Respect the Grind Podcast

Unlock the secret blueprint that's fueled my $250K+ digital product empire and be ready to transform your own online business. Prepare to immerse yourself in a world where pre-selling validates and funds your dreams, direct engagements with clients become your goldmine of insights, and stacking solutions is the clever game plan. Discover how my journey since 2015 has been shaped by these indispensable strategies, as I take you behind the scenes of crafting wildly successful digital products. From vibrant Zoom calls with prospects to the evolution of my courses, I lay bare the tactics that can catapult you to digital entrepreneurship stardom.

Dive deep into the nuanced dance of market-based pricing—where intuition meets cold, hard market reality. In this exploration, I dismantle the outdated 'charge what you're worth' approach and replace it with strategic, market-responsive pricing. Learn how to tailor your prices to cater to diverse clienteles, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned CEOs, avoiding the traps of arbitrary increases and instead, focusing on genuine value addition. Through stories from my podcast consulting adventures, I'll illustrate how pivoting to meet market demands is not just smart but essential for sustained growth. Join me as we navigate the complexities of customer relationships and pricing transitions, and I offer you my toolkit, Digital Product Profit Secrets, to empower your next business move.

Get the digital product profit secrets here:

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What is Respect the Grind Podcast?

Welcome to Respect the Grind, the podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneur-parents build thriving lives for their families. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and guidance to create a balanced, fulfilling life centered around entrepreneurship.

In each episode, we explore the core pillars of success: entrepreneurship, serious relationships, personal finance, and personal growth. Whether you're launching a startup, managing a growing business, or balancing your professional journey with family life, we've got you covered.

Discover expert insights on entrepreneurship strategies, delve into the dynamics of nurturing meaningful relationships, gain valuable tips on managing personal finances, and embark on a journey of personal growth. We believe that a harmonious life where you can respect the grind of both business and family is not only possible but essential.

Join us as we navigate the entrepreneurial landscape while creating a life that empowers your family and fuels your personal and professional growth. Your journey to entrepreneurial success, meaningful relationships, financial well-being, and personal growth starts here.

Tune in to Respect the Grind and embark on the path to building a life where both your entrepreneurial dreams and family thrive.

Speaker 0: I've made over a quarter million dollars

Speaker 0: from digital products online.

Speaker 0: I want to give you my three rules I've used

Speaker 0: since 2015 that I never break to help me

Speaker 0: reach this income level.

Speaker 0: What's up, people, I'm Chris.

Speaker 0: Welcome back to the channel.

Speaker 0: Here we turn ambition into achievement so

Speaker 0: you can become a profitable digital

Speaker 0: entrepreneur.

Speaker 0: Today, I want to get into just some rules

Speaker 0: that I have when I'm making these digital

Speaker 0: products.

Speaker 0: There are some things you should do and you

Speaker 0: shouldn't do.

Speaker 0: I'm going to tell you three things that I

Speaker 0: always do to make sure whatever product I'm

Speaker 0: making is going to make me money.

Speaker 0: Before I get started, I kind of want to

Speaker 0: show you what this looks like, right?

Speaker 0: So I want to show you, just give you a

Speaker 0: perspective of what this is.

Speaker 0: Here are some DMs from years ago of me just

Speaker 0: scheduling calls with prospects.

Speaker 0: This is part of my process.

Speaker 0: I like to talk to people.

Speaker 0: First number one.

Speaker 0: Number two we get on Zoom, right?

Speaker 0: We had that conversation for a good 20, 30

Speaker 0: minutes.

Speaker 0: I show them the product outline and what it

Speaker 0: looks like.

Speaker 0: They give me feedback.

Speaker 0: Later on they become paying customers,

Speaker 0: right?

Speaker 0: So that's literally my process, right there,

Speaker 0: and I'm going to break this down step by

Speaker 0: step.

Speaker 0: So it's something that you can use in your

Speaker 0: business.

Speaker 0: So the first thing I always do is get

Speaker 0: feedback from clients.

