Let's Talk UNLV

Join Dr. Scales in this engaging podcast episode as he chats with UNLV seniors Trevor Wolfford and Zion Byrd about their experiences and challenges while navigating college life. From discussing study habits to balancing academics with extracurricular activities, they offer valuable insights and advice. The conversation delves into the importance of community involvement, the impact of academic achievements on future goals, and recommendations for classes that enrich the college experience. Don't miss their reflections and advice for students striving for success in higher education.

What is Let's Talk UNLV?

Rebels, tune in to 'Let's Talk UNLV' with Dr. Sammie Scales. Your express pass to everything UNLV — campus highlights, programs, and the latest buzz. Join us weekly as we chat with student leaders, administrators, and faculty, diving into the core of what makes us Rebels.

The program brings guests from different areas of UNLV every week to discuss campus highlights, programs and services, research interests that are essential to being a Rebel. Let’s Talk UNLV places its emphasis on connecting with student leaders who represent the voice of students on our campus. Guests also include administrators, faculty and staff responsible for upholding the mission of the university, which is teaching, research and scholarship.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
Hello, and welcome to another episode, you can u n v 91.5. Hello UNLV. This is Dr. Scales coming to you with another podcast. I have two very special guests today, Trevor Wolford and Zion bird. So as we always do here on this show, let's talk with Trevor this this morning traveling Could you give us your origin story? Tell us where you from and how you ended up here at UNLV. And then I'm going to come to Zion with the same question.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
Yeah, of course. So thank you for having me today, Dr. Scales. As I said before, my name is Trevor Woodford. I'm from Long Beach, California. And I came to UNLV. Because you know, he was just the best fit for me. And it has continued to prove to be the best fit for me. I have a lot of family in the Greater Las Vegas area. On top of that, I've been very familiar with Vegas. So it's always been like a second home to me as well. So when I was deciding on where I was gonna go to college, and I got accepted to UNLV, especially on the spot, it was just the perfect fit. And it was like there was no better options for me at that point.

Unknown Speaker 1:21
What's What level are you? Are you a junior senior here? I'm

Unknown Speaker 1:24
a senior I'll be graduating in May. So yeah, before your senior graduating spring 24. All right, what major political science with a minor in African American Studies.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
All right. All right, Zion. Let's come up with designs. I'm what's your story? How did you end up here? And what year are you in? What do you do here on campus?

Unknown Speaker 1:40
Thanks for having me, Dr. scales. So I'm a third year here at UNLV. I'm majoring in political science and minoring in history. So things like I'm here. So I was born in Dallas, Texas. But I've moved around a lot. So I live there for only about two years, moved to San Francisco for five, Phoenix for three years, Puerto Rico for another three years. And then I've been in Vegas since 2017. So just stay here stay close to home and family, especially after COVID. So yeah, I've been here ever since now on campus. Student got one more year till I graduate. So it's been a really good time work on campus as well.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
Excellent. What's your major? And what do you plan on doing after graduation?

Unknown Speaker 2:24
So I'm majoring in political science. And it's funny, because what I want to do actually has nothing to do with my major. So after I graduate, I want to go into pilot school and be a commercial airline pilot. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 2:35
wow. That's exciting. Well make you want to get into that. What How did that happen?

Unknown Speaker 2:39
So I've been I've traveled a lot as a kid, because my mom's actually a flight attendant for United Airlines. So we've just been traveling my whole entire life. But I started college wanting to be a lawyer. And then I think I attended one of the Boyd Law School panels. And I just couldn't see myself doing it anymore. And I just working in an office. And like the some of the panelists were saying how it's, they can be troubled to have a work and a personal family balance in their life. And I just couldn't see myself in that goals. So I started looking at other options, and my mom had brought up being a pilot, because after COVID, a lot of the airlines actually went into a need for pilots because they lost a lot. And it was something that I could see myself doing. I already enjoyed traveling. I looked at her schedule to, to kind of form how I would be around with my family in the future. And it was something that I could see myself doing and actually enjoying. Wow,

Unknown Speaker 3:40
that's excellent. You mentioned family a lot. So clearly family is important to you. I understand that you have a twin here on campus. Is that true?

