It’s All Your Fault: High Conflict People

Bullies as Leaders in Organizations
In this episode, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter explore the topic of bullies as leaders in organizations. They discuss the ancient personality traits that drive bullies to seek leadership positions, the impact they have on their organizations, and strategies for addressing their behavior.
Recognizing and Addressing Bully Behavior in Leaders
Bill and Megan emphasize the importance of recognizing bully behavior in leaders and taking action to address it. They stress the need for organizations to have clear policies, set limits, and impose consequences for bullying behavior to create a healthy work environment.
Questions we answer in this episode:
  • What ancient personality traits do bully leaders possess?
  • How can organizations address bully behavior in leaders?
Key Takeaways:
  • Bullies often seek leadership positions due to their desire to dominate and inspire loyalty.
  • Clear policies, setting limits, and imposing consequences are crucial for creating a healthy work environment.
Introducing New Ways for Work for Leaders
Bill and Megan introduce their upcoming training program, New Ways for Work for Leaders, which focuses on helping leaders manage high conflict situations and create a bully-proofed environment.
This episode provides valuable insights into the complex issue of bullies as leaders in organizations. Bill and Megan's expertise and practical advice make this episode a must-listen for anyone dealing with high conflict personalities in leadership positions.
Links & Other Notes
Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.
  • (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault
  • (00:36) - World of Bullies #4: Bullies as Leaders
  • (01:09) - Upcoming Bully Seminars
  • (02:22) - Bullies as Leaders
  • (06:55) - Do All Bullies Lie?
  • (09:16) - When People See It Happening But Do Nothing
  • (10:16) - Imposing Consequences
  • (10:51) - When They're at the Top
  • (13:10) - Example
  • (20:32) - New Ways for Work for Leaders
  • (27:39) - Imposing Consequences
  • (30:05) - Wrap Up
  • (30:07) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Bullies as Neighbors

Learn more about our New Ways for Work®—Leaders Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

What is It’s All Your Fault: High Conflict People?

Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else.

They are the most difficult of difficult people — some would say they’re toxic. Without them, tv shows, movies, and the news would be boring, but who wants to live that way in your own life!

Have you ever wanted to know what drives them to act this way?

In the It’s All Your Fault podcast, we’ll take you behind the scenes to understand what’s happening in the brain and illuminates why we pick HCPs as life partners, why we hire them, and how we can handle interactions and relationships with them. We break down everything you ever wanted to know about people with the 5 high conflict personality types: narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, antisocial/sociopath, and paranoid.

And we’ll give you tips on how to spot them and how to deal with them.