The Roof Strategist Podcast

How can you overcome objections WITHOUT rebuttals? This is exactly what the top closers do. Discover the simple method in this video.

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What is The Roof Strategist Podcast ?

The only FREE Roofing Sales Training Podcast and YouTube Channel focused on both retail and storm damage roofing sales. Every video has an actionable take away to help you generate roofing leads, cold call, ace your pitch at the door, close sales, get more referrals and more... Learn how to stand above competitors and win more sales, even if you suck at selling. Get everything you need to become a "million dollar closer" in roofing sales for retail, hail damage, and door to door (canvassing). Subscribe & follow for FREE roofing sales training every Monday and Thursday.

What if I told you that the real secret
to overcoming objections had nothing to

do with rebuttals or maybe even using
the a r O formula that I teach myself?

You might think I'm crazy, you might
call me a hypocrite, or you might

be super curious to see, well, what
the heck is this guy gonna say?

And I'm glad you're here because in
this video I want to break down all the

misconceptions around objections and help
you become an absolute boss at tackling

them so you can smash your income goal and
give every customer in amazing experience,

which is everything that I do here.

So welcome or welcome
back, Adam Besman here.

All right, listen, objections are
one of the hottest topics in sales.

And for many of us, we practice rebuttals,
which I don't like that word, and

quite frankly don't like that approach
cuz it's like throwing a right hook.

I teach the a R o objection handling
formula, but how can I even bring these

up if I just told you that the real secret
has nothing to do with how we respond?

Well, the framework them to be teaching
you right now is what's used by what I'll

call the top professional salespeople.

Folks like Jerome, who at 21
years old are closing at 76%.

Selling retail or folks like Matthew's
sales team, Butch, by the way, he posted

this publicly in industry Facebook group,
that his sales reps who quote unquote

couldn't save deals to close their lives,
are now closing five to seven deals per

week because they're using this framework.

And that's what I'll be
teaching with you here today.

Now, if we leave it up to our customers
to ask questions, there's a big problem.

Number one, sometimes they
don't know what to ask.

This is a common theme.

If someone says, thanks for coming
out, we gotta think about it.

It's often cuz you didn't leave them with
enough information to make a decision and

they don't even know what else to ask.

So there's just this like empty
feeling, almost like watching a

movie and then the power goes out
and you're like, well, how's it end?

And then like an hour later you kind
of forget about the movie, but you

still have that angst and that's
what's happening with our homeowners.

Or number two, you're leaving it up
to them, to be honest with you, which

is a big problem because they're
usually not, in fact, most objections,

they're just blowing smoke when they
say, I gotta talk to my wife about it.

That just means we want
you out of the house.

All right, and then number three,
it requires them to voice their

objection and for you to properly
overcome it after they are.

Concerned about it.

So think of it like this, when you
were back in high school, for example,

and you were struggling in school,
if you put your hand up and had a

question, the teacher might call
on you five minutes later, right?

But by the time your hand went up
and then when the teacher called

on you, did you retain any of this?

Chances are you didn't.

And that's what's happening
with our customers.

So by the time they ask you a question,
they've had this uncomfortable

feeling, it's gotten bigger and
bigger, and they're not listening.

And then finally they ask, and everything
else you shared before they didn't hear.

So what we need to do instead is
get ahead of all of the objections.

And this is challenging for some people,
and it was for me when I was new in sales.

Because when I was new in sales, and
let me know if you've done this as

well in the comments section below.

Admit guilt, this is how we grow.

We all get better and we're
not super proud of the past.


But I remember being, uh, a newer
salesperson being like, well, if I just do

a really good job presenting and pleasing
them, then they won't ask me Those

really challenging, difficult questions.

Yeah, it doesn't work.

So I learned this strategy by.

Working in direct sales, even beyond
my roofing experience and specifically

working with a law firm, I helped
them increase their close rate of

wanted cases from 76% to 90% week
over week for five years running.

And by the way, it was actually 90 to 100%
of wanted cases for five years running.

Audited by a team of multiple people.

Two in-house, one external consultant,
all by using this framework.

So here's what it is.

What we do is we overcome all of
the big objections proactively

throughout our presentation.

I'm gonna break down storm
in retail for you right now.

Common themes, if you hear it in a storm
damage claim, let's hit storm first.

Hey, the, the damage
doesn't look that bad.

I think we're okay.

Remember your first, I call it the
hail walk, where you're looking

down, you're like bird poop.



No, that's nothing here.



Oh no, that's footfall.

That's mechanical.

Oh, we got one.

Then you bend down and you
circle it and then you're like,

all right, we need nine more.

And I remember one time I sat down and I
showed a homeowner my, like, my finger.

I'm like, look, you got hail damage.

And I remember the glance the, the
wife gave the husband like, they want

me to replace the roof from that.

And I felt the same way the
first time I saw a roofer

plates, cuz they didn't get it.

Or the next objection is I don't
want to file a claim because they

don't understand why the insurance
covers it or the other big objection.

I wanna wait and get three estimates
cuz my insurance company told me.

These are big problems that often
if we do a great job presenting, we

know they have damage, we'll get a
yeah, damage doesn't look that bad.

You know, I really don't
wanna file a claim.

Hey, my insurance company said
I should get three estimates.

And then how about on the retail side?

You're going into the house.

Chances are you're not
gonna be the cheapest.

I sure as heck hope you are not.

Cuz otherwise the race to the
bottom, there's always someone

willing to do it cheaper.

I never ever wanna be the cheapest.

So top objection on the retail front.

You are too expensive.