Unknown Speaker 3:47
I do have a twin brother named Noah. I also have an older brother named Darius, who's married with the son and my baby sister Fred, who just turned four. Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker 3:56
Wow, that's alright, man. Let's dive right into some of these guiding questions that I have for you understand, know that you made the Dean's List. Is that true? We did make the Dean's list. So when you say we that's inclusive. So does that mean that your twin made it also? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:10
we made it. We both made it. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 4:12
Okay. Well, Tom, tell us about some of your study habits. How did you end up doing that? Because I understand that you're active here on campus. So how did you make I was able to do all the things you do on campus, maintain good grades and make the diagnosis. How did that happen? What are your study habits? What can you share with us?

Unknown Speaker 4:28
Let's see. I'd say it's, there's definitely a big time management to it. I always make time to study like when I have tests and stuff coming up. But I'd say like the biggest importance for me is just showing up to class and taking good notes because like the notes are the only thing I have available when I'm studying for a test. So I usually review like do a heavy review the night before and study a little bit the morning of my test. I don't want to over study because I don't want to start stressing myself out about I didn't. But I want to study enough to feel prepared. And mostly just review what I've already been paying attention to in class.

Unknown Speaker 5:07
Wow, that's pretty good. You know, before coming here I was at San Diego State and one of the things I used to tell my students were, when you're in class, make sure you take notes where the particular topic that's been discussed that take enough notes where you can actually teach from your notes, that same topic that way, you know, you got good notes traveled, what how can you share? What do you have to share with us about study habits?

Unknown Speaker 5:27
Um, honestly, for when it comes to studying, that's something I always struggle with growing up. And yeah, that was something that my mother and I, we always talked about, what's my study habits. So when I'm when I made the Dean's list this past fall, it was actually a surprise, especially because everything I had going on, but kind of what you said about it, we've taken those make sure you teach it, I learned that's the most effective way for me to like, study is being able to take notes and then regurgitate information to someone in a way that fits for me. I was always told in school, like when you take notes, or you write down something in a test, write it from the perspective that you're talking to a fourth before to a four year old. So what I do that, especially because Political Science is so convoluted, if I start speaking, all these terms, people are start explaining information, they look at me, like I'm speaking a foreign language. So if I can like, essentially water everything down and teach it to someone, so it's more palatable, that I know, I understand the information a lot, because even though I'm changing some things so that other people can understand it, I still know like, the true meaning of everything and like what goes on behind it. So that kind of is the most effective way for me to study. And to like one of my information. On top of that, too, I'll spend like, probably 1015 minutes after class, like going over my notes, just to make sure that it's like stuck in my brain for a little bit. And when it comes down to tests, I just kind of flip through everything and like, go over all my information, I was always taught that, um, don't study the memorizing study to learn it. So once I do that, it's a lot, there's a lot more absorption that goes into it. So you retain information for a lot longer. Okay, cool.

Unknown Speaker 7:04
So I'm Zion. How do you balance in your academic life with other aspects of your life such as work as curricular activities, your commitments outside your commitment to your fraternity? How do you balance all of that? How do you dice up your time?

Unknown Speaker 7:21
Balance? Oh, it's tough. I feel like every, I feel like every week, I've always been always having something to do some kind of meeting with whether it's with my fraternity, the NPC Council, or work, it can be tough, but it's a, a lot of it comes down when I'm at work. So I work on campus with the Center for Academic Enrichment, outreach. And as a student worker there, I do get a lot of free time, which I'm thankful for. So I mostly watch the front. And I'll file when needed when they need me and asked me to, but a lot of it is just in the front, helping the students that come in, and answering phone calls. So I have a lot of chance there to get my actual homework done well, while I'm at work, so that I'm thankful for that can knock out a lot of that time. And then anything after five, so I say I'm on an eight to five schedule, anything from eight to five, Monday through Thursday, blocked me out, I cannot do it. But after five is when I have my space for like the meetings, I can do anything with my family and friends after after working class. So that's when I can, that's when I just take time to, like enjoy myself and be with the people I care about. Because like that's the only chance I get, I'd say, Wow,

Unknown Speaker 8:41
you so you give me an education Monday through Thursday, the bulk of your day making sure that you're able to get studying in go to class get homework done. That's pretty good. Trevor, what's one of the one of your favorite aspects of campus life you're at UNLV and how has it positively impacted your overall college experience? Your favorite aspect of campus life here.

