We Are Liars - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast

Who is ready for the Rosewood Charity (we don’t need a theme) Fashion Show?! Ali’s mom, Jessica DiLaurentis returns and hands out gala dresses for the girls to wear. Tom is trying to make his way back into Hanna’s good graces (which WE’RE OVER THIS STORY LINE) and while Ezra is out of town, Aria and Jason grow closer.

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Ilissa Daley
Co-Founder, Producer and Podcast Personality at Total Betty Podcast Network
Michelle Rubinstein
Co Founder, Producer and Podcast Personality at Total Betty Podcast Network

What is We Are Liars - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast?

Every Wednesday join Liss and Michelle from Total Betty Podcast Network as they rewatch and discuss (spoiler free) each episode of Pretty Little Liars.

We Are Liars - Pretty Little Liars Podcast: S2 E6 “Never Letting Go”
Ilissa Tenio: [00:00:00] Yeah, we're gonna get started with another Fuck, Marry, Kill. Oh! Yes, provided by Michael, a dad edition, so. Oh gosh, okay. FMK, Peter Hastings, uh, Tom Marin or Byron Montgomery. I want nothing to do with And two out of three and you guys obviously know which one I'd
Michelle Rubinstein: like you hate Baron Byron Byron See, I don't even know his name.
Michelle Rubinstein: I've been calling him Baron in my mind this whole time
Ilissa Tenio: I can't stand Byron. Is he worse than Tom? I don't like
Michelle Rubinstein: any of them they're all a waste of screen time unless we're going to produce content like writings
Ilissa Tenio: Peter's story is like Amp it up a little bit. Yeah, because we have this whole Jessica stuff.
Ilissa Tenio: So he gives a purpose Tom and Byron in my opinion zero Purpose, so I'm just gonna [00:01:00] say F M K F and M Peter and just kill them. I agree Ditto. Yeah, I'm over it. I'm like really over it and I didn't Realize that Tom was such a big part of the season. I kind of remember that that was where we were going, but I'm just not here for it and you'll hear it.
Ilissa Tenio: We're back. We are Liars Podcast, and I'm Liss.
Michelle Rubinstein: And I'm Michelle.
Ilissa Tenio: And we're talking about Season 2, Episode 6, titled, Never Letting Go. Michelle and I were discussing before we started, none of the titles really have anything to do with the episode. Well, I guess this
Michelle Rubinstein: is Allie, [00:02:00] eh? Never Letting Go. Things are
Ilissa Tenio: never gonna let go of Allie being gone.
Ilissa Tenio: And I said, Tom's obviously never letting go of this, what could have been with Ashley. But you fucked it up, dude. I, yeah, I'm over it. Aired July 19th, 2011, written by Brian M. Holden and directed by J. Miller Tobin. On the eve of Rosewood Charity Fashion Show, the Delyers are surprised when Jessica DeLaurentis returns to town and her requests that they participate in the show on Ali's behalf.
Ilissa Tenio: Spencer quickly learns that Mona has stepped in and taken charge of the running, of running the event. We don't have a review this week, but I still want to remind you that we have a phone number. It's 631 600 3916. If you'd like to leave us a voice message, tell us how you're liking the show. We'd really appreciate it and maybe we'll play it on air.
Ilissa Tenio: We would love that. Okay, so as I teased, Jessica De Laurentiis is in town. What are [00:03:00] your initial thoughts of this new and here to stay, Jessica? Whoa, is she here to stay well, I mean she's we had an actress change So this is the new Ally's mom and she's not on the island. I'll tell you that.
Michelle Rubinstein: Okay well to me it just feels like she's in for this event and she'll quickly be out because Jason came in to family money and he's doing what he wants aka buying the house.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah So I didn't That's what he
Michelle Rubinstein: wanted to do with his money. I honestly didn't think anything of her. I thought she's gonna be gone quicker than she came, but this whole, like, you know, hasting situation Right. Will keep her in, I guess.
Ilissa Tenio: Right, that stuff kind of Lingers. Like, right, exactly, so. Okay. She's in town because she's on the board, um, for the charity.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. There's no descriptions of why we're doing the fashion show. Like, who's a part of it, who donated, where'd they get the clothes from, like, there's no [00:04:00] details there, so we just have to use her imagination, but she's the committee, and she wants to, you know, show face there, and also she has this idea of doing this tribute to Ali, so the girls get an email from Jessica, which they were very surprised to hear from her, they want to, uh, she wants to meet them for a lunch and they're like, why?
Ilissa Tenio: This will definitely be awkward since, you know, tragedy and, you know, mother with kids. It's weird, right? Like, you wouldn't go on to meet your friend's mom while you're 16 years old. I don't know.
Michelle Rubinstein: And also, like you pointed out, the email came in with no subject,
Ilissa Tenio: which is really weird. Why didn't you put a subject?
Ilissa Tenio: Like luncheon, like luncheon, luncheon. Luncheon.
Michelle Rubinstein: Luncheon. Luncheon at
Ilissa Tenio: noon. Rosewood Grill. Right at the Apple Rose Grill. Oh, whoops. I know I, I don't even know if I'm saying that right. Let's just call it Applebee's. But they have, they have lunch with her and they [00:05:00] discuss briefly that Jason's in town and they thought that that was weird, um, but you must be so happy and she says that, You know her this town is not really home to her anymore and Jason came into family money So I guess the grandmother died right the grandmother that we keep talking about the will Yeah, i'm assuming that that's the money he got and he decided to use that money to buy his parents house in rosewood Right, but she they're I don't know where they're living they're living somewhere else But she's like jason's affairs his own business and you know, where is she staying?
Michelle Rubinstein: I don't know Do we find out, or it just doesn't matter? I don't,
Ilissa Tenio: they might give a detail later on, but Okay. I don't think, it doesn't matter at this point. Got it. Um, yeah, so, she talks about the fashion show, and she's like, Okay, here we go, and presents them with Gifts which are picked out by Allison because they were Allison's dresses that she never wore But I was [00:06:00] confused because they were completely original and very expensive and she got four dresses I'm like, where where'd she get this custom made these custom made dresses for what reason?
Ilissa Tenio: Why did you
Michelle Rubinstein: get the dresses? Why are we still holding on to them? They were all like really different. And they were like gala dresses, wedding dresses. Right? They were wedding guest dresses.
Ilissa Tenio: Very formal dresses. And so she hands them out and Spencer's like, I'm sorry, what are you asking of us to do? Do you want us to wear them?
Ilissa Tenio: And she's like, I would love it if you girls wore it because you're You're keeping Allie's memory alive and we're going to do like a little tribute to her at the end of the show. And so at first Hannah's like, hell no, this is weird. But Spencer's like, it's already done. The deal is done. So we just have to do it.
Ilissa Tenio: We're not going to argue with a grieving mother. Okay. Right. So we go into the fashion show. I'm going like right into this fashion show. It's chaotic. It seems calm at first. The girls are getting ready. Hannah's like, let's go get champagne. [00:07:00] And Spencer. And Mona are like really butting heads in this episode because Mona has basically taken over her spot.
