On today's episode, we talk
about the future of real estate.
And let me give you a quick tip,
the future of real estate is
creating a better experience for
both the buyer and the seller.
Those who leverage the most
cutting edge technology out
there in order to do that, so
that they can connect more
deeply with clients and create a
better experience for them are
going to have not only
successful businesses, but
they're also going to enjoy the
freedom of having a significant
life, which as you know, is the
entire theme and purpose of this
show today, we have a very
special guest, who's going to
share with us his perspective on
what that future looks like that
does create that experience for
the clients. And in the end, the
kind of business and life that
you want. Stay with this, this
is going to be a great episode.
So the big question is this. How
do you those of us in the real
estate industry, who have crazy
amounts of ambition? How do we
think bigger than the building
of our own empires? How do we
create success and significance,
income and impact?
My name is Justin Stoddart. This
is my co host, Stephanie Peck.
And together we bring you the
big bigger real estate podcast.
Welcome back, everybody excited
to be here. Today, we have a
very special episode, and a
very, very wonderful guest,
someone who's become a dear
friend of mine, somebody who is
building incredible technology
and is really positioning
himself to be a thought leader
in that position, he has
positioned himself as being a
thought leader in the industry.
Please help me welcome. First
and foremost, my lovely co
Stephanie Peck. Hello, how are
you? Hello, I am so excited for
today because we are talking
about something that real estate
agents are a little bit afraid
of a little bit intimidated by.
And we're going to change your
thinking around that today. I
love it. And please, again, help
me welcome our very special
guest, Eric post. What's up
Eric? Good. Guys, and study was
so great to spend some time with
you at OpenCL. That event the
month or so back, it was time
went by fast. That was that was
a really great time to spend
some time there. So good to see
you guys. Both. Yeah, it's great
to see you as well. We
appreciate you coming on. We've
admired the way that you look at
the real estate space, and what
you've been building for a long
time. And this today, this
episode on what the future of
real estate looks like. I can't
think anybody else that I that
I'd want to have their
perspective on this. So let's,
let's jump right in Eric, before
actually, before I do that,
let's share a little bit
background. So anybody that has
just been to you for the first
time, you've been in the real
estate industry for 20 years,
right, as a broker, as a
brokerage owner, as an investor,
not just in real estate
businesses, but in businesses in
general. And now you've gone
deep deep
into AI and that actually built,
you know, built the cutting edge
tools. So for those who don't
know, Eric, that's that's his
background, and also served our
country as a Marine, we thank
you for your service, especially
this week in which we're all
celebrating our freedoms. So our
our hats off to you. What a
great week. This is. Right.
Thank you. Yeah. So let's, let's
dive into this. Eric, what do
you think the future of real
estate entails that allows not
only for people to have a great
experience, but also for the
brokers? Right, those who are
leading these agents to also
have have a great life?
Yeah, I love that you threw the
great life party in there.
I was originally going to ask
you what perspective we want to
look at, you know, when he said,
You know about the future of
real estate. And one of the
things I found interesting when
you go online, and you go to
either real estate, influencer
pages or agents, making posts
about the industry or whatnot,
and you can see the clear line
in the comment section, between
the agents commenting and
mortgage brokers, commenting and
the consumers commenting, right,
there is not a gray area, there
is a clear line between the two
both in the NAR lawsuit
headlines or individual pages or
commentary happening about
what's happening in real estate
space, there is a clear line.
And and I think that what a
great opportunity we have as an
industry to look at that clearly
and say, Why is there why is
there a gap here? Between the
comments that are supportive of
the post? And the comments that
aren't supportive vocal posts?
And they're generally divided by
what perspective that or is it a
client? Or is it an agent?