Unknown Speaker 9:08
Um, to be honest, my third aspect campus life is the one I created. So I've been the Black Student Organization president for the past two years. And I remember when I came to UNLV, like black campus life and evolving among black students was practically non existent. So for the past, well, three, I've been boxing organization for three years, I've been President for two. But really in the past two years, I've seen the black community grow and become build a better bond, which is which has been amazing to me, because again, when I first came here, that wasn't a thing. And even though we got a lot more work to do, we're a lot farther than we were before we started. So that has been something that's been very powerful to me, it's my favorite aspect of Canvas life is being involved with the black student body. And definitely just like all my other involvement, it kind of gives me a little bit of a break even though it like takes a block by schedule. So of course being with everyone Ideally, and then just like being around, like my friends or other people like that kind of helps me like take away, I guess a social aspect, like I say, of, you know, the kind of gives me a little bit of time to de stress, especially with my busy schedule and all the stuff I've gone on. I kind of like really cherished moments like that. So that means a lot to me. But definitely, whenever we were doing events with black students are scared of black students. That's absolutely my favorite part of like being on campus here. UNLV.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
Wow, that's excellent. And I'm going to ask you a similar questions as I but are there any clubs, organization or campus events that you would recommend for fostering a sense of community and connection for any student on campus?

Unknown Speaker 10:40
Yeah, I'd say there's, there's, there's a lot of spaces out there at UNLV, we have something for everyone to be able to find themselves and find their community. I know, for me that was in fraternity and sorority life. So I joined Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity incorporated my freshman year of college, my second semester. And the growth that I've seen in myself since has been incredible. I came into college, I was pretty shy, not super involved in high school, I just play soccer. And that was my life. So it's like, there's a quote, I think Marcus Rashford was saying in one of the barbershop talks, like put yourself in situations where you're not comfortable in. Yeah. And I think that has been like, that has been what I've tried to do in college, I've been in my fraternity of hosted events, I've been able to be in touch with the black community on campus and find that because I didn't know where to look before. So that's been amazing. I've been able to grow as a leader, attend different conferences, and be able to just to connect with other students on campus, and like, build those connections with those who have like, similar values to me, who are equally driven. So I think just looking on, like through Involvement Fair and Wilmot Center, you can find out the different clubs and organizations at UNLV. And find out like, what works for you like, what are your interests? Where can you find that? And if you can't, you can start your own? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 12:10
You know, I were at San Diego State that, you know, with what we were talking about is getting getting yourself into situations that you're normally not in, you know, back at San Diego State we call that cultural plunge, putting yourself in a situation that you'd normally wouldn't be in weather, you know, that means, you know, going with a particular culture of people that you'd normally not around, and getting that experience and seeing what it's like to not be in the center all the time. So that's excellent. It's to my understanding that is your alpha Versary. Today, is that correct?

Unknown Speaker 12:40
It is tears in my fraternity. Yeah. All right. Happy

Unknown Speaker 12:44
Alpha Versary. To you, while there any positive role models that was in your life that made you choose alpha as a fraternity? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 12:52
So I'm a third generation alpha. So both my my dad and my grandpa were both alphas. So just seeing the influence that the impact that they were able to have in the community with their fraternities, the different community service events that we were able to attend. I think all that just influenced me. And like, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.

Unknown Speaker 13:14
Excellent. I love hearing that. Trevor, what influenced you to join out

Unknown Speaker 13:17
a lot of different things went into me choosing alpha, mainly because of when I was in high school, the the new principal, my middle school, because I would go back a lot and give my time and do some community service work my old middle school. He was a he was an alpha, he crossed an alpha chapter at Cornell University in New York. And he was very brilliant. He was just a great man to like, look at and see how he carried himself. It was like, okay, yeah, there's something over there. But what really made me wanted to become an Alpha was at the counseling lobby step show in 2017. The alphas killed it. And I was like, oh, at this time, I was still stepping in and doing all kinds of things. I was like, Yeah, this is where I want to go. So I'm the first in my family and a lot of different ways. I'm the first to go to college. I'll be the first of my dad's seven children to graduate college this year. And I'm also the first to join the divine nine organization. So being the first in a lot different aspects, and alpha being the first intercollegiate black fraternity, that it just like, it fit in a lot of different capacities. So and especially when you learn I'm a huge history buff. So when you learn about history, American history in general, and specifically black history, I mean, there's an alpha, every single movement that either started or played a crucial role in it. So that's something that always resonated with me, and and my decision was very easy. So in terms of choosing what fraternity I want to go with, Okay, excellent.

