Canadian Army Podcast

Season 4 is coming to a close and the podcast will be taking a break until the fall. Listen in to find out what is coming up for season 5.

Feel free to contact Captain Adam Orton with any comments or questions:

Meet our host Captain Adam Orton:  Bio | Video

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Copyright Information

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2023

What is Canadian Army Podcast?

This podcast is for and about soldiers of the Canadian Army.

Its primary goal is to provide them with useful information through thoughtful and open discussions that reflect their mutual interests and concerns.

Though soldiers are our primary audience, the topics covered on this podcast should be relevant to anyone who supports our soldiers or who has an interest in Canadian military matters.

[Fast paced music plays]

Captain Adam Orton: Hey everyone! Captain Adam Orton here for the Canadian Army Podcast. I just want to tell everybody that we’re taking a break to prepare for next season’s stuff. Here is a bit of a preview for what we’ll be looking at for season 5.

First of all, we’re going to talk about tanks—we know everybody loves those. We’re also going to talk about how the Canadian Army prepares for domestic operations. We’re also going to talk about the Law of Armed Conflict and why it matters to soldiers. We’re going to talk some more with Defense Research and Development Canada or DRDC about cool technology. And of course, we’re going to keep digging into the different Army trades and specialties out there that you’re writing in about.

So, thanks again for listening and stay tuned for season 5 coming out this fall. And a special shout out to the Canadian Forces Language School who is always listening.

Orton out.

[Music ends]