We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5.

Speaker 1 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Speaker 2 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2 0:51
Good morning. My name is Dan Marquez. Welcome to another edition of your insurance connection right here at K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more happy Sunday morning. I broadcast every Sunday morning right here at K u and v from 8am to 830. And I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchased home auto and Yes, life insurance. One of my favorite subjects is life insurance. Everybody needs life insurance, nobody dies for free. He must have life insurance as an insurance broker out for auto insurance, homeowners renters boat, motorcycle insurance and life insurance. We're gonna get into the auto insurance a little bit today and then we're gonna roll right into the life insurance with your auto insurance carriers. If you're driving a Hyundai or Kia, unfortunately, you know, you may have to stay with your current insurance carrier, they may feel like you're charging a little bit too much. However, you know, to my understanding, someone went on Tik Tok and show the viewers how to open a car and start a car with their cell phone with with the Hyundai and the Kia, I don't understand it. But a lot of the insurance companies are not writing Hyundai's or Kia policy depending on the year and the making a model because what's coming up even when I quote, A Hyundai's and key is not to deter you from calling in and getting a quote however, but you may have to stay with your current auto insurance carrier until they fix whatever they need to adjust in their computing or their software. So people just don't walk up and take your car if you have a Hyundai or Kia My name is Don Marquez. Welcome to the show. This is your insurance connection for more information. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 in the state of Nevada bodily injury is 25,000 for each person 50,000 Each accident, your property damage that now your property damages when you know you you you're you hit a property and a car or a property and it's your fault, and the damages have to be paid for the Mac. The minimum here isn't in Nevada is 20,000. But I wherever most insurance agents like myself, we raised 25,000 give you a little extra protection there. I'm gonna piggyback a little bit your bodily injury. liability is injury you cause the others. It also protects the passengers in the vehicle. It and also the passengers in the vehicle that are not on your policy. In other words, if you have a family member that's you know a family member and you're injured, they're injured as a result of an accident and it's your fault. Loans are not listed on the policy the bodily injury liability will take care of them for medical expenses. Now medical expenses is for each person. There are limits for medical use. It takes care of the primary paramedics right away when they come out because the paramedics do charge you a fee. When they come scoop you up and take take you in the pram medic via guide said that word scoop you up but they do charge a fee to come get you and take you to the hospital or the emergency room. uninsured and underinsured motorist This is one of the most on on under understood coverages that we have that when that we commonly call it u m. Uninsured motorist protection. That's when someone hits your vehicle without enough insurance to cover you into passengers bodily injury for injuries. Now, uninsured motorist also if a person hits your vehicle with no car insurance, and you have injuries, uninsured and underinsured motorist protection will protect you from medical payments now because when you are injured in a car accident, I do encourage each and every one of you when you're involved in car accidents, whether it's your fault or not, you should go to seek medical Attention. You said you never know what may happen. I mean, you hyperextend when someone hits you from the rear, you hyperextend you know, there's just lower back injuries, upper back injuries, you have to go to physical therapy. And not all car accidents are, you know, you know, light weight accidents when a car hits you and it weighs 3500 pounds 4000 pounds, it could cause damage because the shock wave goes to the vehicle. And I strongly suggest if you are to have been involved in a recent car accident, please go get checked out because you never know what could be going on with your body. Just just a story I want to tell share with you. years ago, probably in the 90s when I was in the business, one of my clients was involved in a rear end car collision. He was in the front car, that real car hit him. He hyperextend it, he called me and asked me what to do. And I encouraged him to go to the doctor and he said, Yeah, you know, I feel fine. However, usually about three days, you will feel the pain. Well, he felt the pain later that night. He sneeze. And unfortunately he was paralyzed from his neck down for almost three years. He had a hairline fracture from the car accident. He never knew he had. But when he sneezed, he felt something and he and his wife took him into the hospital. And they ran X rays. And they quickly found out that he had a hairline fracture and his spine took him three years to recover. So you know, I encourage you, if you are in a car accident, please get checked out towing and labor. Towing and labor I see people you know the side of the roads that changing they own flat tires. Now they can easily pick up the phone and call the insurance company, the insurance company will send someone out replaced that flat tire, maybe they don't have time to wait, it's 100 plus degrees outside, I would not want to be I would not want to be on any expressway. Trying to change a flat tire. I don't even know how to change a flat tire anymore. Back in the day, you know, the cars came with a spare tire and a jack. Okay. And you know, and you could turn the you know, turn the wheels and get in a position where you know, you could just take off the lug nuts, you know and just change a flat tire yourself. You don't have to call roadside service. But these cars are so complicated today.

