Effekt AP

Sheriff Horcock, with his two newly appointed deputies, goes to arrest Donal McGuin.
We are sharing one of our playtests for Tales of the Old West, the game we are creating. As is the nature of the beast, the rules are ever changing and the current iteration (available exclusively to Stationary and Privileged Patrons) has a number of differences from what you hear in this episode. This session was recorded in November 2023.
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What is Effekt AP?

Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.

Dave (GM):

Well, welcome. And he's pinned it onto you. Welcome, sheriff Hawcock.

Nathaniel Horcock:

One day, me and you are gonna have a real personal fucking argument, Wanda.

Dave (GM):

So is this this is this is the the law threatening an innocent member of

Nathaniel Horcock:

You're not innocent.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. It's for a bandit who is known as Jonah Lucky Lawless, who was a outlaw in the Santa Fe and Santa Miguel San Miguel Counties before the war, but this is this is McGinn. But you have a choice, gentlemen. Bring in bring in Pekka, bring in McGinn, or leave the town.

Dave (GM):

I'm Dave. I am the GM and co designer of Tales of the Old West.

Marion Freeman:

I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.

Nathaniel Horcock:

My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston. I think, definitely, this picture from 15 years ago looks a bit like you that will definitely stand up in court, so we're on

Nathaniel Horcock:

solid ground. We are solid ground. Yes.

Dave (GM):

So it's the rim light on that. Do you reckon? It's a fairly basic map. Yeah. That's fair.

Dave (GM):

But okay. So this is McGinn's house.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

North is up here. These are the houses that are along the road. We go north here. If you check the map. Yep.

Dave (GM):

So the roads, the side of these houses. Yep. And these are outhouses. There's a couple of barns and the staples,

Nathaniel Horcock:

like a bunkhouse as well. Right. In Malibu.

Dave (GM):

Two story 2 story townhouse.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Bunkhouse. That means they may have oh, well.

Dave (GM):

Wait. You brought the garden light? So it's now about 4 o'clock. It's not dark yet. It's the sun is beginning to set, but it's it's not it's not there.

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. You got a couple of hours of light left yet. Maybe a bit longer.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I suppose I should do this properly, shouldn't I? Go to the front door and knock and

Dave (GM):

entirely up to you. You're you're the car you're the play character. You tell me what you used to do.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So the front door, is it a double front door?

Dave (GM):

Front door is there. It's a it's a decent it's a nice big front door. Alright. There's a stoop, so there's a like, a porch that runs around there with, like, a a low roof over there, and so these are wooden boards with sort of, like, couple of steps up to them.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Yeah. They've got, like, a couple of tables and a few chairs that they sit out on

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

When they're not at their at their ranch.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. I suppose we should have a quick peep around

Dave (GM):

the back, it's very much activity round about the round the back. Can we

Nathaniel Horcock:

see if we

Dave (GM):

So where are you coming from? What direction and where are you?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, we're coming from the blessings,

Dave (GM):

south. Mhmm. I guess we could come through here at any point and come is it like on a raised No. It's all quite flat. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. And this kind of area? It's just open graph land that goes out of the plane. Yeah. There's nothing special to us at all.

Marion Freeman:

Why does it damage you've got a draw bonus of minus 1?

Dave (GM):

Because it's very difficult to draw Drawing beautifully. Clearly. So the draw bonus is drawing a in a

Marion Freeman:

Have I got

Dave (GM):

like a combat thing Yeah. In a in a in a duel. So, no, you I haven't got one

Marion Freeman:

of those. You've been

Dave (GM):

gangsters. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, that's been gangster time. I feel that was

Dave (GM):

So the derringer will be something that you have if you if you concealed it, it might be in your boot or down the back of your belt or something. So it's not it's not easy to draw quickly.

Marion Freeman:

I just got I'm just making sure I've got all my guns.

Dave (GM):

Fair enough. You got enough encumbrance to carry them all?

Marion Freeman:

Front that. Have we got encumbrance?

Dave (GM):

I suspect you have. It's fine. I'm not a few worries, but we do have encumbrance rules. We just don't apply them very often. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

K. So what direction are you coming from? What direction? I'm just gonna everyone play the chef. Just gonna walk out the front door and say, you undress, mate.

Dave (GM):

Go on. Come quietly. Well, I just think I have

Nathaniel Horcock:

a quick scan around the back.

Dave (GM):

Is there any activity around the back? Any activity? Yeah. So where were you? So when you say you're gonna scan around

Nathaniel Horcock:

the back Well, where where

Dave (GM):

are you coming from? Where are you coming from?

Marion Freeman:

So where's the townhouse?

Nathaniel Horcock:

That is Where's the back?

Marion Freeman:

That's a townhouse?

Dave (GM):

So the town

Marion Freeman:

Straight joint.

Dave (GM):

Town is over there. Mhmm. The road north out of town is long here. Mhmm. So you can look at the map to get get your pair of So bats.

Dave (GM):

Bat, these are the Mhmm. Those houses there, that's the main house, and that's the road at the other side of this house. And you've got a bunk house, a barn, and a stables.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Right. Those we got.

Marion Freeman:

Set fire to the bunkhouse to begin with.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's him.

Marion Freeman:

Keep his men occupied. No. No. No. We're going up to the main house.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I'm not sure

Dave (GM):

murdering his Employees is I suppose

Nathaniel Horcock:

he's gonna get done. Try try and do this properly. Yes. I shall then

Dave (GM):

You're gonna go into the front door? The front door. Yeah. Okay. Are you 2 with it?

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

Unless you want to I should just in the back at the same time or anything?

Dave (GM):

There is there is a back door, which is It's almost gonna cover the back. Cover, but well In case he makes a bit of a I guess that's probably not how this is gonna go, I imagine. I think

Nathaniel Horcock:

it'd be better if we if he's gonna shoot at best,

Dave (GM):

just stick together really, is it right?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Cut him down on his front porch as soon as he opens the door.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

All comes to the door.

Nathaniel Horcock:

All comes to the door.

Dave (GM):

So you're all Yeah. All 3 of you go to the front door.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Are you do you have armed weapons drawn?

Marion Freeman:

Or I'm carrying my Spencer Carbine.

Dave (GM):

K. Tony? I think probably not drawn. See, loaded and ready. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Not drawn.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Andy? No. I suppose it what's the lucky? What's the bloke?

Dave (GM):

Jonah, lucky. Jonah, lucky.

Marion Freeman:

Jonah, lucky. I remember

Dave (GM):

it, mate. Okay. Well, I got any weapons drawn is my question.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. No. I'm gonna wrap the door for then step it and step away from the door, then draw. So wrap the door. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Make my then step away. So Step

Dave (GM):

back how far?

Nathaniel Horcock:

As far as I don't want somebody with shotgun to shoot for shoot me when I'm staying

Dave (GM):

by the door kind of thing. What is the design of the door? Is it a solid door? Does it have glass? Glass.

Dave (GM):

It's a Squeeze? It's a solid wooden door. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Still, there's something to still put, Yeah. Now it's wrapping the door.

Dave (GM):

Yep. And then what step back to the side?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. Then maybe I say, use his the name on the, bill.

Dave (GM):

Which is?

