Super Human Fathers

Welcome back to the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In today's episode, we have a special guest, Mike Davis, joining us. Mike and his spouse have built a successful business through hard work and their love for people. However, they have struggled with consistency in various aspects of life. Mike has recently made a remarkable transformation by focusing on consistency in his work, leading to the flourishing of their business. Additionally, he has improved his relationship with his spouse through regular Saturday morning Zoom calls. Mike also opens up about his past anger issues and the importance of seeking help. Tune in as we discuss his fitness journey, overcoming challenges, and his inspiring story. Plus, we'll be diving deep into Mike's secrets for achieving his goals. Stay tuned for an episode filled with motivation, transformation, and the power of consistency. Let's get started!

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Michael Davis: the saying that we
have in the military is the best

command you're ever going to serve
at is the one you just left or the

one you're going to next, right?

It's never where you are, right?

And they probably say something
similar in the fire department,

in the police department, right?

The best place you're ever going to work
is the place you just left or the place

you're going to because we never take
the time to appreciate where we are.

And we don't think about that in terms
of food, but I'm telling you, enjoy

where you're at at 2250 and you can fit
that, you know, extra burrito shell in.

Or enjoy it at 1450 where you're
really seeing what you can get after.

Like, whatever place you are right
now calorie wise, take the time, you

know, one day to just sit down and
appreciate the miracle that is your body.

Not only surviving, but thriving
at whatever that number is for you.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay, guys.

I love stacking non negotiables.

Well, so we're bringing, we're
reading the power of one more, right?

And like, there's a portion where I can't
remember exactly, but he mentioned like

faith and moving mountains and like,
dude, it's the non negotiables, bro.

That's your faith right there.

Just one chip at the mountain,
one little, you know, One

little axe, one little hammer.

Chippin away, chippin away, this
is why faith moves mountains.

Look, you guys, I think you
saw the picture, you've seen

the post of Michael Davis.

And, I mean, that's what
he's done, it's a miracle.

You guys, we have the ability, and this
isn't only in fitness and nutrition.

We have the ability.

To move mountains in whatever
aspects of our lives.

If we're just willing to listen
to our conscience, identify the

non negotiable that's associated,
whatever mountain we need to destroy

or, or raise whatever, right?

Like once you know that.

You just make it non negotiable, no matter
what, no matter how you feel, no matter

how tired, no matter how hungry, how sad,
how, you know, this is, Kyle's, if you

guys didn't go see Kyle's story, right
now, if you want some fire, you need to

go see it, so, I just walked in, I had
a pretty intense day with the kids, made

some phone calls, And, uh, I'm wrestling
with the kiddos, and like, I'm kind of

pulling like a, like a fast one, like,
the kids are with me, which you can do

this, but I'm not in my, a good headspace,
I'm like, like, just, I'm kind of falling

asleep, like, like, I'm ignoring them,
but I'm with them, and, uh, And, uh,

I got on my phone to post the Zoom and
I checked my Instagram and Kyle's like

this whole thing about being a dad who's,
like, lethargic and I just, I shot up

out of bed and I was like, let's go!

It's so good.

It's just, you guys, like,
you just gotta manifest it.

There is so much negativity.

There is way more negativity

Michael Davis: around us.


Ryan Carnohan: it's everywhere,
everywhere, so you, you have to be

the light, it's going to surround you,
you're going to come up with every

excuse in the book to not move your
mountain, like you're tired, you're

hungry, you don't like doing it, it's
uncomfortable, it's uh, it's inconvenient.

Like what like going to a restaurant
you have to like bring a scale if you

really want to hit it or or you Have
to look at the menu before you go.

Yeah inconvenient dude.

Look at Michael Davis Freaking miracle
and we're about to talk to him I have

some questions that I that I want to
ask and I'm gonna let you guys ask

questions to end to um And, you know,
I'm not putting pressure on Michael

to provide, he doesn't need it.

He says that man, he is gonna give good
answers just 'cause he is living it.

So this guy did it and he had some
plateaus and he had some moments

where he was questioned the, the, the
fake him or the resistance showed up.

So I wanna find out how he
was able to overcome that.

So, Without further ado, um, Michael,
I think we'll just start by you

introducing yourself slightly, like,
you know, age, are you married, do

you have kids, and what interested
you in the program in the first place?

We'll just start right there.


Michael Davis: so, I know most of you
guys, uh, shout out to Marley for taking a

poop though, I did hear that, good stuff.

Ha ha ha!

But, uh, so my name is Mike Davis, uh, for
those of you guys who might not know me.

Uh, I am married.

Uh, Dania, she's awesome.

Uh, we put together her macros today,
so I'm pretty excited about that.

Let's go!

We do have three kids.

Our second one just went to college,
uh, Tuesday, uh, up in New York.

Uh, I am 42 years old and, uh, I got
interested in the program because, well,

I mean, I, I found Cal's Facebook post,
but what got me thinking about it was,

I got out of the shower and I caught
a glimpse of myself in the mirror and

I thought there was a fat naked man in
my bathroom and I Like, that's no shit.

Like, I, like, was shaking.

Like, I had adrenaline.

Like, I thought I was fighting.

And I, I walked into my living
room naked, and I told my wife,

I said, something's gotta change.

I, uh, I, I just thought there was
a fat intruder in my home a minute

ago, naked, and, uh, it was me.

And so, like, three days later,
I saw Kyle's post, and, you know,

you guys have all talked to Kyle.

I talked to Kyle, and
I was like, well, yeah.

Why wouldn't I do this?

This guy's amazing.

So that's kind of how I got here.

Ryan Carnohan: I love, I love this story.

It's one of my favorites that I've heard.

I share it with everybody, , but,
um, and I think we should just go

right out of the, out the gates.

You know, I obviously there was, life
was different before Superhuman Fathers.

Um, you started the program and.

What did you notice?

How did, uh, well, first
off, let us know your wins.

Like how much, how long has it been?

How much weight did you lose?

How do you feel right now?

So I think we're at

Michael Davis: eight
months and some days now.

Um, I lost a total of 53 pounds.

Uh, but more than that, really, I
lost a bunch of body fat, right?

I, um, When I was a young
man, I was physically active.

I was active duty.

Um, at one point I was
actually a fitness leader.

Uh, then I got injured and I
quickly became much less active.

And I did try through
the years to stay active.

I had some spurts, but, um, you know,
I had some pretty decent size injuries.

Um, you know, I broke my hip and got
some back stuff and some neck stuff.

And so, Uh, I just slowly kind of
let myself get a little bit fluffy,

and then COVID happened, and uh,
chocolate ice cream is delicious, and

um, but I've thrown the fat back in.

So, um, I just, uh, one of the things that
I noticed right away, one of my very first

wins was, You know, I talked to Kyle,
I think, on the 26th, 27th of December,

and I started this on New Year's Eve.

And while I was doing it, like, my
wife makes this delicious chicken

dip, right, for like New Year's Eve.

Like, I'm like, what kind of idiot
starts this on the 31st, right?