Right? And so right now, one of
the things that I think is
really a good opportunity for us
to to inject in this space is
some self awareness, you know, a
little bit of what what are the
things that we talked about
online or say online or think
about internally? How we know
what we're what we mean to each
other? You know, but how does
that get translated to the
consumer when they see these
posts and videos and was talking
about, oh, you'd be crazy to use
an agent if they only charged
you this person, that all that
stuff is confusing for the
consumer. And so just right now,
I think that if we're looking at
the future, I think there needs
to be some galvanization of what
this industry actually is, like,
like, what are we? You know, or
are we are we group of agents
that like protect our clients
represent them
We facilitators, right? What are
we right at our core. And I
think that is a interesting
thing to start to recognize and
realize that we're not just
talking about AI powered
competitors, and add power tech
companies and Zillow, and all
these new companies, we're
talking about an ad powered
consumer to, you know, we're
talking about a more informed,
more educated and more
empowered, frictionless access
to information consumer than
ever before, right? So these are
all just the kind of trends that
I think that like, right now, we
have a pause like this, let's
have real conversations around
these issues and take a
direction, you know, pick one
powerful perspective, right?
When you really begin to kind of
put the guards down of like,
everyone's in their own camp
trying to defend themselves,
whether you're a consumer,
right, trying to so you know,
you know, quote, unquote, defend
your equity, or as a as an agent
trying to defend your
Commission's right there, there,
it feels like there's there's
different camps people are
coming from. And when you start
to realize, like all of this
technology can be really
positioned to help consumers
have a great experience, have a
great ROI, on that experience.
And the agent also to have a
great business leading people
through these changes.
Stephanie, what comes to mind is
you hear Eric talking about kind
of these, this important
process of of potentially
establishing our identity as
professionals, what shows up for
you. Yeah, what I hear from Eric
is he's talking about there's
possibly going to be different
levels of service, you know, is
like he's saying, find your
identity, are you? Are you a
full service adviser to your
clients? Are you a facilitator
in a transaction, it's possible
that the industry is going to go
to a place where the consumer
chooses a different level of
service. So as a professional,
you're going to choose how you
show up in the marketplace. And
by doing that, you're going to
need to be at the top of your
game in all areas, if you want
to be at the highest level of
service and the highest paid in
the industry.
And what you just said was the
choose like there was an
intentionality to your answer,
you know, there was an
intentionality that approach to
it. And that is something that
has been missing for a little
bit of like, Oh, we've always
done it, we've just done it,
these are the things that we do
we have this type of agent
website, we have this type of
coaching, we just done it, you
know, and, and yet we see this
this division of what the
consumer is demanding, like,
they're literally asking and
begging, like, oh, my gosh, I
would love this value. I love
this wisdom, I love to clear out
this noise, I'd love to have
this sort of access, right? And,
and the customer is not always
right. In that sense, you know,
you can go back to Henry Ford,
if I would have asked my
customer what they wanted, they
would have said a faster horse,
right? Like there are, there are
times when an industry or a
thought leader or an agent in
this case, can take a position
of leadership and say, No, this
is the direction we should go
and plant a flag and lead there.
But if that doesn't come with
any sort of gratitude for the
customer, empathy for the
customer appreciation for the
customer focused on their
experience, then we're just self
serving. Right. And so that's
sort of when we talk about
technology, there's a lot of
companies that are just going
direct to consumer, they want to
avoid the realtor or the
mortgage broker, they're gonna
go direct to consumer, like
Zillow is referenced to the
agent is the last mile problem,
you know, in the transaction,
yes, like, they would take the
human as much out of it and get
all this data and put it right,
the hands of the consumer,
that's not my approach, or whose
approach at all, like, if I
really want to make a home
buying and selling experience
better for the customer, then
there's people involved, always,
you know, that that can really
help that happen. So instead of
going around the industry, I was
like, No, we're gonna serve the
real estate agent, the mortgage
professional in this case, and
really help them provide, how
can we expect an agent provide a
more consistent, transparent,
efficient transaction unless
we're providing them the ability
to do so? Right? That's unfair,
right? So we really like it's
for me, it's those three things.
Specifically, it's consistency,
transparency, and efficiency,
right? Those are three glaring
opportunities that we have, as
an industry to get a little
better, you know, an elevator
game, maybe we use technology or
strategies or systems for that.
But those are three things. I
think that as a consumer, if we
got better on those three things
alone, our perceived value would
just skyrocket.
