The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this mind-bending episode of "The Unseen Hand: Unraveling the Global Conspiracy," we dive headfirst into the tantalizing question: Is the world truly a grand conspiracy orchestrated by a select few? Join us as we embark on a thrilling exploration of hidden agendas, secret societies, and covert operations that may shape the very fabric of our existence.

Whether you're a skeptic, a curious truth-seeker, or a seasoned conspiracy enthusiast, this episode will provide an eye-opening journey that pushes the boundaries of conventional thinking. Prepare to challenge your beliefs, ignite your curiosity, and join us in uncovering the truth behind the illusion that is our world. Welcome to "The Unseen Hand: Unraveling the Global Conspiracy."
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
And we are live on The Jonathan Kogan Show. What's up everybody? This is The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. It's good to be with you. As always, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you listen to your podcasts, subscribe to the YouTube channel, Rumble channel, and Twitter is at KOGZ. And that's it, let's get started. So is the world controlled by a small group of people, like a global conspiracy, a cabal perhaps, like, these a few powerful people all coordinating with each other through investments, you know, through the money, through government, you know, are they all is there are some sort of global conspiracy going on now? A lot of people listening are probably like, yeah, of course there is. We know that. Okay. We know that other people are going to be like, I'm not so sure, but seeing things are very weird. All right. So let me tell you, listen, this is only for the people who are new. What we do on this podcast is we explore things with an open mind and open heart. Okay. It's very basic. Okay. We don't have emotional ties to political parties. We don't have emotional ties to anything. Okay. It's a dispassionate assessment of world events. That is it. Cause apparently people cannot do that. I had no idea what a talent it was to be able to be unbiased and truthful and unbothered by whatever the outcome is. only in pursuit of the truth. Like I do not care what that outcome is. I don't care if the truth hurts. I don't care if it's fantastic. I don't care if it's something I like, don't like. I do not care. I just wanna know what that truth is and then I can play around with what I think of it. Many people aren't even curious. Many people are just like, just feed me whatever I want. Please bring me tyranny, Papa. Please bring me tyranny. I mean, it's unbelievable. But here we go. So if there's a global cabal, you've all know Harari would be a spokesperson. Okay. Maybe the spokesperson for that group, perhaps. I mean, listen, he is the top advisor to Klaus Schwab, your favorite professor. All right. So let me start off with this video. He was on Lex Friedman today. And I really want to explore this topic. I can't, you can't just come out and say, yeah, we know a hundred percent is a global conspiracy. We know you can't possibly say that. None of us can know. Okay. Now, if you've listened to older podcasts I've done or that we've done, cause we're in this together. It's a one love type of world. Um, he, we definitely tend to think that that's the case. Okay. Now I had to preface it by saying you Valno Harari would be the spokesperson for this cabal. So obviously he would say there is no cabal, but I want you to listen to. How he answers that question of how the world seems like one big conspiracy. I'm going to play some other clips. Like what just recently happened at the European union. Uh, what a great MP said there saying basically outing this global cabal is one perhaps. But let's listen to Yuval Nohari first assess this. It's a decent like a four minute maybe six minute clip or so. But I want to start off with an open mind and open heart and I want you to also okay. So don't get all your panties up in a bunch if there's no cabal. Okay. What's the difference? What's the difference with the outcome is you care about the truth and I care about the truth. That's all we care about. So let's just get to it. Why is it so difficult to just discuss things that are truthful? It's unbelievable. It's mind-blowing But that's what we do on this podcast and we are gonna continue doing that as best as possible so here's you've all know Harari on Lex Freeman today and He's asked about this exact question and I want you to listen because that is what we are gonna do Let me turn up the volume a little bit for you. Just in case you're old as shit and have bad ears. Here we go Okay, so let me immediately address three things from this spiel. Okay. From this speech, my first concern about this and you know who he is. I prefaced the talk with who this man is. My first concern is that he, his big association with global cabal is Jews and anti-Semitism. And what we see a lot, and I'm Jewish. All right. And what we see a lot in the world is that when you say something on the line, like just the other day, Kennedy said that the airborne virus, uh, didn't affect Ashkenazi Jews and the, uh, the finish, like the people in Finland and the Chinese people as much. And there's actual studies that back that up immediately. There's a hit piece from the New York post and then the New York times