Speaker 2 7:20
Most of them don't have a spare tire. So you may have to put is probably a good idea to go to the you know auto repair store. And you know auto parts store and get one of those cans and you know, it's like liquid air. They put air in and kind of gives you a temporary fix on your flat so you can get somewhere that's safe. So they can either get you a new tires change a flat tire for you. Rental Car reimbursement. This is one that's misunderstood too as well. Rental Car reimbursement is not when you go out of town to rent a car. That's not what it's for, is when your car is in a repair shop for a covered loss, that the insurance company will provide you with a rental car and then let's say you don't have rental car, reimbursement on your current auto insurance policy, you are involved with a car accident that is not your fault. And your car is in the repair facility for the next three weeks, you can ask the insurance company to provide you with a rental car. So you will you won't be without transportation. This is news you can use on your auto insurance. I know a lot of you complain about the rates in Southern Nevada. I hear it all the time well, my roots not only from me, offering policies but you know, it's just common people call me up and they're looking for lower rates and I'll do everything I can for you to shop for lower rates I represent multiple auto insurance carriers. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 is my contact phone number. Now, with my experience and many decades of experience in this business, the insurance business when your car is at a total loss, what you need to do is go online and get a comparison of your vehicle. Let's say your vehicle has XYZ mileage, find a car just like yours with similar mileage. You know, same model features same year and get about three printouts because if they did, Jessie is low balling you on on the total loss of your vehicle. You can always challenge that even if you're gonna have a partial loss, and the adjuster is not giving you what you feel like you deserve to get your car repaired. You can always get other estimates from other body shops and take it back to them say listen, you offer me a lot less what it costs for me to get my car repaired. You know, these are my three estimates that I'm receiving. How can I get my car repaired? What's your estimate? Now you can fight back with those three different estimates or even a couple of estimates from different body shops. if they're if your car's totaled out and they're offering you a you know, a lowball settlement for your car, go online, you know go to one of these auto trader you know what a sell cars and show them, okay this I can't buy a car wholesale. This is what they're offering for this car, retail because I can't buy wholesale, and you show him the comparisons and they will make a judgement. It happened to me. It happened to me someone stole my SUV. I let my son use my vehicle, my SUV. I had an SUV. It was a collector car. It was a 97 GMC Yukon with the two door with the barn doors in the back hole was one of one of those when I first saw it came out and came out in 97. You know, I told my wife at the time I want that truck. But she said, Well, you just started in the insurance business. Now is not a good time for the guy to get this truck. So you know, you're right. One day, I'm gonna get it. I'll have all on that truck. So late years later, 20 years later, I bought a truck out of Michigan, I found a really good deal out of Michigan. Now my let my son use it. And he takes it out and drives it around to a lawyer's office at all places it gets stolen at a lawyer's office, you believe that somebody steals a truck, he calls him say, Daddy, somebody stole my truck. And I said no, somebody stole my truck, let's get it correct. He said, okay, because he had been driving it for a while.