And one thing I love about what
both of you said, I'll start
with what Stephanie said, and
I've heard her say this before,
and it's I'm realizing the
maturity in it is that so many
agents fall into the trap of Who
Moved My Cheese. And you kind of
referenced as well Erica is
like, well, we've always done
this, and therefore, I'm going
to die on this hill that we're
always going to do this. And I
think that's a really
professional, immature way to go
about things and one that will
ensure that you're that you get
less cheese than you ever wanted
to have. Right? I think when you
really become flexible to say,
what is the opportunity now how
can I best serve my clientele.
Now, based on the current
circumstances, you really open
yourself up to tremendous
opportunity, because at the end
of the day, we are here to serve
to serve the consumer. And then,
you know, I think the other
perspective that we look at
right is is as professionals, we
always have to run it through
that lens of
What is it that the profession
or that the consumer wants and
needs? And, you know, if if we
were dealing with something that
had no emotional tie to it, and
everybody knew what they wanted
completely entirely and
understood all the ramifications
of those decisions, you know,
one might argue that, yeah, we
could, we could probably take
the consumer out of this, like
buying a pair of shoes online, I
just need to try them on and
then I'm good. But the reality
is when something that is as big
of a purchase, and as important
of a purchase, purchase, and has
the emotional ties as where
someone's going to live in the
community in which they are
going to be integrated into
people, they have a hard time
making decisions, in small
things, let alone in big things,
to think that they don't need a
human to help them to counsel
with them, and extract from
them, what they're thinking, why
they're thinking that way, why
they're feeling that way. And
then lead them using the best
technology to make a good
decision. To me, that part is
really hard to duplicate without
a human because humans
understand that level of
emotion. And they've dealt with
enough people going through
those decisions and those
emotions, that they can really
become very valuable to helping
to someone gather their thoughts
and make sense of their emotions
and their thoughts and all the
things that go through buying a
new home, right?
To be clear, AI is actually very
good at sentiment analysis is
better at emotional awareness
than most people. Right. So So
you're right, and I say these
things. And I should preface all
this by saying this industry
does not need AI, it needs more
good people, it does not need
more information needs more
wisdom, right? So this is not me
being pro AI in any sense of the
word. practicality, though AI
helps give access to
information. And if all the
information is commoditized,
then that's no longer valuable
is the Wisdom, right? Well, who
has all the wisdom people,
right, so like, all these
systems, the AI systems have all
this intellect, and they could
pass every real estate exam much
better than almost every agent
in those every line on every
contract, you know, knows way
more than every single agent
right now. But that's not
enough, right? It doesn't have
the humanity, it doesn't have
the experience, it doesn't know
that okay, Justin, and
Stephanie, are this couple here.
And they really need to make
this happen for their son
because their son experiencing
this school in the school,
right? They don't get all those
that the AI doesn't know that
stuff that people do. So I just
make very, very clear though,
the things that you mentioned,
are actually pretty good, like
sentiment analysis and emotional
awareness. And he's actually
really good at those things. So
if you know that and you lean
into instead of avoiding it,
then it makes you the superhero,
the superpower, because you can
use a hand to extract even more
you get better at emotional
awareness, better at the human
part of it, too, if you do
leverage AI, right. So just be
clear about that. Yeah, super
powerful. Stephanie, what's
showing up for you as you think
about the future of your
business, right, being as
flexible and open minded as you
are, when you hear some of the
things that Eric is sharing
about AI? What what does that do
to empower you to be able to
create even more powerful
experience than you already? Do?
You know, one thing that I have
been thinking really hard about
in my business, so I'm just
going to ask a question
selfishly. And I know that to
me, as a top producer, if I'm
experiencing this, then there's
probably people in our audience
that are experiencing this too.
You know, even even as a top
producer, where I, I do believe
that I'm one of the best in my
marketplace, and I'm not shy to
proclaim that I'm still getting
feedback from clients when I go
on listing appointments in
particular, where I give my
presentation, and they say, you
know, this is great. And I have
no doubt that you or these other
two or three people that I
interviewed are going to do just
as good of a job. So what's
something that a real estate
agent like me, or anyone that's
listening to this can be putting
into place it's really going to
set ourselves apart, what's
something that we can be doing
that is going to take that
consumer experience and have
them be like I did not get this
from anyone else, you're the
only one that presented me with
these options or this
information. So the choice
becomes obvious that I'm the
real estate agent that is doing
more than anyone else that they
talked with. So what you're
talking about here is one of the
strategies that actually
position who's young from the
very beginning and that is when
changing beauty rolled out.
