The Two Percent Podcast

Episode 2.5 we Review all things in Sports for the week, Dive in to how Jeremy started the week & Our best bets of the week.
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What is The Two Percent Podcast?

Liam (One Percent) and Jeremy (Another Percent) are two good blokes who rarely see the world in the same way. They pass their time debating sport, issues, and everything life has to offer in a most unconventional way. The Two Percent Podcast will be releasing new episodes weekly, and will include special guests, different weekly topics and a general confusion regarding what they are even on about. Presented by Media8 & Platinum Standard Grading, the Two Percent Podcast promises to intrigue, inform and entertain all who are lucky enough to listen.

Sponsored by Platinum Standard Grading.
Produced by Media8.

Speaker 0 (0s): And this episode of the 2% podcast,

Speaker 1 (5s): We do a weekly sports review and AFL round one wrap-up of all the games.

Speaker 4 (13s): This tastes like full cream milk

Speaker 0 (36s): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the 2% podcast for anyone that didn't listen to. The first two, my name is Liam and I'm 1%.

Speaker 1 (44s): My name is Jeremy and I'm another percent.

Speaker 0 (46s): And what does that make?

Speaker 1 (48s): 2% baby?

Speaker 0 (49s): Sorry, We'll get started with the agenda, but firstly, we're just going to touch base on how our podcasts are going to be released weekly. So we're going to have a weekly sports wrap up. It released every Thursday and for the weeks that we have a special guest, we're going to try our hardest to make that every week. But unfortunately we're just not the most popular Roe Jess.

Speaker 1 (1m 13s): Oh, we're not. But what does that make Rob

Speaker 0 (1m 17s): Very popular,

Speaker 1 (1m 18s): Not as special guests.

Speaker 0 (1m 20s): It does make him a special guests. We'll touch base on why Rob's here. Is he our sports analyst at the office and he knows most things that people don't about sports. So we'll welcome Robyn soon, but yeah, so our special guest podcasts we'll release on a Tuesday and hopefully most weeks and every week we'll have a weekly sports wrap up and life update as well on a Thursday. So jazz. Welcome back, mate. This is episode 2.5.

Speaker 1 (1m 50s): Thanks man. I'm just happy to be here. Really

Speaker 0 (1m 52s): Good. Now, do you want to take us through the agenda for today?

Speaker 1 (1m 56s): Oh, I will. We are going through a sport weekly review.

Speaker 0 (2m 1s): We are.

Speaker 1 (2m 2s): We're gonna look at the NFL free agency and the trade period.

Speaker 0 (2m 5s): We are

Speaker 1 (2m 6s): Going to go through the champions like a little bit, not too much though.

Speaker 0 (2m 9s): Can I have a little insight on your knowledge about the champions league?

Speaker 1 (2m 13s): Not too much knowledge. Let me get into the Scott McLaughlin and the IndyCar.

Speaker 0 (2m 17s): Very excited for this segment actually.

Speaker 1 (2m 19s): And then IFL weekly breakdown. Then we're just going to get into the, our best bet of the week, which if I was here, I probably wouldn't put it on.

Speaker 0 (2m 31s): We're gonna get up this week and we'll take a tally on how many we get up. Hopefully a lot for all the listeners, we can win you some money. So Rob,

Speaker 5 (2m 39s): Can I let him get ideas?

Speaker 1 (2m 40s): Oh yeah. Hey Rob, he's

Speaker 0 (2m 42s): Easy. Our sport analyst and he knows everything to know about AFL and most sports in general. It's quite fascinating to see. And if you don't know Rob, you might've heard him from the second episode when big Rob from Queensland asked the question from, for lame R Brian, this is big Rob.

Speaker 5 (2m 59s): Here I am in the flesh. Biggest, biggest, better.

Speaker 0 (3m 3s): He is. So before we get into the weekly sport review, I'll have some Monday antiques that I noticed and it was of jazz. And look, I was a bit surprised to start the week. It was a massive week. It was so good to have 40 back, you know, crowds in attendance. What just an awesome week for them. We along was back all in all great week, get to work Monday morning. So we go to this cafe sorta everyday, cause we don't really have an alternative and they put some heat in gyms and now it's not my favorite cafes.


Speaker 1 (3m 44s): Yeah, look, I I'm, I've only just found something that I liked from the cafe this week.

Speaker 0 (3m 48s): We've been here for about six months. So are always hard stuff in your food and it's it's, it's like gold when you find it like some Ali

Speaker 1 (3m 56s): Hidden gems. It's so good. There's nothing better than just biting into a penny. And you've just caught an Ollie. If

Speaker 0 (4m 2s): That's correct. We're not a big fan of olives. Are we

Speaker 1 (4m 5s): Maybe something like, I dunno if they told us what was in there, bit of a description of what's in the food.

Speaker 0 (4m 10s): Okay. I wouldn't mind that it's yeah, but anyways, he wrote rock into the cafe on Monday morning and some days we'll have to Bly the boss of coffee. Now we always have to walk there and we walk back. And when we get the coffee for the boss, cause I don't drink coffee and neither does jazz. We're always taking the piss out of it. So we're always say it's too hot. How can you drink this at burn?

It burns your tongue. It tastes disgusting. It's just no good. Basically. So Monday morning get to the cafe and Jeremy walks in, he gets a beef and cheese pie, which he didn't enjoy. Share it out to the cafe

Speaker 1 (4m 55s): Was a good beef and cheese pie.

Speaker 0 (4m 56s): And he also says, I might order a coffee. And I looked at him and I just thought, what are you doing? You've never once said anything. Good about a coffee, not once, but here we are. What was going through your head when you said a coffee?

Speaker 1 (5m 13s): I think I woke up in the morning thinking, do you know what I'm feeling different today?

Speaker 0 (5m 17s): Feeling

Speaker 1 (5m 17s): Different, feeling a bit different. I don't know what I was feeling. So I got a coffee cappuccino. You got

Speaker 0 (5m 25s): A cappuccino with once you got

Speaker 1 (5m 26s): One sugar probably should have got to six. Well, she wasn't my favorite thing.

Speaker 0 (5m 31s): It wasn't your favorite. Anyway. So we made a big scene of it at the cafe and there's this bell on the front desk where you pay. And I started ringing the bell and yeah, it woke me up. I didn't need a coffee, but Jesse,

Speaker 1 (5m 42s): I'm

Speaker 0 (5m 42s): Going to get a coffee anyways enough about the coffee. And so lunch, lunchtime comes around and we're more, I'm more of a sort of like to eat healthy. Sometimes Jeremy's more of a deep fried sort of guy and we get to Westfield. Helen's Val shed at Westfield Hillandale.

Speaker 1 (6m 1s): We go there every

Speaker 0 (6m 2s): Day. We go there pretty much, literally every day. And Jeremy usually gets this, this thing called coffee. Unreal. If you haven't heard of it, KFC, Kibab, subway there bet you for that. You get

Speaker 1 (6m 17s): Yeah, maybe some Mac every now and then

Speaker 0 (6m 19s): Now. And then anyways, sometimes all I to ate a little bit healthy, so I might get a salad someday. So I've got a boost juice and a salad, actually a wrap chicken wrap from soul origin, Jeremy walks over and he goes, can I please have a beget

Speaker 1 (6m 34s): Obligate

Speaker 0 (6m 34s): I'll be get now what was running through your mind when you said a bit yet?

Speaker 1 (6m 40s): I just want it to be yet. What I was thinking about was the, yet

Speaker 0 (6m 45s): You just want them to beget

Speaker 1 (6m 46s): Not I was looking through the little window and I was thinking, oh, that'd be, gets catching me on. It is. So I thought I'd give it a go.

Speaker 0 (6m 55s): So yeah, we started the week off a little bit different here. And

Speaker 1 (6m 58s): I think I woke up this just on Monday morning thing. You know, just try some new things this week. I tried what, a coffee I beget. And then I did have a lemon lime and bitters for the first time. Also had a bottle of a very much scarf for the first time. So it's big week for me.

Speaker 0 (7m 15s): You haven't lived in Australia. If you haven't had a veggie Mott's girl and Jeremy hasn't had one. So I don't know what he's doing, but he's not living Berry. So we're going to get into it. Now what's on the first topic.

Speaker 1 (7m 29s): Oh, something that I don't really know too much about something. I don't even have a team for

Speaker 0 (7m 33s): You. Don't

Speaker 1 (7m 34s): I don't. It is the NFL free agency and trade period.