But I realized I've always tried
to be a little bit different and

I figured everybody else does this
on the first so I'm going to do it

tonight and then, you know, when
I was eating two tablespoons and

counting out 11, um, Tostitos or
whatever they were, right, I realized

I could do it because I did it on New
Year's Eve and, you know, there was

champagne and yada, yada, yada, and so
that was my very first win, uh, really.

Well, the first win really was saying yes.

You know, but, um, the first win in the
program was that, that very first day

I was, I was pretty proud of myself.

Ryan Carnohan: Um, I
remember that first share.

I still, I still, I still remember that
first share, the first zoom call when

you, when you told us that win, man.

That's amazing.

So, okay.


when you look at before you started
Superhuman Fathers and since you,

since you started, what's the
largest impact it's had on, on your

Michael Davis: life?

Consistency, like my wife and I run
our own business and we've always been

pretty, I mean, pretty good at it, you
know, cause we like people and we're

hard workers, but what's been lacking
for many, many years is consistency.

You and Kyle say this all the time,
but if you can be consistent in

your food, you can be, and you can
be consistent in your workouts.

You can be consistent in your
work, you know, you can be

consistent with your kids.

And so over the last, seven months,
I would say I didn't start right

out the gate, but, um, you know, my
business has flourished more because

I've done more consistent work.

Um, you know, so I think that's one
of the biggest impacts it's had.

Honestly, for me, the biggest impact
I think thus far has been, uh, my

relationship with my wife is better.

And I think a lot of it has to do with,
you know, the Saturday morning Zooms.

Like I, Like, she's here now, I think,
I think she's on here, I think I saw

her name, yeah, so, uh, my wife has
been a huge support for me, but I think

we're talking more, we're communicating
better, uh, I, I had some anger stuff,

um, pretty serious anger stuff at
one point, like, you gotta go get

help or you're gonna be by yourself.

Kind of anger stuff.

And, you know, still I'm
still an idiot, right?

I still screw up and I still lose my
temper, but it's not like it was before.

And I think in the last six or seven
months, I have sincerely apologized

more times than I ever had in my life.

Um, because up until that point,
apparently I was never wrong.

So there was no reason
for me to apologize.

But, um, I think really for me,
it's my relationship with my

wife has been the biggest impact.

Why do you think that is?

Cause I have been more consistent.


I've been more consistent in listening
to how she feels, more consistent

in, uh, checking my emotions, uh,
you know, cause emotions, they

don't, they don't help anything.

Emotions are good for falling
in love, but that's it, right?

Otherwise, you know, if
you react emotionally, then

you just, it's, it's wrong.

It's the wrong answer.

So I've been more consistent
in really trying every day to

be the husband she deserves.

Ryan Carnohan: You mentioned
that you're apologizing more

to your wife than you used to.


What's, what, what causes that?

Michael Davis: My conscience.

I realize now that, um, you
know, I am fallible, right?

I mean, I realized it before,
but before I was too prideful.

So now that I got rid of the pride.

Now I can say, oh yeah,
that was my fault, right?

It was, that's on me.

Sorry about that.

And I, and I catch it quick too.

That's, that's the other thing, right?

Cause it used to be a big blow up,
emotional, say a bunch of crap, you

know, Oh, don't you remember that time?

13 years ago, you did this,
like all the old stuff, right?

The fights and the, I know how to
push your buttons and you know,

um, and I don't do that anymore.

So the, so the argument or the
disagreement is much faster.

Um, and I can walk away at five
minutes later and realize that I

was a jackass and come back and.

Ryan Carnohan: You mentioned that,
like, look at you right now, okay?

And before, like, you look, what
you've accomplished is insane.

And there should, there should be pride.

Right now, but you thought you
were infallible before and yet

you look at yourself now and
you find yourself more humble.

It's really interesting.

What, what, I guess I'm
trying to dig deeper.

Like what, what are the,
what's causing this?

Michael Davis: So, I think it's
Wayne Geyer that said, you know, the

people that, that need everybody's
approval get the least and the

people that don't need people's
approval get the most of it, right?


The people that deserve the approval
are the people that don't need

it because they're living their
lives in a disciplined fashion.

So for me, I, I think pride
has hurt me in my life and I've

just come to recognize that.

And so I guess for me on a daily
basis, like if I'm going to count

my calories, I'm going to count my
fats, I'm going to count my carbs.

Like, I love this chick.

I've been married two other times, right?

Like if Denny and I
didn't work out, I'm done.

I'll be in the woods.

No one's going to see me again.

Like I, And so for me, why, why wouldn't
I take the time to count my words?

You know, to count my
reactions, to count my feelings.

And so, because, you know,
whatever, the fats and the carbs,

that matters for this, right?

We want abs and we want to look jacked.

But that's cool, but, do
we have any kids on here?

I mean, being jacked doesn't help
you if you're, if you're using Mr.

Handy every night because a woman can't
stand you because you're a jackass.

You know what I mean?

Like, the more important thing is
that my wife, that I love, that I...

You know, would do anything
for everybody says that, right?

We say, I do anything for my wife.

But would you like most people that you
know that are walking around out there?

They're not doing anything for their wife.

They're doing whatever the hell they want
and then doing just enough for their wife

to get laid, you know, like if you do
anything for your wife, then you would put

down the potato chips and go to the gym.

If you do anything for your wife,
you would do the dishes at midnight.

If you, you know what I mean?

So I just stopped lying to myself.

I guess.

And I just realized like I could do better

Ryan Carnohan: than this.

That was one of those powerful
things I've ever heard.

You see the authority, the authority,
you have no idea when you're living it.

You have no idea how
powerful your words are.

This is incredible.

I brought tears to my eyes, man.

Thank you for your example.

And I've experienced something
very similar, similar in my life.

And I just, I can't express the
gratitude when you share stuff, stuff

like this, because it's so important.

Now in, in this program, was there
anything, and this may have been what

surprised you, but was there anything
in this program, a benefit to it, an

insight that was absolutely surprising?

Like where you, you know, you
had no idea that was going to

Michael Davis: happen.

Well, I, I think there's been
a couple for me, actually.

I think one of them is I was resigned
to the fact that I was where I was,

like, I was the guy that was now
saying, well, I am in my forties, uh,

you know, well, I did break my hip,
you know, well, the doctor did say.

You know, I'd never be that again.

So why bother?


And so I let myself become that guy.

And, um, I guess I, I have been
a little bit surprised by my

ability to not be that guy.

Although, uh, you know, I was
sharing with you last night.

If we, if we let it go too far,
then you always get humbled.

So I want to tell this story
because I think it's kind of funny.

So my wife in an overabundance of caution,
maybe go to the ER yesterday because I

couldn't turn my head and you can't really
tell now, but this is all real swollen.

And, um, so she made
me go to the hospital.

So I go to the hospital, I sit there
for like four hours, and I have this

doctor, and this dude is so funny, right?

He, um, he's got a very,
very thick Chinese accent.

It's very hard for me to understand.

So he says, um, you look young,
you look big and strong, except

you forgot and you left yourself
with a little baby bird neck.