Ilissa Tenio: And it's, it's really funny. Mona is so controlling and she's very much, as we said, Taylor Townsend and the OC, like, it's just such really good comic relief. Yeah. She's great. And she also has hired DJ NolCon, TBD, if that's still her boyfriend, but it seems to be. DJ. DJ. DJ Con. NolCon. It's true, because we can't just call one name.
Ilissa Tenio: It has to be DJ NolCon. NolCon. Yeah, and he's the DJ and so Spencer goes over and gives him the CD that's supposed to be played for Allison's memorial and He says quote. Do you want to check it first? And she said nah, it's good.
Michelle Rubinstein: Wait
Ilissa Tenio: I'm well, I know you're talking. I'm like, oh, no.
Michelle Rubinstein: Oh gosh Cuz I'm like wait, I don't remember this.
Michelle Rubinstein: So Who gave her the [00:08:00] cd,
Ilissa Tenio: Mona? Oh. Mm. So Mona gave Spencer, that's, that's a good point. Mona gave Spencer the CD to play, and then Noel played it. I don't know. A little teamwork going on. Something's happening there. Well, , you know, you know, I'm just ,
Michelle Rubinstein: you know, you know
Ilissa Tenio: that? Mm-Hmm, . So, and he says to her, do you want to see it first?
Ilissa Tenio: And she says, no. Well, like, I
Michelle Rubinstein: probably wouldn't either. Honestly, like if you're in the middle of production and you're just like, okay, we got to get things from A to B, right? And connect it. If Mona gave me a CD, I wouldn't think twice. I wouldn't, I'd be like, okay, here's this, like,
Ilissa Tenio: So the fashion show happens.
Ilissa Tenio: The girls are all modeling random ass clothing. We're like, what's the theme? Is it steampunk? Is it a collect we don't know what the theme is, but they're all modeling many outfits. Having a blast and then the tribute comes with [00:09:00] Allison's picture in the background. The girls are wearing the specific dresses and Everything's great.
Ilissa Tenio: The music's nice. The pictures are nice and all of a sudden her eyes are flashing on the screen and this like heavy rock metal music comes on and it's like On the cross, it's like, the bitch is dead, like, yay, the bitch is dead. And at first Didn't it say bitch is back? The music said the bitch is back, but then, like, on it, it said the bitch is dead.
Ilissa Tenio: Um, which is terrible. And the girl is like, you know, Ari is frozen in time. She just stands on the stage. I know.
Michelle Rubinstein: And she's just staring.
Ilissa Tenio: Staring. And Spencer's like, turn it off. She runs up to Noel and he's like, I can't. So she unplugs it and it finally goes off. So you're trying on your computer. It can't go off.
Ilissa Tenio: You unplug. You unplug it. And Spencer did it and it stopped and everyone's in a chaotic uproar. They're like, what the hell happened? And Jessica's so upset she has to leave and Jason goes off after her. And so after the show the [00:10:00] girls want to talk to Jessica but she's not really wanting to talk to them.
Ilissa Tenio: And, you know, the show is over. And so everyone's recuperating and packing up stuff. And then we see this random message from A. on the projector, like, my dress is my game, my rules. As in mine, meaning Allison. Right. And the girls are all freaked out, so they go to pack up their stuff. And then we have, uh, the one they leave, it pans out and the candles are in the shape of an A.
Ilissa Tenio: So many unnecessary details. And then the last A bit of it is that A is online buying Tory Burch boots. Yeah.
Michelle Rubinstein: Why? Do those make an appearance next episode?
Ilissa Tenio: No. Well, I shouldn't say no, they don't. They don't. I guess we should have paid
Michelle Rubinstein: attention to the size.
Ilissa Tenio: They purposely don't show you this size, but I think it's to be assumed they're women's boots.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah,
Michelle Rubinstein: I think it is to be assumed. But [00:11:00] also, anybody could wear those boots,
Ilissa Tenio: right? Absolutely. They're buying it for someone who is a female or themselves. Or themselves, right? Right. Everyone wants to know, but Brit had asked, did Noel Kang contribute to this stunt?
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah, I think so. I think so. He was just like, him being like, I can't, plus like his shit eating grin, even though it wasn't a shit eating grin, it had no teeth was shown, but it was very like, he is like the
Ilissa Tenio: Cheshire Cat.
Ilissa Tenio: He really is. He really is.
Michelle Rubinstein: We cannot trust. We cannot trust, uh, No Khan. Yeah, I think my biggest takeaway from all of this was after everything went down and obviously, Allie's mom didn't, was like, couldn't talk to them. Aria's like, should we send a note?
Ilissa Tenio: Should we send an email? Should we deliver a package?
Ilissa Tenio: Like, she [00:12:00] was so
Michelle Rubinstein: off this episode. Just with like all of her remarks and trying to act like you know, her meeting up with Jason and stuff, which I know we'll get to. It was just, God, she was so I'm like, hey, I'm glad Ezra wasn't here, but like, this was
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, agreed. Agreed, it was awkward. Awkward.
Michelle Rubinstein: What an episode, man.
Michelle Rubinstein: First five were like, we were strong. Now I'm
Ilissa Tenio: like, ew. Yeah, next week's episode, meh.
Michelle Rubinstein: This fashion show, there's no theme! It was like, resort wear, but also pirate chic, a little You're right,
Ilissa Tenio: there was like beach stuff with like hats, and then there was like
Michelle Rubinstein: the steampunk stuff. Yeah, we started with resort wear.
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah, and a little pirate, and then ending with
Ilissa Tenio: Allie. And me. Zero sense. What's happening? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so over to Spencer. Um, as we know, this fashion show has brought Jessica into town, and we see Spencer's dad Peter and her have some sort of history going on. So Spencer overhears Peter on the phone with Spencer.[00:13:00]
Ilissa Tenio: Someone and he's yelling at them and he specifically says then what the hell is Jason doing back here now We hear that and the captions say that but I don't really think Spencer necessarily heard exactly what he said just that he was mad And then she goes on the caller ID and calls the number back and realizes it's Jessica that he's talking to and he has told her Like oh it was some Guy calling me about purchasing tickets like very clearly lying and she knew that because she was like, why would you be yelling at that person?
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, during the show Spencer then sees her dad and Jessica arguing again, but she can't really make out the details of what they're saying It's very quiet. And then later that night when Spencer sees her dad She asks him like what is going on with you and Jessica and he doesn't even say anything except for You need to stay away from Jason, okay?
Ilissa Tenio: Like, that's it. He doesn't say anything about Jessica DeLaurentis, why he was fighting with her, just the fact that Jason's in town, he doesn't like it, he doesn't want Spencer hanging out with him. Yeah, this is
Michelle Rubinstein: so weird. Do [00:14:00] you remember this? I
Ilissa Tenio: rem
Michelle Rubinstein: Yes. Yeah, I'm sure, right? Because I'm sure this is
Ilissa Tenio: like a big Ugh.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, and I honestly didn't even realize, like, we were It was so soon into the show. Really? Yeah. Yeah, some shit happens. Shit goes down.
