The Choosing Ease Podcast

In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into a mindset shift that can truly change the game for your coaching business. If you’ve been working one-on-one with clients and feeling like your income has hit a ceiling, this episode is for you.

I’m pulling back the curtain on the limiting belief that many of us hold onto: “1:1 coaching provides higher quality results than group coaching”.

Spoiler alert: this belief might be holding you back from scaling your business and achieving the freedom you started your business for in the first place.

Here’s what we cover in this episode:
  • Why working 1:1 with clients might be limiting your income potential
  • How you can deliver even more value to your clients through group coaching programs
  • The importance of creating a signature method and curriculum that empowers both you and your clients.
  • My personal experience shifting from 1:1 work to a scalable business model.
  • Practical steps you can take to start scaling your business without adding more hours to your schedule.

If you’re ready to create more freedom and impact in your coaching business, this episode is full of lightbulb moments you won’t want to miss.

Ready to start designing your scalable offer? The Integrate & Position course walks you through the exact steps I used to create my signature method and build a high-value coaching program that scales with ease. Grab it for only €77 here.

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Integrate & Position

What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


There comes a moment in almost every coaching business that working 1 on 1 with clients is just not feasible anymore. I work with coaches and experts, people that even have background as psychologists and people have been trained in so many different modalities who work with people 1 on 1, sometimes for years, and get amazing results with their clients. The coaches and the experts and the people that I work with are really, really good at what they do. But when they work 1 on 1 with people, they have a limiting belief that I wanna talk about today very often that keeps them at a limit, and you might experience the same. And the belief is that working 1 on 1 with somebody is of higher quality than something in a group.


And that what that belief creates is that they are stuck at an income level or stuck at many, many hours either working physically with their clients or on Zoom and just doing too much client delivery, wherefore they can't grow. Now I believe that most coaches expert, if you started your own business, you did that because you wanted freedom. There's almost nobody who starts in a business without having one of the core values that is freedom. Right? We wanna have freedom to make the kind of money that allows us to live the life that we truly desire for ourselves and for our families.


Not by the limitations of this is the amount of salary that you can have, but to have the cap off to be able to earn the kind of money that really allows you to do the things that are true to your heart. It's the freedom in time, not having to ask a boss for, can I take a holiday, or can I take off these days or can I do this thing because my cat has something important or I want to go for 6 months to Lisbon, like in my case, like what I'm doing right now? There is all these reasons that you don't wanna have to ask somebody else for permission, but be your own boss. Now if you're not careful being in business by yourself, you can become your own worst boss. And I'm saying that you can become your own worst employee because you could easily become successful or maybe you are successful being fully booked with clients and you have no freedom.


And that's where things start to, like, not feel great. Then if you have that belief, yes. But if I wanna create more freedom, then I could, for example, create a group coaching program, right, instead of 1 on 1 or I could raise my prices. And if you then have beliefs around that that think that that would not be an integrity, that that would make you a fraud or an imposter, then you're not gonna do that and you're kind of in this catch 22, so you're not gonna make it happen. So today, I really wanna talk about how you can actually become an even better coach and start to scale your coaching business.


I want you to see that there's ways that can be even more valuable than working with people 1 on 1, even more empowering for your clients, and you can scale your business. Scaling, I mean, work less or work the same amount of hours, but be able to 10 x your revenue. That's what I mean with scaling. So how can you create an offer that allows you to make more money to increase the revenue in your business without you having to work more? If you only have offers right now, that if you sell them, you have to work more, you are not ready to really scale.


You definitely have an income ceiling if that is where you're at, and this episode is gonna be golden. Because, again, I love it when people ask me the question, like, how do I do this without losing the quality of what I what I really deliver to my clients? Because that means that you care, and I'm happy with that. Like, I don't work with people. I also don't really meet them.


Those are not my clients. Of course, we all know there's people out there that care less about that. They care about marketing. They care about selling. They care about ego and great success and money on their bank account, and they're a little bit less concerned on is this in integrity.


