Golden Light!
A recent reoccurring message [coming up in client sessions] has been the frustration of not being able to see a vision clearly or a “true" next direction.
For a multitude of reasons, a lot of pressure is placed on our wheres/what nexts [just ask new parents how many people ask them when they’re having their next child - seriously!] While I'm certainly an advocate for big picture intention setting and aiming high, I do believe it's important to acknowledge the overwhelm and especially the frustration that may be blocking true clarity and direction.
Perhaps you’ve found yourself in this place as well?
This week I'm sharing ways we can truly allow and surrender (to welcome in the actual clarity) when met with these kinds of frustrations!
Firstly, acknowledge the tension and sit with the frustration.
Yes - really! If any part of you is resisting deep surrender and true acceptance [of exactly where you're at] take a moment to truly LEAN IN and question the gifts of these feels. See if you can discern what they are really trying to tell you?
Remember, tension and frustration are required in true soul expansion and growth. Whenever you find yourself in this place (especially if it feels like you’ve been here a lot recently), this is your invitation to love on yourself even more. Cut yourself some slack, relax into the emotion and see what messages the tension and frustration truly have for you.
Next, take the pressure off that big picture energy (all is already happening exactly as it needs to)
Instead of trying to get to, or see the big unknown place, take some time to centre your energy and begin to follow the delicate golden threads and soul direction instead. Golden threads will support you in weaving that magical tapestry of your life and bring awareness to a direction your soul is already navigating.
Finally, honour your souls’ desires AND prepare to be surprised!
Remember that by truly honouring your actual soul desires, we can begin to relax and trust more deeply in exactly where we find ourselves. We may have been feeling pressured to be or know something while our Sacred Soul System might be keen for something else entirely. By surrendering to rest, time out, a day of new creative pursuits, the fogginess of not knowing can begin to clear and you’ll be able to SEE all you’re ready for and more.
Prepare to be surprised! 12 months ago, my family and I were looking at purchasing homes in Far North Queensland. We travelled there and viewed properties - the house we ended up purchasing was 30minutes away, not 2000Kms!
Wishing you the most joyous, clarity filled and connected day.
In Golden Light,
Love Kate xoxo