

I could. I mean, it's it's kinda gross, but I don't wanna ruin it. It's not something I couldn't say on air, but I don't wanna ruin it. And the way the episode played out, it was just so funny. So funny that I ended up, telling my lady about it and watch it with her again.

I was like, you gotta check this out. I've to me, this is hilarious. She found it very funny as well. So if you're looking for something really good to watch, I mean, I hope they can somehow keep up with the first episode. The first episode was so strong that I'm like, I don't know if they're gonna be able to keep this level of mayhem going.

But I hope so because I really enjoyed it. It's Florida comma man on HBO. Check it out. Let me know what you think if you're mad at my recommendation afterward. Like I said, it's kinda gross, but the grossness made me laugh.

So really, really good. It looks like reviews online. People seem to either love it or hate it, but I I thought it was great. So you're welcome in advance. If it grosses you out, sorry in advance.

So we've got a lot of fun stuff going on this week. How about the time change? It's not coming up this week. It's coming up 1 week from Sunday. And you might be going, what what's fun about that?

We know nothing. Time change sucks. So we're trying to make it more fun with a giveaway called make the switch powered by Brent Gordon Law. Alright. We're giving away a Nintendo Switch bundle.

And all you've gotta do if you wanna win this thing is fire up your k Bear or all taps and enter to win. That simple. Make the switch. Win a Nintendo Switch bundle just in time for the upcoming time change, which is going down November 3rd. Boo to that, but yay to a Nintendo Switch that could possibly be yours.

And all you've gotta do to enter to win, again, fire up the k Bear or alt apps, fill out the form, and boom, you're in to win with make the switch with Brent Gordon Law. Good luck. Well, you know I love a good story about animals fighting back against people. All the stories about the orcas attacking boats and things like that. I love that stuff.

Animals are getting fed up with people and you know, I don't wanna see anybody get hurt, but sometimes people are asking for it. You know? They they're they're just not good to animals. And when the animals strike back, you gotta go, well, kinda got what was coming to you. Like this crowd watching a show at SeaWorld San Antonio.

I would imagine orcas being very intelligent animals, some of the most intelligent out there, They probably don't like living at SeaWorld and doing the stupid shows. Yeah. They're they're really smart animals yet again. And I don't know if animal is the proper word for an Orca. My bad.

But anyhow, this video is great. And based on how intelligent these creatures are Should I call them creatures? I'm guessing this was on purpose. So you got the crowd. This is in, you know, one of these, SeaWorld arenas watching the orca show.

And the orca's getting ready to do another trick when all of a sudden, it goes to the bathroom in the tank. Number 2. Drop some dookie. Alright? And then it swims away.

And as this is, dissipating throughout the water it's very gross. I mean, you can you can see the cloud in the water. It leaps out of the water and splashes the crowd with this big brown wave. And I I just think this video is great. Again, knowing how intelligent these creatures are, I really think it knew what it what it was doing.

Alright. You wanna watch the show? I got a show for you and, you know, teach people a lesson about, sitting up close at the SeaWorld show. So funny. There's video again that you can check out.

Quote from one person who witnessed the incident said it was shocking. We expected to get wet sitting so close, but not like that. It smelled awful, and people were gagging. SeaWorld at San Antonio issued an apology saying we regret this unfortunate event and are taking every step to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests. Our team followed established protocols to minimize health risks, and we'll review our procedures to prevent this from happening again.

How are you gonna prevent an orca from going to the bathroom? Alright. What are you gonna do? Tell it no? Don't do that.

Nothing like coming home from vacation. How'd how'd you get sick? Well, Orkadookie. Orkadookie is a pretty good, band name. You could make it one word.

You're welcome, local bands. Freak news voted Idaho's best oil change. Let's kick things off in New York state, a town called Beacon. Alright. If you've got bees or hornets or wasps infesting your home, it can be a nightmare, but you gotta call in the experts to deal with this.

K? Don't take a flamethrower and try to take out the nest. Alright? This is not the first story, and I'm sure it won't be the last where somebody burns down their home trying to get rid of bees or spiders. Alright?

