City of Stars

I talked to Jaydeen Kavado, a local DJ. He recently got into making EDM and got good at it. He's already professional level with his music, being played in clubs. With hundreds of listens to on platforms, he's making a loud entrance into the club scene. 

What is City of Stars?

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, u and v studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:19
Hey, this is Ruben with the City of Stars podcast.

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Here I'm interviewing up and coming artists in the Las Vegas music scene. Let's get into today's episode.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Welcome to the first episode of City of storage podcast. I am your host, Rubin Osterley. And today I am joined by my very first guest,

Unknown Speaker 0:43
Jaden cavada or Jaden see, as I'm known as like my DJ name, whoo Dee.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
Yeah, so we know Las Vegas is a Party City. So how do you think your music fits?

Unknown Speaker 1:00
I think it fits like, you know, EDM has been growing a lot in Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 1:06
Especially like dubstep like, or like the kind of genre I make. It's been growing a lot in the past, you know, five to 10 years.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
And I think my music fits because, you know, just a lot of high energy stuff, you know?

Unknown Speaker 1:21
Yeah, like, it's just, you know, you just want to, you know, just want to get on the dance floor and start moving, you know, so, yeah, so, I've been, you know, walking around with my friends on the strip and stuff, and we'll be hearing more and more EDM, and like casinos and stuff. I remember when I was younger, I'd be like, folk music. Yeah. Older rock and roll. No.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
Yeah, gosh, like, what's this kind of music? Yeah, sounds like a boomer but

Unknown Speaker 1:52
no, no, no, no, I totally get you.

Unknown Speaker 1:55
Like, when you know, when I was, you know, I was walking like casinos and stuff when I was in Vegas, like, or I would visit because I didn't, I didn't live in Vegas. Like, when I was younger, but um, you know, you just hear like, you know, pop music or it's like, you know, other stuff. But now you're starting to hear a lot of house music. And you're starting to a lot of hear of, you know, that type of like, just like fall on the floor Type Beat stuff. And it's kind of cool. It's kind of cool to see like that stuff.

Unknown Speaker 2:24
Get into the public ear. You know what I mean?

Unknown Speaker 2:30
Obviously, not like dubstep Stuff You Like you've already you probably won't hear that in casinos. Yeah. My question is like, like, there's like different like branches of like, EDM, right? So you were saying, there's like dubstep and house? There's a lot. Yeah. Like, how would you like, describe it to someone like me? Who has little knowledge? Okay, so house. Okay, so there's, you know, there's like the overarching with like, millions. Not millions. But there's a lot, right? There's like electronic dance music, right? And then I would say house is like, the stuff that goes like,

Unknown Speaker 3:04
like that. Yeah. And then,

Unknown Speaker 3:08
of course, in house, there's like, so many different sub genres. Like if you know, like, Zeds music, I remember when we were talking about this, but music, like that type of stuff. That's one genre of house. And then

Unknown Speaker 3:23
you have like tech house, and it's like, really simple type stuff. And then

Unknown Speaker 3:29
there's a house, right? And then there's Dubstep and it's like, more like kick, snare, like higher tempo stuff. And then there's drum and bass, which is even high tempo stuff. And then there's like, jungle and all these other, you know, it's just like, the way I would explain it to you is like, if you think about the different tempos, like how fast and how fast or slow the music going, and then there's obviously like slow dubs that which is house BPM, you know, stuff like that, but yeah, okay. Yeah. So what do you specialize in? I make def set. My sub genre is like called brandom, which is like a mix of another, like two sub genres, which is bro step, and then another sub genre, which is called random stuff. Yeah, let's call rose. Yeah, like bros.

Unknown Speaker 4:16
Yeah, it's funny. It's like, I remember when I was 14, I was like, bros.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
Or I'm sorry. Um, but um, yeah, um, yeah, bro, step. And Britain art? No, bro, step in, right. I'm like, combined breakdown type stuff. And then there's like, different ways that can be interpreted. So, you know, there's a lot there's a lot to it. Yeah, I would listen to music and it's very, I think it's very cool because I can still hear the music. You know, like, yeah, that sounds silly. But sometimes the EDM I'm like, it just sounds

Unknown Speaker 4:53
definitely like a boomer with like, Meow, meow meow. And I'm just like, where's the melody? Just like, where is it? Anything? Yeah. I

Unknown Speaker 5:00
whereas, like the musicality and stuff like that, um, I remember when I was like,

Unknown Speaker 5:06
first starting to get into EDM, I was more. So there's another genre of EDM is called trap. It's heavily influenced by like hip hop.

