Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to get as fit as possible, Scott agreed to do his weekly check in with Nutrition Coach Cheryl Nasso.
This week there was an effort to get to 7k Steps a day.  This Friday Scott has a follow up with his PCP and is looking to up his workout routine.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Nassau every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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Sit back, relax, enjoy the show.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Jersey.


I can't talk.


The Clydesdale Media Weight Loss Journey,

where I meet with my

nutrition coach every week.

We do our live check-in.

It's a way to keep me accountable.

Here I am.

But I hate stupid meetings.

We, I have a three o'clock meeting.

I know I say this all the time.

It is scheduled from three to four.

Every single week we go past

the four for no, no apparent reason.


You know what it is?

People just don't respect time.

And I get this, like,

like when I block off a 30

minute time block for something,

it's like, I got 30 minutes.


Let's do this.

I don't, it's not, and people are like, oh,

I know you're busy.

No, it's not that I'm too busy.

It's that I have a time.

I allot time and I do leave buffers,

but the goal isn't to

disrespect somebody's boundaries on time.

And I get this with a lot,

this is going into your

weight loss journey, because guess what?

Those boundaries get crossed

in a lot of people's lives.

And I got people that are like,

they punch the clock at 5

PM and they're getting

emails and messages and

stuff at six and seven

o'clock at night while

they're trying to cook

dinner and do their kids stuff.

Like, dude, you guys,

unless they're paying you

at that time of night,

turn that shit off.

Everybody's got a problem,

but I know you can't do that sometimes,

but yeah.

Damien, great concept.

Make it go long for overtime pay.

I work for the state.

We get no extra benefits.

We don't get overtime pay for going along.


Anyway, they pay me well,

so I should just shut up

and do what I need to do

and get through the day.

But it's just annoying

because we don't get those

extra benefits for anything

in the state anymore.

Because public perception is

that we do a lot for or we

get paid a lot for nothing,

which is such a misnomer.

We don't get paid what the

private sector gets paid

and they've taken away all

of our benefits.

So there's really no,

there's no reason to work

for the state other than

I'm over 20 years in and I

would lose all that

retirement buildup if I did.

When people want to bitch

about that kinds of stuff, work for,

you know,

obviously the time money exchange,

just think about how much

our medical field costs.

makes our nurses and

caretakers make jack shit

but they get freaking a

thousand dollars for a

piece of thread that

they're going to stitch you

up with it's ridiculous so

I'm just saying but holly

says hooray for state work

she's a state worker in

nebraska I believe um as

well so the only thing I

will say is do you have

pretty good health benefits

and like retirement benefits and stuff

So I don't even use the health benefits.

I am on my wife's health

care because it's better

than what I get at the state.

Well, that sucks.

I know that in Florida,

I feel like a lot of the

state employees do get good benefits,

but I could be very, very wrong.

So if you live in Florida

and you're a state worker,

please don't come after me.

So just saying.

But anyways.

That was my first

professional job is working

for the state of Florida.


As a statistician.

I made jacked peanuts

because every retiree comes

down and works for nothing.


So it drives wages down.

But their benefit package was.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Like high end.

You know who's got really good benefits?

Freaking UPS.

I'm being honest.

I mean, even just to be a.

If you get in there just as

a package handler in the morning,

that's how my uncle got in.

He's now a driver for UPS,

but they got kick-ass benefits.

You retire with UPS.

Sounds like you wouldn't think that,

but hold on scratch.

This is no longer the

Clydesdale media weight

loss journey show.

This is the Scott and Cheryl

rant show wrong in the world.



Riff and rant all day long.

Well, we're not talking about CrossFit.

We're not talking about weight.

So I guess there's more to

life than how much we weigh

and how we work out, right?

So there is a real world.

So see Holly?

Look and see Holly has a mom

who just retired from UPS.

So she probably knows.


I got a bunch I could riff about right now,

but I'm not going to go there.

I mean,

if you guys have been watching my

social media, I know Judy has.

