
Try not to panic but WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Well, maybe. As the potential solar flare apocalypse crazy takes over the news websites once again, we gather to answer the most important question - what is the sun, really? Okay, no, we are not actually going that fundamental but if you want to learn about solar flares, what kind of apocalypse they will cause, how they will affect your horoscope, and whether you should print out your favorite cake recipe... This is the episode for you!

Freddie in the microwave
Adana shooting at the sun

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Elif Gecyatan
I am a visual artist and a qualitative researcher.
Enes Yılmaz
İzel Çelik
She likes apps, technology, design, and talking about things she likes. After wearing her Turkish friends down, she decided to expand her borders and speak to the whole world about her interests.
Melih Binali

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_03: Hey guys, have you heard about a huge solar flare is coming next year?
_01: Oh, solar flare is the thing that when you point your camera towards the sun and sun rings appear right?
_05: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
_02: that's lens flare, educate yourself.
_01: Oh no, I have done all this research for nothing.
_03: Did you watch that guy's movie story to research?
_01: I have watched some guy's movie, what guy need you to be watching?
_03: Can someone with a character knowledge, I don't know, correct this job?
_02: The one that makes disaster movies? Oh wait, no, you're talking about JJ Abrams.
_03: Interstellar guy.
_02: No, wait. Who's the last player guy?
_03: Lance Flare is JJ Abrams.
_02: He puts last player all over his mailways.
_03: Why do I remember it was said during the Interstellar, because Interstellar is someone else, right?
_02: Interstellar, I mean, Interstellar could also have last flares.
_03: Yeah, but. Yeah, but okay. I am so unknowable in that area. So let's talk about something that I came prepared for. Which is class place.
_01: I would have segues. So let's talk about other people who are not know about this topic and then push the ball to
_00: do that.
_01: This is me doing it. I'm going to say that. Did you know that in Spotify, our audiences top three interests are coming to culture and what was it? Turkish pop, something like that.
_03: Turkish pop is in the other music part. So yeah, these were different categories.
_01: So there's a news outlet and I think about this topic.
_05: They are fun. First of all. Thank you. Good contribution. Yeah, lots of clickbait on news. Like I have been bombarded with news about like fake news during some time when I'm writing a color layer on internet or even on social media, like there are people who are making some conspiracy theories about solar sound. Is it our the lost chance like the society know today the civilization is going to be destructive, destroyed by some is it our end kind of things.
_02: I love crackpot conspiracy theories.
_05: The most of the conspiracy theories goes around the internet and they are basically talking about one of the accidents like 100 years more than 100 years ago. Like one of the solar flare that storm actually comes when it comes to earth. It's electrified. It's one of telegraph lines and they didn't use some power to make it work. So it used solar flares power in a way and they are talking about this and it was the time when the it was the time when we didn't have enough. We didn't have that much of technology level. But when you think of right now, we have so many electric electronics and we have so much web under see your such like we are connected together with internet and internet is going to be destructive to the destroyed. Even though the internet is mostly fiber optics, they are not electronics I guess. The cables.
_02: I feel like we got out of the scale real quick there. Internet is going to be destroyed.
_05: Like we won't even use it. Like they say everything is connected. What is that like electric grids won't work for hours maybe weeks or months and internet like everything we are going doing is connected together to work like electric grids or hydro electric dams or whatever like from traffic lights to even one of the just they made the news about maybe some of the railway signs will turn green from the red.
_01: Oh no not the railway signs.
_02: Okay that is scary. I'm not going to make fun of that. That is actually really scary.
_05: Yes that's scary. That's why I'm telling you so they have what they are arguing is like we want to have access internet for maybe weeks or so. It differs like while I'm talking I said different time periods maybe you catch that. But it's because news arise that much because there is no single information about this single information. So people think okay we rely technology that much so much today that it will destroy our society. It might destroy our society and they are creating a scenario like dystopian like sci-fi thing and it's so fun.
_04: Yeah no and it's not just sci-fi and there is also the other element of astrology which is not relates to science at all. So the sound players not only affecting or already existing electronic infrastructure but it also affects our mood emotions our personal relationships and that's why they also say like do not make any decisions or do not go on a date.
