Controlling Opinions

Controlling Opinions Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

Current Developments in Cannabis Research

Welcome to the second installment of Ropes & Gray’s podcast series, Controlling Opinions, focused on current trends and developments related to controlled substances that affect the health care and life sciences industries. On this episode, hear a cross-practice team of Ropes & Gray attorneys—Josh Oyster, David Peloquin, and Beth Weinman—discuss current developments related to research with cannabis. Discussion points include how researchers aim to understand the impact of consumer-level cannabis use on the overall health of individuals and their communities, why research with cannabis is different from research with other drugs, and what the regulatory landscape for cannabis research looks like. 

What is Controlling Opinions?

A Ropes & Gray (RopesTalk) podcast series focused on current trends and developments related to controlled substances that affect the health care and life sciences industries.