Today’s guest is a marketing professional, a team leader, a mentor, a writer, and a Member of the American Marketing Association. Please welcome to the show Samantha Rideout, Director of Product Marketing at Cohere Health and Professor of Public Relations at Mount Saint Vincent University. Samantha joins host Sajeel Qureshi to talk about creating a strong team rather than a roster of strong individuals. Tune in to Samamtha’s amazing advice about where to invest your extra time and effort to get the best return!
RevOps Myth:
- Problems are not solved by hiring a professional, everyone works better as a team.
- Samantha believes that Connective Tissue needs to exist between each member and role in the company. Having someone who is active in each part of the organization like sales, solutions, product, and marketing is a valuable asset to your company.
- Samantha encourages listeners to utilize your community via Slack and propose your problem, solutions, and suggestions by discussing them amongst your team. This allows people to give their input on each solution. Having time to brainstorm and workshop through problems creates a strong relationship with everyone. Having a team that improves the way everyone communicates can show great leadership in your company.
- When seeking advice and input, it can be hard to meet with the top executives since they are often occupied. Samantha suggests going to people further down in the hierarchy who have more time and a strong knowledge of their field. These employees will become a great resource to consult with.
- It is important to make sure that you make your work environment a safe place to communicate their ideas in an approachable manner. A RevOps Gem is someone who is easy to work with and overall a friendly person. Samantha believes that everyone should become a RevOps Gem to be a leader for great solutions.
- Despite the development of AI and Chat GPT; RevOps, marketing, and sales are always going to have a human element. In complex business models, you need complex solutions and ambitious strategic goals, which AI can’t implement without people.
- Mentors give advice but sponsors advocate for you as a professional and stay connected over time. When deciding where to spend your time and extra effort at work, choose a place that will be a career or life-long connection that supports your growth.
Quote of the Show:
- “It takes a community to achieve anything if you wanna achieve it in the best way possible.” - Samantha Rideout
Ways to Tune In:
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Welcome to RevOps 500 where we invite the world’s top marketers to answer the tough questions facing growing companies. Join us as we dive deep into the world of RevOps. We’ll be learning strategies and expertise from first-hand experiences.