The Few Will Hunt Show

Who knew pursuing your dreams could be so challenging yet incredibly rewarding? In this episode, Joey and Drew are joined by Frank Veneziale, owner of FTV Fitness and a passionate online health and nutrition coach from Northeast Philadelphia. Frank transformed his life through sustainable habits, nutrition, and exercise, and is dedicated to helping others do the same. His business focuses on helping busy men and women lose fat and build muscle without extreme diets or long hours at the gym. His fitness journey began with his passion for hockey, and eventually led him to leaving his full-time job and pursuing his dream. Discover how Frank balances his business, family life, and his dedication to health and fitness excellence.

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and Made in the USA apparel brand. Family-owned and operated and headquartered in Philadelphia. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Drew Beech:

Online personal fitness coach, online health coach Yeah. And group purse, personal trainer at Fit Stop here in

Frank Veneziale:

Northern Liberty Center.

Drew Beech:

All around health and fitness guru. Guru. Yeah. Wow. Yep.

Frank Veneziale:

Just provide value, free value. You know what I mean? It's tough to get people to give you your money. Give, give, give. Never ask, and it's been working out really well.

Frank Veneziale:

Start. Just start. The hardest part is just starting. You never know who you're gonna connect with or where your journey is gonna lead you. Create your luck 100%.

Joey Bowen:

Yes. So, like, when the opportunity's there, you're prepared to seize it.

Frank Veneziale:

Yes. If you aren't, like, obsessed and passionate, like, it's tough to be all in if you're not obsessed.

Joey Bowen:

Oh, you have to be. It's it's addition by subtraction. Like, you know, if you wanna be great at something, you can't do everything.

Frank Veneziale:

The best time to plant a tree is is 10 years ago.

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

The next best time is today.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. What's going on, Eagles? Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. I am Drew.

Drew Beech:

I am joined by my cousin and cofounder Joey, as well as our esteemed guest

Joey Bowen:

Esteemed guest.

Drew Beech:

Online personal fitness coach, online health coach. Yeah. And group, personal trainer at Fit Stop here in

Frank Veneziale:

Northern Liberty's in Cherry Hill.

Drew Beech:

Northern Liberty's in Cherry Hill. So all around health and fitness guru. Guru. Yeah. Wow.

Drew Beech:

Yep. Guru.

Frank Veneziale:

Never been called a guru. I I

Drew Beech:

And my man is pee look. In here looking like a specimen.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Like, I appreciate that 24 hour fast.

Joey Bowen:

Nothing less. I expected nothing less.

Drew Beech:

In the middle of a 24 hour fast, but I can I got bored?

Joey Bowen:

I just had a banana.

Frank Veneziale:

Alright. Alright.

Joey Bowen:

So, yeah, I just had a banana. So

Frank Veneziale:

For the record, I wouldn't recommend breaking the fast with a banana. Protein first. Protein first.

Drew Beech:

Wanted to have my friend Frank here on because Frank is in the middle of the journey that we took and a lot of Eagles out there in the v one community are taking and turning his side hustle into his main gig. So I wanted to bring Frank on, share his story, his background, his journey to where he's going and where he has been thus far.

Joey Bowen:

Yep. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

So, Frank, if you could give us a little bit of background into your, I would say, your life, your journey, the health of fitness, how you got here, and and what brought you here.

Frank Veneziale:

Okay. If I bore you at all, like Yeah. Yeah. Don't be shy. Nah.

Frank Veneziale:

Go right

Drew Beech:

back in.

Joey Bowen:

And I'll

Drew Beech:

be back in.

Frank Veneziale:

What I mean? Alright. I grew up playing ice hockey. My entire life, I basically started lifting weights in my parents' basement when I was, like, 12, 13 years old. So literally 20 years I've been working out.

Frank Veneziale:

I was always the skinny kid. Got to high school. I was obsessed with getting big. Just ate everything. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

Calories, calories, calories. Lifted like an idiot. That's probably why I've heard any of this now. So got big at all cost, went to college, stopped playing ice hockey, got chubby slash fat for the first time in my life. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

I was working out 5 days a week, and it didn't even look like I worked out.

Drew Beech:

I will disagree with that. When I met Frank in college, when he was

Joey Bowen:

Different definition of chubby.

Frank Veneziale:

He was big with a shirt on.

Drew Beech:

He was he was big. He was he was he was like the dude that we all knew is like like the Jack dude.

Frank Veneziale:

I was not I was not happy with my appearance. I would

Drew Beech:

say that.

Joey Bowen:

Because you're comparing where you were Yeah. Previously a few years before to

Frank Veneziale:

And for someone that works out 5 days a week, I mean, we all see the people. If you go to a traditional gym that you see in there every day, it could be for 5, 10 years, and some people never change their appearance.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Because what we do outside the gym has the biggest impact on our body composition and weight. You know what I mean? You can do all the work you want, but if you're not doing stuff outside the gym that matters, you're not gonna get results. So that and I thought I was doing all these the things right. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

The brown rice, the peanut butter sandwiches. Yeah. You know what I mean? The bananas. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Prosci. Exactly.

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

The muscle gainer.

Joey Bowen:

You know? Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

So that's what kinda led me to how I just really went towards nutrition after that. I just have Ben Greenfield

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

On Joe Rogan, and that kinda changed my life. Drew's a Ben guy with me. He's the goat. You know what I mean? Longevity.

Frank Veneziale:

Yep. He kinda just opened up the world to, like, nutrition. Biohacking in parentheses because it's such a broad term, and people get scared away by biohacking. Yeah. But just stuff like the cold plunges and stuff like that.

Joey Bowen:

Was there was there a, like, a seminal moment or a breaking point where when you were in college, you weren't happy with your appearance that you said, okay. Look. Like, some what's going on here? Something has to change?

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. It was it was kinda, like, over a I wanna say, like, a winter break. It was back home. You know what I mean? It I didn't wake up in college one day because college is a tough atmosphere to, you know what I mean, turn

Drew Beech:

into a nutrition guy.

Joey Bowen:

Sure. Sure.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Like, in college at the cafeteria, we were ending we were eating endless, like, burgers, chicken, just trying to get big big. And I was in that hockey mindset where I played hockey literally every single day. I mean, imagine how many calories I was burning. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Of course.

Frank Veneziale:

So my physique never suffered because I was nonstop moving and doing stuff. So when that stopped, I thought I could eat anything I wanted when I worked out. That was Yeah. That was my quote. Like, I can eat anything I want if I

Joey Bowen:

work out.

Frank Veneziale:

It doesn't matter. And then I look like shit.

Drew Beech:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? I feel like shit. That's the big thing. Yeah. So, yeah, that's what kinda led me into, like, just doing my own research years years now.

Frank Veneziale:

We're, like, 10 years later now of me just diving all in on the

Joey Bowen:

future stuff. Being a student?

Frank Veneziale:

Being a student, self taught. I went to school for criminal justice. I'm sure we'll get there. Yeah. Again, if I bore you, tell me I'm bored.

Joey Bowen:

No. You're

Frank Veneziale:

good. Went to school for criminal justice. You know what I mean? Didn't know. I went in undecided.

Frank Veneziale:

Didn't know what I want to do in college, and you kinda have to make your mind up, like, right away. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

So that led me. I'm 9 years now in law enforcement, and I have all the respect for anyone in law enforcement out there, especially in today, 2024. It's a tough job. But I'm just so checked out of it.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

I'm tired of making health and fitness. Like, that is my my main interest, my top goal. Everything I was doing, I was basing my day around, hey. How can I work but get in my exercise snacks? My Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm waking up right and early for breaks. My pomodoro breaks.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

I'm waking up bright and early to do the cold plunge before I go and do my job. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, yeah, that's how kinda I went into that. Shout out Drew.

Frank Veneziale:

I don't think I'd be here without Drew. Dead serious because he's been pushing me since day 1. Hey. Put yourself out there. Put yourself out there.

Frank Veneziale:

I think the main thing that held me back and held so hold so many people back is just caring what other people think so much.

Drew Beech:

That's true.

Frank Veneziale:

I mean, it's just insane. And I don't think I could have done this at 25 because even at 25 years old, I still cared so much about what people think.