Speaker 0: I love to get feedback because I want to

Speaker 0: know that what I'm doing is good, right and

Speaker 0: it's really twofold the way I get feedback.

Speaker 0: Number one is from prospects.

Speaker 0: Before I make anything, before I go out

Speaker 0: here and make a bunch of stuff and do a

Speaker 0: bunch of videos and like for my courses,

Speaker 0: I'm doing like 20 lessons, 10 to 15 minutes

Speaker 0: each lesson.

Speaker 0: I do a workbook.

Speaker 0: Some of them have presentations.

Speaker 0: Like it's hours of work, right, it's

Speaker 0: literally 20, 30 hours to put together one

Speaker 0: course for me.

Speaker 0: So before I do any of that, I need to know

Speaker 0: somebody going by this.

Speaker 0: Like I need people to say yes, I will pay

Speaker 0: for that, tell me when it comes out so I

Speaker 0: can buy it.

Speaker 0: Like I need that confirmation from human

Speaker 0: beings.

Speaker 0: You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 0: Sometimes what I even do is have the sale

Speaker 0: link set up before that call.

Speaker 0: So I just show the outline and they're like

Speaker 0: oh my God, I love this and I'm oh.

Speaker 0: Well, look, you can pay 50% off right now

Speaker 0: and I'll make sure I send it to you once

Speaker 0: it's done and that's my reward for them for

Speaker 0: giving me feedback.

Speaker 0: It's a little pro tip for you.

Speaker 0: Sometimes, instead of giving people

Speaker 0: everything for free and all that stuff, I

Speaker 0: give them 50% off and they just pay that

Speaker 0: early right Now.

Speaker 0: That pays for me to go and actually make

Speaker 0: the product.

Speaker 0: Now I will say for some products I don't

Speaker 0: need that.

Speaker 0: Like, if I'm doing a masterclass on a very

Speaker 0: specific topic, like I just did one

Speaker 0: recently on the niche navigator, on why you

Speaker 0: should create your own niche and not find

Speaker 0: one, I didn't really need anybody to tell

Speaker 0: me that this is a good idea.

Speaker 0: You know what I'm saying Because it's

Speaker 0: something I've talked about with

Speaker 0: entrepreneurs for years a decade at this

Speaker 0: point.

Speaker 0: So I just knew I wanted to make something

Speaker 0: to kind of show people, because one of my

Speaker 0: things for years is you got to create your

Speaker 0: own lane in this.

Speaker 0: Like I'm in podcasting, but I'm also in

Speaker 0: software and I'm in entrepreneurship, I do

Speaker 0: public speaking.

Speaker 0: Like I do a lot of things and I've created

Speaker 0: my own lane.

Speaker 0: I want to show other people I do the same

Speaker 0: thing, right.

Speaker 0: So that's one of those things I didn't

Speaker 0: really need feedback on, because I just

Speaker 0: knew it was something people would be into

Speaker 0: Now, when you're setting up these feedback

Speaker 0: sessions, one thing I always do is record

Speaker 0: them.

Speaker 0: I love recording these and I want to say

Speaker 0: this I know everybody hates Zoom now

Speaker 0: because we had to do it for so long and it

Speaker 0: was so bad.

Speaker 0: But use Zoom, because we know these video

Speaker 0: calls and make them turn the video on.

Speaker 0: Yes, you have to use video, I know I know,

Speaker 0: but this is how you get good feedback,

Speaker 0: because as you're going through the outline

Speaker 0: and you're giving them details of the offer,

Speaker 0: you're going to get reactions.

Speaker 0: Sometimes the reaction they have is more

Speaker 0: important than what they say, because they

Speaker 0: might think something or like Whoa, and

Speaker 0: they won't say anything.

Speaker 0: But if you can see their faces like, hmm,

Speaker 0: okay, I'm telling you, and sometimes we

Speaker 0: don't even catch it because we might not be

Speaker 0: looking at the screen or not paying

Speaker 0: attention.

