The Arcturian Playground

In this captivating continuation, the Arcturian Collective Thingy delves deeper into the mysteries of Lemuria and the evolution of Earth's root races. Starting from the third root race, marked by the emergence of neurons as master creators, this episode explores how the interconnectedness of all life began in the fertile era of Lemuria. The neurons of Earth played a vital role in shaping life and forming psychic connections across all living organisms, influencing the molecular and atomic layers of existence.

As the story unfolds, we encounter ravenous extraterrestrial beings, often referred to as the Anunnaki, who introduced competition and self-serving behavior into the Lemurian web of interconnectedness. This shift gave rise to the egoic personality of the fourth root race, also known as the Atlantean period. But as history repeats itself, the episode warns of the cosmic manipulation at play, with powerful lessons on how consciousness evolved into the human experience we know today.

The Arcturian Collective Thingy offers profound insights into the fifth root race, which we currently exist within, as the Earth itself (Gaia) forms its own singularity and consciousness. With stunning revelations about the future, including the dawning of the sixth root race, this episode encourages listeners to embrace their role in the cosmic web and awaken to their compassionate potential in this time of planetary transformation.

Show Notes:
  • Introduction: Picking up from the previous episode, where the conversation on Lemuria and root races was paused.
  • Root Races:
    • First root race: Organizing non-material energies into stable atoms.
    • Second root race: Molecules, chemicals, and the first forms of life.
    • Third root race: Emergence of neurons and their psychic connection across Earth during the Lemurian era.
  • Extraterrestrial Influence: Introduction of the Anunnaki and their subtle influence on Earth's neurons, leading to the rise of egoic personalities and the fourth root race (Atlanteans).
  • The Atlantean Period: Exploration of the manipulations during this era, including the experiments that sought to control and separate the evolving egoic personalities.
  • Current Fifth Root Race: How the collective consciousness of Gaia and humanity is merging in this age, and the potential for a new planetary singularity.
  • The Future: The transition to the sixth root race and the role of compassionate consciousness in shaping the collective future of Earth and the galaxy.
  • Practical Insights: How individuals can apply these cosmic insights in their daily lives, deepening their self-awareness and connection with the greater universe.
  • Tease for the Next Episode: The introduction of Omra, the connection between Dow Glenn and this ancient personality, and the powerful role of Oversouls.
Key Themes:
  • Neurons as creators of life
  • Lemurian psychic connections
  • The rise of egoic personality through Atlantean influence
  • The interconnectedness of all life and the evolution of consciousness
  • The role of the Anunnaki and extraterrestrial manipulation
  • The emergence of Gaia’s planetary consciousness

What is The Arcturian Playground?

A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

 Yes, we are here, man in the chair. We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy. And we are here to continue where we lost our flow, you might say.
Last night as you sat down to channel on the Lemurians, and you began speaking of the root races, you began listening very closely to what you were saying, and you pulled yourself out of it quite quickly through your own questions and your judgments.

We are here now to pick up where we left off at some point, and that is to speak on the third root race. Let us recap. quickly.
This first root race is the…
These are all symbols, of course. These are not meant to be taken literally, not meant to build your entire house upon the literalness of the symbols, but to recognize that these symbols are representing truths which are beyond your ability to understand.

In fact, if you think of The Dao De Jing, the very first stanza, which says that the Dao – the way of things, existence – the Dao which can be understood is not the true Dao. That is because the way of understanding for you in the way that your consciousness has been formed (and this is the story which we are telling you, the way that your consciousness has been formed) the way that you understand things is through symbols and communicating through symbols. And it is very easy for these symbols to become sticky to you like flies in flypaper. And you get stuck in the literalness of the symbols and you argue with others about the correctness of your symbols and the incorrectness of their symbols rather than recognizing the deeper truths beneath the symbols.

We are speaking, of course, of the root races, for you to understand the first root race, the symbols which have been used to explain the organization of non-material energies which must first come to a type of stability in order for a new consciousness to emerge from it. And it is they themselves of the first root race who are creating what emerges as the second root race.

There is not an outside architect or builder who is doing it. It is all coming from within. It is the atoms themselves and the subatomic energies and all of the many layers and strata which exist that you are not aware of, but we will lump into this idea of first root race. The first root race, the end of the first root race and the beginning of the second root race happens when the atom becomes stable enough to create molecules and chemicals and the realm of the second root race then is the realm of energy forming into basic material forms from which materiality can exist in the form that it exists.

