Speak Friend and Enter: A Lord of the Rings Podcast

Hosts Stephanie and Lydia get down to business with an episode applicable to every day life, or at least, something you can use every nine months... how to get away with naming your baby after Lord of the Rings.

What is Speak Friend and Enter: A Lord of the Rings Podcast ?

Speak Friend and Enter is a weekly discussion on all things Lord of the Rings hosted by friends Lydia & Stephanie. Come along with us as we explore the world of Tolkien through deep dives, read-alongs, and laugh-alongs.

Hi there, I'm Stephanie.

And I'm Lydia. Come along with us as we explore and learn about the world of Tolkien through deep dives on lore, characters, beatalons, and lafflons. We are excited to have you as a new friend on this journey with us. Welcome to Speak Friend and Enter, a Lord of the Rings podcast.

Hi there, and welcome to Speak Friend and Enter, a Lord of the Rings podcast. We're our first riff topic, which is what baby name would you use from Lord of the Rings? Yeah, and to be clear, like, this is your responsible grown adult choosing responsible-ish baby names.

Is that right? The idea is some baby names that you can actually use. And depending on your boldness, your bravery, you could go with a first name spot, something like Aragorn, Arowyn.

You love Arowyn. But we were also trying to think of some maybe less common ones. Yes, exactly. And here's the thing, like, you can't just cop out and be like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna take this amazing, you know, outlandish Lord of the Rings name. I'm just gonna use that as a middle name. Nobody knows about middle names.

I love a strong middle spot. Yeah, but we're thinking like, if you were to be bold, I'm gonna do a Lord of the Rings. First name. I am naming my first born after insert or here, you know.

What are some names that maybe you could do as an homage that are not gonna make everyone be like, that's a Lord of the Rings name? Yeah, and then they're not gonna shun you and outcast you from society. Or maybe they will.

We would love it. So if you're a bold baby name, redo it. Yeah, and some of these are gonna be more subtle, right?

Yeah. So Aragorn, they might out you from someone. But they would know. They might know.

Some of these might be subtle. But there's one more thing you wanted to shout out, your other favorite podcast. Oh, yes, actually, I love listening to people's conversations about baby names. So I have a baby name podcast.

I think it's called Baby Name Envy and I love it. So shout out to that podcast. 10 out of 10 inspiration.

Yes, 10 out of 10 inspiration because I love listening to people's dilemmas and kind of their thought processes as they're trying to name a kid. So that podcast in particular is more like an advice podcast. Like people call in and they say, this is my problem. This is causing strife in my marriage. Strife with my parents.

Strife with strangers, etc. Yeah, yeah. I feel like that. And so for us, if we were to like couch this in a advice podcast format, it'd be, you are struggling with picking the right homage in such a way that you can like slither it in and your relationships won't ruin.

You want a Lord of the Rings inspired name. But you don't want it to be like, obvious. Yeah.

And some of these might be obvious. Actually, I'm looking at mine. I'm like, they're kind of bold. So we'll see if I have any subtle ones.

We'll find out. But that might be that might be like the use case, right? Yes. So we'll kind of like go back and forth. Yeah.

Yeah. We're going to go back and forth. I think I have a few more girl.

Well, it depends. I think I have a few more girl names than Lydia does. Yeah. Lydia has a few more.

I was weak on girl names. So hopefully we balance each other. Okay. So would you like to start? Would you like to go first? No, you go first. Okay. I'll go first. I think I have a longer list. All right. Well, I don't even know where to start. I guess I will start with and I will also say I went through a lot of these names and a lot of them could be gender neutral. So take what you will and use for as you will, whatever you think is best.

Use with caution. So I guess I will start maybe something I was thinking a little more as a girl name, but it is technically the name of a God in the universe. And so it could be used for a boy or gender neutral. I was looking at the name Lorian.

Okay. So we all kind of know that piece because it's part of the name Loth Lorian. But I thought Lorian sounded so pretty. It's, you know, we have Loras, Lawrence. I don't know, but Lorian feels like a Loran to me, like the closest real world, like equivalent. And then didn't Loran used to be a boy name and it's kind of falling out of fashion for boys. Yeah.

Back in the day. But I feel like Lorian sounds like a glow up. Yeah. Lorian does. And I feel like that's a boy's name. I could get by with a boy's name. That's what I'm saying is like, I'm just thinking of Loran. Oh, actually, Loran sounds like a girl's name.

Shoot. I was like, what's the nickname? You know, Lorie. Lorie is super cute.

And obviously it was a boy's nickname in little women, Lorie. Oh, I don't remember this. I think you're right. Yeah, I think you're right.