And you pulled your neck muscle, you
know, and I was like, I was like shit.

So I texted Ryan.

I was like, I guess when this is
better, I gotta come up with a neck day.

You know, I gotta do a day of just neck.

Um, but it was really funny.

And I, you know, Dan is
like, Oh, he's just jealous.

I'm like, I almost pissed my pants.

It was really funny.

Um, but I guess.

For me in seriousness, I think it's,
I've been surprised that I've been able

to do the things I've been able to do,
because for so many years, people told

me I couldn't do them anymore, even
though I always wanted to be the guy

that said I'm going to do it anyway.

Cause that's really what I do now
is I take that list of all the

things that they tell me I can't do.

And I plan when I'm going to
do them, you know what I mean?

So that's what I'm doing now.

And I'm like, Oh, cool.

I'll never do that.

That's neat.

I'll do that in six months, you know?

And so that's been surprising to me,
but what's really, really surprised

me the most is our 18 year old.


Um, and I, and I did share
with some of this group.

So Kennedy came out to us as
gay many, many years ago, and

then recently came out as trans.

And, um, Kennedy has always
had very strong opinions.

She is very, very, he is very,
very, um, you know, whatever

he's 18 years old, right?

So he knows everything, but,
but it's more than that, really.

He has always tried to take all of
the world's problems on his shoulders.

Like he, wants to be the voice for
every single cause on the planet.

And so body positivity has
been a big issue for him.

Like he wants people to
love themselves, right?

So this doesn't necessarily line up
with that because Like if I'm a big fat

bastard, like, and I'm unhealthy, then I'm
not doing the right thing for my family.

It doesn't mean I don't love myself.

And I did have that conversation.

I said, look, you can love yourself
and still want to be better.

But over the course of this program,
Kennedy has become so supportive at

the very beginning, seriously, and
Danica attested this for the first

three or four weeks of this program.

I didn't weigh food in front of Kennedy.

I didn't do any of that stuff in front
of Kennedy because I really didn't

know how he was going to react because
he was super like against crash diets

and fad dieting and all that stuff.

And then slowly what happened was if
you guys remember my father, um, got

rushed to the hospital so I got in a
car and I was driving to Pennsylvania.

And I, I was putting a quick bag
together and I came out into the living

room and Danny is there and my oldest
daughter Grace was in our house at the

time and Kenny was there and they were
counting out pretzels in the bags for me.

They were weighing beef jerky
and put it in individual bags

and Kennedy was involved.

And that's when I realized
that Kennedy had bought in.

And so now Kennedy has a
different view on body positivity.

Like Kennedy's very proud of me and
doesn't say, Oh, well, you know,

you shouldn't be so hard on yourself
like it made a shift for him and

that I think that was probably the
thing that surprised me the most.

Ryan Carnohan: Wow.

I love, I love this so much, man.

Thank you.


Um, in your, what do you think,
for someone who's coming.

New to the program.

Or maybe I can ask it this way.

What was the hardest thing that you
experienced during this program?

And how did you overcome it?


Michael Davis: my answer is
probably going to be like this.

Because a lot of guys seem to have
problems with their food dialed in.

It didn't matter to me.

And I don't know if that was,
you know, I know we got some

cops and some firefighters on
here and some military guys.

And like, some other guys too that have
the kind of job where you just like,

if you give me a task, I can do that.

Food was not really the problem for me.

Like I said, I dowed my
food in that first day.

For me, the biggest problem was Uh,
being patient with myself and trust

in the process because I lost like
28 pounds in like four, five weeks

and then it slowed down drastically.

And, um, then I sat at like 35 pounds
and I got COVID and I was in bed

for a week being mad the whole time.

I'm like, Oh, can I go
to the gym or whatever?

But, um, and then it was slower, right?

Cause I, I've been here for a
while now and it was a pound

here, half a pound there.

And I don't think I had my
first calorie drop until April

or the very beginning of May.

Um, so I had been here for several
months, so the first couple of weeks,

you know, out the gate, it was good,
although I wish I had worked out more,

a little bit in the beginning, but for
me, the biggest problem was, not the

biggest problem, but the biggest challenge
was, Looking at the scale once a week

and being mad because I didn't see it
and it was happening anyway, right?

My clothes were changing but I wasn't
paying attention to that because

I had gotten to the point and if
anybody here is new Go buy some

jeans because sometimes if we get
fat we start wearing like gym shorts

Joggers and like sweatshirts, right?

So you can't tell that you're getting
skinnier while you're wearing sweatpants.

You just you can't do it Doesn't matter
the same sweatpants And so, um, once I

realized that my clothes were changing,
that helped me a little bit, but I was

frustrated, you know, and there, there
weren't really many days where I, I,

there weren't days that I didn't hit
my food, but there were several days

where I was like, you know, Ryan doesn't
know what the fuck he's talking about.

Like, I don't even know
why, you know what I mean?

Like, I don't know why I'm doing
this, you know, but I'm doing it

because I said I was going to do it.

But by that point, honestly, to your
credit and to Kyle's credit, you

guys had given me so much time and
love that even if I had wanted to

quit, I wouldn't have quit that day.

Because, you know, and I think I
told Congress the very first time

we talked, my goal in my business is
always to pour enough of myself into

people that the day they want to quit
on themselves, they don't quit because

they don't want to give up on me.

And you guys really provided that for me.

So, on those days, I was like, you
know what, Ryan probably just licked

a banana, like, his numbers are
perfect, you know, and, you know,

sat on a carrot or whatever, like,
he gets perfect macros every time.

I don't, you know, I don't know how he
does it, but, so, I can eat this, you

know, bowl of quinoa wheat and be fine.

Hey, I'm going to say
something real quick, Mike.

Kyle Carnohan: Let me tell you
guys, Mike reached out to us a ton,

and he built a relationship with

us, we can't babysit you, we're
here, so reach out, text us,

message us, get to know us.

We have 300 and some guys, but guess what?

We're always here.

So the onus is on you.

We will reach out and follow
up weekly, bi weekly, for sure.

But if you disappear and we don't
hear from you, that's on you.

We're not going to save


We're not going to save you.

We will do our best,

but build a relationship with us.

We are here.

We are

Ryan Carnohan: waiting for you.

Michael, how many times have I called you?

Or like texted you out of the blue.

Maybe zero.

Maybe zero.

I'll tell ya,

Michael Davis: I...

But when I reach out, it's five minutes.

And it's not even always about this.

I was asking Kyle about Instagram stuff.

And I was, you know, it's just...

And I don't think he's on here.

Do we have like new, new guys in here
that have been here for like two weeks?

I'm sure.

So if anybody doesn't know this yet,
this group of guys, this is the most

incredible collection of men that I've
ever had the fortune of being around.

And I've been around some
pretty awesome people.

I, uh, you know, I, I did, I spent 21
months in Iraq, you know, and there

were some pretty great people there
from several different countries.

You know, I was active duty for a long
time and there's a couple of those

people that I can call right now and
they would be on a plane, but it's, as

a collection of men goes, this is one
of the most powerful you will ever find.

