Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, August 5th, 2024 / The new ABC song is all wrong, Josh’s old truck, Tyreek Hill is #1, yard work is hard work, we cannot share meals, Josh brought floss to the theater, it’s weird when the waitress boxes up your leftovers, the kids think Chantel is a crazy driver, and Josh isn’t invited to the exclusive ice cream girl’s club.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Monday, August 5th on today's show. The new ABC song is All Wrong, Josh's Old Truck, Tyreek Hill is number 1, yard work is hard work, we cannot share a meal. Josh brought floss to the theater. It's weird when the waitress boxes up your leftovers.

The kids think I'm a crazy driver, and Josh isn't invited to the exclusive ice cream girls club. Thanks for listening. You can catch the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show.

Well, well, well. Hello. Monday morning. Monday, Monday. Yeah.

It's August 5th already. 5 days into the month. Trucking right along, man. Here we go. No stopping.

Moving ahead One day at a time. It's Monday. We are back in the studio. Good to be here. The phone number to get hold of us anytime, 208-525-9797.

Of course, we're on socials at classy 97klce everywhere. Let's get things started with, the days of the day. The days of the day. Mhmm. It is National Dash Cam Day.

Oh. More and more and more, I think we need these in our cars. I think so too. For insurance reasons Uh-huh. Should anything happen, but also just to capture the maniacs around me at all times.

Forward, backward, there's craziness all the time. Sometimes you're the maniac. Okay. It's true. It is, picnic day in the northern territory.

It's a public holiday that has different festivities, giving residents in the Northern Territory a well deserved break. Is the Northern Territory Canada? Canada. I don't know. Let's see.

Because it's also heritage day in Alberta. So I think we got some Canada stuff and British Columbia day. There's a lot of Canada happening today. Yeah. Yep.

It's not Canada day. Australian territory. Oh, there you go. Okay. Alright.

Terry Fox. Do you know Terry Fox? I do not. Oh, he's a Canadian athlete. What is happening today?

Cross country run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Today is Terry Fox Day. Okay. Let's see what else is happening. It is Something about Canada.

I'm sure. Startup Day Across America. Startup? 1. Like like business startups.

Okay. Startup day across America. It's work like a dog day. No. Yes.

Grate your teeth and spend one day working like a dog. Never. I'll never. It's National Oyster Day. It is national underwear day.

Have you ever had oysters before? Nope. I don't it's a texture thing for me. Anything you have to to eat, I'm out. I'm not doing it.

Let's see. Blogger day and international traffic light day. Look at that. Traffic lights get their own day? Well, they should.

They're everywhere. Working nonstop 247. Working like a dog, those traffic lights. Like a dog. That's what's happening today on August 5th.

Good morning. Happy Monday. It's Josh and Chantal. Do you remember when they changed math? Well, they just did new math.

Yeah. They changed it. Changed math. Okay. Now they've changed the alphabet song.

What is that? Well, they changed the Mickey Mouse Club song. Yeah. They did do that too. There's actually been 3 versions of the Mickey Mouse Club song, and the the newest one is completely different.

Yep. So is the new alphabet song. What's the new alphabet song? Okay. Well, it's still sung to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star, so that is state the same.

But there's apparently been some confusion with children singing it. A lot of kids thought, like, saying y and z at the end. Okay. Left a lot of kids thinking there was an n in there. Y and z.

Okay. I can see that. The alphabet had 2 n's, and then some also got confused by l m n o p and thought it was all one letter. So the new way pauses after the letter n, then it's 0pqrstandthenuvw xyz. So there's, like, pauses in predetermined spots.

So so you run it normal, a, b, c, d, e, f, p l m n o p. So where are we breaking it now? I just told you. I know. I'm A pause after n.

N. And then l m n And then o p q r s r s t. No. And then That feels wrong. Then they changed the ending to say, instead of next time won't you sing with me?

Now it's now I never will forget how to say the alphabet. What? I know. Why? I don't know.

We grew up just fine. We weren't confused by LMNOP. Yeah. There's there's some some teacher group is very proud of this right now. Well, I'm They're like they're they're like, we figured out a way to teach the alphabet that works really well, and now they've broken You've broken it.

You've broken America. You've broken the alphabet. Yeah. Congratulations. Yeah.

L m n o p q. I don't like it. One person said, it's better, but I hate it. Oh, okay. PQ.

I like the change except that I don't. That I Yeah. Dumb. Yeah. Okay.

You can't change the alphabet. No. They did. They went they went and changed it. You can't.

They went and changed the alphabet. Who gave you the permission? It wasn't broken. Maybe it was. Maybe teachers were struggling, and, they got together and they went, look.