Speaker 0 (7m 38s): So before you choose your team, which will be a massive part of this. My knowledge on the NFL is I haven't missed a game in probably eight years. I'll wake up. So it starts at 3:00 AM in Australia, every Monday morning for the Sunday games. And I honestly can tell you, I haven't missed a Monday morning. I'm in love with the fantasy football sort of things over there that they do. And if you didn't hear the first episode, Cleveland Browns is me team. And there are some big news out of the Cleveland Browns this year, this week.

So we'll get into that. So Jeremy mate, you go for the SNM bombers and now I hear you want to choose a team that's colored red.

Speaker 1 (8m 21s): Yeah. Yeah. It's my favorite color. It's our favorite color. I'll do support every team that's red. So I've got, it was only two really. I've got SMB livable. That's it? This is how it goes every week. Loom.

Speaker 0 (8m 38s): Yeah, it does. Yeah. It's a sometimes off topic, but we get there in the end. So two teams that are red and Red's your favorite color. So have you looked through and chosen a team that you might want to support? You know, you have to stick with this team cause you know, I'm very strong on it.

Speaker 1 (8m 51s): Oh yeah. I'll stick with whatever team I get given though. That's all right.

Speaker 0 (8m 55s): So

Speaker 1 (8m 56s): I usually, I'm usually the way this works. When I peak teams is arm. I go off what my older brother does and I just usually pick whatever is

Speaker 0 (9m 5s): Easy. Follow in the footsteps of your older

Speaker 1 (9m 6s): Brother. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (9m 8s): Okay. Which brother is that?

Speaker 1 (9m 9s): Ah, that would be me. Eldest brother.

Speaker 0 (9m 10s): Brad, shout out bread. If you're listening.

Speaker 5 (9m 13s): Probably not.

Speaker 1 (9m 15s): I think he might. He might.

Speaker 0 (9m 16s): He might.

Speaker 1 (9m 17s): Okay. Slight chance.

Speaker 0 (9m 19s): So drum roll please.

Speaker 1 (9m 21s): Are we, am I picking my team now? Am I picking? You're doing that after

Speaker 5 (9m 25s): Maybe we should. All the pros and cons of a few.

Speaker 1 (9m 28s): I'll give you a list of all the red teams that I know of. Okay? Okay. We've got the Arizona Cardinals.

Speaker 0 (9m 33s): Yup. Good team.

Speaker 1 (9m 34s): Atlanta Falcons,

Speaker 0 (9m 36s): Not good.

Speaker 1 (9m 36s): San Francisco 49ers. Tampa bay Buccaneers.

Speaker 0 (9m 43s): Don't do it.

Speaker 5 (9m 45s): Just following Brighty,

Speaker 0 (9m 46s): Falling bread. You don't want to do that. Okay.

Speaker 1 (9m 48s): Washington. Commander's

Speaker 0 (9m 50s): Pretty shit.

Speaker 5 (9m 51s): Yeah. Yeah. They're not quite as tough. So what do you look for in a team? Do you like success? Do you like the underdog? What do you just like read?

Speaker 1 (9m 60s): I just got a red. Well the bombers they suck at the moment. Well,

Speaker 5 (10m 6s): Well yeah, no, you're right.

Speaker 1 (10m 7s): I'm right. After the last game they suck at them. I'm going to pull down Liverpool coming second at the moment.

Speaker 0 (10m 13s): We'll get to that.

Speaker 1 (10m 14s): Yep. And yeah, that's all the tails.

Speaker 5 (10m 17s): The Washington commanders do, they used to be the Redskins. Yup. And they were predominantly red uniform, but they, why uniform is a black one. It is.

Speaker 0 (10m 25s): So the red and black Arizona is kind of the same. Do you have a black away? Good youngster calamari at the helm. So

Speaker 5 (10m 34s): Washington pretty much have nothing going for

Speaker 0 (10m 36s): It literally. So if you're one of the support attainment might get zero wins this season. Washington's your team. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (10m 42s): What about we just look ahead, Bentley.

Speaker 0 (10m 44s): Okay. You want to rebuild?

Speaker 1 (10m 46s): No.

Speaker 0 (10m 46s): Okay. So

Speaker 1 (10m 47s): The last thing is also the Kansas city chase. Okay.

Speaker 5 (10m 50s): Nah, I stick away from them. Yeah. Flashing the pain.

Speaker 1 (10m 53s): So really you've narrowed it down to, I think to

Speaker 0 (10m 56s): Arizona and Atlanta. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (10m 59s): Yeah. Washington, Washington, Arizona and Washington,

Speaker 0 (11m 3s): Washington. You got three seconds to pick your team here. Jazz.

Speaker 1 (11m 8s): You need a drum roll or we're going

Speaker 0 (11m 10s): To get a drum roll.

Speaker 1 (11m 14s): I mean, we're going to go with the Arizona Cardinals.

Speaker 5 (11m 23s): Yes.

Speaker 0 (11m 24s): Here we go. So Kyla Marie and D hop two great players and they play for the Arizona Cardinals. Haven't had too much changes this off season. So they've pretty much got the same team as last year. Good choice jazz. Well done.

Speaker 1 (11m 39s): Thanks man.

Speaker 5 (11m 39s): Very good choice. A good team to watch.

Speaker 0 (11m 42s): Yeah, it is a good team. Exciting calamari throws and runs the ball anyways. So I want to deep dive into the free agency period and the trade recap of the weeks are the biggest story out of the NFL this week for me was to show him what's in leaving Houston and coming to the Cleveland Browns, massive trade for Cleveland. They've given up three first rounders. So this year, next year and the year after that, they've given up a 20, 22 fourth round choice and a third round pick in 2023, they receive the Sean Watson and a fourth round pick in 2024.

So they've given up basically their future for a guy that's very, very talented. I must say, had a year off with legal issues, but apparently those are sorted now. And if you can get back to his best, I think it's a great move for the Cleveland Browns. Now he was taken 12th in the 2017 draft by Houston and he's already a three time pro ball. So that just says a little, little bit about him in his career.

He's got over 30 touchdowns passing and rushing three times and over 5,000 yards passing and rushing once, which was the 2020 season Cleveland also added Amari Cooper. Now most people think he's been around the lake a long time. He has, but he was one of

Speaker 5 (13m 10s): The most people arrived.

Speaker 0 (13m 12s): He was one of the youngest players ever drafted to the NFL. So he's only age 27. Now I really think this is a good move in. Cleveland saved 15 mil on a re restructure of his contract, which is massive for us. Cause we didn't have the cap space at the moment. And we gave a fifth round and a six round pick to the Dallas Cowboys. He was drafted in 2015, number four overall by the Oakland Raiders at the time. And he's a four time pro balls.

So I think Cleveland had been making really strong moves and I'm not sure what they're going to do with baker and he's not happy at the moment

Speaker 5 (13m 51s): Could end up in Washington

Speaker 0 (13m 53s): Could end up in Washington. I think the saints and the Carolina Panthers are the most interested at the moment by talks. But we'll see how that goes. I, we want a first round pick. I don't know if we'll get it, but

Speaker 5 (14m 7s): What do you, what do you think of the trade though? Because you're right. They've given up a hell of a lot to get on onto the roster.

Speaker 0 (14m 12s): Yeah. I don't know. It's it's so unknown with the year he took off and all the legal issues now are solved in my knowledge, but I think he comes into a team with a very good, which he didn't have it. What Houston, he had a shocking offensive line. He got sacked like 30 times a season that won't happen in Cleveland.

Speaker 5 (14m 36s): It feels a lot like the trade, the Rams and the lines did with Stafford. The Rams gave up a hell of a lot to get Stafford and raised a few eyebrows at the time. But 12 months later, obviously obviously perfect trade. That was for the Rams.

Speaker 0 (14m 51s): So good things out of the Cleveland Browns gave off a hell of a lot, but it's going to show four on the pitch. So we'll see. Time will tell, I heard OBJ wants to come back this morning on Twitter. I'm not sure if that will happen, but we'll see how we go. Now breaking news from the NRL this morning, which caught my eye and I never predicted this in a million years, Tyreek hill was traded to the Miami dolphins

Speaker 1 (15m 18s): Arrow by the way,

Speaker 0 (15m 19s): NFL, I think I said, hopefully Tara hill got traded to the Miami dolphins. Now Al was before that he was on a podcast saying how much he loves playing with Patrick Mahara is, and this is Exactly right. They've given up a lot Miami, which you usually don't pay for a receiver because in the draft sort of, it goes like quarterback O-line D-line as the top three priorities. Cause he can get running backs later in the draft and more receivers now unexpected.