Unknown Speaker 5:14
And like, yeah, hip hop in general, and like rap culture and stuff like that.

Unknown Speaker 5:20
I used to not be a fan of dubstep, like, I'm when Skrillex was like, blowing up and stuff like back in 2013, like, stuff like that. I was like, I don't like this, like music. I was like, what is I was exactly like, a lot of these other people that listened to I was like, I don't like it at all, you know? I mean, I feel like it just sounds. But

Unknown Speaker 5:41
you know, I got, you know, introduced to it slowly. And then now I now actually appreciate that, that old stuff, you know what I mean? Because it's like, oh, that's what came before and to see how much have evolved in, you know, stuff like that? Yeah. How do you think EDM has evolved over time? You know, to me?

Unknown Speaker 6:04
It's like, EDM, I would have like, for me, I haven't been in the scene, like, too long. I haven't been super qualified or not qualified. But I am knowledgeable about some some parts of it. But to me, I would say

Unknown Speaker 6:23
like it's getting, it used to be way mainstream. Like, back when, you know, we were little, like, we were more little like when

Unknown Speaker 6:33
Martin Garrix was dominating the radio, stuff like that. Yeah, Martin Garrix is cool.

Unknown Speaker 6:39
That was when it was like, in in, like, the popular year was that time and that type of house music in that progressive house?

Unknown Speaker 6:52
Then now, you can see, like, it's starting to die off a little bit. Rarely, or not, like in the popular year. Because, you know, how, right like rap is, like, super popular on like, the young generation right now, you know what I mean?

Unknown Speaker 7:07
Which is not bad. Like, you know, I mess with it, too. But

Unknown Speaker 7:12
yeah, it's starting to.

Unknown Speaker 7:15
I think it's, I think it's obviously still popular, but it's not as in the public ear as much as it used to be, you know what I mean? So, you're saying it's not that like, mainstream, like, it's so appealing? Yeah. So like, back then, like, everyone knew? Yeah, back then. That was just kind of like, who were Yeah. Like, I was wondering for you, what do you think is a way they could? Is there a way EBC could blow up again, and maybe become like, a mainstream genre again?

Unknown Speaker 7:47
When I like when I think about it, and I think about well, I mean, like we're part of the young generation, like, you know, we are still

Unknown Speaker 7:56
I think the I think the

Unknown Speaker 8:00
it doesn't connect as much as it used to be.

Unknown Speaker 8:04
And I don't know, to be honest, I don't know how it would. Because a lot of people like what's what's coming out now and a lot of young generation like

Unknown Speaker 8:13
the rap music and you know, the other pop music, like, you know, Olivia Rodriguez type of stuff, or Taylor Swift. Yeah, like they they like that type of music now, which is not a bad thing at all. And you can still find like, some EDM, EDM bangers THAT COME ON THE RADIO sometimes or that people make like David Guetta sometimes still makes like, some stuff. I mean, I'm not personally a fan of his like remakes and stuff, but like the one with the Britney Spears. Which one is that one? He did one with her. Not long ago. It was one of her like older songs. Oh, really? Yeah, actually never heard. I never heard of it. But yeah, that dude, just remakes. A lot of stuff.

