This podcast is brought to you by Podpro Australia. There are six sexy tricks to getting your emails opened and actioned. And in today's episode, I'm going to show you how.
Social media, Google, email marketing systems, website traffic, and the endless content creation that comes with marketing. It's overwhelming, right? Say goodbye to endless stress and hello to clarity. With the meaningful marketing podcast. In this podcast, I will share with you fast and free practical methods to help you manage monetize and market your business all infused with a healthy dose of motivation.
Let's do this.
Hello and welcome to the meaningful marketing podcast. I'm your host, Chantal Gerardy from online business marketing. Today, I'm going to share with you another effective, meaningful marketing strategy to help you connect with your audience and grow your business online. In today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you how to format a good email for your marketing.
I'll be covering practical tips and insights on crafting an email that not only gets opened, but also drives engagement and action. I'm going to discuss the essentials of email marketing content, specifically with regards to formatting. I'm going to include understanding your audience, creating compelling subject lines, structuring your email body so that you have maximum impact, and also discuss including effective call to actions.
Remember, everything you do starts with your overall strategy, looking at the outcome that you want from sending that email. So consider who is on your list, what is relevant to them, and what convinces or touch points they need in order to say yes. So why is this topic relevant and important for you?
Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for ongoing communication that ultimately will lead to sales. You do not own your audience on social media, so getting them off social media and into your email list gives you the opportunity to nurture, connect, and engage your audience so they become compelled to buy.
However, this is only possible if your emails are well crafted and resonate with your audience. Thanks. That's why understanding how to write good emails is crucial for any business looking to leverage email marketing effectively. Everyone always asks me, what do I need to know when writing an email?
Today, I'm going to show you what. So first, let me share a story with you. A small business owner named Sarah ran an online boutique store selling handmade jewelry. Sarah had a growing email list, but she struggled with low open and click through rates.
She often sent out promotional emails, but they didn't seem to capture her audience's interest. Frustrated, she decided to revamp her marketing strategy. Sarah started by segmenting her email lists based on her customers purchase history and engagement levels. She crafted personalized subject lines that piqued curiosity and created a sense of urgency.
Instead of bombarding her audience with product details, she focused on how her jewelry could enhance their lives. Highlighted stories of customers who felt more confident and stylish wearing her pieces. She now uses bullet points and subheadings to make her emails easy to read and she includes clear, compelling call to actions.
The result, Sarah saw a significant increase in open rates, in click through rates and in sales. Her audience now looks forward to her emails because they provide value and speak directly to their needs and interests. This transformation in Sarah's email marketing strategy highlights the power of good email writing and formatting and how it can have an impact on her and your business.
So let's dive into these practical tips and strategies on how to write email content and format it well. Firstly, understanding your audience is key. Knowing who your readers are helps you tailor your emails to their preferences and needs. Segmenting your email list to send more personalized and relevant content is important.
For example, you might have different segments for leads and for customers. This way you can send targeted, relevant messages that resonate with each group. Number two. Crafting a compelling subject line is crucial. Your subject line is the first thing they will see and will determine whether or not they open your email.
Then it needs to be clear and catchy. Also, spam check your subject lines before sending them out. Using caps or money references could make them end up in a spam folder.
Using emojis or FOMO, fear of missing out, or a sense of urgency can work really well. The subject line needs to convey what they can expect from the email.
Your subject line should speak to the specific audience you are targeting and always deliver on the promise from the subject line. Trickery does not build trust and remember humor does not always translate. Number three, the preheader. The preheader is a great opportunity to further explain your email content.
These are the first next words that they can view in the inbox after the subject line. This also helps to compel them to open the email. Now an absolute cheat for this is for you to go into your inbox and have a look at all the subject lines and pre headers and take note of the ones that you're more likely to click on.
This will give you some insight into choosing better subject line and pre header text. Number four. Readers are becoming less and less more likely to read long form content. Readers tend to skim read through, so it's important that the content inside your emails is skim readable. To help engage the readers,
You can try some of these copywriting tactics. You could use capital letters to highlight certain words. You could use emojis, which I'll talk a little bit more on soon. You could use one sentence, paragraph, word extensions. For example, have you seen this? You could center the text. You could use headings and subheadings.
You could change the colors in the headings and subheadings. You could use consistent fonts. So for example, a headline font, and then a subheading font, and then a font to write in. You could follow a logical structure, so it's not too haphazard. Using dot points is really engaging
using italics in the right space, including paragraph breaks, the use of graphics, so for example, personal graphics, inco, infographics, video, or gifs.
Using language that is conversational and personable, telling stories, using metaphors, keeping the paragraph short and only with one idea, and remember to always stay on point. Always consider what is the point of this email, and then yes, stay on point. Always use the give, give, get mentality, and proofread and spellcheck before sending out.
Another thing to include in emails would be statistics, before and afters, product showcases,
and quotes. So number five, let's talk about emojis. Emojis help your content be expressive and can actually help trigger emotions. They help to engage, differentiate, and stand out from other emails. Did you know that 56 percent higher open rate when using emojis and yet only 2 percent of people are actually using them?
Bye. So consider having brand associated emojis and use only relevant ones. Be careful to not overuse them or use them incorrectly. Another fun fact, the poo emoji has the highest open rate.
To grab attention, you could always use the emergency, fire siren, thumbs down, thumbs up, lightning bolt or fire emojis, just as an example. Number six, what most people forget to include.
or they can overdo is including a clear call to action. Your call to action should stand out and be easy to follow. Whether you want readers to click on a link, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase, make sure your call to action is specific and actionable. Phrases like shop now, learn more, or join us are effective because they tell the reader exactly what to do next.
You can use the call to action Behind a button, or you can hyperlink words to get better click throughs. Lastly, testing your emails is a step you shouldn't skip. Send a test email to yourself or a colleague to see how it looks on different devices. This helps you catch any formatting issues or errors you may have missed.
Always check the mobile view too. Then reviewing your insights from your emails is super important. In fact, this is probably one of the most neglected things. After you've sent an email, come back about five days later and have a look at your insights. Poor open rates could be the day, the time, or the subject line.
Poor click through rates could be poor content, relevancy, lack of convinces, lack of connection, or poor call to action. And there you have it. Some essential tips on how to write good emails. Remember, the key is to understand your audience, create compelling subject lines and openings, keep your content clear and engaging, and always including a clear next step call to action.
For more great insights on email marketing, download our guide on the website under free resources on the online business marketing website. That's it. Onlinebusinessmarketing. com. au under free resources. We have a download specifically for email marketing. Thank you for tuning into the Meaningful Marketing Podcast.
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