But I thought Lorian... Yeah, it's giving me like Lawrence vibes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you could. And so that's why I like it though, because this is the God of dreams. And so Lorian is like this dream, this dreamy place, this dreamy state. This is your dream of having a sweet little baby.

I don't know. I liked the meaning and I thought it was really pretty. And that's a legit name. It's also that I feel like if we had to rank them on subtle, subtle. I think it's subtle. I don't think people would be like that's a Lorian with a rings baby name. Lorian. So like level of coolness, pretty high.

Ease of use. Pretty high. I think so. Because nobody's gonna look at that and be like, oh, it's not Aragorn, right? Yeah. So you're getting to know is not so recognizable that people will look at you twice.

I don't think so. But I think it's really pretty or really, yeah, I think it's really nice. So that was my first name. Very good. All right, I'm gonna go out hard. Okay, come. This might be a bold one.

Do it. Lydia has a little bit more bold taste here because of baby names than me. But I think I have some cool ones on here. Okay. Girl name. Yeah.

Moria. Did you have that on your list? No, but I saw it. And I thought that is bold. I do like it. So I kind of like it because I think about real names.

Yeah. Like I enjoy Mara. I enjoy Mara, Mara, Mara, like that MR. Vibes. It's really nice. So I feel like level of coolness 10 out of 10 because like this is, I mean, maybe coolness is the same as recognizability, but like Moria. Yeah. So if you had to ask people who are like not too well acquainted with Lord of Reigns that that's closer to the list of things they might recognize. Ease of use actually, it is pretty high.

It's pretty high. People are gonna think of it as like a twist off of Moria. Yeah.

Yeah. And it's the minds of Moria, which has this very like, it's cool, but a little ominous. So I was looking at the meaning and I thought, hmm, this is something you wouldn't show your child until like 25. What does it mean?

The black chasm or the black pitch. Well, okay. But like what was, so it was the minds of Moria, but it was called like the kingdom of, I had a really beautiful name before. Oh, I didn't find that. Right. I'm sure it was.

But I don't know. I think it's kind of, it's, it's bomb. Yeah. I love it. I think it's really legit. Also, if you really like, if you get in it and somebody's calling you out on this name and they're like, did you really name your daughter? Who is it? Extremely cute.

After this horrible mind and you have to say yourself, you have an out. So in Greek, there's a name Moria. It's a Niaid and the name meaning is sacred olive tree. So you just say, no, of course not. No, it's called.

Who would name their child after the minds of Moria? But it's kind of, you have an out. So it's safe to use. It's kind of bad A though. I like it.

I like it a lot. So that's the one I'll go with first. Moria.

I love that one. All right. Are we continue? I'm going to throw a boy's name in. Get it. All right.

So I felt really proud of this one. I don't know if it's that, uh, that cool, but I was looking at more nature inspired names or names that could be taken from like the geography or the landscape of middle earth. And I was thinking of the river. I said, I S E N and there's that quote in the movie. I think it's Soromon who was like the writers cross the river. I said on midsummer. I don't know.

This summer's Eve or something along those lines. And I just thought Eisen sounds like it's such a good boys baby name. It's an awesome name. And I think you slipped that one to me before we did this episode. And I've been thinking about it ever since. I've been really excited about that one because it has a little bit, maybe Isaac, a little bit, maybe Ivan, but it's just Eisen.

Yeah. It's got a really nice twist off of Isaac or feels like it just feels like it seems so natural to me. Like you could name a kid that very easily. And that's relatively high on like recognizability. Like this is kind of a bull choice because people see Eisen guard, right? That's true. That's true. So they might like it's not, it's still very subtle. Yeah.

Like I don't think their average Joe is maybe going to recognize it, but if they did, they're like, oh, of course. And what's nice about this is I think sometimes you have a dream character that or a character that you love and you want to name your, you know, child after a character or sometimes you're like, ah, there's not a real name from any of the characters that feels fit good or if there is a character name, it's too bold. Yeah. But with this, you're just referencing the world, right? Like it's a nature name from the world. So I feel like it gets you that homage, but you're not necessarily tying it to a specific character from the story, which could be kind of cool. Yeah.

I love that one. Your turn. All right. I'm going to do a cheat name. A cheat name. Yeah. Boy name. Okay.

And it's TD because it's so easy. Samwise. Oh, it's so good. I thought I was putting Sam on here because I was like, Sam is boss. But that's the thing. Like the short, like the nickname is just Sam. Sammy.

You don't have to do it like you're in public. You just call him Sam at home. It's Samwise. You know, he's in trouble.

Samwise. No, I know. It's a great reference. It's, it's so cute. It's so cute. And I was just saying that if you didn't want to name a character, like your kid after a character, but who wouldn't want to name their kid after Sam?