But from a Miami point of view with tour, he doesn't have to throw 50 are bombs, Tyreek hill.

Speaker 5 (16m 1s): That's exactly right.

Speaker 0 (16m 3s): He's a Playmaker. He just a wide receiver screen. And let him make the play from a Kansas city point of view. I think this hurts Patrick. My is more than most people will think they did sign Juju Smith Schuster from Pittsburgh, but it's not the same player. They lack wide receivers and depth. Now they did get a first round pig. What they do with that maybe receiver. We're not sure there's some good receivers in this draft, but

Speaker 5 (16m 35s): It's going to take time from our homes to establish it.

Speaker 0 (16m 37s): Oh yeah.

Speaker 5 (16m 38s): But yeah.

Speaker 0 (16m 40s): So the he's only got Kelsey now he's getting a year older. So he's getting very old injury prone as well.

Speaker 1 (16m 46s): So some bangs. Yeah, yeah. Getting a year older. That's usually how this works. Isn't it? The world

Speaker 0 (16m 50s): Works. It is Jess. Thanks for your comment.

Speaker 5 (16m 53s): Super coach has come in and given his

Speaker 1 (16m 55s): Update.

Speaker 0 (16m 56s): So they go first, a second, a fourth and a fourth and sixth and 20, 23 big trade

Speaker 5 (17m 5s): Risk,

Speaker 0 (17m 6s): Big

Speaker 5 (17m 6s): Risk. He could risk be reward for Noemi

Speaker 0 (17m 8s): Heel, his injury prone as well. So

Speaker 5 (17m 13s): Why am you need to do something? Because they're bordering on becoming irrelevant. Now they are, and I'm a big jets fan and we're in the same division and the jets are in the same boat for 20 years. We've been up against Brady and the Patriots in one division and it's not easy. It's not. And you've got to make, and the NFL is such a beast that you're in a division with only four teams in it. And if you're in a division that's like that, you need to

Speaker 0 (17m 38s): Play them twice a year.

Speaker 5 (17m 39s): Yep. You need to rotate well, anime. Sorry about that. You need to get those plays into, to have a shot. And probably now with the, with the Patriots being with are, they're probably looking it as an opportunity to maybe sneak a win in the division.

Speaker 0 (17m 53s): Yeah. I think Buffalo is still the strongest

Speaker 5 (17m 54s): Buffalo. Of course they're strong. Yeah, absolutely. But they're not, they're not Brady and Patriot strong.

Speaker 0 (17m 59s): Nope. And we're getting into the next one. We're trying to skim through these just a little bit. Russell Wilson.

Speaker 5 (18m 6s): Crazy.

Speaker 0 (18m 6s): Wow. This has been a massive off season. To be honest. I've like on Twitter, I'm pretty active with the NFL sort of side of things. And most people have tweeted out saying this is the most hectic off season they've ever seen ever, ever, ever. So just as a little bit about this off season now, Russell Wilson went from the Seattle Seahawks to the Denver Broncos. The package includes Wilson and a fourth round pick in exchange for two first round pigs, two second round picks a fifth round pick drew, Locke, Shelby Harris, and no offense.

It's a lot to give up

Speaker 5 (18m 44s): And a huge amount, but Denver's a good feed for Russell. I agree. Russell's arm, I think has been deteriorating and it's in its strength. Go and play in Denver where you're playing in altitude. It's going to make it a little bit easier for him. So I'm really keen to see how Denver,

Speaker 0 (19m 1s): I think it's a perfect fit for him to be honest as well. I think Jerry Judy Courtland Sutton and Tim Patrick comment, like those receivers are absolutely incredible. And I think Russell Wilson, you know, I think he's going to be very good there. So, and you know, he's got the, he's got the credentials as well, you know, as a Superbowl MVP winner, he, he holds the record for the most wins by an NFL quarterback through nine seasons of his career.

Speaker 5 (19m 35s): I think it's good for him to get away from Pete Carroll as well.

Speaker 0 (19m 37s): Yeah, not a fan of Pete Carroll.

Speaker 5 (19m 38s): Oh, I'm a fan of Pete Carroll, but the site with a quarterback coach relationship nine years,

Speaker 0 (19m 44s): Tom Brady and Belichick in a way. Yep. So time does take its toll and Russell Wilson gets what he wanted and he does massive payday and it, all these trades basically are paydays. So, you know, I guess it's a risk for Denver to take their future out of it as well. Drew lock and no fan both up there with first second round picks. So incredible. Now, Rob.

Yes. Brady returning at the age of 44. What are you going to tell me about?

Speaker 5 (20m 18s): It tells me are retired from my sporting career too early. Probably a bit older than 44 now, but only just what happened. He went home, spent a couple months at home and went, geez, I've got to get back to work.

Speaker 0 (20m 31s): Couldn't do it.

Speaker 5 (20m 33s): Yeah. Just couldn't stay at home with the kids and the wife look, why not? If he can, if he can produce in so bad, you know, it's not like they didn't do well in 2021.

Speaker 0 (20m 42s): No. Pretty good.

Speaker 5 (20m 43s): Yeah, they did pretty well. So I think probably Gronkowski said to him, mate, don't me here on my own.

Speaker 0 (20m 48s): Well, he's going to come back on hearing you as well. So yeah,

Speaker 5 (20m 51s): So they both want to payday. The grok would have, the Gronk would have partied away his last few bucks and decided he needed to come back in a few days.

Speaker 0 (20m 59s): For sure. So makes everything more interesting again, because my one motto about NFL is never bet against Brady in the player.

Speaker 5 (21m 6s): Never bet against Brady and never buy his last touchdown ball. The other motto, you can

Speaker 0 (21m 10s): Go

Speaker 5 (21m 11s): $518,000 us, us, and six hours later, he came back and you know what? They've they've come out and look, it's not Tom Brady. Some cryptocurrency company have come out and said, we're going to give the personal board that as compensation one, Bitcoin, which is worth $56,000. So he gets a 10% discount on an absolute bust.

Speaker 0 (21m 37s): Yeah.

Speaker 5 (21m 39s): Like money

Speaker 0 (21m 39s): Wise,

Speaker 5 (21m 40s): Don't pay for it. You'd pay 519,000 for Brady Baldwins year,

Speaker 0 (21m 45s): Two years after he retired. And the last trait I want to touch on is a big one in my eyes, a big one for green bay, big one for Las Vegas. Davante Adams goes to the Raiders for a first and second round pig and a massive payday

Speaker 5 (22m 3s): Devonte Adams or Aaron Rogers. Which one did you think would be a packer in 2022?

Speaker 0 (22m 9s): Look, I thought Davante Adams would be the

Speaker 5 (22m 10s): Two. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Very surprised. I was surprised at Rogers went back because he just seems to become a style like he's playing as well as he ever has. I mean, he's, you know, he's he is the man, but I think the club had basically same to have run the race with him. Almost

Speaker 0 (22m 31s): The issue I have with Adam Rogers now used to be my favorite player growing up just to watch. But you look at all the successful quarterbacks that have come through now they've taken pay cuts to get a good team around them. Aaron Rogers does the opposite. You can't afford to be paid 50 million a year and expect to have the number two number one and two receivers on your team. It just doesn't work.

Speaker 5 (22m 55s): And if you're getting paid there, you got to start producing championship rings.

Speaker 0 (22m 58s): Exactly. Right. And you can't do that without a good team. And there is no iron team and Aaron Rogers,

Speaker 5 (23m 3s): Even individual brilliance. So

Speaker 0 (23m 5s): You can take the individual metals, but I don't, you know, I think like look at Brady and he takes massive pay cuts to be with any team that he plays for. So Aaron Rogers have Google

Speaker 5 (23m 21s): Just remember too though. The Tom Brady is not the major wage earner in his family.

Speaker 0 (23m 27s): Alright. It's not.

Speaker 5 (23m 29s): He should, he should be the stay at home. Dad. Trust me. If I was married to Jayla, do whatever you told me to do.