Every agent ranted LGBT and said
create my social media for me
right my listing descriptions
create my blog post and it was
this use of technology to spam
the masses with a bunch of
information as much as possible
then all listing presentation
I'm sorry, listing description
started looking the same and
social media posts are looking
the same. And so right away, you
know, just as a constraint or a
challenge or a viewpoint just by
nature, I was like oh, well then
AI should be used to create more
custom and personalized,
valuable information for the
individual not for
masses. So long winded answer to
you is that with the ability to
get access to information,
right, hyper personalized
content for your consumer, you
could show up to a meeting. And
their experience with you is so
thoughtful, because you could
get so for instance, let's say,
let's say that you're a seller,
and you're listening I was up in
Oregon City is in a particular
neighborhood, I can live with
who's a mate, hey, who's going
to go on a listing presentation
up in this neighborhood in this
area, I want to know every
information about all of the the
the schools, the detailed
reports, anything going on with
the taxes, the jurisdiction, and
then going on with bond
measures, like whatever you
want. And you could get it like
this, where it used to take a
couple of hours to have to do
that sort of work to have that
corner. Like really
intentionally personalized
presentation is not just a
generic that you stamped new
address on it, you know, and did
your thing. But it's such a
hyper personalized experience
where you can do that now at
scale that makes you stand out,
right, that makes you instantly
they're like, oh, my gosh, this
person got me and they, they
give me this information that I
didn't even thought that I
needed, but they knew I needed
it. And they gave it to me when
I needed it. Right? That before
took a lot of lift for an agent,
it took a lot of strategizing a
lot of work hiring it out what
not now, it just takes
curiosity. Now it just takes a
willingness to serve at that
level to think about that, then
you can get into it instantly.
Right? So that's my I would say
that was the one first answer I
would keep in mind.
I really liked that because I I
apply that to situations that
I've been in in the last couple
of weeks. And so you mentioned
it would take several hours, I
feel like it takes it takes a
lifetime to really understand
the community and the consumer
and that street specifically or
that type of home specifically
that that's that wisdom that you
were talking about, right. So
there's no amount of research
that I could have done to get
that information. But if I were
utilizing technology to produce
that for me and showed up with
that, because in two situations
that come to mind, I would have
recently lost out on a listing
because they went with someone
who was more local, even said
your your presentation, your
marketing, everything about you
is superior. However, this
person has more local
connection. And then on the flip
side, I just got a listing,
because they said you know
you're local, you understand
this community and these people.
So if I had come with a lot of
information about that, probably
on both sides, I would have won
the listing, but then also the
one that I did get, it would
have made it a lot easier for me
to bring proof of that, right, I
spent a lot of time talking
about, oh, I live down the
street and my kids go to this
school and the things that we do
to build rapport, I could have
come with a really impressive
presentation that shows that I
am the expert. In that example,
what I hear a customer said that
to you, they actually didn't
care about locality or
geographic location, they cared
about the personalization.
And so, you know, a lot of times
we get
objection from the customer, and
it's not that's the symptom of
the objection. That's not the
objection. Right. So in my my
guests, they didn't care
actually about the hyper
locality of your, of your, of
your, you know, brand
positioning, they cared about
the personalization to their
exact scenario, they wanted
something that understood this
market, this neighborhood this
scenario, right, and you can do
that now with with the
assistance of AI. And so coming
in, they're like I'm this, you
are so polished and
professional, and you got a
great resume been around a long
time. Plenty of reviews, like I
know, you get your scripts down,
right. But it was that last
checkbox of hyper personalized,
that the AI can help you do now
Stephanie right at scale, which
is which is pretty special,
right? But you have to have that
sort of desire. And and to treat
people not as a number, not as
another listing presentation.
But as human beings in this
house making a big lifetime
decision, you know, to move
forward. And when we when we
frame things from the consumer
standpoint, like I, I love it
when agents have recently sold
or moved personally, right when
they've sold their own house and
me personally, they get this
level of empathy of like, what
it's like to pack up their boxes
and have people in their homes,
viewing their homes and having
to pick up all that level of
empathy is lost sometimes, and
we think of our job as a job.
