KTBS: Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier

Paul Reiser and Jeff Beimfohr discuss Rouxgaroux bringing Arena Football back to Shreveport with the owner Richard Rodgers.

What is KTBS: Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier?

KTBS Podcasting and the Committee of 100 present Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier, a podcast series showcasing the good things happening in our area. We’ll go in-depth about economic development, community growth and other topics about initiatives that are having a positive impact in our community. We’ll have new episodes every other Wednesday. You can find the KTBS Good to Know podcast wherever you listen to podcasting. Or go to KTBS.com or KTBS Now on your streaming device to see the full interview.

Hey. Hello again.


Welcome to another edition of Good to Know

This is a podcast showcasing
all the good things, the positive things

happening around the community.
My name is Jeff.

I'm four over here.

To my right is my esteemed companion
and co-host, Carl Riser.

Wow. Known to make a few burgers
and fries.

And 100 and every podcast,
we focus on topics and initiatives

that do have positive impacts
on our community.

We have new episodes available
every other Wednesday

and you can find good to know
wherever you listen to your podcast.

And I'm excited about today.

This is a cool guest today.

Do the intro, do the honors, and in about
20 minutes wake me up when you're done.

We'll get to that.

You'll, you'll you'll find this.

Guys, intros take forever.
No, no, I'm excited to do it.

And it is an honor.
Thank you so much for the honor.

So today, introducing a guest
like you say, we're both excited about it

because this is neat.

He is here to tell us about a new sports
team that is coming to Shreveport-Bossier.

And I know, Jeff,
you love some sports. I'm a sports dude.

You are a big time.

college basketball player.

I know you love badminton.

I do, actually, I do.

You play the racquetball.

Seems like every time any sport comes up,
you're all about it.

Well, any sport involving
shuttlecock is good with me.


And so many are.

But today.

Yeah, I'm excited because.

But do you know what a true guru is?

I did not, but, I sort of

do some of the stuff that we're going
to find out if you ever get around.

I will get around to it right now
because, Ruger ruins

the name of our new arena sports team
that is coming back

to Shreveport-Bossier
and excited to bring the co-owner.

make sure I get it right. Yes. Richard.

Richard Rodgers, man,
thanks so much for coming on.

No problem.

May I say you're the co-owner
or co-owner of the team?

Yes, I have two other partners.

we actually just brought,

somebody from Shreveport on as a partner
two weeks ago, so he's super excited.

He's more announcing him today. Oh, so.

So you're on your way here? Yeah.

We can definitely make sure I'm here.

His name is, Keith Carter.

Were, he owns, always best care, so.

All right. Wait. No.

Richard Rogers, by the way, do you write
music for a music for plays on Broadway?

And that's, my mom name.

You have piano Rogers and, but,

my other partner, my wife, he's
actually used to be my old football coach.

His name is Keith Russ.
So it's Keith and Keith. Keith. Carter.

Keith. Russ. Okay.

We actually, play college
football. Referee.

A lot of people don't know that about him.

It's Southern miss. Yeah.

Southern miss and you got and stuff.

So you have a business background.
You have a football background.

You played football
for the Arkansas Razorbacks.

So a lot of people around here
might not like that to watch.

Hey, man. No,
there's a lot about Arkansas.

Arkansas. I'm good with it.

Oh okay. Yeah I got to say,
people say I'm lazy.

That's the first thing they see
is like my tattoo right there.

My razorback. Oh, there. I didn't take it.

Yeah, yeah.

I thought you wanted to shake my head.

No, that's the first thing they see
when I go. I go to shake their heads.

I see my tattoo. You know, like,

Well, it's exciting.

I mean, we got to find out

what arena football is, why it's so fast
where we're going to play football.

No, but,
you know, just to make sure that the base.

The biggest thing I ever talk about is
everybody knows a Kurt Warner is right.

That's right, I will. Barnstormers.

Hey. Yeah.
If played for the Iowa Barnstormers

you had a big
they had a big movie about him.

Actually started his career out
in arena football.

And then he was bagging
groceries and playing arena football.


My, my wife is from Iowa and, grew up

with this, but I'm trying to get this out.

The Hy-Vee store
where he bagged his groceries.

He was about maybe five miles from my
my wife's home in Iowa.

And that's awesome. Yeah.

So these are these very excited.
These are.

I thought it was kind of cool. Yeah.
That's awesome.

