Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, September 26th, 2024 / It’s love note day, hint, hint. There’s a new pickleball movie coming out, something tells me we’ve seen this movie before, someone in our house is a fantasy football bully but I’m not naming names, Josh took an unnecessary trip to the school, we had an ultimate Mario Kart showdown, who was victorious and who was a sore loser, sentences that can ruin your day, what is yap trapping, and the future of the limousine.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel -

Episode summary introduction:

It’s love note day, hint, hint. There’s a new pickleball movie coming out, something tells me we’ve seen this movie before, someone in our house is a fantasy football bully but I’m not naming names, Josh took an unnecessary trip to the school, we had an ultimate Mario Kart showdown, who was victorious and who was a sore loser, sentences that can ruin your day, what is yap trapping, and the future of the limousine.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Thursday, September 26th. Let's see what happened today. It's love note day. Hint, hint, hint.

What are you hinting at? Hint, hint. Love notes. Love note. What does that mean?

What's a love note? Yeah. Exactly. There's a new pickleball movie coming out. Something tells me we've seen this plot line before.

Someone in our house is a fantasy football bully, but I'm not naming any names. I am. It's you. Josh took an unnecessary trip to the school. We had an ultimate Mario Kart showdown who was victorious and who was a sore loser.

I'll name names. It was you. Why you gotta call me out like that? Hey. I just calls it like I season.

Stop. Sentences that ruin your day, what is yak trapping and the future of the limousine? It's in peril is what it is. Yeah. Hey, thanks for listening to the show.

We're live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and on demand whenever right here on the podcast whenever you're listening. So thanks for listening. Subscribe. Give us a rating. It helps us with the show.

Enjoy today's show, and, you know, thanks again. Hi there. Oh. Hey. Hey.

How you doing? Just banging around. I got Yeah. I always got stuff going on in here. Hey.

Happy Thursday morning. Hey. Today is World Maritime Day. Oh. Yeah.

We're talking about, container ships, tankers, big boats, sailing the seas. Do fishing boats go? I suppose if they were, like, large production fishing boats crab boats Yeah. Maybe. That does catch.

Maybe. But I think it's more about, the ones that help move large Cargo. Amounts of cargo. Yeah. Okay.

That's what I think, anyway. Human Resource Professionals Day. What's up, HR? HR. Let's go.

Love them or hate them. They're important. Yeah. Can't live without them. Can't live with them.

I don't know. HR. Don't call me. It is But give me those benefits. Yeah.

Yeah. I need them HR ben Bennies. And if I have a complaint, you better listen. Yeah. It's your job.

Uh-huh. It's National Johnny Appleseed Day. Hey. Mhmm. Johnny Appleseed.

Is that an actual song? No. Oh, okay. No. It is remember me Thursday, a day dedicated to shelter pets.

Aw. You can volunteer at an animal shelter, take a plunge to adopt or rescue yourself. We've taken that plunge twice. Mhmm. And both of those rescue pets have been so awesome.

They're the best. Rescue pets are awesome. They're incredible. Adopt, don't shop. That's what I always say, along with a lot of other people.

It's love note day. Oh. You can leave a little love note. You leave me a love note. I'm just saying that not the the generic you, not Chantel, leave me a love note.

Ah, like, you can't leave 1. I used to leave you love notes. Yeah. Back when you loved Back when back when we were young and full of hope. It's alpaca day.

It's also Shamu the whale day. Shamu. Oh, how long ago did Shamu pass away? What a weird question. I feel like as a child of the nineties.

Died in 1971. No. Yeah. Shamu? Yeah.

No way. Yeah. I feel like I heard about him growing up my whole life. He was at SeaWorld my whole life. Fee is this female in 81.

Shamu was a female orca captured in 1965, from a southern resident pod. She was sold to SeaWorld San Diego and became star attraction. The 4th orca ever captured and the 2nd female, she died August 1971 after about 6 years of captivity. No. National day of praise and worship.

Good job. Lumberjack Day. Lumberjack. Chimichanga Day. Look at all of these days.

Dumpling Day. Apple dumpling day? Nope. Not ever. That's what's going on.

Hope you have a good day. We're gonna be here for a while, so thanks for hanging out. 4 hours. Yep. We're gonna be here for the next 4 hours.

Yep. Good to see you. Good morning. You look great. What's the, hottest sport right now?

Pickleball. You got it, buddy. Yeah. You got it. There is a new movie being made.

Ben Stiller is directing a pickleball movie called The Dink. There's gotta be a better name. This so Ben Stiller did, dodgeball. So is this, along the same lines? We got, like, a comedy I feel so.

It's starring Jake Johnson, who I love. Yeah. Nick. He is Nick from New Girl. He plays a washed up tennis pro who becomes a pickleball player to save a club in crisis.

Oh. It also stars Mary Steenbergen, Ed Harris, and tennis champion, Andy Roddick. Yeah. That's definitely a comedy. It feels, like, like Happy Gilmore in a way.

A former professional hockey player takes up golf to save his grandma's house. No. That's not a club in crisis. No. No.

You're right. A a a former tennis pro taking a pickleball to save a club in crisis is not the same story. Alright. Alright. It is the same story.

Doesn't matter. This is gonna be hilarious. I think it's great. I like Ben Stiller. I like Jake Johnson.

I like Jake Johnson a lot, actually. Cool. I don't know the I don't know that lady. Mary Steenburgen? Yes.