Speaker 0 (23m 35s): I will get off the NFL now that I was

Speaker 5 (23m 37s): Be connoting with her day and night. But anyway,

Speaker 0 (23m 42s): Now Jess, you want to take us through your segment of the champions league for that don't know the champions league. It's a competition that the top four big five leagues get in. And I don't know how

Speaker 1 (23m 56s): It, of every league as well

Speaker 0 (23m 57s): As a little bit of every lead, but the top four from the top, from the top five European leagues, make it to the champions league. If I know correctly. And you're a bit of a soccer slash football guru, however you want to call it. So we'll let you take it

Speaker 1 (24m 13s): From a really soccer guru, but

Speaker 0 (24m 16s): They figure,

Speaker 1 (24m 19s): I might just, I'll just tell you the repeal actually ran a 16 games and their scores and then we'll get into in the quarterfinals, which is in two weeks. Yep. And yeah, that's about it.

Speaker 0 (24m 30s): Okay. We'll take

Speaker 1 (24m 31s): Us through it. All right. And they're out of 16, we had a ban, the RB Salsburg, bam. One eight to aggregate. The first game was one or

Speaker 0 (24m 43s): Well,

Speaker 1 (24m 44s): So they won seven one in the second game.

Speaker 0 (24m 46s): Massive. Excellent maths. Well done. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (24m 49s): It's all up here. Just like my buddy over here. He's an athlete of all methods, Liverpool versus inter with one to one on aggregate.

Speaker 0 (25m 1s): Hold on one. The pool

Speaker 1 (25m 2s): Man city versus sporting Vancity one, five Neal. Yeah, I agree. It real Madrid, diverse PSG, Rio Madrid. One to three times.

Speaker 0 (25m 10s): I believe that I can't believe real real Madrid bait pastry. Ah, I'm stunned. Madrid's team is just

Speaker 1 (25m 18s): Let him have Benzema as well.

Speaker 0 (25m 19s): I know that that was missed. They're missing massive players and they've come out and beat PSG.

Speaker 1 (25m 23s): Good on them.

Speaker 0 (25m 26s): The PSG stuff in a second, you've got some important news to tell us.

Speaker 1 (25m 30s): let it go in Madrid, Athletico one to one,

Speaker 0 (25m 33s): The big queen for it. Let it go. I always beat menu.

Speaker 1 (25m 37s): It's a huge one coming up. Yeah. I asked for us Ben faker, Ben fake a 1, 2, 3 of what? The, I just said three, two. And you've a Villa rail Villa rail 1 4, 1 8.

Speaker 0 (25m 54s): You have a incredible,

Speaker 1 (25m 56s): That's unreal.

Speaker 0 (25m 58s): Massive out of the champions league. Unexpected. I'm going to pick that up.

Speaker 1 (26m 1s): Little vest. Chelsea Chelsea 1 41. Okay. So in the quarterfinals we've got Ben fake of us. Liverpool.

Speaker 0 (26m 7s): I'll take a little porn

Speaker 1 (26m 9s): Main city versus Athletico

Speaker 0 (26m 11s): Take main city

Speaker 1 (26m 12s): Villere Elvis' band

Speaker 0 (26m 13s): Take pine

Speaker 1 (26m 15s): Chelsea,

Speaker 0 (26m 18s): Chelsea,

Speaker 1 (26m 19s): Chelsea. You've got three of the premier league teams or the premier league team is looking at this.

Speaker 0 (26m 24s): I think yeah. The premier league is the hardest league in my opinion. And besides, I don't think real Madrid's team's very good Athletico, white beat man city and Ben faker, which is a Portuguese team. I don't think they'll be Liverpool. So yeah, I've taken which hate to see I'm not a big fan of the Liverpool Chelsea or main city as an Everton supporter, but my hope to wins, buy-in

Speaker 1 (26m 52s): Some unreal saints coming for the quarterfinals. It is the first time in 16 years at Christiana Renata or Leanna MSCI not to played in the quarterfinals.

Speaker 0 (27m 3s): Massive.

Speaker 5 (27m 4s): That's a great stat.

Speaker 1 (27m 6s): She's all up here. All

Speaker 5 (27m 8s): They're all up there.

Speaker 0 (27m 9s): 16 years,

Speaker 1 (27m 10s): 16 years.

Speaker 0 (27m 12s): Wow. That's a famous song. That's a massive new generation coming through.

Speaker 1 (27m 22s): It's about a local for the champions like, oh,

Speaker 0 (27m 24s): Thanks Jess. Good, good wrap up. Good

Speaker 1 (27m 26s): Results. Yeah. I thought it'd be quick

Speaker 0 (27m 28s): For, for Liverpool

Speaker 1 (27m 30s): Dubs.

Speaker 0 (27m 31s): Dubs. Yeah. We liked

Speaker 5 (27m 32s): OBS easy.

Speaker 0 (27m 33s): Now this next topic it's so my family live in the states and I'm very close to the IndyCar sort of family been to heaps of races over there and where we used to have a racing team in the IndyCar series is called AFS racing. And one of our own V8 supercar driver or just Supercars. Now Scott McLaughlin is performing at the highest level against very, very good races. So if you don't know much about car it's half ovals.

So they just go around on an oval track and it's half road courses. They get up to speeds of 380 kilometers an hour on an oval, which is pretty much faster than a formula one car, which is very, very quick. Some of the drivers in the series that if you haven't heard that a pretty good romaine growth on from the formula one series, Marcus Eriksen also came from formula one, Scott Dixon, New Zealand,

Speaker 5 (28m 32s): Lawsuits

Speaker 0 (28m 33s): And willpower, the Aussie He's second in the championship at the moment.

Speaker 5 (28m 39s): He's two,

Speaker 0 (28m 41s): But Scott McLaughlin one year in the series is a rookie one he's first. So started the season this year, polled P one at the St. Our streets of St. Petersburg, race

Speaker 5 (28m 54s): Petersburg in Russia.

Speaker 0 (28m 55s): It's not, it's the one in Florida and he managed to win

Speaker 5 (28m 60s): Pretty impressive.

Speaker 0 (29m 0s): It is very impressive. He let start to finish basically, and didn't look back the rice number two.

Speaker 5 (29m 9s): Second rice

Speaker 0 (29m 9s): Is the second race that was on Texas motor Speedway, the CS. So basically if you're coming from someone, so he just rode suit, drove super cars, which is just road courses, going into an oval is very scary.

Speaker 5 (29m 24s): Can I ask a question about the ovals? Because I don't know a hell of a lot. I follow the formula one closely. I love the formula one and I watch a bit of uni. Now, when you're in a car going around an oval at 380 kilometers an hour, this question could be the dumbest question ever asked, but I'm going to go with dumb questions here. Write down questions you were about to, this is about to be challenged. Do they get dizzy? Just kind of ran and ran around? I mean, like

Speaker 0 (29m 48s): There's too much. They wouldn't get

Speaker 5 (29m 51s): It. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (29m 55s): But one, one false move. And you're in the wall at 380 K's in the hour. It's one of the most dangerous it is in my opinion, the most dangerous thing you can do in a motor sport. I've been to a few races where unfortunately people have passed away from driving. That's what I don't drive at the Las Vegas international Speedway anymore. So one of the most scary times to crash on an oval in an Indy car.

Now, Peter, the race too.

Speaker 5 (30m 29s): Oh yeah. Sorry about that. A

Speaker 0 (30m 31s): Texas motor Speedway. It has, it's one of the highest banking ovals on the schedule and very, so you start to get a good, so basically wins massive in IndyCar. So if you'd like a good streamline behind the cards, it very easily overtake last lap. Scott has led pretty much the whole race he's part A's teammate Josef Newgarden had a very good exit out of P corner three and just knock up.

And it was a photo finish. And unfortunately, Scotty got P two in that race.

Speaker 1 (31m 7s): Dumb question. How are the corners in a circle?

Speaker 5 (31m 10s): Great question.

Speaker 0 (31m 12s): Circle oval. It's an oval.

Speaker 5 (31m 15s): Sorry. Oh, so this corner is in an oval,

Speaker 1 (31m 18s): But not as fast

Speaker 0 (31m 18s): As four corners basically.

Speaker 5 (31m 20s): So hang on, hang on. Look, this is, this is, I think this is riveting podcasting here, jazz. So if we went to the mcg, which is an oval, are they corners?

Speaker 1 (31m 30s): Okay.

Speaker 5 (31m 31s): Okay. Now we'll just, I think we'll leave it at that. Geez.

Speaker 1 (31m 33s): So I would count it as a, as a, you know, yeah, just two years instead of four corners.

Speaker 0 (31m 40s): So basically they count it when you drive into the first sorta left-hander, that's one, there'll be a straight, a small straight, and then into the second left-hand corner to,

Speaker 5 (31m 56s): So if we were here in Australia and we were doing oval racing, like they do in the states, would we go the other way around? Because we drove on the other side.