Flamethrower. Story ended with, yeah. The fire department shows up. And, no injuries to the first responders or civilians, thankfully, but the home is all messed up because they used a flamethrower on a beehive that was attached to their home. Alright.

Should be common sense, but I guess we need to throw it out there again. I know it sucks having to pay for an exterminator. They can be kind of expensive, but it's just the better route to take. Alright? So just so you're aware.

Alright. Let's see here. Alright. That's a long story. I I was reading this crazy story about this small town in Texas.

Town of about 250 people, coffee city, which you'd think sounds like a fun place to visit. Slam down an instant coffee shooter, all kinds of coffee. No. Every bit of resources in that town apparently going to hiring police officers. Again, this town, 250 people live there.

They have 50 police officers. Needless to say, things were a little bit fishy, and it's a long article, so I'm not gonna get into all of it. But, I don't think that if I'm on a road trip, coffee city's a place that I'm going to travel through. Your chances of being pulled over and encountering dysfunctional officers, very high. Very, very high.

How many cops do you need in a town of 250 people? I'll have to ask lieutenant Crane on Friday. Yeah. We got some small towns around here. How many officers they got?

I would I would doubt it's one officer for every 5 people seems excessive but that's only the beginning of the problems here I'm not gonna get into all of it that town is a mess all right what else do we have here We've got, a story about a politician in the UK who had a milkshake thrown in his face. Just so you know, even if it's a liquid and it seems ultimately harmless, if you throw something at someone, even if it's water, you could get assault charges and, you could go to jail for quite a while. So as annoying as politicians can be, you can't throw milkshakes in their faces like this woman, Victoria Thomas Bowen, did. She thought it was fun. She's smiling and laughing as she does so.

But now, well, yeah. She's gonna go to jail for a while. You know? These people in positions of power, they don't tolerate that kind of behavior. So, anyway, yeah.

Video that looked like all fun and games. Gonna be a bad time. Bad time, the guy said, you know, I wasn't injured, but this incident caused me concern as I have only been going about my job. And I'm very saddened that this happened at a political campaign. Now you know he likes seeing his opposition get locked up.

You know it. You know it. So don't do that, k. Don't wanna hear of any k Bear listeners going to jail because they wanted to try to make a viral video. Her video did go viral, But I don't know if the payoff's gonna be worth it.

Not sure what her fines are gonna be, but I'm sure I'm sure there's something and sitting in jail would suck. I would imagine UK jails pretty pretty miserable. Right? I don't know. I mean, there's worse places to go to jail for sure, but jail period would have to suck.

So don't do it. You know, just grit your teeth. The election will be over in 2 weeks. Okay? 2 weeks that and then hopefully, the post election mayhem goes away very quickly as well.

Because no matter what happens, people are gonna lose their minds. Oh, gonna have to get lots of rest. Lots of rest in the meantime to be able to mentally handle whatever kind of stupid comes our way. Halloween music brought to you by No Limit Guitar Company celebrating their 6 year anniversary. What is happening, Peaches?

Well, happy Monday. I wish I had an extra week weekend, day because, well, my weekend was taken up with extra work. Yeah. Well, you know, going to a show's fun work though at least, you know. Did you enjoy hanging out in the big city of Boise?

Oh, yeah. You forget how many, different options there are for food and stores and stuff. Yeah. Boise ain't too bad. There's whole foods.

There's, Trader Joe's where I got you this, triple ginger sparkling whatever beverage. Yeah. Triple ginger Triple ginger brew. It looks pretty good. Just in case you're like, oh, my stomach hurts.

There you go. Alright. Ginger brew for the, rough stomach. I'm gonna have to give it a try. I do like a nice ginger brew.

Yeah. So We've talked about that, that bleep and bowl, drink before. Yeah. I think those are delicious. You know, I I like something with a little bit of bite and, you know, probably why, you know, I like brutal IPAs when it comes to beer.

So, you know, trying not to drink beer, I tend to get real nasty kombucha or, ginger brews because they got that that kick to them. Right. You know? Yeah. Delicious.

I felt like the, the gift getter for the whole entire trip because Jill Venmoed me money to get her a shirt. Another person Venmoed me money to get them a shirt. Then I went to the Record Exchange, got some people some stuff. And then I went to Trader Joe's, got you that, got some other people some stuff. Well, thank you.