Grace, our oldest daughter,
snapped her ankle in, you know,

three places a couple months back.

She was in excruciating pain.

I could not get her out of pain.

Danny couldn't get her out of pain.

We tried her surgeon's office for hours.

Nobody called us back.

I put something in the chat,
and I believe it was Seth.

I mean, within five minutes, he was on
vacation with his family, but he stepped

away from his vacation to be on the phone
with us and our daughter for 30 minutes.

To get her out of pain.

And we've never met.

Like, that's the power of a
group of men that are doing what

they say they're going to do.

That are being the people that they
are designing their lives to be.

So, it has been so incredible for me.

And my wife, all the time, is blown away.

Like, I'll put my workout up and
there's always a thumbs up for her.

You're awesome.

You know what I mean?

Like Ryan is always reengaging.

If you engage and you do the work
and Kyle too, you know, but if you,

I can't say enough about you too.

I am so proud to be a part of this.

And, um, you know, I don't really know.

I'd probably be 225 by now, you know?

So thank

Ryan Carnohan: you.

And now you're, you're dropping
pounds in the sense that all these

people that see you that were
inspired by your transformation.

Now it's, it's infinite, bro.

They're just, there's
going to be so many humans.

So, okay.

I'm not done though.

This is the Michael show.

I got more, I got more questions.

So, okay.

You talked about moments of difficulty,
but there was also a moment of

commitment and a moment of confidence.

So how can, should I phrase this question?

Maybe I could say, how long did
it take for you to pull confidence

from the new way that you were
living and when did the switch flip?

And maybe even how did you flip it?

You know, is there a moment?

Was there a moment of trust?

What was it that flipped the switch?

And how long did it take you
to feel confidence from this

new way you were living?

Michael Davis: I think I felt
confident in my ability to

hit my numbers pretty quickly.

I mean, that was pretty quick for me.

The, the, when did I believe
that I would have abs again?

When did I believe that I would be,
uh, jogging on a two mile hiking trail?

Uh, that was a couple of months in for me.

And I don't know that it
was a specific moment.

I think it was a collection, right?

I think, you know, just like
most things in life, it's not

very often one single thing.

It's, it's a bunch of little things
that lead up to a thing maybe.

But for me, I think the
confidence in my ability to do

it, I think there's my pride.

I was like, of course I could do it.


But I think a lot of it too, when I, when
I wasn't confident it, I felt confident.

'cause I saw all these other guys doing
it, you know, Riley and all these guys

that were monsters, you know, and I
said, well, these guys are doing it.

And that guy's like Canadian,
they're like super nice and

like , you know what I mean?

They're Canadian, dude.

I, you know, uh, and I'm joking.

I don't think Riley's on here, but the,
the, the food part was easy for me.

The getting to the gym part, it took
me a couple weeks to get to the gym.

Part of it, I think I was scared.

Um, to be completely honest, I think
I was scared that I was going to go

into the gym and either hurt myself
or be too embarrassed to ask for help

because it had been a while and I had
to, and, and ultimately, again, I had a

couple injuries and I reached, I think
we were on a zoom and you and Kyle

were like, Oh, we'll do this instead,
you know, and it was super helpful.

But again, you know, fear.

Fear's a weird thing, right?

Everybody, there's all these
different acronyms, but for me,

the one I use is fear is false
evidence appearing real, right?

We, we get this thing in
our head and we're like, Oh,

it's going to be like this.

If I go to the gym, this and this
and this are going to happen.

And it's always way worse
than what really happens.

What happened was I went to
the gym and I lifted weights.

I said, Oh, that wasn't so bad.

And, um, but for the two or three
weeks prior, I was amping it up in my

head and it was so much easier than
what I made it out to be in my head.

So I don't, I don't know about a moment.

I don't know if that
answers your question.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.

I want to dig a little bit deeper.

Do you, you feel overall a more
confident man, I would imagine.

Michael Davis: Oh, absolutely.

But, but it's not, it doesn't
have anything to do with it.

Like it doesn't have
anything to do with this.

Like, yeah,

Ryan Carnohan: this is where I want to go.



I'm ready to listen.

And so

Michael Davis: you got this, right?

And then I'm looking at Kyle
is leaning over his thing.

I'm like, well, shit, I
don't have nothing yet.

You know what I mean?

If I

Ryan Carnohan: lift my

Michael Davis: arms, my boob
muscles still disappear.

You know what I mean?

My pecs are only there if my arms
are down, you know what I mean?

I'm not, I'm not the cow's level yet.

So it has nothing to do with that.

What it has to do with for me is.

I know that I, I'm going to do
whatever I say I'm going to do it.

I, I believe I can depend on me again.

So before, and anybody in my family,
anybody in my circle would tell you

that Mike was the most dependable guy
they knew because I always showed up.

Right, you have a flat tire at 2 o'clock
in the morning, somehow Mike's there,

for some reason Mike always ended up
paying for it, you know, but I wasn't

there for me, you know what I mean,
Fat Mike was there and he was changing

the tire or whatever, maybe we'll
grab a beer and a pizza and talk about

it, but I wasn't there for me, and so
now I realize that I am dependable.

I can depend on myself.

And that's where the confidence comes
from, because there are not many, it's

a weird thing for all of us, right?

We got this, you know, they
talk about imposter syndrome

and all this stuff, right?

And, uh, I guess the best example
I can give is in my business, we

talk to all kinds of people, right?

And somebody says, well, I
don't want to talk to that guy.

He's a doctor, right?

That doctor is no better than you.

He's just a dude, you know what I mean?

he did.

And I said, well, if that's
the case, then how many of

these people have been shot at?

You know what I mean?

Like Like, whatever,
like, I got it, right?

I'm good.

So, I've never really had that
problem where I'm like, Oh,

that guy's better than me.

The problem I had was, that guy does what
he says he's gonna do, and I know I don't.

Whether it's subconscious or not.

I wasn't dependable.

That guy looks pretty dependable.

And that was more intimidating to
me than your degree, or whatever.

You know what I mean?

And like, Kyle, if I would have seen
Kyle before, Seven, eight months ago.

I, you know, I would've
said the same thing.

Well, yeah, it's, it's a lot of
work, you know, but he's probably

just coasting now, you know?

'cause I didn't know Kyle, you know,
probably just coasting now, you know?

Uh, you know, and you make up excuses.

I made up all the excuses, just like I
think I shared one time, you know, in our

business, I, I would say, oh, of course
that guy's, Tony's got no kids, right?

Him and his wife.

They're just two hot young people,
they got no kids, they're probably

working 12 hours a day, of course
they're crushing it, right?

Well then our kids got older, and I
said, well shit, of course, of course

we're not crushing it, we don't have
moms and stuff at soccer anymore.

If only we had the kids a little,
we'd still be at the baseball game

or whatever to talk to the parents.

So it's whatever it is, you
can make an excuse, or you can

just work with what you got.

And the only way to really work with what
you got is to be dependable for yourself.

You know, and so that's where
my confidence comes from.

There's nobody going to tell me.