You do. No. I know. But give me something else she's done. She is married to Ted Danson.

That doesn't help. And she was in I can't think of a single thing that she was in. What's her name? Mary Steenburgen. She There she is.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Always plays, like, a supporting role. Yeah. But she's great.

Oh, yeah. She was in Back to the Future. Yes. She was. 3.

3. The train one. Yep. Doesn't matter. Yeah.

Okay. She was in the proposal. Yeah. She's she's in elf. Yes.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. She, you know I got her. Yeah.

She's great. Alright. Stepbrothers. Yeah. Mhmm.

So she's great. Well, I like it. When, is it coming out? Is it done? Is it still being made?

What's the story? Yep. Oh, good. Love the detail. I wanna go play pickleball because You do?

Is fun, and I wanna go play some pickleball. Alright. Then let's go. Let's go. I mean, we got work to do right now, but sure.

One of these days, we have our own pickleball. I know. I know. What are they called? Pickleball mallets?

Paddles? Mallet. That's like a hammer for croquet. It's a croquet mallet. We should play pickleball with croquet mallets.

No. That's not it. It's not that. No. That.

No. It's not that. Can make up our own game. Check it out. We have not gone leaf peeping.

No. I know. We got busy. We got busy. I wanna go leaf peeping.

I know. Me too. Over in Virginia, they're taking an extra step to make things more magical for people this year that wanna go leaf peep around the state. Oh. They've installed these special viewfinders for color blind visitors.

Oh. I think this is so cool. We need that for us. I know. I know.

Virginia State Parks are making these, color blind viewfinders available to allow those with red green color vision deficiency to see the fall colors in all their glory. The chief ranger there, Ethan Howes, who is color blind himself, started the effort just last year. And thanks to his hard work and determination, all 43 state parks in Virginia now have these color blind viewfinders. Love it. Yep.

Another official who works with the Virginia State Parks named Matt, Matt Wells. He, said, good job, Ethan. He's excited about the new park feature. He said we're proud to play a role in opening a world of vibrant color for color blind individuals to experience nature like never before. Isn't that cool?

Because my son needs to see those colors. I know. I know. We gotta We've taken him on those, leaf peeping drives before, and all he sees is green. Yeah.

Every or or everything's just brown brown. Everything's brown. He's like, this isn't that exciting. And I'm like, man, we gotta get you some of that some of those glasses or something. And he doesn't, he doesn't wanna do it.

Expensive. They're I know they're expensive, but he also doesn't wanna do it because he's like, I don't wanna know what I've been missing out on. If if I don't know, I don't know. To miss out on. Right.

I'll have to wear those glasses nonstop, and he also needs corrective lenses. True. How could he wear both? How could he wear both? They make the, the color blind glasses prescription now.

Do they? I think so. Okay. Well, that's cool. That's cool?

Nonetheless, would be really cool too. I mean, that's this is a way he could do that, not know he was doing it, and he could look through and go, holy smokes. Be pretty cool. Yeah. Anyway, well done to Ethan.

It's good news to get you going. Guess what I found out yesterday? What'd you find out? That you're a fantasy football bully. What?

Yeah. I am not. So it's a Thursday. We kick off a new week of fantasy football. I'm not even I'm not even competing against you this week.

Nope. I'd I said, guess what I found out? Not that I found out personally from my own experience, but that I found out from other people in the house that you're a fantasy football bully. Who? Who told me?

Tell you what. Who told who said, tell me? Name names. Yeah. Exactly.

Yeah. So here's, here's the deal. I'm playing against Emery this week. Mhmm. And I, was talking to her yesterday when I got home, and I said, hey.

Don't forget to set your roster and stuff. We're we're playing tomorrow. Good luck. And she was like, wow. That's way different than what mom says.

What did I say? I don't know. But apparently not good luck. Hope you set your roster. Let's have a good week of football.

Apparently, whatever you say is way different than that. No. I didn't say anything to her. That was a bully. Uh-huh.

I'm really trying to think of I was nice to her. Did you? I'm not nice to you. Walk around going, I'm gonna smoke you. No.

Not No. That's not a character. Yeah. Yeah. And then every time you get a point, you don't go, oh.

That's not you? No. Oh, okay. You guys, I think what you don't understand is that I don't win anything. And so when I do win, I have to make a big deal about it because it's exciting.

And I won in a very big way last week. I rebuilt my team. And when I say I week. I it was me doing all of the work. Okay.

I mean, you built the team and you set the roster, and then from there From there, I have nothing else to do with it. And it makes me laugh when I say, I'm totally smoking, you guys, because I have nothing to do with it other than pick the people that it tells me are the best. That's what that's how you do it? You just pick what it says are the best? Well yeah.

I just wanna get new strategy. No. Get out of here. You don't my strategy is keeping my people because my people have been performing. Mhmm.

I'm not I'm not getting rid of any of them. Yeah. I rebuilt my team. You had to really rebuild your whole team. Yeah.

None of your people were performing. You got rid of some good players too that were just performing. Good. Good in previous years does not mean good in this year. Did you did you get rid of Tyreek Hill?

No. He's on the bench, though. Okay. I was gonna snag him. Yeah.

No. But you did get rid of Travis Kelce? No. Where's he at? He's in my bench.