We we figured out how to make math different. Yeah. Let's figure out how to fix the alphabet. You didn't fix it. You didn't fix anything.

You just gave a bunch of parents the what? Does it make more sense? You just don't like it? Are you the one who said it it's better, but I don't like it. Is that your quote?

No. No. I haven't. That might be your quote. No.

I haven't even heard it. I have not heard it sung. I need to hear it. Alright. I understand, and I understand that it would be confusing to some.

But generations of people grew up with that song. We can all read just fine. I never thought there was 2 n's in the alphabet. Have you tried the Spanish alphabet? Yes.

I have. You it's got a c h. It's got 2 r's, 2 n's, a whole bunch of l's. There's a lot going on in there. An n yay?

Yeah. The n with the squiggle? Yeah. That's a n yay. That's another n.

There's 2 n's and a che, a c h. They just they speak just fine. That's what I'm saying. They're gonna change their alphabet, so we can't ever sing with our kids or our grandkids because changed it. Slow down on the grandkid thing.

Well They're Speedy Gonzales. Our kids already know the alphabet, so it's not So we can sing with No. They learned Let's let's gather the family around. Go. Let's sing the alphabet.

They learned our version. That's what I'm saying. You said we couldn't sing the alphabet with our kids. Yes. We can.

Well, with our grandkids, it'll be totally why. And then I said, slow down on that. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready for that either. So easy.

Young for that. That's what I'm saying. Slow down. Tap the brakes. Woah.

Easy. K. For so let's try it again. Together. What day is it?

Monday. Alright. Okay. So imagine you're a 3rd grader, and you get a miniature version of yourself as a gift from your teacher. What do you mean?

Well, in Tyndale Community School in Oxford, England, the teacher there, Sarah Shabir, she decided to crochet personalized Mini Me Dolls for each of the students as an end of year gift. That's awesome. She taught herself to crochet during the COVID lockdown, so she had plenty of time on her hands literally. And so she wanted to do something special for a student. So she spent about 8 hours on each doll.

Oh, man. I know. Right? Making sure that every detail from hairstyles to clothes was spot on. And, obviously, the kids were like, what?

It's a tiny miniature mini. How old are the kids? This is 3rd grade. 3rd grade. Yeah.

So they were over the moon excited. But the teacher also earned heaps of respect from the kid's parents. One proud parent went on social media to praise the teacher, calling her the absolute goat, for her dedication and creativity. Her love for her students and her passion for crocheting has created a special gift for each child, something that will always remind them of this special year that they spent in school with, with this teacher, Sarah Shabir. And they are very cool.

And they wear uniforms, and so they all have the purple top, the gray pants, and the black shoes. Some of the girl students are in the pants. Some are in the skirts depending on what they like to wear all the time. But their hair and their, facial expressions and skin tones and all of that. Very unique to every single one of these kids, and they're very cool.

I love that. Only 2 of them wearing glasses in the whole class. But there's, what, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. She's got, like, 27 or 30 of these that she had to make over the school year. It's very cool.

They're very cool. Is there a picture? Can I see those somewhere? Sure. What did you search?

Oh, just come around this side, and I can show you. Okay. Keep it up. Don't close it. Alright.

I'll show you the little crocheted kids. They're pretty cool. Cute. And it's good news to get you going on classy 97. Good morning.

You had a truck for a long time. It was a Tacoma. Yeah. Toyota Tacoma. A handful of years.

Yeah. And it really suited you. Yes. And you kinda made it your own. You got a roof rack.

Oh, let's talk about overlanding stuff because I think it'd be fun for you to talk about mods. What's all the what are the mods? All the Overlanding additions that I When you say mods, do you mean modifications? That's what mods is short for. Yes.

Indeed. Okay. You got a light bar on top. Roof rack, light bar. You got ditch lights.

Ditch lights. Yes. You got traction boards. Yep. You got a rooftop tent.

Yep. You got what else did you get? Bed bars, bike racks Bike racks. Boxes. Yeah.

You did have all of that. Tie downs, all this stuff. A shovel thing. Yeah. You had all kinds of mods.

Mods. You also put some stickers on it Yeah. Like fish. I made my own. Yeah.

Sasquatch, mountains Right. Etcetera. You had all kinds of stuff. Right. It looked like you.

Okay. You spent a lot of time and money researching things that would make that truck you. You got things that were the color you like. It was you. And inside the truck too, you had, like, a patch collection.

Sure. So you would Velcro patches on the roof of your truck. Yes. And then anytime there was a Tacoma, you'd have to park next to the Tacoma. Right.

