Outbound Sales Lift

Outbound Sales Lift Trailer Bonus Episode 102 Season 1

Embrace the Sales Evangelist Role with Amelia Taylor

Embrace the Sales Evangelist Role with Amelia TaylorEmbrace the Sales Evangelist Role with Amelia Taylor


#102: Amelia Taylor joins Outbound Sales Lift to describe the role of sales evangelist and why more companies should consider investing in the position. An evangelist is focused on networking, connecting directly with prospects to build strong, trusting relationships.

Amelia explains that evangelists typically focus on social media, making connections online then having one-on-one conversations with prospects. She believes that no matter what stage of growth a company is in, the sales evangelist role can help develop key relationships that drive sales.

Show Notes

#102: Amelia Taylor joins Outbound Sales Lift to describe the role of sales evangelist and why more companies should consider investing in the position. An evangelist is focused on networking, connecting directly with prospects to build strong, trusting relationships.

Amelia explains that evangelists typically use social media, making connections online then having one-on-one conversations with prospects. She believes that no matter what stage of growth a company is in, the sales evangelist role can help develop key relationships that drive sales.

The basics: Explaining the sales evangelist role
  • 01:27: What it means to be a lead evangelist
  • 03:28: The difference between a sales evangelist and an SDR
  • 06:42: Does the evangelist role sit in sales or marketing?
Digging deeper: How to incorporate a sales evangelist role in your company
  • 10:34: The stage of growth during which companies should start thinking about a sales evangelist role
  • 19:07: The differences between social selling and evangelism
Developing an evangelist: Doing it differently than “the way it’s always been done”
  • 20:47: Moving beyond cold calling to a different type of outreach
  • 23:35: Finding the right roles for your team

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Explore the human side of sales and business with host Tyler Lindley. Leaders in their field share a dose of inspiration through stories about life and business. Sales professionals provide tactical tips you can put into practice today. It all comes together to help you chart your path forward.

Achieve your goals on your terms — get inspired by stories from extraordinary people, elevate your performance with the latest outbound tactics, and find the lift you need to take your career to the next level.