Yeah, exactly. Great namesake. Such a great namesake. There's only a few people, honestly, as I think through mainly the books and the movies that I'd be like, I would name my kid after that person. Actually, I'll think of the list right now.

I just. We all know Frodo's on your list. Frodo.

You know, I like Frodo. I don't know if I would name my kid. I don't think anyone can pull that name off.

I'm sorry. I mean, I, it'd be tough to do the actual names, but I think Aragorn is a character. If there was some version of his name that I feel like I could name my kid after him, I would. So I kind of like, I wanted to put his name on my list.

And so I almost feel like this is a separate topic. Like, can you get away with the ultimate Lord of the Rings name? Yeah. So let's talk about that after we finish all the names before we end up because we'll go with it. Who would we want to hesitate to just go straight for straight name? Well, I just like Aragorn is the name everyone thinks of, right?

So I just feel like the question, the ultimate question is, can you use Aragorn? Yeah. And I, I'm not sure yet where I land on that. So we need to make that. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. All right. So I'm going to go, this is very in line with my previous thought of Isen, but I saw someone else come up with this and I thought this was kind of cool.

So you stole it instantly. So yeah, the baby named chats that I was scrolling through. But the other river in Middle Earth that's kind of iconic is the Anduin. Anduin. Anduin. A-N-D-U-I-N. And I thought the nickname Andy. Oh, nice.

Andy and his full name Anduin. Okay. That one's a little bit more bold.

It's bold, but you can get away with that, I think. I think with the nickname Andy. Yeah.

Because it comes with the nickname. Yeah. Oh, I like that. So that one went along with my river theme. This is cool because I feel like the recognizability of that is low. It's low.

Anduin. I've heard of it. And the ease of use is like, not, it's not 10. Like this is more like a seven or a six, but you can definitely get away with that. And that is a nice reference.

Yeah. So I had come up with an Isin before, but I thought Anduin was like a nice alternative. You have twins. You can have Anduin and Isin. Isin and Anduin. So sweet.

Isin and Andy. It's cute. Okay. I love it.

I love it. So those are my rivers. They're done. Yeah.

That's beautiful. All right. I've got one that I'm kind of like, I don't know. I don't know how I feel about it.

Okay. Western. Western. Western. Oh, Western. I don't know how it's said.

Maybe I'm pronouncing it wrong, but Western is the name of the common speech. Yes. I remember that for men. Yeah. For men.

So like, I mean, everyone pretty much speaks it, but that is officially like the name of the language that is quote unquote common speech. I like it. And I liked it because I'm like, it just feels like it's a little touch.

It's a hair off of Weston. Yeah. Right. Which is a very standard name. West or Westy. I don't know.

It has West like there are plentiful nicknames available to you, but Western. It's not bad. It's not bad. Look at you.

I like it's like a little bit. Settle mod. That's a good one. And for me, that's a boy's name.

I'm pretty sure that's boy's name. So I love that. That is so cool. Okay. Okay.

Epic. All right. I'm going to go into, I think, well, should I go stay a little more subtle and then go with my bold names as we try and keep going? I'm literally just picking at random.

I'm going to go with another one because we already brought up Sam. So I saw this. I was scrolling through. I was trying to look up also. It's a farmer. I have to comment.

No. I wish he had a better last name. I wish I had someone after him. He's funny to me. But he's brave.

He like tells off one of the dance school, I think. Okay. So I was looking at a ton of genealogy for the like a lot of the main characters, but especially the Hobbits, they have such good like their names are easier. They're more like closer to modern English. Yes.

They're closer to modern ish, but they have like fun tweaks. Right. And so Sam, I was like, okay, if you love Sam, but you don't want to do like a straight up Sam wise or like that direct about homage. I was looking through his genealogy.

He has an ancestor named Anson. An. S. E. Again. Anson. And so I don't know.

I just thought that was super cute. What's, what's in the name for Anson? Oh man, not Annie. I don't know.

Oh my gosh. I'm not sure. That's a hard one. I'd have to think about that. The name itself, I like a lot. It's like short and sweet.

Anson. But roles. It really rolls off the tongue pretty well though. It rolls off the tongue pretty well. And yeah, it was one of the ancestors of Samwise. So I thought that could be really fun.

I don't know. I love that. Okay, you're up. I've got another like really easy to use one. Perfect.

Medium easy to use. I'm not sure yet. I'm probably not pronouncing it right, but Bayorn. Bayorn. Yeah. And have we not had any duplicates yet? No duplicates yet. Nice.

I was thinking to myself as I was writing the list, I was like, Stephanie will have all of these. I know. There are so many. Okay. If you're listening to our list and you're like, man, I don't like any of their ideas.

Don't be afraid. There are so many. We haven't even begun to tap this right now.