And even so much that one time there was also a mod Tacoma guy. You parked next to him. Correct. He left a little note on your car. That's right.

And said, hey. Let's go off the road sweet truck. Yeah. All true things. He sold that truck.

Well, I traded that truck in for a bigger truck so that I could pull our trailer and have more leg room for the kids in the back seat apparently because that's been their biggest benefit. And, yeah, it's it's a bigger truck. It's it's a big brother to that truck. I know. And it was kinda sad when we got rid of that truck because that Tacoma really looked more like you than I see.

So it's a new truck. You have a an association with that with that truck and my personality. I think so. More than my new truck and my personality. Yeah.

I see. Well, it wasn't Every year and I immediate. Like, it wasn't immediate that I was tied personality wise to that truck. It takes time. Yeah.

I agree with that. Okay. So Emery and I are driving down the road. We're going past some car dealerships, and she goes, that's dad's truck. And they have that Tacoma for sale.

And you guys sent me pictures. You pulled into the dealership just to look at it. Yeah. And there were, you know, salesman, like, standing there walking, and I'm just waving. Yeah.

And then he's like, why are you waving? I go, because I just I'm not stopping. Yeah. I'm not getting out. They think they're gonna sell me a car, but that's no.

I just wanna go take some pictures of this truck that sells You the it was interesting because, it looked squattier. It looked smaller for some reason, and maybe it's just because I'm in a bigger truck now Yeah. That it looks like a little truck. It looks little. It does look little.

They took off all your stickers. They They out a little bit. I know. I know. It's sad.

Remove some of the customization that I do to it. That's what they do. They I know. I get it. They're not gonna be like, hey.

This is this personality comes with this truck. Like, if you really like fly fishing, this is the truck that you might wanna get into because it already has fish stickers on it. I know. It was just sad. How can we tie ourselves up into I don't know.

Inanimate objects like that? I don't know. When we got rid of the Nissan Xterra that we had had for years years years, it was a sad day, but that's a I was tied personality wise to that thing. I still love the Xterra. That truck is amazing, but it is what it is.

Well, if you're in the market for a good truck Well, there's one around. There is one around. The NFL, the National Football League Heard of it. Has been putting out as the top 100 list for 2024. And this is a list of the top 100 athletes voted by the athletes themselves.

Okay. So this is, voted among by the peep voted amongst the peers Correct. For who they think is the best NFL player in the league. So they've been releasing it by tens. Yes.

And they just released the top ten. And the top 5 are? Well, I really thought that, you know, the 2 Chiefs players that we've heard of forever and a day. I haven't heard anything about them. Well, who are they?

Well Your 2 favorite people on the planet Earth? You know, Kelsey and Mahomes? Yeah. I've heard them. Say their names.

Yeah. One of them. Only one of them made it in the top five. So one? Mahomes.

Okay. He got number 4. Alright. So who is number 5? Miles Garrett.

K. I don't know him. Alright. He's from the Browns, which the Browns can't decide what mascot they are. I've heard about this too.

Are they? This is all Beck says. Are they a bulldog? Yeah. Are they an elf?

Are they a orange helmet? They don't know. Okay. So Myles Garrett is a defensive end, yes, for the for the Browns. K.

And then Mahomes from the Chiefs. I was looking for Christian McCaffrey from the 40 niners. K. Lamar Jackson According back to the Ravens. Which I agree with.

Number 2. Yes. Because he's great. K. I like him as a player.

And according to the players in the NFL, who is the number one player in the NFL? Tyreek Hill from the Miami Dolphins. Wide receiver for the, Miami Dolphins. Which I was excited about because the Dolphins are my number 2 favorite team. I really like that.

They're behind them. You got Minnesota Vikings and then Miami Dolphins. K. Tyreke is a a machine. He is.

He's so fast. And they have a really cool video of him, when they told him that he was number 1. Yes. He was stoked. Immediately called his mother.

As you do. Mom, listen to this. So cute. I loved it. He was super excited.

He's bouncing up and down. He said, I gotta call my mom. Yes. And so he calls his mom, and his mom says, what's up? And he says, I'm number 1.

I'm number 1. I how'd it go? I don't remember. I watched the video a while ago. I should have done a refresh.

That's alright. And so, then what happened? His mom celebrated celebrated with him. Excellent. It was exciting.

That's great. Just yesterday, it was revealed that he, got a new deal with the Dolphins. Oh, really? Yep. He's got a $90,000,000 deal over the next 3 3.