Am I actually delivering the depth that I am promising? Am I actually doing those things that I once, you know, so believed in? And I want you to know that that is extremely powerful if you have the integrity and you also have the ambition to grow to multiple 6 figures, maybe to 7 figures, multiple 7, whatever your goal is. And you can do that and actually deliver even better results. Now one of the things that I have discovered in the past 10 years of developing this coaching business that I have developed and that really is all about business development, business coaching, and deep personal and spiritual work because I, a 100% of those believe those 2 go aligned.


They go hand in hand, and that is what comes through me. Right? I work with the embodiment. I work with the inner work and with the strategy, and that is what ultimately brings results to my clients. In the beginning, I did tons of 1 on 1 sessions.


Tons and tons and tons because doing those 1 on 1 sessions gave me the experience. It showed me patterns in the clients that I worked with. So I started to see these are the things that they're experiencing as problems, and these are the things that they really want. And these are the steps I need to give them for them to get where they want to be. Now that is invaluable.


So if you've been doing 1 on 1 sessions for a while, great. Good on you. This is not waste of time. This is amazing. I personally and I think this is because I started teaching.


You know, my first education is to be a theater teacher. I started that bachelor degree when I was 17, so I started teaching really early on. So I'm used to work with groups. My brain already thinks as a teacher, not just as a coach, also as a teacher. And those are basically the 2 personalities that need to come together here, the teacher and the coaching you.


Because the coach really can listen to somebody and be in a moment and have that experience within the moment with a person guiding them to find their answers. Right? But the teacher has to give steps. It has to the teacher has to think of what is it that I need to do if somebody is here and I wanna be there. What are the steps that I need to give them for them to get there, and how do I break down these steps?


Yeah. If I think of teaching dance, let's get a very practical example of me teaching salsa lessons. You know? It's great if you can dance with a partner and you can dance this great, you know, and looks amazing and all the things. I first will have to teach you to understand the music.


I will first have to teach you to listen to the music and start hearing that rhythm in salsa music so that you know when to take your steps. You know? What are the steps? I have to teach you the steps, the basics, and to listen to the music. So those are things I know I have to teach you first before I'm gonna teach all kind of complicated choreographies within it.


So the same thing is with your clients. You will, over time, find patterns that you can then think of, like, what are the steps that I can see everybody actually needs to break it, you know, needs to have. How can I break it down? And this is the first thing that is going to help you create a scalable coaching business. And why is that?


If you want to scale your coaching business, it is my belief and my experience that the best way to do that is through group coaching programs. Now you have a couple of categories in that. It could be something quite low end like a membership where people are in, and they get a little bit of your magic, and they just, you know, have this light interaction with you. They don't get a lot of access to you up to a high value group coaching program where people have a lot of access to you, where they pay high ticket, where they get you and maybe some support coaches. But in both from that end to the from a $30 a month membership to a $2,000 a month high value coaching program, There's steps in between that, but there's one thing that lays at the core of all these different ranges of offers.


So you might have heard of offer letters. Right? Like a membership for $30 a month, a course for €500, and you go and do it yourself. A small program of €1500 where you get a couple of weeks or a couple of months of support, and then you have these high value 10 k plus programs. At the core of all these different offers, there's one thing that is the most important thing for you to create, and that is your curriculum.


That is the curriculum that you give to people. Now is the curriculum the same in all these different examples of offers I just shared? No. But the curriculum is based on your signature method and that method is based on you working with clients and starting to say, hey. They're here.


They wanna be there, and this is the steps that I need to help them take. So if you are at a point where you're working a lot with people 1 on 1, you wanna get to 6 figures, multiple 6 figures, 7 figures, you have to think, do I truly have a method? Can I just tell you about that method right now and tell you exactly what it does, how it has different phases, how it is built up? Do I have a method? And did I create an online curriculum from that method?


That is so important because if you have done that work, you created something whereby you can now scale your coaching program. And even more, I believe you have created something that does something that is, in my experience, even more valuable than just 1 on 1 work with people where you, in the moment, create your coaching sessions. You empower your clients by teaching them the steps, by teaching them the methods. So they now learn themselves how they can go through something. Right?


How they can work first through this and then through that step and then through that step. And by them actually learning to do that themselves, it makes them not so dependent of you. If you are if they're always dependent of being in that session with you, they just have to be with you, spend time with you, which is not great for you. It it clouds you how do you say it? It clouds your calendar.