Unknown Speaker 8:55
Yeah, shout out to him. But ya know, he's a he's a, he's a good. Yeah. But um, yeah, I probably. I would never think that it would get as popular as it used to be like, among the young generation, I think a lot of us. Or, you know, when I'm on Tik Tok, or I'm like, on Instagram or something. I think a lot of us just reminisce about it a lot. And we love those types of songs. But I think if something were to come out like that, now, it's missing that nostalgic. You know what I mean? Like, Oh, yeah. Well, because songs developed over time. Yeah, I mean, so it's not like your produce a song. Like how you did back then. Exactly. Technology is crazy. You could just do so much now with music in general. And yeah, but I find it crazy. You know, here in Las Vegas, the EDC scene for realizing really popular maybe like on the internet, or on a radio. Yeah. Or here in Vegas, man. I see. Everyone going to raves every weekend. Yeah, you

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Have those big like electric festivals that was at a festival was like, every other month, there's always like EDM music clubs are doing. I think it's amazing because I don't really see a lot of other genres of music, having their own festivals every other month. I don't really see, like a whole, like, I don't see like a like, like kutchi thing.

Unknown Speaker 10:25
Like, they're I know they're here and they probably, but I just want to know your opinion, like, what do you think about the people here in Vegas? How they really, really still love EDC?

Unknown Speaker 10:39
I think it's like,

Unknown Speaker 10:41
I think it definitely, you know, like, like I said before, it's like definitely been growing.

Unknown Speaker 10:47
And Las Vegas is starting to become

Unknown Speaker 10:52
like one of those powerhouse CDs out a little bit, I would say about like, having events here.

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Like, I think in like three weeks, like one of one of like Dubs, EPS top guys, excision is coming here, right. And he's having his own thing. It's called High Roller.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
But yeah, I think recently in recent years to a lot of young people have been starting to rave and it's like, like, I remember when, you know, I first started raving and

Unknown Speaker 11:26
a lot of my Mutual's weren't raving yet, right? I was, Oh, yeah. Yeah, they weren't raising it. So

Unknown Speaker 11:33
it was just like a little thing. Like, oh, like me and my four friends went to EDC, one year, right. And then, like, over time, I'm like, I see some people at a rave and I'm like, why you're you're here. I was like, I wouldn't have never thought you were gonna be here ever. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's just like, it's getting bigger. And like, you know, you see, like, even on Instagram and on

Unknown Speaker 11:55
like, any social media, yeah. Any social media. It's been blowing up, especially in Las Vegas. Like, you know, people are telling their friends friends to go and I mean, I'm telling my friends friends to go

Unknown Speaker 12:11
Yeah, I think it's pretty cool. Yeah, I love you have any crazy rave stories? Because I've been to two raves. They're very boring. First one I went to it was a Christian rave. Oh, really? A conference? Yeah, we had occasion now we have. There is a freeze. Yeah, it was also a musician. So he was onstage Oh my god. He's always acoustic guitars. Like be like, worship music. Really? Ed? We got like 100 Guys, and we were mosh pit and but yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:46
it was a very safe mosh pit. So we were like, most pushing each other. But we were punching like biting each other. And

Unknown Speaker 12:57
yeah, it was. I feel so bad because at the time there was the altar was right behind us. Yeah. So it's altar. US Mosh pitting and in this priests on stage, it wasn't even like EDM or heavy metal. It was like, it was like Christian music. Yeah, it was just like that sounds got to find out. It was no it was awesome. And then my second rave. There were like five people there. And I was so awkward because it was like, like an empty ballroom. Yeah. And people were just yeah, like the DJ. Go mee. Mee Mee Mee Mee in Europe press all the buttons. Yeah, everyone's just like, floating. They're like, waving their arms and stuff. Yeah. And just like orphan each other stuff. Oh, yeah. I was trying to like be like, completely, like sober the whole time. Yeah, there's all these flashing lights. I'm like, I'm gonna get a seizure. I don't Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to enjoy this. Yeah, I feel like it would be fun or with friends and solve or. Yeah, far in a different environment. Like the Christian one. That was fun. Yeah, yeah. I mean, so I probably am thinking, you know, you've been to these festivals and stuff like, Yeah, how's the rave scene over there?

Unknown Speaker 14:09
I mean, I always enjoy like, every time I go, obviously, there's like, my favorites. Like, and sometimes I think like, oh, that one was okay. Like that rain was okay. Right?

Unknown Speaker 14:20
But I totally get where like, a lot of people come from like, it's like too much it's overstimulating a lot of the time and then you know, sometimes people are just weird, you know? There's a lot of weirdos I'm not gonna lie, but

Unknown Speaker 14:34
I love it cuz I'm really invested into that type of music. You know? You know the visuals are there and I love the visuals too. I like I liked the flashing lights and I liked the lasers and like I liked the screen and stuff like that.

