
Found Trailer Bonus Episode 12 Season 1

Transforming Society for Jesus (Part 4 in the 'Faith in Politics' series)

Transforming Society for Jesus (Part 4 in the 'Faith in Politics' series)Transforming Society for Jesus (Part 4 in the 'Faith in Politics' series)

Can your vote actually make a difference? Can we take part in presencing the Kingdom of God on earth...even in politics?

This episode of Found (the fourth in the "Faith in Politics" series) examines the Societal Transformation view, a powerful approach to civic engagement for Jesus-followers. Hosts Linda Tokar and Brandon Bathauer explore unpack how some Christians view their faith as a driving force to actively shape the world around them. We'll explore these questions as we examine the biblical basis, historical figures, and real-world applications of this approach.

Get ready to wrestle with the challenges and the potential of societal transformation. We'll uncover the strengths of actively engaging our faith with culture and politics, while also acknowledging the potential pitfalls of this approach. We'll discuss how to balance our desire for social reform with the need for personal spiritual transformation. Prepare for thought-provoking insights and practical examples that will equip you to engage with this election season (and beyond) in a way that is both faithful and effective.

Areas of Deeper Study

  • "Sphere Sovereignty": Concept developed by Abraham Kuyper
  • "Inaugurated Eschatology": Theological view of God's Kingdom as already present but not yet fully realized.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Lutheran pastor and theologian known for his resistance to the Nazi regime. Pick up one of many great biographies on his life, including the accessible Eric Metaxas biography.
  • William Wilberforce: British politician who played a key role in abolishing the slave trade. "Amazing Grace" is a helpful film to get a glimpse of his life.
Books Mentioned

Creators & Guests

Brandon Bathauer
Linda Tokar

What is Found?

A conversation at the intersection of Christian belief and culture where we aim to find Jesus in the way we think about and respond to our world.