Everybody and their mother

has something to say about me.

And it's all good, you know?

So I just had to like...

brush it off so I'll have to

go back uh you uh check

that out you probably

haven't even seen that yet

I'll have to go back and

check it out I uh so I mean

I've been on social a ton I

just been yeah scheduling

posts that's about it we'll

go we'll go into you in a

second but let's just talk

about this real quick okay

it's not okay to comment on

people's bodies just plain

and simple no matter who

you are no matter where

you're at like compliments

not compliments it's not

good but you know what

I got some trolls.

I made an Instagram post about meal prep.

Had nothing to do with just a funny, like,

you know,

I'm not even that funny with

those things.

You guys know me, I suck at them.

But people were liking it.

And just one person comments about, oh,

steroid use or gut,

beer gut or bubble gut from steroids.

And the next thing you know,

I had like 30 trolls.

Just commenting about my body,

about the fact that I'm on steroids,

about the fact that I've

got a beer belly.

Just I'm like 5% body fat

right now on a gains train.

Do you think I really need

to hear this stuff?

And if I was truly on steroids,

I don't think I'd be having

the problems that I have right now.

So that was my little rant right now.

But it's just people just

don't have a life.

And I've had to deal with it

in a time where I'm also

struggling like you with my own journey.

And I'm intentionally

putting on weight and

intentionally eating in a

surplus and having to

listen to assholes on my Instagram.

And I've already hidden

about 20 of the messages

because I want it to just go away.

But every time I go back on,

somebody else has commented again.

They're still going.

I don't know what started it,

but that's my rant as well.

So I'm done ranting now.

Scott, how's your week been, bud?

So I got to ask you,

and I know we're totally off topic,

and maybe that's what this week is about,

our mental health.

Did you do burpees today or

did you garden?

Oh, yeah, I did burpees today.

I actually just got done

working a little while ago.


I did a workout.

Isn't it funny how you can

tell as a CrossFitter the

day that somebody does burpees?


In fact,

I could show you my beer belly in

a second, but it's black.

So burpees on the gym floor.

It doesn't matter how much

you clean the gym floors,

that turf that just, it just,

you can't leave.

I'm filthy right now, but yes,

I did burpees.

And so the only time you can

comment on another person's

body is in an intimate setting.

And that's between you and your partner.

So Jake, go to town, buddy.

I love it.


I just, uh, you know, God,

if people realize it just,

it was not whatever,

but I'm done with it.

So how, how has your week been?

So my week has been pretty good.

Um, I've had a couple little mini hurdles,

um, that I'm overcoming.

I'm already overcoming.

Um, but it,

but pretty good for the most part.

Well, let's talk about the hurdles.

So first hurdle was my body

started flushing like seriously Thursday,

Friday night, Thursday into Friday.

And then for like three days,

I could not leave the bathroom.

And it was mostly pee.

Like it just was, I was peeing nonstop.

And if you look at my weight

from this week,

like it took a tremendous drop.


So, so I'm cool with it.

I know that my body's like

flushing out everything

that's happened to it in

the last little bit.

It just was a wild ride.


Yeah, it is,

it is coming down pretty quick.

What is your,

what is your blood sugar been

registering as?

So it keeps dropping.

It is now like for this week,

it's averaging one 30.

That's a good thing.

So, okay.

So this is really good for

you to know because you

haven't seen your doctor yet.

A lot of times with blood sugar stuff,

it's also related to cortisol,


There's a bunch of other things going on.

So this is actually maybe a

good sign that like your

body is kind of getting back to normal.

Your hormones, insulin is a hormone,

cortisol is a hormone.

All those things are kind of

regulating a little bit

because typically we do see

this in people with blood

sugar issues and

They'll wake up a lot

frequently to threaten it

to go to the bathroom.

They have to use that.

It's a sign of a diabetic issue,

but it also in reverse can

also affect things too.

So this is maybe a good sign

that things are kind of going that way.

I was going to ask you when

you say flushing,

I had like three places

where I'm thinking, I'm like,

is he talking flushing here?

