Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

Join Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen as they delve into a vibrant conversation with Tricia Bookhart, President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Las Vegas Chapter. In this engaging episode, they explore the organization's rich history of advocacy and community service, celebrating 20 years of impactful initiatives. From promoting education and economic empowerment to raising health awareness and advocating for public policy, the NC100BWLV embodies a spirit of empowerment and upliftment. Learn about their upcoming events, including a career symposium and innovative youth programs, all aimed at nurturing the next generation of leaders. Tune in to be inspired and informed by the dynamic work of this remarkable organization.

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford. And I'm Rhonda Nolan. And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas. This is a beautiful Saturday morning. Leah. How are you doing this morning? Absolutely amazing. You know you missed it. Last week, Rhonda we talked about cryotherapy, and facials and hot and cold stuff. How you get rid of fat and stuff? That was good. Okay, I like it. I like it. I've been working out you have Oh my god. Oh my god. You have to ask the question.

Unknown Speaker 1:06
So, everybody, peloton purline omics I am on there. Every morning. That is every morning. Yeah, I love it too. Right. Yeah, right. I'm not cussing that like anymore. I'm loving it. That's good. I'm glad you're back in love. I'm back in love. What about your Pilates you back in love with that? You know, yoga and so I'm still I found a studio that does offer something like Bikram Yoga. But the issue is when you have a big, well, not that type of studio. They offer the same class all day. So you can go at various times. I have to coordinate my schedule. Now to meet that time, because if they don't do it at five o'clock in the morning, five o'clock in the morning was my thing. Yeah, yeah. Cuz you're a morning, early morning person. I'm done by seven. I feel good. But now I'm trying to coordinate my time so that I can go to this other studio because they have the class but it's in the middle of the day. Okay. That's fantastic. Well, listen, a couple things are coming up. I want to talk to everybody about and then we have a wonderful guest in the studio with us this morning. We're going to introduce you to but don't forget the virtual youth cooking class for the students is taking place on Thursday, May the 28th and you know where to go to Eventbrite to get more information. And this month's class we have executive chef Jeff Henderson and his classes are always fun. Also, don't forget the 100 black men of Las Vegas 25th anniversary fundraiser scholarship is taking place on June the 29th. At Caesar's Palace Hotel for more information, www 100. Black men lasvegas.org. But guess what? This morning, we have a wonder one more announcement. I'll wait till next week. I'll wait till next week. I can because new license plates for the divine

Unknown Speaker 2:56

Unknown Speaker 2:59
If you support the divine nine organizations, Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha, oh, so on and so forth. No Delta Sigma Theta Zeta Phi Beta. I mean, all of them. Any of and I can go through a name on that this morning, DMV, you can get a divine license plate. What I can say is if you support the work that those organizations do in this community, and they do a lot of work in this community, you know, you can get your license plate. That's a beautiful thing. Yeah. I forgot to invite all you golfers, the bison and Vegas HBCU golf tournament is happening on Friday, June, actually, on Thursday, June the sixth at Angel Park. So for more information, Weissman vegas.com. But however, back to our fabulous guests. fabulous guests. All of you guys know that I work with 100 black men in Las Vegas. But what you don't know is that we have a sister organization, the National Coalition of 100 black women of Las Vegas, and we have our president in the house this morning. Miss Trisha Booker. Welcome, Tricia, thank you so much. Good morning. How are you doing? I'm incredible. What a way to start a Saturday morning. I'm feeling pumped and inspired by you incredible beings. And I'm just happy to be here. That's fantastic. Fantastic. So tell us a little bit about the National Coalition of 100 black women Las Vegas chapter. Thank you so much. I would be so privileged to so the National Coalition of 100 black women the Las Vegas chapter specifically, is a proud chapter as part of our national organization. We are actually celebrating 20 years of chartering this year. So standing on the shoulders of greatness of women who were impactful and who understood the need to collaborate and to commit. Of course, we want to pay tribute to our chartering president the late Dr. Sandra Faye Mack

Unknown Speaker 5:00
who mobilized a group of women here and got them to commit to the need to show up. And so we represent education, economic empowerment, health awareness and public policy unapologetically, to move forward, of course, black women and girls, those who are marginalized, and to remove socio economic barriers so that we can all thrive and I'm really privileged to serve in the servant leadership role and excited for what 20 more years of service is going to bring. That's great. So you've been with the organization about 12 years? I have I was, I stalked sister, Sylvia Allen. Shout out to Silvia. Oh, you know, Sofia is one of my faves. Hey, Sophia.