Yeah, we're just scratching the surface. There are so many different like homages or names or things that you could pull from this universe. So you'll find something awesome. Yeah. So Bayorn is a guy's name, right? I feel like coolness is very high.

Easy to use, medium. So this is the bear shape shifter from the Hobbit. Yes. At least that's where I know him from. And I just looked at that thought, okay, especially if you're any kind of Scandinavian, like this is close enough to bear. It makes a lot of sense. Yeah. And that it feels traditional. Yeah.

Right? It feels like a nice traditional name, Bayorn. Anyways, so I was into that one.

I love it because you know what's funny is I did think of that one, but I went something slightly different. You rejected it instantly. No, I didn't.

I love it. Didn't you? No, I was trying to go, I went for something a little different because I thought it was similar. I thought maybe I'll just pick one of these with a B. But, okay, I went for Bayorn.

Bayorn, yes. I saw them. I saw that, but I don't know the story as well. But you didn't go for that one. I didn't go for that one. I was like, I don't really know who that is. Okay, so Bayorn and actually his love was Luthien, another really beautiful name.

I thought Lorian sounded a little more modern maybe than Luthien, but you could totally go for something like that. But Bayorn, I just thought it was cute because I know some people who have Barrett's and you could still use the same thing. And people may know the kid's Bear. Yeah, Bear, so Bayorn.

Yeah, that's actually a really good name. And this was the love story that Tolkien supposedly put him and his wife in. It's the human man who falls in love with this elf maiden. And they are the song, they're the inspiration for the song.

If you watch The Lord of the Rings extended edition, Eric Warren singing the song of a previous couple who are in love. And so they're kind of the OG. The OG love story.

And human love story. So you could go, and he's a hero too. So you could go for Barron. Yeah, when I did see the name, I should have put it on my list. We should have had that duplicate. But I saw a picture of him and I was like, ooh.

Oh my gosh. And he was handsome. I'm very neat, according to Lydia. Very. Anyways, I love that name. That's a sweet name. All right, let me move on to my list here. I know, gotta keep up.

All right, here is one that I feel like is relatively easy to use. The Dwarves had some fun names. They only have like six names total. But like, they had some fun names. So one that I think is really easy to use is Dane. So this is DAIN. Yes, that one was on my, okay.

So we have some over that, very easy. At last, our taste collides. And so this is one of the teens of Erebor. I think there were multiple teens of Erebor named Dane. Just like a really cool dwarf.

And this one's really easy, right? I mean, the equivalent in modern English is Dane. And E, and literally just of Denmark, right? Yeah, so you just do a little spelling differentiation here.

And so nobody would notice it as being off. DAIN. And they'd be like, oh, they're just being fancy with Dane.

But you would know better. So this one might be too subtle for people. Like maybe you want one that makes people question, but I don't think people would question this one. Yeah, that one sounds so easy.

Okay, I'll go on some, I do have a lot of the dwarf names because they're so good, but I'll do something slightly a little bit different, but it has a similar sound. Dane. Dane, I didn't see that one.

That's good. But what this is, is it's not a name of a person, it's the name of a title, a lord of the Shire. So they had like a political infrastructure. And so if you were a Dane, you were like this mayor or political leader in the Shire. And that feels like Norse. So that was for the Shire, not for the doors? It was for the Shire from what I read, but maybe the doors have a similar one. Yeah, I'm thinking of like, well, it's Skyrim. I'm thinking of in Skyrim. I'm pretty sure you're one of the titles you can get is Dane, and that's like a Norse leader. Oh, hey. I could be wrong. Well, then even better. There's even more time. There's like a real real tie in. So I really liked it, T-H-A-I-N to go along with Dane.

Yeah, perfect. We have a Dane and a Dane. Twins.

Ha ha ha ha. All right, still on Dwarse. Boy name, Durin. Oh, I have that one too. It's so good. It's so good.

I love this one because it sounds close enough to a real name. It's like a Daren, right? But infinitely cooler. Yeah, actually, a Daren. Yeah, Durin. Durin, Durin. So it sounds like a slight twist.

I think the coolest is like 10 out of 10 on this one. So this is the name of, I think, the first dwarf, or at least one of the oldest dwarves. Because they talk about like sons of Durin, or sons of the oldest. Exactly, children of Durin or something like that. Children of Durin. And yeah, and then like six other Durin teens. So that's pretty cool. I don't think there was like, I tried to look, and I tried to see if the name Durin meant anything.

I didn't see anything. But I just love the ring of it. It rolls off the tongue really nicely. I don't know what the nickname is, like Dirty. I know, I'm trying to think. DD.

I'm not sure. But it's a sweet name. I really like it. That was a good one. OK, I am going to go, I'm going to change it up a little bit.