Is he talking flushing urine?

Is he talking flushing bowel movements?

I was like, which way is he flushing?

And maybe I had a little bit

of all of them.


Mostly pee.


Then this weekend, lots of sinus.

And then just one night of bowel.


But things are kind of regulating now.


Everything's back to kind of

normal bowel movements, normal pee,

like Monday and today.


okay um step count I know

you were doing a good job

of like posting on social

media uh did you keep up

with that so what see what

had happened was what

happened was so I've talked

about it on this show I

have this extra piece of

skin I rubbed I rubbed it

raw into the inside of my

leg and the piece of skin

from walking so much

So I've got to figure out a

solution to that,

whether it's different compression.

So I'm trying different

compression shorts now.

Compression shorts or something?

I'm trying new compression

shorts now and everything's okay.

So I'm trying to ramp it back up today.

But I literally,

it was painful to take steps.

So I did get on the bike,

but it doesn't have the

same effect as the Rolex.

But it should still register

on your step count.


It does.

If you wear your watch,

you'll still probably see it.

Cause whenever I wear my

watch and I'm on the bike,

it like counts.

It thinks I'm walking.

It does.

If you're on the assault bike, just,

but it either way you're understandable.

You don't, you're,

you are likely walking like

a waddle and you didn't want that.

So I think it was painful.

It was very, very painful.


I think solutions are going

to be number one.

better compression shorts,

which I honestly think you

really should have regardless for,

I do have them, but apparently there's,

they just not fitting right anymore.



So we definitely want to do that.

Holly's got a good idea that

those can help as well.


cyclists use them and all that kinds of


Um, but yeah, Jake, Jake's great idea.

So Jake's going to side

shuffle his way through

those 7,000 steps.


Yeah, I mean,

I think that obviously

letting that heal a little bit,

the monkey butt powder of

all of the people's Medicare suggestions,

I would 100% agree with to

kind of get it to heal.

But getting back into walking again,

we got to get something on there.

And I think for now,

what you might want to do is sounds dumb,

but like just get an ace bandage.

like just get a big ACE

bandage and just wrap it

around your leg or wherever

that piece is that just to

kind of keep it from rubbing for now.

I know that sounds like a temporary,

but probably will help a little bit.

So you could even like do

Kinesio tape or something

like that just to kind of

keep it from rubbing until

you can find a better solution.


The hair would hurt so bad.


Well, I'm a lady.

I mean, I got to figure it out, but I,

Yeah, I will.

We can go back into ladies talks.

Cause I mean,

Corey was on my podcast

earlier today and I'm

talking about women's hormones.

Now we're talking about you

and kinesio tape and women

have to deal with this kind

of stuff all the time.

So, so Corey said, just walk backwards,

just undo what you did.


Just like Ferris Bueller's day off.

I love that.

We get the miles off.



I think that... So hurdle number one

was the blah.

Hurdle number two, obviously,

was that issue.

Was that one of your hurdles?



What was hurdle number three then?

That was it.


A couple of hurdles.

I did under-eat this weekend.

All right.

Well, when you say you under-ate,

was it just you weren't hungry?

Was it...

It was the sinuses.

Like when I, when the sinuses are full,

I just do not, I just don't,

I'm not hungry.


All right.

I'm taking a look at food right now.

And to be Sunday, I slept so hard.

I did not wake up until after 11.

So half my day was gone.


It sounds like your body is really,

really kind of,

trying to regulate a little bit right now.

So, um, I do see veggies.

So I'm going to go back from,

since our check-in day is Tuesday,

go until the next last Wednesday,

last Wednesday,

you didn't have anything

logged after lunch.

So I don't know what you had

for dinner that day, but your meals,


Uh, well,

that's the only day that I don't

see anything.