He's not performing. He's sitting out this week. I'm not there's no way I'd grab him. You know why? Because my tight end is killing it.

So I don't need yours. I did get rid of Andrews because he produced 0 points. I don't even know who that is. Yeah. That's how good he is.

Neither does the the Ravens. You know, we use them. Anyway I did see that you picked up the Vikings defense. I did. I I got rid of the 49ers defense to do it Duh.

Which should make you extra happy. Why? Because I got rid of the 40 niners defense to pick up the Vikings defense. That's all. Anyway, it's another week of Fantasy Football, and you're a Fantasy Football bully.

I'm not. That's what it said. That's what, that's what that's what the cards are reading. Oh. Oh.

I have no I have no words because I've never been a bully. You don't have any words until later on tonight when the game's going, and then you're gonna have lots of words. No. No. No.

I don't have anybody playing until Sunday. Oh, great. So Sunday will be a big day for me. But I'll be quiet until then. It's how it works.

Is it? Yes. You won't look through other people's scores and go, boy, that guy's really not doing well for you. No. No.

You won't do that. Tell me what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday? You called me at 4 o'clock. Well so what had happened was I have a regular routine where I leave work.

And then, depending on the time of day, I'll either stop at the house or go directly to pick up, our daughter, Emery, from school. So yesterday, I did my regular thing, but I had a little extra time and I knew I needed to get gas. And so I said I'll just stop and get gas on the way to the school. It would be all cool. No big deal.

So I did. Got my gas, left, went to the school. Got there a little early, sat in the parking lot, and I was waiting, and I was just messing around on my phone, you know, watching some videos, whatever, playing some some game that you hate. And I'm just waiting, and then I'm like, man, a lot of people have already come out, And a lot of the cars are leaving. Like, there's there's not many people left, like, in the parking lot.

And I'm going, she's not normally this late or slow. She normally texts. Like, there's something something's not right. And I'm going, like, what is going on? And it's getting like, now it's a little after 4, and I'm like, nah.

This isn't right. So I I close down my game, and I and I go to text just to see where she's at. And it occurs to me, she didn't go to school today. She didn't go to school today, and I've been sitting in the parking lot for 30 minutes just playing games, watching videos at the high school for no reason. For no reason.

For no reason. No reason to be there. No. So I called you as I was leaving, and I just said, hey. I just wanted to confirm.

She's not at school today. Is that correct? And you're like, yeah. No. No.

She's not. No. She she stayed home. I've been texting her all day, you said. Yeah.

I had been. She, texted us yesterday morning when she woke up and said that she wasn't feeling well, and, I talked to her. And we determined that she was just gonna take a day and stay home, and I called the school. You were part of all of this. You were here No.

I know. With me. All that happened hours and hours and hours of school. I said she's not gonna be in. Please excuse her.

Mhmm. And I had been texting her throughout the day asking if she was okay and how she felt. And so I knew she was home. I did too. You did too.

Eventually. Yes. I just had I needed a reminder. That's all. You had a routine, and you were, by golly, gonna stick to that routine.

I am a creature of consistency and comfort, and I had my plan, and I knew what I was doing. I'm just glad you remembered. Sometimes you have forgotten to get the kids. Not in a very, very long time. Time for sure.

Thanks. But it's happened. No. You go. I don't even wanna talk about this.

You don't wanna talk about Mario Kart? No. Why? Because it's dumb. Alright.

Yesterday, you got a little excited, and said that you wanted to challenge me to Mario Kart. And you why are you side eyeing me so hard right now? Like, really hard side eye. Wow. Wow.

Go go on. You said, I don't even remember how it came up, but you decided that you wanted to challenge me to to a Mario Kart race on. Duel. Yeah. And I said, challenge accepted.

I know my capabilities with Luigi, and I know I'm strong. K. And how did you perform? Well. Yeah.

How did you perform? I had some complications. Starting with your controller. Starting with my controller. Yeah.

I kinda forgot what buttons were what. So when we started out, I started going backward. So already out of the gate, I was losing. Yeah. And then I got frazzled, and I couldn't catch up.

Yeah. Yeah. I didn't care for it. That was not my finest game. So we played through, all four of the of the games in that particular round.

You did beat me on the 3rd the 3rd race of 4. Yeah. Yeah. Nah. But I did take first in the other 3.

And so you were not able to make up the points, to take the lead, so I won the 1st round. Yeah. Felt like you wanted a do over. I did. So we'd pick new maps.

That one was worse. I did It was way worse. You did way worse. You did worse. And I I maintained my first place on that one.

So even if we were gonna do 2 out of 3 rounds of 4 races, I still won 2. We didn't need to do the 3rd. And then you said, shut it down. Shut it down. And then I tried to be nice and to put my hand on your knee, and you brushed me away.

You said no. No. I might I might be a bad loser. No one is a good loser. No one enjoys losing.

You I do most of the time. I really do because I lose everything. And most of the time, I don't care. Like a car. Just there to have fun.

I'm just there to play. I'm just there to have a good time. Uh-huh. Unless it's something I feel like I'm good at. And Mario Kart, I feel like I'm good at.

You're you are good. So it makes me really sad when I lose. You're you're wicked good at Mario Kart. The reason we have 3 stars and so many levels and so many characters and cars and stuff is because you're dedicated, and you sit down and you and you do it, and you get really mad at Donkey Kong. But when you play solo and not against me, you're you smoke the game.