_05: Oh I didn't know this I didn't.
_01: Oh no I was going to make decisions.
_02: That's my favorite advice I hate making decisions.
_01: I agree with Elifto because it is my it is it has just been I was just informed that when solar flare hits you might red lights might become yellow lights so I should green lights so decision making might be impaired by this.
_03: I was going to say it maybe red flags also turn green flags.
_04: So do do do do. Yeah it's funny like I really find that interesting because people don't really know what it is happening up there and it's the sun and when you look at the images of all the like headlines and news that N is described they are really mystical and the color and the font and it feels like you know and it's always nice like NASA like oh Americans know about space and they said like it's always kind of like this.
_00: All the assumptions.
_04: Weird what's the word like pseudoscientific resources attached to be careful you know and then a sun exploding but there is also the smoke around it like even though it's in space. I generated fancy things. Yeah I find that really fascinating because like I last two weeks I was with my parents and we had a really good blast and it was really fun to catch up with them and be with them together and hang out but I had a chance to kind of understand their day pattern after their retirement and what they are doing in their daily life and how they consume internet. The thing is it's some for people it's getting really really hard to differentiate these fake waves, fake news websites with layout plus the actual news. So my mom was also like especially my dad who loves space now it's a leaf monologue but yeah like it's just somewhat basically it's certain demographic people are fascinated with space but they don't really understand including me I don't know what is happening there and these news sometimes feels legit for them.
_05: What I'm gonna say is actually first of all I think macro retrograde will affect more electronics than the solar flame does.
_03: Things will be in your microwave yes. What? I don't know I mean we will be linking that.
_01: I think the one where she opens the microwave and there's a little freedom microstage that says I want to break free. What is happening exactly right now? Misinformation related to internet is happening. Oh so the usual stuff.
_04: But basically like the sun is kind of like a mystical thing right like for a really long time in human history.
_01: I mean not really no I mean human kind history. If you are thinking about the sun which fights with the crocodile snake like monster every night passes 12 tours and then rides up to the sky on a boat or if you are talking about the sun that rides a cherry to the sky this time. First being Egypt and second being Greece. That's quite mystical yes. I for one like did you know that's before there being mechanical clocks that can tell time precisely the sun clock made in such a way worked in such a way that you would divide the day into 12 pieces regardless of the length of the day. So that in summer time one hour would be longer than winter one hour. Did you know about it?
_04: No I didn't but it sounds really nice.
_05: It makes sense like I didn't tell about it.
_02: Well I know how sundials were.
_01: So late Ottoman era novels suddenly make more sense for you maybe because they being 12 pieces and those 12 pieces being elongated because like after mechanical clocks are available they did not immediate the transform. They first tried to use mechanical clocks to replace the sun clock and then somebody said this is crazy let's not do this anymore. So yeah that sun is quite mystical but the sun on the sky that's that's a fairly well studied phenomenon. Sun is a lot of the days. We have a lot of data about how it behaves and in fact even with the sun flare you can pretty much know in one day advanced that it's gonna hit because it travels like you can see immediately when it starts to happen like you can detect it in its earlier stages. So in a sense if you can say that because we can only know about an earthquake about like one minute in advance we know more about sundan we know about the earth. But obviously we don't live on the sun maybe if you lived on the sun or quakes well they would not be sun quakes would be so quick would be difficult to predict as well. These are difficult things to know about live on the sun. I would also love to live on the sun. Today's topic would have been much more troublesome if we lived on the sun.
_02: Today's topic would be earth flares.
_01: Not at all would be my guess. Like I agree because I also in the internet saw a large quantity of news related to sun storms that is maybe not very credible. I mean I am not a sign I mean I am about to have a master's degree in applied mathematics. So I am not a I had a minor in physics. I am a sort of scientist. I am just in the perfect place to be very confident about wrong information. That's my relation with science. But there is a certain common sense element to the conspiratorial aspect of the sun sphere because you might think like let's start with one of those examples. Let's imagine society collapse with sun flash. Let's start with electricity grid is completely destroyed. There are times where electricity grid was partially destroyed. Do you remember five years ago in Turkey the entire country went blackout?