Joey Bowen:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? And Drew from day 1 was, like, in my corner, in my corner, put yourself out there. And another great piece of advice from Drew was just give, give, give. So when I launched this in April of 2023, that's how long I've been doing my FTB fitness stuff on the side. So just little over a year later, I'm quitting my job, which is insane to think about.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Just putting myself out there, which Drew said to do way before April 2023, I won't say that. But yeah. A lot. Just provide value, free value. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

It's tough to get people to give you your money. You know what I mean? Sure. Give, give, give. Never ask, and it's been working out really well.

Drew Beech:

I appreciate that shout out. Absolutely, dude.

Frank Veneziale:

Wouldn't be here without you.

Drew Beech:

I'm really serious. Thanks. That means a lot. I remember so when Frank and I started, when we met and then we reconnected later in life, he was always like, him and I, connected on the the health and fitness, Wavelength, I'll say. But he always took it, like, a step further than I did.

Drew Beech:

Like, him and I like, I'll be like, yeah. Like, you got something here. Like, you should do this. Yeah. And, it it really just comes down to that fear of especially being I feel like every everyone could say they're from a small town that small town mindset of, like, the northeast Philly or, like, other areas of of the world in the country.

Drew Beech:

There's that fear of being judged by other people in your area. You know what I mean? Especially in a place where we grew up, everyone could be very judgmental at times. So stepping out of your comfort zone and starting your business and just even just posting on social media and saying, hey. I do this Mhmm.

Drew Beech:

Is such a huge step for any of us to take. Like, when we started Fuel Hunt, people clown me all the time. Like like, all the few the few. Like, oh, real cool. Like, the few that's, like, corny or whatever.

Drew Beech:

And then now it's a global community of 100 of thousands of people or and the same people that told that were clowning me are the people coming up with me now. Like, saying, like, oh, it's so awesome, like, what you've built. So it really just talked out that way. And if you the the key in my in my opinion to not fall to one of the people like, oh, I told you so is sticking with it and making sure you don't quit when it gets hard. Because if you give up, then you're just one of those people that they thought you were gonna be.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yep.

Frank Veneziale:

Yep. I love that. So, yeah, to piggyback off that, I I was obsessed with I am obsessed with health and fitness Mhmm. Through bettering myself every day.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Like, when I got a work email that said I had to be at a training for 8 hours a day sitting somewhere, that drove me insane. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Like, now I gotta base my entire I gotta wake up at 3:50 AM to work to get a workout in before I gotta drive here to you know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And just put like you said, put yourself out there. Instagram slash social media is the only place where you can advertise for free.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

You have control of that. You don't have to pay for it. Start. Just start. The hardest part is just starting.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Frank Veneziale:

We or anyone in doing anything in their business journey, their weight loss journey, anything.

Drew Beech:

Joe and I talk about this a lot, but one thing I think people that are making this journey, from sign offs to the main gig, they lack in their marketing or or efforts to build a business is intention. And I think that's one thing you do well as a as an entrepreneur is, like, a lot of thought, effort, and intention goes into every post you make. And you could tell. And every every free guide you give out or or things like that. So think that's where people miss, and they start they post over what they feel like on Instagram.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean? Like, could actually be detrimental to your to your overall goal.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I mean, I think it sounds like you're very intentional with the value that you're providing to others, and that's what it takes. You know? It's not really what you wanna say on your feed. It's what's gonna provide value to the people that you're trying to serve.

Joey Bowen:

You're very passionate about what you're doing. I would venture to guess that you're even more passionate about helping other people, right, embark on the same journey you went on, learn the same things you learned. Do you know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

And I'm

Joey Bowen:

coaching and guiding them for just to be clear. So maybe, the few that are watching, listening don't know. FTV, you provide what type of services for, your community?

Frank Veneziale:

So it's 1 on 1 coaching. Whether no matter what your goal is, I've held the skin the hard gainers gain weight. Majority of my ideal client is an overweight parent that wants to lose weight and change their life.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

I have

Frank Veneziale:

a 12 week program. You get macros. I do nutrition, personalized workouts. Like, you get everything. I I have a cookbook.

Joey Bowen:

My wife and

Drew Beech:

I wrote

Joey Bowen:

a cookbook. Nice. So when you say overweight, I love that that niche because it's a niche that needs a lot of help. Right? As parents, we know this.

Joey Bowen:

When you say overweight, £5 overweight, £10 overweight, 15, but like

Frank Veneziale:

I've worked with with all of it. So if you're £5 overweight, maybe you just want a body recomp. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

It's kind of the same steps. It'll be more challenging for someone just to start. Sure. But I've worked with I mean, all my I have a website. I transformations are all on there.

Frank Veneziale:

Testimonials. That's what you gotta do in the beginning. You gotta work for free. Get testimonials.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean? No one

Frank Veneziale:

talks about that. Yep. No. People just think people are gonna line up with their money. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Money. How it works. Yeah. I know.

Joey Bowen:

It's a the exchange of of of money. Money comes to you when you provide value.

Frank Veneziale:

I love that.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? So, and, what a lot of people don't realize is you're building that proof and value in the beginning, just on your back with your own sweat equity. There's no pay.

Frank Veneziale:

You know?

Joey Bowen:

That's what a lot of people don't understand it. When we did the, you know, our episode on side gig to, to, or I'm sorry, side hustle to main gig. I don't know if we even really mentioned that. No. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

But it's one thing maybe we left out.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That's one thing I'm like when I'm helping Frank with things. I I feel like that's the one thing I always, like, harp on to.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Drew's been on that. Give give give. Yep. Don't ask.

Frank Veneziale:

And Drew exemplifies that. I mean Yeah.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

amount of things you've get value possessions you've given over the years since I met you. Insane. So definitely.

Drew Beech:

The first FTV logo?

Frank Veneziale:

The first FTV logo, I thought of that when I

Drew Beech:

was going

Frank Veneziale:

to the bathroom LA.

Drew Beech:

That's right.

Frank Veneziale:

Drew literally gave me FTV. Right.

Drew Beech:

My own logo.

Frank Veneziale:

Out of the blue one day, he's like, yeah. I'm gonna have my designer, like, hook you up.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah. And we we like to do it like that. For us, especially, like, I'm I'm big. Escaping the rat race is, like, my biggest thing.

Drew Beech:

Like, to add my friends, like, go on that journey as well. Like, I feel like that's the best gift you can give someone. But

Joey Bowen:

when we see somebody in the community that's super passionate about something and also super passionate about serving people, the number one thing that we don't want to happen is their dream to die with them. You know what I mean? We want them to realize that, and that's where the giving comes from. So, yeah. It doesn't surprise me.

Joey Bowen:

Some of these guys,

Drew Beech:

like That was well said. So, I mean, not that all, like, patch on the back here, but, like, that was bestow like, that effort of giving and, like, that virtue, I'll say, like, comes from Joey. Like, he did things for me when I when he was, like, my first mentor that I didn't ever have people do for me before. You know what I mean? Like, he was always giving to me and and and telling me to go do this stuff.

Drew Beech:

So, like, Joey's up for me, and I'm just passing it on.

Frank Veneziale:

So, Joey, thank you. Yeah. I'm gonna start thanking

Joey Bowen:

you for everything. Yeah. Yeah. Just do do me a favor. The only favor that you have to do me is just pass it on.

Drew Beech:

And it

Joey Bowen:

seems like you're doing that. So Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm trying to. Real fast on to to piggyback on everything. You never know who you're gonna connect with

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

Or where your journey is gonna lead you. For example, I went to college with Pat Bryan. Okay? Mhmm. I'm gonna throw that name out there because that's how

Drew Beech:

I got involved in the

Frank Veneziale:

shit stuff. Yeah. Went to college with Pat. Never really talked or kept up with him except on social media or friends with him. You know

Drew Beech:

what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

And then I launched FTV fitness last April, doing my thing just post relentlessly relentless. And Pat becomes a general manager of a brand new gym opening up.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And he reaches out to me out of

Drew Beech:

the blue. Yep. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I would have never been in this community at Fit Stop. Never been able to be in a position to quit my job.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

If not for that knowing Patton College, he has to become a general manager of a brand new gym. He has to see me posting on social media.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And here I am.