And I'll tell you the other thing
for me is my wife, again, I keep

bragging on my wife, but like today
we had to go to North Carolina and

her sisters were on our way home.

She's like, Oh, we got to go to the gym.

You know, like my wife is really
like, she's coming along now.

Like she downloaded my fitness challenge.

She's counting macros.

And, you know, and again, my
wife's always been awesome.

But again, she's got a fell
back surgery for many years.

She let those physical limitations.

Stop her from trying.

And now, you know, she's unstoppable too.

And, uh, and that's where my
confidence comes from because my

kids are now seeing it, you know,
the 22 year old crushing it, right?

She's got, although she came here
the other day, she's supposed to be

non weight bearing for another week.

And she walked into my front door and
I said, what the hell are you doing?

And she's like, I've been
testing it out, you know?

So, but, you know, the
doctor says it's great.

It looks great.

She is supposed to be off for one
more week, but she's killing it.

You know, and so my whole family
is becoming unstoppable because

I got off my ass and that's
where the confidence comes from.

Ryan Carnohan: Wow.

The statement for a man, and
I've experienced this as well.

I know I'm going to do
what I say I'm going to do.

To actually not just say that,
to know that's so powerful

because it makes it sacred.

Do you find yourself, Michael, maybe
a little more careful about what you

exaggerate on or what you say you're
going to do because it holds you

to your word or other way around.

Do you just freaking, I said
it, I'm going to freaking crush

Michael Davis: it.

Maybe it's, it's, it's a function
of I work for myself, so I don't

have to have a lot of daily
interactions with other people where.

I could accidentally over promise myself.

Um, but I, but I definitely
could see that being a problem.

Like, so I, I've always been pretty
careful in that, 'cause I've never

been the guy to let other people down.

So the difference is now I just
have to make sure there's room for

me to get my stuff or, 'cause it's

for you, it's yourself.

You know, I, or I don't get to

go to bed 'cause I gotta go to
the gym instead of going to bed

because I don't have any other time.

So it hasn't, it hasn't
become an issue for me yet.

But, um, yeah.

So I'll let you know if it happens.

And you can kick me back into place.

Ryan Carnohan: Well, yeah,
I was, I was the opposite.

I was the guy that never showed
up, so I got some work to do.

But yeah, bro, I, I am.

I love that so much because
that statement is real.

And so all of a sudden there's a power
there because whatever your conscience

tells you, I don't know, maybe say
I'm going to build a million dollar

business, you know, like you said it.


Kyle Carnohan: Mike's got it.

Mike's got that.

He's the man now.


He's the, he's got it.

That's exactly, that's nothing.

Ryan Carnohan: And this is the power.

This is the power.

I love you guys so much.

Michael Davis: I, um, you know, I have
some goals, you know, on some goal sheets

and I don't want to get into all that.

And, you know, I, it's funny.

It's your

Ryan Carnohan: time.

We got time.

You say whatever you want, bro.

Michael Davis: Book club.

You were talking about the
reticular activating system.

It's so funny.

Like I almost jumped in and like.

Um, you know, talking about how
the brain filters out the blue car

until you buy the blue car, right?

Remember you were talking
about that on the book club?

So that's literally one of my

Yeah, because I can never
even remember the word.

You had to save me.

I just mumbled


One of my favorite things to
teach people about, period.

Like, I love teaching
people how our brain works.

But again, this group is so great
because knowing it and doing it

are two different things, right?

So this group is great
because it makes you do it.

But so I had some goals that I, I
still have them long term, but I,

they're not on a green board anymore.

You know what I mean?

I'm not looking at it every day because
I, I don't want to say I'd give it

up on them, but I had relegated them
to the, the maybe someday goals.

You know, so I really have, over the last
couple of days, been looking at bringing

some of those out of the closet, you know,
and putting them, but, but you're right.

I hadn't even thought about that.

Like, I haven't put them up because
I'm like, I realize now if I put

them up, then I have to get there.

You know what I mean?

I have to.

Ryan Carnohan: I love that.

And it should be scary.

You guys, non negotiables
should be forever.

This is how you make it
really non negotiable.

This is how you level up that muscle.

Where, and you become that man and you
just through these small wins, while

this is a massive win for Michael in
what he has, what is going to happen in

his future, if he continues living this
way, I think we'll look back in this and

be like, that was a good turning point.

That was easy, you know,
and I just, I can see that.

And I love, I love that reminder that the
more you show yourself, you follow through

the more you're, Stuff you're going
to fall through on and it gets bigger.

So yeah, what are we going
to five years from now?

What are all of us going to be doing
in five years living like this, you

Michael Davis: know, I'll
never be 151 pounds again.

Cause now, now we go out,
you know what I mean?

Like I'm done with that.

It's cool that I got close to them.

Today, um, you know, I, uh, I was
talking to this guy actually in the hot

tub of all places, came over and struck
up a conversation in the hot tub, I

don't know you man, I'm just trying to
loosen this neck thing up, you know,

and, uh, whatever, I'll talk to you.

And we were talking and he
was like, oh, what do you do?

You're in pretty good shape or whatever.

And so I was trying to pitch
him on Superhuman Fathers.

So I showed him my
pictures and you did it.

I'm like, I'm not done.

Like, I'm never going to be there
again because now I'm going up.

Like, I'm really excited to see
what happens over the next year.

Like, I really, I would like to end
up somewhere like 175 with better

abs than I had in that picture is
what I'd like to see, so I don't know

what I gotta go to to get to there,

Ryan Carnohan: but I thought
I'd Bricks by bricks, man.

We'll just go up and down, up and
down, up and down, up and down.

We'll just keep cycling,

Michael Davis: so.


So I'm, I'm really excited.

Like I'm over the posting, right?

Like it's exciting and I'm glad and
hopefully, you know, we got some guys

inspired and they come on board, but
like in my brain, I'm already past it.

Like I'm done with that.

Like, that's cool.

I'm really glad that we got there.

Um, and what Kyle had said the whole
time is so funny to me because for

me, I was like, it's taking so long.

You know what I mean?

It's taking a really long time because
previous to my life, I cut weight.

I never got like ripped.

I just cut weight, right?

It's easy enough to drop some weight.

And, and so I was kind
of compared to that.

And I was like, it's taking so long.

And Kyle's like, you know what,
when you're done though, people are

going to be like, Oh, there's no way
you did it in that amount of time.

And that's literally
what people have said.

So right, Kyle's right.

So, and, um, but I'm just, I'm
really excited about the next year.

I want to see what we can do.

And then, you know, this next thing.

So today, like my gym
time sucked, but I did go.

And, uh, you know, it is what it is.

It's going to be what it's going to be.


You know, but we go every day now,
you know, so, um, today was just

mostly cardio and hot tub, but,
um, you know, I'll fix it tomorrow.

Hopefully, hopefully my next good.

I tried to do.

I even tried to do my own chest workout
with cable pools and I couldn't do

it because when I did this, I also
pulled the middle of my back, which

I could have dealt with, but then I
couldn't turn my head and my back hurts.

So I tried to do a cable pool.