Michelle Rubinstein: Vic brought up, like, the theory of that she thinks
Ilissa Tenio: that he's, um, Spencer's half brother. Yeah. I kind of like that. I like it, too. That's
Michelle Rubinstein: great, Vic. So, I think that's a great theory.
Michelle Rubinstein: And maybe, I don't, I don't know, maybe He like, why can't I ever remember his name? Jason? No. Hasting's dad. Peter. Peter. Probably 'cause it's normal. It's such a dad. Oh, Tom is normal too. I Brady, Brady Bunch. Name like, except for Baron . I'm calling him
Ilissa Tenio: Baron. Baron. Let's call him Baron. 'cause he sucks. Uh, yeah, he's Baron.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. So everyone wants to know, what do you make of the situation? Mm-Hmm? . Why? Why Jason? Why Jessica? What's going on? What does Peter do for a living? He's a lawyer. Both of our parents are
Michelle Rubinstein: lawyers. [00:15:00] Okay, so I'm thinking something with a legal issue helped Jason get out of something in the past and it was like, hey, I helped you once.
Michelle Rubinstein: I don't want your dangerous son near my daughter.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, he's got some dirt. Yeah.
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah. Yeah. That's that's I mean, I love the half brother storyline. I think that's great. Yeah. But I think it's more so of I helped your son out in the past. I don't want him back in our town I think he's dangerous. I don't I don't I just think he probably got into some shit Yeah, and he like this whole blackout situation is
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, let's go into that.
Ilissa Tenio: Okay. Let's go into that. Okay. Um, oh no, like first talk about just very quickly, the little Toby and Spencer business. So as I mentioned, Mona has taken over Spencer's job at the committee because she wasn't there. Everyone thought she was going to jail. So they voted and Mona's in, Spencer's out. And Mona's [00:16:00] really getting on her last nerve in this episode, but Katobi comes in and he's just so, I said, he's like the Buddha.
Ilissa Tenio: He went from being this bad kid to the Buddha and he's like, let's just be calm. Like everything's going our way. Just ignore it. And they're so sweet. And like, he's just, He's very loving towards her. Yeah. I mean they love each other
Michelle Rubinstein: after all. It's really sweet, and it's genuine, and I'm buying it, and I love it.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, and their chemistry is just very, it's really natural. Yeah. I really enjoy it. Uh,
Michelle Rubinstein: quick, just to go back to the fashion show, I would have loved to have seen Jenna. I know! Walking down. I would have loved that. Okay. She would have slayed it. I'm just missing her. I'm really missing seeing Jenna. It's now been two episodes.
Michelle Rubinstein: You're
Ilissa Tenio: right. She would've been amazing. And like
Michelle Rubinstein: they all would've been stunned, I think, and that would've just made us think that she did all of it.
Ilissa Tenio: Mm. She still can
Michelle Rubinstein: behind, she still can. She could be there. She still can . [00:17:00] Yeah.
Ilissa Tenio: But I would've loved it. I that's a, that I would've loved that too. Yeah. Okay.
Ilissa Tenio: So back to the Jason stuff with Aria. So the girls are folding these programs that are useless by the, uh, by the end of it. Yeah. And they discussed boys and like how Hannah's like liking Caleb again, but she won't get back with him and Ezra and how he's out of town, which we were like, yay, no Ezra. She gets a text and it's from Jason who we weren't expecting it to be from.
Ilissa Tenio: And he's like, can you talk for a minute? And so she goes outside and he's in a convertible. It's not very quiet. And he's like, hey. So she gets in the car. And he's like, I said a couple of things after the funeral, I don't really know if I should have said it. And she's kind of like, oh, you're secret safe with me, like, I won't say anything to anyone.
Ilissa Tenio: Because he does say, like, I think I, I thought I got my sister, you know? I'm so happy Ian killed her because I thought I killed her. And she's like, yeah, I know your secret, [00:18:00] you know, and I owe you because you helped me with my brother. And then they have these unnecessary, awkward stares. Jason specifically, like he just stares and I'm like, speak, say something guys.
Ilissa Tenio: It's so falling for her. Yeah. That's what we're supposed to. I think that's, I think that's what it is. I think we're supposed to. Get that he's like smitten by her. Yeah, it's just not delivering. The delivery is not happening for us. It's just funny It's just like
Michelle Rubinstein: The freaking stares are killing me
Ilissa Tenio: It'd be one thing if, like, they were both having these, like, intense romantic stares at each other, but it's very one sided, so it's creepy.
Ilissa Tenio: It's so creepy, and it pisses me off because I'm like, Jisun, I remember things. You're cute, okay? Stop being weird.
Michelle Rubinstein: I think you're, like, really trying to force the cute, because
Ilissa Tenio: I swear, like, when does it happen, guys? Let me know. I don't know. I still, I still find him attractive, it's just I had this, I remember this, like Visceral, like, [00:19:00] Jason DeLaurentis, new Jason, blonde Jason.
Michelle Rubinstein: Let's not forget, you also were rooting for
Ilissa Tenio: Azaria. I wasn't, though. No, I never was. I hated them. What? Didn't last week
Michelle Rubinstein: you said you were annoyed that Jackie came in when you
Ilissa Tenio: were Yes, but that's because it was just like, drama, unnecessary drama. Oh. But not because of like, I loved Azaria together. I never Okay.
Ilissa Tenio: I just never liked it from the beginning. I never understood it. Okay. But I understo Okay. I understood what people thought, you know, about it, but I never personally did. I was more a Halob person, you know? Right. Oh, well,
Michelle Rubinstein: yeah. So we're just waiting for Jason
Ilissa Tenio: to arrive. I'm waiting for him to, like Be Jason.
Ilissa Tenio: Stop with the stupidity. What does that mean? Because He is Jason. The people in the discord who've seen it, they know what I mean. We don't really remember when it happens, but it happens. I'm just saying.
Michelle Rubinstein: I think we're just older now, and we're like, hey,
Ilissa Tenio: Jason's not who you thought he was. Yeah. [00:20:00] We'll see. I hope my memory serves me.
Ilissa Tenio: Okay, so The girls in this episode too, they, they discuss Jason, and at this point, they're like, he's still creepy, we don't understand, and then Aria's like, well put yourself in his shoes. Like, she is having a valid point, like, he's a grieving brother, wouldn't you also be weird? Like you just would be weird around people because you don't know how to act.
Ilissa Tenio: Wouldn't you just be weird. You'd just be staring. Yeah, and So then Aria and Ella have a conversation later about it's random, but it's sweet Have you ever had a period of time where you don't remember and Ella jokes like yeah in college or some nights I don't remember and Aria confides in her about Jason.
Ilissa Tenio: She doesn't say Jason, but she's like he, you know, my friend, he has missing chunks of time. And she's like, well, sometimes your brain does that to protect the person. And sometimes it comes out and you just [00:21:00] don't expect it. And Ari is like, okay, like she's trying to understand. And because of the fashion show, Jessica has asked the girls to get some photos together of Allison.