Drew Beech:

Do you think the interactions you had with Pat in college were that left, like, good impressions on him, would you say? Like

Frank Veneziale:

I don't know. I was a different person

Drew Beech:

in college.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm gonna be completely honest. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna bullshit you

Drew Beech:

over here, Drew.

Joey Bowen:

But he's but he's seen I like that. But he's seen he watched whether he acknowledged it or not. You relentlessly giving value every day on

Frank Veneziale:

social media.

Joey Bowen:

So, like,

Frank Veneziale:

we did bond in college over weightlifting. Okay. 1 100%.

Drew Beech:

He's also Jack.

Joey Bowen:

Okay. I got you.

Frank Veneziale:

Pat's huge in the fitness space. He's become like a mentor to me. Whether he realizes it or not, he's been like a mentor to me in in this new gig.

Joey Bowen:

It's it's the you know, there's there's a there's a common phrase. It's like, oh, it's all all about who you know. You know, that the part of that victim mentality sometimes. Like, people that aren't working hard to pursue or achieve their dreams. Oh, well, I don't know the right people.

Joey Bowen:

Oh, you know, it's all new you know. But that's not the whole truth. Like, network is very important, but network back with consistency. Right? If you weren't posting every day relentlessly providing value, right, screaming into the void sometimes, it feels like Pat would

Frank Veneziale:

have No shot. That's a sight out of mind.

Joey Bowen:

You wouldn't have been on his radar.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

So this is the whole thing. Is it, you know, is it luck favors hard work or hard workers? Oh, you're lucky. You met him

Frank Veneziale:

in creating your create your luck.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. So, like, when the opportunity is there, you're prepared to seize it. Yes. You know, you're you're prepared.

Joey Bowen:

So that's that's one thing that, I definitely wanted to to call out there.

Drew Beech:

So well, we got a little bit off of, sorry for that. No. No. I'm we we take these journeys all like, it's like we're on this bad now. We we go all so anyway

Joey Bowen:

It's all conversation.

Drew Beech:

We take it all.

Joey Bowen:

It's all good.

Drew Beech:

We take

Joey Bowen:

it all. Conversation.

Drew Beech:

We take it all. So this is certainly back to the to the degree in law enforcement. Can you tell us what that was like, what was challenging about it, and how you felt pulled to do other things.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. So stress is the first thing I can think about. Stress and anxiety. I already really struggle with anxiety. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

Struggle with the mental stuff. I don't know where I would be without exercise and nutrition mentally. You know what I mean? I don't know how people go through life without it.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

So it was so stressful, man. And then after I had a kid, it, like, ten x's the stress. Mhmm. You know? Now I have 2.

Frank Veneziale:

I can't imagine going back to that job. Yeah. Anyone that's in my current field right now will tell you the same thing. So it's just stress, and it's just doing something every day that you don't want to do. And I'm literally giving up a pension.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm giving up

Drew Beech:

a pension

Frank Veneziale:

to follow what I wanna do every day. Yep. It's either stay stuck somewhere for another 30 years and get rewarded with a pension after or follow this crazy journey I've been on for just over a year and a half and see where it takes me. I mean

Drew Beech:

With the pension thing, I I this might be unpopular opinion, but it's almost like you're trading what life you have now for the life you It's

Frank Veneziale:

a great

Drew Beech:

way to put it.

Frank Veneziale:

And that's why I weighed out in my head. You said it much better than I did. But that's a great way to put it. Like, what I'm gonna be miserable for 30 years to be secure after that 30 years.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Or I can grind and see do something I'm interested in.

Joey Bowen:

You also you have to think about the emotional debt, like, over that 30 years. Like, the emotional debt, the emote the anxiety, the stress debt that you're taking on for 30 years to get to a point where you're quote unquote secure, but you're really not fulfilled.

Frank Veneziale:

Not at all.

Joey Bowen:

So how secure are you?

Frank Veneziale:

I agree. And I'm I'm a little sick to to touch on that. I'm out right now. I'm using up all my vacation. I still get the work emails on the phone.

Frank Veneziale:

A lot of people just delete that.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And I'm, like, mentally putting myself in a position of reading those work emails like I didn't have. Yeah. I'm in the position. I'm not in the position I am in today. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

It, like, just makes me feel so appreciative because I'm reading some of the shit, and I'm like, I cannot imagine if I was stuck in this for another year. Sure. You know

Drew Beech:

what I mean? A lot of the the feeling. It's you're in in that entrepreneurial, like, bliss phase where you're, like, the honeymoon phase where you just break free from from the shit.

Frank Veneziale:

It's a grind. We'll get to the grinds. On the it's not all rainbows and butterflies.

Drew Beech:

What I'm saying is the the the mental state, like

Frank Veneziale:

A 100%.

Drew Beech:

Like, it's like when I remember my first days of breaking free, and, like, I remember the time I tried to do this fucking amazing. I was like, I'm working harder than I have and my wife, like, literally, like, all day, all night, and my computer is fucking working. And, it's funny, like, that that hunt you're in, like, a honeymoon phase of, like, oh my god. Like, this is amazing. I'm free.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

You wanna know what my dream day is?

Drew Beech:

My dream day. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Coach a couple classes at Fit Stop, workout, go home, and get on my treadmill desk and just do content for 12 straight hours.

Drew Beech:

And that's

Frank Veneziale:

That's, like, my dream day.

Drew Beech:

And you can do that every day now.

Frank Veneziale:

Well, not with 2 kids. But yes. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Well, that's your own goal.

Frank Veneziale:

I agree. I agree.

Joey Bowen:

I'm glad you're on doing. I agree.

Drew Beech:

I not I you guys

Frank Veneziale:

do more. You did more.

Joey Bowen:

I say keep I say keep going. Great. Great.

Frank Veneziale:

But that's, like, my ideal day. Like, that's how much I'm obsessed. I love it. And I think, like, if you aren't, like, obsessed and like, it's tough to be all in if you're not obsessed.

Joey Bowen:

Oh, you have to be. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Like, it's all I think about. Mhmm. And I'm sure we'll get to this, but that's very tough when it comes to being a present father, being a present husband. You know what I mean? Because they're too contradicting things.

Frank Veneziale:

It's tough to be all in. Like I just said, my dream day is to literally do 8 hours of content on my Yeah. Walking pad, but I can't do that. I have to be a dad. I have to help my wife out.

Frank Veneziale:

It's not fair to her to have the kids all day. You know what I mean? I gotta pick up. I want some from day care. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:


Drew Beech:

That a

Frank Veneziale:

lot a lot goes into it.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

That is the ongoing delicate balance of being an entrepreneur and a father, I think. Yeah. It's because we are so, like you said, like, obsessed and relentlessly committed to our purpose and what we wanna build in life that working everything else in is almost sometimes the hard part, whereas other people live through that stuff and those and live for those breaks and weekend to vacations. So the one thing, Joey, I talk about a lot about is the work life mix. And it's like, you wake up and you said 24 hours in a day, and it's up to you what you fill those hours with, whereas another kind of person or a person that's in the rat race may only have 14 hours.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean? Because their 10 of their hours are spent driving to work, working for someone else who who controls all the aspects of their time. And then they come home, and they only have so much energy to expend.

Frank Veneziale:

So And they're completely checked out. Yes. Have anything to worry about after that. It's just family. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

But there's the unfortunate part is a lot of times they're so emotionally and physically drained Mhmm. By the work they've done and who they've done it for, that they don't even have energy or the mental bandwidth to provide the their kids.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? 100%.

Drew Beech:

And it's sad. I think a lot of people work like that.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I think I I think so. Like you said, structure the only way I survive personally is is structure is freedom. Like, I keep my days very structured, and there's boundaries. And there are certain hours that are just family.

Joey Bowen:

You know? And I'm not saying, like, it always goes that way, but this is the structure I try to live by. There are certain hours that are just family. There's an hour and a half that is just jujitsu, and then everything else is fuel hunt. I mean and that's it.

Joey Bowen:

Like, it's it's addition by subtraction. Like, you know, if you wanna be great at something, you can't do everything. You know, and I I wanna be a great dad. You know, I wanna be a great leader. You know, at Fuel Hunt, I wanna be a great grappler.