afterwards saying he's anti-Semitic. So when you step out of line from the narrative, You are an anti-Semite automatically anti-Semite. Okay. So when he, and my concern is that he's intentionally associating in your head that if you think there's a global cabal that you associated with Jews and you're anti-Semitic and like that, that phrase and that use of a term, the anti-Semite anti-Semitism is used so aggressively in today's world where It's just like saying, like basically anyone who steps out of line, I can categorize them right now. Ready? They're far right extremists who are anti-Semitic and they're idiots. Basically. That's what every news organization says. So they've overused these terms because they need to associate things with certain people they don't want others to listen to. Does that make sense? So they don't want you to think there's a global ball. So perhaps they associate with Jews and anti-Semitism. Because my personal take is that Jews don't run the world. I don't, I think Jews are, if there are people that run the world, I believe there's Jewish people, part of that group. I don't think it's all Jews though, there's no way. Just, we're not that smart, okay? I mean, trust me, we own stuff. We like to own things. We need, you know, people need to have jobs, right? So you gotta have Jews to own shit, all right? That's, listen, that's just the way it is. I'm sorry, it's just the way it is. Someone's gotta own something. And that's what we're here for, we create jobs. But in all seriousness, that's my concern right away, okay? I don't like when people aggressively shove Jews and anti-Semitism down my throat. It makes me question it because it's just like someone's far right, I immediately go listen to them and about 9.5 times out of 10, they're not far right. Okay, now since that was a bad point that was made, here's a good point. The Iraq is a good point. So you literally do have a unipolar world with the strongest army military country ever in the history of the world attack Iraq or Iraq who is way weaker and we're embarrassed. I'm from America. So America is embarrassed. I mean things go opposite of it. He's right. It totally failed. So they planned to take out and do what they want with this country and it did not happen at all. In fact, none of our wars goes plan. We lose them all. But we win the big ones in history. Like we're in World War I, World War II. We get that shit down. But then the little ones that we just wage every year. We just lose those. I don't know why. Maybe it's like an exhibition game. It's like pre-season. But that's a good point. If that was a conspiracy, a plan to destroy a country and to do what they want with it, it failed. That was planned and it was the most powerful force on Earth from humans. It didn't work. It went opposite and they were embarrassed. America was embarrassed. That is bad. So that's important to know because if there is a global conspiracy, Maybe they do plan stuff, but shit doesn't go right. Okay? And shit probably doesn't go right because technically the United States was formed. Okay? So King George, that would have never happened. Right? They were under tyranny, they broke away. And so the United States existing and then like these constitutional republic and democracies existing where people have more freedom now probably than they ever had. And especially like with the internet and stuff. Like I don't, maybe that wasn't as planned. I don't think they want the, but maybe the internet on the other hand. is a good tool where they can use totalitarian controls, where they can monitor and survey everybody and control the conversation and lock people down. And then they have to go on social media and then they control the discourse there. You can see from both sides, it's either massive freedom to the world or not. The centralization of social media and massive companies like Google and Meta and stuff like that, that is not free. Okay. But when it's decentralized like Nostra and Bitcoin and stuff like that. Well, then you have a good argument. And I think those are the forces that are actually fighting each other. But that's for another day. Then he says power through publicity. Very interesting. Says Hitler could have been Hitler if he didn't have the publicity. I don't know. I don't know. You don't hear about the Rothschilds as much. And I do, from my research, believe they do have a decent amount of control out there over the financial system. You learn about, you know, the Federal Reserve, the money, you know, just who controls the dollars and all this stuff. They're not known very well. They're not really in it. A lot of people aren't really in the news. There's no news. Information about certain people that are very powerful does not get out there. So I don't know if you can like, you can't obviously take a country to war and no one knows you, but like, it's a tough one. So like, you know, would Hitler have been Hitler without publicity? Probably not. But if he had, could you have a puppet master behind closed doors? Yeah, I... I do think so. So okay, that again would be the spokesperson for the cabal if there was one. Okay, so that's Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab's best friend in the world. And so now what I want to play is Christine Anderson, right? Yeah, Christine Anderson. Okay, she's part of the European Parliament for Germany. And she