Unknown Speaker 5:47
Sophia, I ran into her do little after I moved here. And I do believe that you should always contribute back to the place that is feeding you. So after I got here settled from New York, I said, I need to get busy. And I ran into the National Coalition of 100, black women Las Vegas at Doolittle an event. And Sylvia was manning the table. And I said, Oh, this is it. I need to be a part. What do I need to do? And Sylvia said, It doesn't work like that. You have to be invited. You have to know someone and I said, Well, I'm Trisha, who are you? What do we have to do now? That was the budding start of a great relationship. And 12 years later, I'm privileged to serve in my second time as president and I'm serving as a national board member. But ultimately, I'm a proud sister of the organization because I believe in what we do. That's fantastic. That is fantastic. Amazing story and too little. I love it at somebody stalking Sylvia because Sylvia normally is the person. Sylvia, Sophie's aggressive. I'm trying to sell you breasts. I love it. Somebody finally said, Yeah, I love it. I said, and a month later when she hadn't called me I was on that email. We have a date. You told me I need to know somebody. What do you need to know? What do you need? I love it. I love it. I love it. You have an event coming up. And two, we have an event coming up. And we're so excited about that. We are so well first of all, because your keynote speaker that's right. Is Howard University Alumni say, Howard. I mean, how are you? She was a professor of the I'm sorry, he was the dean, the Dean this fall by the College of Fine Arts. My baby is a graduate of the College of Fine Arts at Howard University eautiful. He is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. He came in alpha chapter. This woman is I mean, the Cosby Show. You just name all the throughout the years every time I see her and she has such poise and grace. I mean,

Unknown Speaker 7:52
we're talking about the from the 70s to 2020 into 2020s. This woman is amazing. And I'm looking I'm like they got Lisha, Russia, Felicia Rashad, Felicia Howard University's own publisher

Unknown Speaker 8:09
in the desert, in the desert, in the desert in the desert. I love it. I am just so incredibly blessed. When we began to plan this chapter year I stood up and I said, it's 20 years we have had women who have been working consistently and deserve to be honored in a fashion that represents the impact of our work. And so I sat at home and I said, I want a theme, a theme that absolutely incorporates what we want to do. And so our theme this year is the foundation has been laid, and the future has been paved. And when I spoke those words, I said we need someone who represents every decade, every generation who has been quintessential and consistent. And when everyone hears their name, they will go oh my goodness, no. And that has been the response. And so Felicia Rashad has been consistent in inspiring us to be our best show up as our best and to wear it excellent. And I am just elated. We work to be respectful of her very busy schedule, but the valley is about to be blessed with her presence and I couldn't be prouder of the individual that we have giving us charging orders to keep on going for another 20 years. Oh my god. Okay, so you've been listening to the less awkwardly and Rhonda show I am Lea frog. I am Rhonda Nolan and we are here in the studio this beautiful Saturday morning with the president of the National Coalition of 100 black women Las Vegas chapter and they are having this fabulous event celebrating their 20 year anniversary on

Unknown Speaker 10:00
On Sunday, May 19, in chaos, however it sold out. So unless you have a friend that bought a table,

Unknown Speaker 10:08
we would invite you to come but unless you have a friend that bought a table already is sold out, because it's Felicia ago, three weeks ago. So you know, Las Vegas, you gotta get your tickets early.