_03: Oh not a few years ago it's been ten years but that was. Yeah. Yeah it was so weird.
_01: I mean people weren't on the streets wearing bandanas and hitting each other with clubs to take their bottle caps.
_04: Yeah people just waiting.
_03: Yeah we were self cancelling or a university exam preparation classes. Yeah.
_00: Yeah.
_03: We don't even have electricity why would we even study?
_01: I am an arcane middle-east technical university now.
_03: No I wasn't even at university. You were high school.
_00: An arcane person.
_05: I didn't know how we did even communicate.
_01: But also obviously it's smoke like you will set a fire and smoke signal. Like we are just in the day difficult to decipher. Here's the thing. There is a certain, can I say sex appeal in internets? Yes. Yes. There is a certain sex appeal to apocalyptic stories like people love hearing about how the society is going to be destroyed. Which is a great indicator that capitalism is going great so far. And no I love it. Therefore I am honest about its problems. Well I was going to say let me quick the finishes. There is a certain sex appeal to stories about society order being destroyed. But when you do it around things like terrorism or wars then you would also get into a muddy territory where people are like oh but that side has that type of being right on their side and all type of people start screaming. But citizen the perfect enemy for an apocalypse. Like if some destroys the earth nobody would be offended when it's behind. So for a tabloid it is very easy to go about sunstering or type of stories.
_02: That guy from Adana who was shooting at the sun would feel very vindicated.
_01: Obviously because people from Adana now shoots at Starbucks with the same instinct that they are shooting at the sun.
_04: Who was the king declared war to Poseidon and went to the beach?
_01: I mean there are various instances of stories about kings attacking the sea. There is the one with the Caligura the Roman emperors who went to the shores of Britain stabbed the sea and took seashells and showed them as signs of their victory. We have defeated the sea and these are the truth. And then there is Xerxes the guy from the 300 Spartans the 3 meters guy with both head and a lot of jewelry. It is my understanding that while crossing Gullipoli he had the sea whipped in order to make sure it stays cold during the crossing. Did that? I mean they built a bridge over the Gullipoli straits by tying ships at each other and his army didn't die because of that situation. So it probably works. Okay. Good for loud. And also there is this story about the king Kunut who tried to order the sea to calm down and see they didn't calm down. There is also this story. So there are a number of stories about people being violent against nature and nature being even different. Not. So it's a perfect tabloid apocalypse generator. The sun.
_00: Isn't that your thing?
_02: Oh I was going to say yes this thing kind of like has an extra appeal because even people who realistically know yeah this is not very likely this is this sounds like made up. This sounds like a plot to a made up disaster movie like 2012 or like the day after tomorrow that kind of stuff. It's like a split second of like breaking from the reality of their like routine daily life which is kind of exciting. Like it is the kind of excitement that's like very harmless because you're like for five minutes you're like oh yeah this is thing is gonna happen and like the life on earth will change like something actually different will happen instead of everyday life I am so used to and bored of. So I see the appeal in this and it's also like you said in terms of conspiracy theories it's like on a very like harmless scale unless you're like losing your mind over them becoming a full survivalist. I'm trying to like shape your life and the people around you to like prepare against this kind of it's like very harmless conspiracy theory compared to the all the other ones we have which generally just boiled down to like random anti-Semitism in one way or the other.
_04: Yeah that's where we end up with these kind of stories.
_02: It's really hard to hate on Jewish people based on the sun.
_01: Yeah like that's yes I wholeheartedly agree. And also there's this other thing about being all crazy and survivalist type of person think. I am sorry I am I may be out finding our crazy survivalist demography statement but if you are listening to this after the apocalypse somehow you're so crazy survivalist person know that we love you even though like obviously you were right time you were wrong so. Yeah and we are already dead. Good for you on the record. We hope you are loving it us and having fun in your crazy bunker but here's the thing we actually went to the apocalypse with the corona. So yeah we like this whole society and like again nobody was going out in the street killing each other. I am fairly certain even with the Bronze Age collapse people weren't eating each other in the cities. I think it is just that the type of society that was that preceded the Bronze Age empires was one that didn't leave much of return records so we don't know what happened but it was probably people just keeping living like they used to but in a slightly less organized way. So that's what I think about the total apocalypse. But one thing is quite clear to me if the internet is destroyed and electricity is burned on fire stuff you wouldn't need to go to your bank advertisement job next day. So I agree with the appeal. You would be starving to death. You would be starving to death but not while being employed in a bank.