3 year 90 $1,000,000. 65,000,000 of that is guaranteed money, which means he gets that whether he plays or not. He gets 65,000,000 over the next 3 years. Spread the world. Up to 90,000,000.

I could use some of that. Pretty awesome. Good for him. He's really fast. Number 1 according to his yeah.

He is very fast. His 40 meter dash time is, 4.29 seconds. He can run the 40 yard dash in 4.29 seconds. He's very fast. He's very fast.

Tyreek Hill, number 1 among the, players. So congrats. Good job, buddy. Doggist. Yep.

Which means that, my yard isn't looking so great. Usually, my yard if you wanna see my yard looking great, you have about 2 weeks. And those 2 weeks happen the end of May, early June or early to mid June rather. That's the prime ideal Chantel's yard viewing time. And then temperatures rise.

We don't have a sprinkler system. Life gets busy. Sometimes I forget. A lot of my flowers have died. Everything looks a little wilty.

The grass is looking a little dead. It's it's it's not so pretty these days. It is still pretty. The wildflowers are still in bloom. The baskets around the campfire pit area look great.

The there's tons of foliage. Your flower in the back is blooming giant, big, huge blooms, and I watered it yesterday yesterday because I knew I watered it yesterday. Good. Let's just keep watering everything. When did you water?

When I washed out the garbage can. Oh. So, there's a lot of, greatness happening in that. The hollyhocks are huge and tall and still blooming. You're looking at it from the wrong set of lenses here.

You gotta you gotta look at the silver lining on the backyard. Quit looking at, like, yeah, there's weeds. There's weeds. The grass could be watered because we don't have a sprinkler system, and the the grass could always be watered. But meh.

That's what I'm saying. There comes a point, like, at the beginning of summer where I go, spend $300 on plants. And we plant, and it looks great, and everything is awesome, and we're all gung ho about warm weather. And then life just gets too busy, And who has time to weed and who has time to water, and the temperatures are too hot. And I had all the things.

I know. Everything just looks a little sad. It looks a little sad. And I had a really pretty plant on our front step, and the wind blew it over, and now it's dead. Yeah.

It took a it took a spill. Took a dive. I don't know how that happened. The problem is But it went went straight upside down. That's how it happened.

Or that cat. The wind. I think it's the wind. The problem is every weekend, you have to make a decision where you're going to spend your free time Sure. Working in your yard or you're gonna go do something fun outside.

Or if you're just gonna lounge around and not do anything inside. You just don't have time. You just don't have time to do all 3. Time or money. The things that we need more of always.

Yeah. Yep. So if you didn't see my yard early June, sorry, Charlie. Don't look. Don't look now.

It's too late. You missed your window. It's a little bit of water. It'll be all back to life. I know it's That's amazing how that works.

A lot of water. Needs a lot of water. It just needs a hose dragged around for a while. That's all. It's no big deal.

Just drag the hose around for a while. Maybe I'll do that. I can probably get away with doing that. Yeah. You can.

You can't lift anything bigger than anything else, but it's okay. But I can probably drag the hose around. Ink, so there's nothing to mow. It's true. But it gets good get nice and cleaned up.

It looked nice. I know. We just gotta spend some time. We went to dinner over the weekend, and we each couldn't decide between a couple of meals. You had your idea on one thing, and you couldn't decide between that and another thing.

And same with me, I had my mindset on 2 separate things. Well, you and I have, have an issue where we can't agree on a meal often enough that we can be like, yes. Let's share a meal, and and that'll be good. There's there's been times where you and I have, like, met up on a Friday after work to, like, grab some snackies or a little appetizer thing or whatever, and that seems to work well because we can usually go like, yeah. Let's get these 2 appetizers or let's get, one appetizer.

We'll have chips and salsa, and then we'll, you know, kick off the weekend. We're done with the work week, whatever. That seems easy when we're doing it that way. But when it's like, let's A meal. Let's find a meal that we can both agree on because you don't like a lot of meats No.

In general. No. And so I'm not gonna opt for, like, a tofu or a veggie thing, instead because I do like meat. So I will be having that. And that right right off the top, we go like, okay.

We're different out the gate and what when but then I went, well, seafood's kind of a middle ground. We might be able to agree on a salmon or some shrimp, a pasta with shrimp in it, some sort of shrimp thing. Not like I don't do sushi or Right. Like, I'm not big on crab. But but that's kinda where we were.

Was we're sitting there going, do you wanna try to share something? Or maybe we try 2 new things we've never tried. Well, you wanted to try an old thing Yeah. Something that we've gotten before and a new thing. And I also wanted to try a new thing and my old thing, but neither one of us Yeah.