Unknown Speaker 10:21
Well, not only that, though, but it speaks to when you see people, and they're talking about, you know, to having different events around town. There is a market here. And we do want to know, I mean, we're International. I mean, we're amazing city. Yes, we are. We here locally, we want no, we want those nuggets from around the country. That's right. And because she is who she is, kudos to you for even having the foresight to think it through to want to bring somebody here that can motivate and energize this community. I appreciate you. Thank you so much. And I want to say that her representation is also just indicative of the incredible women that are here. I wanted this to be a gift to our valley as well, because we have some of the baddest, hardest working, connected, we dwell represented. And I won't be apologetic about that. Thank you men, but our women here were incredible. I am going to shake and shake. And let me say that because I know some of your members personally, and I, one of my faves has been a mentor to me since I've been here is Jerry mirror. Yeah. And I I love Jerry Sylvia Alan, I mean, just the women that are involved with, you know, the National Coalition of 100 black women are absolutely astonishing. Dr. Mack, me, she was an amazing she, you're my soul or you're so amazing woman. And every time you see these women what I loved about marine Ray Scott was also a member of Kathy Knight, I think it was one of our chartering, one of your chartering members, you know, all these women have they paved the way for us to look here. Yeah, we don't we go set this up. Now we need y'all to keep it going. Yes. And we're doing the work. Now. We are I call them our trailblazers. Yes. And I refer to us as the torchbearers. Even when you watch the Olympics, it is from person to person level to level. And so they blazed a trail, they set an opportunity for us to come through. And we are coming in hot and I am excited about it. I am grateful to be sold out. It's a great problem to have. It's an amazing

Unknown Speaker 12:38
Yes, first of all, when you when you first said it, when when we first saw each other this morning, I was like three weeks ago, three weeks ago. I love it. And you know, we're standing on business, I have to say, I think that we need to commit to coming away from a time that we're not doing, Excellency and presentation from the beginning until the end, we don't want our guests to feel rushed. And as though things weren't prepared, that timeframe is giving us an opportunity to prepare the event space, the way that it's deserving to be presented and prepare because now you know, you're not worried about it, you know, you'd have a full room full, you can lay it out the way you want to you can take the time.

Unknown Speaker 13:22
And just to go forward. But I will say we have a fabulous digital program. As the president this year, I was trying to do more with a different direction, if you would. And so we're having a digital program that does have sponsorship ads, and they didn't believe me when I said we were going to sell out and tickets. So I hope when you hear me now you know we're gonna sell out an ads, but we do have some ads available. There's a full page color ad that's available or a quarter page business size ad that's available. And we even have our graphic artists that will develop the ad for you. If you don't have a graphic artists. You can give us one. I want one. And I'm sure Ron Oh, yeah, yeah. So again, thank you so much. That will be great. And you are going to be exposed to 395 attendees. Yeah, we have that are going to get this and we are going to host it for a year for reference. Yeah, beautiful color, print ads that are just representative of the accomplishment. And we just want everyone to be a part. I really wanted this to be able to be a community engagement tool as well while we celebrated so you know, sometimes you see sponsorship books, where more of the book is the organization we have maybe a quarter of the book, the rest of it is dedicated to reaching out and so if you want to send a congratulatory message or you want to represent your business, or you just deserve to let the world know that you're here standing on business doing work, please feel free to reach out. You

Unknown Speaker 15:00
You can get us at info at NC BW las vegas.org. Again, that's info I N fo at NC BW for National Coalition, black women, las vegas.org. And let us know that you're interested and we will get you out the link. There is no paper forms that you're filling out, everything's through link. The payment is via link and we have someone there to walk you through every step and get it done so that we can officially and appropriately highlight our community partners and sponsors. Let's do that again. So it is email address, email address. Yes, it's info I N fo at MC BW Las Vegas. So that's n CBW las vegas.org. And then if you want to go to their website and just check it out, the website is www. And cbwlasvgas.org I'll say it again slower because Leah's gonna make me do it. www in CVW l ASV. E. G, a s.org. I love absolutely accurate. And Facebook, you can see us on Insta. And if all else fails, find a community sister are looking for partners engagement, support and reciprocity. I'm big in that so we're not just trying to ask you to come support us. Let's build and Let's support each other. Alright, so you've been listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. I am Rhonda Nolan. And we are so happy to have waken up this morning. Yeah, see, we're not worked out Vegas is live worked out. So my love affair with my peloton is gonna start next Wednesday. I'm gonna start on the 15th and I'm gonna get back on my peloton and try to pull myself together. And sometimes you try because you try to have a pool party I am I am gonna have a pool party. Yeah, which one? Where? What's your