Joey Bowen:

And there are 3 things that I've selected during this decade of my life, and that's that.

Frank Veneziale:

You know,

Joey Bowen:

otherwise, otherwise you try to do everything, you do nothing, you know? So I find that for me now, granted some, you know, some days are hard and not every day is like this. But I find for me that since I didn't condemn my dream to death by working for somebody, right, that I actually have more energy. Yes. Being an entrepreneur is stressful.

Joey Bowen:

It's taxing. You're overworked. But I feel like when I put the time into what we're doing here, it actually gives me energy to be a better grappler, to be a better father, because I didn't condemn my dream to death. Like, I know that all the work I'm doing, the hard work that I'm doing, is to realize our mission and my dreams. That actually energizes me.

Joey Bowen:

Yes. If I worked for somebody and condemned my dream to death, would I be, quote unquote, I wouldn't have anything to worry about when I came home and I could just be there for my kid? I could, but I'd I'd be checked out.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

Because my mind would be on my dream that I just didn't

Drew Beech:

get that. Then that's how it was too when we were we were starting this

Joey Bowen:

and then It gnaws

Drew Beech:

at you. It scratches at you.

Joey Bowen:

It gnaws at you. So you, you know, you the we talk a lot about hard work, and our mission is to restore the dignity of hard work. But hard work is it's an umbrella term, and you hit on a couple of things. Like, it doesn't just take hard work to actualize your dream or turn your, side hustle in your your main gig. It takes risk.

Joey Bowen:

Right? You're risking your pension. It takes discomfort. Right? Embracing discomfort.

Joey Bowen:

It takes pain. It takes planning. It takes so much. Like, all that is wrapped up in the umbrella. That is hard work.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. You know? And it's it's magnified. It gets even more complicated when you have a family and you have children.

Drew Beech:

To even put it more literal, the saying it takes more than just hard work. It's like how you brought up where people spend years in the gym and never look any better. It's because the hard work

Joey Bowen:

It's the same. Yeah. It's the same principle.

Drew Beech:

It applies the same like, the hard work is nutrition or the lifestyle or the sleep or the Mhmm. The sunlight. Like, that's Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

So it's not just exercising. It's like all the other things. You know what I mean? It's like, okay. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Exercise. But exercising alone isn't gonna recomp your body. Yep. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

So it's like everyone

Joey Bowen:

We use these umbrella we use these umbrella terms, but yeah. Sorry.

Drew Beech:

Well alright. So you're Alec you're you're jacked. Right?

Frank Veneziale:

Hey. You're jacked.

Drew Beech:

Perchure. You're a meathead. You're a meathead.

Frank Veneziale:

I was a meathead.

Drew Beech:

That's very good. That's better. You start to fall in love with health, fitness, biohacking, and lifestyle, etcetera. You go in your career in law enforcement, and then you start to feel this gnawing, desire to chase your dreams and live a life of fulfillment and purpose. Can you take us back to start starting FTV?

Drew Beech:

Right? Like, what was aside from all the the stuff that I, like, may have told you, like, as advice, but, like, what was your your first actionals actionable steps, and what may have been the hardest part about starting in general?

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Great question. When I first started, all I did was announce I was a health and fitness coach. And at the time, dead honest. I don't even know what the hell is that, man.

Frank Veneziale:

Mhmm. What what is what am I gonna do?

Drew Beech:

You know what

Frank Veneziale:

I mean? Just work 1 on 1 with someone. It's so, like, broad. You know what I mean? I started listening to coaching podcast right away.

Frank Veneziale:

This is after I announced that I was a health fitness coach. I I quickly got a a client right away that I went to great like, you never know who you're gonna connect with. Mhmm. A kid I went to grade school with reached out right away for 1 on 1 coaching. I didn't have any testimonials.

Frank Veneziale:

Nothing. All I had was my physique. You know? And he

Drew Beech:

was ready to

Frank Veneziale:

By that time I

Joey Bowen:

was busy. I mean, that is testimony on a test.

Frank Veneziale:

For any for any aspiring coaches out there, I heard a great quote on a podcast, and this has kept me in check. Mhmm. Off off the camera, everything. You I am my own walking business card. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? What I do off camera, you will see because there's no line in your body. You're a reflection of your habits, diet, and lifestyle. Mhmm. So I was

Drew Beech:

gonna ask you to say that your your quote is, like, my body is my business. My body

Frank Veneziale:

is my business. Yes. You know what

Joey Bowen:

I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

So when the wife is, like, live a little.

Drew Beech:

You know what

Frank Veneziale:

I mean? Every every family member, every holiday, every party, live a little live a little. Wife no. I have an excuse not to

Drew Beech:

say. Jill. It's always complaining. It's just, like it's like ever since he started this code to do my body, my business. Wow.

Frank Veneziale:

It's my business.

Joey Bowen:

But that's the mind that's the mindset that you need.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

And to do right by your people, that's the way you need to live.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Yeah. I need to be that exact how can I expect someone who's £30 overweight to show up if I can't show up on a Saturday or Sunday?

Joey Bowen:

Your friends your friends and family want the best for you, but your friends and family want the best for you. I think that that's where it's coming from. Like, the live a little. But what they don't understand is like the for you to truly live, you need to live this way. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

And that's 100%. Everybody's gig. That's not everybody's dream, but it's yours. And, yeah, to truly live,

Frank Veneziale:

this is the way it must be. I am all in on this shit. You know what I mean? It's not for everyone. I'm all in.

Joey Bowen:

For sure.

Frank Veneziale:

But to piggyback when I got started. So, yeah, I literally announced I was a health and fitness coach because you said it perfectly. It was gnawing at me. Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

It was like, do something. Do something. You have all this to me, I had all this knowledge and everything. You know what I mean? I was doing all this stuff that I post now behind I was doing this behind the scenes for years.

Drew Beech:

You're living it?

Frank Veneziale:

I was living it. Yeah. But I was just too much of a a pussy to Yeah. Put it out there on social media. When my first son was born, I brought resistance bands to the hospital.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? But I didn't have the balls to put that on social media. I sent it to, like, Drew and them Yeah. Because they were close friends with similar goals.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

But I would be embarrassed to do that. But that's just who I am. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

What what was what was it about that? I think that's amazing by the way. But what what was it about? What kept you from putting it on social media?

Frank Veneziale:

Because it's like first of all, it's not my business. So it's like, why why am I Yeah.

Drew Beech:

You're just adored.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm just yeah. You know what I mean? I'm not gaining anything from this. But it's like he can't even have he can't even go to the hospital with his wife without, like, working out or something. But now it's like, no.

Frank Veneziale:

That is who I am. You know what I mean? I have to move. I am not gonna sit in a room. I don't care what the event is and do nothing.

Frank Veneziale:

That is me.

Joey Bowen:

I mean, arguably, when you're at the hospital, for a birth of your child, you need to be your best self. You need to be the most energetic. So if resistance bands and moving help you feel that way, then you should do it.

Frank Veneziale:

That's what I should have said. So you guys are much more well spoken.

Drew Beech:

You know

Joey Bowen:

what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? You should do it.

Drew Beech:

Joe Joe is

Joey Bowen:

But that's the way I am. You know what I mean? Like, with my diet, how I move, what I do, it's like, look, I have to be at my best all the time. Yeah. And if what I have to what I do to feel my best isn't what you do, that's cool.

Joey Bowen:

But this is me.

Frank Veneziale:

That I love that. That's and that's where I've reached. That was hard for me to get there.

Joey Bowen:

Oh, it's it's super difficult.

Frank Veneziale:

When you're young, and I'm 32 now, so it's easy for me to say that now. But when I'm younger, you just you lash out at people when when someone has an opposite Yeah. Mindset of you.

Drew Beech:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? Your your insecure thoughts come out. You know what I mean? Now it's just like, oh, yeah. You do if you want 2 pieces of cake, have 2 peep I don't care.