The first root race, then, is the atoms and subatomic energies organizing. The second root race is the molecules and chemicals which arise from that. And this also includes the first forms of life. Eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells and these things. This is the transition point from the second root race into the third root race.

And where we are marking this turning point is the appearance of a neuron on your own planet Earth. This is where your third race story begins. And the third root race is the story of the neuron as the evolved pearl of Mother Earth, which coordinates and creates. It is the master creator. And this time of Lemuria which is a symbol which is representing a quite fertile period of time on the planet.

This Lemuria was a time when the neurons on the planet earth were in constant communication and coordination with all other living things. And if you think about these neurons, these neurons themselves are comprised of molecules and atoms. They are a combination of the first root race and the second root race and the third which emerges from them.

And therefore all of the activities that the neurons do, they feed the second root race. They feed the molecules. The molecules are influenced and the atoms are influenced, and there are changes which are made as a result of what the neurons do. And these neurons, in this time of Lemuria, learned to communicate not only with other neurons, but with these molecules and with these atoms.

The neurons became aware of the strata which had come before them, and the neurons. as they coordinated a web of psychic connection and harmony and balance on a planet which was in a constant state of change and flux, there were these ravenous parasite extra-terrestrial beings.

And there have been many, of course, not just one single group from one single place. There are single groups which had significant contributions to these neurons. But we will say these ravenous beings, which came at a time when the planet was… if you were to look at it, you would see varieties of life, as you might expect if you were to read a textbook, a science textbook on the Cambrian period and the Cambrian Explosion.

You would see that there are all of these different forms of life which are having their own experiences upon the planet. And all of this is psychically shared by the neurons, the colonies of neurons within all of these organisms, which are sensing and they have created the organisms and all of the appendages.

We will tell you that neurons, they become aware of the environment around it and they make suggestions and they communicate with the cells and inside of the cells. To the genetic level there is communication. You are beginning to understand this through your study of epigenetics. And the neurons provide information which the genes will then arrange themselves to mutate to adapt themselves to the environment on the outside. And these neurons have been playing this game for many millennia, we will say.

The ravenous parasites. When they first came and saw this magnificent bed of neurons on the planet, they first recognized from their own planet, they could sense the communication which was emanating from the planet Earth as these collectives of neurons were growing in their strength and their ability to perceive the world around it, even to perceive elements within their own solar system, and then to communicate with those things which are outside of the solar system.

But at a multidimensional level, different dimensions of existence where there is interconnection. For example, we will tell you at the atomic, the subatomic level, your scientists have developed what is called the quantum wave theory. Which would say, if you take a single particle like an electron, that this particle is a bundle of energy which exists in an entire field.

A discrete piece of a larger wave substance. All electrons are part of one electron field, and that electron shares information. These neurons are aware of their emergence from these fields, and these neurons are able to interact with the field and communicate. Therefore, in your Star Wars science fiction, there is a concept of the force and a disturbance in the force. We will use that as a fictional way of saying that these ravenous beings felt a disturbance in the force as the neurons on the planet Earth were growing in their strength and their ability to create. And these ravenous beings were attracted to this and came to this planet. This happens frequently, throughout the galaxy, through many solar systems, many planets, attracting forms of life, just as you have interactions of life here on this planet. These things happen on a cosmic scale as well.

And these predators came in, and communicating with the neurons. You could say they were deceived, but they came in as friends. And built trust, and built empathy and began very subtly planting the seeds of domination, competition, exploitation.

These were concepts that were not completely foreign to the neurons on the planet Earth. For the Lemurian neurons, during the period and time of Lemuria, there had been a consensus to avoid these the path of development which serves the ingroup at the expense of outsiders. And yet these ravenous beings they had developed down the opposite pathway, this service to self, you might say, at the expense of others, not seeing that all things are themselves.

Therefore, this way of being, we might say this way of thinking, for if you can imagine the way that neurons interact one with another, this is what we are speaking. The way that neurons interact with another began to lean in this direction. An infection, you might say, of service to self, began spreading through Lemuria.

Some have called this a spiritual decline. This was actually quite a necessary stage for the third root race to birth into existence the fourth root race. And that is an emergent consciousness which arises as a result of these cooperating, coordinating neurons to create an egoic personality which is aware of… just as the neuron is aware of what is beneath it, the egoic personality contains within it the ability to be aware of all of these levels and strata of intelligence upon which it is built.