I'm like, Nope, I got halfway.

You know, I probably could
have got two, but then I'd be

laying on the ground right now.



Um, but the other thing that
Kyle said to me, for any of you

guys, that was so powerful to me,
it's like, it's forever, right?

It's forever.

So, don't let it be an excuse to not hit
your numbers or not hit your workouts.

But, at the same time, like, it's forever.

Like, I didn't lose weight this week,
whatever, I'm gonna be here next week,

I'm gonna be here the week after that,
I'm gonna be here the week after that.

So, if I didn't lose weight this week,
I should go back and reflect and make

sure I did what I was supposed to do.

But the day, it's not that big of a
deal in the big scheme of things, right?

Because hopefully we're all planning
on living another 20, 30, 40 years.

I mean, if it takes you till you're
70 to hit your day one, like maybe you

should have Kyle and Jess your numbers,
but, but the concept holds, right?

You know, like, like you're going
to be here six months from now.

So if it takes you six
more months, that's okay.

Again, don't use that as an excuse
to just fuck around for four months.

But you have a week where, you
know, whatever, uh, you, you pull

your neck or you have COVID, right?

Somebody gets, I had COVID for, you
know, I was out of the gym for two

weeks because I couldn't go anywhere.

I was in my bed for five days of it.

You know, big scheme of things.

Did it suck right then?


Big scheme of things.

Kyle gets whatever it
was, ringworm or whatever.

You know, Kyle comes out of his
room, he's got all these things.

I'm like, what, what happened, bro?

You got Ebola?

What's going on?

I don't know.

I'm going to lift.

Uh, I'm going to lift it out, you know?

Uh, but, but big scheme of things.

This is our life now.

And if you're here, you know, cause
you want to knock this out in two

months and be done with it, then
you probably shouldn't be here.

That's not what this is.

And so hopefully nobody gets off
and I'll feel like a dick because I

just lost somebody but, but I mean
really that's not what this is.

Burn it down Mike, until we roll.

These dudes.

We tell, we tell the truth.

I'm going to talk to these dudes, you
know, every week, every couple of days for

the rest of my life, you know what I mean?

And so, be honest with yourself,
that's the other thing, there's, and

I hope it's true, but I look at the
macros, honestly, on the page, I'm

like, yo, there's no way this many
people have perfect macros, you know?

And it's either that, or like 15 dudes
in a row hit their numbers perfect, not

even off by a gram, that's unbelievable.

Like either Kyle and
Ryan are really the shit.

Or somebody's probably fibbing their
numbers a little bit, which whatever,

if it's you, you know who you are.

But, but even worse than that is
like, Oh, I blew my fat today.

And they didn't blow their fat.

They blew it by 25 grams or 40 grams.

Like I blew my fat today,
but I had a great time.

Well, what the hell are
you doing here then?

Like, that's not what we're here for.

You know, and I'm not saying
it's never gonna happen, right?

You got married, you know, you're
like, oh, I had some wedding,

it can happen, but don't
say it's okay to yourself.

You can lie to us.

You can't lie to you.

Don't lie to you.

Don't tell yourself it's
okay to do that, right?

I accidentally had three Big Macs.

No, you did not.

You had to go order those Big
Macs and open those Big Macs and

put them in your fat ass mouth.

That's what you did.

Let's go.

Let's go.

So just know why you're here.

And this is a lifetime thing.

So don't sweat the small shit, but, but be
true to yourself, be honest with yourself.

And when you screw up,
screw up, take ownership.

Don't play it off like,
Oh, not a big deal.

I'm, I'm so glad I did it.

I went out with my buddies and had
12 beers that I don't regret a thing.

You should.

You can be happy you saw your buddies,
but the next day when you look at your

numbers and you're 1, 200 calories
over, you should feel bad about that.

And if you don't, then again, have
another conversation with Kyle and Ryan,

because maybe the same thing for you.

But I am so excited about all these
results, and I'm seeing these dudes

flexing their back, and like these
back pictures are great, these bicep,

these daily flex pictures are amazing.

Makes me so excited, makes
me want to go work harder.

Um, and then Kyle every morning
I get up and I look at Kyle's

and he's like, Oh, what do I got?

I got this chain.

It weighs 800 pounds and I'm
just taking a jog with it.

Oh, and I got my baby, my wife,
and I got more sweat than you've

ever sweated in your life.

Like right now on my shirt
because that's how hard I work.

And, uh, it's inspiring every day.

I actually get on Facebook in the
morning and I scroll through and

when I don't see Kyle's, I always
see either Kyle or Ryan's, always.

I see one of them.

And if I don't see either one of
them, that's probably the day I quit

because they both died or something.

You know what I mean?

Because they're that consistent.

And I gotta send out a condolence card.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, I haven't
posted, I haven't posted yet.

It was a busy day, but it's coming.

I got, I got my, I got my shit.

Michael Davis: And that's it too, right?

You're independent.

I know that I can depend on both
of you, which is powerful, more

powerful than you know, because the
people around us aren't dependable.

They're not doing what we're doing,
taking time out of their day, 4, 5, 6

days a week to become more dependable.

They're not doing the stuff that
we're doing, or that Warrior

Fitness moms are doing, you know?

They're not doing it, so the people
around you in your everyday life,

most of them aren't dependable.

But every single person in this room is.

Ryan Carnohan: So to finish this
up, Mike, I kind of a question,

and maybe you, you kind of already
touched on it a little bit, and it

might disappear here actually for a
second because my phone disconnected.

Now I'm back.


Um, if there's one thing that
you could tell yourself, before

you start if you go back in time.

A tip, just anything.

What would you tell yourself?

Start up

Michael Davis: sooner
is off the table, right?

This is like, I'm just getting
started, I'm deciding to start.

I would say, for me, I would have
gotten to the gym sooner, because

I did let that fear hold me out
of the gym for a couple of weeks.

And I would have told myself that this
is, you know, this is a lifestyle,

you know, I would have really
drilled that in the very beginning.

So what happens today doesn't
define the next 10 days, doesn't

define the next 10 years.

And I would have been a little
more patient with myself when I

started plateauing a little bit.

Um, just because, not because it stopped
me, because I still got there, but it

gave me extra stress that was unnecessary.

There was no reason for it.

It was self created doubt.

There's nobody else.

My wife didn't doubt me.

You guys, you know, didn't doubt
me or you hit it well as you did,

but my wife never doubted me.

Nobody else doubted me.

It was just me creating that for myself.

And it was just added cortisol,
which probably made me hold

my belly fat longer, right?

So I probably actually self sabotage my
abs for an extra week, you know, but, um,

I would just say stay engaged for anybody
that's new, you know, and I did do that.

And it, and it was a lifesaver.

I know I see guys that get on one
Zoom a week, one or two Zooms a month,

and it's just not the same thing.

You need those people around you
to show you what's possible, and to

make sure you believe in yourself.

Because Ryan and Kyle, I've been amazing
at, they're not our bosses, right?

They're our coaches and a good coach.

Their job is to hold up a mirror
for you to see yourself, you know,

and say, is in the beginning of
this, you all give your own goals.