Marion Freeman:

Kona Lucky Lawless.

Dave (GM):

I was testing out Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I think.

Dave (GM):

See I told him it. 30 seconds. Yeah. No. No.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Don't go so now. I knew

Dave (GM):

he wouldn't remember.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I have a warranty for your arrest.

Dave (GM):

You're saying has he knocked it to the door himself?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. No. Well, the door's not open yet.

Dave (GM):

You've knocked on the door. Knocked on the door. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

You're shouting that before anyone opens the door.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You wanted me to wait over.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, well, that that would have been Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I can't

Nathaniel Horcock:

plan that

Dave (GM):

I had,

Marion Freeman:

but now

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll wait.

Dave (GM):

Okay. 10 to 15 seconds past and, because probably it'll be some sort of servant, whatever. Oh, yeah. The door opens, and, you see Mary Begin opens the door a little bit and says, oh, I'm mister Hawcock. What a what a what a pleasure.

Dave (GM):

How she hasn't opened the door very far. Mhmm. How how how may we help you?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Is your husband in?

Dave (GM):

How may we help you? I have an I have a warrant here

Nathaniel Horcock:

for the arrest of Jonah Lucky Aloris, aka your husband. See? Oh,

Marion Freeman:

I'm I'm I'm I'm listening through the house. Is it, you know, is it set in?

Dave (GM):

So are you at the back of the house?

Marion Freeman:

No. I'm at the front. I'm at the front.

Dave (GM):

I'm at the front. So we're just

Marion Freeman:

I'm watching the rear wingman for here. But I am kind of just

Dave (GM):

missing in fact.

Marion Freeman:

I see it's

Dave (GM):

in the house. No. That's fair.

Nathaniel Horcock:

My trainers are already starting to fall.

Dave (GM):

Can make a Hawkeye roll? Andy, make a okay. Well, I think both of you can make a inside role.

Marion Freeman:

Insight. Okay. I've got a success on my Hawkeye.

Dave (GM):

I did one success on my Inside. Okay. You can hear movement in the house. But you're not sure really

Marion Freeman:

it's not out of that door.

Dave (GM):

One success you can't tell really, but you can hear

Marion Freeman:

One success is a success.

Dave (GM):

It is. So you can hear movement inside the house. This is a big house, and it's quite well built. You can hear there is definite activity inside the house. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

A door opening is

Nathaniel Horcock:

shut up.

Dave (GM):

So they're much more likely to be preparing their guns to come and kill us rather than running out the back.

Marion Freeman:

I can't imagine somebody else in the house. Let's leave it at that.

Dave (GM):

No. Insight test? It's wonderful test.

Nathaniel Horcock:

All set, so I didn't get it. No.

Dave (GM):

Okay. When you say Joan the lucky lawless, you get kinda there's no reaction on Mary's face. She's like, I don't know what you're talking about. And it kind of looks like she means it.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. That's good. There's no no. You're right. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. No recognition

Dave (GM):

of that name whatsoever.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That shall

Dave (GM):

I be, you said son, you've you've made a dreadful mistake, I'm afraid. Mister Hawcock, there's nobody of that name here. I am sorry you wasted your time. And she closes it. No.

Dave (GM):

I thought I put my foot in

Nathaniel Horcock:

there so she can trap my foot in the dust.

Dave (GM):

You only need to make a, roll for her because you said you step back.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay. Fair enough.

Dave (GM):

So I think that's gonna have to be a move roll to get there in time. Because she's not slamming it. No. But she's definitely closing it in a you're not welcome, you know, off kind of way. Come on.

Dave (GM):

Be kind to me.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Please. Please. Please. Please. Yes.

Dave (GM):

So this is this 1?

Nathaniel Horcock:

This is 1.

Dave (GM):

Okay. You you do just manage to get your tone

Marion Freeman:

in the door.

Dave (GM):

So the door is only open this much, but it's it's shut, you know, it's enough to stop it immediately, shut it.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I know.

Dave (GM):

And she's like, I'd be grateful, mister Hawcock, if you would mind your own business and thank you for that.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This is my business, and I'm pushing, you know, the near the bills. Is it

Marion Freeman:

a labor role to push the door?

Dave (GM):

So it would be a labor role. Are you are you basically just shoving the door open?

Marion Freeman:

No. I'm pretty sure. I

Dave (GM):

need I need to get

Nathaniel Horcock:

What a lot of these ones. Cars. Oh, okay.

Dave (GM):

Because we might be in the meeting soon.

Marion Freeman:

Get 2 successes. So exactly what

Dave (GM):

were you trying to do, Matt? I'm barging in. Basically, barging the door open.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Kind

Dave (GM):

of like

Marion Freeman:

this shoulder ramming the door, pushing out the way.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. The 2 successes. You do that. The door flies open.

Dave (GM):

You gotta go through the door.

Marion Freeman:

I'm guessing. So the family initiative cards have been caught as good. At least he hasn't said, oh, I'll go to trial then.

Dave (GM):

Okay. She's gonna,

Marion Freeman:

Which to me,

Dave (GM):

it might be his best approach because it's probably never get convicted after this time. That's what

Marion Freeman:

I would've done if I were him. Right. Prepping the call. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Mary goes flying, sprawling. I think she takes a point of damage for that.

Jimmy Harlesden:

That's not

Nathaniel Horcock:

the way to treat your future.

Dave (GM):

Basically, yeah. You've bashed

Marion Freeman:

it in there. You you've got her. She's got blood

Dave (GM):

coming from the wound of it when the back of the fantastic wound. She's fallen down. She's shrunk. Now down in the down in there in the hall, you can see there's a there's a figure standing down there, who is kind of outraged. He's like, how dare you?

Dave (GM):

And it's McGinn's voice. Alright. And I'll I'll give you a move role because he's standing there with a shotgun and he's fine.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Because because it's not an issue.

Marion Freeman:

I've got my momentum.

Dave (GM):

So I'm giving you a move role to dodge the shot. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

So can we get a quick layout of here? What room so my feeling is he's down the hall. There's doorways on either side. I'm gonna carry straight on into one of the doorways on either side.

Dave (GM):

Yes. That's absolutely right. Yep. So, but he's standing over there. Basically, he was standing back

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Letting his wife do the talking, but on the shotgun. You doing that, he's simply sort of shooting in Okay. Reaction.

Marion Freeman:

2 successes. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So he is shooting, but that will that will reduce the the impact. Where are we? So he's got 4 of those. And the shotgun. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Okay. He misses. So the shotgun blast goes over your head, hits the hits the the pummeling of the Mhmm. Yeah. And above above the door.

Marion Freeman:

Hits the

Dave (GM):

shirk outside the door. Do it. Yeah. And went down into initiatives. Okay.

Dave (GM):

K. And the tone, Matthew. Oh, the king.

Marion Freeman:

Kings are high

Dave (GM):

in this game, aren't they? They're high goes to high

Jimmy Harlesden:

goes to High

Dave (GM):

goes to

Nathaniel Horcock:

pollens. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So, Matt, it's your action.

Marion Freeman:

Right. Now how do we do this thing? Did we have a ducking out of covers, I think? Because I'm now in the room next door.