I know, but I You are very good. I used to play against you and smoke you too. I used to I know. I don't know what happened, and it makes me I got better. I don't care for it.

I don't care for it. I liked it when you were not better. Oh. I liked it when I won. Yeah.

Every everybody does. Everybody likes it when they're a winner. And here's what else I'm good at. I'm really good at talking a big game. Yeah.

No. I told you. You're the raccoon. You talk a lot of trash. You throw the trash all over the yard like a crazy raccoon, and then the homeowner comes out and goes, get out of here.

You go on skedaddle, raccoon. And then you go, I made trash everywhere. I gotta go. And you leave Yeah. With all the trash just laying there in the yard.

Yeah. There's some truth to that. There's no strategy to your trash. It's just here. Have some trash.

Here's some trash. How do you fix it? Oh, no. Don't ever change. No.

No. No. We're not looking to do anything different. This is perfect as it is. Great.

There's no no. It's if you changed, I'd be like, no. I want the panda back. Bring back the trash talking Panda. Trash panda.

Raccoon. You know? You know what I'm saying. Because it'd be it would be real boring if the if the raccoon wasn't out here slinging garbage. It would be boring.

You're right. So no. Don't change. Because I bring all of the fun Yeah. Until I lose.

And and then you it's still fun. You're just frustrated through it. So you're just that's fine. We're gonna be good. It's all good.

It is. Good game last night at Mario Kart. Luigi was the better man. That's the most sincere thing you said today. A sentence that will ruin your day.

That's the question? That's the question. That's a sentence. What's a sentence that would ruin your day? Sentence.

I see. What kind of responses did you get? I'm moving back home. Oh, that would ruin the day. Yeah.

This one came from a teacher. There are no subs available. Oh. Oh. The server is down.

Yeah. That's that's a bad like, anytime, like, the Internet's down. The pregnancy test was positive. Oh. You're being audited.

Okay. I'm pregnant. That That's good news or bad news for somebody. Well, I guess it would depend. Right?

It if if you if you said that today, I'd be like, the what? Yeah. How If I said that today? Yeah. What?

Yeah. I don't. Hey, Josh. I'm pregnant. That's a day ruiner.

Uh-huh. I'm too old. I'm what what what do you mean? Yeah. Like, food baby?

I have a lot of food babies. Here's one. Do you know why I pulled you over? Yeah. That's not that's a bad sentence.

Yeah. Also, there's something about that. Like, I don't think they're supposed to ask that question. Like, I Really? I yeah.

Like, that's, I think, what they do in the movies. I think actually getting pulled over because that's sort of this weird, like, putting you in a situation of admitting guilt that you're not supposed to be in. So they're supposed to say why they pulled you over. They're supposed to anyway, we we don't need to get into all that, but I don't I believe they're not supposed to ask. The question would be, I pulled you over because you were going to.

I I got you speeding. Like, that would be it's a bad day. Yeah. That is a bad day. Can you think of anything?

That sentence that'll ruin your day? I can think of situations that would be awful. Like, you go to start your car and it won't start. Or you're out of gas. But that's not a sentence.

That's what I said. I it's like I could think of situations, but I was trying to think of a sentence. I'm playing next on the radio, Coldplay. Oh, hey. Got some Coldplay coming up.

It's just for Ben. No. I don't. But And then somebody replied, Coldplay isn't that bad, and I would disagree. I'm with Ben.

I'm not a fan of Coldplay. That right? That's right. Okay. So so, yeah, that would it wouldn't necessarily ruin my day.

Would it ruin my 10 minutes of drive time to listen to Coldplay? Yeah. You're gonna listen to Coldplay for 10 minutes? No. I'm not gonna listen to Coldplay for 3 minutes.

Coldplay? No. Why why are you so mad at Chris Martin? Because I don't think his music is good. Oh.

That's okay. It's a personal problem. I mean, it's okay to think that, but, I mean, it's they've got some okay stuff. No. Fix you is great.

Nah. Okay. Alrighty. Here's another one. My check engine light just came on.

See again See? A situation. That's a date. That's not a sentence. Yeah.

But That would be you you. You calling me or texting me and said my check engine light's on, I'd say, oh, again? Hey, Josh. My check engine light's been on for months. I know.

Yeah. And I know why too. We just haven't fixed it. But, also, I wouldn't be surprised by that sentence. My tire pressure light is on.

Yeah. Also, I told you how to go fix that. I I've already told you that I don't handle the cars. You do this. This is our marriage arrangement.

I don't remember. I kept getting kids alive when they were toddlers. It's your it's your head. Helped? I didn't put them in situations where that would not be the case.

I helped. You've got car duty Alright. Bud. Alright. Is that a day ruiner sentence?

Kinda. You've got car duty Yeah. Bud. That's not it. I don't like that.

Too bad. What's that, this is not pertain to me, but there's that sort of stigma around in laws. So what if the sentence was, hey. My parents are coming for me. My parents are coming.

Yeah. Would that do it? Yeah. You'd be like, Would that would it do it for me? No.

Would it do it for you? That's what I'm saying. Be a ruiner for you? Yeah. But yeah.

No. It wouldn't be a ruiner. Your parents live in the same town. I know. So they wouldn't come on the weekends.

My parents are coming to stay for the weekend. I'd be like, what? That's strange. Across town? Can't they just come to visit, and then they can go back to their own house?