I think I told Kyle, I wanted to hit 170.

Like, that's what I want to do.

And Kyle's like, Oh, cool.

We'll see what happens at 170, you know?

Because we are, we, we,
we have our own things.

Like I'm 170 is as low
as I'm going to get.

Otherwise I look like a bobblehead.

Well, that wasn't true, but
that's what I was telling myself.

So he didn't even bother correcting me.

He just said, let's get there and see.

So a good coach, what they're going to
do is they're going to say, look, this

is what you said you wanted, right?

Hold the meter up.

This is what you said you wanted.

You really want it.

They can't make us do it.

They can't feed me, you know,
so use Kyle and Ryan because you

guys have been so honest, you
know, honest in your evaluation.

And it's, it's, it's powerful, but I
would say just stay engaged and, um, You

know, set realistic goals for yourself
that hurt a little bit, makes you want

to throw up a little bit, you know,
like I'm really excited about 175.

And the other thing is, I would say,
appreciate the calories that you have.

At the very beginning of this,
I was cussing them up and down

because I was eating so much food.

And like midnight.

I'm eating like four servings
of cocoa wheats, right?

Like it's this big like
Tupperware bowl, right?

It's cocoa wheats because
I got all these cards.

I'm like, these guys are stupid.

They don't know where they're going.

I got, you know, and it was so much food.

And I, again, I didn't have
a calorie cut for a long time

because I was still losing.

And then we got down to the bottom and
it was cool, but I was hungry, right?

And now I'm kind of going
up a little bit every

Ryan Carnohan: week.

Just so, just so you know, boys.

We tortured Michael.

He was at 1450.

How long was it?

Eight weeks?

Yes, it was.

It was eight weeks.

I think it was eight weeks at 1450.

So this guy's a savage.

Kyle Carnohan: Just remember, this
is not for the faint of heart, right?

We don't, we don't sugarcoat it.


Ryan Carnohan: 1450, he went three
weeks, I think, without any change.


Being that hungry and not seeing
any change and asking if you could

drop calories so you can go faster.

And me saying, no, you
have to hold the line.

Michael Davis: Like, I did ask
for another hundred calories off.

Um, I mean, savage.

So then like, I'm like, this is great,
but you know, I kind of liked the

way it felt better at 1450, right?

And so now I'm going up and I think.

If you appreciate where you are
in the stage, like, so that's

kind of what I told myself today.

I'm like, I got to eat this extra food,
which you think when you're at 1450

or if you're at your bottom right now,
you're like, what is he talking about?

I want more food.

I get it.

I did too.

But now I'm like, you know what?

I think I probably could.

Now I find days I'm like, shit,
I still need 450 calories.

It's midnight.

Like I was good.

I thought I was good, but
I still need all this food.

So appreciate each stage because.

You know, the saying that we have in the
military is the best command you're ever

going to serve at is the one you just left
or the one you're going to next, right?

It's never where you are, right?

And they probably say something
similar in the fire department,

in the police department, right?

The best place you're ever going to work
is the place you just left or the place

you're going to because we never take
the time to appreciate where we are.

And we don't think about that in terms
of food, but I'm telling you, enjoy

where you're at at 2250 and you can fit
that, you know, extra burrito shell in.

Or enjoy it at 1450 where you're
really seeing what you can get after.

Like, whatever place you are right
now calorie wise, take the time, you

know, one day to just sit down and
appreciate the miracle that is your body.

Not only surviving, but thriving
at whatever that number is for you.

Ryan Carnohan: Savage.

I love it.

Okay, I'm going to open
the floor up for questions.

So if you have a question, let's
go ahead and throw up a hand if

there's any questions so that
we can have it semi organized.

I think, uh, was, did I see Matt?

Did you have a question, Matt?

Oh wait, no, Eduardo.

Eduardo's got a question.

Yeah, I did.


Oh, okay.

So I'm sorry.

I look at me.

I'm trying to leave this and
I'm giving everybody the floor.


So Eduardo, let's Matt, you go first.

Eduardo, you're next

Matt TheRiot: to my congratulations,

by the way.

It's amazing transformation, man.

Your pictures are really inspiring.

I was just curious.

So what is what is your business?

Like, what do you

Michael Davis: do?

You know, when you're not working
out and counting calories?

So, so my wife and I work with a
big US manufacturing company showing

people how to buy American made
products directly to the manufacturer

and not have to go to Walmart.

Sorry, say that again.

We, we, we work with a big U.


manufacturer showing people how
to buy household goods from a U.


manufacturer so they don't
have to go to Walmart so much.

Ryan Carnohan: Got you.

All U.



All U.



Let's go.

Michael Davis: Let's go!

Ryan Carnohan: Hit em up!


Oh, Gino!

Oh, Gino!

We love Gino.


Michael Davis: hold on.

Before we

Ryan Carnohan: ask the
question, Gino, I smiled.

Ear to ear when you posted your flex pic.

My smile was ear to ear when
you posted that thing, bro.

That meant so much to me after
shoulder surgery and just

sticking to your mattress.

Michael Davis: And what did you say?


Did you say Nebuary?

You Nebuary?

That's the last time you said it.

Yeah, he Nebuary.

Last time he said my Nebuary.

Gino: Nebuary 31st, right?

Um, and man, Mike, you're a beast.

You already know that, man.

Um, for myself

and whoever else is dealing with injuries.

Um, how did you

know when you were pushing it too
hard with your weights or, I mean,

was it literally just, okay, this
is pain, I'm going to stop because I

feel that pain, but then
I want to keep going.

And as long as I don't wake up the next

morning in complete dog shit, I
just, I keep going with it, right?


and I don't know what kind of injuries you

have, but something tells
me that, you know, we're all

dealing with, with old man stuff.

Michael Davis: What I have is
a break in my back, a break in

my neck, and a break in my hip.

Those are my main injuries.

I've got twin tendons in both forearms.

Um, I've got a tweaked ACL currently,
but, um, everybody is different, right?

And I'm not a medical
doctor, but yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, Kyle helped me when, when
my hips were bothering me a lot at

the beginning, Kyle helped me come up
with some exercises that, you know,

were a little more hip friendly.

He's got some deep friendly ones.

You know, and I'm sure, I'm
sure he's got elbow friendly.

I mean, I'm sure Kyle's got a lot of
variations, but for me, um, I always,

like if you logged into my trainer eyes,
you would see, especially when the,

when the cycle changes, the exercises
change, my first like one or two sets.

is always pathetically light.

Like, like I shoot you,
not the first time.

The first time I did squats as part
of my workout, because I hadn't done

squats since before hip surgery.

The first time I did squats that weren't
body weight squats, I didn't use the bar.

I used 10 pound dumbbells just
to see how my body would respond.

And I did that for about three.

And then I realized I'm holding
10 pound dumbbells and I got the

bar off, but I just did the bar.

My first set, I just did 60 squats with a
bar, um, just to see how my hip would do.

And then what I did was I went
to the next exercise and I'm not

saying that's right for everybody.