You're full with coaching sessions all the time. But also for them, it feels like a dependency. It's like the power is between me and the interaction with that coach. But, really, if they get the power, if they learn your method, if they learn the steps that they need to do, when they stop working with you, they have that a 100%. They're not like, oh, I wish I would feel that amazing again.


I need to go back to having sessions with her. They actually can go off and out in the world and be empowered by knowing themselves and knowing how to get to where they wanna be through your unique method. So creating your method, and I've talked about that before, is the first step. You need to know your method. That method comes from bringing together all your different expertises and then also from working with your clients and starting to recognize patterns.


Starting to see this is where the artist is where they wanna be, and these are the steps, step by step, that I need to take for them to get there. And this is how I need to break it down. Now if I look at my most profitable offer that I created back in 2019, it is what I now call the Elevate Mastermind. This program has changed names a couple of times. It has changed formats.


It has changed length of the program, but it's still the same basis. And what I have done is that I launched it in 2019. When I launched it, I did not create the curriculum just yet, but I had laid it out. So I had 4 of modules and I sold in, of course, like, knowing the modules and what I did was I taught every module live and I prerecorded some sessions, sometimes even the Sunday and the next Monday, I gave it to my clients. So I had a group that was a cohort, meaning they started on one day altogether and 6 months later, they were done altogether.


And I did that and it was beautiful. I created my first curriculum that way by teaching it live and by starting to break things down and teach it in, you know, really like week by week. Why did I do it that way? Not because I was lazy and I didn't wanna create the whole course, but because I had created a full course before. I've done that.


I've shared about it in the past episode. It ended up being a disaster. I I put in hours hours hours hours of work, so much time, money and energy, and it didn't sell. So that course was just sitting on a shelf. You might have a course like that.


If you have a course like that, high five. Like, you're not alone. So many people have that. It's just sitting there. Nobody's using it.


And it was such so traumatic. And what I realized was that I did create something. I put in my expertise in it. I think it's a good course that has a lot of value in that one, but I created in a vacuum. I created it by myself.


I didn't create it by working with people. So it was actually not resonating with people. I couldn't actually find out what exactly they needed and what lessons I needed to put in every module and where the questions were and where they would get stuck and what would be very easy for them and what would be really difficult for them. So because I did that, that course didn't literally resonate, and it was just sitting there. Yeah.


Lots of work, no money, no impact, like, really. So what I did next is that that launch and by the way, that was an $80,000 launch, so I made great money to create something. So I made the money first, then I created it. And what I did is, like, create that program while they were there. Now I could sell it again.


And the first, I think, one and a half to 2 years, I would sell 6 months. So I would start I do a launch, fill up the program, and then do 6 months together with a group and then end it together. And that was great. And, again, that gave me all the patterns. It taught me what I needed to teach.


It just really taught me this is all the videos that I need to do. This is the workbooks. This is the kind of templates they need in that module. This is where they get great success right away and this is where I think it was super clear but apparently it wasn't. And that has really helped me to create a very good curriculum.


Now that program again, 2019, it's like the end of almost end of 2024 right now. So that's 5 years of running the same program. And I, because I'm a teacher and I really value having a very strong course, a very strong curriculum because I know that gives me the freedom to scale it up. I can handle more clients if I have a strong curriculum. I have redone that curriculum three times.


The version that my clients have right now is the 3rd version of that curriculum. Is that a lot of work? Yes. Did I do a lot of rerecording, redesigning? Yes.


But that is because I really value that it has fantastic quality, so I put time in that course. I put time in that. I put time in that curriculum. And also because I know that if that curriculum gets better and better, my program can handle more and more clients. Now this is a high value group coaching program, the one that I'm talking about right now.


So I wouldn't surpass most probably about 50 people in a program, but there's days that I couldn't even imagine being able to offer that program and serve people on such a high level, 50 at the time. I have another program that is designed that is a bit more do it yourself that is designed to, you know, I can I can have 500 people in there if I want to? Yeah. So there's different ways that I see it. But what is the point here?