No. They're gonna they're gonna spend the night. That would that would be a ruiner for me if it were my parents. That's what I was saying. Yes.

That's what I was if if I said to you, your parents are coming. You'd be like I'd say for what? No. For what? For what?

For what? Now I have to clean my house. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.

Let's get a hotel. Company's coming over in in 2 hours. No. Yeah. Oh, no.

Here are some top dating trends that are happening right now. Well and it's less dating trends and more of, there's names for these people that people are dating. That make sense? No. No.

It doesn't. Okay. Let me let me explain a little bit better. Yeah. Okay.

So there's a thing called yap trappers Yap. Or yap trapping. Yap trapping. This is when you're on a date, and the person you're on a date with just talks about themselves and doesn't ask a question about you. Okay.

I've had this situation not on a date, just in an interaction with a person. Okay. You could call them yap trappers as well. Yeah. Because then you get stuck because you're like, dude, I got some place to be.

I don't need to this conversation is of no value. And not that that is always like, a bad thing. Like, sometimes I just wanna chill and hear about it. But Sometimes you wanna listen to the yap trapper. Other times, I'm like, I got stuff to do.

Why you Quit talking about yourself. Why you why you yapping at me? Ask me a question about me. About Yeah. Or maybe let's do this a different time.

Okay. You know? Like, that's that kind of is where I get, where I and and I wanna listen, and I wanna be engaged, and I wanna have, you know, a conversation, but, maybe not right now is the best time. And now I feel like I'm trapped because you keep yapping. So I'm yap trapped.

I've been yap trapped. I kinda feel yap trapped by you right now. Hey. Ease up. Just kidding.

Okay. Another one is freak matching. Oh, and that's where you're like, I'm super into Frisbee golf, and then you find somebody who's like, I'm totally into that too. Into that. And then you're like, what?

My mind is blown. And there's this song that goes with it. It's it's not a very clean, appropriate song. Oh. But yeah.

There is that one I only hear that one part Right. Of that song. The rest of the song is not Oh, okay. Is not great. Alright.

We won't talk about it anymore. Yeah. No. But but Freak Matching is, yeah. But it's I'm I'm totally into this thing as anybody else.

I'm really super into this movie or this animated, cartoon series or collecting figurines, whatever it is. Is anybody else into that? K. I'm trying to match my freak. Okay.

All along the same lines is grim keeping, which is yeah. Which is when you bond with somebody over your darker side or your shared dislikes. So you're like, I hate that thing, and somebody says, I hate that thing too. And then you match. And then you become grimkeepers.

Okay. K? You're a gatekeeper. Is that on there? No.

My Look how cool. Immediately. No. My kids Yeah. Think that I'm a gatekeeper, and they also are gatekeepers.

Yeah. I told Emery yesterday Everybody gatekeeps. They were gonna make a Sims movie. Yeah. And she said, oh, great.

Now everybody's gonna wanna play the Sims. The Sims came out in 19 91. Told her. 19 I don't know. 2000.

February 4, 2000 is when the Sims originally originally came out for computers. February 4, 2000. I played that original game. I know. I know.

For hours and hours and hours. So she thinks she's the only one that's ever played the Sims. She's wrong. It's been out for 24 years. No.

She's a gatekeeper. Yeah. She thinks I'm a gatekeeper. Look. I think the movie is a bad idea just as a side note because they speak Simoleon.

And Yeah. If they're not doing Simoleon in the movie me. Because I got lectured on this yesterday. Simoleon is their money. Oh.

Simlish is their language. Okay. So they speak Simlish. They should is the whole movie gonna have subtitles? I don't know.

They have to. If they aren't speaking Simlish, it's not Sims, and that's a gatekeep. I bet they I bet they just speak English. We went off on a tangent. That's fine.

It's okay. You weren't you didn't care about the rest of the dating trends? Not really. Okay. No.

It's not personal. It's not against you. I'm just not dating. Oh. I'm I'm, like, well hitched.

Well hitched. Yeah. Wow. The romance is alive. Yeah.

Yeah. Josh is well hitched. That's right. Don't you forget it. Well, I'm gonna have to book a trip.

Why? Well, we gotta go over to the other side of the country Yes, please. Yes. There is a game going on. It's called Project SkyDrop, and this is all over New England.

And, here's what they've done. They've hidden a 24 karat gold statue that's worth $26,000 somewhere in the woods. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. It's a big treasure hunt.

You have to pay $20 to, to get into it. And every day, players get different clues via email to help them locate this treasure. So far, the search area has been narrowed to include Western Massachusetts, most of Connecticut, Southern Vermont, and part of Southern New Hampshire. So, it could be anywhere. And you if you find it, the first one to find it wins it?

You get you get the yeah. You get this 24 karat gold statue that's worth $26,000. Yeah. Yeah. You sell.

Right? The creators are yeah. Well, I don't know what you do with it. I can't decide. But it cost me $20 to try.

And the creators are 2 video game designers from New Hampshire who have launched this treasure hunt. Uh-huh. Again, it's called Project SkyDrop. K. If the contest takes off, the creators hope to expand this across the country and maybe even across the whole world.

Really interesting idea here. We've seen some treasure hunts across East Idaho. I've seen a a ton of Facebook stuff and Instagram stuff about those. Project SkyDrop is a whole different animal. And you gotta see this statue is really cool.