Speaker 2 11:28
I was really upset, I wouldn't miss out on him. I just Oh my goodness. So now, the insurance company, they want to offer me only $3,300 For my truck. But my comparisons were anywhere from 20,000 to 15,000 to $12,000. With the mileage that my truck had on it, we put a new motor in it, you know, so they have to compensate me for what it will cost me to buy it today. So they settled for $15,000 with me, but they don't want to give me $3,300 Initially, this is News You Can Use, you can fight back with the insurance companies are trying to offer you trying to lowball you by receiving comparisons. Again, at the top of the show, if you're just not tuning in, we talked about earlier at the top of the show, if you are in a car accident, please go get checked out, get X rays, make sure you find make sure you'd have no any internal injuries, you may not feel for until the next three days, usually, the third day is when you really start getting stiff, and you start feeling your back hurt your lower back, like get checked out. And the older you are, the quicker you should go to the doctor's office, you shouldn't wait those three days, you should immediately say I was in a car accident, I need to get checked out if you if there's not a car accident where you must go to the you know the paramedics came out to get to the hospital that's different. But if you're in a car accident and you're able to drive away, you should always get checked out. Also, we talked about, you know, if your car goes to the body shop, and they're low balling, you know repairs for the damages that was caused, you can always always get comparisons and take it back to the adjustments, I have three, I have three estimates from three different body shops. This is the price that they're saying this would have cost to repair my vehicle, however, you offer me a lot lower, and they have to make an adjustment. They have to make the adjustment. And and not. And also, if your car stolen, you know, you can also get comparisons, get your comparisons presented to the adjuster, because you can't buy a car wholesale. And that's what they'll do. I mean, I don't know why they play these games, but they do. They're trying to save the company money. I'm in an insurance business since 1996. I've seen this happen over and over again. I am not in claims. I'm going to sales, individual offer policies but I tell my customers what to do. As a you know this and this is why they hire insurance agents so we can keep our our our customers informed on what to do when you're in a car accident. Now it is totally up to you to get an attorney or not. Now, you don't necessarily need one, unless you're filing for uninsured motors. People, you know these attorneys that do they really don't care about getting your car repaired. I mean, they could care less about that. What they want you to do is go to physical therapy and get treatment for medical injuries. This is how they make their money. It's not even fair. I like that one commercial on television. You know, you get the accident. The attorney gets rich, they're charging you up to 40% 40% of your settlement. That's a lot of money. When you can try to do it yourself. You know, talk to your insurance agent if you can't get ahold of your insurance agent. If you're not insured with me. I'll guide you step by step. Now if you need an attorney, you go ahead and get one but most cases people don't need attorneys. Now attorneys may not like when I'm saying it is what it is and you know what I'm telling the truth. You can file a claim. This is why you have insurance they have claim to justice. They're usually they settle with us so many times your medical bill and that's pretty much it. So if you have bodily injury claim against someone to hit you, you go to the doctor you go to physical therapy, the doctor is gonna refer you to physical therapy, you're gonna do all the legwork their attorney just gonna sit back and agonism roaming and you know and and get 40% of your legwork your money, and then do have an attorney how they gonna get more money for you. I don't know, do the math 40% is a lot. I think it's a lot of money. Try it yourself. Now, if you need the uninsured motorist portion of the car, that's gonna be a little tough, you might need an attorney for that. But again, the attorneys are not made to care less about getting your car repaired. They want to know how, how are you feeling? Are you injured, and they're going to send you to their doctor and their doctor gonna send you their physical therapist. If they don't already have it in the office. You could do it without an attorney. Keep that 40% in your pocket. For more information. My name is Don Marquez. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. I've done this myself, I have been in a car accident, did not use an attorney. I did everything myself. I filed a claim. This is where I'm going to get treatment, I'm gonna see my primary care physician. This is their name, address, phone number. And then when I was referred out to physical therapy by my primary care physician, kept all the bills sent them right into the insurance company. And we made a settlement that I was happy with did not need an attorney for it. You could do it yourself. But they're they got everybody commence, you're gonna get a million dollars. They're not gonna pay no, no mom no more over the policy limits. So if a person have minimum recovery ages, that's how you're gonna get the minimum. Whatever minimum it is, that's that's the minimum you're gonna get. You may have to use your own insurance for bodily injury under the uninsured motorist portion of the auto insurance policy. 702-236-2624 My name is Dawn Marquez, this is your insurance connection. My Location is on a corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor now I'm on the corner of Sahara and Rancher you can't miss it US banks that are awake by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm 702 to three 626 24 licensed insurance broker I love to meet you I want to again thank all the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. You know and I just want to John Nash and family I just want to you know, reach out my condolences one more time I know the John's funeral was on the 29th that we could go you know i My heart goes out I met John John was a really cool guy. He told me he was a drummer I'm I have a drum set to I don't play as much as I would love to play but I bounced around on my drum set from time to time but John John was a professional drummer That's what he told me and my my mom love and you know, condolences go out to his family may rest in paradise. John was good guy came up to me talk to me over here at the studio from time to time with his corny jokes. It's all good. Number love for you John, rest and Paradise brother. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. We have a team member at your insurance connection. Her name is Christine Barnard. Christine Banagher comes on my show from time to time and she has a business called everything legal she can help you with the notary services. She can also help you with the resume. Now she helps me with my clients that needs a power of attorney for medical and financial power of attorney that she's not an attorney sees a paralegal, but she can help you with a power of attorney she can write the power of attorney most part most paralegals do all the work for the lawyer anyway.