I'm going to go for some, this one I think could be used for guys or girls. And this is my Aragon homage. So I didn't realize this, but when he was brought to Rivendale as a kid, and they were trying to kind of hide it. They gave him a name in Elvish and it was Estelle and it means hope. So E-S-T-E-L, Estelle, hope.

Okay, interesting. That feels very much like a girl's name to me. Because I'm thinking of a different spelling.

It sounds like a French Estelle. Thank you. Yeah. And so I saw that and they technically used it for Aragorn so you could use it for... I mean, there's obvious precedent.

Yeah, exactly. You could use it for a son. That's a really cool name. I thought you'd have this spelling, E-S-T-E-L. People are like, oh, you love the stars. You're French and you're like, yes.

Yes, this is the new French version of Estelle. That's definitely where I got this. So you have plausible deniability for sure.

You have a lot of deniability. And this is really good because we'll get back into the question of can you use Aragorn? Yeah. And this is a very subtle nod. It's very subtle.

This is for people who are like not going to ruin their child's life. And I love that in the real world. The railroad meeting, it kind of has allusion to stars and... Which makes sense.

...in this world, I think it means hope. So you have very nice meetings there. Yeah, beautiful. I love that. All right, let me see mine. I'm saving one. I don't want to use it yet, but I think it's almost time. No, no, no. Wait, here, I'll do a girl's name.

This is my last girl's name. I was like pathetic here. And then I can double up on a couple.

Yeah, you can. Because I was thinking about, I'll say, what are the real girl's names here? Like Arwin and Aowyn. And I went out on both of them. I thought these are two iconic...

I love Arwin. But she is so... Yeah, she's so central to the story. I feel like it'd be very obvious. Yeah, so to me, I was like, I was trying to toe the line of like, you could maybe say it wasn't Lord of the Rings if you wanted to.

And for those, I'm like, well, where... Those are the only ones. So I chose, for my other girl's name, I chose Bree. I thought about that. That is so cute. I love that.

And I'm sure you can spell this any number of ways. I was thinking of... So I was thinking of the Shire town. Yes, like the area. Yeah. And like, I don't know if people think like the coolness on this is very high.

I was like, I ranked this lower than some others, but ease of use at extremely high. This is in English slash Irish. And yeah, and actually a lot of... As far as looking at it, a lot of cool things happened in Bree. Yeah. Almost every Seedle quest starts in Bree.

Starts there. And it's really cool. And the names are actually really nice, like the meaning of the names. So in the real world, Bree, the Irish, so they spell it B-R-I-G-H. I-G-H, okay.

It means might and power. Oh, I love that. So it's nice. That's nice.

And so you have fun options. I have to spell it. But obviously, if you're doing the Lord of the Rings reference, you've got to do the B-R-E-E.

So this one is very easy to use. I feel like I have met children named Bree. Yes, I feel like I have to... I love it. Okay, that one's so cute. I feel like a little Bree. That'd be so pretty. Okay, I am going to go for...

I'll do two here because I feel like they kind of have the same vibe. More for girls, I was thinking. But they're bold. Do it.

They're bold. Do it. Don't want that like I did.

Okay, so the first one that I have is Goldberry. And I'm taking this from... This is Tom Bombadil's River Nymph Wife, I believe. Goldberry. And the reason why I'm putting this out there is because I feel like there's a lot of nature names that people are loving right now. That are super popular, right?

That are super popular. But also, Mary Gold. The name Mary Gold has become... has been rising because people love the name Nickname.

Those unfamiliar, Stephanie watches the ranks of baby names like a hawk. I do. No. Like it's a sport. I think it's so fun to say it.

Like it's a blood sport. So Mary Gold is becoming more popular. But I think it's because people love the nickname Goldy. People love the nickname Goldy. It's super cute.

It's super cute. Does anyone use Goldilocks a name that people use? You know what's funny? Are people that bold?

Okay, but this is what's crazy. I haven't seen it in real life, but Samwise Gamgee has a Goldilocks Gardener in his lineage. So that's also if you were looking for an excuse to name your daughter Goldilocks. You have it now. You have permission. I was going for Goldberry.

I thought it was a little bit of a different twist, but with the cute nickname Goldy, I loved it. Where would you range that as like ease of use? This one's lower on ease of use. Yeah, because like in the day to day you're going to use Goldy. Nobody's going to think anything of it. And then they'll ask, oh, what is Goldy short for? And then you'll say... Goldberry. Goldberry.

Which is a little bit more intense. It's kind of like Rosemary to me, but it's just not very common is the thing. Like it has a similar vibe to Rosemary where you have these two separate kind of little Goldberry.