Is that that curriculum grows over time, but that I've always understood or I've understood, like, since 5 years that I really need to create a curriculum in order to be able to scale my program. Now how does that work? It really is that hybrid. So people come into the program and they from first, you know, I have a module 0 that basically sets them up for success And after that, there's module 1 that takes them through the first phase. Module 1, 2, and 3 is through the first phase of my method, which in my case is called integrate and simplify.


It's where I help you integrate your expertise, really nail your messaging, nail your offers, sell it already and simplify your offer suite and really get that. In the 2nd phase, when we've sold it, we have like really proven beautiful offers and messaging. In the 2nd phase, we're going to create a beautiful launch. So we're going to expand it, get more people into it. And that launch is secretly like a live funnel test.


It's actually we're building a funnel that in the 3rd phase, you're going to put something that has something that is evergreen that draws in clients all the time. Now those phases are key to knowing your method. So I created those phases and I take people through the curriculum through the phases. And then in the coaching program, there's mentoring calls. So where you come in and you ask your question.


And I keep hearing over and over again from people that it's so interesting to be in there because it is not only answering their own questions, but by the hearing the questions of other people, they also get questions answered they didn't even know they had. And I do implementation workshops. So this is really important for me. It's very important. And some I've noticed that some programs are actually do don't have a curriculum.


They don't have implementation workshop. They just have coaching calls. And that is where that feels a little flaky, I feel. Where that feels a little bit like, oh, I'm just sitting through all these questions for 1 and a half hour listening to other people's questions. But in my first of all, in my mentoring calls, everybody gets a turn.


It's never that people are, you know, there's no space in my high value program, that there's no space to answer the question. So to have that 1 on 1 kind of coaching feeling every week. And then in the workshops, that's where we get things done together because I noticed that I can have the lessons there, but that part which I had in the very beginning where I would teach everything live, I still wanna do elements of that. Because I noticed when we do some things together, it puts them on a path to actually implement, where sometimes if else that would be difficult. So this for me is a key element in any high value group coaching program that allows you to scale your business.


And then I also do embodied vision sessions. So for me, that is where I take people through deep subconscious belief work and where I allow them to embody their empowering beliefs so they can actually make them goals happen. Then there's a copy coach. We talk about Facebook ads. There's something somebody coming in for ad strategies and ad support.


So there's different other people coming in, but this is the backbone of the program. And this is why people get such big results because they come in at different times, and let me talk about that. So I don't do this beginning and date anymore, but they still know where they are in the process. Explain them very clearly. Here's the phases.


I onboard them with a one on one onboarding session, and we see, like, where you at in these phases, where do you need to start in a program, and how are you gonna be personally get the best results. So this is so so key. You know? If you do not have all these elements, that's where coaching programs start to really feel. And this is where I get sometimes people that makes me so sad saying, yeah, I I invested in a high value group coaching program, but I didn't feel I got what I wanted and now I don't wanna create one for myself.


And I'm like, that's just such a waste because it's just because somebody didn't know how to build a high value and high impact group coaching program. Now let me talk about that difference between running cohorts and having, as it is called, an evergreen group coaching program. Evergreen means anybody can start and end at any time. Or, I mean, anybody can start, but will have their own personal start moment, and they end after the amount of months that the program is. So for example, my group coaching program used to be 6 months.


I would say I could take people through the whole process in 6 months if they fully go for it but I've noticed in reality that life happens. Life comes in a way sometimes and that is really great to have 12 months. So I enroll people for 12 months at a time and I work with them and they start when they start, when they are ready, when they decide to come in, when they are ready to massively up their success in their business, and then they end after 12 months. That's how we do it. So how do you do that if you do not have that?


Like, we start altogether, and then we do module 1, module 2, module 3. That good stuff is really also in the curriculum. So as I said in module 0, I already tell people, listen. This is the phases that I'm gonna help you go through in this program and here's how you assess which phase you are in and, thus, what modules are gonna be most important for you right now. And, again, I also do I don't do 1 on 1 sessions within the program, but I do a 1 on 1 onboarding session for them to determine that.


So those are things that make your teaching even more powerful, and it's that work for you as a coach or an expert to not say, yeah. But I coach people on an intuitive way, and I don't know exactly what I do, but to get the maturity and to get the make that next step where you actually create a method and then a curriculum whereby you can empower people to go through your method yourself and this becomes the actual thing that you're really selling. So now you're going away from selling your time to actually really selling your process, your signature method, your unique expertise brought together in your way. That's what you're selling. And then you guide them in it.