It's actually it's built by a jeweler. Okay. And it comes with this, you know, certificate of authenticity. It explains that it is 24 karat yellow gold, that it was made specifically for this contest. It is 10 ounces, 310 gram, 24 karat gold.

It is appraised at 26 currently, $26,000. I think that you would actually be very good at this game, and I statue. Well, so they've they've shown like, there's a live view. They have a live camera of the statue sitting in the woods. Really?

Yeah. Like, I'm looking at it right now. They'll be able to capture the person first. Yeah. Good luck.

All it is is a bunch of trees on like, trees everywhere, leaves on the ground, and the statue just standing there next to the live camera. Somebody just stumbles upon it? I don't know. Then you, win yourself a $26,000 gold statue? Yes.

Just some hiker in the woods. It's not even part of the game. They're like, hey. Look what I found. Yeah.

I don't know. It it doesn't look like it's even close to a trail, not even remotely, from what I can see here. So, I mean, it probably has to be I feel like it has to be locked up somehow. They can't just leave it in the wild. It's sitting in the middle of nowhere out in the open.

I'm looking at it right now. But what if there's, like, an outside boundary that you can't see that has a lock on it with a code? I doubt that. I doubt that they just left it in the open. It's $26,000 worth.

Yeah. I mean, they're trying to get it found. Here's the interesting thing. The motion capture camera has, has captured a porcupine walking by. Oh.

And, like, I think this is a a possum walking by. It looks like it's got that that hairless tail. So there are wildlife visitors that have found it, but no humans have yet found it. So, anyway, I think we gotta book a trip. Go see if I can find this one.

I think you'd be able to find it. I really do. I think you're good at puzzles. You're good at solving these kinds of riddles. I think you could absolutely have a shot at this.

Yeah. Book the trip. Let's go. Alright. Go go see if we can find it.

I mean, I would wander around the woods in Massachusetts. That sounds like a good time anyway. Excellent time. I'll just go see some porcupines in the wild. Yeah.

Don't get too close, though. I won't. They're pokey. You've never ridden in a limo. I have not.

We've we've talked about this a little bit. Is this something that you want to do? I used to think that I did, but then I heard that there it's not that exciting. That's my opinion. I think as a kid watching different shows, like, Richie Rich.

Yeah. What? I get to stand up and pour my head out the thing? Yeah. Yeah.

It they made it seem more glamorous Yeah. Than it actually is. I agree. But now I look at it, and I go, it's not it's just a long it's just a regular car. But long.

But long. They're kind of inefficient too. Like like, as far as the amount of people they carry. Like, you can probably carry more people in a 3rd row SUV than you can in a limo. Now you can't all sit around facing each other awkwardly, like you can in the back of 1 limo.

You're just sitting there, like, staring at somebody across from you. But you can hire a driver to drive you around, and you can sit in the back and talk to people instead of driving. If you've got a sky roof a sun roof. Nope. Sky roof.

Sky roof for the win. Yeah. You can you can still do that terribly dangerous thing. Yeah. It's probably not recommended by the police.

It's very not recommended. For that. So do not recommend. What they found out is that the stretch limousines that have always been this sign of wealth and elite, like, oh, you get picked up from the airport in a limo. Like, that was always, like, a big, rich, fancy thing.

It's not happening anymore. Not anymore? Not happening anymore. And the companies that rent limos are shrinking their fleets. They're getting fewer and fewer of those, and they're instead getting SUVs Yeah.

Like luxury comfortable SUVs. Party buses are big. Party buses? Yeah. I've never done a party bus, but they're they're doing that.

And then, you know, people don't have to crawl in. You've you've never been in once. You know how awkward it is. You think getting in and out of a restaurant booth, but it's a car. It's terrible.

It's not easy. Yeah. And then most of the time, you're wearing fancy outfits when you're in a limo. Right? Yeah.

You're scrolling around. Heels. Yeah. And and Awkward. I don't know.

And everybody has a phone, so it's not like you can sit in the back and work on your car cell phone doing business deals. Yeah. It's just not the same thing as it was through the eighties, nineties, and I would say even into the early 2000. But, you can now buy them. They're, like, selling them for super cheap online.

If you've always wanted to own 1 I haven't. I think it get them. It would be hard to find a parking space. You have to pull through. You have to take 2 spots.

Take 2. Yeah. You could never parallel park that thing. And I don't know about never, but you need a big spot to do it. I would like to try to parallel park A limo?

A limo. In cones. I don't wanna do it with other cars because I'm I don't wanna actually have to hit something. But I bet that's an interesting thing. I don't.

That's a that's a game I don't wanna play. You don't wanna play parallel park the limo? Wanna parallel park my own little mini car. I don't I'm not gonna parallel park a limo. Your car is easy to parallel park.

It's a little button. It just and you're done. It's so tiny. I don't wanna I still don't wanna parallel park it. No big deal.

Good deal. You can buy the limos for, like, $5. They're selling them. Yeah. They're selling them online for cheap.

That's still too much money. I still wouldn't pay that. For a limo? Yeah. That's that's not that much money.

Emery needs a car. Yeah. She's gonna be driving. Let's tell her we're getting her a limo. She'll be super she'll be so excited.

She'll know. Like, yeah, friends, I can truck her out. I'm buying her a limo. It's not happening. When you make the bed, how do you make the bed?