It's a plant name. It's really cheap. But it does have like people would look twice.

Yeah, they would. So you have to be a little more bold for that one. It's partner one, which is also a little bit bold, but I liked was Belladonna. I liked that name. Belladonna is a perfect nickname. It's really easy for a nickname. And actually, I'm just... What is the source of the Belladonna?

Belladonna and water grains. Yes. So this is Bilbo's mother. Her name was Belladonna. And I think I could be wrong, but I think in the book, Scandalf comes and Bilbo's not that interested in talking to him.

And he says something along the lines like that I should see the day when like Belladonna's was her mother's name took or something like son didn't want to see me. So Gandalf knew her. Like she was someone that Gandalf had a relationship with. She's in the story off screen. She's off screen.

She's passed away by the time the movie has come. But Gandalf knew Belladonna. And that would be in the Hobbit. Yeah, actually in the Hobbit. Yes.

Yeah. So Gandalf knew Belladonna. And I just thought that would be so cool. And then is in there like, is there a Belladonna flower? I think so. And I think that's still very floral.

It's poisonous. Yeah. It's nightshade. So if you want something that has like a Lord of the Rings, a little bit of danger vibes, but you don't want to do more.

Yeah, Belladonna. I don't know. I thought that would be really cool. Okay. So those are two more weird out there. Well, then I will match you for a slightly out there. All right. So we, yeah, I think we're going to close with my list. So this is my favorite. My favorite name. Probably Barnaan.

And I just, I looked at anything. I would love this. Would I be brave enough? I don't know. Really? So this is like, we've gotten, this is the name that you would say.

It's not Aragorn. But it's like. I would use it.

I would use it. I don't know. We'll see.

We'll see. So anyways, um, boy's name. Boys. Theoden. Yes.

So good. Was he on your list? I had Theodred.

Ah, nice. Just because I thought Theoden, maybe I would do something slightly different. But the Theo.

Exactly. So like this one's a hard one because when you say the name, I'm relatively certain it's not Theoden. It's Theoden. Yeah. But you can still use it and name Theo. Like it feels close enough. Um, I think people would look at you twice.

So I'm like, I'm writing like the keys of you set like the five out of 10. But Theoden is, well, he's my favorite character. Um, she has depth. I love his character and this might be controversial, but he delivers the best battle speeches. So yeah, he's great. You know what I think is so interesting about him is he's gone through some tough stuff.

Right. Like having gone, we're going to do a deep dive on Theoden. He feels like the most relatable character because there's so much sorrow.

There's so much sorrow. And he's like, he's got flaws. And he is not always filled with hope where you look at Aragorn and he's supposed to be a little bit moody, a little bit worried, but he's almost always like, come on guys, like we got this vibe. And Theoden has despair. Theoden's like, this could be the end of my people and I am still going to show up. Well, yeah, but like he also has that horrible feeling of, and I am the leader of my people when we die. When we die, there is a level of responsibility was on me.

And there's a level there where you're like, whoa. So when we talk later about like the theme of despair and order of the means, I feel like he's vital to making sure that it's in there and that it's well rounded. So I love him. He's great. He's a good character to name your baby.

He's his. So the meaning of the name is awesome. So like in what remains the meaning is teen and actual like, so it's an able sacrosan name that told him to do for it. And in that one, it means Lord. So it's just a very like regal.

Very regal. I love it. Yeah.

Okay. I have one more for a girl that I really like. And then maybe we can go into and then I maybe have one more boy's name that's a little out there and then we can decide what would we pick?

Well, first we have to ask the question of Aragorn. Yeah. Or name. And then we have to ask that question. We'll do that one too.

And then we see what would we do. Yeah. So the last girl's name that I had on here was actually inspired from our gods, our episode of the Valar.

And I really liked it. It's Niana. Niana. Niana.

And we talked about this. She's the Valar of honesty, mercy and grief. So it's a little bit of like tears, a little bit of sorrow, but it's so sweet because I feel like it's the empathy, the sympathy, the mercy. I don't know. Yeah. And I love the name.

How would you shorten that? Like a Nina? Yeah. Maybe a Nina. I think Anna. Anna. Anna. Little Anna.

Yeah. I like the Anna. That's a really cute name.

So I like Nina. I think that would be really pretty. Do you think people would ever recognize it? Because I thought about some of the Valar names and I was like, you know, one of them is Nessa. And that's a real name. Nessa is very nice.

Yeah. It's a very nice name. And I also thought about Ivana. And I didn't like formally put them on my list because I was like, to me, this is just because I'm unfamiliar with them. They're almost too obscure.

They're so out there. That's true because we were saying like, you want, well, I don't know. But maybe that's the point. Like this is, this is for actual fans.