Ilissa Tenio: And so she volunteers not to ask Jessica, but to ask Jason. If some photos are okay, and I'm like, sure, Dani, just want to ask Jason, because, you know, it's hard for Jessica, but it won't be as hard for Jason. This was really
Michelle Rubinstein: weird, because at first I didn't think Jason was involved at all with going to the fashion show.
Michelle Rubinstein: Because it seems like Jason and his mom, as he said, are on two different planets. So he was just going to attend, how, first off, how did he even know the fashion show was happening? Was he just going to attend because it's a tribute to his sister?
Ilissa Tenio: I think he was always going to the fashion show to support his mother, but they're not like they're not like a one big Happy family obviously like he's doing it because I think they're just both grieving and he knew it's clear their dad's not there So maybe he felt like [00:22:00] he does but I don't remember anything about him, honestly But oh actually I can't remember, maybe something.
Ilissa Tenio: But, um, yeah, so maybe he just felt obligated to go and they've gone every year because his mom is on the board. She's like the board, as Aria said. Right.
Michelle Rubinstein: No, I got that. And so, okay. All right, go ahead. Continue.
Ilissa Tenio: So Ari and Jason meet up at school. So it's not weird, but yet it's still weird. He's like, Oh, he, I think he was approaching it as, Oh, she invited me to hang out, but she's using some excuse. And then he says, did my mom set you up? And she says no originally, but then she says, yeah, she did. And then she says, we were thinking about using this photo, but we don't know if we should, because it's the night basically that she went missing.
Ilissa Tenio: And Jason says, well, I don't think anyone but you guys would know that this is the night and she's like, well, wouldn't you or your mom and the way she [00:23:00] delivered it, he was like, I told you, I don't remember anything about it. And she's like, Yeah, I know you said that, but I still don't get how you can't remember.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, like he's like, um, I just don't. Okay, I don't like this. It feels like I'm in an interrogation room. Yeah,
Michelle Rubinstein: she's trying to
Ilissa Tenio: spark memories. And it's not a good execution?
Michelle Rubinstein: No, it's, it's like she has ulterior motives to help him.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. It's just weird. I think in her mind, she's just, she's starting to warm up to him as a person and she's afraid that maybe he did do something.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. And she's like, I need your help into figuring this out. Not only for Allison's, you know, death, but like for her own. Sanity, like I kind of see good in this person. I hope I'm not wrong. And, you know, that's very good. It's just, just my deep thinking about, you know, I've seen the show a couple of times.[00:24:00]
Ilissa Tenio: Right, right. But I think she, I think everyone just needs to know what happened to Allison. And Jason is basically telling her towards the end of the episode, like I came into town because I needed closure, obviously. Um, and Aria's like, yeah, and, and, you know, who wrote you the note? And he's like, I know Ian did it.
Ilissa Tenio: Like, I'm fine with that. Um, and Aria's like, kind of almost like wants to tell him about that she doesn't think it was Ian. But he completely shuts that down. So Britt asks, do you think that Aria will eventually tell Jason she doesn't think Ian killed him? I do.
Michelle Rubinstein: I do. Killed her. Yeah, I do. I think this friendship is gonna continue.
Michelle Rubinstein: Kind of how like Toby and Emily were. Remember? They're, that was cute. I liked their friendship. I loved it. So I kind of feel that this is what's gonna happen with Aria and Jason. Okay.
Ilissa Tenio: And then, um, I missed. [00:25:00] The part with Noel Kahn, so we had, after the fashion show is over and everyone's cleaning up, Noel specifically goes up to Aria and he's like, I found this CD that could be incriminating to you and your friends.
Ilissa Tenio: And I'm like, you're incriminating. Yeah, like, that was so weird. This is, to me, like, and I don't even remember, like, this is so clearly obvious that you put this in the machine. I don't know, like. And she's like, no, I thought you did that. And Jason comes in. He's like, what's happening? And Aria says, this was the CD that was the surprise at the end of the show.
Ilissa Tenio: And Jason breaks it up. Yeah. And he basically scares off Noel. And this was Jason and her had this talk about how he feels, you know, getting closure, being back in town. And then he offers to give her a ride home. And she pauses. Very awkwardly. And then says yes, she can, she will come in the car with him.
Ilissa Tenio: These two with the pauses!
Michelle Rubinstein: Like what? Oh man.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. Yeah. [00:26:00] Is it better than Azaria though? Yeah.
Michelle Rubinstein: It is. For me, it is actually.
Ilissa Tenio: I don't know why. Yeah, it is. She's, um, I don't know if it's because she still feels weird around him, but she's way more, Awkward and uncomfortable and like just with Ezra. She's firm. Mm hmm, but Obviously, we don't like it because it's this of the situation.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah But this is she's like more Insecure. Yeah, which is not necessarily good, right, but it's not bad. Yeah, it's just a
Michelle Rubinstein: different report. It's just a different report
Ilissa Tenio: Okay, so, we have to talk about Emily and uh, Samara Trapp. Remember last week when you were like, is Samara in the episode? I'm like, no. It's because I didn't finish the episode.
Ilissa Tenio: And when I was watching it for my notes, I was like, [00:27:00] you idiot. She's very much in this episode. Um, but we have Pam, she is back from visiting Wayne and she's very upset because she, you know, the family dynamic has changed and she misses him. And Emily suggests, while I'm still at school, you should go. And hang out with dad.
Ilissa Tenio: Stay with dad until the summer and then I'll come and meet you. Why is she getting her hair done? This is just a classic
Michelle Rubinstein: storyline in the teen drama universe. And I just want to know if any of our listeners, has this ever happened, where one parent was living in a different state, they're still married, and you're like, you know what, mom or dad?
Michelle Rubinstein: Go stay with mom or dad, and I'll just finish out the semester by myself, I'm fully capable. Not that, like, shady shit's been going on in this town and scary things. Oh my god, so true. No problem at all. I'll handle it. And then I'll meet up with you when it's over. In the summer, yeah. I wanna know, has this ever happened in real life?
Michelle Rubinstein: Please let us know. Please let us know.
Ilissa Tenio: Thank you. Uh, so Pam says, oh, she'll think about it. [00:28:00] She's not saying no, but she says, yeah, about it. Yeah. And then Emily and Samara are in Emily's room. They're still, you know, hanging out. And Samara mentions how she can't go to the fashion show because she has. She's hanging out with a friend and then Emily is getting changed and she kind of doesn't really like think much of it and she's like, oh, you and your friend should come to the fashion show.
Ilissa Tenio: And I'm like, if they have plans, why would they want to come to your fashion show? But they come to the fashion show. And I think this was a way of Samara saying like, I'm going out, you know, are you jealous? But not really saying it. You think? I think so. She was vague about it. She's like, I'm hanging out with a friend, like, and then Emily's like, cool, bring her.
Ilissa Tenio: Not thinking about it, but then it's just so weird. I didn't like it later. We see friend Quinn Who Samara has known apparently since they were little kids the way she described
Michelle Rubinstein: friend Quinn first off They're holding hands. They're holding hands. You can hold [00:29:00] your best friend. That's but this I took this as We're a little bit more than
Ilissa Tenio: friends.