Speaker 0: That's why I record these calls.

Speaker 0: Sometimes I watch videos back and I'm like,

Speaker 0: oh, wow, I didn't know they had that

Speaker 0: reaction Like that is crazy how often that

Speaker 0: happens.

Speaker 0: Now, I think recording them is also good

Speaker 0: too, because then after you have a bunch of

Speaker 0: people giving you feedback, telling you the

Speaker 0: product is great, I even clip that up and

Speaker 0: use it as a testimonial, obviously with

Speaker 0: their permission.

Speaker 0: But if they're even seeing an outline like,

Speaker 0: wow, this product is amazing, I love what

Speaker 0: you're doing here, blah, blah, blah that's

Speaker 0: a testimonial.

Speaker 0: They're telling you the outline is great,

Speaker 0: like they're telling you the product is

Speaker 0: great, before you're even done with it,

Speaker 0: before you even fully put it together, they

Speaker 0: already love it.

Speaker 0: That means you've got something good here.

Speaker 0: So I'm using that clip as a testimonial to

Speaker 0: sell this product.

Speaker 0: So feedback early on is a very big deal.

Speaker 0: It is a rule of mine.

Speaker 0: Mine Do not break that rule.

Speaker 0: By the way, if you're enjoying this so far,

Speaker 0: make sure you subscribe to the channel,

Speaker 0: like video, all that good stuff.

Speaker 0: But I'm giving you a free gift.

Speaker 0: Download the digital product profit secrets.

Speaker 0: It's completely free.

Speaker 0: Send a description down below.

Speaker 0: It'll help you create more profitable

Speaker 0: digital products a lot faster.

Speaker 0: Now my next rule is to always stack

Speaker 0: solutions, and by stack solutions I mean

Speaker 0: you solve problems.

Speaker 0: And think of it this way when I say solve

Speaker 0: problems, when people are trying to get to

Speaker 0: a big outcome, it's not like it's only one

Speaker 0: problem that they're facing.

Speaker 0: It's usually a bunch of little problems and

Speaker 0: then there's a bigger problem, right Like

Speaker 0: you're a digital entrepreneur you.

Speaker 0: Obviously the big thing is you want to make

Speaker 0: more money, but there's a reason why you

Speaker 0: want to make more money and there's a

Speaker 0: roadblock, in a way, of why you can't

Speaker 0: execute right.

Speaker 0: You might not have the best ideas, you

Speaker 0: might not know what tools to use, you might

Speaker 0: not know how to make certain things right.

Speaker 0: That's why you're here watching this video.

Speaker 0: So my content is solving a small problem

Speaker 0: here.

Speaker 0: Right, I'm just figuring out ideas right

Speaker 0: now.

Speaker 0: I'm giving you rules and next step might be

Speaker 0: okay.

Speaker 0: Here's how you actually make that product.

Speaker 0: I got a video on that, obviously, and we go

Speaker 0: down the line of solving those problems.

Speaker 0: That's how you make good products.

Speaker 0: You solve the problems around the main

Speaker 0: problem.

Speaker 0: When I work with podcasters, I know the big

Speaker 0: thing most podcasters want is profitability.

Speaker 0: Everybody wants to get sponsored or sell

Speaker 0: some product or something Great.

Speaker 0: But I need to know, okay, how are you

Speaker 0: marketing your show?

Speaker 0: How are you getting listeners?

Speaker 0: How do you convert listeners into customers?

Speaker 0: If you're going to sponsor route, okay,

Speaker 0: what kind of companies do you want to work

Speaker 0: with?

Speaker 0: How are you doing outreach?

Speaker 0: What are your brand packages?

Speaker 0: Right?

Speaker 0: So it's a bunch of small problems that lead

Speaker 0: up to a bigger problem.

Speaker 0: The best digital products address those

Speaker 0: problems.

Speaker 0: The fun part about this is you can make

Speaker 0: products to solve each problem separately.

Speaker 0: It really just depends on the kind of

Speaker 0: business you want to build.