These are for actual fans who know the universe. So when you say, oh, my daughter's name is Niana, then that's like almost a litmus test. It's like the Rorschach's test of whether they're real or not. Which would be like pretty intense. I'd be like, you know all the names of the Valar. Exactly. Which is great. So, and obviously as somebody who was just acquainted with their names yesterday, I'm like, oh, that's too obscure.

I am. That's a really pretty name. I like that.

My last boy's name for you is also kind of obscure. Okay. Good.

Hit me. But if I had to name, so I was saying that there's a few people I would name my kid after. My favorite character in Lord of the Rings though is, sorry, Frodo, is Gandalf.

Really? How did you pull off a Gandalf? I love him. I love him. And so I was trying to look into his names to see. So you spent hours typing on your computer trying to find a way to do Gandalf.

Different versions. Something, something that I could use. I love that. That's your favorite character.

I just love it. And so I did find he has many names. Oh, that's a good place to mine. Yes. And so he, but his original, I guess, Quinneau name and Valanor before he came and became Gandalf and all of the many other names was Aloran. Oh, L O R I N. Aloran. Oh, interesting.

And I thought this one was really interesting. It means vision. Oh, cool. Vision. On the same light kind of a Lorian vibe. Yeah, almost.

Dreams and visions and stuff. Aloran. Aloran. And it kind of reminded me. Yeah. I was going to say Oliver is so popular right now. So popular. And I think it's because people love Olly.

I think you're right. So you could do an Olly for Lauren. Also, it's reminds me of Orian.

Yes, it does. Which is rising up the charts. So, we're always watching the charts. We're always watching the charts because guys, we want to give you, you know, realistic, realistic stuff that people would be like Olly, but then you say, oh, Lauren. And they'd be like, oh. And then they do make that noise and that face. No, I know. Wow. That's really cool because I feel like that's on hard mode.

How do I name my child after Dandalf? That is hard mode. And you have successfully figured it out. I respect that. Thank you. Thank you. Cool. I love that. Okay.

So I want one question here, right? Which is the most iconic, it's probably wrong to say iconic because I feel like people know Arwen and Aowyn and a bunch of other people. And actually I forgot one guy, Aomir. Oh, he's bomb.

He's so cool, but his name is just a little bit. It's a little bit of a visual. It was too hard. Yeah.

But it's, I don't know. I was very tempted by it. I know.

I was too. I like his name. But I feel like Aragorn. That's the one where it's like the ultimate Lord of the Rings name.

Is it possible to use it? This is the thing. As a first name? I would use Strider as a middle name so fast. Really? Yeah. Like I don't know. Pick anything like. Something, something Strider. Like, something Strider. Like it just sounds so cute. Actually that does sound pretty good. Or Jack Strider.

I don't know. That sounds like the name of some kind of like thriller action hero. It sounds like an act. Like it sounds so epic. Actually does. So I feel like Strider.

I would totally put it in a middle spot. But we're talking about first name. I was gonna say first name because I also wimped out. When I looked at it, I thought.

Because Aragorn would be a lot for me. Yeah. I looked at it and I thought I would for sure use it for a middle name.

And you can, you can even have plausible deniability. So like my little sister, her middle name is Aragorn. Oh, I love that. Where is that from?

It's from Catherine of Aragorn. Yes. I was just wondering if it was from like Spain. Yep. So it's from that queen.

Cool. Which is obviously a sweet historical reference. But it's just one R away from Aragorn.

It's an R. It's Gorn. Yeah. So, but that's the theme. Like Aragorn is fine. Therefore Aragorn should be fine as a middle name. We go, oh yeah, I just misspelled Aragorn. Oh my gosh.

That's a little harder to defend yourself. No. We'll say, no, I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan. And you should be too. That's right.

You gotta stand up for it. So I think it's 10 out of 10 you could use it for a middle name. And I was going with a no for a first name. I was seeing a no, but don't let us discourage you. That's right.

And I saw some little Aragorn's running around at like a kindergarten or a park. I would be inspired to maybe be bold. Well, the nickname is good though. Like Arie. A-R-E. A-R-E is so cute.

Or R-E. Like you can work with all of that. You can do that very easily. Yeah. So I don't know.

Maybe I'm wrong. It's a great name. And I feel like that's kind of like a, that's like the ultimate question. One of the ultimate questions. Yes. But there's another question. So go for it. Oh, the other question is, okay, you've had, and I'll let you pick. Do actually, do we do a girls and a boys? I think so.

Okay. So out of all of these names. Your first born child. Your first born child.

The one that everyone is going to judge you by. I'm going to be like, what's your name, your baby? Yeah, because by the time you hit like your sixth child, nobody tears what the baby's name is. You can get a little more creative maybe. Yeah. Okay. So if you, and I'm going to try to do first and middle. I'm going to try to do first and middle.