just gave a speech. And I want you to take a listen to this. And she's kind of addressing, I'm going to let you listen. It's about five minutes long that she is essentially waging war on the cabal. So I want to play the opposite take on this. OK. And in the form that she's taking, she's attacking the cabal through what they're using as mechanisms like the WHO, the World Health Organization, these international bodies, the UN, stuff like that. OK. And actually, I notice the psychology totalitarianism, Matthias Desmond. I see him there. He's one of the people that she mentions, the citizens on this new commission that she's trying to form. So take a listen to this speech that just happened of her waging war against the Cabal, which, according to Yvonne O'Hara, it can never be true. I want to play all sides, baby. All sides is what we do here. All sides. All right, here we go. Ha ha ha! Now that's something. If you don't get a little amped up, a little juiced up over that, whether you think there's a cabal or not, I get excited baby. Oh my goodness. All right. Let's fight the WHO. Boom, boom, boom. All right. So that's the other side. I think the answer is more complicated. I think in the current infrastructure of society, first of all, it's so amazing how almost Everything society is storytelling, like using money, the rules, all that stuff. It's amazing society functions so well and people for the most part get along pretty well and that people prosper. Like just things are so cohesive. I mean, things are chaotic right now, but like for the most part, things work. And it's basically all storytelling that we all believe. You know, we believe this money's worth something, you know, we trust this institution to do this, to do that. You know, we trust this person. You know, we, we listen to our, like it's crazy. I'm just shocked at how important storytelling is and that is probably the best skillset one can have, especially in this new age, the information age is storytelling. I just wanted to say that as a side note. Now I think it's more, I do think there are powerful people that are putting their fingers on the lever. I also think there are a lot of systems in society, politically, financially, where the incentives are promote nefarious and or bad behavior. Um, and so if you have poor incentives, it's like something that Warren Buffett said, you know, show me the incentives, I'll show you the outcome. So if you incentivize people, you know, to administer a medication and you get paid more, they're going to administer as many of those medications as possible. You see what I'm saying? So instead now are those incentives set by more powerful people that want that outcome, so then they create that incentive and the society follows, you know, follow suit. That's a tough one. That's a tough one. I could say that's true and I can argue it's not sure I could see both sides of That I could see both sides. You know, I think it's interesting. I think a lot of people I even saw today Someone walked in I saw an NWO shirt and I thought I was NWO back from like the WWF when I was growing up And you know and I look at it and then underneath the NWO it says new world order I was like, oh my goodness. So people clearly think that they're I mean, if I had to lean one way, it surely seems like there are people in control that are dictating the actions of how society is moving. Okay, clearly. You know, you look at things like Bill Gates and his fascination with certain medical interventions, let's say, and then this and then being on every news station to propagandize people and then every action taken by governments is to lock down. Things just don't seem right. Okay, they don't see and then the Rockefellers they took over, you know, medical schools. They took over medical schools And it's really interesting another part of my day today I was talking to two people who totally were we all saw eye to eye on this like that We were all seeing eye to eye like yeah, this is what's going on. They're trying to destroy, you know civilization and all this stuff's going on It's crazy and one guy It was a black guy and a white guy. I don't know if that really matters. That's kind of irrelevant, but one guy was like So we, you know, we kind of saw the same thing the other way. The other guy saw everything the way we see it, basically just sum it up as everything we talk about in this podcast. But the conclusion he makes was basically, um, to like vote for Biden to like save the day. It was so weird. So we saw things the exact same, but yet he somehow thought like Biden would save the world from it. When all this stuff's happening under, it was so weird. So you can see things exactly the same way, but come to radically different conclusions. Our conclusion is we don't believe in politics. We don't believe in any political leader, okay? If you identify with a political party when not your cup of tea, we don't do that. We don't do that. We are for the peasants, by the peasants, of the peasants, okay? Two political classes, elites, peasants, okay? We side with the peasants, we will never waver. That's it, okay? Build our own communities, create our own infrastructure, decentralize, get our own systems, our own financial services, all that stuff, okay? Peasants, peasants, peasants. For some reason, people wanna make that view of the world far right, anti-Semitic, but it's