The other days I see, I see Thursday,

I see breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


friday I do see breakfast

lunch dinner and a snack

and then saturday I see

breakfast lunch dinner

snack sunday again lunch

dinner snack like you said

you weren't that hungry um

well I woke up way past

breakfast yeah so you just

kind of went into lunch

okay so fat intake just

seems to be the one thing

that you're really having a hard time

with um and so and the only

reason I keep bringing it

up is because of possible

gallbladder issues how's

like the whole burping kind

of like digestive stuff

been going uh much better

okay all right that's good

um let's see how your fiber

intake looks fiber intake

is looking pretty good it's

always hard for me to see

your fiber intake because

my fitness pal doesn't show it

So I have to go back into

trainer eyes and look at it.

So like Wednesday,

I said you didn't have much log.

Thursday, fiber was at 22,

a little bit on the low side.

We're going to kind of take a look at,

but you also,

your calories were low that day.

So I know you said your

appetite was a little bit off.

You're in the 20s on fiber.


How have you been doing

about making choices in

terms of your carbs,

like getting those complex carbs?

Have you been cognizant of

it or have you been not

really thinking about it that much?

super cognizant of it um

I've been having lavesh yep

um bread wraps yep um I've

been eating a lot of like

like apples and fruit um I

keep forgetting to get

avocados I don't know why I

keep forgetting them on the

list but for some reason I

just keep forgetting


I bought avocados this week and I

haven't bought them in a

while because I'm a gains train.

I'm like just sneaking in

calories here and there.

And I'm like,

I'm going to buy some avocado this week.

I'm like, God,

I haven't had one of these

in a long time.

I forgot how much I like them.

So I made like a burger.

I made like a burger bowl

salad and I put like romaine.

I sauteed some mushrooms and peppers.

I'm sorry, mushrooms and onions.

And a burger, ground beef,

I seasoned it with steak seasoning.

And I added like avocado.

And I made this like burger sauce,


I made like a big burger.

So it was really good.

So talking food now.

I do see the lavash.

I see really good.

Overall, looks like a pretty good week.

Looks like maybe you guys

had Chinese on Friday night.

Was that was your takeout night?

That was, we actually went out to eat.



That was really the only

night that you had like a

little splurge meal.

But everything else looks good.

Really good.

I see beans, you know, and I,

and like I said,

I think the only hard thing

for you is some days your

fat intake gets a little bit high,

but overall solid week.

You didn't have anything

logged yesterday or today.

I, I swear to God, I logged everything.

It could be a, my fitness pal glitch,

but I'm not seeing anything

on my end for yesterday or today.

Yeah, I did not.

I had a busy day at work,

so I did not get my lunch

log because I really had

like 20 minutes to grab it and go.

But I did log my breakfast.

Well, you don't pay for premium, right?

I don't.

Okay, good.

Because we're probably going

to be switching over to a

different app anyways.

That is so much better.

And like everything is free.

Like the barcode scanner is free.

Like you really don't need

the paid version.

I forget what the paid version is.

lets you do differently, but, um, it's,

it's way better.

I don't have, it doesn't glitch at all.

I don't have issues.

It's easy to find entries.

I just, I don't know,

but so where is your weight today?

Um, as you mentioned,

the weight is trending down

pretty quickly, you know, and,

and I also want to give you credit too.

Like you also did start moving more.

So that's also likely

helping get things going.

Also correlation causation, um,

Remember I talked about

insulin sensitivity, the walking,

the moving is going to help with that.

So that your blood sugar is coming down.

So all these little things

are kind of coming together

a little bit to hopefully

help you get things back to

regular again.

So, uh,

right now your weight is at 287.4

down from our spike after

everything at 297.

So we're down back to almost

pretty much where we were

before everything happened.

We're back to like

Back to even keel again.

Does that make you feel good?

It does.


I think the main thing is

let's hope that it's not

just a bunch of water.

Well, it is a bunch of water,

but let's just hope that it

keeps trending down now

that we got you back to regular.

What about the gyms?

So I've actually,

I actually have been

thinking about that today

is something I want to like

reach out to Christy about

and see about on pausing my

membership and what can,

what can I do during a class time?