And we have this structure and
we've got this process. And so
all of the human emotions that
come up, you know, are all the
things that I think that human
beings can do a better job at
any AI systems. So you can use
the AI systems to do the
mundane. Take it from this to
this interview to the mundane
and much less time that you can
focus on the things that really
matter. And that is in this
human relationship building is
personalization, really
listening, you know, and
proactive listening, digging
deeper underneath their
concerns. You can't do that when
you're bothered by all the
minutiae of all the stuff that
you got to do. Right. So you can
have an AI system handle all the
stuff that you can kind of do.
The other example I'm going to
ramble on just a little bit more
As the other thing, like with
agents, same thing, agents don't
generally walk into their
manager's office and be like,
You know what, I don't want the
headache of hiring an assistant,
and, you know, paying them and
being accountable and, and doing
30 day, you know, reviews and
all this stuff and it takes, you
know, they want more time in the
day, and they want the client to
feel like there's two of them.
Right. That's what they're
really saying when they think,
oh, I need his leverage. So with
AI, it's not like you You're,
you're having to delegate and
think about how to delegate with
AI, you should be able to just
say, This is my task list, these
are things I know I need done, I
use get some of that time back
down, because AI can do it
faster than I could have my own.
Right. So that's the better
application and think right now
is not think of as things you
delegate to you prompt engineer,
it's more of a support system to
help me look like the superhero
to my client and make my clients
feel like they're to me.
As I hear you talk, it's really
fun for me, by the way, I feel
like I'm just in the, in the
room with two very, very
intelligent people who are
extremely experienced in the
real estate industry, I just get
to be a fly on the wall. This is
fascinating. I'm actually really
enjoying being a listener. But I
do have a couple things to say
really quickly, is a comment
that you made earlier on Eric,
which is that wisdom is what we
as humans have I was taught
early in my college years,
actually by the university
president who to this day is
tremendous mentor of mine, he
said, that knowledge is what you
know. And wisdom is using what
you know, for good and righteous
purposes. And I think about what
AI can give us as all kinds of
knowledge. But when we then take
that knowledge, and we apply it
to better people's lives, that's
where we stand out. Right?
That's where we become very
unique. And we're equipped in an
instant, as you said, with all
this knowledge, and now we get
to apply it to the people of
what matters to them, what are
they going through? What are
their aspirations, what are
their fears, and we're able to
apply that in a very human warm
I can't help but think that
agents who learn how to do that,
and have the tools behind them
that, that empower them, to not
only be able to access that
data, but free up their
schedule, from all of the things
that kept them from being able
to do that previously, right.
Everybody wants to be that
human, but it's like when I've
got so many other things to do,
I might not have the time to
stop and listen and ask more
questions. Because I gotta get
back, I've got some, I've got a
whole desk full of work for me.
And what I see is tools like
Huzi that actually free you up
from doing those mundane tasks,
so that we can spend more time
being that warm, wise human that
people really want and really
need I think it was um, slightly
different than like the
definition a lot. I think it's
like I think it wisdom more as
an embodiment.
Meeting is it you know, you guys
have interviewed enough people
now, you know, when somebody's
on your podcast, and there's,
they're spouting sound bites,
you know, and clips and cliches
versus somebody that's speaking
from an embodiment of expertise
from whatever the topic is, you
can just tell right? So I view
wisdom as as embodiment it's
almost like a curation. So
it looks at hoozy. This is the
same way I think, if I could
define it the same way, like if
you take a big chunk of marble,
right, and you have this thing,
wisdom is how, what do you what
do you chisel out? Like, what do
you remove to reveal the
beautiful thing? That's wisdom?
Right? And so when we're talking
about all this knowledge, well,
wisdom is what don't the client
need to know? That to get them
to the next level? Like, what's
the very specific thing? Let's
curate that? Right? Because you
just you just know, you know,
the client, you know, the space,
you know, the goal, you can see
things in three dimensional
That's wisdom, right? Because
you've you've intentionally
immersed yourself in this
profession in this industry,
right? That then you embody it,
then you know what to chisel
away just to make it simple,
like a good meme. A good meme
isn't five pages long, there was
one sentence of thing it pierces
right to the heart of it. That's
wisdom. So to me, wisdom is the
embodiment of the expertise and
then being able to have enough
exposure to enough macro data
that you know exactly what
doesn't matter. So you can just
give the right thing to the
right person at the right time.