Unknown Speaker 17:09
role? You know, I'm always appropriately dressed. Because I don't believe it led to everything hanging out. So I tend to cover some things up, you know, but I still look appropriate to be

Unknown Speaker 17:21
you know, you want to feel good. I do. I am part of working out is I can say part of working that you DO feel I do feel better. Working out the benefits. I'm not going to be on the 15th. And I'm not going to be tomorrow. But I'm coming.

Unknown Speaker 17:35
There you go.

Unknown Speaker 17:38
All right. Can women get involved? I love that. So we do have membership drives yearly, we start towards the end of the year. So if you are a woman who wants to come and collaborate and join us, you can use the same website, the same email. So again, info at NC BW las vegas.org. And I just want to set the stage to let you know that we are advocates, much representation and much credence and support to organizations that have community work. But as the liaison I have a responsibility to let women know, we come to work so late again, no, no. So because I think that a lot of times you think it's just an affiliation. And it's not. It is this board workstation works correct. It works. Everything we do has a component of what are we advocating for? What is the change, we want to see? What are we requesting? And what are we holding ourselves accountable for. So if education speaks to your heart, economic empowerment, and financial security speaks to your heart, health awareness, public policy, just know that we are coming to initiate action. And so that's education, along with advocacy, economic empowerment with advocacy, health awareness with advocacy, because if we show up and don't make a change, than what was the purpose of us calling, and I love it, because you also collaborate because I know we do A K A Day at the Capitol. Yes. And y'all show up? Yes, we do show up. I'm on that bus every year right on that bus. Right. But when that plane, right on that plane, it gets to the bus so that we can go ahead and advocate in Carson City. So there you're not just talking about it. Now, are there any prerequisites prerequisites because I know what other orgs there are some? No, especially when you talk about the sororities and different things like that? Absolutely. So it's a professional women's organization. We are not excluded, for instance, for certain degrees but not excluding or not having a degree Correct. You do. We're looking for someone who is used to this work so that you have

Unknown Speaker 20:00
A record of some sort of service in advocacy and the time commitment. I will say that's very important. You know, there are some individuals that are great affiliate members. And while we have those, we're looking for some workers. So if you're coming, no matter what you have going on, we do need the commitment to your time, your talent, and I like to say your treasures, because it is expensive to be an advocate. But our money goes in what we believe. So we're looking for people that are willing to take on the responsibility, willing to bring their talents in whatever area that is, and then willing to support it with your treasures. The thing that is most excitingly important about the madam CJ Walker, is that it's our biggest fundraiser. Yes. So success. And Madam CJ Walker means we have more successful programs. Yeah, it means more people that we can reach. And that's where the excitement is, we are going into another program, you're saying, let's make it bigger. Let's reach more people. So we are always looking for committed women. There is a process and a commitment to orientation and the interview process and also what it means in terms of your time and schedules. But we could never have enough. There's 100 in our title, but I'm looking for 1000 for the valid rice. Yes. Because it's a way for you to get in and around some women. And what I love about it is if these are your passion, if education is your passion, financial literacy is your passion. Not only will you learn more about it, right, because the resources are there because I saw a video that you guys did.

Unknown Speaker 21:36
first time homebuyer Yes, you did the first time home, and it was a very busy day. Because I think Rhonda and I talked about it MLK was busy that day. It was it was crazy. multiple organs and the multiple organizations across the country. I mean, nobody up and down Martin Luther King, right, up and down.

Unknown Speaker 21:54
The good thing is everything was located within a one mile radius. So you could go to multiple events. But I love that you were talking about first time homebuyers talking to first time homebuyers talking about what the process is. Because I hear it over and over again, you want to start to create generational wealth.