Dave (GM):

No. No. You haven't you've basically just ducked under the shot.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, I've already ducked.

Dave (GM):

So, basically, you've pushed the door open and barged in. You've seen him with the gun. You've ducked down and shot above your head.

Marion Freeman:

I've So you

Dave (GM):

have a you are basically here in the car.

Marion Freeman:

Spencer Carbine,

Dave (GM):

and I have a target So you can shoot at him if you wish.

Marion Freeman:

Short range enemy. I will do that. Do I have enough remind me of the rules here. Do we do short action, long action? Have I got to have Yeah.

Dave (GM):

It's just so fast, actually. So you can aim if you wish.

Marion Freeman:

I will aim. This gives you plus 2. Which gives you plus 2. My attack bonus on the Spencer is plus 2. So these are my trouble dice which are my quickness.

Dave (GM):

So you just need of your pool. 5 of them need to be trouble dice.

Marion Freeman:

My shooting. So my shooting is 3, plus 2 for the aim, plus 2 for the gear, And what are my what are my talents? Gambler level 1. Authority level plus 1. Oh, I'll choose my authority more.

Marion Freeman:

I'm a companion animal and a judge of character. None of those things apply to shooting. Alright. Here we go. So I'm rolling this many dice.

Marion Freeman:

Yep. Whatever this many dice are.

Dave (GM):

5 of which are treble dice.

Marion Freeman:

And one of them hits. One treble dice. I'm not risking this trouble. One trouble dice is in one No. I'm just I'm I'm just gonna go with the with the single hit.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So that's damage of the gun? Is 2. 2. So that's one off quick and one off grip.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So the next action is his. He has a second barrel in his shotgun, and he's raising it, and he's firing at you. So he now only has 3 grips.

Marion Freeman:

I'm sorry.

Dave (GM):

There's 2 aiming, the gun is 2, and he's aiming 2. Suddenly it went dark over here because he's No. That's alright. It's alright.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I was looking to go over here.

Dave (GM):

I'm sorry. Quick. Quick.

Marion Freeman:

Quick. Make it dark. You might not see his dice.

Dave (GM):

Fuck. He misses

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

He missed.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He missed. Excellent. Okay. So

Dave (GM):

okay. You can hear shouts.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

You too can hear footfalls coming on, running around here.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Of you're not sure how many? Couple of men each side potentially.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

From behind here, steps another man you recognize as McGinn's son, Murphy. He has a pistol in his hand and he takes a shot at you. But he didn't get he doesn't get a chance to aim because he's just stepped out. Okay. And he has got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 plus the gun, but he's not aiming.

Dave (GM):

Actually, it's a double action gun. He misses.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Where's my die hard, bud? I mean, she as a player. I'll make it good when I'm at the end.

Marion Freeman:

You always like it this way.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. It's fine. Is it? Yeah.

Dave (GM):

It's good

Marion Freeman:

for me too.

Dave (GM):

Mary is scrabbling on her hands and knees through that door into there to get out of the way to gunfire.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Okay. It's Israel is is are there windows in those rooms? Yeah. Windows.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And they have drapes and stuff, so it's not really easy to see through

Nathaniel Horcock:

because it's

Dave (GM):

got the Yeah. Yeah. Right. The lace drapes and things, but there are windows. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So it's kind of like window there, window there, window there, window there. It's Tony, it's your action. Okay. So I'm stood out the front. I'm going to run through the door.

Dave (GM):

Yep. Into the house and then just kind of get

Marion Freeman:

to the side by the one

Dave (GM):

of those walls Yep. And shoot at Birmingham. Yep. You can do that. So can I do that under the warm up?

Marion Freeman:

45 as well.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. See. So drawing a weapon is a fast action and moving is a fast action. So you could draw and shoot from outside, or you can move and draw. I'm yeah.

Dave (GM):

Because you're not having to do all my work.

Marion Freeman:

I am car out. Oh, yeah.

Dave (GM):

I gave you the chance. Yeah. You did. Yeah. Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Don't know

Dave (GM):

what I was gonna do quite so quickly until I got my I think I'm gonna move and draw. I'm gonna go and get in the house

Marion Freeman:

and draw.

Dave (GM):

Okay. And you're you're where are you going? I'm basically going in. So, basically, Domino is there. His son is over there.

Dave (GM):

Mary is called into here.

Marion Freeman:

Can I can I just make a statement?

Dave (GM):

You're right in the middle here.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. There were kind of 2 actions. When I pushed in and he shot me the first time, is that not a point at which Tony here

Dave (GM):

was Draws.

Marion Freeman:

Because he's done the outside? Well Shall I shut I then took the shot a second time?

Dave (GM):

Well, this is all quite quick. He he he burst your way in Mhmm. And he wasn't necessarily expecting that. And then immediately as you did that, really, McGinn shot it. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. But

Dave (GM):

then now it's his action.

Marion Freeman:

But then McGinn took a second shot and aimed second shot.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. No.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I can't imagine.

Dave (GM):

Basically, I'm gonna come in

Marion Freeman:

and just kind of get hit

Dave (GM):

Into this side of the down in

Marion Freeman:

the corner there. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Drawing my gun. Yep. Top 45. Andy, your action.

Dave (GM):

You're stood against that here.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna answer Connor. So you said you said what? I reckon 4 people are coming around there?

Dave (GM):

You can hear a number of people coming around the other side. You're not sure how many.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Okay. Well, I think So if I did because I've got

Dave (GM):

This is definitely kind of recreating the western thing of lots of gunfire and missing everything. Mhmm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Because I got 2 guns, haven't I? So can I draw both with just 1 and step back through the door?

Dave (GM):

Why the fuck?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Because because I was doing the announcement bit.

Dave (GM):

So, I think you can draw both guns as a one fast action.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

But then, if you wanna move, that is a that will be your slow action.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Correct.

Dave (GM):

So you can't draw your guns, move and shoot.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. I know. Yes. I know that.

Dave (GM):

Although, actually, 2 gun gives you a bonus quick shot. Isn't it?

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

He says, that was unconvincing. Who the

Nathaniel Horcock:

answer is? Yes. I'm green at Julia Gold.

Marion Freeman:

What's your challenge?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I have 2 gun.

Dave (GM):

So your 2 gun gives you a bonus quick shot. In which case, that's a free action. Where are my talents? Do I take them out? Where are we going here?

Dave (GM):

Tower. So, 2 gun. I'm pretty sure that's right.

Marion Freeman:

2 gun?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You

Marion Freeman:

can use a second pistol in your hand to perform a bonus extra quick shot attack per round. The attack gets an extra minus 2 glides modifier on top of the other minus 2.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. So I've got

Dave (GM):

I've got level 2 then. The level 2, level 2 is the negative. So, so, basically, you can use your fast action to draw. Mhmm. Your slow action as a fast action to move.

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. But then, 2 gun gives you a free action, which would be a quick shot. But because you've got it at level 2, it's a minus 2 dice instead of minus 4 dice.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Minus 4. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So, the upshot is you can draw a move and get a shot of minus

Nathaniel Horcock:

2. Okay. Worry about that, Ronnie. So, I could step it and I pop one off of them if if I wanted to. Yes?

Dave (GM):

Yep. Absolutely.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So that'd be 6 dice because it's Did

Dave (GM):

you have 2 of those? Hey. Little lights.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. The one I'm still well, you want

Dave (GM):

me to go get the other one? You don't have to. Sorry.