Just came back with the company vehicle full of stuff for other people. Very nice. Santa peach. Yeah. That's right.

We gotta get you the big red suit. Oh, sure. Yeah. If anybody has a gigantic red suit, we can pass on to Peaches. He'll be the k Bear Santa along with JD and, Rulon.

We'll have 3 k Bear Santas. You gotta dye your beard white, though, Peachy. We we gotta have Krazy Jay be an elf. Krazy Jay would make a great elf, and I'm sure he'd be down. Yeah.

You know, we'll get the full fledged K Bear, Christmas photos for our Christmas cards Oh, that'd be fantastic. To send out to everybody. Yeah. I'm already planning my Christmas card this year. I figured, you know what?

I'm not living at my parents anymore. My mom always tries to include me in the family Christmas card, and she usually does. But I wanna do my own and send it to my personal friends and do wear, like, a Hawaiian shirt in the middle of the snow. That would be, pretty Idaho. Would be pretty Idaho.

We're in that time of year right now where it's, like, freezing in the morning and just, beautiful in the afternoons, at least until, like, next week. Yeah. And then it gets dark real fast now? Yeah. Especially once we do the, time change Right.

It's making switch. Coming up in about, 2 weeks now. Print court of law. Make sure you sign up. Yeah.

Sign up in the K Bear or all taps. Win yourself a Nintendo Switch. We got a lot of fun giveaways going on right now. You're welcome. Giving away gear.

Giving away a Switch. And, yeah. All of these things you can enter to win them in the Ka Bear and all taps. So Unless we got some more concert ticket giveaways in your future. More concert ticket giveaways coming soon.

That's right. The prizes never end around here. So always make sure you've got the Ka Bear and Alt apps. Keep an eye on the new giveaways going on in those apps, and he might be a lucky winner. We've been hooking up some really sweet prizes in the last couple weeks.

So Listeners just get to have a whole VIP experience by meeting Fame on Fire, basically, on a street corner. It was pretty funny. We moved Very nice. We moved closer to the back of the venue because we were right there on the sidewalk by the cars just speeding fast. Yeah.

That doesn't sound like a great meet and greet spot. All loud Right. Traffic sound. Yeah. Some some pretentious guy in a motorcycle Yeah.

The whole time. Yeah, dude. Yeah. You gotta you gotta find a place with a little bit of, serenity. It was really funny because there was 2 old ladies that pulled up in, like, this beat up, like, Toyota Camry.

They go, are you guys Wage War? They had, like, no teeth. And then and then the the Blake and Brian just look at each other, like, no. We're not Wage War. It's like, what are they gonna do if they find Wage War?

Hey, guys. I just wanna say I love you. Love the show. Yeah. I don't know.

You you know, it could have been wage war. I do love that Idaho is a mixture of those type of people with, like, the per like, the hipsters that only drink, like, triple IPAs and listen to Tame Impala and have the man bun. Oh, yeah. Idaho is quite the melting pot. There's every type of person here imaginable, especially in the last few years, you know, where people are just moving here from all over the country.

Now we've we've just got a very wide variety of people around here. Definitely. It's pretty fun. Yeah. It's like when you go to a cabaret event.

The types of listeners that we meet You you don't know. All different types. You don't know what to expect. There's literally, like, moms that show up that I never thought would even know what Slipknot even is. Grandmas.

Yeah. Yeah. Grandmas and we've got the young teenagers. We got all listeners, all shapes and sizes. But, yeah, people think that for some reason our fan base is just people that, you know, look like Crazy Jay or act like Crazy Jay.

Yeah. No. Because Jay is just, you know He's just One guy. You know, part of our whack pack. Yeah.

He's just a long timer. He's an OG. OG Kay Bear band. Drop off Kay Bear Scat Pack stickers? He did.

He did. I've, I've got them at my house. I forgot to, bring them back here. We should definitely give those to ones the people that are a part of the Scat Pack. I think you'd have to be hardcore Wack Pack to get, Scat Pack sticker.