Ilissa Tenio: Right, like we experimented with each other as children. Right,
Michelle Rubinstein: because that's what she says. I've known her since I was a kid. I was Mrs. She was Mr. Always.
Ilissa Tenio: Always those
Michelle Rubinstein: roles. And then she goes into the kind of like the weird conversation of like would you care if I was seeing
Ilissa Tenio: someone else? Right. And Emily's like, I thought we were hanging out, and Samara's like, we are.
Ilissa Tenio: You told me you wanted to take things slow, and Emily says, yeah, I know I said that. I still kind of mean it, and so, Emily, like, gets upset and she walks away, and I'm like, we didn't finish a conversation here. Yeah. Um, but Kat wants to know if Samara is using Quinn like Oliver used Natalie. Just kidding. Um, but how would we react if a date of yours brought another date to an event of yours?
Michelle Rubinstein: Uh, yeah, I'd be really, uh, shaken up and pissed. And not see it co it just seems like[00:30:00]
Michelle Rubinstein: I don't know. Like, we haven't seen these two in a relationship. Like, we haven't, we've only saw that one time of her hanging out and, like, being, like, super obsessed with Emily and showing up to the meets and, like, being like, I will fix all your college problems. And that was it.
Ilissa Tenio: Right. The two haven't even kissed yet.
Ilissa Tenio: And so, like, this
Michelle Rubinstein: whole date situation, it feels like this storyline should have happened maybe, like, a couple of episodes later where we actually see them hanging out more and Emily say, like, I don't want to go so fast. Like, let's have that conversation more before this. I agree. It kinda just threw me a little bit.
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah. It's like, you know, like everyone's like, oh, smart Emily. No, I don't like her.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. I don't, I don't really like her. I'm not, I'm not really into her either, but Mike wants to know what do you think will happen between the two of them. I think they'll probably end
Michelle Rubinstein: up dating because, Wait a minute, where's Paige?
Michelle Rubinstein: Paige needs to come back. I want Paige. Is Paige on the island? No, she's not. [00:31:00] Okay, I didn't think she was. I mean, maybe Paige and Emily don't actually ever date. No, they will.
Ilissa Tenio: Paige is figuring her shit out.
Michelle Rubinstein: That's fine, and I want her to. No, I do think Emily and Smarr will finally get together. But like, that sucks for Quinn.
Michelle Rubinstein: Does Quinn know she's being used as a pawn right now? Right, like I,
Ilissa Tenio: or I wonder if after Emily invited them together, Samara said to Quinn like, I'm dating this girl and she's not even like acting like she's into me. What can we do? And Quinn was like, let's pretend that like we're, you know, flirty.
Michelle Rubinstein: Okay, then I'm like into Quinn for that.
Michelle Rubinstein: But it's funny, like I, I'm into Quinn. I'm into Quinn. Very much into Quinn. Yeah. What you're explaining to me makes sense, but I feel like Samara, I don't know, I didn't pick that up from her. The jealousy, like, make Emily jealous part, but I think you're right on that. her to [00:32:00] be a
Ilissa Tenio: little annoying. She's annoying!
Ilissa Tenio: She's like super And Quinn would be way better. Positive,
Michelle Rubinstein: and like
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, I know, it's just something about her. Like, I want to like her, but I don't. I just don't
Michelle Rubinstein: trust her. But Quinn, is Quinn on the island? No.
Ilissa Tenio: I know. It's exciting. Oh my god, maybe Quinn
Michelle Rubinstein: and Emily get together. Oh, yes. Okay, I love that.
Ilissa Tenio: Our final stuff with Pam and Emily.
Ilissa Tenio: Pam says after some discussion with the other moms, which is so nice to see the other moms talking to each other. I loved this squad so much. She says, you know what, I actually am going to take you up on your offer. I'm going to go to Texas with your dad and you can stay with Hannah and Ashley. So that she can watch over you for the remainder of the semester.
Ilissa Tenio: So our listeners want to know, how's that dynamic gonna go between Hannah and Emily? Yeah, that's not gonna
Michelle Rubinstein: be great. I think in the beginning it'll be great, but it's [00:33:00] the rules and Ashley, like Ashley who I love, but also, is Ashley, could she be in charge of the two of them?
Ilissa Tenio: Well, I feel like Hannah is, like, the bad child, and Emily is the good child, right?
Ilissa Tenio: Like, she would never do anything to disrespect her elders.
Michelle Rubinstein: Right. That's true. But I'm
Ilissa Tenio: surprised that Yeah, out of all of the pairings Like, I think she's wanting to go with Ella. No? You think that Aria and Emily would be the best? No, I'm
Michelle Rubinstein: thinking, like, if I was a mom, I'd be like, Oh, maybe I'll have you go stay at the With Aria's family, but maybe because of Barron and Ella we're like are they getting divorced or not?
Michelle Rubinstein: Is that known? Does the town know
Ilissa Tenio: that? Well, actually, next week, um, to tease, Byron and Ella do throw this party. Ooh. Like, reintroducing themselves as a couple to the friends. Parf. Yeah, I know.
Michelle Rubinstein: Does Pam go? No. Oh. No. [00:34:00] Cause Pam's gone. Right. Wait, is Pam? Oh my god. Is Pam, like, on island?
Ilissa Tenio: No, she's not. I know, that would suck for a mother.
Ilissa Tenio: Cause, like, I'm
Michelle Rubinstein: truly, like, really starting to love, like, I'm really enjoying Pam. I know. I know. Really, really
Ilissa Tenio: enjoying Pam. really great turnaround. Okay, good. Um, yeah, so, I was just curious, out of all of the girls, like, who do you think Emily would move in with? Who do you think she's the closest with? I don't
Michelle Rubinstein: know, actually.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, it's hard to tell. They show Spencer and Aria calling each other a lot. Yes. Um, but other than that, they don't really show, like, one on one relationships with the girls. But as the show progresses, I feel like, and I know Shay and Ashley become really close in real life. I think Hannah and, and, Emily become more of a really best best friend scenario.
Michelle Rubinstein: Well, that would make sense if they have to live together.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, from what I [00:35:00] remember, it seems like my my brain is, yeah, putting those pieces together. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right. So lastly, we'll talk about Hannah and this. storyline that we're very much over. So Tom is leaving Rosewood. He's not leaving Rosewood.
Ilissa Tenio: He's leaving Rosewood. He's not. It's like the same thing over and over again. It's really annoying. And he decides one more time to stay so he can repair his relationship with his daughter. And then Hannah's like, it's not for me, though. You know, this is for mom. And he's like, no. Please don't belittle me like that.
Ilissa Tenio: Like, no, I'm not, you know, I'm doing this for us and I, I'm engaged and whatever. And she's like, yeah, you never go and see your fiance. So then she also witnesses Tom and Ashley, like having this slow dance moment together at the fashion show. And later on. He does admit to Hannah like, yeah, I'm starting to feel things again for your mom But I would like to repair things with you too.