Marion Freeman:

Be nice to the GM. Be nice to GM. Go and get the other one.

Dave (GM):

Not quite the same. Hey, look. I've rolled about 15 days so far. I haven't got a single 6, so you guys are doing alright so far.

Marion Freeman:

I'm praying about. I'm praying about that. Can you continue it?

Dave (GM):

I had expected one of those 2 shots to give you a bad time. Yeah. It's once you started with a little bit of light, it's quite difficult to go back to not very much light. Yeah. Oh, good man.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So it'll be 6 because it's minus 2. So, isn't it? So I'm not aiming.

Dave (GM):

So your quick shot yeah. You you don't have the opportunity to aim over the quick shot. So, yes, minus 2 dice. So But, yeah, you're basically going in with 2 guns.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I always thought that was

Nathaniel Horcock:

so I suppose if it as it's not a fast draw, one of them is gonna be the Colt then. That's alright?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. You can draw whichever 2 guns you like. Yep. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Alright. This video

Nathaniel Horcock:

come on. Be kind to me. Oh. That's 3 hits.

Dave (GM):

Three successes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Three successes.

Dave (GM):

Wow. Okay. So, the Colts 45, if you got the stats there.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yep. It's damage free.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Crit? Crit is 1, I think. Yeah. So what

Dave (GM):

what are you doing?

Nathaniel Horcock:

So I don't know how this damage works now.

Marion Freeman:

So you can do one of those successes, spend that on a crit

Dave (GM):

Yeah. And the

Marion Freeman:

other one on damage, damage 4. Mhmm. Given he's already a bit damaged, you might break him on one of his stats.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

Or you can go 2 crits. Oh, no. What's

Dave (GM):

that? So instead of 2 crits, you get 1 crit, but the extra success gives you plus 1 on the 10 on the units dice.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Right. So one crit and one extra damage. And I get plus 1 to the to the

Dave (GM):

So you've got 3 successes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

The first success automatically is 3 damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Which I'll take off.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

No. Hang on. That's not right. That's that's right. You got 2 more successes.

Dave (GM):

So if you to do a crit Mhmm. That would be a straight roll. Mhmm. If you wanted to use your 3rd success to support that crit, instead of rolling 2 crits and taking the best, which is what we've done in the past Yeah. You then basically that becomes a plus one to your units dice on your crits roll.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Right. Okay. So it's 10.

Dave (GM):

The units dice is the one that demonstrates the severity of

Nathaniel Horcock:

the Right. Okay. So It's quite

Dave (GM):

a good bonus really.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll do that then. So I've rolled 2 dice and said which one is the tens, which the yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. And then your your units dice gets plus 1.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Plus 1. Okay. Well, I'll say then Which

Dave (GM):

one first?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll say the black is the unit is the the, black but, yeah, the black is the units 1. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

64th. About 65? Yes. Yeah. You've probably killed him.

Dave (GM):

You've shot him in the throat. He's gonna die in 3 rounds. K. Yeah. You you shot him in the throat.

Dave (GM):

He's gone now and gone. And he falls back. Blood spurting from severely lacerated neck. Oh. Oh.

Dave (GM):

I just shot him. Give me your cards back.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. So I was gonna have words with him.

Dave (GM):

K. Initiative for the next round. Tony. Oh, Ace. Matt, and Ben.

Dave (GM):

So, Ace, you go first, Andy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Now I don't

Dave (GM):

So you shut him. You can hear the noise of men running around these sides here. His son is there. He's still aiming a gun in this direction.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

But, yeah, McGinn has fallen down. He's got blood pumping out of a he will die in

Nathaniel Horcock:

15 seconds. I get that.

Dave (GM):

If I

Nathaniel Horcock:

do a speech, I'm trying to do a speech, does that count as fast action or Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

If you're

Dave (GM):

trying to authority. If you're trying to influence me, that's probably gonna be a slow action.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Slow action. So I can so I can't aim or No. I can't fire and then do a speech and fire, you know?

Marion Freeman:

If it's a slow action

Dave (GM):

so you could use a fast no. You could use a fast action as a quick shot. Mhmm. Then you could talk, and then you've got your 2 gun, which allows you to do

Marion Freeman:

Another quick shot.

Dave (GM):

Although, if you've got a single action weapon, you've got to prepare the gun.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. They're both single action. So,

Dave (GM):

you fired 1 gun Yeah. You could fire the other one. Yeah. But, otherwise, you need an action to prepare Okay.

Marion Freeman:

The weapon.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Right. And, but I I do a speech like, I do a do a speech on a quick

Dave (GM):

But the speech would basically be a a slow action.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Because you're trying to influence people.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I'm trying to feel like this. I'm gonna say the culprit is what I'm trying to say. Ideas here.

Dave (GM):

You've got about you can't you can't 5 seconds.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's alright.

Dave (GM):

4. 3.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I said the culprit is apprehended. No more

Dave (GM):

for me

Nathaniel Horcock:

for blood sugar. Yeah. This Okay. Yeah. This is the law.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. Yeah. Yeah. This is the law. And throw down here, Joe straight.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I have a law. Throw your fucking guns down.

Dave (GM):

So you make a performing role Yeah. At minus 3. Ugh. Bollocks. That's 4 dice then.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I'll show you. I am the law. Fry your guns down.

Dave (GM):

K. Oh, that's a success.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Two successes.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Who's next?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Can I do a quick shot or not? There's no reaction to the

Dave (GM):

Well, that that's your reaction. If you then if you then shoot, that'll basically destroy the value of Usain. Put your guns down.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, this happens.

Dave (GM):

Looks like they are next because I'm on 7. Mac is on 5. So his son is there. He's obviously shocked by seeing his his Danny go down, and he hears you shout, and he levels his aims his gun at you, and he shoots.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. We'll have a try.

Dave (GM):

It was worth a try, but he robbed 2 successes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

They did it? Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So that's this is Murphy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Nice name.

Dave (GM):

That's 4 dice, and he gets 2 dice, and he gets 2 for aiming, and one for the gun because it's a double action. Oh, he misses. Misses. But he's got a second, actually. He's gonna use he's gonna do a quick shot.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, for fun. Now he doesn't have to

Dave (GM):

Okay. Well, that is a hit. So it's 2 points of damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

1 comes off quick and one comes off grip.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Okay.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. So

Dave (GM):

That's that's that's it.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So g is down to 2 and quick is down to 2 as well.

Marion Freeman:

You can hear

Dave (GM):

the running of feet coming around to here and

Nathaniel Horcock:

No results for me shouting that then?

Dave (GM):

No. Not really. Oh. No. I mean, you just shot his dad in the throat.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Not too bad to people who work.

Dave (GM):

I know, but they weren't even in the room with you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh. So,

Dave (GM):

no. So nice try. Mhmm. But they probably didn't even really hear what you're saying Okay. Outside.

Dave (GM):

The only person you're really saying it to was Murphy. He he just seen you shoot his dad in the neck.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

And so he's unlike he's unlikely to to to

Nathaniel Horcock:

go with that.