Unknown Speaker 14:49
But you know what, what draw what has drawn drawn? I don't know what does draws data? Yeah. Oh, yeah. What draws Yeah, what draws me to those like festal

Unknown Speaker 15:00
walls and stuff is like, yeah, it's just like the music. Like, I just love, love the feeling I get from it.

Unknown Speaker 15:09
And it's just like, you know, like, I enjoy it so much.

Unknown Speaker 15:15
It is, it's, for me. It is like, I It's not like I have like any big problems in my life, but it is like an escape. It's like a vacation and I don't have to worry about a lot. And I, I feel like that's a lot for other people too is like, you know, I don't have to worry about, you know, this type of stuff. It's like, it's me in the music right now. Or it's me and my friends in the music right now. And

Unknown Speaker 15:39
that's where it is right now. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's, uh, I would compare it to, like in the musical aspect, like, go into your favorite artists concert. How it's you and your your favorite artists is kind of like, Oh, it's you and your favorite DJ right now. You know what I mean? Yeah, kind of, but um, yeah, I could definitely see like, overstimulating sometimes. And it's like, oh, people are being weird.

Unknown Speaker 16:05
So, is that why you became a DJ then? Yeah, actually.

Unknown Speaker 16:10
Like, it's hard to explain the emotions that certain songs like, evoke, I don't know, evoke for me, you know, it's just like,

Unknown Speaker 16:21
it's, I've always wanted to do something in music ever since I was young.

Unknown Speaker 16:28
I was a guitarist for a long time when we play like, a little little bit BVA. A little bit of the piano, played some ukulele, you know, but I always want to be like a singer guitarist, you know, like how every Filipino wants to be. But

Unknown Speaker 16:42
yeah, like, I started going to raves. And I was like, I want to give people this feeling that I'm feeling like when I hear my favorite song, or hear this crazy, you know, like this crazy, just like double or something like that. It's just like, I want to give people that feeling. And that's why I started producing is because like, first of all, I was like, I want to make good music. I'll enter. Yeah, you know what I mean?

Unknown Speaker 17:09
And then, like, second of all, it's just like, I imagined someone like having my song as their favorite song in it. And I mean, it's just cool. And then I don't want it to be like, Oh, I'm looking for like, validation for my for my music or like, because I like doing it. To do it. You know what I mean? But, I mean, of course, I love when people like my music, too. Yeah. So well, you're, you're newer, single. is doing pretty good. Oh, I've seen Yeah, a lot of likes. And yeah, play through them. How was that? Were they just kind of blew up within a day? No, it was. It was like, it was like, to be honest, it's been super consistent with place, but like in the first month or so it was when it was like it got it got on the SoundCloud, like, algorithm, right. Yeah, that was the reason. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:03
But I was like, I'm sometimes I'm still, even though I'm not big, right? I'm not being yet. But I'm still like, in disbelief that people listen to it. And people like it. Like sometimes I'm just like, dang. Like, you guys really liked that stuff. I was like, You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, that's cool. And I you know, people comments, and then some people's like, some people, like some producer friends send me videos of them playing it out at their shows, or,

Unknown Speaker 18:33
you know, like excision, just played out my song at one of his shows. And I was I was just, I was just crazy. Yeah, you know what I mean? I was just freaking out. It's a great story. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:46
I was like, oh my god, I was like, you know, because he's, he's one of

Unknown Speaker 18:51
he's one of my, like, inspirations, cuz he's one of my favorite DJs to see, you know, or he is Yeah, he is one of my favorite DJs to see. But um, yeah, it was crazy that it's so crazy that I'm getting all these plays and likes and

Unknown Speaker 19:08
I think it's so cool. Yeah, that was surreal. Like, what are your heroes? Yeah, playing your song, right? Yeah, I literally can't imagine. I will cry.

Unknown Speaker 19:22
If like, I don't know, like, one of my heroes was just like tonight. I'm gonna like put this new up and coming artist his song. Yeah, all of you. And he's a big deal to you. Yeah, yeah. It is cool.