I should have got more excited.

Jeff. Really, really cool story. Yeah.

So this coming from a guy

that we have a new arena sports team
now it's an arena football team.

Yes that's right. Yeah.
So that arena is used a lot.

So where are you going to be playing.

We're playing at Hershey
Coliseum. Hershey.

Yes. So we had the mud bugs there.

It's going to be George's Park.

We're going to overlap a little bit there.

Sees it and April

actually we'll we actually our fill field
because we overlap a little bit.

We actually lay
our field over the ice for that.

Oh you do. Yeah.

For, for the march okay. A month.

Well talk to us about the name
because that's, that's a cool name

first of all. Yes.

Also the coolest logo
I've seen in a long time.

Well, my business, my business partner
Keith, came up with it

when he told me about it.

I had no clue what it was and stuff.

I said, you don't know what that is.

I know what it is now.

And so I actually did my research on it.

So it's actually the number one urban myth
in Louisiana.

It's a half man, half werewolf
that lives around the swamp with swamps.

There is the werewolf.

Yeah. Basically. Where over. Yeah.

All right. Very,
it's an intense Louisiana.

So you have the logo there, which is just,
I don't think you show it on your shirt,

but it is kind of the
the head or the portrait.

but then there's another one where it's

kind of a little bit to the side
where he's kind of lunging.

Oh, really cool man.

I wish I remember I brought my helmet,
I have the helmet.

All right. Out my car, out of all the.

And we'll get it another time.

I know this arena football league like
you say Kurt Warner came out of there.

So yeah it's a it's a place where
a lot of fantastic athletes

kind of get their start
and hopefully get into professional.

I mean it's professional league. Exactly.

Hopefully get into the NFL.

So tell us a little bit

about Arena Football
and where these athletes are coming from.

these players are former NFL players,
actually our franchise player.

He's actually from Louisiana.

He's like New Iberia.

He was drafted to the bears in the fourth
round as a safety.

He actually went to Southern Miss as well.

His name is Denarius Antoine.

And okay, his nickname is the Soul Taker
because we had somebody

it looks like
it takes their soul, their everybody.

But it's a real fast paced, high scoring,
the average scoring game.

An arena is like 70 to 80. Yeah.

All right I remember the old AFL.

Yeah that was entertaining stuff
I, I loved it.

Yeah. This is it's
basically the same thing.

A lot of the old AFL teams

play in the AFL and the NRL which is us
the National Arena League.

That's the name of your league. Yeah.

National Arena League. Okay.

So you kind of go over some of the rules.

You have the nets behind
where the kick offs.

we actually we actually take took down,
we took down the nets

and the net on the field goal and stuff.

So if it's verbal, if you kick on a kick
kickoff you kick a field goal.

It's called a deuce
and you get two points.


but if, we have,
we go through 40 balls a game,

kind of a golf ball goes into the stands,
the fans get to keep it.

So we go for like 40 or 50 balls a game.

like I said, there's no touch back.

You have to take it out of the end zone.

So Greg Fulmer on the end zone
and we like the end zone.

We actually get a point.

There's no punting.

So if you get stopped on five, you either
try for a first down or you try to kick

a field a 40 yard field goal.

you can you guys can go in motion
and go across the line of scrimmage.

Well not going across you got high motion.

People will start.
They'll start like 15 yards back okay.

Their sprint full speed
toward the line of scrimmage.

And right before they get the line
of scrimmage, they you can stop the ball.

So it's very fast pace.

It's almost every play is a pass. Oh yeah.

That's why you talk about safeties
and quarterbacks are so important. Yes.


Like if you're if you're

like I said it's hard for NFL or college
quarterback to convert to arena.

But if you're a good arena quarterback

it's easy to convert to outdoor football
because it's so much more fast paced.

How many players on a
there's a big on offense around defensive

and you use the sideline.

It's like,
come on Corky. They're bouncing off.

Oh yeah we had this NFL player.

He actually played in the NFL
for eight years.

And then he played all of us.

He's like I love arena ball more
than I love and I want to go back NFL.

He's like when I'm chasing
someone down on the sidelines man I fell.

They'll step out of bounds here.

They got to come see me.
I can put him over the wall.

So there's
a tackle or a touchdown on every play.

Oh pretty much every play inside
looks out of bounds.

I don't know,
I think it was two years ago.

Our team tried to break the record
as our preseason game.