Ilissa Tenio: And so she's like, okay, like I'll believe it when I see it I'll see [00:36:00] you in the morning. We'll see how this goes And then we have a surprise visit from Caleb She did not invite him to the show because she doesn't really know what it all means He shows up. Anyways, all dressed up. He looks so cute and He has two lines, you know, like hey, and hey, what was that thing about?
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, and then can I walk you and then can I
Michelle Rubinstein: walk you home? But we didn't even get to see that and like you said more Caleb less Tom I would
Ilissa Tenio: love to see more Caleb and he he look at Caleb And less Tom like I'm over the top. I don't need any parents. What's the story?
Michelle Rubinstein: Right. But even then, you know, we had Dan and Keith and Karen, but like, they were so dynamic.
Michelle Rubinstein: Like, we loved seeing them. Like, these, besides the moms, the dads, like, bringing Tom back in for Hannah's storyline, does this actually go anywhere? I'm finding it hard for me to commit to this. To really give
Ilissa Tenio: a shit. It goes places, but [00:37:00] I feel like what I know, like, the end result is not worth this whole hassle of it, you know?
Ilissa Tenio: Well, then that's dumb. Right. Anyway, I think With One Tree Hill, we very early on established, like, parent child relationship, and then parent and friend of parent relationship. With this, like, we had very briefly in, like, the first season, like, some Ella and Byron by themselves. Mm hmm. Other than that, we don't get, like, Wayne and Pam by themselves, we didn't do this.
Ilissa Tenio: Mm hmm. Why introduce it now where it's like a parent heavy thing. Yeah, it just doesn't work. It doesn't work. Especially not
Michelle Rubinstein: right now. And this type of show, like there's so much mystery behind it. We don't need it. We don't need it. We're not like strapped for storyline here. Right,
Ilissa Tenio: and like the clientele, the, the Well, the viewers, I doubt they care about the parents storylines.
Ilissa Tenio: They want to see what's happening with the girls. Right, right. I just feel like it was a [00:38:00] little unnecessary to bring this whole Tom thing in. Um, but Vic wants to know, when will like, Caleb be in full throttle? I think next week.
Michelle Rubinstein: I think next week. I mean, you know, he walked her home. He
Ilissa Tenio: did.
Michelle Rubinstein: I love like, the white button down.
Ilissa Tenio: His hair was a little too long for me. It was almost like the Beast. Yeah. But!
Michelle Rubinstein: But I'll take it. We'll take it. And then I'm like, where'd you get that suit? Did you go shopping at
Ilissa Tenio: Lucas? Aww, where's Lucas? Where is Shouldn't Lucas I know, we're missing Lucas and
Michelle Rubinstein: Jenna. Been doing like the photography at this event.
Michelle Rubinstein: Like, he should've been in the background taking pictures. That would've been so nice. Like, that makes sense because he's Yeah. We need Lucas, we need Jenna.
Ilissa Tenio: Before we take a break Mike had asked us, whose fashion show would you rather attend? So we have the battered woman's shelter in the O. C. Blair's mom's fashion [00:39:00] show.
Ilissa Tenio: During, uh, during fashion week that Blair tried to sabotage, or Brooke's fashion show. I'm going Brooke's fashion show because we went to it in Wilmington, and that was like the most wonderful experience ever. Yeah, and
Michelle Rubinstein: that was like zero zero zero. Zero is not a size show. Is that what, the Brooks
Ilissa Tenio: fashion show?
Ilissa Tenio: I think, I don't remember exactly the shh. Isn't that when Millie comes out with the? Yes, yes. Oh, I love that. I love that. I'm gonna say that one.
Michelle Rubinstein: Oh, man. Yeah, I really liked that. That was such like a moment with Millie. Yeah. But like, am I going to Holly's Beach House? Are we seeing that kid from Chino? I'm torn.
Michelle Rubinstein: I'm not gonna think
Ilissa Tenio: too much about it. Don't think too much. That's a fun question, though. Um, I was just gonna say something I lost my train of thought. No, she's staring like
Michelle Rubinstein: Jason. Will it come [00:40:00] back? Maybe he's just waiting for his line. Remember Joey in Friends? It's like if you just stare, and then the line will come to you.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. Oh, I'll think about it. Okay. On that note, we have an email from a, from Rosewood PA. Oh. It says, Hey Liars, I haven't forgotten you. I was just stuffing stockings with candy, though I'm sure you've been stuffing them with secrets and lies. Is someone on the naughty list? Be careful. Santa isn't the only one who's watching.
Ilissa Tenio: Ooh, I
Michelle Rubinstein: like it. I love a
Ilissa Tenio: holiday theme. We also have a, An a break. So stay tuned.
Ilissa Tenio: I'm Drew Barrymore and you're listening to the Ravens Podcast with Simon and Dom. Well, thank you Drew Barrymore for that wonderful intro. I'm Simon and I'm Dom. And together we host the Ravens, a movie and TV show podcast. We predominantly cover [00:41:00] One Tree Hill as our main podcast focus, where Simon is the One Tree Hill superfan and I'm the One Tree Hill novice.
Ilissa Tenio: I've never seen it and we podcast it one episode at a time and we even do a watch along where you can watch me watch the episodes. We're really fortunate to have a great community of Ravens of listeners on our Patreon, ravenshoops. net, as well as a back catalogue of over 250 podcast episodes that are available for free anywhere you get your podcasts.
Ilissa Tenio: Dom and I have been lifelong friends, and we're now disgruntled British men in their mid thirties watching a teen drama, which is a lot of fun. But instead of us telling you why we think you would enjoy our podcast, we asked our Ravens to sum up our podcast in one word. Here they are. Inclusive.
Ilissa Tenio: Entertaining. Family. Community. Unhinged. Unique. Unpredictable. Enablers. Enjoyable. [00:42:00] Delightful. Entertaining. Absurd. Witty. Inappropriate. Ha ha. If you'd like to find out more about our podcast, you can at ravenshoops. net or follow us on Instagram at ravenspodcast.
Ilissa Tenio: Super Bass by Nehemiah Minaj. Is that a clue? You're asking me? I don't know. I am like, what's with the music? Did you not press stop? Or are you, or is that a clue? Whoa. Nikki, Nicole, Nikki. No con. Nicki [00:43:00] Minaj, and then. No. We're probably so off. We're going to
Michelle Rubinstein: get a text from Seth and Seth's going to be like, this is the clue.
Michelle Rubinstein: That's what happened with the
Ilissa Tenio: Thanksgiving. Seth immediately was like, Oh my God, pie and ambrosia are definitely a clue. I'm like, so what? Can you give me a heads up? Because Michelle and I don't know. And then
Michelle Rubinstein: after like Seth sends these texts, I'm like, Liz, did you get it? And she's like,
Ilissa Tenio: no. But she was like, Oh my God, Liz, did you get it?
Ilissa Tenio: I'm like, no. And I'm trying to think like, did Seth get it? Did Seth text you on the side? He did what? I think he was just saying like, Ambrosia pie and whatever is definitely a clue. And I'm like, okay, cool. And then he never elaborated. That's so weird. Yeah. Yeah. Seth. Okay, so we're gonna go into the Rosewood shop.