Unknown Speaker 19:36
I is already if I like get into the story of it. Yeah, please. Okay. So like

Unknown Speaker 19:43
I was, you know, I was waking up. I was waking up for work. And I was like, Dude, I don't want to go to work today. I was like, I'm so tired. I slept.

Unknown Speaker 19:52
I slept. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 19:54
I got you. I slept a little too late. I woke up at like 630

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And I'm like, Dude, this is this is garbage.

Unknown Speaker 20:04
I saw I just I just go on my phone on Instagram. And then one of my, like, one of the producer people I know. He's like, accident, just play your song. And my eyes are just like half close into my eyes just like immediately open. I'm like, what? And then he sent me the video. I'm watching the video and like, oh my god, I'm just freaking out. And I'm just like, for the rest of the day. I'm just like, excited. Like, I'm just like, I don't care if he's, I don't care if these customers I mean right now. I'm I'm yeah, I'm chilling today. You know what I mean? Yeah, but that was it was super cool. Yeah. They don't know who they're talking to. Like, I'm not trying to be that guy. Like, I always have like a big head. Yeah. Oh, my Frappuccino was wrong. I'm like, Well, I got played last

Unknown Speaker 20:48
year your frappuccinos around. Sorry. I mean, I just got played.

Unknown Speaker 20:54
Like, no big deal. No big deal. Right now.

Unknown Speaker 21:00
Yeah, yeah, I would definitely read as like a badge of honor you they're

Unknown Speaker 21:06
so happy and it's so cool. With especially you just started. Yeah. How long have you been officially like producing your music and stuff? Oh, so releasing, was September of 2023. But like making

Unknown Speaker 21:24
I would say like,

Unknown Speaker 21:27
I would say like, beginning of June,

Unknown Speaker 21:31
was when I started watching a lot of videos on YouTube, right of Oh, like how to produce and watching live streams of one of my other favorite

Unknown Speaker 21:42
dubstep producers. His name is company.

Unknown Speaker 21:45
I would watch a lot of his live streams like his old live streams and wooly. And we've all been, you know, those are like some other dubstep producers.

Unknown Speaker 21:55
Yeah, I would say like June 2023, is when I really started to get into it because I forced myself to do it. I was like, I'm a I'm a big procrastinator. Like, it's huge. Like, I'm really bad with it. You know, I just told myself, you know, tomorrow, you're gonna start watching videos, you're gonna start taking notes.

Unknown Speaker 22:15
And then I did it. And then I you know, and I just stay doing it, you know? Yeah. So, alright, it hasn't been a year and you're ready. You're already kind of

Unknown Speaker 22:27
making kind of a name online. Yeah, I mean, I think I've seen some artists is, I'll go on Tik Tok. And they've been doing it for like, 10 years. Yeah. And no shower to them. Because it's all different. But yeah, I don't see their stuff. Literally going like viral like your stuff. Yeah. I'm just like, That's right. It's crazy. I'm like,

Unknown Speaker 22:49
that's amazing. Like, every time I feel like I'm going your story every week something Something is happening.

Unknown Speaker 22:55

Unknown Speaker 22:57
yeah, no milestone, another milestone, you know, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:02
Yeah, I think it's, I think it's, I think it's pretty insane.

Unknown Speaker 23:09
I also think, like,

Unknown Speaker 23:12
I grew this much, not only because my, like, my music was produced pretty fine. You know, and you mean, like, it's mixed well,

Unknown Speaker 23:19
but, like, I have a lot of support behind me, which I'm so grateful for, because a lot of artists don't at the beginning, you know, like, my parents have always supported me. My friends have always supported me about doing this stuff. And they always, like, share my stuff every time I do stuff, or, you know, post music. Yeah. But without that, I feel like I wouldn't have gotten as far of course, you know, like, so I'm always grateful for them. And I'm grateful for my parents. Because

Unknown Speaker 23:50
I feel like that's a big contributing factor to why I'm growing a little faster than a few others. You know, what I mean? Is because of just like that support that I had, because a lot of people don't have that. You know what I mean? So I'm just always grateful for that.