Yeah. We have a we have a list of people already that Yeah. Are hardcore. But So thank you for those, Stuart. We'll get them out to people, soon as I remember to bring them to work.

So Which is better. Which is probably gonna be a bit. I'll do my best. He's too busy putting signs on his front lawn? I I did put up some new ones.

Then I talked to my neighbors about it. I'm glad you're encouraging the neighborhood for people to be free of, you know if if I believe in this, I have to go hide it. You know, it's a stupid stupid thing. When somebody told me I think it was Jade who told me when I first moved out here, don't mention you're from California. I'm, screw that.

Yeah. You shouldn't have to. It's there's nothing wrong with being from California. I'm moving. What are they gonna do?

Tell me to go back or, like, you know, walk away all pouty? And I think it encourages discussion. Like, you know, I've been having, political discussions with people I didn't expect to. Right. And they always go fine.

It's not like we walk away, and, like, I'm never talking to you again. No. You know, it it encourages discussion. And I don't think people should have to be, you know, ashamed and hide what they think. And if you feel like openly supporting something, go for it.

Stick a sign in your yard. Why not? You know? Far as I've I know, I haven't seen any bullet holes in my house yet. So I think I'm okay.

I got a new peephole. Hey. I I don't recall there being a spot on my door for me to look out. I always use the camera, but now I have a new peephole. Someone shoots the door pretty low.

It's like, oh, Koopa, you got yourself a peephole. Now listeners do not or even if you're not a listener, please tell your friends shooting at people's homes because you disagree with their political beliefs is not cute. I want you to think about that logically. I know they can't do that. But, like, if if I see a political sign, I'm not gonna pull out a gun and start shooting at somebody's house.

Dude. That's that's such a lame thing. Have you seen have we seen stories of people shooting movie theater screens? And Chris Rock had a great joke saying, this movie's so good. I'm gonna shoot my shoot my gun at the screen.

Yeah, dude. There have been stories out of a variety of states of, like, campaign offices getting they've had to move them because repeatedly, people shooting at them. That's a young politics. Showing up with bullet holes. Can you imagine?

Politics is just getting going down the drain. You need to have somebody make a point out of somebody in order for people like that to stop doing these crimes. Yeah. Like, no matter what you think politically, shooting at a building that could have people in it is not good. It's not acceptable.

I don't know if you I don't know if I ever told you this, but in 2017, I went to New York and I, saw the Trump Tower. Mhmm. And back then, of course, Trump was a he still is a polarizing figure, but he was even more polarizing back then because it was, like, his first time running. Yeah. And he had no joke.

I mean, giant dudes bigger than me holding guns almost the same size as them just walking outside the front of the tower. And I was thinking, like Wow. Man, what if somebody actually, like, did something? How fast those people be gone? Yeah.

Trying to think of when I was in New York I mean, I know that we walked by, like, a couple of the, like, big news organizations buildings. Right. Yeah. And, I mean, the they had very thick security around those as well. Definitely.

But I don't blame them. Even TMZ. People are so crazy with the media nowadays. Right. It's it's kind of frightening.

That's why TMZ's headquarters are hidden. You don't know where they're at, and there's security guards everywhere. It's a gated parking lot. It's a whole thing. It's crazy.

It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is nowadays. So Yeah. I've seen some of the letters that get sent. Yeah. It has to be.

Yeah. Just try to be rational, people. Try to be rational human beings. Alright. We got plenty of show coming your way.

Lots to talk about, so don't go anywhere. It may be beating the dead horse as far as this program's concerned, but just wanna remind you to not believe everything you see on social media. I don't know. As often as I throw that out there, it doesn't seem to help, but I'll continue to try. Did you see the posts going around about the ghost ship that suddenly appeared in Florida after the hurricane, a 1700 era ghost ship.

That's not real, everybody. K. I saw lots of people sharing this one. The photo's really cool. It was like something out of The Goonies.

You're like, wow. That's amazing. But usually, if something seems too amazing to be true on social media, it probably is. And Yeah. It was I don't know if it was AI or what, but it's not real.

Sorry to ruin anybody's day who is looking forward to going and seeing the ghost ship. But you go to Saint Augustine, you're just gonna have to do something else. I don't know. Look at the, devastation. Sit on the beach.