Right. That to me is wisdom.
Love that. Stephanie, you
obviously serve a tremendous
quantity of households, you and
your team. And you do it at an
extremely high level, because
you get referrals all the time,
right people just saying she is
the only option. As you hear us
talk about this concept of
wisdom and going deeper at this
level, there's there's no way
you have you would have gotten
to the level of referral based
business that you had had you
not already embodied some of
this. But does this excite you?
And if so, talk to us a little
bit about that when you think of
removing more of the things that
don't matter, and inserting in
more of these types of
conversations that really move
the needle in people's lives.
Again, going back to the theme
of what this is all about,
right? Think bigger is building
successful businesses and
significant lives.
How does this kind of light up
your soul to be thinking about
the future of business in the
way that we're describing here
Well, I know that a lot of
people have fears and concerns
and hesitations around AI, that
it's going to replace us or take
our jobs or be smarter than us.
Like Eric mentioned, AI can
probably pass the real estate
exam a lot better than any of us
ever did.
Not not probably definitely find
data that we we don't know or
couldn't find. But it can't
replace the human experience. So
I hear this all the time. And I
just want to rephrase and say
that AI is not going to replace
the real estate agent, it is
going to replace the real estate
agent that doesn't use AI. So
that real estate agent that's
using technology and using tools
and resources is going to be the
one that sets themselves apart.
Because they're able to enhance
the client experience and
enhance their presentation
enhance the value that they
bring to the consumer. And the
one that's still doing it, the
way we've always done is going
to be the one that gets left
behind because the consumer is
going to demand a different
level of service and experience.
And what I've learned about AI
is you have to tell AI what to
give you. So I can't just go
open my Huzi app and say, Help
me get this listing.
It's not going to give me the
information that I need. I have
to tell AI. Yeah, maybe maybe
you can, you can show me more.
But I know what I've learned
about AI prompts is, I want to
need to give it some information
so that it can give me
information back. And the better
I do that, the more I'm going to
get and the better the
information is. So if I say, you
know, I'm going on a listing
appointment, in this
neighborhood, with this type of
client, you know, they're this
age, and this is what I know
about them. And I give AI these
prompts, I'm going to get a more
personalized response that is
going to set me apart versus me,
maybe I could, you know, say I'm
going to a listing appointment
on 123 Main Street. But I
believe that the more
information that I give, the
better I'm going to get back. So
it still does require my
knowledge, my wisdom, my
expertise to get what I need
back, right, not for long, a
little bit. And so what you're
speaking about is exactly the
way everybody's talking about
it, and exactly what the message
has been, that's actually dated
news. And what I mean by that is
in classes now what I've been
talking about with agents is
that there's no there's just a
division, either you become an
AI kind of expert at pump
engineering, extracting and
mastery of the English language
or Chinese or Spanish or
whatever language you speak.
Because if you understand your
language, that's how we're going
to be interacting with the app
model. So the better you
understand how to phrase a
question and how to how to
properly you know, break down a
business problem, all that kind
of stuff, you either need to be
good at that or use a purpose
built AI, right one of the two,
because when you when you go
this direction, like which IGBT
it's a it's a mind blowing ly
powerful consumer facing
product. But it's a do as you
ask not do as you want machine.
And that's very critical.
Because an agent's like, I just
want to, I just want this done.
But the AI is doing what you ask
it, not what you want,
necessarily. So like with hoozy,
when you have a purpose built
platform, you should be able to
do two things, know what the
user wants, and being able to
know what they actually need,
right? Like, on top of all those
things, like there's a want, and
there's a need in business. And
a purpose built app can actually
act as assistant as a coach at
the same time. Right? So they so
what we're doing at Huzi is to
build in almost being like a
translator. And instead of
having an agent having to learn
another new frickin skill, like
agents have to learn how to be
social media influencers, right,
and how to learn how to be
marriage counselors and all
these things that you got to
learn how to do and marketers
and like, just learn another new
thing I come on that's that's a
heavy lift for most for most
agents for all agents, actually.