Frank Veneziale:

But, hey, I'm not I'm not gonna divulge in that.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm gonna do me over here. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

I think a lot part of the growth as well, like, that we're talking about is, like, you don't judge as much anymore. Like, the old Drew, the old Frank, we definitely may have been like Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Because all I cared about is what people thought of me, so I'm thinking about you know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Like, if your family member does reach for that extra piece of cake, you're like, oh my god. Can you

Joey Bowen:

believe that? To some to some degree, like, I think we judge because we too want the best for them.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

But what you don't realize a lot of times till later in life is that the way to truly show them that there's a better way or there's you want the best for them is to live your best and set, like, a great example. And then if you have a family member that's going for the 3rd piece of cake, you judging them or talking to them constantly about it isn't going to do anything. Yeah. You setting a great example of with your health and fitness and your achievements in life, and, you know, your energy levels on a daily basis, that example will get them to maybe to think differently and then maybe make different choices.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Judging is a, we're we're primal creatures, man. We don't wanna be ostracized from the tribe.

Frank Veneziale:

Yep. Exactly. You just wanna

Joey Bowen:

And we're so much average. Correct. You know, so the minute you step outside of average, you're like, oh, this feels dangerous because I'm I know I'm outside of average. And if I start talking about it, people are gonna say, well, I remember when you did this in college or, you know, I remember when you used to drink your face off or I remember this or I remember that. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I remember it too, and that's why I changed. Yep. You know?

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. So And making fun of yourself, which is what I never did growing up, but making your fun making fun of yourself especially

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

It's just so relatable to people. You have to Yeah. You have to roll with it.

Drew Beech:

You know

Joey Bowen:

what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. We have in the community, we say, do you, do no harm. And that's, like, one of our, like, most popular do you is, like, one of our most popular mantras or, like, OGs because it's so it's just, like, that's what needs to be done.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

Do you know? That's what needs to be done.

Drew Beech:

Do do what

Joey Bowen:

you do. And not in a self not not in a selfish way. Like, only God can judge me. I do me. I hear that all the time.

Joey Bowen:

I mean, growing up in the city, you hear it all the time. Oh, yeah. Do me. Now is is do you meaning what really set you on fire? What you have in your heart?

Joey Bowen:

Do you express it? Use it to serve others to help them on their journeys in life?

Drew Beech:

Love it.

Joey Bowen:

You know?

Drew Beech:

Do you and your people and your purpose will find you?

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Frank Veneziale:

Love it.

Drew Beech:

Alright. So you get your first it was a paying customer that

Frank Veneziale:

Paying customer.

Drew Beech:

Wow. Before I did

Frank Veneziale:

took one for free.

Drew Beech:

Did you have prices set?

Frank Veneziale:

No. I I literally had to make it up. I had to make it up.

Joey Bowen:

Now We call that we call that a

Frank Veneziale:

long way.

Joey Bowen:

I can't curse, but we call that figure it the f out.

Frank Veneziale:

Figure the f out. Yeah. And that's the best way to learn anything. It's not fun.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Because I'm so, like, systematic. You know what I mean? I have systems for everything. So flying by the seat of your pants isn't fun for me. You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

I can't live like that.

Drew Beech:

But in the entrepreneurial journey, I I'm literally just telling Tim, over there. But he's like he's like, I'm just I I don't really have a plan. I'm just figuring it out. Like, we all are, dude. Like, even the the people further ahead of you are still figuring it out.

Drew Beech:

Like, we may just figure it out a little bit, like, a little bit more. Right? Like so, like, I I believe that is true about anyone in life or in business that they just figured out a little bit more than you have already, or they just figured

Joey Bowen:

further down the path.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That's all it is. Out longer.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. That's that's all it is. No further down the path.

Drew Beech:

So how does it go with that first customer? Did you

Frank Veneziale:

It went well.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. I

Frank Veneziale:

mean, I know what I'm doing when it comes to nutrition and fitness. I was confident in that. I would have never announced myself as a health fitness coach if I didn't.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. I know what I'm doing there. Yeah. So, yeah, we got results. I wasn't as organized.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? Now I'm very month to month coaching, 12 week program, which is what majority. I have a private Facebook community. Mhmm. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

So that guy, that first customer may have gotten the deluxe. Like, you're probably so attentive to his knees and

Frank Veneziale:

I was, but I was still so inexperienced in that department. Okay. You know what I mean? Like, now I have weekly check ins with every single client. I was kinda just flying by the seat of my pants with him checking in every other day or something.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

Like, not knowing.

Joey Bowen:

Now you're much more systematic.

Frank Veneziale:

100%. You have to be as you grow. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that's funny.

Frank Veneziale:

I reached out to him, and I let him know that, hey. You were my because he emailed me out of the blue with an update, like, how well he was doing,

Joey Bowen:

which was

Frank Veneziale:

so cool. And I I haven't heard from this guy in a year and a half. And he reaches out to me, I wanna say, like, 3 weeks ago.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Okay. I just wanna update you. I've downed down, like, £30 since I first started working with you, blah blah blah. And I'm like, dude, you were the first person that reached out to me. Like, I never told him that.

Frank Veneziale:

You don't wanna tell your first customer. No. You're my first

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

You're my guinea pig over here. You know what

Drew Beech:

I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

So I told him that. I'm like, I gave him a a huge discounted price if he ever wanted to come back

Drew Beech:

and work.

Frank Veneziale:

I was like, a lot's changed since then. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm much more systematic. Gave him my, ecookbook, set them on the way.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? For free. Yeah. Wow. Drew Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Joey moved in.

Drew Beech:

I'm learning. You know

Joey Bowen:

what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Again. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I think Theoretically, you were your first customer. I could make that True. I can make that argument theoretically. 100%.

Joey Bowen:

You didn't pay yourself for it. You kinda did.

Drew Beech:

You paid

Joey Bowen:

it away.

Drew Beech:

And health and years.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Yeah. Vogentity.

Joey Bowen:

And they the and in purpose.

Drew Beech:

I think gifts like that and just general acts of gratitude is something I try and do on a daily basis. You know what I mean? Like so I think that's huge for you to be like, hey, man. Like, thanks for taking a chance with me, like, when no one else did. And here's my e cookbook for free.

Drew Beech:

What what was his response? So was he, like

Frank Veneziale:

Thank you so much. I was very grateful, and I literally thought of you doing it. I'm not gonna lie. Like, dude, I take your everything you tell me. You might think I'll

Joey Bowen:

throw it

Frank Veneziale:

right away. I I bank it, Jerome.

Drew Beech:

I bank it.

Joey Bowen:

You don't like that.

Frank Veneziale:


Drew Beech:

long as it's working, dude. I mean

Frank Veneziale:

It's working.

Drew Beech:

When, you're a millionaire, health and fitness coach, I mean, I'll remember.

Joey Bowen:

That's a

Drew Beech:

lot of clients. I don't know. Recorded

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Just support that.

Joey Bowen:

I got it.

Drew Beech:

It's all recorded, so I could come back and be like, yeah. Frank, remember when you said this? I got you. Mhmm. Alright.

Drew Beech:

So after that first client, was it all up to the races or was there

Frank Veneziale:

No. It was slow. Yeah. Yeah. It was dire.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Yeah. Then you start working with free people for free for client. Free challenge is what really

Drew Beech:

You get that first line. You're like, holy shit. Like, I'm the boss of the man. Yeah. Exactly.

Frank Veneziale:

No. Of course not.

Drew Beech:

But But, look, in your ad, you're like, damn. Like, this might be easier than I thought. Like Yes.

Frank Veneziale:

For sure.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. And they got across the Sahara. So that's where

Frank Veneziale:

But and then I like, the prices that I came up with that on time, I'm like, I'm gonna need 3,000,000 customers to to quit a job. What am I doing here? You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yep.

Frank Veneziale:

But I was growing on social media before I really started growing my client list.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And, again, it is the only place you can advertise for free. Yeah. You can post every single day. Social media, it's free. Put yourself out there.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

You know? It's easier said than done. Put yourself out there. I started a free challenge, 14 day challenge, and that I was off to the races

Drew Beech:

for that. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I kinda never looked back from there.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Like, a month in. So yeah.

Drew Beech:

No. It's still still legit.

Frank Veneziale:

But you still go up and down. There's slow ones, and you're like, oh my god. Am I done am I dead? Yeah. That's Is this over?