Yeah. No ghost ship. So just, again, try to remember to look into things. Don't just share stuff right out of the gate because may or may not be true. And there's a lot of ridiculous made up stuff making the rounds right now.

So Snopes. You can always go to Get a little bit of insight there, but it doesn't take much a few minutes of Googling to try to find consensus on certain stories you might see and find yourself the truth. K? Just because, you know, grandma shared it on Facebook don't necessarily mean that it's real, which, again, in cases of stories like this, it's a real bummer.

This was pretty sweet as a fan of The Goonies, but Nope. It was fake. Bummer. People don't really think this looks like a human face, right? This article is really dumb.

Came from Yahoo News. Eerie discovery on Mars looks exactly like human face. I'm like, alright. You remember the face on Mars from back in the day? Been, you know, disproven now with, higher quality photos.

But the old photos they took of Mars, you know, kind of rough. It's like, oh, it does kinda look like a face. This one, however, that the article says looks exactly, exactly like a human face. No. No, it does not.

That looks like a rock. Just a regular old rock with no human face to if anything, it kinda looks like maybe, an alien face on its side. I mean, you're still really stretching to try to go this is a face. And it's not like some kind of a carving or this is just a rock sitting on the ground. I don't know why they would say looks exactly like anything other than a rock.

You know? Got me to click, though. They got me to click. So, I mean, people can look at clouds and see stuff. So you can't just immediately buy into Oh, did you see the face on Mars?

The original face on Mars was much more impressive than this dumb face on Mars. This I can't believe this is even well, I guess anything's newsworthy if they get idiots like me to click on it. Well done, Yahoo. What up, peaches? Oh, nothing.

Alright. Well, I figured right now would be a good time to, on air, answer a listener question from our Kay Bear group, Peaches. Glad you're doing it. That's right. In case you guys didn't know, the main website we used to have, kbear dot f m Is gone.

Is no more. Just like the people are going, where's the kbear truck? No more. That's right. It is no more.

But just about everything that was on that site is now available at So if you're looking for the concert calendar, what you need to do is if you wanna just go straight to the new calendar, go to Easy. Boom. And it's a pretty cool calendar because it not only has the rock and metal shows, but it has everything.

Every type of event, country shows, blah blah blah. But if you don't wanna see all that other stuff, you just go to sort by event type and select concert slash rock. Then you can see all the rock and metal shows come into the area. So, we've had a few people ask us about that recently. Just figured I'd throw it out there. And while you're there while you're there, you can check out, you know, our podcasts. You can check out the new digital radio stations or new new channels we got going on, like alt 101, throwback 103. That's one of my favorites. Peaches love those terrible nineties pop tunes.

Hey. You're you're the you're you're the guy who says, the nineties is the best era of music. Well Complete and utter trash. In the world of rock, the nineties was pretty good, but you get outside of rock, it's pretty bad. Like, there's nothing worse than nineties country.

I would say right now, the nineties are responsible for the most overplayed bands in the entirety of rock radio. That's because they're the most popular bands in rock radio. Red Hot Chili Peppers is not the most popular. Peaches, they're a very, very popular band. For Insanely popular.

Partake in certain activities. Sure. Insanely popular, the Chili Peppers. Okay. Yeah.

Absolutely. You you saw where they played in Salt Lake. If you're playing USANA, you're a popular band. You mean the Utah First Credit Union Epithesis? I I I can't remember that name.

It's always gonna be USANA because the other name is too long. I love terribly named sponsored arenas. Yeah. Like, just cut the name down a little bit. It's worse than radio.

It's way worse than radio. Like, the Utah First Credit Union Amphitheater. It's just, you know, call it, something shorter. I don't know. I get it.

These businesses want to slap their name on something so that they get, plugs every time that the venue comes up. And my apologies to Utah First Credit Union. Is that right? I don't know. I can't remember it.

It's just a very generic name. I can't remember what it is unless it's right in front of my face. So, anyway, you know that big venue. Yeah. That's where the big bands play.

But if you wanna find out who's playing there, /calendar. Go check it out. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Welt Show. This program's a production of river This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that?

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