But what I did that day is I did 60
squats with the, with the blank barbell.

I went and did the rest of the workout.

And then I wanted to see how my hip
felt at the end and my hips felt okay.

So then I went back and
I did the squat set.

Um, which, you know, they say do
them in order or whatever, right?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, that's how my wife can give me tips.

Um, nice.

We should be talking to her.

They do it in order, but
for me, the squats were the

one that scared me the most.

And, um, and I did do the bench
behind me a couple times for squats.

You know, Colin mentioned that
because he had jacked up knees.

Um, but for me, every exercise
that we haven't done yet in our

workout routine, I always go
really, really light the first time.

Um, not every exercise, but
every exercise that affects

something of mine that's damaged.

Um, I go really, really light and I give
it 30 minutes and see how my body feels.

And what Danny was just saying was
that if you, if you haven't worked

out in a while, and I know you've been
killing it, I saw your, I saw your

arms today, but for people that haven't
been working out, make sure you're not

confusing really sore shit with pain.


Because there is a difference,
you know what I mean?

Like, we should be sore.

We want to be someone and sometimes,
um, you're sore around a pain point.

Like sometimes if my hips are tight,
I almost think my hip hurts, but

it, but if I, you know, kind of
sit in and breathe through it, I

can, Oh, it's the muscle, right?

It is different than the bone stuff.

So just, um, but that's what I do.

If it's an exercise
that I'm not sure about.

And some days I do feel
like I'm pushing it.

Um, like the other day I was doing squats.

And I got to like number four and I
just felt something that felt different

in my hip and I just put it back,
you know, and the trick is then you

just write a four in there, right?

I don't, that's the other
thing, like put a four in there.

If you did four, you put
four in there, right?

Nobody's gonna beat you up.

Like, uh, I did, uh, I did eight sets,
but really I stopped on set two, you

know, on rep five because I, I heard
something, you know, um, just again, be

honest with yourself because otherwise
what happens is you come back the

next time you're like, Oh shit, I did
that many, I gotta do more, right?

And you weren't anywhere close to that.

You're trying to progressively
overload past what you've ever done.

So that's.

That's been the best thing for me
and some things like I called Ryan

because I couldn't do squats because I
get this neck thing and it was really

bothering me and I, I have a tendency
to ride the bar up kind of high.

I don't, I don't do a
very good job sometimes.

I've gotten better at sitting it down on
my traps so it sits too high on my neck.

And I know that and I, and I was
like, there's no way I can do it.

Like I had shooting pains down my
arms as it was from my neck stuff.

And I told him, I said,
I can't do squats today.

What can I do?

So then we ended up doing, I think
I did goblet squats that day, which

goblet squats look a lot easier, but
they're not, they're just different.

You know,

Ryan Carnohan: they will
ruin you, but ruin you.

Michael Davis: You know, if, if you,
I would say if you feel pain, stop,

you know, like pain, like actual pain.

But again, you've been here for a while.

So for all you new guys, make
sure you're to the point that

you can believe yourself first.

You know what I mean?

Like, cause at the very beginning, it's
very easy to lie to ourselves, you know,

like we've been lying to ourselves.

We were going to get back
to the gym for 12 years.

It's easy to be like, Oh, well that
hurts, but does it really hurt?

Or is it sore?

Like, does it hurt because
you're weak and you need help?

Or does it hurt because
an injury is slurring up?

Be honest with yourself.

But I, my personal opinion would
be if it hurts, stop, right?

I would never want somebody
to work through actual pain.


Gino: but that's amazing, man.

Cause I mean, like that just goes to
show what you're doing is working.

And I'm not going to call it a
handicap in the literal form,

but you know,

in the figurative.

And still be able

to get just yoked over


I mean, that's, that's inspiring,
man, and I want to, I want to get

with you offline on some of that
NLP stuff because I've heard way

too much about it and I really,
really want to understand it and,

and implement it.

So I want to, uh, That's your base, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: I love all this.

Um, we have passed our time.

I could go forever.

But I wanted to take this moment if there
are, I will give one more question if

there's one that just has to be out there.

If not, I don't see one.

So I just want to express
gratitude from both Kyle and

myself and the team to you, Mike.

Because remember, this isn't about us.

It's not.

And I know that you had a
lot of your brothers in mind.

Either on this team or just out there
while you were suffering and it's

what pushed you through and it's
what makes you a miraculous human.

Because we are all quick to think
selfishly until we've tapped in.

Tap in.

And we still not

Michael Davis: about us.

We just recognize it
now before we act on it.

We still do it.

We're still not perfect.

We just recognize it
now first and stop it.

But, and again, I say it.

Yeah, bro.

I love you guys and I, I wouldn't
be here without the two of you and

all the guys on the team, you know,
Al, Al was here, Al just had back

surgery, that dude's like working out
during back surgery, like right up

till it, right, Al was crushing it.


I think Al's taller than me, he's
like, hey, let me eat 300 calories a

day for the week before surgery so I
can, you know, like Al's a monster.

And so, and Oxen.

So, there's been a lot of guys that,
you know, whether you know that

I'm watching or not, like, you guys
are all part of that reason, right?

Like, I should name each, I should name
one of the abs after each of you, but I

only got like six, but you guys, um, all
of you, and Kyle and Ryan, obviously,

because you're, you're the So, You know,
Kyle, especially the architect of this,

so I appreciate you and the example that
you set for us to want to be, you know,

the example for us to say, hey, these
are dudes that we want to be like, you

know, so thank you both from the bottom
of my heart and let's and let's go.

I'm not done yet.

So let's let's see what's next.

We're doing so we'll do a
day to one of 200 pounds.

Yeah, truly, truly.

I just want to say to you now, really?

Welcome to Superhuman Fathers.

Proud of you, bro.

You broke him!


Ryan Carnohan: go!

I love it, dude.

Love it.

On that, on that note, let's call it.

Michael Davis: Thank you, gentlemen.

Let's go crush it for
the rest of the week.


Ryan Carnohan: go.

We will be at, uh, Superhuman
Scholars Book Club tomorrow night.

I think we're going slow, dude.

Chapter 4 tomorrow!

Michael Davis: Bring the hype!

Ryan Carnohan: Can't wait to see you guys.

Thanks Mike, so good.

Let's go!

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Bill Yackey: I'm going to stop because
I can't have that clouding, like.

All this jock, you can't add
that onto this job stuff.

So, I went like two months, two
and a half months without drinking.

And then I kind of eased back into
it and I was like, you know, I'm

going to ease back into it casually.


It's like, you know, around
the time I got laid off.

Then I got laid off.

I was like, you know what?

I'm just going to do whatever I want.

So, I was like, I'm going
to Drink as much as I want.

I'm like, I was kind of
happier in a weird way.


So I was like, I'm going
to drink as much as I want.

And I'm just going to eat whatever I want.

Cause whatever, fuck it.

Like I'll lose weight
if I need to, whatever.


And I went from like, in like three
months, I went from being my, I

call it like my depression weight.

It was like 177.

And I went from 177 to like 206.

And like three months,