Wanted to try each other's new thing. I said, no. I'll get your old thing if you get my old thing, and we could share the old thing that we've gotten together that we know we both like, but I don't wanna try your new thing. Right. But then said I don't wanna try your new thing.

As confusing as this new old thing is, then on top of that, you were like, yeah. But then I'm just gonna want the thing I know I like, and I'm probably not gonna want the other thing. So then you're just gonna be stuck eating that thing, and I'm gonna feel bad. And I went, you know what? Let's stop this 15 minute rigmarole, and you just order what you want, and I'll just order what I want like we normally do.

And we'll just not worry about sharing. How about And we did. And we're both separate. Going on about it. Like but do you are you sure are you sure you don't wanna share?

You wanna try the thing? Like, I was upset about it. Like, I've moved on now. I'm tired of talking about it. Let's just order our food.

The lady came to check on us twice to see if we decided. We're like, we're gonna need another minute. We haven't decided if we're gonna share or not, let alone what we are gonna actually order. We should never decide that because we can't ever we can't ever agree on a meal to share. We can't even agree on pizza.

No. We can't. You're right. You you wanna get a pizza together? You're like you don't like the same pizza I like?

Don't. You because I like the meat. You like all the meat, and I just want basil and tomato. Right. Which is fine.

That's it. But put meat on it. It's better. No. It's not.

Have you tried it with meat? Yeah. And then I go and then I'm usually the one that makes the sacrifice. And I'll say, just get the thing with the meat because I can take the meat off. And I do take the meat off, but then And the cheese all of my cheese goes with it.

But you just wanted sauce and basil leaves and tomatoes anyway, so it's just the same. No. No. Because you take all my cheese. Bread.

You didn't want cheese. I did want cheese. You didn't say that. You said you just wanted tomato sauce and That's a given. The cheese is a given.

Yeah. But that's a different cheese on that on that basil tomato thing. What's that called? Margarita. Yeah.

That's a different, pizza because it's got, like, the big mozzarella slice pieces melted. That's not like the shredded pizza cheese that you're complaining gets removed from your meat when you stack it on top of mine, double decker style. Like, you know, I'm not mad about how I get to eat pizza when you I eagle with you. But, again, we can't share. No.

We just can't. Let's not never do that again. Yeah. Let's We never learn our lesson. We sit down and you're like, do you wanna try and share something?

I'm gonna go, nope. No. Let's not. Nope. We won't agree.

It's not happening. We went to the movie over the weekend. Uh-huh. And as we pay and enter and we're getting in line to get our snacks, you said, oh, hold on. I'll be right back.

Right. I had to run to the truck because I knew we were getting popcorn, and popcorn gets stuck in my teeth. And I have, those little plastic flossers that I have in the truck, and I was like, ah, I gotta grab one of those. My flossers. Because I thinking ahead, I'm thinking I'm gonna be able to take care of the Of course.

The popcorn that gets stuck in my teeth. Gross. Why gross? Because in the middle of the movie theater, you're gonna floss. I'm not, like, standing up going, hey, everyone.

Watch now. Like, everybody's busy watching the movie. What if you flicked it somewhere? I'm not how do you floss your teeth? I don't piece of popcorn?

No. To the person in front of you? No. I had a napkin, and that's it. And it it was great.

I was thinking ahead. I was smart. I was clean. I didn't do anything gross or weird. Okay.

I didn't do anything gross or weird. Yeah. It was it was neither gross nor weird Alright. What I did by by preparing myself to not sit through a a movie with my tongue having to go Gizette. The whole time.

Piece of popcorn. Yeah. Did you use how many did you take? 2? Because you offered me 1.

I did I did have 2. Okay. But I only used 1. I didn't I didn't I brought 1 in case you wanted 1. I didn't know that.

You offered me one midway through the movie, and I went, no. I'm not gonna use your dirty dental mask. A new one. Give you a again, I didn't do anything gross or weird. It was totally normal, and I tried to share.

I didn't know it was a new one. Yeah. I also don't like those. I preferred regular dental floss. I don't like those.

That's gross. That's not gross. Yeah. Because you gotta wrap it around your fingers and just fingers in your face like that? It's not like I'm really dental flossing.

Yeah. It's just a quick I don't know. And then and then it's that's where food particles are gonna go flying. That's why you think about that. Well, I didn't do that in the movie, did I?

You should've used the one I was gonna offer you. I didn't need to. I just waited until I got home, and then I flossed the popcorn out. Sat uncomfortable with popcorn skins. I wasn't uncomfortable.

I was neither weird nor uncomfortable. Can we find a way to get rid of those little skins in the popcorn? I like them. Alright. I wait.