We tried to break that high school record.

High school, high school record in arena
football is 128 points.

And you said one team
or combined for one team.

One team, one team, 128 points.

Yeah, we got we got 107 of seven. Right.

So pretty far sure I know I was well
and that's exciting to

you said our other team.

So you bring a lot of success
to Shreveport.

But you you own
two other teams currently. Yes.

Already playing in Iowa.

Well they'll be playing the season's over
right now.

So we play next season
starts on March 1st.

We're going to march the team
and Corvil Coralville.

By Iowa City. Yep. Yeah yeah. And then

Iowa will I know it's called.

And then we have another team. Woo! Iowa.

Woo. Yeah I've never heard of that one.

Well that's the first.

You've never heard of the city
I don't know I don't know right.


So what brings
what brings you guys to Shreveport?

Well, we been researching it.

We were researching Shreveport
for the past three years

and stuff, and nobody told us
the workman's comp really high.

And the hockey team
that it the hockey didn't.

It was a in competition.

But when we met Scott Scott was amazing.

Scott musket yep.
So it was amazing with the hockey team.

He was the manager of the Midwest.

Incredibly sick. Yes.

And he manages that arena too.

So I actually when we first went there,
we didn't know he was a manager.

We called it there

like all the managers busy for the arena
just going to walk out and look around.

And we saw we saw this guy
riding around on a forklift.

So we thought he was just a regular

employee is like,
can I help you with something?

He's like,
oh, we're like, oh, no one is looking.

And my partner is like, no, I got a couple
questions about these Bok suites.

He's like, well,
he's like, I'm the manager.

You're like, okay,
you know the depth of the guy you talk to.

We hit off and we, we really couldn't
have done it without him.

He's helped us out so much.

So he's kind of welcoming you. Oh yeah.

A lot of his employees actually work
for us, our football team as well.

So they work for the hockey team
and the football team.

That's nice. Well,
I mean, it's going to keep the arena hot.

Exactly what you did, your research.

What is it about Shreveport that made
you say, yeah, this is the place?

Well, I know we know.

They have a it's first football country.

You got a lot of great.

You got a lot of great
athletes around here.

And you guys haven't had an actual

professional arena football team for like,
nine years.

The last time was a battle wings.

Yeah. Yeah.

That's been a little more than nine years

because I've been here nine years
and that was gone long before I got here

I think was our team
after the Battle Wings.

I know the battle wings. Okay.

You know,
I thought that was nine years ago,

but the mud bugs
have been very successful.

Oh, yes.

And, that that,

that facility, that venue is,
has proven itself to be a place

that people like to go into nice
and loud in there.

Oh, yeah.

Well, we have put our season
tickets on sale yet.

We've already sold 500 season.

It's really the from the mud bugs hockey

team fans are asking for tickets
getting they're getting their same seats.

So well. When does your season start?

Our season starts.

camp starts on February 1st.

The first kickoff weekend
is first week in March.

All right,

we're trying to play away

because we don't want to play on
Mardi Gras

because I know everyone else is out doing
everything else.

So Mardi Gras, so right after right after,

right after, NFL season where you start
to miss football, that football.

We still want to see that football.
They can come see you guys. Yeah.

How do you get all your players.

You said you had a local guy
that was going to be one of your studs.


we, like I said, I got a lot of NFL ties.

Keith has a lot of.

And I love D1 college ties.

Keith, I
not if you guys know who Tim Brown is.

The Hall of Fame wide receivers.

Yeah, yeah, of my partners.
Like really good friends with him.

her name.



So we know we guys know Rudy,

hey, I don't know Rudy. Yeah.

I take my my my partner loves that movie.

And a good movie. I hate that movie.

You hate it?

I hate that movie. Oh,

it's. To me, it's like.

It's like, long as you try hard.

It's all right
if you like my. I guess the whole.

The point I was trying to.

Yeah, I was actually way down.

I actually had a question
I was trying to get to was did you have,

like, open tryouts or. Yes,
we do have open tryouts.

We have our first one, September 22nd,
and then we'll have

another one,
the beginning of the year in January.

And you're going to hold those at the.

Hirsh. No.

because the first one, we, actually

either one where there's
an indoor soccer facility here in town.

Okay. Right over by D1, you know?

yeah. Yeah.

So we're having a while.
We hosted it over there. Okay.

Okay, good. So for local.