Speaker 2 19:03
They do. So she's well educated in the legal field. She can help you save money. She can also offer you will and testaments promissory notes. So you can put together a promissory note. So if you are willing to loan a person's money, and you be the bank, Christine Banagher and everything legal. Her contact phone number is 702-857-4040 1-702-857-4040 Renae, Christine Bernard, a team member of your insurance connection. Now with the power of attorney. If you have a loved one, you have a loved one that maybe has Alzheimer's dementia. They can't speak for themselves. You can be able to write sign for them. Write Checks for them. They being a power of attorney gives you a lot of authority. And you want you want that just in case you have a loved one with dementia Alzheimer's for example. So you can take care of all their financial obligations. And you know, and also make final decisions for them too as well. 702-857-4401 is Christine Bernards phone number k, u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. You listen to Darren Marquez every Sunday, from eight o'clock to 830. With news you could use, I love what I do. I'm a licensed broker representing multiple auto insurance companies, representing multiple homeowners insurance companies, and multiple life insurance companies. In my years of experience, first starting off at Allstate Insurance Company, there for seven years. It was a great experience with Allstate, thank you, Ed Davis for the opportunity you gave me definitely changed my life for the rest of my life, as an insurance professional. And from from Allstate after seven years at all say with with my own agency, I went to AAA insurance company, stay there long enough to retire. I retired in 2015. And I realized, you know, the retirement is not for me. You know, I'm too I love talking to people, I love meeting people, I love this business, I love what I do. And I started telling my wife at the time was, you know, why don't go back to work as an insurance broker. And fortunately, I was able to go back to work and be a broker, as a broker, as a broker, it gives him a lot of leverage, because I can shop for you. You know, I know when you go online to do the shopping for yourself, you get very disappointed because you receive a lot of phone calls, you receive a lot of phone calls, because you put all your personal information online. And what happens is they take your personal information, these lead resource companies take your personal information, and they sell it to insurance agents. So when you go online, you put your name, your phone number, your address, your car, all that goes out in the internet world. Everybody can see it, you know, and sometimes people see with bad intentions, and what they do, they sell your lead to insurance agents. Now, you may receive a lot of phone calls, because they've sold that lead that one lead to probably buy 20 Insurance eight, you know, because they don't sell exclusive leads when you know when you go online. And as you know, they're the only one is going to get the lead know they should leave what other insurance agents, you know, it's not fair to the insurance agent because they're paying for that that lead, you know, and that lead could be only 24 hours old, or it could be as young as 12 hours Oh, even our own, but they want to sell at least as many insurance agents said they can. So this is why when you put all your personal information online, you receive all these phone calls, and you're getting calls a month later, you start receiving phone calls, you get very frustrated with me when you contact me I don't share your information with anyone other than the insurance company that we select. I don't put your my information online and search and see you know what happens? No, we I'll pick, you know, after talking to you, I already know what company I'm gonna take you with. I don't have to search and find already Okay, you tell me what's going on with you. You know, I had a speeding ticket or you know, I had a DUI, I don't write a lot of DUIs. Usually when you get a DUI, you need to stay with the company you're with, and let's say, you know, say that non gonna non renew your policy, because you have a DUI on the first DUI, they usually don't do it. But if you get a second DUI, more than likely, your auto insurance carrier will cancel you. On your second DUI, you have to be very careful if you receive your first DUI, you know, when you're driving down the road, police officers when they get behind you, or highway patrol, when they get behind you they run your plates. When they run your place, they're gonna say, Oh, this guy had a DUI or she had a DUI, they're gonna automatically pull you over and do a sobriety check. And they find out you know, you've been drinking and driving again. You know, that's a very expensive lesson that's about $1,000 lesson and your license could be suspended and you could lose your insurance is not worth it. If you're gonna have a cocktail, you know, a little bit too many. You know, fine, get it get some transportation home, pick up the car the next day, or you know, just just