Speaker 0 (32m 2s): Interesting comment. I'm not sure because I don't know too many ovals on the, in Australia.

Speaker 5 (32m 8s): They used to be thunder, thunder park, I think in Sant. I'm not saying it in, in Melbourne. Okay. I think, yeah. So anyway, they're just, Hey, these are just questions popping up into my head.

Speaker 0 (32m 18s): So Scotty is leading the championship at the moment, which is good to see he's leading by about 40 points. So good to see for Scotty. We'll keep you updated on Scotty throughout the year. As I think it's really intriguing to see a supercar driver go to an open wheel race and absolutely kill it. So up next is my grand Prix. It's the grand Prix of long beach and it's on the 10th of April for anyone wanting to watch that all right now onto the sport, we all know and love here in Australia.

Jess, take us through it.

Speaker 1 (32m 53s): It's IFL.

Speaker 0 (32m 54s): It is AFL.

Speaker 5 (32m 60s): If you can only see Jesus' face right now,

Speaker 0 (33m 2s): And he's not happy with me, cause I'd just push stuff onto him. But yeah, you gotta be ready for anything here at the 2% podcast.

Speaker 1 (33m 9s): I'm not ready for anything.

Speaker 0 (33m 10s): Well, take us through the first thing we've got narrow gender. This is breaking news,

Speaker 1 (33m 16s): Breaking news to sample gas coming you first, Dustin Martin is taking personal leave and it didn't show up after Monday metric review.

Speaker 0 (33m 27s): There you go. What are your thoughts? Rob?

Speaker 5 (33m 30s): Look, I mean, he's been through a lot in the last 12 months with his dad passing away overseas and even just the whole situation with his father in New Zealand. And he got deported there and everything like that. And then when he passed away, you know, what, what in my mind, what did dusty have to play for? You know, he he's won premierships, he's won norms with metals and there's no other person that's one, three. And I doubt that that will ever happen again. Yeah. I was surprised he came back to play at all. So, and remembering too that we don't know what the personal situation is and we have no idea. So we wish him all the best.

We hope it's nothing too serious or something that he can at least work through. But yeah, I was surprised that he came back at all. So to hear this news surprised, yes. Shocked. Probably not.

Speaker 0 (34m 12s): Yep. Well for Richmond they'd done in my opinion. Well, there was no Martin, no prestige.

Speaker 1 (34m 19s): If that means Bolton steps up, he has been playing pretty good

Speaker 0 (34m 23s): Hartford.

Speaker 5 (34m 24s): Yeah. And look, Bolton is a different kind of player. He's not going to get in there and get the hard ball. He's not going to have the best, the best play from the opposition. Count to him and not be a problem. Bolton. Bolton's a doubt in my mind, he's a downhill skier when the team's going well, he is a superstar and Martin is possibly the best player that we've seen for the last 30 years.

Speaker 0 (34m 47s): 100%. Now this has torn a few heads here at the pod fire studio and the tribunal news For round one. Now I'll let Rob and Jeremy dissect it because I'm on the side of Rob. And I think the tribunal has messed up here round one once again.

And they've set themselves up to failure for the rest of the season. It's not a good look for the game in my own opinion. And they could have come out on Wednesday and said, we're going to challenge it. They even tweeted or came out with a statement that said that it's the wrong decision basically, but they're not going to challenge it. So I honestly don't, I'm clueless at this point, but Jeremy, do you want to take us through your first opinion on the Tribune news between Mr. Robinson and the one with Willie Raleigh?

Speaker 1 (35m 48s): Well, look,

Speaker 5 (35m 50s): Don't follow me up,

Speaker 1 (35m 52s): Rob. Doesn't like what I said yesterday.

Speaker 0 (35m 55s): Nope. So what you got to say

Speaker 1 (35m 57s): After looking at it numerous times, months, cause apparently arming the wrong severely in the wrong I, to be fair, I think really, really should have gotten awake.

Speaker 5 (36m 13s): William,

Speaker 0 (36m 13s): This is false from what he said,

Speaker 1 (36m 16s): It's it's changed. Yes, but I think you should have gotten a week, but I also still think Robert should've gotten a week.

Speaker 5 (36m 24s): Okay. My, my thing on that is exactly what you're saying. Rabo. Look, I don't, I find it very hard to understand how a player is supposed to disappear. He was standing still DARS may hit him. It didn't hit him in the head, hit him in the shoulder. Okay. Broken collarbone. It's not great.

Speaker 1 (36m 41s): It did originally. He did hit him in the head at the start

Speaker 5 (36m 45s): Watching different vision. But do I

Speaker 1 (36m 47s): Do have a bug?

Speaker 5 (36m 49s): Yeah. Well, whatever. Like the week for that I can live with that. If Willie rollies wasn't overturned, Willie always being overturned was just, I would have given it more than robots he's left the grantees he's turned. The bodies hit him in the head. The, the, the chances of injury is so much higher in that, in that instance, he's lucky he hit met Ray. Who's a tough little nugget.

Speaker 0 (37m 10s): If that's that's my thoughts on it. You know, I think if Raul goes down with concussion, he gets multiple weeks. It can't be, the tribunal can assess the incidents based on injury.

Speaker 5 (37m 22s): No outcomes. It is potential for injury is what they should be doing it.

Speaker 0 (37m 26s): We've got dated on the

Speaker 5 (37m 27s): Yeah, but we've got Scott Draper, sorry mate. But he shouldn't be playing this week. He punched a Blake. Oh yeah. Now he gets a fine for punching somebody, which is a premeditated act. You swing and you hit, you've got may not who cops two weeks in the preseason for very similar incident to really, really, you know, where he left the grant and should have been suspended and when he gets off.

Speaker 1 (37m 48s): So what I was saying to my parents last night was so really rallies

Speaker 0 (37m 54s): And share that Jody

Speaker 1 (37m 55s): Really, really is in the wrong. Yes. But at the same time, Matt rail is looking the opposite way, running towards a football. And if Willie really gets swept under his feet and lands on his head, what happens then you

Speaker 0 (38m 9s): Can't tell me that Willie really didn't know what he was

Speaker 1 (38m 12s): Doing. He to be fair. He had eyes on the footie the whole time.

Speaker 5 (38m 17s): Yes. He had eyes for the, through the whole time, except when he took his eyes off the field. So he he's, he's initial stuff. And this is where we get to a situation where we, we there's two sides of the coin. We're trying to protect the player's heads. We're trying to protect the potential for lawsuits coming back at the AFL in the years to come. If the AFL don't crack down on this, we're going to have players in 20 years time suing the AFL saying I now have brain injuries that were caused through football. So we've the AFL must be seen to be trying to stamp it out.

However, at the same time we have got a brutal gladiatorial game where these things happen and what do we expect players to do? I don't know.

Speaker 0 (38m 57s): Well, we don't know anymore. And Jack Ray Walton, Zach Merritt said that on IFR 360 with that stated we really should get awake. They both said it. Yep. That's the rules that have been given.

Speaker 1 (39m 8s): It's also basically a hanger at the same time.

Speaker 5 (39m 12s): Yeah. Yeah. And I think that was one of their, one of their arguments was that if we see a player jumped from behind a player, put their knees in the back of a players back or shoulders, we, we Lord that as being an

Speaker 0 (39m 24s): Amazing context of free kick.

Speaker 5 (39m 26s): I was a freaky, freaky kick was paid. I don't even think a freaky was Powell.

Speaker 1 (39m 31s): Wasn't paid.

Speaker 5 (39m 33s): That's an error for sure. But look, I'm mystified by it. And as you said, Liam, before, what we ended up doing is we get in a social situation where the AFL kind of paint themselves into a corner that if that happens again, they should let the player off. Will that happen? I doubt it. I reckon the next person that goes up with that same thing will get two weeks.

Speaker 0 (39m 52s): Well, yeah, it's, it's the thing like I think Mark Robinson said it well, you know, I said, he said that the IFL for them disputing it for the, at the tribunal, the AFL should be like, we shouldn't, we're not going to waste our time. He's two weeks. Yep. I thought it was easily a week. And anyone that does the same thing or all they have to do is show him the exact video that really, really did to Matt rail. And it's going to be an issue

Speaker 5 (40m 20s): In the past. Clubs have tried that and the AFL, why? But off saying two separate incidents and this is where it's not exactly. And this is where the AFL need to. I think come, you know, move with the times and they've got all our precedent. Precedent is not a president is not allowed in the AFL tribunal. Now, if you do something in court, they'll use present. Yeah. But in an AFL tribunal, it's not each case. Look, Let's do our own

Speaker 0 (40m 46s): Pies aside

Speaker 1 (40m 48s): On a falling out. Did anyone see the photo that I'm the west coast used for Willard to try and get him out of it Where they, they were like, he didn't hit him in the head and it was the frame before he hit him in the head and then the same hitting him in there.