But you get D1 college players,
they even tryout.

You get, people that want to go in.


We, we can hike
probably 200 emails a day about players.

I want those players.

I want to play.
How many guys do you carry on your roster?

We we bring to camp. We bring 40 to camp.

after our first preseason game,
we have to cut it down to 25

and only 21 can dress out.

Okay. Oh, I, yeah.

So you carry 25, though, for injuries?

Yep. Gotcha.

So it's a lot of strategy.

Sometimes people will carry

two quarterbacks because they want
to have more guys on the roster.

So if your quarterback gets hurt
you're like that's oh yeah.

so out of luck.

I was just up with an acronym for that.

So so what does he think we followed
that differentiates a successful team

from, from a not successful team
as far as making it in a community.

So, you know, we've had

we had guys have good business guys
that try it and that tried here before,

gave it a couple of years
and and didn't continue out with it.

But you guys have been successful
in different markets. Yeah.

What are you going to bring to Shreveport.

Well like I said, my degrees in sports
marketing and then my partner has

he has a great football background.

So we realize a lot of these business
owners, they want to do it as a hobby.

And so this is our full time job.

This is what I place
my daughter's private school

and this is my full time job. Gotcha.

And like a lot of things
want to throw money in it.

Don't want to go out in the community
without being involved with the community.

Yeah. And our players contracts
two times a week.

They're required to either

go to the schools
and read, go out and help the community

in some kind of way,
two up, two times a week.

So they're always out in the community,

So it's

because yeah,

but you know,

I know
you don't want to play at Mardi Gras,

but you should
probably put a float in there.

Oh yeah. We definitely plan
on putting a float in Mardi Gras.

I had a big Ruger rule going up.

Like, yes, it's spelt like,
you know, you know, southern.

It's got a it's got an accent.

It's the normal accepted
spelling of Ruger. Yeah.


Phonetically correct.

If you're from home. Yes.

Oh man. This is exciting.

So people
that want to find out about the tickets,

because I know you, you're
I mean, we're excited.

We're getting the scoop

because you're leaving here and going
straight over to the press conference.

Our tickets will go on
sale on September 1st,

and you can get to go to go
Root.com, go River Rouge.


It's Bella. Yeah. and.com.

So, or we'll have a link on our Facebook
at, Shreveport River rail.

But you've already sold 500. Yep.

That's great.

Yeah. 500.


And, if,
if you really want your tickets before

they go on.

So we actually have you message
on Facebook,

we're actually just writing people's
names down.

If they pay for them now, they get for
we'll get first choice when I do go.

So where do you,
where do you have other teams?

We're we all going to be playing
against, you, I don't know, Omaha on beef.

Like, which is like the longest running
arena football team in arena history.

I've been around for 27 years.

I've heard of Omaha. Yeah, but,

I used to go to the racetrack there.

Exurban. okay. Yeah.


we're about.

we're about Georgia. Columbus.

Columbus. Yeah. Okay. Nice.

Columbus. Lions. That's what.

Yeah. Okay,
so I don't own all these teams.

All right, I know, I know, it's,


and then there's,

Salina, Kansas.

Sioux City, Kansas.

There are 16 teams total.

I'm trying to remember,
you know. Yeah, we get the idea. Yeah.

I just want to. Yeah.

All over the country.

Yeah. So, I mean, do you get a
you get a travel. Yep.


So yeah, there's three teams in Texas.

So those are our close trips. The Texas

There's professional players and you play
you pay these guys to play.

yep. They're coming in and they're
yeah they're enjoying this.

But also hoping to
maybe move up to the NFL.

Oh yeah.

So like I said some players like some of
these NFL players got hurt and stuff.

And they got so they got cut

get so that they know the teams
didn't know if they had any more.

So they come down to our list, show
they still have it.

Or do you want athletes that got drafted
and went to camp and got got released?

So well, I would say

you're not going to get anywhere
if you're to sit on the couch as a player

and stuff.

So, so you got to have quarterbacks
in this league though.

You gotta have guys against it.

Oh yes. Yeah, we love to us.

We like so fast paced.

We like to do an IPO, a run fast option.

So we like the good old
we like the scrambling quarterbacks.


And then is or is there
other things I know we're wrapping up

but like when you go

when you go to an NFL game
I'm going to go to a, a mud bugs game.


They've got three periods.

And in between each period they have all
kinds of competitions and stuff going on.