Frank Veneziale:

Is everything over? And then it'll pick back, then you get

Drew Beech:

hot again.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. You

Drew Beech:

know what I mean? That's business, though.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. And that's

Frank Veneziale:

why it's always tough for people to take the jump because it's you're everyone's so used to their entire life getting this steady. You know when you're getting paid. You know how much your paycheck's

Joey Bowen:

gonna be. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Realistically, I mean, as well, maybe unpopular, but you're almost like a a a mouse on a wheel. It's like they give you the just the right amount of Mhmm. Correct mouse to keep

Frank Veneziale:

you going.

Drew Beech:

Cheese to keep you keep you running, and then

Frank Veneziale:

And when you're about to run out, you

Drew Beech:

need to Yeah. Yeah. One That's

Frank Veneziale:

how it is.

Drew Beech:

That's how it is. So it seems as though you it was pretty good, right, like, from the beginning to the to the being able to sustain yourself and and quit your job. So

Frank Veneziale:

Not in the be no. Not in the beginning.

Drew Beech:

What was the most challenging part where you're like, I don't know. Like, were were you ever like to chill? I'm not sure if I'm able to do this.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. The most challenging part is doing the content every single day. Like I said before, we talked about about being a dad, being a husband. Like, if Jill and I, my wife and I go out to a restaurant, like, I'm sorry, Jill. We're we're doing a review here.

Frank Veneziale:

We're you're filming me eating this food, and we're I'm it's then I'm gonna edit it on the way home. Yeah. And then I have to get it ready to post tomorrow morning.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Ninja CREAMY reviews every Friday Saturday for the most part. Yeah. I need to that's my weekend content. No matter what we're doing, I have to prep a creamie, and this is what we're doing. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

We have

Frank Veneziale:

to stop. You have to fill me. So it's exhausting behind the scenes. And I have nonnegotiables. I have at least 1 post a day, at least 1 reel every single day.

Frank Veneziale:

One post will be Monday through Friday. Reels every single day. I don't miss on that.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

So it's a lot of work behind the scenes. Yeah. And then to touch on when was the hardest part is definitely when a whole month goes by and you don't get a new client, and the client list is dwindling down dwindling down.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

And my law enforcement job is getting busier and busier, and I'm getting more depressed and anxious.

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

And then, hey. I got a 1 year old at home. I gotta be a better dad to this little guy.

Joey Bowen:

Plus you're sleep deprived at that point. Sleep deprived.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That is almost, I think, the roughest part when you're burning the candle at both ends and you're literally at at your max for both. Like Yeah. If I can recall years ago, like, that was probably it for me when it was I was like, I'd fucking you're in You're having success at other things. So every little thing at the other at the at the main at the, main gig is, like, this fucking bullshit.

Frank Veneziale:

Again, you said that to me, and it resonated, and I felt it. I felt it. Yep. I like, any email I got, it drove me insane inside.

Drew Beech:

Quit right now. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. But

Frank Veneziale:

I wasn't at the point to do that yet. And then you also gotta have a talk with your wife if she supports you. Yeah. Because if your wife doesn't support you in that, I'm probably gonna have to be miserable at this job for another 20, 30 years. If she's not in your corner, like, yeah, we're gonna make this work Yep.

Frank Veneziale:

At all costs.

Drew Beech:

Yep. Whatever it takes.

Frank Veneziale:

Whatever it takes.

Drew Beech:

Shout out to shout out to Jill.

Frank Veneziale:

Shout out

Drew Beech:

to Jill. Being a supportive wife.

Frank Veneziale:

100%. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

She is the best.

Frank Veneziale:

It's not possible without that behind the scenes.

Drew Beech:

That is a big and we know this best, but having your spouse or partner support you. I've I've seen it tear marriages apart because sometimes the person you are when you marry this person isn't the person that wants to set off and do all this crazy shit, like, go build their personal training business.

Frank Veneziale:

Oh, that wasn't me, which meant

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. She married a guy

Frank Veneziale:

in law enforcement with a pension and you know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Yep. Yeah. Mhmm.

Frank Veneziale:

And here we are.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. I I wonder if Amanda knows if she married the psychopaths she did.

Frank Veneziale:

Well, no way. Well, but There's no chance.

Drew Beech:

Oh, man. I was always I was always, like, spending things up and Yeah. I I I, went into sales, gave up my own salary, my first, like

Frank Veneziale:

That's amazing.

Drew Beech:

So I think I think I think she was ready for the ride. Yeah. Wild ride. So you think that point of having burning the game on both ends and having success even or not or not success, but feeling like you are on the right path to being able to quit and being so fed up with your day to day might be might have been your most challenging point.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Because like I said, like, when I when I was up to, like, 15 to 20 clients at a time, you're like, wow. Like, this is this is gonna happen. I'm gonna quit this shit. Like, you know, and then it's it's a month goes by and you don't have a new client.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. And work is still the same thing thing there. Yeah. And you're just like, god. Like, I thought I was at the peak.

Frank Veneziale:

Like, I thought this I thought I was just gonna climb, climb, climb.

Drew Beech:

You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

I haven't gotten a client in a month and a half. This is am I really gonna be stuck at this job for and then doing this on the side the whole time? Because it's very hard to do your full Yeah. The content there like, the business is a business in itself.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Mhmm.

Frank Veneziale:

And now I'm doing that on top of my full time job. You know what I mean? Not to mention family and everything like that. Yeah. So that it's it's hard.

Frank Veneziale:

It's a grind.

Drew Beech:

No. I agree.

Joey Bowen:

There's no there's no guarantees. The only guarantee is they grind. That's the

Frank Veneziale:

only That's it?

Joey Bowen:

That's it. The only guarantee is grind.

Frank Veneziale:

That's it.

Joey Bowen:

There's no guarantees in, like, you know, it's funny because everybody quits their well, not everybody quits their job, but everybody pursues entrepreneurship to be their own boss because they wanna be free. They don't realize is it takes many years to earn that freedom, that concept of freedom that they have in their mind. Yeah. You know, there's difference, like a ladder. It's a ladder to freedom.

Joey Bowen:

There's different rungs on it, you know? And, I think people don't realize that, like, unbeatable law of the universe is that there are seasons. You know? There are seasons. There's winter.

Joey Bowen:

There's fall. There's spring. There's summer. And it's no different in a business. It's the same thing.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Did you say the gift is a grind?

Joey Bowen:

I said the only guarantee is

Drew Beech:

the grind. Guarantee is a grind.

Frank Veneziale:

And to piggyback off that, I don't think I was chasing freedom. I was just chasing health and fitness. Like, this shit is what I am obsessed with. It's what I know. That's what I wanna do every single day.

Frank Veneziale:

How long have we had morning routines for, Joe?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Years.

Drew Beech:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? Like, we we wake up every single day and shit.

Drew Beech:

I don't

Frank Veneziale:

just wake up, waltz out of bed, hit snooze a couple times, get my coffee, sit on the couch. Every day, I start something hard, like Yeah. And that is just who I am. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

So to to, go back to what I said about Frank was always taken to another level, like like, is taking, bans to the to the, the labor, like, the cross like,

Joey Bowen:

I might do I I I could do that. That's something I would do.

Drew Beech:

So, however however Frank, can you walk us through your current warrior routine?

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. So I got it down to 40 minutes to a science now because I coach 5:15 classes, which means I gotta leave my house around 4:30 AM. And sleep is huge. I'm not a sleep when you die, guys. Sleep is very important.

Joey Bowen:

For sure.

Frank Veneziale:

So before I had my second son 2 weeks ago, I was getting 7 hours of sleep, which is, like, my minute. I gotta hit that.

Drew Beech:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? But up at 3:45, we got a red light, 10 minutes, and through our oil pull. So we tongue scrape oil pull immediately. We're gonna oil pull while we red light. You got a red light naked.

Frank Veneziale:

More skin exposure, the better. Then we go right into the cold plunge.

Drew Beech:

Right into the plunge. 3:40 minute plunge.

Frank Veneziale:

We're at 35 degree cold plunge. 3 minutes. We get out. We're shaking cold for a good almost hour afterwards. But then we stretch light movement, jumping jacks, push ups, squats, head out the door for work.

Drew Beech:

Like, that's a dial that's a

Joey Bowen:

Dialed. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

If I want my health and wellness coach to have a morning routine, that's what I want it to be Yeah. Personally. And my man's doing a plunge at 3:45.

