Credit Union Regulatory Guidance Including: NCUA, CFPB, FDIC, OCC, FFIEC


Hello, this is Samantha Shares. This episode is a high level summary of the final interagency guidance on reconsiderations of value (R O V) for residential real estate valuations

 This podcast is educational and is not legal advice.  We are sponsored by Credit Union Exam Solutions Incorporated, whose team has over two hundred and Forty years of National Credit Union  Administration experience.  We assist our clients with N C U A so they save time and money.  If you are worried about a recent, upcoming or in process N C U A examination, reach out to learn how they can assist at Mark Treichel DOT COM.  Also check out our other podcast called With Flying Colors where we provide tips on how to achieve success with N C U A.


And now the summary.

1. Purpose and Scope:

   - The guidance is issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National Credit Union Administration, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

   - It aims to highlight risks associated with deficient residential real estate valuations and describe how credit unions can incorporate R O V processes into their risk management functions.

   - The scope is limited to real estate-related financial transactions secured by single 1-4 family residential properties.


2. Background and Importance:

   - Credible collateral valuations, including appraisals, are essential to the integrity of residential real estate lending.

   - Deficient valuations can result from prohibited discrimination, errors, omissions, or inappropriate valuation methods.

   - Such deficiencies can prevent individuals and families from building wealth through homeownership and pose risks to credit unions.



3. Regulatory Context:

   - The guidance references several relevant laws and regulations, including:

     - Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and Regulation B

     - Fair Housing Act (FH Act)

     - Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Regulation Z

     - Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)

   - It emphasizes that credit unions must comply with these laws and operate in a safe and sound manner.


4. Reconsideration of Value (R O V) Process:

   - An R O V is a request from the financial institution to the appraiser or valuation preparer to reassess the report based on potential deficiencies or new information.

   - R O Vs can be initiated by the institution's review process or after consideration of consumer-provided information.

   - The guidance allows credit unions to implement R O V policies and procedures to review relevant information not considered in the original valuation.


5. Use of Third Parties:

   - The use of third parties in the valuation review process does not diminish an institution's responsibility to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

   - Credit unions are expected to manage risks arising from third-party valuations and valuation review functions.


6. Complaint Resolution Process:

   - Credit unions can capture consumer feedback on potential valuation deficiencies through existing complaint resolution processes.

   - The process should cover complaints from various channels and sources.

   - Complaints can be an important indicator of potential risks and risk management weaknesses.


7. Recommendations for Policies, Procedures, and Control Systems:

   - Consider R O Vs as a possible resolution for valuation complaints

   - Establish processes for identifying, managing, analyzing, escalating, and resolving valuation-related complaints

   - Inform and educate consumers on how to raise valuation concerns early in the underwriting process

   - Identify stakeholders and outline roles and responsibilities for processing R O V requests

   - Establish risk-based R O V systems to route requests to appropriate business units

   - Use standardized processes to increase consistency in handling R O V requests

   - Ensure relevant staff, including third parties, are trained to identify valuation deficiencies, including practices that may result in discrimination


8. Flexibility in Implementation:

   - The guidance is principles-based and does not mandate specific requirements.

   - It allows credit unions flexibility in implementation based on their size, complexity, and risk profile.

   - Smaller credit unions may have policies and procedures that differ from larger credit unions.


9. Regulatory Expectations:

   - While the guidance does not have the force of law or regulation, it outlines supervisory expectations for how credit unions should handle R O Vs and valuation-related complaints.

   - Credit unions are expected to incorporate these considerations into their risk management practices.


10. Potential Impact:

    - The guidance aims to improve the integrity of the residential real estate lending process by addressing potential deficiencies in valuations.

    - It may help mitigate risks associated with discrimination in property valuations and improve consumer protection in the lending process.


This guidance provides a framework for credit unions to develop and implement R O V processes that align with regulatory expectations and help ensure the credibility and fairness of residential real estate valuations.



This concludes the final interagency guidance on reconsiderations of value (R O Vs) for residential real estate valuations.


If your Credit union could use assistance with your exam, reach out to Mark Treichel on LinkedIn, or at mark Treichel dot com.  This is Samantha Shares and we Thank you for listening.



What is Credit Union Regulatory Guidance Including: NCUA, CFPB, FDIC, OCC, FFIEC?

This podcast provides you the ability to listen to new regulatory guidance issued by the National Credit Union Administration, and occasionally the F D I C, the O C C, the F F I E C, or the C F P B. We will focus on new and material agency guidance, and historically important and still active guidance from past years that NCUA cites in examinations or conversations. This podcast is educational only and is not legal advice. We are sponsored by Credit Union Exam Solutions Incorporated. We also have another podcast called With Flying Colors where we provide tips for achieving success with the N C U A examination process and discuss hot topics that impact your credit union.

