No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

In this episode of the No Fucks Given podcast, Holly discusses the profound connection between safety in the body and weight loss. She emphasises that true transformation comes from inner work, self-love, and nervous system regulation. By cultivating a sense of safety and worthiness, individuals can manifest the body they desire without resorting to restrictive diets or excessive exercise. The conversation highlights the importance of gratitude, self-reflection, and understanding one's inner voice as essential components of personal growth and well-being.

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:00.746)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, your host Holly Lamb. This week's episode is one I feel called to do today. And it's all about how safety in the body is the catalyst for your weight loss. Now this has kind of come to me, I've been thinking about it over the past few weeks and today has been the

Something happened today where I was like, this is the reason why I am now able to fit into certain clothes and to wear certain sizes that I haven't been able to wear for probably since I was like 18, which is mental. And it's not something that I've been intentionally doing. I haven't been trying to lose weight intentionally, lose body fat, as it's not weight, it's body fat.

mainly around the middle, as with most women, especially menopause, that's where all the weight goes. So it kind of has come to me through, let's say my intuition, my higher self, chatting to her about it. And I've realized that the missing piece has been the safety and security that I feel in my body now.

that has been that last piece of the puzzle. And I think for a lot of women, that is the last piece of the puzzle. So for you, I can imagine, you you've tried everything to lose weight. You've done calorie counting. You've cut out food groups. You've done keto. You've exercised more. You've eaten less. You've done intermittent fasting. Like the list fucking goes on.

Slimming World, which we know doesn't work, but that's a whole other topic. So yeah, you've tried everything, but there just seems to be that one little piece that's been missing. And this is what I think it is.

Holly Lamb (02:17.398)
And a lot of it comes down to self -love and self -worth. And as women, we struggle with that anyway. But as we start to head through this transition of menopause and perimenopause, it can be a shit show. It can. Like we will always want to focus on the positives that are happening, but sometimes we can get deep into the depths of the darkness and the symptoms.

And we forget about our self -worth and our self -love. And for me, by doing a lot of inner work, by doing a lot of nervous system regulation, this has now got me to a place where I was in a charity shop today and I was looking at a pair of trousers and they were a size six. And I was like, yeah, I'm not getting in them, but I love them. And I was like, I'm just, I'm just going to try them on. I'm just going to try them on. And they fit.

Now in no way have I been trying to get down to a size six. Absolutely not. I was probably 18 last time I was a size six. And I remember going through a phase where I literally got up to a size 12 and I just resigned myself to the fact that this is what happens when you get older. I was like, fuck this. So then that led me on my journey. This was even before I was diagnosed with early menopause. So.

It's not inevitable. It is possible to reverse it and it just takes steps along the way and doing the deep inner work for you to be able to get there. Now, like most people on a size six, I totally understand that. I've always been slim, but definitely around my middle was where I was struggling. And for most women, especially if you've had kids. And as we know, when we go into perimenopause, the...

Effects of estrogen change the way that fat is stored on our body and it is stored more in our stomachs and our hips and our thighs. But I have shown with the correct diet, with the correct lifestyle, and then with the right nervous system regulation and self -worth piece, that last little bit of body fat, that stubborn belly fat is gone.

Holly Lamb (04:43.936)
And I can look in the mirror and like, I've not got a f****g six pack. Let's be real. That's never going to happen. But my stomach is flat and I am truly, but I was truly in love with my body before I even got there. And that was the missing piece. So it's about finding love within the body that you already have in order to bring the body that you want into reality. So let me touch on the nervous system regulation stuff first, because

This is something that I've been practicing for well over a year now and got really clear with it in the last like six to eight months, say. So this would look like getting up in the morning, not reaching for your phone first thing. I was doing guided meditations, but now because I'm looking to tap into my inner voice more and speak direct to her, I have quiet meditation where I'm just talking.

in my head or talking out loud and she's talking in my head. So I do that, breath work, affirmations, and then bit of a dance because we need to get the blood pumping and as women, we store trauma in our hips. So we want to get the hips moving. And that's been my morning routine for nervous system regulation because what

I'm doing is I'm setting myself up to have the best day because if anything comes my way, I'm able to tap into these different modalities and to regulate my nervous system. Also, practicing gratitude is a big part of that. So if you're someone that can find yourself getting into the negative frame of mind or

viewing things from a victim mentality, which we can get into from time to time, then practicing gratitude and starting your day with the attitude of gratitude, setting yourself up is going to be an absolute game changer. And this is what I've found. And it's been unreal, the changes that have happened to me mentally and physically.

Holly Lamb (07:06.764)
And then in the evenings then as well. So a little evening meditation, maybe a longer one or one before I'm about to go to sleep, which is helping to reprogram my subconscious mind as I'm heading into beta brainwaves. And then gratitude again. So I lay in bed and think of all the wonderful things that have happened that day and run through that because

Our mind is so quick to go to the negative rather than the positive. So if we spend time thinking about all the good things that happened, then that's setting you up as you go off to sleep to think about all those wonderful things. And then journaling helps obviously with menstrual cycle awareness. Daily journaling is required in order to be able to tap into your intuition, into your body to understand what's happening. So all these little things have helped.

to regulate my nervous system.