Unknown Speaker 22:13
Need to put it out? That's right, where it has to start and when actually committed, you have to start. So you start there

Unknown Speaker 22:20
doesn't have to be a dream home. Just bought a house. And this past weekend shout out to our county assessor Brianna Johnson joined us and we had a conversation about property taxes, because we're buying the houses and not aware of how the property taxes are determined what our responsibility is and making sure that you are in a place to not only get that house, but there's no generational wealth. If you don't keep the house you don't keep well you want an end shots out to Brianna Johnson. Brianna. I love you. I love you. I love you. And you know because we text want to you know, contest. That's one of my Yeah, I love Miss Brianna. And what I love is she even though she's dealing with some complicated issues, she makes it easy to understand she does it makes it easy to understand. Yeah, I love her. She did an incredible presentation. Shout out to Rhonda Tolbert, another great Rhonda at the state of Nevada housing division. They are the ones that partnered with us and they actually presented the material that makes individuals eligible for that certificate for the downpayment and these wonderful incredible women have already committed so we have it coming up again in our next program year. We're going to get the word out we want to arm people with success and we are not trying to be in conflict we are looking for partner so you're an organization I have one for you thank you condos por la casa they have a pro they do monthly a program where when it when they were talking about it first time homebuyer program. It is you have to take the class the eight hour class. Chicanos Por La Causa in certain areas of the city, I think is $20,000 that they're able to give you if you move to North Las Vegas, it was up to 50. And this was just three months ago. So I will pass the contact on to you please let them know that you talk to us. Because I think it would be an amazing concept they do one one week in English the other week in Spanish. Because they understand you know, that's that's a barrier. Because I know when I Well, when I bought my first house, many moons ago, those documents that they give you ever man as the closing is on pieces of paper to sign and no it's not. 100 knows more than 100 Serene, there's a whole range. So rain, right? And all you're doing is sign in and sign in. It's like you want to know I want what I put

Unknown Speaker 24:44
in the hard part is the only thing that most people are concerned about is what's the payment. Yep. How much how much is the payment, but it's so much more to owning a home and that's what I mean I started taking classes in my 20s

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Talk about how do you maintain it? Okay because paying a mortgage is just one part of it. How do you maintain it? You know, what is that emergency fund? What is the you know, do you have these things in place? Because you got to maintain the House have to maintain it has to make things happen all the time.

Unknown Speaker 25:17
Life be life and life be life and people people know, you're listening to the less talk with Ron to show I'm Lea profit I Rhonda Nolan and we are here with the president of the National Coalition of 100 black women, Miss Trisha BlueChart, and she had an event coming up. But more importantly, give me one program that you do for the students because I know that you do stuff for our students give me one program real fast that people need to know about absolutely so proud. We are partnering not only with Helen Tolan elementary school, but with the deltas, and we sponsor steam robotics. And so third, fourth and fifth graders are learning how to build robots. That's cool. So incredible, was there at their graduation, shout out to our sister, Dr. Sandra, Jeff coat, who oversees the program. And they made PowerPoints, emojis I had never seen before. Just incredible things. And so that program will be starting again. And just piggybacking with that on June the first were partnering with CCSD. And we are hosting the first ever Dr. Sandra Fay mat career symposium. And it is going to be a commitment to talk about the different paths that students can take. Maybe they're not college bound, but they're looking for technical, maybe they want to have information about the military. And all in one place at the Galaxy theater. I'm in partnership with CCSD we're going to be having an old day symposium that will give them face to face information to interact and to make a plan for what their life looks like as customized as it might be so first time this year but for many years to come and commitment to a woman who was dedicated to education and and commitment to us ensuring that we are bringing it back to our community. So what I can tell you is whenever you have something you have my phone number, you have my email address, we have Ron his phone number, email address, always let us know because every show we highlight the things that are going on in this community, because I know you're a busy woman of course we're going to bring you back. Want to bring you back. But that ends our time for today. Another amazing interview could got half an hour gone by fantastic Las Vegas. Thanks for listening to Let's Talk with Lee and Rhonda. I'm Lea. I'm Rhonda Nolan. Have a fantastic weekend. Thank you President Brookhart Thank you Bye

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