Unknown Speaker 24:08
Yeah, yeah. How Do your parents support you, please with your music, so that my mom is actually part of like Woolies Facebook group so one of my first song released Willie's like a dubstep DJ.

Unknown Speaker 24:23
She would like post it in his Facebook group and it's like, My son just released his new his new song. I hope you guys listened to it, like you guys listen to for me or you know, stuff like that. And, you know, that's, that's a big part. And just like in general, like, supporting me like, okay, okay, yeah, you know, just pushing me to be better and so yeah, just not being like, don't do that. That like that's yeah, stuff like, Yeah, sounds like you got your D ones already. Yeah, those are those are my day ones for life as my parents so and my brother, you know, family. So yeah. Well, I would love to learn more about your creative process like how

Unknown Speaker 25:00
How do you?

Unknown Speaker 25:01
How do you make an EDM thing? Okay, um, so

Unknown Speaker 25:08
with my most my most recent track, I started off with the drop, right. And I kind of knew what I wanted to create just a little bit. Not a lot though I was kind of just stone sounds down or like sound designing, right.

Unknown Speaker 25:22
So, usually I start off with, like, I usually start off with the drop, I started with the drop first, because

Unknown Speaker 25:30
that's like, the most energetic part of the song, you know.

Unknown Speaker 25:34
I go from drop, and then I do the build up. And then I bounced around between the second job and the intro. Because intro is kind of hard for me sometimes. Like for my recent single drop, like, I was stuck on the intro for a minute. Like, I was like, Oh my God, I don't know what to do. We I had a, I had a couple of, like, I

Unknown Speaker 25:57
It's funny, because I had inspiration from you know, you know, the enemy, my hero, like My Hero Academia.

Unknown Speaker 26:04
So they have this song, it's called Jet Set run. It's like the

Unknown Speaker 26:10
it's like the second song to use a Ron.

Unknown Speaker 26:14
And they had this like, little arpeggiating like melody. And I like, kind of just got inspiration for that to put it into my song or like, just, you know, like, key it down and slow it down. And then just like change some of the notes, but that's where I got like, the arpeggiating melody in the intro. And

Unknown Speaker 26:33
and then I got a I got inspiration from like, another song that just recently released, or not just recently, but at the time, called, like happy song by Ray Volpe.

Unknown Speaker 26:43
And I just wanted something that was like super high energy, kind of, like melodic in the intro. And like that's how I kind of created it. And then I had some like, Galaxy booster effects from like, from, from some some packs I had, you know, sounded cool. It was like, Oh, let me try this out. So it was cool. Wow. Yeah. So you get a lot of like, inspiration from like, a lot of music. What I mean by that is I know it sounds silly, but a lot of people go just scratch. They have no foundation, no background. Yeah, I know a lot of musicians. They're like, yeah, maybe inspired by so and so. But I'm not going to do it like that. Yeah, I mean, like, their ideas are just purely like just out of their head. Yeah. Well, it sounds cool with you. You kind of, you know, taking the idea, but then making your own Yeah, kind of almost like putting a twist on it. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 27:43
I mean, I'm heavily inspired by like, all my favorite artists, like, I'm gonna keep saying it like all the time. Like, there's these three artists like Louis J. They're called or their names are Louis J resurrect invested like, those are my biggest inspirations, like for making music and starting to make music. And then the, you know, like, I have the NOC t shirt, was the call knock knock two was about NOC two is he said he's a producer. He's a DJ. Oh, okay. Yeah. You know, like, I so like, you know, all those other people, but

Unknown Speaker 28:18
they, they inspired me a lot. And I always listen to the music for ideas, you know?

Unknown Speaker 28:27

Unknown Speaker 28:30
I wouldn't say like, I'm like trying to like, steal their stuff and then copy it, but I am heavily inspired by white by like what they do, and I get ideas from what they do you know what I mean? But then yeah, of course I put my own twist on it. And

Unknown Speaker 28:45
yeah, thanks for joining us on the first episode, cities stars with my guest, DJ Jay didn't see. See you around.

Unknown Speaker 28:58
Thanks for listening. Catch us again every Wednesday at 6pm on the rebel night. 1.5 HD two

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