What? What? What? When you make the bed, how do you make it? Well, from what standpoint?

This this sounds like an easy question, and I'm overcomplicating it, but I need to understand what you're asking. The sheets okay. We have a we have a fitted sheet, and we have a top sheet. Yes. A lot of people don't use top sheets anymore.

Well, hold on. This is why this is where my confusion comes in. Are you talking about we've stripped the bed, we've washed everything, we have to make the bed, or are you talking about it's the morning, you got out of bed, make the bed before you leave for work to kinda make the bed. I make it the same. That's that's but do you see what I'm saying?

Like because I need to know if you're asking, like, because we have the mattress protector thing, and then we have the sheet, and then you have the top sheet, and then you have the blanket and the pillows and all the other stuff. Or are you talking about the bed is made, we just have to, like, fix the blankets and the sheet and put the pillows back? Okay. From washing the sheets. From the sink.

So from empty mattress, blank mattress? Yeah. Nothing on it? Just go from the fitted sheet is on. That's making the bed in the morning.

You have to put the top sheet on. Do you tuck the top sheet under the sides of the mattress and at the back of the mattress? Do you tuck the top sheet on all sides? Not all sides. Well, not all sides.

3 of the 4 sides. If it's long enough K. That's fair. Because sometimes it's not long enough to tuck up the sides. Long enough on my side to tuck.

So it just hangs on the side. Yeah. But it's tucked at the foot. If it was long enough, would you tuck it? Yeah.

Absolutely. Yeah. Otherwise, it hangs out under the, comforter. What about on the backside? Do you tuck it on the backside?

The foot? Yeah. The foot's always tucked. K. And that goes the same for your blankets?

I mean, I've not tucked the blanket under the mattress, but I tuck it in between The bed, the foot of the bed and the mattress. Yes. That gets tucked in. Yeah. Most people do the tuck.

Some people prefer not tucking at all. They just lay the top sheet on top. No tuckage. If they have a top sheet, a lot of people don't use the top sheet, which is crazy to me because what if you're too hot and you have to kick off your your blanket? You're still gonna want something over the top of you.

I like having that top sheet. Okay. I just have always had a fitted sheet and a top sheet, so it's normal for me. What would you do if you didn't have the top sheet? Would you care?

Would you notice? I don't know if I would. Oh. I know our son does not care. He just throws a blanket on.

That's fine. Half the time, I don't even know where he sleeps on his bed. Well, I get it. But He's got stuff on it. That's that's neither here nor there.

The point is the the boy just lays down and throws a blanket on and calls it a night. Yeah. Yep. Now our daughter's a little bit more into, like, making her bed and and being under a blanket, but I don't know if she's under a sheet or not. She is.

Is she? Yeah. I know she has a sheet one. But is she under it? I don't know.

I don't either. Don't know. I couldn't tell you. Now you get into bed, Do you tuck the sheets No. Around you?

Absolutely not. No. You gotta That's suffocating. Trapped in there. I I kind of I'm into this don't tuck the sheet thing on the foot as well No.

Because it feels like I'm trapped on my feet. No. And I end up kicking enough to get loose so it's not holding my feet down. I don't like my feet being trapped like that. Just push it out the side.

I do. But I gotta still move. I gotta kick and move things around first to get comfortable if it's been tucked too tight. What kind of animal are you at night kicking around? No.

I do it once, and then I'm comfortable. And then I go to sleep, and I'm done. I'm not kicking around all night. I beg to differ. No.

I'm not kicking around. I might toss and turn here and there, but I'm not over there like that. A hard time falling asleep last night. And Swim kicks. Every time I wasn't kicking around, but every time I move, you'd wake up and you'd say, are you okay?

Like, yeah. I'm fine. Go back to sleep. Did I? Yeah.

That was sweet of me to check-in on. It was sweet, but I was also I don't remember doing that, but that's nice I did that. Go to bed. You alright? I'm fine.

You okay? Yeah. Quit moving around. I wasn't even moving that much. Just shush.

Roll over or something. I'm subconsciously always worried about you. I'm serious all the time. And so even in my in my in my deepest of REMs No. I'm going, oh, is she alright?

Are you okay? More of an annoyance every time I moved. No. Are you okay? No.

It was not. It wasn't. It was genuine concern. Are you okay? I'm okay.

Alright. Go to bed. Alright. Good night. My home studio is in shambles.

It's just it's terrible. Yep. It's become beyond a catchall. It's just become a a space that, like, I don't even like to enjoy being in the room. That's how I feel about my craft room too.

Well, and your room's got like, you can actually get in your room. Like, I I barely can squeeze in because I've got extra furniture in there. I've got just stuff. There's just so much stuff. A storage.

A room of requirement. It's a room of of things I don't require is what I think it's become. So I was looking at, like, organization and thinking about, like, taking everything out and only moving back in, like, what needs to be needed. That long ago, though. So awful.

It's the worst thing ever. I know. I feel like you had it. You spent a good weekend working on it like a year ago, and it's been great. I know.

I don't I don't know what happened between then and now. I don't know. I wanna get that space, up and running, not necessarily as a studio again. I'd like to get it set up so that I can do, you know, some streaming stuff, maybe some gaming, maybe some some, you know, podcast things might be fun. I don't really know what I want to have the space capable of doing, but I wanna redo that space.