Well, and how do I monitor everything?

And I have my PCP appointment on Friday.

Well, I think that you and I know that.

Anybody that's listening to

this knows that the

CrossFit community is one

of the most helpful

communities out there.

And CrossFit coaches are

probably the best in terms,

your coaches in particular,

are going to be the best at

getting you a scaled

version of the workout, right?

CrossFit is for anybody,

but it's not for everybody.


So anybody can come in and

do a CrossFit workout and

get a good workout in,

but not everybody's going to do that.

So it comes down to you saying,

you know what?

I need to get my ass out of the house.

I need to start moving my body with people,

making some connections with people again,

so that I can stop

stressing about these stupid meetings,

get my mind off the stupid

meetings and get back

plugged in with the community.

So I think that you should just


I don't even think you need to reach out.

I just think you need to show up.

Hey, I know that a positive membership.

I think I'm ready to come back in.

Can I just have a problem is

like Christie and Patrick

aren't always there when I go.


So like, I need to start,

I actually have to pay.

So I have to like, let them know.

Well, when you get there, whoever's there,

there's whoever's at the gym.

is aware that people come in

for drop-ins for start

signing up and all that stuff.

You go in,

you'd see your normal CrossFit coach.

Hey, I, I've been on hiatus for the last X,

Y, Z months.

And I just wanted to come

back in and move my body a little bit.

Just be upfront.

Like, you know, that's it.

And the coach, you'd be like,

happy to see you, dude.

Welcome back.

Let's just start with air squats today.

Like, I just like to know,

let them know ahead of time.


I'm just telling you as well, though,

as anybody else in the gym

is not going to have to let

them know ahead of time,

they're just going to show

back up and be like, Hey,

I've been gone for three months.

I'm ready to get back into it.

You know,

like that's the way people do it.

You don't, you know,

and she'd be happy to have

you back in there.

I'm sure.

So, but yeah, I'd rather just,

and look at Judy agrees

with me and I guarantee you,

you show up back there

They'll be able to take care

of your payment.

Like they're all trained on that.

And if they're not, they have a protocol.

Hey, Scott came back in today.

You can go ahead and charge

his card or he needs to

give you a new card or whatever.

You know, across the community,

they're not going to,

they're just not going to be that way.

It's not like going to Planet Fitness.

Hey, get back here.

It's just, it's not how I do it,

but that's fine.

I mean, I will start back up.

Let's do it.

Let's make it a plan.

How's tomorrow look?

Uh, tomorrow is not going to happen.

I'm in a mandatory all day

training today and tomorrow.


I would have to look at that.


I think that, I think that the,

it's time to rip the

bandaid off and just get back in there.


And I understand the meeting

thing is already scheduled.

Trust me.

I get it.

Like that's, I'm not going to tell you,

sorry guys, I can't do my meeting,

but I do think that you

should just get back into the gym.

So don't wait.

So now, so now here's the deal.

Now you really don't have

any excuses because we can

get off of here now and you

can go ahead and shoot her

over that email that you

want to shoot her over.


I'm coming back to class Thursday at


I would like to get signed back up again.

I'm ready to do this.

I am very limited on how I

can get my heart rate up.

I'm planning on going through the motions,

but I do want to get back

into the community.

And that's it.


wire this straight to the gym.

He just bought your freaking

FitAid for you.

That's it.

He bought your post-workout FitAid.

Do you drink those?

I used to.

You know, I don't even know why.

I don't really like them.

But I like having the carbonation,

so I drink them.

But, uh, anyways.

Yeah, I actually,

since all this has happened,

I've really cut out a lot

of the drinks that I was drinking.


Before the caffeine down.



Really just, um,

really just a cup of coffee

in the morning.


Judy looks like she wants to

meet up with you.

Let me just,

let me look at my work

calendar because I scheduled things,

not thinking I was going to

the gym this week.

So I just need to make sure.

You'll be all right.

You're going to make it through.

You know why?

Because they got multiple class times.