Speaker 0: If you want to build a really profitable

Speaker 0: brand, I think it's smart to have different

Speaker 0: digital products to solve different

Speaker 0: problems along the way, and then some of

Speaker 0: them have more of your interaction as they

Speaker 0: continue to go up in price, right?

Speaker 0: So for the niche navigator, if you go and

Speaker 0: buy that, that's something you just buy and

Speaker 0: you take on your own.

Speaker 0: You go through the process on your own.

Speaker 0: That's all you.

Speaker 0: Now, with one of my other programs, the 10K

Speaker 0: Accelerator Roadmap, you not only get the

Speaker 0: videos, the workbook, the presentations,

Speaker 0: you get a couple of one-on-one sessions

Speaker 0: with me.

Speaker 0: So now you go through this process of

Speaker 0: videos and all the content, but then you

Speaker 0: also can talk to me about all of this stuff.

Speaker 0: Right, I'm solving bigger problems.

Speaker 0: Each of these products I make solves a

Speaker 0: different problem for my market.

Speaker 0: That's how you make a profitable business.

Speaker 0: It's not about making as many products as

Speaker 0: you can, because I see that a lot where

Speaker 0: people have 10,000 products and you look at

Speaker 0: it and it's like this is just too much.

Speaker 0: It's chaotic.

Speaker 0: Each product needs to address a different

Speaker 0: problem your customer is facing.

Speaker 0: I know that a digital entrepreneur wants to

Speaker 0: know how to make their products more

Speaker 0: profitable.

Speaker 0: They want to do it faster, so I have a 10K

Speaker 0: accelerator.

Speaker 0: They probably haven't made their own niche

Speaker 0: yet.

Speaker 0: They're still trying to find one, which I

Speaker 0: just disagree with.

Speaker 0: All of these products I have are addressing

Speaker 0: your problems in some kind of way.

Speaker 0: That's how you build a profitable brand.

Speaker 0: One of my favorite examples of this is

Speaker 0: personal trainers.

Speaker 0: I love how personal trainers can solve

Speaker 0: multiple problems for their clients in a

Speaker 0: really easy way.

Speaker 0: Like, think about how dope this is.

Speaker 0: People can come to them saying, oh, I want

Speaker 0: to live a healthier lifestyle, I want to

Speaker 0: lose weight, all of this stuff.

Speaker 0: I want to get more muscular, whatever it is,

Speaker 0: and then they end up doing a bunch of

Speaker 0: things that are all little problems around

Speaker 0: that main desire, right, like, you want to

Speaker 0: live a healthier lifestyle?

Speaker 0: Okay, that means you need to get more sleep,

Speaker 0: okay, so let's set up a sleep planner, a

Speaker 0: nap schedule or whatever.

Speaker 0: You need to eat healthier, so let's do a

Speaker 0: grocery list.

Speaker 0: Let's set up a snack plan?

Speaker 0: Oh, what's another one?

Speaker 0: You wanna lose weight?

Speaker 0: Okay, perfect, we need to set up a workout

Speaker 0: plan.

Speaker 0: What days do you work out?

Speaker 0: What are you doing?

Speaker 0: What machines are you using?

Speaker 0: All that stuff?

Speaker 0: Like that's the way everybody should work.

Speaker 0: When you have that kind of solution plan

Speaker 0: for your customers, now they will love your

Speaker 0: brand because you can solve so many of

Speaker 0: their problems in so many different ways.

Speaker 0: You're not just there like, hey, I got this

Speaker 0: one thing for you, that's it.

Speaker 0: Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 0: The whole template business is fine, but

Speaker 0: that's not going to get you to 20K a month.

Speaker 0: It's just not because you're not solving a

Speaker 0: big enough problem.

Speaker 0: You're not solving enough problems.

Speaker 0: You want to solve the right problems in the

Speaker 0: right ways.

Speaker 0: Rule number three is to price correctly.

