A podcast that brings together primary care providers, healthcare planners, patients, innovators and others to talk about the changes that are happening in primary care in British Columbia.
Morgan: are you thinking
about how to get primary care
teams working better together?
Sarah: Is your own primary care
team thinking about expanding
by adding another member?
Morgan: Are you interested in
roles in primary care teams and
wishing there was a podcast that
would dive a little deeper here?
Sarah: Yeah, us too.
Welcome to Team Up season five.
It feels like this season
has been a long time.
Morgan: it has been in a while.
Sarah: And that's mostly cuz
our plans for this season are a
little different and we've been
working on it for quite some time.
Morgan: Yeah.
And you know, at the time of
recording this season, we're spring,
of 2023 and, we're post, , or
whatever we are in the pandemic.
You know, we know economies
are stretched and , they've got
climate crisis and healthcare
crisis much all around the globe.
Sarah: in BC we're still
working hard to support the
transformation of primary care.
Through the implementation of team-based
care and , we see headlines about the
shortage of primary care providers and
challenges in accessing care, , all while
the opioid crisis continues to highlight a
whole bunch of social and cultural issues
Morgan: sarah, this
sounds all really bleak.
I, I don't know if I wanna
record this episode anymore.
Sarah: But, but this is super important
and we really need to address this.
Healthcare is a complex system, and we've
been talking about this for a while.
Transformation and primary care
is something that needs to happen.
The status quo just isn't
sustainable on so many levels.
Morgan: Yeah, I know, I, I know, I know.
And I, it is important what we're gonna
talk about in this season strategically.
The province is pushing towards
team-based care to build up capacity.
We wanting the system to work more
efficiently and have people working to
their scope of practice and optimizing
that so that we have the capacity we need.
Sarah: And there are a lot of really
exciting things happening when we
think about capacity, but it's not just
about capacity and efficiency, right?
The thread of kind of the importance
of relationships is something
that we've kept returning to
in all of our team up episodes.
, care happens in the spaces between
people and it's that relationship
piece that is just so important
to foster, particularly in times I
think, when systems are stretched.
Morgan: So Sarah, this kind of reminds
me of , a recent article in the BMJ
where, , the authors talk a bit about
the two things that we just mentioned,
, dealing with the crisis in healthcare.
So there's the efficiency side
of things, but there's also that
relationship side of things.
And you and I kind of naturally mirror
those too as we, as we talk, don't we?
Sarah: I think that the article
that you're talking about was
really interesting because they
draw on kind of this metaphor of the
story about George Orwell planting
these, amazing rose gardens.
Oh, well, he was really writing these
incredibly dystopian future and really
it was about that, balance between,
efficiency and, also beauty and
kindness and, those relationships that
need to flourish and be cultivated,
particularly in times of crisis.
Morgan: I think you're right and
through our conversations over the
season, , let's highlight both how
the team works better together.
and how the relationships get maintained.
Cause I think that's a common
theme for people of a concern
that we might lose those
relationships, which is not the case.
Sarah: Right.
So how do you, how do you balance
both of those two sides to really
come out with, you know, a system
that is better supported, that works
better together, that has people.
Working to scope.
And also, you know, the reason why
so many folks who engage in, in
the work of care become interested
in that field are because they are
people who really are motivated by
the relationship side of things.
And I think that that is something
that really can't be forgotten.
Morgan: And particularly in primary care
Sarah: So what's our season plan?
Alongside the kind of relationship
centeredness of so much of primary care,
we've also really been focused on these
ideas of enhancing role clarity and,
and supporting teams roles in primary.
Something that's really close to, to our
hearts at the Innovation Support Unit.
You know how roles work together, and
I think the importance of trust in
the context of care is of course where
relationships really come into this.
Morgan: ever since we started sort
of noodling around the idea of doing
a podcast, the idea of roles, uh,
and doing a roles focused season was
something that we've wanted to do.
Sarah: and I think Morgan with you know,
me as a medical anthropologist, you as
a primary care provider, we also knew
that we'd have to do this a little bit
differently than our previous seasons.
, previously it's mostly been you
and I chatting about different
ideas, bringing in a few guests to
highlight, , whatever we're focusing on.
But if we really wanna talk about
roles and teams, we knew we'd have
to connect with more people and
hear from diverse perspectives.
So that's what we've been doing
in the background for a while.
Morgan: Well, that's
what you've been doing.
You and several members of the ISU team
have been, out there collecting stories
and I've just been listening so far.
Sarah: So the plan is to weave these
interviews into a series of role focused
episodes over this entire season.
And Morgan, you wanted to call this
season of team up roll call, uh,
which I'm guessing you and all the
other dads who might be listening
would appreciate so, so, punny
Morgan: I've already started calling
it Roll call in the last season
and yeah, it's totally great.
Sarah: So each episode is gonna focus on
a specific professional or role that's
commonly found in primary care In bc.
We're gonna have episodes focused
on patients, medical office
assistants, nurses, social workers,
indigenous wellness liaisons,
and a whole bunch of others.
Morgan: And even family doctors
and nurse practitioners.
Sarah: Oh yes.
Even those.
Morgan: Great.
You know, I think you and the team
have really outdone yourselves,
pulling all the information together.
I'm looking forward to seeing
how it comes together in our
podcast episodes over this season.
Sarah: Me too.
And, and you know, the, the challenge
of getting the stories in here has
been really interesting for me.
As always, we'd really love
to hear from you as well.
If, if you have a story, or a role that
you'd really like to see highlighted
in this season, please reach out to
us at issu family med dot ubc dot.
Morgan: Now we're going back to our usual
season cadence where we're going to be
releasing weekly episodes every Tuesday.
Now, most episodes will be a
longer, deeper dive where you get
to hear about and from different
providers around a particular role.
Sarah: And we're also gonna have a few
shorter team bit style episodes mixed in.
And if you just love team bits, um,
make sure you check out the mini
season that Morgan just dropped
up, focused on technology and teams.
Morgan: Well, thanks for tuning
into the intro and tune in next week
for our first episode of Roll Call.
See Sarah roll call.
And we're gonna start with
a patient at the center.
Sarah: Thanks.