K. So that I it's usable. But I can't figure out for what. Because I think about it and I go, yeah. That'd be cool.

But but why? For what? But for why? So I'm I'm at a loss a little bit. Mhmm.

I don't know what to do. I don't either. But I know it's full of stuff, and I need that to change. When the door is open. I know.

Because it's I don't like looking in there. It's terrifying when I look in there. It's right next to the laundry room. So when it's open, I go, oh, shit. I know.

Yeah. Close that door. Some of my stuff is in there. Probably. Probably.

I've got too much stuff. And then what happened is we cleaned out the bedroom. We went, let's let's clean this up. Let's declutter. Let's but there's some stuff that I wanted to hang on to, so what did I do with it?

You moved it to the room of Requirement. I put it into the basement room. I put it into my studio. I went, yeah, I'll put it here. That'll be fine.

It's a room of clutter, is what it is. Well, let's get it cleaned out. I know. I know. And and and then I see this video.

This guy was talking about, he has some older, boomer generation parents. Uh-huh. And he was like, you know, we're we're trying to work with them to kind of get rid of their stuff. Know, we're talking about moving these guys into, you know, a A smaller company agent. A smaller place or into a a home of some kind.

And so as they're kind of working on that, it's like, we've got cabinets full of, like, knickknacks. Nobody wants this stuff. Yeah. Like, none of the kids, none of the grandkids, like, they don't want the stuff. And he's like, I don't know what to do with it.

And so we're trying to, like, sell it off at yard sales, and we're trying to, like, put it on online to sell. He's like, there's just so much stuff. Too much stuff. And he's like, we've we gotta, like, stop it. We gotta stop it.

Yep. We gotta get because stuff that we think is interesting to us, we're like, I wanna display this. I wanna have this thing. Somebody has to deal with that, and I got a room of stuff. A house full of that stuff.

No. I know. But really that room. Have you seen that room? Yeah.

I've seen the whole house. You've got too much stuff. Gotta work on it. Gotta get rid of some stuff. Never ending.

I know. Never ending. Good winter project coming my way. Hey. It's Would You Rather This or That.

Oh, the fall Halloween edition. Halloween? Yeah. Oh. Would you rather be a scary bat or a spooky owl?

Scary bat. Why? I thought you would have picked the owl for sure. Why do you think I would have picked the owl? Because you like owls.

Yeah. I think owls are cool. I think they're, they're wise. They've got I just don't think they're, like, Halloween spooky. They're spooky.

I like a spooky bat. Scary bat. Yeah. Spooky owl. Yeah.

Scary bat. Like a like a just transformed Draculia. Oh. Yeah. I think I'm gonna go with an owl.

You know why? Who? Because you can just stop. You can just sit in a tree. Oh.

And look around. What a time. Judging people. You gotta eat your food whole like that. And then regurgitate it all out.

After you digest all the meat off of the bones and hair. A little Then you Yeah. Good. Have fun. I'll be hanging upside down with my homies in a cave.

Go for it. Being scurried. All the guano. Whatever. Whatever.

Don't have to throw up my meal. Plus fruit. I can eat fruit. Yeah. But mice.

I could eat mice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then people will collect it and dissect it.

Yeah. For science. I know. They don't do that with bats, do they? They collect guano all the time and study for science.

I know they do. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Well, would you rather this or that spooky season version.

Yeah. Oh. So that's gonna do it for today's show. Gonna do it for us. That's it.

That's all she wrote. I've had fun. I've had a mediocre time. That's rude. You've been good company.

Thanks, Josh. Is this your love note? I'm just saying nice things. Okay. Just throwing out nice things.

I've had a great time. You are you sure? It's been a lot of fun. I feel like, ever since the Mario Kart debacle last night, you just haven't been the same. What?

I have 2. I have so. I have. Are you sure? Yeah.

Okay. Well, hey. I did take video of it, and we did do a second round, and I got video of that as well. So I'm gonna put that together. I lost both rounds.

And then, everyone can watch as, Yoshi doesn't do so hot. It was just an off night. Is that right? We'll have a rematch again sometime. It was not my night.

I was a little rusty. Oh. I haven't had practice. It was like going to the Olympics without proper training. You feel like competing against me is Mario Kart Olympics?

Let's go. That's high praise. You knew you were up against a strong competitor. Good. You are my strongest competitor in Mario Kart to be sure.

Is that for real? That's for real. There's no one else you compete at Mario Kart with that is as strong or stronger than me? Correct. Wow.

I'm sure there are better Mario Kart players. I don't know that. Sure. The people that I compete with, you are you are top tier. Wow.

Top tier competitor. Look at that. That's But I did teach you everything you knew. Oh, come on. I felt so complimented, and then you took all the credit.

Mister Miyagi training Ralph Macchio. The character name and the actor name. You've you've made a bold choice there. You didn't go with Danny LaRusso. I can't remember his character name.

You went you went straight character to actor. It's fine. K. What's mister Miyagi, the actor's name? I don't know.

Its name is mister Miyagi. It has to be. The student became the master. Is that right? Mhmm.

You don't think that leave it alone. Yeah. I'll leave it alone. That's fine. Hope you have a great rest of your Thursday.

We'll be back tomorrow morning, bright and early, 6 to 10. You can listen on demand anytime, anywhere, whenever it works for you with the podcast. Whoo. Yeah. Wake up classy 97.

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Have a great day. Yeah. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.