_02: You wouldn't need to go to a lot of jobs the next day.
_01: So yes if sun destroys the earth there would be no banking jobs.
_02: That's the appeal. You know what I am not sure. Somebody that by the way.
_01: So different banks like food banks maybe.
_04: But what's exactly happening right now or happened like overall like is it. Is it a storm? Is it a blast?
_01: I mean it's a blast in the sun.
_05: It's so much fun. Like maybe it's it's confused with you because of the images on the internet. That's like they are portraying some like with like a hot magma. So pouring like all over the around the sun itself. The flares there are like a fire spraying and just shooting earth.
_04: Exactly. It's almost like a volcanic eruption.
_05: And like there are some laser beams going to. Yes and it's just directed to earth. Like it's focused on earth.
_04: And skip all the other planets. It's lit up.
_05: And like when the storm like the the terms are in scientific terms. But like they are putting storm and super super storm and it will it's like a fire beam or a fireball. It's the internet term. It's like a roll of fire just goes. It comes to earth a bable of fire comes to earth and wipes the whole planet. There maybe like that.
_04: It's a spell. In the ND I think.
_01: Like like that is not called a cast fireball or not. Why not? Not my not my area. I'm a mathematician. I am I am not an astro wizard.
_02: I'm not good enough.
_01: Yes, I that's actually funny. I graduated my regular university like 2.25. CGP and they needed 2.40 in order to apply for that departments. But yeah, don't worry my mathematics. The CGP is higher my graduates CGP is higher. So I'm gonna while not talking about the subject that course you can be more confident in what I'm going to say. Let's see what I was saying.
_02: I'm either gonna trust you or trust the news with the exact same explosion in much. So I'm a lot of options here. I'm kind of grasping at straws.
_01: I can't high school. I had no CGP. What's the wrong? Exactly. I don't think European changes changed very much on whether you should trust me over the course of last five years. But going back to the main topic. Sun what a sun storm looks like is like I said you point your camera towards the light and little circles appears. What happens is sun bursts some electromagnetic waves and it is my understanding that the type of megastorm that's going to happen and people are saying but it's similar one happened 100 years ago but back then there were no technology. There is technology and we are all gonna die. You can immediately say that back at 150 years ago everybody didn't die. So it's probably not a volume frame heading towards the earth because things like similar sun storms occur with like sun storms happen all the time. The rare thing is damp hitting the earth because space is so big and earth is so small in comparison.
_05: But Jan, you are missing your points. It's a rare event that only happens once at 100 years. So it is so huge thing.
_01: I am saying it happens and when it happens like you know the Northern lights right? Because when Northern light happens that's the result of a sun storm. Sun storm comes hits the earth's magnetic fields and the sun Northern lights appear and the southern lights too. It's the same mechanism. And when sun storms strong they reach to places further away from the magnetic poles. And in general like I said people don't die because of that situation in particular. So the life on earth will not be annihilated by a sun storm that's gonna happen next year. But my happiness, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But my happiness electricity grid might be in trouble. Like we might, if a very strong electromagnetic field hits us, electricity grids might be in parallel and some maybe power plants or some electrical appliances might get fried. And it might be a long time for them to be replaced.
_02: Oh no, my air fryer.
_01: Now in order to synchronize better, I am gonna ask everybody a question. And the question I'm gonna ask is what would you miss most? When electricity infrastructure collapses, you know, air fryer. Yes, your air fryer will be fried. Actually, your air fryer will probably be safe because it is designed to operate in high temperatures. Maybe your computer might be in trouble. So yeah, what you should really be asking is not whether we would die because of a sunstorm, but whether we would die because of an electricity outage that might last for a few weeks. And let me quickly add this. In the start of the episode, NSTD hydraulic dams would be in trouble. And hydraulic dams, I don't know, hydroelectricity dams.