It's Nope. Nope. I wait until everybody's eating the rest of the popcorn. I like the bottom bits. I didn't say the kernels because those like, the half popped kernels are Those are my favorite.

I'm talking about the exploded kernels, but then they get that loose Yeah. Shell skin. Yeah. They get second in I don't like that. I do like those.

No. I do. Why? No. Because they're chewy.

They're not chewy. You can, like, crunch them in between your teeth. Nope. I know my dentist. If my dentist is listening, he's gonna be like, what are you?

This is why you spend a lot of money on your teeth. I have to fix all this nonsense. That's what he's saying. Because you're eating the hard kernels. He's probably right right there, he's going, nope.

I was like, you are the worst dental patient ever. There we are at dinner. Everything's fine. We finally got our meals that we both decided upon for ourselves. You got a meal.

I got a meal. We ate meals. Now it's time for the bill. And then we get the bill, and, we get that all taken care of. And the waitress brings over the boxes, and she said, can I box those up for you?

And I said, You wanna you wanna do this? You wanna box this up? You wanna make this happen? How do you feel about it? I would fret.

I would much rather prefer to box up my own leftovers, quite honestly. I it's awkward sitting there while the waitress does your leftovers. Like, that's a thing I'm capable of doing. Of doing it, but, also, like, I've eaten off of that silverware. Yeah.

Like, my germs are all up in that business. What if the waitress is doing that, scrapes everything out, and then lick the fork and put it down? Oh. She didn't, but what if that happened? Let me just say, I had I had a delicious curry.

Yeah. She didn't even scrape my bowl. I know. You have a you are you're like, I left food behind. Like, she dumped on my curry.

I accidentally on your face. And then she just, like, put the bowl aside. I was like Yeah. There's so much left in that bowl. I know.

You gotta scrape. Now imagine if it was Indian food and you didn't get to drag your naan through what was left in the bowl. Lick it clean. It sucks. You would lose your mind.

I'm with this, like box that up and didn't let you naan the bowl. I can't even imagine. Sometimes you box stuff up and then take some more bites out of the box, but she sealed it all up, put it in the bag. You were we were done. She was like, thanks.

Have a great day. A nice day. All handled for you. I know. I was like, I can do that.

I can do that. I can do that. Don't do that. I can do it. Uh-huh.

It was very kind. I appreciated it. I did, but I was like, no. I will say there are restaurants that do that. That's common practice for them to prepare the leftovers, your doggy bag, whatever you wanna call it.

Yeah. But they will take the the plates to, like, where they have a stand with another kind of table set up where they've they do that, and then they put, you know, here's your here's your box. I felt like there was a there wasn't a lot of space on the table, and she was really kinda reachy to try and do it, like, right on the table in front of us as well. I agree. I appreciate the service, but it one, I I'm capable.

It's not hard. 2, you have a system. I do have a system. She was totally ruining your system. And 3, it was a little reachy.

It was a little cramped on the table. Because it was quiet. Yeah. We were all just sitting there, and then you go, what should I watch her do this, or should I look away? I I don't know where to look.

I don't know what to do with myself. And so I ate a mint, and I said, have a mint. Yeah. That'll ease my awkwardness. Did it?

No. No. No. It didn't. No.

I could feel the energy from you sitting next to me as I'm watching her pack up your food. I'm going, this is not how she does it since she's all upset. This is not right. There's a lot going on right now. Tons of energy bombarding me from the left.

She didn't even scrape that bowl. How could she? There was so much leftover curry. What are you gonna do? I couldn't.

I just walked away leaving all that curry behind. I mean, she stacked up the dishes right after. Like, it was a whole thing. Like, you were you had no chance to even be involved in it. No.

She said, I'm gonna do this for you, and you're just gonna watch. You're right. I am, because I am not gonna speak up. I'll just let you do it. The kids told me over the weekend that I am a crazy driver.

Oh, do you want me to do exactly what I did during this whole conversation? Because I'm good with that. Please do. K. You stayed quiet.

This doesn't involve me. I don't need to insert myself. This has nothing to do with me. I'm not giving an opinion one way or another. I sat in the driver's seat and listened to the 3 of you go on and on and on, I don't know, 10 minutes about this, and I just said, this doesn't involve me.

Anything I say is not gonna be the right thing. I am not inserting myself at all, And I didn't, and we parked in the driveway, and I got out of the truck, and you three were still going on and on. And I just walked in the house, And I hung up the keys, and then I said, good luck with this conversation. I'm going away. Well, 1, they told me I was a crazy driver.