What kind of fun?

Oh yeah.

We we definitely

we always like I say, we're,
we're always going to get a football fan.

Our goal is to get the wives and the kids
that maybe don't know about football.

Well, I always like to say it's a circus
with a football game.

You'll get guys like my size bigger
riding a little,

tricycles, racing like a little,
little tricycles.

We'll have guys
that put like drug goggles on,


And if you're listening to this
on the podcast, you're not a small guy.

Oh, no.

I play for D1 college football.

Yeah. Of mine.

And, you're pretty big.
Pretty good sized fella.

Oh, yes.

So I want to see you on a tricycle.

Oh, see?

Oh, I you'll catch me on one one.

But when were you in Arkansas?

2006. 2006? Yep.

Okay. Yeah.

All right.

I'm trying to guess
who was your head coach?

I had three coaches when I was
there. Were you?

I was like one of those.

We went through three coaches
who were in there.

We had three.

The head coaches there, one of them
Houston nuts.

he's Houston,

Bill Parcells.

And I'm try to remember the other one,
you know, had three coaches over there.

Do you get into the, all the old history
of Arkansas football and stuff?

Because I'm a Lance Alworth guy.

Oh, I'm sure you know. Yeah, I don't know.

That is right.

In my opinion, the greatest receiver.

But, but he was a running back
when he played at Arkansas high school

and high school.

I was 15 and I was running back. Really?

I was running back. A move
you had to be on that break down.

And you told me yesterday
how quick you were going for it. At 315.

I ran a 4840 really at 40 and 15,
I was gonna go to college

and I was going to college
and be a defensive tackle, okay.

And stuff. So I put on.

So I put on a little bit away.

I one of their like through 25
and I just mess around the other freshmen

not snapping a ball and O-line
coach walks up like Rogers

is like what position you like the tackle.

He's like, not even that offensive line.

I was like, coach,
I never played offensive line in my life.

I almost lost my scholarship
because really, I didn't know my steps.

I didn't want to do the honors.

That's in the media, that's

there's a lot of technique
and being alive and people

that's like,
you don't just stand there, you've got to.

I was going to say,
you could have been a, the next fridge.

Perry man. Right.

Well, I was in high school
because I came to being a tight end.

Like my freshman year in high school.
I was a tight end.

You know, we went out for passes
a lot, but, well, our senior graduated,

our senior running back graduated.
They moved me to one of that. Nice.

I can tell you really love football.
Oh, yeah.

You really love it.

So when did you first get involved
in this arena?

Well, after college, I played arena
football, actually, for my partner

was my coach, but it was my coach, and,
I played for a few years.

but, you know, I've had four knee
surgeries after the last time

I tore my knee, I was just like,
it's time to take off the fast.

I want to be able to walk
when I get older and stuff. So.

So when he, he's actually
a sheriff at the time, and and our coach

and, he saw he's former military
and a former police officer.

So he moved to South Dakota for a job,
like a cake sheriff job.

And so he only had to work once a week.
And the rest of you can go hunting.


Well, wait a minute.

We got Sheriff Predator coming in here.

That so, he got what he got.

He just got kicked out.

He got bored of the job,
and he wanted to start a ranching.

But you want to coach.
You actually want to own.

Owners are already. Anyway.

So he knew the football size,
so he calls me up.

He's like Richard.

He's like, I come up here to South Dakota
and help me start a football team.

I look at the weather, I'm like,
it gets like -20 there.

Definitely. I was like, I'm sorry, coach,
I can't do it.

It's like he's like, well,
I'll give you a percentage.

I'll pay for your house and stuff.

And I was like, well,
we could do all that.

We could, we could talk
and we put a team in Wyoming.

It was like super successful. Okay.

So so this is I've been accepted
well all over the markets.

Yes. All over
the market's been really well.

We actually we sold our Billings

team and our South Dakota team
and our Wyoming team and that they

they're doing
they're still doing really good.

That's great. We got
I said Wyoming is beautiful.

The thing is how we've put it.

Our first year we put it down in the town
the population was 37,000 people.

We sold out our arena every single game.

Really? Yeah, a 5000 seat arena.

We sold out every single game.
That's great.

I mean, it is entertaining. Oh, yeah.

I mean, it's super entertaining.


I mean, if you love football and you just
like action, you can't go wrong.

Yeah. That's
what say you love what you like action.

You like high scoring stuff.