Speaker 0: Now, when I say price correctly, it doesn't

Speaker 0: mean charge what you're worth and all of

Speaker 0: that crap that you hear from all these

Speaker 0: other people.

Speaker 0: That's not what I'm saying.

Speaker 0: I'm saying you want to charge based on the

Speaker 0: market you're serving.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 0: If I was to sell a course to people in

Speaker 0: digital entrepreneurship, I'm not only

Speaker 0: going to have one course.

Speaker 0: That's $1,000 for beginner entrepreneurs,

Speaker 0: right?

Speaker 0: That's not smart, because most beginner

Speaker 0: entrepreneurs probably still work their

Speaker 0: full-time job.

Speaker 0: They probably don't have a lot of

Speaker 0: disposable income, right.

Speaker 0: So if they're doing this, it needs to be

Speaker 0: something that needs to be accessible,

Speaker 0: right?

Speaker 0: If I want to have customers, it has to be

Speaker 0: accessible.

Speaker 0: Now, if I just jump out there with a

Speaker 0: $10,000 product, that probably won't make a

Speaker 0: lot of sense for the beginner digital

Speaker 0: entrepreneur, whereas if I have a $50

Speaker 0: workshop, maybe a $200 consulting package

Speaker 0: and in a $1,000 course, that's a pretty

Speaker 0: good setup, because now if you want to make

Speaker 0: those investments and work with me, you can

Speaker 0: start here and work your way up and get

Speaker 0: more solutions along the way and I can kind

Speaker 0: of hold your hand through the process,

Speaker 0: which is what you probably need as a

Speaker 0: beginner.

Speaker 0: Nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 0: Now, if I'm working with high level CEOs

Speaker 0: and Fortune 500 companies and they come to

Speaker 0: me and say, hey, we want you to launch,

Speaker 0: produce, manage all of this stuff with our

Speaker 0: podcast, I couldn't go to them with the

Speaker 0: same price point I would for a beginner

Speaker 0: podcaster.

Speaker 0: They'll just laugh me out the door, like in

Speaker 0: some markets you're in where you have to

Speaker 0: charge more, they won't even take you

Speaker 0: serious.

Speaker 0: Like to them.

Speaker 0: Paying a thousand dollars for a podcast

Speaker 0: launch would be insane.

Speaker 0: They look at me like this guy probably

Speaker 0: doesn't know what he's doing, right,

Speaker 0: because other people they've talked to are

Speaker 0: charging 10 times that.

Speaker 0: So in some markets you have to charge more

Speaker 0: because that's the market standard and if

Speaker 0: you're below that standard people think

Speaker 0: your services are below that standard.

Speaker 0: So you got to think about pricing in terms

Speaker 0: of the market you're serving.

Speaker 0: I see people trying to raise prices but

Speaker 0: they aren't understanding that the industry

Speaker 0: you're in that's just not the price, right,

Speaker 0: that's not how it goes and truthfully, it's

Speaker 0: something I ran into years ago in

Speaker 0: podcasting.

Speaker 0: When I was doing consulting, I realized the

Speaker 0: peak of my consulting prices in a

Speaker 0: podcasting space was like a couple hundred

Speaker 0: dollars, maybe 500 at the most.

Speaker 0: Anytime I went past that it was hard to

Speaker 0: sell.

Speaker 0: The clients were paying.

Speaker 0: It was just really difficult to sell like

Speaker 0: that.

Speaker 0: Now, when I provide services in that space,

Speaker 0: I can still charge a lot more.

Speaker 0: Right, because that's a service, but in

Speaker 0: terms of the average podcast host it's just

Speaker 0: not going to work.

Speaker 0: Right, because that's a service, but in

Speaker 0: terms of the average podcast host it's just

Speaker 0: not going to work right.

Speaker 0: I have to work more.

Speaker 0: So with businesses that have podcasts to

Speaker 0: charge more because it just works better in

Speaker 0: that market.

Speaker 0: I see some people kind of being upset about

Speaker 0: things like this.

Speaker 0: I don't think it's a bad thing.