Unknown Speaker 14:45
Excellent. You know, I was reading an article that was published through Ohio State that talks about how when students are involved with an organization on campus, they get better grades, they do better that they're more connected to the campus into the school. So definitely by being in an organization, regardless of what that organization is on campus, students are more connected, feel a better sense of belonging and community at their college, you know, and so full full is full disclosure, what they are is I'm an alpha as well, so ice cold, just like these two guys. See, let me ask you this, have you found a strongest a strong support network among your peers? And how important do you think that peer support is and navigating challenging college life? So is there anyone on campus that you guys abused as a mentor, so if you've been here, been able to go and talk to when, you know, just to get information, um,

Unknown Speaker 15:44
I know for me personally, I just say like, in terms of talking about like a mentor, or some of that capacity, I always point towards Imani Patterson, who's the advisor for BSO. But as she does a lot of things within Student Diversity programming. She's always been like a ray, she's always been my biggest advocate on campus, as well as my like, my mentor, always, she always kind of fill fulfill that big sister role for me as well, where she always just gave me guidance. Even when I was going through stuff, I used to talk to her. And she would help me like navigate a whole bunch. So she always kind of gave me a lot of guidance as well. She's no longer here, but the former head of SDS won't, when it was known as tsj, Egypt, Howard was also a big advocate of mine and a great person to go and talk to. So just kind of finding people in different roles that align with the things that you're doing, that always makes it easier. So that's kind of how I got in touch with the money. And of course, the fraternity, a lot of a lot of brothers, and a fraternity I can go and I can talk to and it just builds a better bond as well. So I would say that's like, those are the people for me that I was able to, like get guidance from and like, be able to navigate talk to him a little bit easier for him. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 16:55
Other than being in a fraternity? Have there been any organizations that you've been involved with here on campus at UNLV? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 17:01
So like I said, I'm the, I'm a student worker with the Center for Academic Enrichment outreach. And I'm also a member of one of their, one of their programs. So they have programs that help with academic advising, tutoring, textbook loans, and so on. Remember that and it's, it's been super helpful in navigating some of the different college resources. I know, every year, they have like workshops, and especially with the FAFSA, which can always be hard to navigate, they always help with that, and just provide someone to talk to. I know, this year, I was also rebel ready week, leader. So this was the first year they held it, where all the freshmen can come and go through different like, essentially, like classes and stuff, not like not educational classes, but like classes on different campus resources, to help them get involved and learn what UNLV has to offer for them. So I was able to help guide about 40 students in my group to the different sessions and help them move through the week.

Unknown Speaker 18:02
Okay, well, what are some of the challenges that you face since being here on campus as a student, you know, from freshmen all the way up to now? Are there any challenges that you guys have faced, that you've been able to overcome? And how did you overcome those challenges?

Unknown Speaker 18:18
I would say like, finding your like, close knit group of friends, was, it's a necessity, when you go to college, and I came in, it was me and my brother, and college is a lot different before you find that group, you're kind of just going through the motions, you're getting your classes. But it's like you're not getting the full experience that college has to offer. So and then we made close friends with our suitemates, and a couple other people who lived on the same floor with us when we were living in the college dorm. And we're still close friends with all them to this day now. They've been like our biggest group, but we go on a bunch of college adventures together, you know, late nights, go into, try different restaurants and have different fun experiences. So you can do do something other than education while you're here. Because I think students get lost, because while we're all here for education, if that's the only thing that you're able to get out of college, then you didn't take full advantage of the opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 19:23
Excellent point. What about you, Trevor?

Unknown Speaker 19:27
Um, can you repeat the question?

Unknown Speaker 19:30
What have you found challenging since you've been here on campus? And how did you overcome those challenges?