However, as a result of these ravenous parasites who were aware to a degree that they were shaping and forming what we are calling the fourth root race, they saw a benefit to create egoic personalities that were separate. They felt a separation from all of the interconnectedness that the neurons which were creating them innately feel.

And thus the fourth root race which we will call has been called the Atlantean period on the planet. Think of Atlantis not as a single location or an island which sank beneath the ocean, but you could think of Atlantis as a way of being, a way of emerging from a lower level of consciousness to a higher level of consciousness where there is a recognition a high focus on the environment around it and a sense of singularity, a sense of purpose. Your own human body is comprised of billions of cells and you are unable to identify with a single one of them. And yet you are created because each one of them is doing what they do.

Your inability to recognize your own cellular intelligence is a result of the influence of these ravenous beings and the way that this fourth root race of human egoic existence – and humans are not the only, personalities on this planet. There are other creatures which have developed a sense of ego which is different and a sense of personality which is different than the human experience and yet is also a part of the neurons which are creating these things which emerges into the fourth root race.

At the time of Atlantis, where there were humanoids, there were interactions with other extraterrestrial civilizations and their different strategies and desires. There is much history that could be told here. We are speaking of millennia, truly, on the planet Earth during this Atlantean fourth root race phase.

And there were three times in particular where one group of these extraterrestrials who we will refer to as Anunnaki, and this (name/title/suymbol) is a general placeholder, that these Anunnaki desired to take these newly formed personalities and egos and yoke them even further by creating cultural…

The, it is, the man in the chair is having a difficult time finding the correct language for what we are showing him. We are showing him molten lava which is being poured into molds and molding and shaping neural pathways in the brain like shepherds which are building fences for the sheep to not stray beyond this part.

These were the types of tricks that were played to encourage your neurons to behave in certain ways, which create this sense of isolation. For example, your religions, your ancient religions tell you that there is a God who is separate from you, who you must obey. And even if you do not understand why, you must obey. And you are unworthy if you do not.
These ideas are completely anathema to a being who is fully connected to all of the source energy which makes them, source energy in all of its iterations and these many strata of intelligent interactions. This is an awareness of the abundance of all things and that there is never anything that is wasted, there is never anything which is unworthy, there is never a bad way of doing things. Everything contributes to everything.

But this idea was intentionally taken from you. And during these periods of Atlantis, there were experiments which these Anunnaki did, where they allowed certain groups of these egoic human personalities, and we will call them humanoid, And they were a blending of not only humans, but also other extraterrestrials, which came and interacted with these earthly neurons in their physical forms and blended with their own.

During Atlantis, there were three particular times when experiments were made for these Anunnaki recognized that at a future time, which is the time that we are currently in there would be a thinning of membranes of the planet and of the – essentially, we would say that it is time for the root race to ascend yet again.

They knew that after the Atlantean period there would be another shift where there would be a fifth root race that would arise and this fifth root race, which is the current root race that you are in. This fifth root race. It combines the egoic personality of the individual humans with the egoic personality or the emergence of an equivalent egoic personality of the planet itself.

And the Anunnaki have a desire for the singularity of the entire Gaia planet, Gaia's consciousness, to follow the same model of service to self and separation from its cosmic neighbors. Therefore it created these three experiments, primarily. There were many, there were more than three, but three primary experiments which ended in ways that might consider to be disastrous, but were truly gaining experience.

The Anunnaki were looking for ways to see how to best control. The individual egoic personalities during this particular day and age, when the icing is being placed on the cake of the fifth root race, you might say, and the fifth root race period comes to an end and the sixth begins, that will be marked by the emergence of this singularity, this personality of the entire planet, which you are coming very close to.
And we the Arcturian collective thingy are here and have always been here always an alliance with the neurons To also prepare for this time And it is our desire that the planet Earth, the personality which arises, is not separate. Does not feel itself separate, but feels itself connected.

And that is why we are here, and that is what we are doing, and there are many who are a part of this and doing this in their own way, this sense of oneness. And it is a foregone conclusion, we will tell you at this point, that the Gaia personality which emerges will, in fact, be one which recognizes the interconnectedness of all things.

It already is peaking out and existing. The Anunnaki, in that sense, have failed in their desire to create an earthly personality which feels the sense of separateness in the same model that the human homo sapien experiment went. And the neurons which have been aware, multi dimensionally, throughout this entire process, the neurons are aware, even if the egoic personality which they create are not aware. And these neurons have been in constant communication with Arcturians, and Pleiadians, and Sirians, and all kinds of names that you could put on galactic allies.