Speaker 5 (41m 1s): And I did see that. And you see the, the spit coming out of Matt rail's face and yeah,

Speaker 0 (41m 6s): Well, we're going to dive into the games from the AFL on the weekend. It was very good to have AFL background. One was a beauty in all the odds of Calton supporters and great to see fans back at the mcg

Speaker 5 (41m 24s): 40 backs. Great.

Speaker 0 (41m 25s): It's great.

Speaker 5 (41m 26s): Having the fans back in Melbourne was

Speaker 0 (41m 28s): Unbelievable. You were there and we'll let you touch on that when we get to that those particular games. But we'll start off with round one. And the first game of the season, Melbourne 14, 13 97 defeated the Western bulldogs, 11 5 71 best on ground at Christian Petracca 38 touches two goals, one and 869 meters gained, which is massive for a midfielder Oliver had 32 brand brand. Ben brown had three goals, three interesting stats for mine.

The bulldogs had more touches. The Melbourne shows the not using it. And this is the biggest one that I found from the game that not many people brought up to be honest. So efficiency inside the 50 Melbourne, 60%, 34 shots from 57 inside fifties and Western bulldogs, 35%, 18 from 51.

Speaker 5 (42m 22s): Well, that was comprehensively beaten. They

Speaker 0 (42m 25s): Then I have enough up forward. Yep. You can't play as ain't Gordy up there as a defender for six years and he's not going to do it. You have to pay, play Uber hanging.

Speaker 5 (42m 33s): Yep. They've got

Speaker 0 (42m 34s): It. Which she's in this week.

Speaker 5 (42m 37s): How, how he's getting the game? How sorry, how Josh, he was going to go ahead of him was bewildering. And I'm a massive Josh shaky fan. I think he should be playing that back. Yep. And you will hiking up forward and that'll give him something to go for.

Speaker 0 (42m 50s): So disappointing for the dogs to lose round one, but they came up against the better side in the end. And I just want to get your thoughts on the Luke beverage post game. Blow up.

Speaker 5 (43m 2s): If it wasn't for the day after and what happened there, we'd still be talking about it now, but it's, it's disappeared. All my says, Look in my mind, disgraceful. Absolutely. Zero respect, poor old Tom Morris, copped it the next day. And you know what he did was even worse. I admit, but it had nothing to do with what happened Wednesday night. And the AFL seemed to have forgotten about it because the bulldog said we'll Chuck some money to a charity. I'm sure he is listening to this nearby. Wake up to yourself, mate,

Speaker 0 (43m 31s): From big walk from Queensland. Next game of the week.

Speaker 5 (43m 34s): There's a headline for you. It's going to be on the Herald. So

Speaker 1 (43m 37s): The mighty blows

Speaker 0 (43m 38s): The mighty mighty blues. It's been 10 long

Speaker 5 (43m 40s): Years. Do this one please. No, I don't know if I can put up with this

Speaker 0 (43m 45s): 10, long years for the mighty blues fans to win round one backs against the wall. Every time we come into this game,

Speaker 5 (43m 53s): Yada yada yada,

Speaker 0 (43m 55s): And my God, I

Speaker 1 (43m 56s): Might just go to the next one. Now

Speaker 0 (43m 57s): What a win was for the Carlton football club, exciting to see all the new faces, Sam Doggett, he backed

Speaker 5 (44m 6s): All twice.

Speaker 0 (44m 7s): So,

Speaker 1 (44m 8s): Yep. It's a great fast.

Speaker 0 (44m 11s): Yeah. My joy. I came to work the next morning with the theme song playing from my phone. I will get into some of the stats. So 14, 17 1 I one to Richmond, 11, 10 76 probably could have won by more Carlton, to be honest. In the end, Crips 30 goals, three 30 touches three goals.

Speaker 5 (44m 32s): Should we? The Coleman

Speaker 0 (44m 34s): 679 made his gain Kennedy 33, 1 goal two Chera 30 and a goal docket 26 and a goal 96% efficiency. The stat that kind of was a talking point of the game and kind of made the difference. 14 tackles for Carlton inside four 50 to Richmond, one inside Ford 50. Not enough pressure for Richmond Fords. Well,

Speaker 5 (45m 2s): Well the PR so obviously it's pressure, but why are they putting the pressure on that? They used to, I just think they've lost the passion. Ah,

Speaker 0 (45m 9s): To be honest, I don't think

Speaker 1 (45m 10s): I've won enough as it is.

Speaker 5 (45m 11s): Yeah. Bloody eyes. Well, give someone else again.

Speaker 0 (45m 14s): Jack Ray Walton, Tom Lynch, as soon as soon as it comes to the ground, they don't want to know about it. No. And for the poor younger guys, like I'm not, if Tom Lynch doesn't mark, he's no good to be honest or a free kick. They just didn't look good. And Richmond.

Speaker 5 (45m 31s): Well, w we're going to cop a whole heap of reflection from DEMA over the next few weeks. I think. Yeah. Deemer and BEVA should get together. I reckon that would be a one hell of

Speaker 0 (45m 41s): A

Speaker 5 (45m 42s): Hilarious, no, that would be listen to those to whinge and yeah, I think they're probably, I don't think there might be eight this year.

Speaker 0 (45m 50s): I think they're done. Richmond equals done. So Carlton take on the bulldogs tonight. Very exciting game for anyone watching and it should be close game. Next game, Jess,

Speaker 1 (45m 60s): That'd be the science versus Collingwood where saints were disappointing. So the least, I thought they would've come out on top, but they have not a Collingwood. One fifteen, twelve, a hundred and two to saints. 12, 13 85

Speaker 0 (46m 17s): Was good.

Speaker 5 (46m 18s): First Keke was a shocker though. Wasn't it turned it over.

Speaker 1 (46m 23s): Jack Hayes on David was unreal.

Speaker 0 (46m 27s): It was a highlight for St. Kilda, which for me comes that it's a positive and a concern at the same time. When you debutantes your best on ground round one, It was a couple of during the week,

Speaker 5 (46m 42s): The big names in five or just didn't Ben king banking had a better game on the weekend. The max did and bends in. Ben's got his leg in plaster or whatever they were. I was at this game. One of the two games that I was able to attend in Melbourne, a crowd of about 40,000, which was, which was nice. But at the same time disappointing because I really thought that they would have jam packed that place on on Friday night. One of the, probably for me, because I did find the game, I found it a little tedious. The game, to be honest, I thought that once calling was going ahead, they didn't seem to be challenged until late when saccular actually hit the lead.

When that happened, I thought the powers are gone. In fact, and this is something you don't pick up when you watch it on TV. But Winston Kilda kicked that goal to hit the lead late in the game. I reckon there was about eight Collingwood players who were on, on the ground stretching and looking like they were struggling for running their legs. And then all of a sudden they came back. But the highlight at Marvel and I do love my footy, but it was a $2 pies.

Speaker 0 (47m 46s): I wasn't

Speaker 5 (47m 48s): Back. Yeah. Sorry.

Speaker 0 (47m 51s): The lines,

Speaker 5 (47m 52s): The lines were massive and a bottle of soft drink cushy $9 four, but I was still over 10 bucks for a drink and a, now it wasn't, but Now look, I think Collingwood, lowish and all the best. And that's, that's a lot coming from me because I'm traditionally been brought up not to like Collingwood, but before the game, seeing Craig McCray and Justin LePage as a lions fan, that was pretty cool to see those two boys back together,

Speaker 0 (48m 17s): Craig McCray. Yep.

Speaker 5 (48m 19s): And he coached, well,

Speaker 0 (48m 20s): He did. I thought calling were just too good on the day. Got too far ahead. St. Kilda once again. Same story. Every single year for the St. Kilda football club, in my opinion, got the, got the names to do it and just don't perform so not good enough. See how they go this week now, jazz onto your team. Yeah. The middle ear disappointing.

Speaker 1 (48m 40s): Well, most disciplined in game of the, of the round. I thought that the bombers were going to come out on top.

Speaker 0 (48m 46s): So I had picked him as well.