So the value that like a company
like ours brings is to be that
translator. Like if you can just
tell yourself what you need done
in the day, then who's he should
be able to help you either get
90% of that done, do it all the
way but like provide massive
instant momentum, right? You
shouldn't have to also sit down
like, Okay, how do I write a
prompt? And how do I get this
idea out of my head and put on a
paper and type of so what we're
building here is this machine,
you just talk like you talk to
yourself, hey, I need to prepare
for this listing presentation.
What do I need to do first? Like
if you can just say that if you
can just get that out of your
body then the AI system was
purpose built that understands
what you need and what you what
you want, that can actually take
over right? And when I say
takeover meaning like Hey, Eric,
let's do this next or what about
this and have you thought about
this and like let's do this next
and it just takes away all the
friction between all the agents
best intentions of getting it
done. Right. So I just think
there are two different
distinct paths. And that's why
you have to have a company or
products. And that's why
there'll be dentist AI is, you
know, Costco AI is you know, you
name it, right? We dating,
dating like,
Justin, you're happily married,
all that kind of stuff. But if
you and I weren't, we're all
looking for mates and you're
gonna send your a eye out, I'm
gonna send out mine, we might
meet somebody, right? And we're
like, oh, we have friends, like,
Let's go have coffee together.
Right? That's, that's the
future. And so that's the,
that's the, the iteration we're
building towards. And so the
idea that the user has to become
this expert now, I think is, is
the old information, I think you
should just go to where you have
this, this partner that's
translating for you, it can make
it happen. So you'd have to
learn another new frickin skill.
I appreciate that distinction,
because that's, I suppose if
someone's saying, Well, what
what's the difference? I can go
into chat GPT and ask a
question, versus a twosie, a
platform that has been trained
to think like a real estate
agent, right? Is that what
you're saying? Yeah, that's so
powerful, actually. So if you
like we run all sorts of tests,
you put into similar problems.
And let's say checked up at
perplexity group Bard, whatever,
Claude, who's the and so we're,
we view ourselves as being
really responsible and taking on
the responsibility heavy of
what's the output? So there's
lots of talks about prompt
engineering, like, what do I
tell the machine to do? Who's
really in the business of human
prompting? Like, I care so much
about what comes out of the
response? That isn't good? Does
it lead the agent to great
conclusions and great content?
Or great strategies? Or is it
just generic? Does that sound
milk toast? Could they get this
done anywhere else? Right? So
we're hyper focused on the
quality of the output? Like
crazy, like obsessed about it?
Fascinating. Let's, let's take
just a second and let people
know where they can go to learn
more about who's the I think
You've piqued probably every
real estate agent, whoever
listens to this interest? Like,
how do I hire that assistant,
because one that not just is
super good at doing what I asked
it to do, would be a win. But
what you're telling me is, it's
going to start telling me what
it knows that I'm going to need
next, which is the true
anticipation of need, which is
another level and I think that's
beautiful. So what does it look
like to become a Huzi? Member?
Eric, yeah, we just put up our,
you know, our public version
one, it's ugly, it's, it's, you
know, it's just utilitarian,
public facing website, but just
hoozy.ai to just get a little
more information there. So we've
been in testing beta mode for
the last year and a half, nearly
two years, and did a soft launch
couple weeks ago. And, you know,
piling in new consumers, new
members has been awesome to see
we're building a community out.
So just go to hoozy.ai.
It'll give you an example of
what I mean by this power. So an
offer came in, you know, on a
piece property I have personally
great agent sent over an offer.
And I'm not licensed anymore, to
be honest, you know, it feels
crazy after 22 years to not have
a real estate license, because I
gave it up. So I didn't have any
perceived issues with brand
preference or whatever, right?
So I can be brand agnostic, I'm
not even licensed anymore. But I
got this offer coming in, and I
was able to receive the offer,
you know, who's the input the
deal, created my deal summary,
added everybody to my database,
added all the milestones, my
calendar, went online research
because I wanted to counter so
government got on my market
stats and research think, you
know, the other agent, you know,
for the offer the work, let them
know, we'll have an offer from
the next day, communicated with
them. And I did all of this in
under five minutes. The guy
called me he goes, dude, how did
you do that? So fast, right?