In a high value group coaching program, you have time to still do mentoring, to take them through live workshops, to give them the guidance that they need in order to actually get the results and implement. If I turn parts of that curriculum because that's what you do then is then you can create an offer suite. So parts of that curriculum can become other things like a shorter program, a 3 month program that is a less of an investment, that is a bit more do it yourself. You give them that same curriculum that you've tested, that you know that works, but they have to figure it out more themselves with less time with you because the time with you is what is most valuable. You can also take a module and create that into a mini course.


Like, I have a 77, dollar mini course that people can get. I have a $27, like, audio guide that is one lesson from that whole curriculum. You know? So you can create smaller, like, 500, a $1,000, or euro products that come from that bigger curriculum. So, basically, it is such a great investment to create your curriculum, create a high value group coaching program.


Somebody asked me this weekend when I was on an event in Lisbon here with entrepreneurs, what was your breakthrough? How did you get the first time to 6 figures? It was this. It was learning how to design a high value group coaching program and how to sell it. That was my breakthrough and this is what I create with most of my clients.


This is a scalable strategy that will get you to 6 figures, that could get you to 6 figures with just 10 or 20 clients a year. And for the longest time I did that, I just ran that program. That was the whole thing. I didn't do any other offers. I didn't get distracted.


I was just doing that and by getting that consistently to multiple 6 figures, I then started to create a team and a space and a capacity to add on other offers. So this is what I highly recommend to any coach or expert out there to really start thinking about how can I become an even better coach by creating my course or my curriculum and my method and let that be the backbone? Start to actually empower people teaching that and then create group coaching program, a high value group coaching program where I support people going through that process. But anything that you would normally have to explain in every session again or take people through processes, customize in every session again, and you can now say, just go to lesson 2 points 2.2 c. And after that, come to me with questions, saves you lots of time and empowers them to really do things in their way.


So it is, in my perception, most empowering way to coach. It is the best way to scale your business, and it's just gonna give you so much freedom back and so much empowerment. Do you still wanna work with 1 on 1 clients? Fantastic. You can.


You can totally do that. I like to still give my 1 on 1 clients parts of that curriculum so that I give them assignments. I'm like, let's do the 1 on 1 work, but work through this, please. Because I know we're gonna be much quicker because of all I know we have to do that exact thing in a 1 on 1 session. Of course, your 1 on 1 work is gonna be your most high value offer because that is where you're really putting your time and your energy for 1 person, so you have to value that.


I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions about this, you know where to find me. Go to Instagram. T m e there. That's the place to send me DMs and ask me questions about this, but go think about this.


Go craft a way for you to create a pathway how to create that high value offer for yourself. If you're interested, I do have a €77 course on this called integrate and position. It's, as I said, one module out of my full curriculum that my high value clients are paid 10 k plus euros, and it gets you through exactly this. Like, how do you create your unique method of phases, which is the backbone of then creating your curriculum? So if you're interested in that, just DM me, integrate.


I'm happy to help you with that. If you have any questions, also find me in Instagram. We'll also make sure to link this course in the show notes, and I can't wait for you to tell me about how you are scaling. I have one of my clients just now. I helped her with this.


She was just working 1 on 1 with clients. She did exactly this. She went through that integrate imposition method. She created her method. She created her offer.


She created a pilot version of her group coaching program. And in the first even a launch, like, honestly, she just sent a couple of emails to her list, which is not a huge list, and she already got 12 people in it, which is just amazing. It's selling itself, and that is what happens when you really get behind it, own your expertise, bring it all together, and start sharing that. So I won that too for you. Let me know if you have any questions.


Go get that integrate and position course if you wanna have a taste of it. If you wanna make a start of this, if you would like more support, feel free to reach out because this is what I do best. This is what I love doing with clients. It will help you create freedom and create so much more impact for so many more people that need you. Have a beautiful rest of your day.


Thank you so much. Bye bye. Thank you for joining us today on the choosing ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review.


Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing ease.