And a lot of these kids, they like I said,
we try to make it personable.

Like our plans are always out there
in the public and stuff.

So you're going to

you're going to want to go see a player,
you know, like an NFL game.

You'll never get to talk to these players.

You know, going to

and I after the game we actually have
our players will stay on the field

for like 30 minutes after the game.

And kids can come out and take pictures

inside on the grass with them
right on there on the field.

Is that required by the league
that the players do that?

No, there's no it's it's team by team


Well you're going to get along
well with our mud bugs bank.

That's that's the relationship that our
communities have with that sports team.

And I, I really hope that it connects on.

And you guys bring that
same kind of energy forward to it.

I know me and Jeff love us some action.

The league

again is the NHL the national arena,
National Arena League.


And you guys start playing next February.

next March.

Camp starts in February, camp in February,
game start in March?

Yep. Okay. What do you know? Games.

There are 12 games.

Seven home five. Okay, okay.

Do you know, like,

what kind of crowd you need to draw
in order to make this a viable?

yeah, we want to, like,
we always like every one of our teams.

We have average anywhere from 4
to 6000 fans a game.

So we try to get to that 4000 as we said

I mean, that should certainly be
attainable here, right?

That's one that's 1% of the population.

Let's we're not about that right.

Yeah. 39 to 45 somewhere. Yeah.

So that'd be perfect.

Yeah I mean like you said,
this is football.

That's all I'm saying.

As a hockey team that many fans I hope
we can get a group out of, we could,

now. Yeah.

You know, you

might be able to get some old LSU guys
or something to play right there, right?


We actually, remember his name.

We actually he's a he's from Shreveport.

He played in the NFL.

He we're going to our coaches announcing
them and he signs all the players okay.

He's from he's
played in the NFL. He's from Shreveport.

And he played
and we just signed him yesterday.

Let the Chargers come on. What's his name
the running back.

Yeah yeah really

he hasn't played in like forever I can't
my mind is I'm drawing a blank right now.

But I edit this out
because he's he's such a nice great guy.

He's going be at the he's
going to be at the press conference. Yeah.

Wow. It's been a while since we play.

So if you want to know.

Well he's.

Yeah he's in his 30s. In his 30s
okay. Yeah.

Yeah. So old guy 30s.


He's in his early 30s. Other like
are you sure you're playing like.

Yeah. It's because I'm so sure
if I still got it like all right.

That's Hester.

I said that might be it. Yeah. Okay.

Thank you.

All right. That was dirty.

And then I give you a coordinator. He's
a former NFL player.

He played for the Colts.

Okay. Yeah.

Oh, you guys are building
a pretty good team.

Oh, yeah I mean, we want to compete.

We want to keep for the, compete
for the championship for sure.

Well, that's our goal.

Well, how long does it take that
normally develop an arena team?

I mean, you know,
if you just put some guys together

or get them to play on the field

for five them,
like I said, it's a good coach.

If you have a good coach,

you could like I said,
you could win a championship for sure.


That's a little different than don't have
as many players you have to deal with.


And so so yeah it's not like high school
or college

go all these athletes, all they're going
to let all the learn as a playbook.

They don't already know how to play
football. So you just got to them. Yeah.

All right. Well we got about a minute
left here. What's your.

Well I'm just excited
because I love football.

And being that up close and personal,
I really enjoyed, when we had arena here.

Oh. Are you if you're going to box with.

You're closer to the players than mean
you are.

You can literally feel there's a way
you can touch them as they go by because

makes us.

I'm excited
that Shreveport, attracted you guys.


You guys have been researching and
you're like, that's a good place to be.

Oh, yes, a team.

So we're excited to welcome.

Yes. Thank you so much.

tell us again one more time.

I'll, people can get in touch with you
if they want to.

You can get in touch with us
on Facebook at Shreveport River

or our website is go River rail.com.

Go River rouge.com. Yep.

All right, call Richard Rogers.
Richard Rogers.

Yes, and, Oscar Hammerstein and

and they'll write your song.

Richard, thanks for being here, man.

No problem. I appreciate that.

We're going to look forward
to seeing you guys play.

Yes. All right.

Good luck though, and we'll need it.

All right.

The Shreveport
Ruger Rouge, the new arena team in town.

So get out and enjoy that.

right after you listen to this podcast,
wherever you listen to your podcast,

as always, it's good to know. Hey.