Speaker 1 (48m 47s): Yeah. It did not happen. Bombers lost by. I don't even know how much, cause I don't want to know. Okay. Twenty eighteen, a hundred and thirty eight to Julong. Don's 11 6 72 it's. As you said before, it's pretty disappointing to see your number one player being a kid on David.

Speaker 5 (49m 8s): What a game though? Oh,

Speaker 0 (49m 10s): 27 1.

Speaker 5 (49m 11s): The rising star nation this week. Well done. Beatnik day costs.

Speaker 0 (49m 15s): Yep. And bait with Shelly

Speaker 5 (49m 16s): Or Shelly. Shelly.

Speaker 1 (49m 18s): I couldn't believe how good he played, but Dangerfield. We just could not stop him bursting out of the middle.

Speaker 5 (49m 26s): What, what pisses me off about Jalong is that they keep doing these performances. They produce these games. I don't know that they'll I don't, I don't think they're going to make pulling referrals is she liked to have, but I thought S and N I didn't look. I still think as, and we'll make the finals. Okay. All right. Because let's remember, let's go back 12 months and the Brisbane lions were absolutely deplorable in round one against the swans on the Brisbane lions home ground Sydney just took them apart at the end of the season, still finished top four.

So it doesn't mean the only, the only worry with this news, do they have the depth with, there's a couple of injuries that have come out of the game as well, should get string of back, which Brings back. So that'll make good because you know, the self-proclaimed number one player in football will always make your team better, but yeah, Jalong, they were impressive. And Orkins, and, and Cameron

Speaker 0 (50m 17s): Stangle,

Speaker 5 (50m 18s): Stangle what happened to Stangle. Where did he like

Speaker 0 (50m 21s): Doing

Speaker 5 (50m 22s): Well, getting people

Speaker 0 (50m 23s): At that 80 best got him over to be honest.

Speaker 5 (50m 26s): Well, I mean, he had his trouble over in, in Adelaide. Yep. And again, you know, look, every time I think can show that they've done that for one player. Brisbane's got me to Robinson. He was on the outer. Shouldn't have got a game at another club, but they, they gave him a chance and that's what has, has received. And it w it was fantastic. Jet Jeremy, Cameron, that injury. Geez. It could have been a lot worse than what it was. It was pretty

Speaker 1 (50m 51s): Sad. It was one, it looks way worse and

Speaker 5 (50m 54s): Yeah, that's right. So we'll see how they pull up.

Speaker 1 (50m 56s): I've got a question for you, Rob. You're out that game. I

Speaker 5 (50m 58s): Was at that game.

Speaker 1 (50m 59s): I'm watching the game. It felt like Jalong. We're just getting free, kicking off the freight, kicking off the fridge.

Speaker 5 (51m 6s): Here we go. Here we go.

Speaker 1 (51m 7s): Like, I hate to say it because every time I've got them, what did you think? Did you think

Speaker 5 (51m 15s): That just looking at the ball,

Speaker 1 (51m 17s): I honestly thought like, my dad always says this. It changed the game. When a team gets free, kicks in

Speaker 5 (51m 25s): Where they get them,

Speaker 1 (51m 26s): Where they get them in the game. And Julong always seemed to get them, like when we were coming out of our 50 and it'd be like, just on the 50 main line and we'd get like caught. Yep. Let's say holding the ball, but it probably like a push in the back or something. Yep. The stats were Julong had 19 free kicks and Essen had 20.

Speaker 5 (51m 45s): Yep.

Speaker 1 (51m 45s): I honestly do not believe that.

Speaker 0 (51m 48s): I think there needs to be a start for critical freedom. Free kicks,

Speaker 5 (51m 52s): Critical freaks. I like the idea, but there's no rule that says there's got to be equal amount of freaky. So I think as fans, we tend to fall into that trap of all. Look at the free key count. What James was saying about where the freekick takes place is probably when I was a kid they used to have where you got your goals from, and it was how many goals did you get from free kicks? It's not something we see anymore, but I don't think that, I think, I don't think the game was barely umpired.

Speaker 1 (52m 20s): I don't think so either. I just it's just always seems like no matter whenever Julong play, I always get just frequent

Speaker 5 (52m 28s): A few teams to bulldozer the same,

Speaker 1 (52m 30s): But to be fair. And I'm probably, I can't really be like, oh no, it's in a good spot for too long. I'm not going to give him a freaky here.

Speaker 5 (52m 35s): Yeah. I think, I think, and there's people that say that they think, yeah, the umpires favor teams, but the empires can't really make those split-second decisions while they're thinking back to the they running shrink.

Speaker 0 (52m 47s): All right. Enough about the dance sick of him.

Speaker 1 (52m 49s): Move on was the worst game of the weekend.

Speaker 0 (52m 52s): Sydney GWS. We'll quickly run through these other games.

Speaker 5 (52m 56s): Yeah. 196.

Speaker 0 (52m 58s): Yep. Seventeen, ten one twelve two. GWS is 13, 14 92. As I can eat 25 and three,

Speaker 5 (53m 6s): One thing on one thing on . Why does he never Paul Brantley votes? The guy's a jet.

Speaker 0 (53m 13s): Oh, he's, he's the best player at best in my eyes. And two years. He's the best player in the NFL. So two buddy, Kikis hundreds, thousands gold.

Speaker 5 (53m 22s): No chance.

Speaker 0 (53m 23s): Not a chance.

Speaker 5 (53m 24s): Not a chance.

Speaker 0 (53m 26s): So

Speaker 5 (53m 26s): You'll keep to this week.

Speaker 0 (53m 28s): You too. Alright. Take us through the lions. Rob.

Speaker 5 (53m 34s): The lines that they've flown the weekend,

Speaker 0 (53m 35s): 11, 14 82 port Adelaide, 10, 9 69.

Speaker 5 (53m 38s): Tell you what, when the final siren went, all I said was you bloody ripper because that was an intense game. And one,

Speaker 0 (53m 45s): A hot 40, it

Speaker 5 (53m 46s): Was a hot 40. And it was a hot day. If anyone's listening to this podcast, if anyone's listening at all, I guess, but if anyone's listening outside of Queensland, this absolute rubbish that commentators come up with with the Jew coming down on the ground and all the rest of it, it's absolute rubbish. Okay. We don't get you in quick. When do we get you in Queensland bed? June, July, August. They were talking about it Saturday night. It wasn't a Jew. It was a fact that these players were Boston, a gut in 28, 29 degree temperatures with a hundred percent humidity. And I think that the quality of footy suffered obviously, and the first half was, was messy.

But those two teams, I think putting on a great, a great show, determination,

Speaker 0 (54m 26s): I think it was a great, I think it was a great game for both teams. The line just wanted to first see each other. Cause you see where poured out lights out. No one really knew where port Adelaide would be coming into the year and people had high hopes for Brisbane. And you know, it's close to then I thought to be honest in Brisbane, to be honest,

Speaker 5 (54m 41s): One quick question on the go. I'll leave it with this, that locking Neal. Thank God he didn't go for you. Yeah, he was brilliant. But I want to ask you as a question because there's a bit of a link to Joe Dana heard halftime. What did you say at Jay's?

Speaker 1 (54m 57s): Yeah. Sorry.

Speaker 5 (54m 57s): What did you think?

Speaker 1 (54m 58s): Do you want us sit? Doesn't really bother me. No, because so we've got a very good ma who is also a massive wine supporter. And I was speaking to him the other night and he was going, he said he didn't want it either because it was going to handle it to Caden Coleman. Wasn't

Speaker 5 (55m 14s): He,

Speaker 1 (55m 17s): He, as he said, he was handling it to apply who wasn't even in the game at all. And he, he could have gotten a cheap goal.

Speaker 0 (55m 22s): Yeah. Would you be saying the same thing if they lost by ago?

Speaker 5 (55m 26s): No,

Speaker 0 (55m 27s): Exactly right.

Speaker 5 (55m 27s): No. But look, Joe gets up and Joe's got that grin on his face. He knows he screwed up. He knows he's probably about to cop a serve from fakes.

Speaker 0 (55m 35s): The only issue I have with it now it could be Nicaea in the cloud wherever his name is cockatoos fault because he's calling

Speaker 5 (55m 42s): For call for it. Exactly.

Speaker 0 (55m 45s): But he didn't look Joe down to her. He didn't look the other way. He had no idea what was coming so

Speaker 1 (55m 52s): Well, the person calling for surely knows what Turner,

Speaker 0 (55m 55s): Well, I don't know if he called for it or

Speaker 5 (55m 56s): Not. You've you've been to footy games. Haven't you? William

Speaker 0 (55m 58s): Played 40 minutes.