Holly Lamb (08:18.146)
And you can do it too. It's really, really easy. You just have to find your own routine that works for you. And it doesn't have to be hours. It can be 20 minutes. Mine in the morning probably takes me 30 minutes, depending on how long I'm chatting to myself in my head. And yeah, it's just finding what works for you, which is what this is all about. Because if someone out there is just giving you...

a blueprint of this is what you must do in order to feel better, then they're not the right coach because they're not guiding you to listen to your inner voice. They are giving you a plan of what should be done. When for me personally, I'm here to guide the women I work with to find what works for them and for them to embody the practices and for them to understand.

And a lot of this creating safety in the body has helped, has worked because I've been speaking to my inner self and listening to her more. I'm in my autumn right now, day 19. And...

I am more connected now to my intuition as I head into the via negativa of my cycle. So the second half of my cycle, which is normal. The energy is winding down. We are starting to become more connected to our inner world. And this is what helps as well is focusing on your inner world rather than your outer world. Cause in order for

your outer reality to change first, you have to work on cultivating a inner world that you are happy being in 24 seven. And that is how you manifest. If you want to call it that, that's how you become the creator of your own reality. And that's how you have a deep inner understanding of yourself. And the inner autumn is a really good time to

Holly Lamb (10:33.654)
Face that inner critic that's going to come up, because she'll be saying that you're not good enough, you're not worthy. Things like that, all your darkest fears come up, this is the time to do the shadow work and to move through. And if you find that the same repeating patterns come up in your life, then that is a sign that you need to work through them and not ignore them. Because if you continue to ignore them each and every time,

then you're not growing, you're not moving through it, you're not stepping into the best version of you. And this is what we're here to do. We're here to fulfill our life's purpose.

by growing and learning about the world. And a lot of that is done internally. Everything in the external world is here to distract us from our internal world and to distract us from how powerful we are. Because yes, of course, I've done all the lifestyle things. I'm a personal trainer. I've been doing it for quite a few years now. I exercise, I eat well, a balanced diet.

I move my body, I get a good night's sleep, doing all the things. But it wasn't until I started doing the real inner work and the real shadow work that this is when this body fat has literally like melted away. Once you realize that your thoughts create your reality and you start to envision the body you wish to have.

and you know it and you know that it's going to happen and you take the actionable steps in order to achieve that, your body composition will change. So I had a look because I thought before I record this, I'm just going to weigh myself because I don't really weigh myself. And I am 56 .5 kilos. So I've put on four pounds since the beginning of the month, but that's because I'm in my luteal phase. So that's water retention. And it's also the middle of the day. So.

Holly Lamb (12:48.546)
Don't wear yourself in the middle of the day, wear yourself first thing. But only in February this year, I was 59 .4 kilos. Yeah, 59 .4. I thought I said the wrong way around there. 59 .4 and now I'm 56 point, well today, five. And there's been such a massive shift in my view of...

my reality. And this I believe is what has been the catalyst for that because nothing has really changed. My diet hasn't changed. I intermittent fast anyway. I was already doing that. I'm not trying to lose weight. I wasn't going into this to lose weight. I was just doing this for health reasons for

feeling better in myself.

age -proofing my body. But yeah, it's been the real inner work and the real perception shift of my reality that has brought this body into my current reality. And it's quite mind blowing when you think that your thoughts create your reality, but it's true. Everything that we see in this physical world was once created in someone's mind, and then it was brought into the physical realm.

And that's exactly what you can do with any aspect of your life. If you have a knowing and a true belief that that will happen.

Holly Lamb (14:29.41)
So it's about true self worth, knowing your worth, putting the steps into action and knowing it to be true and knowing that it's gonna happen. And it has to be a true knowing, an inner knowing. And if you struggle with that, then you need to start talking to your inner voice, your inner self, your higher self, God, whatever you wanna call it. Because we are all spiritual beings having a human experience.

And once we realize that, we will realize that when we become just, am rather than this persona, we can create whatever we like. And that's exactly what I have done. And I will continue to do that because I know how powerful that I am as a creator. So yeah, maybe the missing piece of this weight loss puzzle for you isn't, I need to eat less and move more. It's I need to work on myself.

my inner self, my self worth, my self love. So I'd love you to sit with that, to journal on that. Maybe to sit down and write out what does self worth mean to me? How do I treat myself with compassion? Is my inner voice telling me that I'm not good enough, that I'm shit, that I don't like my body? Because again, as women, we're gonna focus on all the negative things we don't like about our body.

Whereas in reality, we need to focus on all the positive things.

So yeah, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode and see if it resonates with you and start putting it into practice and just see what happens. Just go into it with an open mind thinking, okay, let's see what I can achieve just by flipping my perception and believing in myself.

Holly Lamb (16:23.552)
And thanks so much for joining me this week and I'll see you all next week.