Unknown Speaker 19:37
Well, I came during COVID. So the social aspect was the biggest challenge. Being you had to be isolated, you really couldn't leave your room or go anywhere. And other places we could go over to DC. In the gym, even then, that was those were like, their regulations in place. So the social aspect was really hard. I would say for me, it's been getting involved, even though I can admit it. Again, I don't regret anything. But Hindsight is 2020. I did do too much. So I got involved in a variety of clubs where you have enough time for me to list off all the things I was involved in, during my four years here. But definitely branching out and getting involved and separate out of your comfort zone and just being a part of things that you never thought you'd be a part of, or being a part of things that align similarly with your interest. That kind of helped me out a lot. But the biggest challenge was the social aspect. And just feeling isolated and figuring out like, how do I navigate being alone. And once you're able to branch out, and you're really able to find a community, it makes it a lot easier. I think that's, I think it's necessary for you to do that in college as a means for you to grow. Because if you just stay to yourself, I mean, you'll go far enough, but not as far as you could go. So there's always that African proverb like if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far go together. So you definitely need your community. In if you have a theory community, I promise you to all you know, the students like there's a community out here for you. Yeah, it seems

Unknown Speaker 21:03
like both of you guys have been a roundabout way spoke about a sense of belonging here on campus, things that you would like to see. So is there anything on campus even in the dorms that you lived in? Or the one that you currently currently live in? Is there anything that you would like to see changed? Or or improved for the next group that's coming behind you? And not just dorm? I mean, on campus in general, is there anything that you would like to see put in place for those that are coming after you?

Unknown Speaker 21:31
That's a tough question. Because, for me, it's, it's all about the people that you surround yourself with, let less about like, what's actually on the campus, and more about who your group is, and what you guys can make of it. Because for me, like, there's been plenty, there's plenty things at UNLV, we are the Student Union, we are the library with a bunch of resources and spaces to go. But like, if you don't have that group support that people go and and try these things with then that that's what makes the difference, in my opinion.

Unknown Speaker 22:04
My number one thing, I would say we that I would love to see, if this one thing was done, I wouldn't do anything else from UNLV. And it's having a black Resource Center on campus, a space where black students could go and learn about scholarships, they could go get mentors, they could go and learn about other organizations that can get involved in, they could have opportunities for internships, jobs, things like that. We've seen it at schools like UC Berkeley, as well as a variety of other schools. And it's worked very successful. And I feel like I would love to see that. Just because like our black student body is growing, and it needs more. It needs more attention, aside from just the student perspective. So in order for us to nurture and grow that community, we It can't just be on the students to solely do that. And a couple of staff, it has to be the entire human of the community. So that's one thing. But also another thing too, is actually like sticking by like being inclusive, like we're going to be inclusive means include everybody, not just slightly

Unknown Speaker 23:03
people. Okay, cool. Cool. Let's shift gears now and talk about future goals. How do you see your academic achievements contributing to your future goals, or career aspirations? And I think Zion spoke earlier about. Thank you. So you have a poli sci major correct. And you want to be a pilot. So there was there's a bit of a disconnect, but this degree still can help you in a particular way in that in that area. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:33
So for me a lot of the points comes from just like, the critical thinking skills that come with college, the leadership development, the connections, so all those like pushing towards, like, I've spoken with numerous pilots, and people that are connected with pilots to kind of get the an idea of like, where I should start, how I should be moving towards that career, and like the different schooling options, so that's helped me, but also just learning to, like, make those tough decisions. Know, Like, how to act quickly, I think that'll help me in the future as well. And even my degree, will help me like, because I still want to stay involved with my fraternity in the community. So I still think it's super important to stay educated in government and politics and what's going on in the community, because that impacts us every single day. And we need to be informed about what's going on and how we can move towards our goals in the community.

Unknown Speaker 24:33
Absolutely. And speaking of community, Trevor, is there any organization or anything that you do outside of school because of course, you're busy here on campus as a student in all the different organizations that you're a part of, do you make time or have you participated in anything outside of the school where you've gone out to the community? I don't know maybe to elementary school or high school to speak with students or anything to that effect?