stay where you are until you sober or just have a cocktail at home. You know, that's the safest way have a cocktail at home. Or when you out just just you know, monitor your drinking. You know, one of the reasons in Vegas was car insurance rates are where they are because people drink drive. They just do or they don't pay attention. Well, you know, one of the key factors of people driving today is texting and driving. Please don't do that. Because you cover a lot of space. Texting and driving is not that important. If someone is contacting you by way of text, oh, you hear your phone ringing and dinging or whatever it does. Do not pick them up and responds by texting them rhyming. What are you doing? Column? Hey, I'll get back to you later, you know, but it's not important enough for you to text and drive, have a car accident. These are the things that cars cause our car insurance rates to go up. And unfortunately, our senior citizens are having a lot of rear in collisions, rear end collisions for my seniors, because, unfortunately, you know, they don't respond quick enough because people, people stop abruptly. And all of a sudden now a senior citizen a hidden people in the rear, causing rear damages because there are certain checkpoints. As a senior as you age, your car insurance rates are set up going down, they're going up, because you know, you may have a car accident. Be careful out there. You know, if someone wants to do a raise and go fast, let them go. Road rage is another reason why car insurance rates are high, you know, and if you ride a motorcycle, I ride motorcycles to do not cut in between the lanes don't do that. I know. It's hot outside and you're on your motorcycle and you're trying to cut through these, you know, you're splitting the lanes, that's what they call the splitting lanes. A lot of motorcyclists get injured by because they're splitting the lane. So now you've seen him do it. And some of these motorcycles you can't even hear him. Because a motorcycle is so quiet. You know I love Harley's because you can hear him pop, pop pop pop up Potato, potato, potato, you can hear that motorcycle coming. You're gonna hear Oh, you look around because you hear it. But a lot of these motorcycles and I'm going to pick on the Honda people.

Speaker 2 26:36
All right, a Harley. So I'm gonna pick on the Honda be where your motorcycle is too quiet. So when you when you split the lanes, they don't hear you common, they don't because you're too quiet. Or they may try to switch lanes when you're trying to split the lanes. And then there's an accident right there because your motorcycle was just too quiet, put some pipes on it on the people I consider because I ride a Harley is a little too hot for the rider. Now my my motorcycle right now is older official garage Queen came put on the road right now, it's a little too warm. You know, when I do right? This time of the year the rule is in by 10 Because it's too hot to ride, it's very hot outside. And this is why a lot of motorcyclists they split the lanes, they go in between the cars, and unfortunately, sometimes fatalities. Or sometimes you know, you get injured really, really bad by trying that it's very risky. When you split the lanes as bikers, you know, be very careful. And you know you need to stop doing it. But they got to do it anyway. Because it what this weather, they're trying to get home as soon as they can. And that's why they're splitting the lanes. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Let's sit down and have a review. We can review your life insurance that makes sure your life insurance is updated. I know a lot of you say well, you know I've had my life insurance policy for a very long time. I don't need a review. I don't charge for reviews, no obligation review, and the ones that have the life insurance policy for a very long time. You definitely need a review. I see it all the time people have these policies for years. They don't even know they have money. They could borrow these policies, that sometimes these policies they can cast the policies I'm taking the money because they mainly don't need the policy anymore. You know, this is what you could do what a policy they have. You've had quite some time they built up a cash value. Use it you know, you may need to fix your transmission or your air conditioning unit. Or maybe pool repair you never know you can use the money. Life insurance can be a living benefit 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Let's find a life insurance policy that'll fit in your budget. I can have I have policies that when there is no health examination to apply just a few health questions. One page easy application that I filled out most people qualified. Even with health issues, rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. My name is Dawn Marquez. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Stay hydrated you know it's warm outside. Everybody be safe out there drive safely. Do not text and drive. Until next week. You just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

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