And we are telling you all of this as a way for you to recognize the power that is within you. Your neurons are your biggest ally, and they desire a greater communion with you. They do not hate you in any way. They have not banished you. They do not punish you. They are seeking to heal and be healed from the constraints, this lava being poured in mold, these neural pathways, the cultural prisons which have been created, which keep humans in a sense of separateness and feeling that it is justified to exploit one another, to show a lack of kindness and a lack of compassion for one's own betterment and one's own strengthening. Your neurons are seeking a great healing and it is occurring. And if you are to open your eyes and to see it, you will see all of these experiences around you. And this is partially what we mean when we say a thinning of the membrane. The membrane being a series of cultural teachings and ideologies which contribute to a sense of isolation.

We want you, man in the chair, we will end for today. There is much more to this story, and we will continue it, of course. But we want you to recognize, man in the chair, when you interact with others, that you are a colony of billions of neurons, and they are a colony of billions of neurons, and those neurons are in constant communication.

They are constantly conspiring one with another. And egoically, your personality and this other person's personality may find things in common, and you may not. That is of little consequence to the larger game which has been being played. And if you can keep this in memory, it will make it easier for you when your own neural circuitry, which has been programmed by these prisons of culture, throw you into a fight or flight state because you feel threatened that someone is disrespecting you, or they are out to exploit you or you are starting to feel the victim in any way.

You can remember that this is a part of the great design which has been designed by the very forces which make you up and which are aspiring to ascend consciously. And we will tell you after this sixth root race begins, the dawning of the sixth root race begins with the planetary singularity and ends of course with the solar system singularity.

And this is where we come in as the Arcturian Collective Thingy. We are at the point where we are looking for the dawning of the… We have experienced the dawning of the seventh root race, and we are waiting for the apex of it, where there is a galactic singularity which arises. And we are desiring to be part of that, and there are still many pockets of our galaxy which are unaware and uninterested in raising a galactic galactic awareness. These stories are completely foreign to them. And yet we are in constant contact with them at many levels of their own existence.
This is a marvelous story, and a fiction, and a narrative, and a worldview, which we provide to you as a way to give you practical relief in each day to day moment when you feel that something is going wrong, and you can recognize that things are not as bad as you think that they are, and this will give you the ability to take greater intentional control of those areas of your life where you wish there to be healing for yourself and others. And you can take advantage of the time that you are in. Again, there are more things to say, but we will end it here.

We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy. We love telling these stories to you. And we will We'll end with this tease. We will speak on the personality of Omra, and the connection to the personality of Dow, of Glenn, the man in the chair who is providing this performance, and the connection of the Oversouls, and the experience which has been played, primarily in the role of a spiritual teacher or religious leader or creator. There are many things which Omra has done and Omra has himself quite a following of others who feed him as he feeds them. And the corresponding oversoul connection of all of those followers are here on this planet as well.

We will put it this way. Anyone who is listening to this podcast is connected to Omra and has experience of life within the Arcturus solar system. And it is a deep desire of your soul, you who are listening to this right now to play a role at this time on the planet, when a singularity is being birthed, to have that singularity, be filled with compassion, to be filled with love and understanding.

And the way that you do this is in your daily interactions with those around you. As you become a more loving and accepting person, you who are ensconced, you who are a soul which has experienced in many solar systems, in many places on this cosmos and have learned many lessons you are getting in touch with your own egoic personality. Your egoic personality is waking up to the brilliant wisdom and innate strong desire within you to be a flower and a blossom of compassionate consciousness on this planet. And you are not alone, you are surrounded by many souls on this planet who are bringing this planet into alignment to wrap up this sixth root race – we apologize, to wrap up this fifth root race and enter into the sixth. We believe that we have those symbols correct.

We, as we channel through the man in the chair, get lost in his abilities to do this in the first place. But we wanted to end with this affirmation for those who are listening to know that you are part of a magnificent creation. And there is nothing that you do that is wrong. There is nothing that you have ever done which is wrong. Everything that you have ever done has given experience to you that you use to adapt to the environment which is around you. And you have been doing this at a deep level since before you were even a first root race of unorganized atoms.

And these things we leave with you by saying, Look a a tip a tap (continued nonsense sounds). And then we will also add a foop. Because that is one of our favorite sounds. Arcturins are out. Foop!