Speaker 5 (55m 60s): So you've been to an NFL game and the bench is holding up signs telling you how long was left. That's the bit I was disappointed. He should have been aware of that. But the fact of what he did doesn't bother me in the slightest, but he just didn't really know where he was at the time he probably, you know, after taking the mark like that, he was probably a bit, oh,

Speaker 0 (56m 15s): You have to kick it

Speaker 1 (56m 18s): To be fair. Donna is known for sometimes missing those. So

Speaker 5 (56m 23s): It hasn't

Speaker 0 (56m 25s): North 8, 10 58 verse Hawthorne, 11, 12 78, or Vaughn, just so sort of ran over and bit disappointing from the north team. To be honest,

Speaker 5 (56m 34s): I would suggest just move on the worst game of footy the weekend by Two teams that will be down the bottom.

Speaker 0 (56m 41s): Yep. I agree, Jason. It was good to see horn Francis all the time. He's going to be

Speaker 1 (56m 45s): Sinking was ready from the start.

Speaker 0 (56m 47s): I think SIM can played really well for north Melbourne. Just to be honest, I thought north Melbourne, we're gonna win that game. So a bit disappointing. Now, one of the games of the week's wa wake was Adelaide Fremantle, 12, 10 82 to Adelaide defeated by Fremantle 11, 17 83. Rochelle. I keep five goals, one case at 37 touches. And we'll get your thoughts on the spoil that won the game.

Speaker 5 (57m 15s): What an amazing effort, like we said before, I was saying how players, we expect them to do things, you know, in that split second For him to jump because he had to jump high and then to paddle the ball back into play, where there was every opportunity that an Adelaide crows by it could have been, but he got it to the spot where there was three Fremantle players. Jesse's shaking his head because I think he still can't believe what he did.

Speaker 1 (57m 40s): It was unreal.

Speaker 0 (57m 41s): Yeah. The best thing about it was it's not even spoken about, he got the ball back and kicked it outside of here.

Speaker 5 (57m 46s): Unbelievable. I've only seen it once. I've only ever seen a more intelligent play once. And it's funny because the guy I'm going to mention and we're talking, we might be going back to 1998, I think. And it was Justin LePage and he did the exact opposite. There was a situation deep in the, at the Gary Ablett stand into the of Kardinia park. Brisbane were trailing by a point and there was seconds left on the, on the thing. There was a dispute of bull. Now there was no chance of Brisbane kicking a goal and he just literally thumbed it through for a point to get the draw.

Yeah. So great. Two

Speaker 0 (58m 18s): Points is vital.

Speaker 5 (58m 19s): The there's the opposite of gigantic great awareness of what was going on.

Speaker 0 (58m 24s): Was it your game Adelaide a little bit unlucky my opinion, but you know, take the wins with the losses and move on gold coast suns. Good to see them get a win. 16, 11 1 0 7 to 12, 8 80, the feed of the west coast Eagles. So also if you don't know, Rob is on Queensland corridor, footy, Texas through Texas, through all things Queensland, footy related, whether that be AFL AFL w or just the local leagues around the Queensland air at Southeast Queensland area.

Now good wind by the sons through one.

Speaker 5 (59m 4s): Yeah, they should have one but two key goals. And last quarter's a good effort.

Speaker 0 (59m 7s): Good. Yep.

Speaker 5 (59m 8s): For sure. Watching.

Speaker 0 (59m 9s): I know

Speaker 5 (59m 10s): This year, I think consistency is key, but if he can produce those performances

Speaker 0 (59m 14s): And the, the thing with the sons is they don't have that tall forward. So any kicking side 50, whether it be a dribble, a hack kick, it works.

Speaker 5 (59m 24s): One of your ex players, Levi Levi has built the much maligned player. Everyone likes to have a pot shot at him. The one thing has well does is he makes a contest And he brings it to grant. He may not mark it, but Rankin will definitely benefit from that.

Speaker 0 (59m 39s): That's going to wrap us up for the IFL review. We hope you enjoyed that. Now we missed it on the side of the podcast. I want to get back to it just quickly, weekly hero and a weekly doomsday scenario. And then we'll get into the bed of the week. So my weekly hero was Sam . I thought the atmosphere after he kicked the goal was just amazing. It's good to see him back. Noah thought he'd be there. And neither did he. And to see even the Richmond fan support him was my weekly hero.

Now my week weekly doomsday scenario for this week is buddy Franklins on 9, 9, 9. And he kicks a point. I think there could be a delay in the game there, even if he kicks a point. But yeah, that's my doomsday scenario. Joe's

Speaker 1 (1h 0m 28s): Mine. My hero is Nick Martin is he clearly played very good on the weekend. He was the only person to show up for essence. Me James Day is SNN to get absolutely rolled by the lions. Again,

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 41s): That's a big loss. If that happens for us. And then it's a two Day, Rob,

Speaker 1 (1h 0m 47s): Do you have a hero?

Speaker 5 (1h 0m 48s): Well, here I familiar look, not a sport we talked about today, but Ash Barty, I'm retiring at the age of 25. She today cited just physical and emotional, emotionally just drained. And what a courageous decision for champion.

Speaker 0 (1h 1m 2s): She said, the thing I liked about her in her retirement speech was she said, I've given everything, everything to the sport. And for me, that's enough. If you can't give any more and you've given absolutely everything to a sport that you're passionate about and you can't get in, you don't want that's that's your limit. Good, good on you. You're doing XY.

Speaker 5 (1h 1m 22s): Doomsday would be for me during the day for me would be that the legless pedestrians don't get up tonight.

Speaker 0 (1h 1m 29s): So if you don't, if you're not aware, Rob is our coach slash captain. Doesn't play those

Speaker 5 (1h 1m 36s): Normal

Speaker 0 (1h 1m 36s): Practicing. So I've taken the captaincy role and we've yet to win a game in indoor cricket. We have that on par again tonight. So we'll see how we go. Yes, yes.

Speaker 5 (1h 1m 48s): Hopefully all I'm going to ask you to do is bring a coin. It's a nice,

Speaker 1 (1h 1m 52s): Oh no. I locked the emotion from last week.

Speaker 0 (1h 1m 55s): All right. Jazz

Speaker 1 (1h 1m 57s): Drop me pen. Well, I better, the week is Petrarca for a goal and 25 plus buddy Franklin. For two goals, we call it for two goals, Dunkley for 25 plus and all of the Henry for Dell and all that's $5 10. I was trying to go for high out, but I couldn't

Speaker 0 (1h 2m 17s): Again, if you asked me Rob, you have a best

Speaker 5 (1h 2m 19s): Bet do I've got the Fremantle Dockers to win head to head. Joe Dennis heard a kick three goals or more. I also then have met rail to have more than 25 positions. And I think the other one there is, oh, wait, hang on. I've lost that. What am I doing to myself here? Oh, that's right. I've got the swans to win by 19 points by 20 points or more. Okay. That will pay you a massive $14 and 6 cents.

Speaker 0 (1h 2m 46s): 10 bucks to 140. And my best bet of the week is Joe Danaher's to kick two goals, Brisbane, to beat SNN,

Speaker 5 (1h 2m 53s): Loving that one,

Speaker 0 (1h 2m 55s): Tom green twenty-five plus GWS to beat Richmond, Harry Macquire two goals and met Matt Kennedy to get 25 plus. And that gives you a $10 and 10 cents. So if you're interested in putting those bets on, we'll take a tally each week and we'll see how we go. But thank you, Rob, for coming on the podcast. We

Speaker 5 (1h 3m 12s): Fun

Speaker 0 (1h 3m 14s): Analysts and your journalism that you provide to this show. Jeremy, you want to do the local sponsor

Speaker 5 (1h 3m 21s): Local sponsor.

Speaker 0 (1h 3m 21s): Yeah, I'll do the local sponsor then just before we leave, we've got a word from our local sponsor platinum standard grading. Get your trading cards slapped here. It's the platinum way. The new standard is here. Hashtag go platinum. So thank you, platinum standard grading for sponsoring the podcast,

Speaker 5 (1h 3m 43s): Fantastic company

Speaker 0 (1h 3m 44s): They are. And on that note, 2% out,

Speaker 8 (1h 3m 51s): I just want milk to tastes like real milk.

Speaker 4 (1h 3m 54s): This types like full cream milk. And I need to