not. It's literally just for the peasants. That's it. I don't know why that's right wing. I still have idiots that will reply on my Twitter at KOGZ and be like, oh my God, you're far right. What do you wanna overthrow the government like January 6th? I'm like, what? What? What are you, I'm just saying. I want power to the people, baby. Why is that so controversial? Why is that right wing? I have no idea. No idea. Another thing I was thinking of is, well, okay, so that's it. I'm curious what you think. Now, on another topic, because we're streaming, baby, we are streaming, is on Twitter. So Joe Rogan had one of the best rappers, in my opinion, period, Killer Mike. If you don't know Run the Jules and you haven't listened to Run the Jules 2, the album, that might be the best rap album of all time. No joke. Unbelievable. I don't even know. By the way, Freemasons is trending on Twitter, but that's not here nor there. Now, if there is a cabal or nefarious forces that perhaps want a totalitarian society, want you to have vaccine passports, wants to have central bank digital currencies, all that stuff. Well, how? you get out of that system. And I think that Killer Mike on Joe Rogan brought up a great point. He said the most revolutionary thing you can do is grow a tomato. Listen to this two minute, 38 second clip. It's very good. How can you disagree with that? That is the ultimate rebellion of the system. We need, if the purpose was to have totalitarian control of society, well, over generation, you would have to dumb the society down, forget how to grow food or how to do anything useful, like no skills whatsoever, totally dependent on the system for everything, whether it's financially, whether it's food, whether it's goods or services, anything, all centralized. And we have potentially hit peak centralization. That's what's occurred. Peak centralization, everything that you don't have any skills. You, the person who's listening to this, you probably do not grow your own food, nor do you know how to grow your own food. Okay. And that's embarrassing for all of us. We do this for generations and they duped us into centralizing food, into centralizing everything. And now we're at the whims of the central planners. This is what happens. You can't do that. You Gotta have locally grown food. You don't have to be the one that grows it, but you gotta partner up with a local farm. You can't have everything centralized, otherwise all the people can be controlled. That's the fear of central bank digital currencies. That's the final straw. You control every single transaction, how's money spent, when it's spent, if it can even be saved, what's allowed to be spent on. That's it, baby, that is it. That is the final. Notch in the shoestring. What does that mean? I have no idea. It's the only thing that came to mind. But you know what I mean? It's the final notch in the belt, all right? And tell me you can't lose a little bit on your belt. I can, I'm obese and I work out all the time. But we are intentionally eating shit food, processed up the ass. None of the ingredients are real. It's all chemicals. And it lowers your sperm count, makes you infertile, makes you dumb as shit, gives you mental health disorders. Like the whole thing, the whole system, if the system was set up to make you sick, stupid and useless, as you all know, Harari would say, quote, useless eaters, they have succeeded. And you cannot even argue that. They have 98% of the population is useless eaters. But we can rebel. We can take our health seriously. We can exercise. We can become friends with our neighbors. We can barter with one another. We can grow our own food. Okay. We can trade with one another. We can use local. We can figure out some local currency system with Bitcoin. You know, it doesn't have to be local actually, just use Bitcoin. Not a recommendation, but just saying, research decentralized currencies. Research new systems. We need to break out of the centralized system. It is not working, okay? Look around you. Everyone is out of shape. Everybody basically has cancer, heart disease, or is dead. Okay, and if they're not dead, they're walking like they're dead. Okay. They just are. Okay. I mean, my God, we have shows called like my 600 pound friend. Okay. And they, they like anchor them off the couch because they just eat all day and just ordering from Uber eats. That is no life, my friends, no life. It's time to take your life seriously. It's time to live your best life because last time I checked, I could be wrong. I could be wrong. I've been wrong many, many times, but this could be it, baby. This could be your only shot at this thing. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to live your life to the fullest? Are you going to try to reach your potential in this one, literally one chance that you have before you go wherever the hell you think you're going to go. This is the only time you're here physically in this form. Why wouldn't you maximize that potential baby? Why not? You scared? You don't think you could do it? You got mental health issues. Cause you're eating processed shit that's destroying your gut and then destroying your brain. Come on. You got to feed yourself with good information, with truthful information. I appreciate you listening to the podcast. because that's how we get to it. We'll get to the truth together, okay? And that's what we do. That's what we do. We are bringing in a new society, okay? Not like a Brave New World type society, like an Orwell 1984 type society, but like a free society, you know? With the people, we run our own shit. That's how it's supposed to be. Not these pretend politicians that say things that you may or may not like, or even if it's the things you may like, they're just saying it because they're trying to pull on your heart string, and then you... Put all your faith in them when really the power is within you. The power is in your soul. The power is in your body and spirit and all that stuff. It's not in someone that has their name that you see on a TV and then after that name in parentheses says D or R. Sometimes I. Those people cannot be trusted at all costs. At all costs. None of them are trustworthy. Those are just facts, baby. Those are just facts. Oh man, what else we got here? You know, we're going to start streaming every day. I just got to say, you know, I apologize. A lot going on, a lot happening. World's changing fast, but you know, I do this for you. We need to do this together. I didn't forget that. Side note, the World Series is a poker main event for over $12 million. Ended today. Pretty, pretty cool. Not going to lie. Um. And the winner was Daniel Weinman from Atlanta took home $12.1 million, beat 10,043 players. I love poker. I don't know if you love poker, but I love poker. The two top, the 2023 main event champion, 12.1 million, the biggest field ever to that's so cool. Bad ass. Good job, Daniel Weinman. Very, very happy for you. Come on the pod whenever you like. If you're, if you're a listener. All right. So that's what I got today. I just want people to think, I want people to stop getting their panties up in a bunch and getting emotional with any topic. Let's just search for the truth. Why are people, first of all, why are people so adamant about preventing us from finding the truth? That's sketchy. Secondly, why are people unwilling to pursue the truth? Are they too weak? Okay. Like you got like people like YouTube taking down interviews that you can't handle, like they have an information filter to protect the humans. to protect the peasants like, oh, Jordan Pearson, Robert F. Kennedy, you can't handle it, but we can. So we're going to take it down to protect you. What the hell? And people cheer that on. Are you out of your soul? What is wrong with your head? That is straight tyranny in the digital age. That is censorship. That is awful. You can't want that for a presidential candidate of all people. This isn't endorsing anyone. It's just saying that is wild. That is wild. You should not want that. That is not good for anybody listening to this podcast. Unless you're the person that took it. No, it's not good for you either because then it's gonna happen to you whoever's behind this You're not doing Good for the people. Okay, and you probably are part of the people I imagine I don't think claus is there clicking away deciding what videos all right. I don't think so. Maybe he is maybe he is But uh, I don't know you never know um crazy stuff man, uh We could talk about some other stuff. I think we'll get to tomorrow. You know, we'll do something a little longer do some a little more in depth, but we need to expose whatever that truth is and we need to search for it and we need to discuss it and we need to find out what is the real truth. We got the people who are preventing you from, from seeing the truth. You guys just ignore them or actually you should always see what they're talking about. Always understand like what their angle is, what they're trying to, you know, gear you towards, you know, realize, assess the propaganda and then be like, you know, give you clues into what to research. And then the people who are just unwilling to search for the truth. That is so weird. I don't get that. Maybe that's a brain issue. Maybe it's an emotional, it's probably emotional, probably emotional. All right, everybody. That's The Jonathan Kogan Show today. Please subscribe wherever you get your podcast. If you want to give it a five star review, that'd be fantastic. And I would love you for ever. If you do give it a five star review on Apple podcast, write a little description. I'll read it tomorrow. First thing, baby. First thing. Thank you for even being a part of this journey. There's a community. This is love. This is everybody on the same team. But you know that by now, if you're new, thanks for being here. Thanks for being here. catch some of the old podcasts. They're very, very good. I'm sure anybody listening to this will tell you. By the way, I'm gonna start some sort of community online that we can all get in. I don't know if everyone uses Twitter to listen to this or who uses what, maybe I'll just start independent community, maybe on, that we can all stay up to date on topics, get to know one another, connect over the internet, help one another, support one another, give each other a way to stand up for one another, for attack digitally, all this stuff, a way we can help if you're visiting a city, create this sort of connection, human connection. It's all about human connection, baby. That is the fundamental goal of this podcast is to bring the peasants together. That is my North star full stop. Please subscribe wherever your podcast at KOGZ on Twitter. That's all I got today. I love you. I love you so much. God bless. Bye.