Dave (GM):

So there are 3 guys here. They've only got a fast action left, so they're gonna do a quick shot against, you know, the 3 of you are in the room. Random rolls to see who they shoot at. It was a nice try, but just like in their hall where you just shot his dad in the throat Mhmm. In that moment, it's unlikely.

Dave (GM):

It was always a difficult role to make.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. And

Dave (GM):

he did quite well, but Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

I was trying to think what to say. I was trying to, like, which is fair enough. You you're right to say, but not half an hour, 5, 6 to 3. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Not too

Dave (GM):

Did you several drafts and get

Marion Freeman:

the check?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. Let me get my word pressure out. How does this one work for you?

Dave (GM):

So the first the first guy who's just come running around on the street when he's shooting is going out 123456. He's shooting at you, Andy. Fuck

Jimmy Harlesden:

it. That

Nathaniel Horcock:

looks too many dice to me.

Dave (GM):

No. That's right. It's the

Marion Freeman:

right number of dice.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Miss.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

My dice are running as a as a gem is appalling. The second one, shooting at you Matthew. It seems you're there.

Marion Freeman:

Fuck off.

Dave (GM):

Can I have some more somebody else's dice? No. No. No. My

Marion Freeman:

dice have been good to me.

Dave (GM):

I've rolled about 40 dice and I've had one six. Okay. And the last one is shooting at Tony. That's all very fickle. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

What? She's 5. Oh, no. No.

Marion Freeman:

There are

Dave (GM):

there are 2

Marion Freeman:

there are

Dave (GM):

2 successes. So the thousand is going to 2. Yep. No. Not again.

Dave (GM):

What's this crit?

Marion Freeman:

Is that particular gun he's using?

Dave (GM):

Oh, it's 1. I don't know. What are we doing, Jim? Take another point of damage. Oh.

Dave (GM):

Next time, I'll create what does it come off first? Grit. Yeah. So grit then quick. Oh, no.

Dave (GM):

No. Sorry. Quick. So, basically, 2 off. Quick quick quick quickly.

Dave (GM):

So it's 3 damage. So 2 off quick and one off grit. Yes. Exactly. That was 8.

Dave (GM):

Tony, your action. I think you're next. Okay. I'm, gonna aim and shoot at the the begin sun? Murphy.

Dave (GM):

Murphy? Yep. Now so I've got my basically, my now my fixed down

Marion Freeman:

to 2, so I've only got 4 for miming skill, but 2 for the

Dave (GM):

rank bonus. I've got pistol ear. Yep. 2nd rank. So the 1st rank of that gives me 1 bonus die.

Dave (GM):

Can I aim? You can aim. It gives me 2 dice. Yep. Great.

Dave (GM):

And now I'm just considering the second rank of hit to let's me

Marion Freeman:

do a cool shot for only minus 1.

Dave (GM):

So 10 So if you do a success, then a critical success, then you obviously roll on that location. Yeah. So what I'm trying to do is

Marion Freeman:

basically shoot the gun out

Dave (GM):

of his hand. No. I don't. I'm trying

Marion Freeman:

not to kill him.

Dave (GM):

Okay. I'm gonna try. So I am doing that. I'm taking my I'm doing a cold shot for his arm. Tall cold shot to shoot a yeah.

Dave (GM):

Shoot a gun out of his hand. Yeah. Okay. That's cool. How many successes?

Dave (GM):

Although, I've only got

Marion Freeman:

I left 4 troll doses in there. I've got one got 2 successes.

Dave (GM):

And I've got a one, but I not on a treble dice, but I only put 4 treble dice in. Right. So okay. Alright. So roll roll okay.

Dave (GM):

Go with that then, but this time roll 5 top of dice if you're gonna do a re roll. I'm gonna

Marion Freeman:

push. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Because if I had got

Marion Freeman:

a trouble I was

Dave (GM):

gonna push anyway.

Marion Freeman:

It gets one success. But no? No trouble.

Dave (GM):

No trouble. But that's a hit though. Damage of your gun? 3. Cool.

Marion Freeman:

And the cool is fine. It's minus on the dice, was it?

Dave (GM):

He got no. He got the negative on the attempted hit. So Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. That's what I mean. So Yeah. So it still hits his gun hand, doesn't it?

Dave (GM):

No. But with no crit.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So it

Dave (GM):

just means it's basically if you do a crit.

Marion Freeman:

So the collision doesn't doesn't actually hit his hand even though it's one success.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Because he didn't crit. Should do the crit. Not what the gun had. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Which is fair. So 3 damage. Yep. That's a that's a good hit. Matthew, your go.

Marion Freeman:

Alright. They've all shot. Okay. I've got,

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

My Spencer, how does that reload?

Dave (GM):

The car line. So that's a

Marion Freeman:

Quick action to reload?

Dave (GM):

So it's quick action to reload. Yeah. To prepare. So Yeah. To do that.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

So do that. Now can I move to where missus

Dave (GM):

McGinn was?

Marion Freeman:

McGinn is, and while vaguely threatening her with a gun, but actually kind of pointing it to her head, but, you know, making it obvious I have the gun and I've just reloaded. Say, with my authority, this is, we are duly appointed officers of the law. Tell your men to put their guns down.

Dave (GM):

Okay. I'll let you do that. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Did you get any passcode

Dave (GM):

of wood? Bad. There there are

Nathaniel Horcock:

bad we all got the badges and those match. No.

Dave (GM):

We're giving you

Marion Freeman:

a bonus

Dave (GM):

for that. So that's

Marion Freeman:

5 for, my basic stat and one. Just one.

Dave (GM):

This is a this is an opposed roll. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

With my dice roll, you don't need to

Dave (GM):

worry too much about it.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Well,

Dave (GM):

big dude, he pointed the position. K. She shouts, kill them all. Right? And that's the end of the round.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Because at this point, she doesn't actually know that Domino's been shot in the throat, but she has heard him go down and she has heard Murphy go, daddy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Right then. Don't say that.

Dave (GM):

So you recall where we were before dinner? Yeah. We're all happy we're all happy. A peaceful conversation. Lovely day.

Dave (GM):

You need to go. You don't

Nathaniel Horcock:

want the ace, do you?

Marion Freeman:

Oh, shit.

Dave (GM):

So turn. You go first. Back. Yeah. K.

Dave (GM):

So I'm gonna shoot begin the younger again. I need to prepare my gun in single action now so I

Marion Freeman:

can't Yeah.

Dave (GM):

That's the first action you need to prepare. I'll repair and then shoot. Yep. That's cool. So I'm down check for my skill.

Dave (GM):

Get 2 for the weapon bonus,

Marion Freeman:

1 for my talent. I think I'm not

Dave (GM):

gonna go for the call shot. I'm a bit low.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So that

Dave (GM):

was nice. That was the last time. Okay. So they are

Marion Freeman:

just shooting a general election. Yep.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So it's 2 successes. Okay. Plus 3 damage. Right.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

And could've won, so I'll do a crit.

Dave (GM):

You can do a crit? Yeah. We're all good dice. K. I'm gonna go yellow first.

Dave (GM):

50. 54. 54.