Or the second one is homeowners
have sticker shock and they're like,

wow, that's more than I thought.

So we'll say, I wanna see if we
can get one or two more years out

of our roof, or we're gonna go
ahead with the repair instead.

And then again, just like on the re storm
side, one of the other big objections

is I want to get three estimates.

So if we wait for these to
come up, we're too late.

So instead, what we wanna do is sprinkle
these in throughout the presentation

to provide context to our homeowners,
and I'll explain a little bit how, in

fact, a great video to watch to learn
some of this is my video up here.

On why you should never tell a
homeowner the roof is damaged.


By the way, retail friends
still watch that video.

The concepts apply directly to you.

It's a technique known as you,
excuse me, known as framing.

Then the other objections I'm going
to overcome before I even present,

once I have the opportunity to
present, which I in my training

system, ask for permission to pitch.

The first thing I'm gonna do is knock
down objections two and three, which

is, I, I don't wanna file a claim
quite yet, or the insurance told me

to get a, a few estimates and, uh,
I don't wanna pay my deductible.

Or someone said they'd eat my deductible,
or Can you help with my deductible?

I'm gonna tackle all of
that before I even present.

And on the retail front, I'm gonna tackle
the objection of we aren't gonna be the

cheapest, meaning you're too expensive.

I'm gonna tackle the objection of.

I wanna wait.

So that way when they go through
these numbers, they're gonna

have a very compelling reason
not to wait and to do it now.

And I'm gonna get past the, I
wanna get multiple estimates all

upfront before I even present.

That way, I've put the homeowner at
ease in their wide open, with full

attention to hear my entire presentation.

Now, the last thing that I wanna do
is give you a homework assignment.

To do this, there's two
things that you're gonna do.

Step number one, I want you to get
out a pad, uh, a paper and a pen.

And I want you to put yourself in
the shoes of, of your homeowners.

Pretend that you're them.

You know nothing about roofing, and
you are shopping for a new roof on the

retail side, or if it's storm damage.

Put yourself in that situation that
you had a recent storm, and I want you

to write down all of the questions.

Or concerns that you
would have as a homeowner.

Things like, I don't wanna be taken,
I know roofers are scam artists.

I've seen it on the news.

Uh, I want a fair price, fair value,
and I don't want to overpay and I

don't wanna be featured on the news.

Uh, do I need to get multiple estimates?

Put yourself in their shoes.

Same on the retail side.

List everything out.

In that way your presentation can speak
to them and you build a tremendous

amount of trust because it's like
you've joined the conversation that's

already going on inside their own head.

That's task number one.

In fact, I recently did this
with Kennedy on our team.

When she jumped on board as part of
her training, imagine your shopping

Kennedy for training program.

I want you to list all the
questions that you'd have.

And she listed five and
I was like, Kennedy.

Let's go deeper, and she ended
up with nearly three full pages

of notes and questions of what
will be going through our mind.

Is it a good fit?

How long is it gonna take my team?

Are they gonna use it?

How long, excuse me, do I have
reporting and access to see

what they've gone through?

Is it gonna get results?

What happens?

Is it too much information
to give to someone?

Are they gonna start their own company?

All of the big questions and
objections she listed out.

And as a result of that, has
become a really incredibly

powerful, uh, salesperson.

And then your second task is very simple.

Here's your second assignment.

Write down all of the questions and
all of the objections that you get.

This way when you present, you
can say, many homeowners ask me in

the bigger and scarier they are.

Bring them up.

Early in the appointment, and if you do
these two things and just these two things

from this video thing, number one, write
down as if you were a customer, all the

questions and concerns you would have.

And then number two, write down
all the questions that you get or

objections, because you'll notice
when you start to review those.

They're different because not
everybody is going to vocalize their

core concerns for many, many reasons.

They don't trust you, they
don't feel comfortable, they're

not consciously aware of them.

So when we can address both of these, your
sales presentation becomes wildly powerful

and that my friend, Is the real secret
to overcoming objections without having

to work on rebuttals or anything else.

Because when you do it this
way, the number of questions and

objections you get reduced because
they've been tackled up front.

You build a tremendous amount of trust and
you have a clear runway to go in for the

close walk outta that house with not only
a deal, but a pocket full of referrals.

And that is what I'd love to help you do.

So if you like this video and you want
more, you're gonna love my full sales

system that'll teach you all of that.

To get access or to learn more.

Set up a demo you can see
and decide for yourself.

I back everything with a 30
day money back guarantee.

That's right.

I put my money where my mouth is,
so if you're not satisfied for

any reason, I will buy it back.

Now you'll know very quickly if
you'll love it or you'll hate

it, and that's the whole point.

It's a no pressure.

Appointment for you to see it for
yourself and be your own judge.

So the next steps for you would be
to click the link in the description

below or text the word demo,
D e m o, to 3 0 3 2 2 2 71 33.

And again, I have a packages
available for an individual sales

rep or a company team management.

We got you covered.

All right, so text demo, D
E M O to 3 0 3 2 2 2 71 33.

My call to action is this,
put this into practice.

Make your list of all those
questions and concerns.

Write down your top objections.

Build them into your appointment
proactively, and you can even

open up with, many people ask me
or many homeowners are thinking,

and here's the response, and
there you have it, my friend.

The real secret to overcoming
objections without relying on rebuttals.

Formulas or anything else.

They're great to have from when you
need 'em, but when you do this the

right way, they come up a lot less.

Here's to you and your team smashing
your income goals and giving every

customer an amazing experience.

We'll see you in the next one.