Ilissa Tenio: Mm-Hmm mm-Hmm. Can't wait. Mm-Hmm. . Listen to Michael, you
Michelle Rubinstein: know, send this in. Last week was the Boston Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm. [00:44:00] Cream boxing for mine. And that night, well, the night after I was in the airport and. It went and got a donut and I was like, what don't you get he's like Boston cream pie And I was like, I was hoping you could say that and I told about the ice cream was like kind of a bite
Ilissa Tenio: What donut would you pick if you had to pick was it would there be a dot Boston cream?
Michelle Rubinstein: I like a Boston cream, but I also like just a chocolate glazed I'm a strawberry glazed. Oh, I love strawberry glaze too. Strawberry glaze
Ilissa Tenio: or jelly. Oh, I never really go for a donut though to be honest. No,
Michelle Rubinstein: no, I, I'm a give me a bite of yours type of girl. Yeah,
Ilissa Tenio: like give me a bite and I'll get something else.
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah, no, I'm never getting a donut. Here's
Ilissa Tenio: the flavor. Okay. Thank you. The scoop the scoop of the week The flavor is Haagen Dazs extras layers berry Explosion this one sounds like if you wanted the Boston cream, I want this one the most It's a sophisticated blend of smooth strawberry and vanilla ice cream with raspberry sauce and [00:45:00] crispy layers of dark chocolate Like yeah, no, no that ultimate.
Ilissa Tenio: I mean Chocolate covered strawberry is my favorite dessert. Me too, my ultimate Oh my god, do you ever have true fru? It's like frozen fruit. Yes dipped in chocolate. Yes, Randy and I got there were chocolate covered strawberries But they were dipped in white chocolate first and then chocolate. They were so good.
Ilissa Tenio: We ate the whole bag in one day Well, yeah, of course cuz it how could you not? Yeah, but they were really good So Piela episodes are known to have many layers and this one is no exception the layers of dark chocolate represent Peter and his disdain for Jason. Also, this whole Samara Tress character itself has layers to it.
Ilissa Tenio: The berry explosion represents the tribute video. It started out sweet like strawberry, but then there was an explosion at the end. The lights kept flashing red, and Allie's eyes went red, and there were flames in the video. Speaking of flames, are we seeing the relighting of an old flame between Ashley and Tom?
Ilissa Tenio: And even a new old flame between Hannah and Caleb? Love might be in the air in Rosewood and nothing says love more than strawberries and chocolate. [00:46:00] Wow!
Michelle Rubinstein: Michael, I have to say, your writing has creative skills. Creative writing skills have been very impressive as of late. It's like he has an assignment every week.
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah. And does this
Ilissa Tenio: voluntarily. He does, he has multiple assignments, if you know what I mean. Yeah, I do know what you mean. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Um, who would you choose? Oh, wait. We'll do it on three, two, one. Oh. Have you thought about your MVP?
Michelle Rubinstein: Uh, yeah, let me, I wrote it down. Yeah. Okay. Yep. You ready?
Michelle Rubinstein: Yeah. Three, two, one, Toby. I have a blue ribbon to Mona because she was so entertaining this episode, but I really enjoy Toby and his wisdom. Me too.
Ilissa Tenio: I, I was like really trying to think about it. I'm like going through each girl and like, obviously Ari, Ari is not hitting it. And Hannah was like, Okay. Spencer, I feel like was non existent for the most part and Emily, I felt like, whatever [00:47:00] towards.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. But Toby, I loved his, you know, the way he approaches Spencer.
Michelle Rubinstein: I'm surprised they were okay with him being like helping out with school stuff, but I guess it's fine. That's
Ilissa Tenio: true. I know they pick and choose when his like, weird status is. Right. Yeah.
Michelle Rubinstein: Also like little. Gold star for Pam.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. I just enjoyed her this episode.
Ilissa Tenio: Me too. Yeah. Do you have a shittiest? I struggle. Yeah. Who'd you pick? I picked Noel Conn. Oh, yeah. Cause like, he's a little bitch. Just like a little bitch. I can't stand him. He's like, why are you getting involved? Like, why are you getting involved?
Michelle Rubinstein: Why not? I think he, uh, he knows, he knows stuff.
Ilissa Tenio: So. I feel like, do you think, He's mad because of the [00:48:00] Aria Ezra situation.
Ilissa Tenio: I do. Yeah. But like the other girls didn't do anything to him. Doesn't matter. Association. Yeah. Yeah. Where would you rate this on a cringe? Uh,
Michelle Rubinstein: yi, yi, yi. It's at least a five.
Ilissa Tenio: Okay. At least. Yeah, I'd say five. Yeah. It got, it went up.
Michelle Rubinstein: It, it really did.
Ilissa Tenio: It started in the car. It started right away in the car.
Ilissa Tenio: That was the beginning of the episode. Yeah. The
Michelle Rubinstein: fashion show to me, it didn't land. No. Like, while everybody looked good, I just, the whole
Ilissa Tenio: Didn't make sense.
Michelle Rubinstein: theme of it didn't really make sense. Yeah. I didn't really understand it. I wonder if there's like deleted scenes that like kind of explain, you Like who why these outfits?
Michelle Rubinstein: [00:49:00] Yeah, that's it A one line.
Ilissa Tenio: Right? Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Okay. Five it is. Five. Alright, and now, I'm gonna give you the title. And next week's little secret. Mm hmm. Okay, so the episode title is called Surface Tension
Ilissa Tenio: and My Secrets. I've got a secret.
Michelle Rubinstein: I've
Ilissa Tenio: got a secret. Is that both Ezra and Jason. We'll be at the Montgomery party together. Excellent. Yes, it is.
Michelle Rubinstein: Excellent. Fantastic. Oh my god, will Jackie be there?
Ilissa Tenio: She doesn't appear! Oh, come on! I guess she's not, this is like, for like, friends. And then Byron's like, We should invite [00:50:00] Ezra!
Ilissa Tenio: And Ella's like, why? And then Ella's like, I'm gonna invite Jason! And everyone's like, why? Is that literally what happens? Basically. So
Michelle Rubinstein: Ella invites Jason and not Yes, you'll see why. Okay, okay. Well, I'm excited. Does that mean we get like It might be. Everybody's there, we have Caleb there. No, no,
Ilissa Tenio: okay. I mean Caleb's in the episode.
Ilissa Tenio: Right, but not at this party.
Michelle Rubinstein: You know
Ilissa Tenio: like, this party is like very specifically like boring, dry people from Elle and Byron's like friend group.
Michelle Rubinstein: But the Jason and Ezra of it all definitely spice it up. Right, and
Ilissa Tenio: Ezra being now co worker of Byron, he felt obligated to invite him. Right. But Jason, you'll see why he.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah.
Michelle Rubinstein: Okay. So, um, okay. With that being said, I think Arya is going to know that Ezra is coming, but will be surprised when Jason shows up. She'll [00:51:00] feel kind of a draw to talk to Jason, hang out with Jason. Ezra's going to be like, why are you spending so much time with him? What do
Ilissa Tenio: you think? I was just going to think of Jason.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. Who is this person? I'm,
Michelle Rubinstein: part of me feels like it's going to be like a Dean Jess situation. Oh. Not that I think any of them would, like, could be Dean or Jess, but Jason would be the Jess in this situation.