Frank Veneziale:

It's gotta be done. I can't give it up.

Joey Bowen:

I like that it's dialed in, and it's 40 minutes and then It used to be

Frank Veneziale:

like Drew will tell you. We used to have, like, hour routines without kid when I before I had a kid COVID Yeah.

Drew Beech:

It's a COVID. We were

Frank Veneziale:

sauna in. Yeah. It was, like, an hour and

Joey Bowen:

a half went by. I couldn't get out

Frank Veneziale:

of bed without doing an hour and a half routines. Like, something's gotta change here.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Sure.

Drew Beech:

We were we were like we were so that was maybe our one. It was

Frank Veneziale:

in the beginning.

Drew Beech:

The downfall was that we were it was like, I couldn't do anything without if I if I didn't saw it without day. Worry, I I was like, I don't know.

Frank Veneziale:

All the rest of my day?

Drew Beech:

So I've adapted since then, but I'm definitely still, red blooded. I'm not plunging first thing in the morning. That is just crazy.

Frank Veneziale:

Trying to get you on top

Drew Beech:

of that. No. That's good.

Frank Veneziale:

If you're gonna do cold plunges, guys, do it in morning.

Drew Beech:

Well, we'll get to the the FTV health and fitness tips. Okay. So we covered a lot. What is the plan for FTV moving forward? So you said, you you you are quitting your full time job.

Drew Beech:

Like, what's the what's the next?

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. So and my immediate supervisors know that's a state parole. I don't think anyone from state parole is listening this podcast.

Drew Beech:

I was I

Frank Veneziale:

was one of the lone wolves in,

Drew Beech:

in long shorts. Mary might be listening. Mary.

Frank Veneziale:

She doesn't even she's not even with state parole anymore. They're gonna move on.

Drew Beech:

Okay. Okay.

Frank Veneziale:

So yeah. I have, like, 11 weeks vacation. Mhmm. And throughout my time working with Sapiro, the wife was always like, what are you saving all that vacation for? You know what I mean?

Frank Veneziale:

You can't go here. You

Drew Beech:

can't Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

This is why.

Drew Beech:

So here we are.

Frank Veneziale:

So 11 weeks, burning up the 11 weeks. I'll give my notice right after that. I'm coaching full time at Fit Stop, Northern Liberties, Cherry Hill, and FTV is it's bigger than ever right now. I think meeting a bunch of like minded people at at Fit Stop. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean? That is really 10 x ed it.

Drew Beech:

And that puts your credibility on a whole new level too.

Frank Veneziale:

100%. Yeah. Because I was only working technically online with people. Yeah. Now I'm literally in person with someone every entire group of people every single day.

Frank Veneziale:


Drew Beech:

Alright. So the next step is to ride that out and then

Frank Veneziale:

I'm not stop I'm not stopping, man. It's

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Well trying to be bigger weeks. Bigger and better than ever. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

11 weeks. That's it. Literally, I'm done.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

The paychecks with the state stop, and we're gonna grind. We're gonna figure out. I'm saving up as much money as I can now. You know what I mean? Daycare is sickening.

Frank Veneziale:

If you have any kids out there and do the math on what you're paying

Drew Beech:

for right here, that stuff's sickening.

Frank Veneziale:

But we're we're grinding, and I'm gonna make it happen. It's gonna happen because I'm gonna make it happen.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I see.

Drew Beech:

That's the only mindset you're gonna have too. Yep. So, alright, well, 22 I wanna get 6 tips from you. 3

Frank Veneziale:

6. Wow.

Drew Beech:

3 business tips for for side hustle entrepreneurs out there trying to make it their full time gig, and then we'll get the health and fitness stuff. So so what are 3 tips you would give anyone that was in your position or is in your position? Because the the people that wasn't the 1,000 people that's in this Yep. Are going some of them are gonna be in your shoes or where where you were. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Yep. So what would you recommend?

Frank Veneziale:

1, I'm not a business guru, so it never was a business guy, law enforcement guy. 1, start. It's the hardest thing to do is start. It was gnawing at me. Drew put it great.

Frank Veneziale:

And Drew was pushing me to to come out way before I came out. So follow your instincts. You know what I mean? Mhmm. Just start is the hardest thing to do no matter what you're contemplating doing.

Frank Veneziale:

Start. Social media is free advertisement. Yeah. Number 2, I think you gotta be obsessed. I mean, it's gonna sound stupid.

Frank Veneziale:

Like, I see some stuff online. Twitter's like, how to start your own business making $10,000 a month. And it was like window washing. It's like power washing. It's like, I don't give a I don't give a fuck about window washing or power washing.

Frank Veneziale:

How can I be passionate all in on this shit? I don't care if I'm making a 120 k k a year.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

So that's number 2. And number 3, stop caring what people think. It it's gonna hold you back. You live in these prisons of what people think. And other people, if they wanna work 40 years in a union job, that is great.

Drew Beech:

You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? Yeah. I don't wanna wake up every day and do something I absolutely hate to do for 34 years.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Would you so I love those 3.

Drew Beech:

For the

Joey Bowen:

first one. Right? Yeah. Would you agree that the longer you wait to start, the harder it is to start?

Frank Veneziale:

100%. So I have regrets about that because I waited to start something after I had a child. Mhmm. And it is 10 x harder.

Joey Bowen:

It gets much more complex.

Frank Veneziale:

100 times. Imagine the

Drew Beech:

damage we would do now Oh

Frank Veneziale:

my god.

Drew Beech:

In our in our perspective fields if we were to

Frank Veneziale:

My dream day, I could do every single day of my life.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

It's that was the hard part. I had entrepreneurial goal like, you remember I was in college, like, talking to you about, like, asking your advice on things. And I was just pushed back into the the rat race, dude. Like, my, like, people my my parents and I got like, I bust them. Like, I don't know.

Frank Veneziale:

My dad thinks I'm making a mistake leaving the mistake.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. They're like, you you need to get a job. I don't know.

Joey Bowen:

In some ways, that's the way he wants the best for you.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. He

Joey Bowen:

just doesn't he he's not living life that you're asking.

Frank Veneziale:

That I'm taking a chance on my arm. He he was a mailman for 30 something years. Absolutely hated it. Walking and delivering mail every day.

Joey Bowen:

Well, the world has changed. 100%.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. Tell you what,

Drew Beech:

all that low intensity study say cardio, that was probably

Frank Veneziale:

I said he kept him alive. I told him And the sun.

Joey Bowen:

This is all And the sun. Yeah?

Frank Veneziale:

This is off the record. I told him you're gonna drop dead in 2 weeks after you retire, dad. Because he he's a pack a day smoker. He drinks No. 2 cases of Miller every week.

Drew Beech:

Oh. You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean? So I'm like, dad, your job saved your life.

Drew Beech:

That is true. You know what I mean? True.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. But he's still kicking. He's retired, like, 3, 4 years now. He's not like, he's proved me wrong.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Good. Good. And you're gonna and not that your goal is to prove him wrong, but you're gonna do the same thing with what you're doing now.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

You're gonna make sure that he knows that the risks that you're taking were calculated and following your purpose and passion and worth it. So 100%. But I I always like to I I agree with you. Starting is the hardest part. I always like to underscore by saying the longer you wait to start, the harder it's going to be to start.

Frank Veneziale:

Love that.

Joey Bowen:

It's the same with, like, your fitness.

Frank Veneziale:

Yes. Like if

Joey Bowen:

you know there's fitness issues that you have, health issues that you have, right, and you're waiting to address them

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

And you're letting them compound, it's gonna be harder to address them when you finally get the balls to do so. You know what I'm saying?

Frank Veneziale:

The best corniest quote, the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago.

Joey Bowen:


Frank Veneziale:

The next best time is today. Yeah. It's the corniest, but it that, like, resonated with me so much.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I think it's we probably were going for is, like, kinda, like, one of those cliches, but it's

Frank Veneziale:

the truth. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

You know? So I wanted to hit on that first thing. And then the third thing, you said, stop caring what people think.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

And if I could underscore that with another thing, stop thinking that they actually care.

Frank Veneziale:

Love that.

Joey Bowen:

So it's twofold. Right? Yes.

