Rail Technology Magazine News

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And here’s todays news from Rail Technology Magazine in association with TransCity Rail – on Friday 15th March

HS2 has launched the sixth iteration of its Innovation Accelerator programme. Working with the Connected Places Catapult, HS2 is looking for solutions that can speed up design, automate construction handover, and strengthen the circular economy.
Applications for the programme will be open until 28 April, before six organisations are selected to join the project in June. After five months of development within the programme, the chosen companies’ innovations will be showcased to investors.

The Department for Transport has announced that the government investment will be used to deliver a new maintenance facility in West Yorkshire.
The facility will be known as the Shipley TrainCare Centre and will benefit from around £100 million to provide further resilience to the rail network in the North of England. This comes with the Transpennine Route Upgrade working to improve journeys between York, Leeds, Huddersfield, and Manchester by reducing journey times and carbon emissions.
Local employment opportunities will also be delivered by the facility, as 80% of the workforce will be hired from inside a 40-mile radius of the route, with this boosting the economy in West Yorkshire.

And that’s the latest – Don’t forget to like and subscribe to make sure you receive every new bulletin & check out our stories in full on our website Rail Technology Magazine .com