Ilissa Tenio: Clearly, right.
Michelle Rubinstein: Right, right, right, right. So I think that's how that's gonna go. I think Haleb is back on, and I think Emily, we'll see Emily starting to make the move into, uh, the Marens.
Michelle Rubinstein: Mm hmm.
Ilissa Tenio: Yep. And I guess Tom is here. Great. Yeah. Is he? I don't think he's in next week's episode. No?
Michelle Rubinstein: Okay. Yeah, so I think, uh, I'm looking forward to this party. Mm hmm. I wish Jackie
Ilissa Tenio: was there. That'd be fun. Me too. I know. I was almost like waiting for her to come and I'm like, why didn't we invite her? Yeah.
Ilissa Tenio: Because she's too young and cool. It, [00:52:00] okay,
Michelle Rubinstein: uh, Allie's mom's Jessica? Jessica. Is she in this episode? She's not.
Ilissa Tenio: She's not, okay. I remember when she comes back, but she's not gone. And Melissa took off? Melissa's not next week either. She's on a, like a retreat kind of thing. Right. I don't know if she's with Veronica?
Ilissa Tenio: Because Peter had said you could have went to to Spencer and Spencer's like, no, I'm good Does does Peter
Michelle Rubinstein: end up having like a heart attack or something? They were
Ilissa Tenio: like making it seem like he has like a health issue Yeah
Michelle Rubinstein: And it kind of felt like a foreshadow of it did we are planting some seeds right now and it didn't look back
Ilissa Tenio: You'll be like up the salt.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah, I don't I don't remember that but I felt as though they were pushing a hard Hard a hard health issue on him. Yeah. Yeah, like it felt very clueless like daddy, you know, you're not allowed. I know
Michelle Rubinstein: Right, yeah, I'm gonna store that if I store anything store it I'm gonna store Peter's salty
Ilissa Tenio: cravings [00:53:00] Yeah.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. Do you think it will get any, like, Peter, Jessica stuff, like, anything next week? I'm thinking not,
Michelle Rubinstein: or just, like, Spencer's still trying to understand why, but I don't, but because you said she's on the episode, I don't think there's any conversation unless we just hear him on the phone. Right,
Ilissa Tenio: okay. Yeah.
Ilissa Tenio: I'm looking forward to this party. Me too. Yeah. Cool. I mean, I'm definitely hyping up more than it should be, but the fact that the two of them are going to be in the same room is Yeah, oh,
Michelle Rubinstein: oh, and Aria's in the Perfect!
Ilissa Tenio: It's great, yeah. It's the drama we were looking
Michelle Rubinstein: for. Yeah, I'm curious if Aria is going to confide in Jason and be like, Oh, Ezra and I are A couple.
Michelle Rubinstein: Are they a couple? They're, like, officially unofficial official.
Ilissa Tenio: I know. Right? I mean, they're a couple, but, like, how often can you see each other? Like, how often do you speak to one another? [00:54:00] Right, right, right, right. She said he was at a conference. What was she texting him throughout the day? I got no,
Michelle Rubinstein: I don't think so.
Michelle Rubinstein: I don't think there was like any communication No, she
Ilissa Tenio: was wrapped up with Jason like he's gone. He's out of sight out of mind Jason is
Michelle Rubinstein: there because right and normally I think she would be thinking about him but because Jason's here distraction Yeah, and at this point she doesn't realize she likes Jason, but she does like Jason,
Ilissa Tenio: right?
Ilissa Tenio: Right, like there's something about him and she can't put her finger on it But she knows it's like something and
Michelle Rubinstein: it's not just that the whole alley of it all right. There is a vibe
Ilissa Tenio: Right. Because I wonder if there's just always been one, you know? Yeah. When you have that with a person, like a magnetic thing that you just feel and he's known her since she was a kid and she's known him that long and he clearly still thinks of her in like a positive light even though he's known her forever.
Ilissa Tenio: Yeah. It's something, you know, something to be
Michelle Rubinstein: said. Okay, when we finished watching, the disc curve is going off. You were looking up ages. [00:55:00] What are, where are we
Ilissa Tenio: at now? They, Mike had said that Aria's Wiki birth date is 1994 of the year she was born. And this is 2000? This is 2011. Okay. So she was, let's just say, a year younger than my sister.
Ilissa Tenio: She was like, Well, I mean, it's, I guess she's supposed to be 16, right? Right. Um, and then that Jason was born in 1988, making him 6 years older, making him 25. No. And Melissa also being around that age. 23. Oh, right, because she's 20. Right? 23. 23. But still,
Michelle Rubinstein: okay, so we were around that, and then Ezra's also 23.
Michelle Rubinstein: 23. So everybody's
Ilissa Tenio: 23. Which is not terrible. No, it's terrible. It's, yes, but it's not 25. For [00:56:00] some reason, 25 is like, I mean, 23 is also terrible. It's also terrible. Don't get me wrong, it's also terrible. No, it's just bad. I'm not trying to justify it. It's bad. The whole thing is bad. But they never truly give you anything because they're like, we know it's bad.
Ilissa Tenio: We're not gonna touch it. Yeah, we should have just like I know. Why do we have to do it? Why do we have to make such a large age gap? I'm between all of the siblings. Melissa and Jason being that much older than their siblings, like, that doesn't make sense. I mean, it could hap excuse me, it could happen. Of course.
Ilissa Tenio: But like, usually there's like another child in between or like, You know, oopsie later on. Like, I don't know. Yeah. But
Michelle Rubinstein: even just for the show's sake, like,
Ilissa Tenio: why did we do six years? You would think that they would make it easier for everyone to kind of make them around a similar age, or at least in the same years of high [00:57:00] school, right?
Ilissa Tenio: Like, you're within four years. Yeah, four years even. Yeah, if he was 20, okay. Yeah. It's still icky, but it's really not as bad. Because they would have been in the same grade. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Type. Year together. We're obsessed. We're obsessed with it. We're obsessed with the ages. We can't let it go. But we're gonna go.
Ilissa Tenio: We're
Michelle Rubinstein: gonna go.
Ilissa Tenio: No but for realsies. We're actually gonna go. Yeah. And we will be back next week for episode seven. Oh my lord. And what was the title again? It was self surface tension. Can't wait for that party. Can't wait. I'm not even talking directly into my mic because I hid it. Can't wait for the party.
Ilissa Tenio: It will be a party. It will be a party.
Michelle Rubinstein: Next week. Yeah. Thank you so much for listening to We Are Liars, a Pretty Little Liars podcast. You can email us at weareliarspod at gmail. com. If you're interested in seeing what we do with this show and all of our others, Head over to Instagram and search Total [00:58:00] Betty Podcast Network.
Ilissa Tenio: This has been a Total Betty Podcast, produced and edited by Ilissa Tenio and Michelle Rubinstein. Music by Anthony Viccora.