Frank Veneziale:


Joey Bowen:

So everybody says, yeah, stop caring what they think. The way to do that is to stop thinking that

Frank Veneziale:

they actually care.

Joey Bowen:

They're not going to be at your funeral.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

They might care for literally they may care for 90 seconds when they see you're real. And then you and your real are gone from their mind. And that's the reality of it.

Drew Beech:

Love it.

Joey Bowen:

So like you said, everybody's imprisoning themselves right in this jail cell of other people's opinions.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

Their opinions are so fleeting, and they're only based on 99% of them are based on their lived experiences, not truth. You know? So, stop caring what they think for sure. Stop thinking that they care.

Drew Beech:

It's interesting. And this this might open a whole new can of worms that we don't have time for right now, but I find that whenever I see something on social media or that I have a negative reaction to, like, it strikes me in the wrong way. When you click your phone off and put it down, like, it doesn't matter anymore. Mhmm. You know

Joey Bowen:

what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Like, that that feeling is

Frank Veneziale:

going out of mind.

Drew Beech:

So it's it's crazy to think that we make permanent decisions based on what people might feel for that Mhmm. Split second of time and that they completely forget about when they put their phone down and don't see me on social media.

Frank Veneziale:

I know. That is so fearful. That's the biggest fear for some people.

Drew Beech:

I know. I know. Alright.

Joey Bowen:

So health and fitness tips. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. So so to to bring it in for a landing, for people that may be just starting in health and fitness, they'd maybe they don't know where to start, and they don't work with FTV yet. Mhmm. What are 3 key tips that you think everybody should be doing for overall health and wellness?

Frank Veneziale:

Okay. So not to overdo this, but the best teaching tool when it comes to nutrition is tracking your calories. Don't obsess. Don't say, oh my god. Is this a half gram off?

Frank Veneziale:

Oh my god. Did I go over by a gram here? Track your calories. Find out what you're eating every day and how much you're eating. If your goal is to lose fat, never go a day eating more carbs than protein.

Frank Veneziale:

Simple rule of thumb. If you're trying to gain weight, you're gonna eat the carbs. Okay? Majority of people are trying to lose weight, lose fat. Never go off a full day eating more carbs than protein.

Frank Veneziale:

Number 2, don't be scared to strength train and walk. Those are that combo right there is the biggest fat burning combo.

Drew Beech:

A lot

Frank Veneziale:

of people think, I wanna lose weight. Hey. I gotta get on this elliptical for 30 minutes. Yeah. And people are miserable doing it.

Frank Veneziale:

People people think of running and they wanna kill themselves. Their knees hurt. Their ankles hurt. You don't have to run to lose weight. More muscle equals more calories burned at rest.

Frank Veneziale:

That's what we want. Your basal basal metabolic rate, which is your metabolism. More muscle, you're gonna be burning more calories when you sit on the couch. That's the goal.

Drew Beech:

So you're suggesting even overweight people that wanna lose weight, they should start strength training.

Frank Veneziale:

100%. It's the bit one of the biggest mistakes a lot of people make.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Well

Frank Veneziale:

and that's why people phase out. They go to the gym. Who wants to go on an elliptical for 30 minutes? I love exercising. I hate I would hate to get on an elliptical for 30 minutes.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. You know

Frank Veneziale:

what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

It's it's daunting. It's a daunting task. Yeah. Start getting comfortable lifting weights. More muscle, more calories burned at rest, and also your cardio could be walking.

Frank Veneziale:

Commit to I walk every single day.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

Before my second child was just born, I was averaging 20 k steps per day at my walking treadmill. Yeah. That was average.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Like I said, that Yeah. The fact that I was taking to a new level, like, I would miss the walk. So, like, frankly, you gotta walk, dude. Like, you gotta get more walks than, like, the dude doesn't miss the walk, doesn't miss the cold point.

Drew Beech:

Like, it doesn't there.

Joey Bowen:

That's what you want? Yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

Nonnegotiable. So a 20 minute lunchtime walk a day, and I won't eat my apple unless I can walk after it. Mhmm. Because you gotta control those blood sugar spikes. So that's not tip number 3, though.

Drew Beech:

That's the tip level. That's what I'm saying. We had a little bit

Frank Veneziale:

That's a little, yeah, too sciency for people. Number 3, what you do outside the gym, what you eat, diet and lifestyle habits will have the biggest impact on your body comp and your weight. Yeah. So that's people neglect that. Ozempic's big right now.

Frank Veneziale:

All Ozempic does, it's a peptide that makes you feel full. So it just puts you in a calorie deficit. It's not a magic pill. You know what I mean? And that's why the majority of people that get off of it gain the weight back because they go right back.

Frank Veneziale:

They fall back on their habits, diet, and lifestyle. That same thing goes for supplements. Diet and lifestyle rule all. Don't waste money on supplements. I can't tell you how much garbage supplements I've put in my body over the years

Drew Beech:

when I was trying to get a coffee.

Frank Veneziale:

Mask eater. I mean, imagine what's in a mask eater.

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

It's just so bad for you. Create by the way, it's the last thing. Creatine and essential minos are all the only things you need.

Drew Beech:

This is a a bonus tip.

Frank Veneziale:

That's a bonus tip. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We only go 10 tips?

Frank Veneziale:

I might No. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Well, they gotta give them something to pay for with that. Yeah?

Joey Bowen:

And they, you gotta let everyone know where to find you at so they can get their rest. They can get the other ones on that.

Drew Beech:

That's the next. Yeah. So if someone listening wants to work with they they like what they say. They like this dude's body is his business. I need to work with this guy.

Drew Beech:

Where can they find you, and how should they reach out?

Frank Veneziale:

FTV fitness 92 on all social media platforms, Instagram, Facebook, everything. Fill out the health questionnaire in my bio. I provide as much free value as I possibly can before I even get into my coaching programs.

Joey Bowen:

FTV fitness and the number 9 and 92.

Frank Veneziale:

FTV fitness was taken. Oh, that's what

Drew Beech:

I was gonna say. We didn't I don't do it. Consult with me on the 92

Frank Veneziale:

or what. FTV fitness 9 2 on all social media platforms. And that was another thing I've never edited or posted content anywhere before this. Didn't even know how to make a reel on Instagram before I posted. So that's another bonus tip.

Frank Veneziale:

Yeah. So figure it out on the fly.

Joey Bowen:

Some members of the community that may be interested in learning about your experiences from going from side, hustle to main gig, they can reach out to you too so you can kick a rest in the DM.

Frank Veneziale:

100%. Love helping anyone I can. I used to also be in the Rise community. Yeah. Which was awesome.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Frank Veneziale:

I was booted out for putting too much nutrition content in there. I just No. I'm kidding. I know it. I didn't have enough time to make content geared more towards

Drew Beech:


Frank Veneziale:

the Rise Family. Yeah. It was more towards towards nutrition and fitness. Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Well, we were good. I'm a welcome

Frank Veneziale:

boy, guys.

Joey Bowen:

I'm a welcome. Back. We were welcoming back with open arms. That was also before we had, channels. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Now we have some channels and stuff in that too. Nutrition channel. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

I was

Frank Veneziale:

like, it was like, everything. Frank channel.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Just

Joey Bowen:

keeping me over here

Drew Beech:

And FTV.

Joey Bowen:

I'm sold after the show. I'm finished the show.

Frank Veneziale:

I'm sold.

Drew Beech:

We actually should have you come on Rise. For those of you who don't know, Rise are are paid

Frank Veneziale:

Private community.

Drew Beech:

Private community to, where we bore a lot more value than you'll get on this podcast or on Instagram. Whichever you wanted to talk to the members and, like, answer any questions now that they because they can listen to this and be like, wow. There's so many questions for this guy.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. On on both sides too. So health and fitness and also the side hustle on the main gig side.

Drew Beech:

100%. Cool. Yeah. So without further ado, Frank, I will check us out. You got anything else, John?

Drew Beech:

I'm good.

Joey Bowen:

Let's do it. Have a blast. Thanks.

Frank Veneziale:

Eagles Thank you, guys.

Drew Beech:

Remember, always choose effort over entitlement. Always choose hard work over handouts. And remember, no one owes you. No one owns you. You're one of the few.

Drew Beech:

Let's get it.