Marion Freeman:

What did we get with 54?

Marion Freeman:

That's a

Nathaniel Horcock:

quite high for me.

Dave (GM):

Chest shot, punctured lung. Rollity 6. 5. He's gonna die in 5 days. 5 days?

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

So he must fall down, though.

Dave (GM):

He's not he's not Down? So, well, he'll be stoned for 1 round, but he gets a resilience check to stop that, which he fails. So, yeah. He's he's basically getting shot, and he goes like falls back and lands on his arse. Stunned for the round.

Dave (GM):

Their action. So missus McGuinness is lying on the ground kinda looking at the end of your rifle. Mhmm. The guys out here, I think, are still acting. So they're all gonna shoot at the person they were shooting at last round, which is basically one shot each.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Ow. So, Andy, first on you. Okay. That's 3 successes.

Marion Freeman:

And we did say you weren't allowed to use the alien dice.

Dave (GM):

I did change the alien dice. You straight up the dice. I'm in trouble. Okay. So that's gonna be 3 points of damage, and he's gonna quit you.

Dave (GM):

Oh, wow. Okay. Oh, yeah. So 3 points of damage. That's 2 off your quick and one off your grit.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Do you want to roll your crit or shall I? Yeah. You roll it, mate.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So that's 2 of my

Dave (GM):

2 of quick and one of grit.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So my so my quick is down to 0.

Dave (GM):

So you're broken. You're broken. Okay. Yeah. You go down.

Nathaniel Horcock:

When I go down, my, the grit is down to 1.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Which dice do you wanna read first?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, you choose, mate.

Dave (GM):

No. I'm not choosing. Yellow or black? Black. 32.

Dave (GM):

That's impressive. You've been shot in the arm. It's a flesh wound. Minus 1 to shooting and fighting for 11 days.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. So I'm actually rolling on the ground going

Dave (GM):

shot in the arm, but you're down. You drop the gun.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

But, you're broken out of the fight.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

K. The next one on U, Tone. That's one success. That's, 2 points of damage. Two points of damage.

Dave (GM):

Yep. Okay. And do it up, just about.

Marion Freeman:

And Remember, I'm now in this room.

Dave (GM):

You are in that room? That's a fair call actually. Because the guy who's shooting you can't see you anymore. So whose seat could he shoot at?

Marion Freeman:

Tony. You're standing up.

Dave (GM):

I I okay. I think he doesn't shoot. You don't know what he does? Andy, it would be your action, I think. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

But you're broken. Yeah. You're down. Matty, she's looking up at you with fire and fierce defiance in her eyes. Anger.

Marion Freeman:

Right. Now, in this moment of action, could I lift her up? Fuck it. I can't do that. I need to I need to change pistols and and the pistol to a third and the whole hostage.

Marion Freeman:

But she she ordered my death. So She's shooting her?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. She's prone on the ground. You get plus 3 dice.

Marion Freeman:

Plus 3 for that.

Dave (GM):

Because basically, she's lying down there in front of you.

Marion Freeman:

And, hold on. So I get those and my pistol, my rifle is plus 2.

Dave (GM):

In this moment, as your eyes lock together, you can see a depth of evil in her eyes as she's looking at you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. So she did know what it was.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I she she did Oh. There was something she did before that made me think she's a evil clothing bitch. I get 3. So that is 2, This is the first time that she's got, so I'm gonna add 2 to my crit.

Dave (GM):

K. And the damage is you've got 2 is 2.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Spencer Carbine would have been a

Dave (GM):

bit higher. Heavier cartridge. Yeah. But

Marion Freeman:

Well, that that was

Dave (GM):

We don't have that many variations. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No.

Dave (GM):

I suppose

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm making the I mean, the And

Dave (GM):

you're and you're critting, but putting 2 successes into the critters, plus 1 on your 10 to die. So that's

Marion Freeman:

How many successes on

Dave (GM):

was that 3 successes in total? How many successes did you get? I I

Marion Freeman:

got 3 successes in total. So one is for the 10.

Dave (GM):

So one is the shot, 1 is the crit, and 1 is plus 1 to the tens of that crit.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, 1 is crit and plus 1. Okay. Yeah. Okay. That makes fair.

Dave (GM):

Because we took away the the idea of rolling more than 1 crit which is the best because it just basically blew any immersion out of

Marion Freeman:

the water.

Dave (GM):

To the

Marion Freeman:

tens or the

Dave (GM):

units? Because it's the severity of

Marion Freeman:

the shots. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I should

Marion Freeman:

say that was that. You should

Nathaniel Horcock:

have said what was that?

Dave (GM):

What's the what's the

Marion Freeman:

correct 62, 63.

Dave (GM):

63. K. You basically shot her in the face, but she kinda turns as you do, and you sort of sort of smash her face. Her her eyes are gouged. This isn't gonna kill her, but she could be permanently blinded.

Dave (GM):

Okay. She now has minus 2 to shooting a Hawkeye, but she's she's not dead.

Marion Freeman:

K. Permanently blind with minus 2 to shooting an hawk eye.

Dave (GM):

No. No. She might she might be permanently

Marion Freeman:

in one

Dave (GM):

eye. So give me your dice your cards back. Yep. Next round, Andy, you are broker. Right?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tony, 7 Matthew, and I, them, 10. Tony, you go first.

Dave (GM):

Do I? Oh, no. I go first, isn't it? Absolutely. I was playing logos first earlier.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So it says 3 out there, isn't it?

Dave (GM):

So there's so there's there's 3 men out there. One of whom you don't know what he did.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Sure. As they're seeing all the bosses of fact, they're gonna be thinking,

Dave (GM):

Tony, make a presence roll. Because they didn't see you, you, and if your presence is commanding Get

Marion Freeman:

him down.

Dave (GM):

They might if they think this guy's difficult to beat, they might run. K. So How many go? Well, 2 now.

Marion Freeman:

Does he get one gear bonus for his for his shield? For his show. They can't even

Dave (GM):

see that from here. No. They've got no idea even that you're a lawman. What do you mean

Nathaniel Horcock:

we'll be shining as a lawman?

Dave (GM):

Well, they might have an idea, but

Marion Freeman:

I'm gonna push it.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Nah. She'll get those accessories. Any trouble? No trouble.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So there's there's 2 men there. They are gonna shoot again. Okay. One of them is shooting at U Tone.

Dave (GM):

He gets one success. So that's 2 points of damage. Okay. That breaks me on quick. Okay.

Dave (GM):

And the second one runs through to the door

Marion Freeman:

To shoot into the room.

Dave (GM):

Just to see what's going on in the room. And he sees you and he's gonna with a rifle over Yeah. Using it again. And he's gonna try and tackle you. So he's attacking you.

Dave (GM):

He's not shooting you. He's trying to push you, basically, tackle you away from her. You haven't done an action yet. You can resist this if you want. A close role.

Marion Freeman:

So you have a fast action

Dave (GM):

though. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

That'll be my fast action. Yeah. Okay. I'll do that. Why did

Dave (GM):

you just swing? Can't you just swing around and

Nathaniel Horcock:

just shoot him as he tries to tackle him? No. No. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

So it's 5.

Dave (GM):

So so he's a spiky one.