_05: Like I was mentioning the IoT side of it, like everything is connected and one of the if it is not connected to internet, it may be causing problems. I didn't mean meant the hydroelectric dams will be in trouble in a way that it produces electricity.
_01: I need to correct it. Thanks for your correction, NSTD. Hydroelectric dams will probably be fine because you can deactivate them very easily. You can just say, there would be some valves that people would need to turn using hands and it would be difficult. But hydroelectric dams would be safe. What would not be safe would be nuclear reactors. If electricity went haywire, to think about a nuclear reactors, it will depend on cooling mechanism working perfectly. People in the northern Ukraine would agree with me.
_02: That's a love law too soon.
_01: It doesn't too soon. It's more than 30 years.
_02: It has been 45 years.
_01: Yeah, I mean, like I said, I wasn't born. I don't remember, but if all the electrical stuff stopped working properly for a day, I would expect most of nuclear reactors would explode.
None: Oh!
_01: Yeah. So, especially the ones from Soviet era. That's something you should be worried about, Moshe.
_03: Oh! I think I watched a video on how big power outages are taken care of in the United States.
_01: Let me quick the sense. This is not me saying next year, the director will explode, so don't buy houses and hear them.
_02: What I'm saying is, you're late. I'm a reporter on a new website and I already have the article ready to go. Experts say all the nuclear plants will explode next year.
_01: I am not an expert.
_03: What I am saying is, what do you mean? Didn't you get a course on health and nuclear physics?
_01: Oh yeah, health physics, the course about nuclear stuff. Yeah, but the topic was amazing. Yeah, it's called health physics, but what you really talk about is radiation and nuclear things. But no, what I'm saying is not that this will happen next year. What I'm saying is, if all the electrical appliances in the world suddenly stops working, nuclear reactors should be the thing that you should worry about before other things. I'm not saying that sound player would cause this. What I'm saying is, if it happens, nuclear reactors are gone. If for whatever reason, like if you know in the movies or in bad TV shows, there's this electromagnetic blast type of thing, EMP. I think that the thing people use in order to stop a car alarm in the highest movies. Yes. If that thing was real, and it doesn't, if that thing was real, it doesn't because everybody would be using it if that thing was real. If that thing was real and a huge electromagnetic pulse hit the earth suddenly at once, the thing you should worry about is nuclear reactors. That's what I'm saying. At the very way science. And real way science, yeah.
_02: Real way science is more important, I think. What could happen, the worst with a nuclear reactor?
_01: What is the worst case scenario? The electric, the train lights might stop working because no electricity. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, like by hitting the train lights directly, we cut the middle one.
_05: Middle person.
_04: But what is exactly hitting them?
_01: Yeah. So, here's the thing. Have you watched that show that, have watched that movie that grossed misrepresent? Tesla?
None: The prestige?
_01: That's the one. Do you remember the scene where he holds this fluorescent light bulb with a metal pole? And it gets near a power line and starts electricity? Yeah. It lights up. That's what happens. With a strong electromagnetic wave, cables, long conductors lines, starts having electrical movements inside them. It might be that even though you have turned off, even though you have unplugged your refrigerator, it might start working because it doesn't happen. Refrigerator takes so much energy. But your light bulbs might light up during the start. Like if you were in northern Norway and you had fluorescent lights, you might be able to activate them with the northern lights without being connected to power grid. Because like northern lights doesn't have a lot of regular northern lights, doesn't have a lot of energy. But like what happens is, like I said, long cables might start seeing electricity movements in them, which is what happened with telegraph wires 100 years ago. And it's what caused lights to go up. Because the type of inference is the technical word, I think. The type of electrical inference that would happen might be understood by the receivers as a signal to change what happens. Like some flare might cause a signal and somebody might misinterpret that signal. And that misinterpreted signal might cause troubles. That's the thing that would hit the lights. What sort of wouldn't happen, Elifis? Your emotion changing. Why not? But it's hitting my heart.
_05: Don't you have electrical signals in our brain? What are you saying?
_01: Okay. All of these are beautiful questions. I am gonna give reference to one of my favorite games. How will this affect the group chat? A group chat won't work. So it won't affect at all.