Speaker 0: I think you just have to know how to pivot

Speaker 0: your industries and where you are in terms

Speaker 0: of your business, because if you want to

Speaker 0: charge more, you want to raise your prices

Speaker 0: and you start adding that service in at

Speaker 0: that value.

Speaker 0: That means you have to also start marketing

Speaker 0: a little different too, like for my agency

Speaker 0: services.

Speaker 0: For years I worked with podcasters charging

Speaker 0: $100 to $500 for pretty much everything the

Speaker 0: digital products or a service or whatever

Speaker 0: it was.

Speaker 0: It was just prices ranging through there,

Speaker 0: right, whereas now I don't have any

Speaker 0: services in the podcast space at that price.

Speaker 0: Now I do have my digital products, like my

Speaker 0: software and a community and all that stuff,

Speaker 0: but if you're talking about a service, none

Speaker 0: of my services are there anymore.

Speaker 0: It's literally 10 times more.

Speaker 0: So I just had to make a pivot and a change

Speaker 0: in my business.

Speaker 0: I don't think there's anything wrong with

Speaker 0: that, but you have to just be aware of that

Speaker 0: and don't get mad at the customer.

Speaker 0: Let's be real.

Speaker 0: If you were getting charged one price one

Speaker 0: day and a week later it's 10 times that you

Speaker 0: would have a lot of questions, right?

Speaker 0: So your older customers won't be able to

Speaker 0: make that transition with you most of the

Speaker 0: time.

Speaker 0: You got to be okay with that.

Speaker 0: But I want to be clear on this too, because

Speaker 0: people think I'm like in a disagreement

Speaker 0: with this.

Speaker 0: I do believe in getting paid what you're

Speaker 0: worth.

Speaker 0: I just think we have to raise our worth

Speaker 0: first.

Speaker 0: If you are right here with the value that

Speaker 0: you deliver, you can't charge prices that

Speaker 0: are here.

Speaker 0: That does not make sense to me, and I see

Speaker 0: this mostly in digital entrepreneurship,

Speaker 0: where people just raise prices just because

Speaker 0: they changed their website.

Speaker 0: Like that's not justifiable to the actual

Speaker 0: customer as to why they're paying more.

Speaker 0: But when you start adding more services,

Speaker 0: you may add in other features and benefits

Speaker 0: and stuff, maybe some other resources.

Speaker 0: You make the offer better.

Speaker 0: Now you can raise your prices.

Speaker 0: So those are my three rules that I follow

Speaker 0: and I never break these rules and they just

Speaker 0: helped me really, really build successful

Speaker 0: companies.

Speaker 0: Now, if you've got any other questions,

Speaker 0: make sure you put them in the comments

Speaker 0: below.

Speaker 0: I love answering every single question.

Speaker 0: I'm going to try to keep that going as long

Speaker 0: as the channel is growing.

Speaker 0: You know what I'm saying, I like talking to

Speaker 0: the entrepreneurs in the comments and stuff,

Speaker 0: so please give me feedback.

Speaker 0: Also, let's connect on Instagram.

Speaker 0: I got a link down in the description box

Speaker 0: down below.

Speaker 0: Follow me if you're an entrepreneur.

Speaker 0: I love checking out new businesses and

Speaker 0: stuff.

Speaker 0: I'm trying to integrate that with the

Speaker 0: channel more.

Speaker 0: I got some ideas I might be executing soon,

Speaker 0: so it'll be some test content, but I love

Speaker 0: your feedback.

Speaker 0: Let me know in the comments below what you

Speaker 0: think.

Speaker 0: Also, go and download the Digital Product

Speaker 0: Profit Secrets.

Speaker 0: It's gonna help you immediately, like, if

Speaker 0: you wanna get to that point where you can

Speaker 0: raise your prices and stuff.

Speaker 0: This is exactly what you need.

Speaker 0: I made it free so you can go and download

Speaker 0: it right now.

Speaker 0: I'll see you next time.