Marion Freeman:

Success won.

Dave (GM):

Okay. He got 1 as well. Defender wins. So he's come blundering in. He's grabbed you or tried to push you off, but he hasn't managed it.

Dave (GM):

And you are kind of in a grapple, but you're still pointing your rifle at her at the moment. 3rd action. Mhmm. She scrabbles to her boot and draws a Derringer and fires it at you at point blank range.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

With the negative because she's got fossils in her eyes. Yeah. Yeah. Like, this is kind of her last ditch effort. She's got one quick.

Dave (GM):

She has no aiming. So she's got one dice. Oh, I said 1 dice would be a 6.

Marion Freeman:

I'll swing him around.

Dave (GM):

But Yeah. So basically, yeah, this gun goes off. She doesn't really know where she's shooting it. Mhmm. But she's missed you.

Dave (GM):

You'll go, Matthew. I think, yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Because I'm ready to go. Can I say to him, I'm an officer of the law? You are not the one under arrest. Tell the men to stand down.

Dave (GM):

You can give that a go.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. And that'll be presence with authority. So that's 5 Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Presence or performing?

Marion Freeman:

It's presence That's fine. With authority.

Dave (GM):

You're basically kind of like commanding him. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

But I'm also making the point. Fuck it. Mhmm. You look a little fucked up. 3 ones.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Not fishing that. Okay. Tone, you're down, honey. That's the end of the round. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

No. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, they can make resilient rolls with

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You're broken. Broke through. Okay. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You're out of the sea. Oh, fucking fuck's sake. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Surely, there must be put here.

Dave (GM):

I mean, I saw shots. The guy here that was shooting you guys, seeing you go down, he's now run across and just knelt down next to Domino McGinn. Murphy McGinn is like it's gonna fall back and he's and he's got a few minutes to live. Minutes? No.

Dave (GM):

No. He's out of days. Yeah. His face got a punctured lung. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

He's he's fallen back.

Marion Freeman:

Two rounds have gone since then.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Is as good as dead. This guy has gone to see if he can help save him.

Marion Freeman:

Two rounds have gone. He's dead.

Dave (GM):

But he's dead. Yeah. He's dead. But this guy

Marion Freeman:

doesn't drive.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I know. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

The guy with you kinda hesitates. It kinda doesn't do anything, but then missus McGinn fires the gun again, kinda blindly trying to

Marion Freeman:

Oh, Derringer? Yeah. Single shot Derringer.

Dave (GM):

No. No. You get 4 shots Derringer.

Marion Freeman:

Do you? Because my one is a single gun.

Dave (GM):

Oh, it's not a single shot,

Nathaniel Horcock:

but you

Dave (GM):

can get more than one shot. Okay. She's got a more than one shot Derringer, Joe and she misses again. Your action, Matt. This guy isn't even grappling me now.

Dave (GM):

He's this whole thing, this whole situation is now he's stopped and he's thinking about what he said.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I'm not gonna shoot him. I'm gonna say, tell missus Begin to stop firing or one of us is gonna get hit. And I'll try that.

Dave (GM):

Presence again? Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, for fuck's sake. No one's, sir. No one's. I will spend a

Dave (GM):

How much faith do you have left?

Marion Freeman:

No. I have I have plenty of faith. Actually, I'm on Oh. Kind of rubbed it out so many times. I think I'm on 4 faith.

Marion Freeman:

No? Yeah. I think I'm on 4 faith.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

So now I'm 3 faith. Yep. 3 successes.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. Alright. That's that's successful. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

He he does he does shout, stop shooting. Stop shooting. Mhmm. Next round.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I don't know. That's 2. We're 2.

Dave (GM):

Oh, there it is. Now you 2 guys are still both broken. The guy here well, he's just been checking. So Matthew, you're on 7s, they're on 8.

Marion Freeman:

Give me a break, you fucks.

Dave (GM):

The guy here disappears.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm not. I'm not.

Dave (GM):

Realizing that Miguel is dead. The guy here runs off again, and he runs off having shouted. Stop shooting. Stop shooting. Stop shooting.

Dave (GM):

Miss Missus McGuinness is just wildly firing with her her Derringer. She gets another shot. She misses. It's your action. You're in the room on your own with her.

Dave (GM):

Can I speak or watch it as you're rolling out? No. You're you're breaking out.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Too busy, you're out.

Dave (GM):

You're out. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Too busy going out. Wow. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

I saw the evil in her eyes. You did. Yes. I'm gonna I and I did

Nathaniel Horcock:

You did warn her.

Marion Freeman:

My gun last time. I aim and shoot. Shoot the slice. Is she up or prone?

Dave (GM):

No. She's still on the ground. She's basically flailing about. She's the

Marion Freeman:

opposite. Prone?

Dave (GM):

So you get plus 3 for everything done, plus 2 for the aim, plus all your normal dice.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. All the dice except that one.

Dave (GM):

And Yeah. I mean, if you hit her she's gonna be broken.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. If I oh, I hit that.

Dave (GM):

One success. Yeah. Did you wanna push?

Marion Freeman:

No. I've got trouble. I don't need it's trouble I don't need. Excellent.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. She's broken. She's down. She's unconscious, but she's not she's not dead.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, fuck. Just smash her head on a snow.

Dave (GM):

Don't do that. Just

Nathaniel Horcock:

smash her head with a rough button.

Marion Freeman:

You can hear her.

Dave (GM):

I hear the groans of these 2 guys moaning on the ground. Mhmm. Otherwise, there's a lot of so you can hear the the wheezing of Murphy McGinn because of the hole in his lung. Mhmm. You can hear the last gurgling bubbles of Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Of Donal McGinn as he's kind of he's expired, expiring. Otherwise, it's suddenly gone very quiet.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Like, you must have heard me swearing and crushing my shoulder almost probably.

Marion Freeman:

Check my gun. You check my

Dave (GM):

You can finish it if you want, but that requires Now

Marion Freeman:

I'm talking. There's one person unaccounted for.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And you just broke them. Do you have a crick?

Dave (GM):

No. I'm just broke them. Who is that

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

There was a guy who who shot me Yeah. Or shot at me and then couldn't see me, and I don't know whether he's running or not. So I'm not I'm not walking out into a trap. Okay. I have my rope already.

Marion Freeman:

Is this my action? Are we gone?

Dave (GM):

It's your action. Yeah. Mhmm. She's broken. So

Marion Freeman:

I'm a sheriff's deputy. Put down your gun before you do anything I have to arrest you for, and I will try once again to use my presence. With my authority.

Dave (GM):

Nope. Okay. Show me temperature.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Again. Okay.

Dave (GM):

You gotta work on that one. You don't hear anything. You you suspect he might have run.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. So checking my head around the door quickly.

Dave (GM):

Yep. You can't see. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

She's out. She's unconscious. Yeah. I will put my rifle down, un unstrap the my well, I'd probably already unstrapped the strap on my stuff. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

I'll say. I can't do first aid on you. Oh, can I

Dave (GM):

Have you got any doctoring?

Marion Freeman:

I've got 3 in doctoring effectively because

Dave (GM):

you can give it a try.

Marion Freeman:

All troubled ice.