None: But if you're a group of people playing a board game around the table and suddenly it's...
_01: I mean, you could be playing Katan online.
_02: So it could affect the group chat.
_01: No, no. In this scenario, the whole power grid dies so the game is over. The only way. It would affect group dynamics if you're actually sitting around the table. And you are playing a board game and suddenly your friends start acting like monsters.
_02: Like grabbing your tiles, even though you never did anything wrong to them.
_01: That kind of behavior, yes. You shouldn't suspect a sunflower because obviously if a sunflower makes people angry, you would be angry too. Like it wouldn't be like everybody's suddenly acting angry and monsters around me and I am the only person. No, you would be monsters too. But if I am so zander... It would be random. Not that either. But none of those. Because like people when they're in an MRI, which is a much stronger electromagnetic field generator than... I mean, it's not stronger than sun but it's much closer to you. People don't suddenly become maniacs and attack the MRI machine.
_02: It's so much easier to blame my mood savings on the sun. No, you can't keep doing that. This is like, oh, okay. Okay, I don't have good. I don't care.
_01: I'm gonna prepare a special link to this episode that doesn't have this part. So you can share it with your friends. If you want. I am joking. I don't think anybody would listen this far into the episode. But like... Gee! No, don't be negative.
_03: That's the solar player talking. Oh, but I know all your friends.
_01: They wouldn't watch 30 seconds real to its end. So anyway, like I'm saying, by the way, if you are a listener who has listened this far, I really love you. Like you are my... Oh, you are the best person. Even though it's... I love you so much.
_02: I also want to send the post I referenced before and I'll put this in the show notes.
_01: Yeah, this is a perfect illustration of a sunstorm. We can maybe put it to the show notes as well, like I said. It's not a factor group. Like I said, because if it did happen, it would all around. In your life, you face very strong electromagnetic field effects. You would see it happening. Maybe it is happening. Then it doesn't matter.
_04: So what kind of technology do we use to see these things? Is it like a really powerful electronic microscope or something like that? Or like telescope in this case?
_01: Not a microscope. It's not to be quite big. And for a way, it would be very difficult to take a sample and put it out with a microscope. I would be very able to do that. It would probably not show you storm properties. The thing is, first of all, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic storm that is happening. With the sun. It doesn't like an explosion. Let me give you an example. You know how in the south pole, there are these huge glaciers. And you sometimes see global warming videos where large chunks of ice drops from the hills into the water. Yes. Yes. Do you remember how slow that thing happens? Yes. It's like slow motion. Things like shutter and you can see it happening and it falls so slowly, right? Yes. It doesn't slow motion. It has real time. The reason you think it's small motion is because it's like 100 meters tall. Big things.
_02: You blew my mind.
_01: Big things take a lot of time to happen.
_03: Can I also give another fact on that?
_01: Yes.
_03: When they used to use small-scale models for explosion in movies, they would have to slow down the footage to make it look like a big thing instead of a small thing.
_01: Because big things happen slowly. And sunnets, like I said... Oh, I love that. Like I said, sunnets are quite big.
_02: No, no, no, no, no. But if sunnets... Oh my God, I can't even do this with a straight face. So if the sun is so big, how can the moon cover it fully during an eclipse? Take that science.
_01: Yes. I'm not going to respond to that. But when a sunstorm starts happening, it happens very slowly. It isn't just like this finger flicking. It looks like finger flicking a sunstorm on the surface. But it happens very slowly, so you can actually detect it while it's happening. Before its impact comes to the earth. Once the waves start traveling in the space, they go with the speed of light. There's a long time between it starting to happen and it's starting to emit waves. And you can see it.
_02: That's why we can understand it happening at any advance, right?
_01: Yeah, you have like unlike many disasters, like a sunstorm is more similar to a hurricane than an earthquake. In that hurricane, you can see it starting to happen. You have a fairly well-working prediction model. That knows where it's going to go. You can in general learn people way in advance so they can make preparations and people do make preparations for large sunflares. If they're doing nothing to protect the suns, they would have much larger quantity of power outages. There are smart applications that protect power grid from sunflares.