And then Beck said, you literally put us in harm's way. And I went, what are you even talking about? And then I said, please provide me with some examples. Could they? No.

They couldn't. So I think they're a bunch of liars, those 2. And then I parked the car, and I got out, and I went inside and hung up my keys. I can't even believe that. I have kept them alive for 2015 years, and that's all they have to say to me is that I'm a crazy driver.

I disagree. I'm not a crazy driver. Do I go a little fast sometimes? Sure. And then I parked the car and I got out?

Mhmm. Take the easy way. I hung up the keys, and I said, good luck with that conversation. Emery and I were eating some late night ice cream over the weekend. You were?

Yeah. We were. Good for you. Yep. You were downstairs, and she said we were watching a TV show, I think, together.

And she said, I think I want some ice cream. And I said, oh, me too. And then we said, what is if you could only choose I mean, she went all out. She had caramel, and she had chocolate, and she had cut up little strawberries and bananas. She was having herself a little bananas, but I just had some I just had some ice cream with a little bit of caramel.

And? That's it. That's it. I played it nice. Okay.

And I said, what's your if you had to only choose one ice cream topping, what would it be? You get your ice cream, vanilla ice cream, and you can only have one topping. Just vanilla ice cream. Just vanilla ice cream. You get one choice of topping.

I picked hot fudge because it's the Well, I know. You you you love hot fudge. If I only get one, it's gonna be the warm caramel syrup, caramel sewer syrup because it's liquid. Caramel. That's it?

That's what you're going on? If I only get one, but it's gotta be warm. I want it to over the top of the vanilla ice cream. But I also don't like, I'm not a big sweet tooth guy, so the vanilla ice cream by itself, I'm good. Like, I'll just have a small scoop of that, and I'll be just fine.

Like, one scoop, and I'll just I'm good. You picked up? Like it with the coconut thing in there. That's really nice. Even when we go get ice cream, I get the small little kitty cup because it's a plenty.

And then, I'll put the hot caramel, and I like the graham cracker crumbs. Maybe some, like, little tiny chopped up peanuts. That's it. That's what I told Emery. I said when we were making it, I said, should we make dad some?

She goes, if he wants some, he can come get some. I said, that's fair. I don't even think you asked. No. I didn't.

Like, I honestly, this the first time hearing about having ice cream in the house. I thought we were out. Oh, no. We got some. Oh.

We have some. Cool. Cool. But I even told her. I thought we have caramel syrup, we have graham crackers, and we have peanuts.

Yeah. Because I know you are a man of Consistency. Consistency for sure. You know what you like. You go in.

You get the same thing. Yeah. You never you never make sense. To. You know what you like.

Right. Why would I why would I go take a risk unnecessarily on something and be like, I should've just got what I knew I like. With what I like. I know what I like. I'll go get what I like.

Now if they don't have what I like and I'm forced to try something new, I'm fine with that. I'll find something that I can be content with. But if they have all the things to make the thing I know I like, I'm gonna get the thing I like. Well, we have all of the things that we know you like at home. And now I know.

It's also really good if you don't do the chopped up peanuts. I like, cashews. If you have cashews and caramel, we don't. We do. We're out.

You ate the last bag? I think so. Cashews too? The little the little one? Yeah.

There's one more. No way. Because I almost ate it with my ice cream. No way? Yeah.

How rude. No. I didn't. No. I know, but you almost did.

You almost went we have all the things. Let's not tell Josh about it, and then let's also eat all the stuff he likes. It wasn't purposely that we were keeping that information from you. It's that you had sequestered yourself to the basement. No.

It feels like it feels excluded. No. You just didn't you get involved in I was not invited to the ice cream party. You could have walked upstairs any moment. Yeah.

Ice cream can travel downstairs too. You would know what I like, and the quantity is not much. It would have taken one tiny scoop with a little bit, and you could have said, hey. Here's a nice little treat. And I would have been like, what?

What a thoughtful thing. You could have Instead, the 2 of you went, no. No. Girls club. Girls ice cream club.

It's not that we were No boys allowed. You could come upstairs at any time to check on us. Hey. You guys doing okay? I've been down on stairs by myself for 3 hours just making sure you guys are okay and alive.

You guys could have come down with ice cream and said, hey. We were just making sure you were alive. You've been out here by yourself for 3 hours. Is everything okay? Here's some ice cream we thought we would bring to you, but no.

Excluded from the ice cream girls club. That's fine. I see how it is. It was delicious. Yeah.

I bet. I bet. Classy ninety seven. It's Josh and Chantel. Time for your would you rather this or that question of the day.