Unknown Speaker 24:54
Yeah, actually, um, I recently had the opportunity to speak at an elementary School, James BB villain Elementary School, which is named after a fraternity brother of all of ours, who was also a charter member of the theta pi lambda chapter here in Vegas, and that was W's perience just going to speak to the kids and stuff like that. When people did for us when I was in elementary school, I remember, people come in, and we all thought it was like, so cool. So be able to speak to them, just about my experiences and my achievements. It was dope, because you have all these kids who I was later told that a lot of these kids come from single parent households. And a lot of these kids like, you know, some of them struggle with their grades and school, and stuff like that. And it was very relatable to me as someone who came from a single parent household as well. So, yeah, it was definitely a dope experience. I also volunteer with an organization called next gen America, where I help get people registered to vote. So that leads into my major as well, which I started studying political science, specifically for civil servants, specifically for civil servitude. So yeah, that makes me glad to know that I'm out there, the community of people read sort of well, and stuff like that.

Unknown Speaker 26:04
Oh, excellent. That's excellent. Let's move move this conversation towards classes now. Diane, can you tell us about any of the classes you have that you've taken that you would definitely recommend to students who are on campus?

Unknown Speaker 26:21
Yes. So I'd say I'm taking this African American Studies, as it's one on one. But it's definitely helpful in learning about African American history, and the important figures of it that you don't get taught throughout K through 12. Education. Because there is a lot of like, there's a lot of whitewash in, in, going up in education. So it's important to actually learn about the real history, the important figures that have pushed this nation in the black community forward, because it's equally important. So I'm thankful for that class. For to even teach me about some of the figures that I didn't know before, and giving me some important readings that can help understand black history. Excellent, same

Unknown Speaker 27:06
question forever and in classes that

Unknown Speaker 27:08
you that really stands out for you. Yeah, definitely. Same thing. So as I've said, I've chimerical studies courses, in particular my TOS to stick out, which was one it was a African American Studies, it was like studying hip hop. I mean, huge. Everyone that knows me knows I'm a huge hip hop. So that class was a lot to me, just like how hip hop integrate itself in the black community, and how it came from struggle. That was, so that was dope. And then my most recent class, where it's about studying the history of slavery, how it affects us today in American society. So that's taken by Dr. Tyler Perry, which is it's been though it's been, it's probably my favorite class I'm taking right now. And honestly, it's probably my favorite class I've ever taken UNLV. All right,

Unknown Speaker 27:49
excellent. So let's get ready to go to our closing here. And I usually like to give the last word to our guests. And in this case, we have two guests. So we'll start with Zion. And then we'll go over to Trevor. So any closing words or advice for students here on campus?

Unknown Speaker 28:06
Yeah, I'd say like, fine. Find other students and faculty and staff on campus that can help connect you to different resources, I'll give you advice, and just help push you to build yourself and develop more leadership and critical thinking skills. Just anything that you can do to make yourself better surround yourselves with those people. Because you're here for four years, this is the group that's going to help you make the most of it and be prepared for life after college.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
Absolutely. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 28:36
Yeah, definitely. Just to reiterate that just daily, find your community. Figure out what you want your college experience to be, realize that your college experience won't be like what you saw on TV. So you have to curate your own experience, and just do what you got to do and make sure that you stay on track and ensure that you remember that you're in charge of your own success. But yeah, so I mean, that's all I could say is really just find your community because that's extremely important. If you don't have your community here, then college is a lot harder and navigating campus life, it just becomes more difficult. So whatever that community looks like, there's so many clubs on campus people to join. I mean, we have everything from clubs about identity, we have Dungeons and Dragons club. So if that's what you liked, then go ahead and join that. So there's a community for everybody. There's a safe space for everybody here on campus. Excellent. Thank

Unknown Speaker 29:26
you so very much. And that's gonna be a wrap for us here at Let's talk K, u and v 91.5. You're on the campus of UNLV. Thank you to both of my guests. I would appreciate having you here. And that's a wrap.

Dr. Renee Watson 29:43
For more or less talk to UNLV Be sure to follow us on social media where you can get the latest updates on the show plus great behind the scenes content. We're on Facebook and let's talk about the podcast Twitter, let's talk UNLV and Instagram. Let's talk UNLV

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