_03: So should we also make preparations at home? Like if the internet is going to go out, should I print out my favorite cake recipe?
_01: Download all the YouTube videos. You should always print out your favorite cake recipe because sites might die all the time.
_02: It might just go away.
_01: Yeah, even without sun websites die sometimes.
_03: I already have it printed, so I'm ready. Perfect.
_02: You're ready for the apocalypse.
_01: As a person, as a regular human person, but there are two different types of apocalypse we are talking about here. One is no internet and the other is no publish. One is deadly-ish. I'm going to the audience decide.
_02: It's the internet one.
_01: Yes, because what would happen after 10 minutes when you are not watching Reels Unsell, then you start thinking about what you are doing with your life?
_02: I'm sorry to have a little tangent, but I can't remember if this was like an episode of a TV show or a movie. There was something like either a TV show or a movie that was like post apocalypse, but at the end of it, they realized it had actually been a very short time actually since the apocalypse began to happen and people just freaked out completely in an extremely fast fashion.
_01: That's a movie. I know about, I don't remember the name of it, but maybe we can't put it in the show. I haven't watched it, but I'm familiar with the concept. If you have anything that you want to store on the internet, you should do it without apocalypse. The trouble would more be about how we are very used to communicating through internet and message and stuff like that. So without internet, say like you, your parents are living in a different city than you, right? Neither of you would die if the internet would disappear. You might be very worried about what's happening in their lives because you're unable to communicate with them. Like most of the people you communicate with would be suddenly inaccessible to you and that would have some emotional effect on you. Also remote working would be more difficult.
_04: Pigeons.
_01: You write your program, computer program on a paper, you wrap it around the pigeon and send it to the center so they can't compile because they're computers that are working.
_04: There's a pigeon mail room in every office now. It's a big pigeon.
_01: The job is about optimizing website searches would disappear. People wouldn't be able to ask chat GBT what to do with their things. So that's what I found.
_02: But I would also, I think maybe this is because it's more boring but I think something that is to be more worried about would be any geopolitical events because a lot of countries' decision-making and information flow depends on internet and other communications methods that rely on internet. So when those go away, there are a lot of places on earth that can cause huge events that would suddenly become isolated from each other that does not have the information they might need to have sensible decisions. Which might cause very big problems. This is the type of thing that is usually not apparent when someone makes an article about it or when someone makes a movie about it. It's more boring to say, well, the bureaucracy would get very messy and it would cause events. But bureaucracy would get very messy and it would cause events.
_01: Here's the thing. Back to the Bronze Age collapse. What? Why are you laughing?
_04: I just love that sentence.
_01: Bronze Age collapse is my Roman Empire. Here's the thing. What the current state apparatus, the social services, police and all of those things, they depend on a very easily, very easy flow of information. The reason why a centralized country like Turkey can't operate is because you can't immediately tell people in, like, I'm going to say, capital can't say to the mush what they should be doing immediately. If the news to the mush needed to travel on horseback by a guy with an envelope, then the state wouldn't be able to exert as much for like, suddenly, your United States government would make so much sense. Electoral College would make sense. State, the power, the centralization over states would make sense. All of those things would suddenly start making sense. While centralized broker says, how did China work? Oh my God. China. China can sustain an empire the size of China without electricity. It's crazy. But yeah, it usually didn't. And also, even Monday can exert control over such large distances. They would be rebellious and in the periphery, the government wouldn't exist. Well, your state wouldn't exist in a meaningful way.
_02: Yes. But you're talking about like, within state, I'm also looking at it on like, between the state's level, because a lot of like between countries, a lot of tension would just depend on people who are like on the borders or like indirectly contact with the other countries, etc. Who now does not have an authority above them that they can like directly communicate with and who has like, who have power to exert on them. So I think that is the bigger problem.
_01: Something that happened in the 19th century is when you are with a large country, like say an imperial state or a land empire like Ottomans, you would have soldiers in control of like generals in control of armies and those armies would just plunder the countryside because nobody would be able to report on them. And even if they did they are the army. So they are the people they would be reported to like most of the local force is being is kept within check by being by having access to larger centers of power. So without those accesses local power of for kind would go crazy. But we are talking about say no internet like if internet disappears, what happens in a week and what happens in a year and what happens in 10 years are all different scales. And obviously there's no telephones in this example either like all communication destroyed, not just the internet. I'm fair to certain military don't convey orders through WhatsApp.