I have the same card. And it doesn't, I'm curious because we put out all of these names, but if there's something else out there that's speaking to you that you wanted to go bolder or you wanted to go slightly more obscure, I think it doesn't have to be from off our list. But what, let's say Lord of the Rings inspired baby name. For a boy or girl? Let's start with boy. Start with boy.

What would you do? All right. Well, I'm not going to lie. I would have to flip a coin. Okay.

And the coin flip, actually, no, I don't have to flip a coin because I did a first and a middle name, right? Yes. Okay.

Good. So I would use Thayiden as the first name. Thayiden. And then I would poach from you and I would take Isen. Isen, oh, I'm glad it's being used. Thayiden Isen.

Thayiden Isen. And I don't know if that rolls, I feel like that rolls well enough for me. I would totally poach that. When you said Isen, I was like, Dane, I'm seething with jealousy on the inside. No, I love it. I love that you're using it.

It's such a good name. Oh my gosh. Okay. That makes me so happy.

Yeah. So that's what I would choose for a boy name. Well, the girl name was so hard for me.

I think I would not choose Brie because to me that's like, it's too subtle and it's like too common almost like it's a real name, right? Yeah. That's more like a, that's like more, that's more for the very cautious.

I would probably choose Moria. It's epic. Yeah. It's epic.

I really liked that one when you brought it up. Yeah. Cause I really liked those Mora, Moira, Merra, Moira, that that genre of name I enjoy. I think it has like this depth, this depth, but it has like, I like it. They delve deep. They delve deep, too deep.

But no, I think it's wonderful. So Moria. And let me think real hard here about like a middle name that would go well with that. I know. I'm trying to think.

Does a middle name also have to be Lord of the Rings related? I was going to try to do that, but you don't have to. Let me think here. So isn't one of the Balar named Vana or is that just Ivana?

I think, I think let's see. Cause I would probably do Moria Ivana. Oh, Ivana. Yeah. Oh, the mother earth. And that, that fits like Moria Ivana. That's beautiful.

The mind with mother earth. Like it's almost coquises. You're creating your own theme. We're on it. I love it. Two children successfully named. Successfully named. Check, check.

Nobody's going to even think twice. Oh my gosh. I love it.

So that's probably what I would do. That is awesome. Okay. I like it. Back at you.

I am. Boys name. It's hard guys.

It's very hard. Okay. So I, another name I had on my list actually forgot about it because it's, it's pretty common. People love the name Pippin. So I feel like people go with that a lot.

It's from Peregrine. I actually thought about that. And I was thinking about doing the nickname of Perry.

Perry is so cute. Yeah. I feel like I would do, oh man, this is tough. Okay. For my first name. For your first born.

For my first born. I think I would go with Thane. I really like it.

Very nice. So I think I'd go with Thane. We'd have Thane and Theo.

Yeah. Thane and Theo. Oh, that'd be so cute.

Cute. So I really like Thane, but then I think I would do something a little more out there for the middle. Like I would either do Thane Peregrine or I think Thane and Nguyen.

Maybe. I like Thane and Nguyen. If I wanted to go crazy, Thane and Lauren after Gandalf. Okay. I mean, this is your first born? This is my first.

We don't know how many other borns there will be. So we have to. You just did your Gandalf.

I have to do Gandalf? I feel like you do. He's your favorite character. Thane and Lauren. Okay.

Thane and Lauren. It is. That rolls off pretty well. Aw, you're so nice. Thank you. I like that.

Okay. So we have the Thane and Lauren. The acronym is Tom. Oh. Because my last name begins with an M. Tom.

Beautiful. An extra Tom Bob. An extra reference. You are so many inception levels deep here. So many levels deep. Okay. That's a really good one. Oh, thank you. All right. And for my girl, I actually feel pretty good about this.

I think I would go with Estelle because I really like it. It's beautiful. And then I just love this day. I would do Estelle Goldberry. I think that's so cute. Estelle Goldberry.

And she could be my Estelle or my Goldie. It gets you the star reference, which is secretly an Airdorn reference. Yes. It gets you the floral that you adore.

My floral, my Estelle Goldberry. I don't know. I just think it's super cute.

That's really cute. Okay. Yes.

That's what I would do. All right. So our children are named. We're ready to rock. We hope this provided some entertainment and maybe some ideas of, for names, maybe some ideas of what not to do. No, no, no. These are to-dos. We're very careful. You must do this.

Yes. And we'd love to hear some baby names that you love. So hopefully we can get some feedback there too. All right. Have a great rest of your day. Take care.

Thanks for joining us. See you next time. Thank you. Bye. Bye.