Dave (GM):

Who are you doing, John?

Marion Freeman:

I'm going to you first. I think you're nearest to door. Oh, no. Hold on. They're both

Dave (GM):

They're both kind of Who first? Tony first. Yep.

Marion Freeman:

No. One of those is gonna be there, but you look fine.

Marion Freeman:

I'm just

Dave (GM):

having a little light now.

Marion Freeman:

So Hey, what crits has he got? No. None. Oh, you look fine. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I should have done that crit when I had the charge. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I go over to, again, checking. Yeah. Hand on pistol.

Marion Freeman:


Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

You feel you feel reasonably okay. There is noise. There are you can hear the sound of There

Nathaniel Horcock:

must be to a tunnel that controls the house. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Obviously, because of the noise of the gunfire. Do you hear a crowd? Not so much crowd, but Voices. Yeah. Voices approaching.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I'll check you. No chance, mate. Sorry. I'm gonna shout out the window.

Marion Freeman:

Sheriff's deputy. Somebody get a doctor or somebody.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Out of the window, you can see a few villages or townspeople. You recognize 1 or 2 being Paquito's men, And they're kind of they don't rush off to get a doctor. Couple of people run off back into the town. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

I mean, you don't really have an official doctor, but there's probably somebody in town who's got some doctoring skill.

Marion Freeman:

Trust revenue as a doctor?

Dave (GM):

It's, it's it's doctor Brody Anaheim is his name. Well, we're now in for no complaints from his

Nathaniel Horcock:

patients. Oh, that's for sure.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. Peeking out the door some more. I can see Paquito's men.

Dave (GM):

A couple of them. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Couple of them.

Dave (GM):

And they're kind of just surveying the scene now that they've obviously approached in the last few moments. They weren't obviously waiting there the whole time.

Marion Freeman:

Can I ask a rules question? Just looking at

Dave (GM):

the recovery section of the rated PDF. Yeah. And there's a section of recovery, which is as long as you're not broken, you recover one lost attribute point per turn of rest Yeah. For up to 10 minutes, assuming you're

Marion Freeman:

not suffering from a case

Dave (GM):

that prevents recovery. If you have several damaged attributes,

Marion Freeman:

you just have the order. Blah blah blah.

Dave (GM):

And then there's another section of getting back up. So if you're broken,

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

the fastest way to recover is for someone else to treat you Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

With adoption rule.

Dave (GM):

Which Matt's tried. If no one helps you, you recover attribute points as noted above. And does that mean 5 minutes of rest. Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So that's slightly unclear there because the the first sentence of the bit above is

Marion Freeman:

as long as you're not broken, you recover,

Dave (GM):

but then the set the next paragraph from 5 to even

Marion Freeman:

if you are broken, you still recover at

Dave (GM):

that Yeah. Break. So you do yeah. Okay. No.

Dave (GM):

That's cool. You do recover at that rate. Okay. So we'll kinda wake up after 5 minutes. 5 minutes of rest.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I'm Yep. I'm I'm saying kind of guard over these guys and just shout out. Isaiah, Somebody better go and fetch for her mother.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. One of them, like, looks at your knots and runs off. There is a bit of a crowd gathering, you know, now that the shooting has stopped. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. People are a bit braver and are coming a bit closer to see what's going on. And you get a few shouts of, what's going on? What's happened?

Marion Freeman:

McGinn resisted arrest. He's dead now. Arrest for what? He's wanted in Albuquerque.

Dave (GM):

And you hear a few murmurs and, you know, no no other questions. There's not somebody there who's like kinda quizzing you over this, but there's a little crowd gathering and you can hear the buzz of kinda shock and, you know, surprise that the anger the sort of, you know, the sudden drama that's been playing out. Yeah. A doctor arrives after a few minutes, goes straight to Donal as the most wounded person then.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Wait. No. No. No. Nothing.

Dave (GM):

Spends a couple of moments looking over him and then pronounces him dead.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. He then, you know, looks over Murphy. And somebody wanna make a dice roll? 7 dice? I mean,

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm out of time.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, but mate, you mate, you order dice because you've been so good at rolling dice. See what he lives on that. Go on.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, don't, sir.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, you fucker.

Dave (GM):

I'll turn it. I have 5 successes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. 2.

Dave (GM):

K. The deer, the doctor is successful and says, like, yeah, he ought to live, but he's he's very, very unwell.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We have to hang on a little country still. I'm still there. I don't know.

Dave (GM):

He then he then goes to look at, missus McGinn. Fix so the nasty yeah. She's got nasty wound to her face. She's beginning to come around. You guys, I think now, around on one point.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Yeah. Obviously, battered and bruised. Yeah. My arms, obviously, in

Dave (GM):

a sling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Some nasty wounds.

Dave (GM):

And she's like and she's like sort of mustering, They murdered they murdered McDonald. They murdered Donald.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Really? You I read it. Resist the rest, you bitch.

Dave (GM):

Oh, you know, just a big professional to choke.

Marion Freeman:

It's a

Dave (GM):

terrible That's a terrible plot.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So you made it You resisted arrest.

Dave (GM):

You murdered my turn all. You're paying for this one day. You're paying God will see him. You'll rot in hell. And the doctor's taken her off, as best they can, but she's like, you're rot in hell.

Dave (GM):

All of you, you're rot in hell. She has a particular look at you and then and specific view, you know. Look at you. Uh-huh. You

Marion Freeman:

No. She doesn't. No. She doesn't.

Dave (GM):

But she does. She's not blind. She's got a nasty gas face, and there's a risk that

Marion Freeman:

she would

Dave (GM):

lose an eye.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, so oh, she got one eye.

Dave (GM):

She can still see. Yeah. She can still see. She's not playing it. You've made a horrible mess of her face.

Dave (GM):

You do see as she's being led out by the doctor, you see Mary stood over here Whoops. Amongst the crowd.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Not Mary. Grainne.

Marion Freeman:

Grainne. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Kinda staying back in the crowd.

Marion Freeman:

Not rushing to her mother.

Dave (GM):

Not rushing to her mother. No. And then she kinda disappears into the crowd and you can't see her?

Marion Freeman:

Well, no. When I see

Dave (GM):

her, I

Marion Freeman:

I I I haven't been out of the house now. When I see her come out of the house, I will come out casual like.

Dave (GM):

And She's in the she's, like, at the back of the crowd that's now gathered around her.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I'll just I'll just

Dave (GM):

get a glimpse of her rather than see her. She's not standing at the front, but just so you know. So she's being a bit surreptitious about seeing this, and she's watching her mother being let out, but

Marion Freeman:

But she doesn't go to her mother at any point. She

Dave (GM):

doesn't. No. Not at all.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I imagine my arm's supposed to be strapped up like that or something like that. I imagine you can't use it for 11 days, you said. So I mean, didn't you?

Dave (GM):

Yes. So your arms Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

It will be once the doctor

Marion Freeman:

Once the doctor comes back, you're teaching. He sees

Dave (GM):

that your wounds aren't gonna kill you, so he's dealing with, you know, those who are, are danger and the women first. Mhmm. Or the woman first. Yeah. I think it's my husband's.

Dave (GM):

Is that not official?

Marion Freeman:

Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable, used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.