_02: You know what I'm not sure. Stranger things happen in this country. Stranger things happen in this country.
_01: It's in fifth season I think I was going to see in this country. But yeah without internet the principle I agree with you. The principle problem would be people who have a lot of power being in check by stronger forces of ash would suddenly be free to do whatever they want. And what they want will probably be not good for a regular person.
_02: Yeah I mean think of the general who wanted to nuke all of Chinese Korean border.
_01: The guy said pipe.
_02: Yeah suddenly that guy doesn't have eyes now over TLRM.
_01: Yeah that's a problem. You don't want eyes that were not being not yelling at you from a flash. And for instance you would have more priorities than cake recipes. In that case. So you should have them printed already so you don't need to worry about them. But apocalypse it's.
_03: Does it mean that it's going to be in apocalypse? I don't or is it going to be we don't have electricity for one day.
_01: I agree with you the length of no electricity or no internet. It's a huge like if you if people already know that starting from tomorrow there will be no like starting from tomorrow would be a bit of a problem. But if you tell people one month from now. There will be no electricity for one week. I think society will be fine. But if you wake up one morning there is no electricity there is no internet there is no telephone and that goes on for a week. That might have a different impact on the society. So in this as in many things the first and most important thing a government should do is informing their people about what might happen. Like I said I'm not saying this would happen next year. What I'm saying is if the samples it will go on like this. We are already assuming that it happens. So with a power outage and a sudden unprepared power outage what you would have is one the food in the fridge would get spoils. But there are more important problems that you should worry about because water will stop running.
_04: Like no tap water.
_01: No tap water and obviously no warmth either but water is more important. You can burn your furniture you can't drink them. No country. If you are in a city tap water doesn't run for a month you are in big trouble. I don't think any city can handle water one month on water shortage. Even with like modern sieges like Aleppo few years ago Aleppo had water supply. So they survived but in Ankara I think maybe it might rain and you might be like you have these water collectors. You would need to do a lot of preparations to make sure you have drinking water. Smart trading would be just leave to countryside. You would also have like your phone would work if electricity grid suddenly dies your phone would work until it's better runs out if squid games to be believed better runs out in the most romantic moment after a week. Realty might be slightly different. Say you somehow you found water you live close to a river something like that. Your third problem after like water and food like you if you have water you can start heating up your dried you can always create a fire fires very easily. You can eat stuff like rice or beans and such which are dried stuff. Next thing you should worry about would be your supplies not being replaced because without electricity without electricity people wouldn't be incentivized to keep delivering supplies to places. Like a truck might still work without electricity but the person driving the truck wouldn't be trying to bring food to you and after that like there would be maybe scavenging people. I am not I'm not entirely sure if that would happen like I I don't know how scavenging would work in such as it's very difficult to predict. I mean when people start they do horrible things. They talked about this in the last episode.
_02: When did you tell?
_01: But in order a person to eat another person they usually they shouldn't just be starving. They should be starving in a very when a very tight crowded place.
_04: Like a train.
_05: Yeah, I think what we are going to do is hop on a infinite perpetual power train and live on that train and create and create some classes and live in this way forever. That's what we are going to do I guess.
_01: Sorry guys I just exploded the train. So yeah I completely agree with NS if you are living on a perpetual motion train across the earth traveling and some storm hits. This is not episode for you. You hear me out and some storm hits the train. You are probably dead because of the nuclear reactor things I talked about earlier. So it's not Pearson what happened because some storm would hit and train stop working. Great. Yes this is the end of our two parties also.
_05: So if you like this episode please subscribe us on social media and if you have comments or if you have other ideas about this topic about soundflares or dystopian apocalypse please write down to our social media you can reach us from via Instagram Twitter from Blue Sky even you can write on our Reddit subreddit page. Please do so we really like your comments.
_02: Don't do it quick before internet goes down.