Samantha: Hello, this is Samantha Shares.

This episode is a high level summary
of the final interagency guidance on

reconsiderations of value (R O V) for
residential real estate valuations

This podcast is educational
and is not legal advice.

We are sponsored by Credit Union
Exam Solutions Incorporated, whose

team has over two hundred and
Forty years of National Credit

Union Administration experience.

We assist our clients with N C
U A so they save time and money.

If you are worried about a recent,
upcoming or in process N C U A

examination, reach out to learn how they
can assist at Mark Treichel DOT COM.

Also check out our other podcast called
With Flying Colors where we provide tips

on how to achieve success with N C U A.

And now the summary.


Purpose and Scope:

- The guidance is issued by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System,

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,

National Credit Union Administration, and
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

- It aims to highlight risks associated
with deficient residential real estate

valuations and describe how credit
unions can incorporate R O V processes

into their risk management functions.

- The scope is limited to real
estate-related financial

transactions secured by single
1-4 family residential properties.


Background and Importance:

- Credible collateral valuations, including
appraisals, are essential to the integrity

of residential real estate lending.

- Deficient valuations can result
from prohibited discrimination,

errors, omissions, or
inappropriate valuation methods.

- Such deficiencies can prevent
individuals and families from

building wealth through homeownership
and pose risks to credit unions.


Regulatory Context:

- The guidance references several relevant
laws and regulations, including:

- Equal Credit Opportunity
Act (ECOA) and Regulation B

- Fair Housing Act (FH Act)

- Truth in Lending Act
(TILA) and Regulation Z

- Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice (USPAP)

- It emphasizes that credit unions
must comply with these laws and

operate in a safe and sound manner.


Reconsideration of Value (R O V) Process:

- An R O V is a request from the financial
institution to the appraiser or valuation

preparer to reassess the report based on
potential deficiencies or new information.

- R O Vs can be initiated by the
institution's review process

or after consideration of
consumer-provided information.

- The guidance allows credit unions to
implement R O V policies and procedures

to review relevant information not
considered in the original valuation.


Use of Third Parties:

- The use of third parties in the valuation
review process does not diminish an

institution's responsibility to comply
with applicable laws and regulations.

- Credit unions are expected to manage
risks arising from third-party valuations

and valuation review functions.


Complaint Resolution Process:

- Credit unions can capture consumer
feedback on potential valuation

deficiencies through existing
complaint resolution processes.

- The process should cover complaints
from various channels and sources.

- Complaints can be an important
indicator of potential risks

and risk management weaknesses.


Recommendations for Policies,
Procedures, and Control Systems:

- Consider R O Vs as a possible
resolution for valuation complaints

- Establish processes for identifying,
managing, analyzing, escalating, and

resolving valuation-related complaints

- Inform and educate consumers on
how to raise valuation concerns

early in the underwriting process

- Identify stakeholders and outline
roles and responsibilities

for processing R O V requests

- Establish risk-based R O V
systems to route requests to

appropriate business units

- Use standardized processes to increase
consistency in handling R O V requests

- Ensure relevant staff, including third
parties, are trained to identify valuation

deficiencies, including practices
that may result in discrimination


Flexibility in Implementation:

- The guidance is principles-based and
does not mandate specific requirements.

- It allows credit unions flexibility
in implementation based on their

size, complexity, and risk profile.

- Smaller credit unions may have
policies and procedures that

differ from larger credit unions.


Regulatory Expectations:

- While the guidance does not have
the force of law or regulation, it

outlines supervisory expectations for
how credit unions should handle R O

Vs and valuation-related complaints.

- Credit unions are expected to
incorporate these considerations

into their risk management practices.


Potential Impact:

- The guidance aims to improve the
integrity of the residential real

estate lending process by addressing
potential deficiencies in valuations.

- It may help mitigate risks associated
with discrimination in property

valuations and improve consumer
protection in the lending process.

This guidance provides a framework
for credit unions to develop and

implement R O V processes that align
with regulatory expectations and help

ensure the credibility and fairness
of residential real estate valuations.

This concludes the final interagency
guidance on reconsiderations of

value (R O Vs) for residential
real estate valuations.

If your Credit union could use assistance
with your exam, reach out to Mark Treichel

on LinkedIn, or at mark Treichel dot com.

This is Samantha Shares and
we Thank you for listening.