Would you rather swing on a rope into a lake or jump on a trampoline with the hose? I'm going with the trampoline. And why? Because me and rope swings don't work. How do you do on trampolines?

I'm Okay. Hold on, though. Hold on. Hold on. Let's go let's revisit this, rope swing thing.

Don't want to. No. Because your goal in the one rope swing you've ever done was to make it across the water. Correct? Correct.

That was your goal. Yes. What is the would you rather question? Swing on a rope into a lake. What is the goal?

Drop into a lake. Except I think you might do well at swing on a rope and drop in a lake. Now swing from land to land on a rope, not so good. Except I would find some way to mess it up. I promise you, I would I would let go too early.

I would let go too late. You've seen those videos. Internet famous. Yes. You would be Internet famous.

I would Or crash into the no. What if it went perfectly, and you did some crazy awesome backflip into the water and that was your thing? What if that's your thing and you've never tried it so you just don't know? When your body, the first time you got on a rope swing was like you're a natural at falling in the water. Maybe you should try doing that as your thing.

What if you're really good at rope swinging into a lake? I doubt it. I really do. Don't doubt yourself. I just don't even wanna try because I feel like I'm just gonna break something.

I'm gonna stick to a trampoline. Where it's real safe, and you won't break anything. I still will find a way to break something for sure, but I feel like that's a safer bet. I feel like I'm taking the rope swing. Are you?

I am. And I'm taking the rope swing because I've tried the other day to get on the trampoline, and I just did a somersault to get on. Uh-huh. And I laid there for a good couple of minutes. And you all were like, why is dad just laying on the trampoline like he's got nothing else going on in the whole wide world?

I was just trying to recover from the somersault. So I'm taking rope swing. Tramp. No. Rope swing.

I You're better today than yesterday daily challenge. The thing you can try to do today to make it better than yesterday. Mhmm. Yes. It's to do a 10 minute meditation, the self guided one where you scan your entire body, You breathe and you focus top of your head, down your forehead, down your ears, down your face.

A self guided one? Yes. So so this is where you're just supposed to find a find your own center and not not have the, like, downloaded one or, you know, any of that stuff. None of the apps. This is just a self guided scanning your entire body from head to toe and releasing tension from each region as you go.

That's the, that's the idea. That's a great idea. And it's 10 minutes. I'd like to release some stress. Now this is something you can do.

Like, if you're in the car right now and you're not in a hurry to get somewhere, you can pull off in a parking lot, and you can just sit in the sit in the moment. And you can close your eyes, and you can you don't have to, like there's nothing fancy about this. Don't do it if you're sitting in traffic because you're not gonna have 10 minutes for, like, a light to change. But, you know, find a little spot and, you know, maybe get out of the car. Go sit in the grass.

Oh, that's nice. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. 10 minutes self guided meditation. Head to toe.

Release the tension. 10 minutes. That's all you need. Hit that reset button. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge.

Good luck. And that's gonna do it for us on your Monday. Happy Monday Yeah. Everyone. Right?

Have a fantastic day. This show, wake up classy 97 with Josh and Chantel This one? This one? This very one. This very one today, but also this show over the past month or so, almost fifty episodes of the Wake Up Classy 97 podcast are available to listen to on demand when you want.

So you can go back clear to, was it June? I think there's shows in June. May. And then all of July. I think July?

July. July. I think the end of May actually was on it. Yeah. Nonetheless, the point is, if you wanna listen to the show, I'm looking to see how far back it goes.

It goes back to May 16th. Knew it. You are correct. So you can go all the way back to May 16th and listen to the show on demand. The wake up classy 97 podcast is available everywhere you get podcasts.

So that means Apple, Spotify, Deezer, Pocket Cast, Amazon. Whatever casting app you use, you can go ahead and you can get Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, and listen to it. Again, if you wanna hear it again, for the first time, if you didn't hear any of it or the first time if you only hear some of it, like, if you don't tune in until you're on your way to work at, like, 8, 9, And you don't know what happens at 6 or 7. Missed some real good stuff. You know what I mean?

Go back. We've got some And listen. Stuff in the 7, 8 o'clock In the 6. Hour. Yeah.

The whole show. Go listen if you want to. I don't wanna pressure you. Subscribe, and then you get notified when a new, episode goes live every weekday. So there you go.

Go listen. Go subscribe. Thanks for listening. Thanks for being a part of the show. Appreciate it.

Great Monday. We'll be back tomorrow. That's all I have to say. I've said enough. Yeah.

You're you're done. I've been I have been shut off by my own wife. She says I'm done talking. Have a great day. About that.

See you tomorrow. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.