Like this is a this is an hour
and a half worth of work
essentially, right? He just felt
it was like, because it's not
about AI. It's about leverage.
And we talked about you made a
comment earlier about you're
gonna be replaced by AI. It's
not the AI to be clear. It's
that AI is harnessed cognitive
labor. It would be like, you
know, a person that all sudden
they had 100 person team, of
course, it's going to be hard to
compete with, you know, in your
market, because they can just be
more thoughtful and intentional
and personalized. Because I've
got all this labor. It's the
same I would look at as the same
thing. It's not AI, it's
cognitive labor that you can
harness to do things that need
done in your business cheap at
scale, right. So just to be
really, really clear, I'm not
pro AI and pro intentionality
and pro leverage and pro
systems. And pro better customer
experience is just one of the
tools now in the toolbox. It
just happens to be probably the
most powerful and the most cheap
than the cheapest, right? So
that's a good that's a good
combination. And I love it.
Stephanie, before we go to our
final question, any any last
questions you want to ask Eric?
I'm just gonna take it for a
test drive. I'll have a million
questions after that
roadmap meeting this morning.
It's so fun because there's a
massive gap right to where I
know we're going to be three
months six months one year from
now, but even just now what we
have is just mind blowing people
away. I did some demos this
weekend. I hope what let let you
know in this that that has been
so fun to for eyes open and be
like oh my gosh, and it's not
the scary thing is the lowering
of the shoulders and like oh my
Okay, some
It gets me, right. I don't want
to do it all anymore, right?
There's this, there's no fear of
like, Oh, my God is gonna take
my job. It's like, oh my God,
thank you now I can do the
things I want to do as a
professional. That's the kind of
vibe I want to inject. That's
beautiful. Eric, you obviously a
big thinker. What is it that you
do to continue to be a big
thinker to continue to expand
your possibilities?
I look through solutions through
the lens of something else.
Taking on the role of the
observer is a skill. And it's
something I've had to like work
on and work on and work on,
right, because we view a
problem. And it's really hard to
get yourself out of the way you
know ourselves that we have all
these biases, are these
thinking, logical fallacies that
human beings just fall victim
to. So kind of learning the
skill to take the role of the
To know that I can't learn
anything else. If I'm so full of
myself, if given all these hard
and fast conclusions about
things, then my mind doesn't
want to explore and wonder, said
you really does a good job. He
explains how our minds are so
powerful is not built, to come
to conclusions. It's built to
wander and explore and be
curious. And I don't view all
this AI stuff as a technology
revolution. It's a creativity
revolution, the it's the
creative people, people with
curiosity are going to win.
That is the message I want to
get out. And so for me staying
hyper curious about myself, what
am I capable of about, about
what's around the horizon? What
don't I know that I'm afraid of,
and instead of being afraid of
it, can I just take a few
minutes to learn more about it?
You know that that's sort of
just innate empowerment, that
everybody creates their own
economy, they create their own
reality, they can create a great
customer experience doesn't have
the world burning down, you
know, and so just having that,
that sense of like, I'm a part
of so much bigger than me. So
let me step out of the role
observer. Let me learn through
the angles of other people or
other industries or other
solutions, and get out of my own
freakin way. And I think that
really helps with picnicking,
awesome, amazing, amazing
answer. Amazing episode. Thank
you so much, Eric, for helping
us not only understand a little
more about hoozy, but really
think differently about
technology in general. It's been
it's been a total delight. And
to everybody listening here
today, my final request is this.
It's time that we all go think
bigger. Eric, thanks for helping
us do that today. My friend. We
appreciate you. Cheers. You
guys. Great work. Thank you.
Before you go, we've got one
more invitation for you. We all
know that listening to a podcast
is not enough. To help you to
become a big thinker and high
achiever. We must take action.
So the very first step, think
about one Aha, one lesson
learned from this podcast that
you'd like to apply and send it
to us in the form of a direct
message at Think bigger real
estate. We look forward to
hearing from you and helping you
to go