I will let Judy know as soon

as I get off this meeting, this show,

if my Thursday's open and I

will go in on Thursday.


It looks like,

so Judy does live close to you,

but not so close.


She, she lives like a half an hour away.

I gotcha.

I drive about,

I drive about 30 minutes to my gym.

It does.

It's a little bit of a commute,

but there's a gym closer to me,

but it's just,

that's the one I go to most of the time.

It's the gym that the people

that I kind of,

I want to say I grew up with CrossFit.

Uh, you know, so, but, uh, okay.

So we're getting back to the

gym this week.

I would like to see you back

in the gym at least one day this week.

I would love to hear

Thursday and Saturday.

I'm fine with you skipping

out on Friday because the, the open,

and it might be Thursday and Friday,

who knows, but I just think it's good to,

to get yourself to rip the

bandaid off and do,

it's going to be like the most,

you're going to have so much anxiety and

I would have a better shot at Thursday,

Friday than trying to go

Saturday because there

there's so such limited

space on the weekend.


Well then let's plan on

Thursday and Friday and on Friday,

don't go like to Friday

night lights and try and

like kill yourself in an open workout.

Cause we know what it's going to be.

We know it's going to be the,

the week of the thrusters.

We're getting,

we're getting chewed up and

spit out as Dave's clue.

I would scream just chipper style.

It's going to be a chipper style,

chewed up and spit out.

That's it.

Start off in one piece and broken down.

And that's not the first

workout you want to come back to.

If my calendar is clear,

and I think it is on Friday, for sure.

Thursday, Friday.

Your calendar doesn't have to be clear.

Let's be real.

It does, though.

It has to have an hour.

I have to work my job.

It has to have an hour.

So guess what?

If your schedule's not clear,

you might have to get up

early and get there before

the day starts.

That'll really shake it up.

Man, will that shake it up.

I got to tell you, Lex can agree.

The morning slot for people

with busy lives is where it's at.

You get up, you get it done,

you're more productive in your day.


Or you do it afterwards.

But yeah, so I want to see a check-in.

I would love that for this week.

That would really make your coach happy.

Although your coach is very

happy with you today.

You're putting in the effort.

Nutrition looks much better.

Like I said,

the only thing I see is that

it looks like there is a glitch,

I will call it, in MyFitnessPal, which,

listen, it does happen.

I'm not just putting it in here.

I've been so on it.


but I do want to make sure that the

only thing I'm going to say is this,

is that if you're pulling

up your phone now and

you're not seeing any food there,

there's something's not right.

Is it because that doesn't make any sense?


I, I, I check my food throughout the day.

So I would,

I would know if it's not showing up.

So it was in my app.

I mean, again, I'll double check.


Double check your app and

then send me a screenshot.

Look, Cheryl, it's there.

I would love to see that

because I don't see anything.

Now, so you have your PCP on Friday.

Cardiologist is two weeks from now,

about a week from now, right?

Yeah, it's next week.


And then we'll kind of be

hopefully from there in the

clear on things.




Lungs, sinus infection,

all that stuff seems to be

getting better.

Yeah, I think so.

I mean,

I'm still having some sinus stuff

and some coughing at night,

but I'm definitely going to

talk to the PCP about.


And then what about like,

so I know that you were

saying that walking was

very fatiguing and I know

that you have an issue right now,

but is it getting a little bit better?

It's getting better for sure.

Okay, good.


So, um,

are you still able to get movement in?

Like you said, like on the bike,

you're doing that daily.


And like I said,

it's healed up a little bit.

So I'm going to try to do a

longer walk tonight.


What have you been doing?

So, so right now in your, like,

what's been your routine

for your gym for the gym

routine right now?

What are you doing?

I've been focusing on the

walking or just getting like half hour,

45 minutes on a bike.

So what are, when are you doing that?

Are you doing it in the

middle of the day after work or?

A little bit in the,

during the day and a little bit at night.


So kind of like half and half.



I like that.

Gets you up and moving a little bit.

How about mobility?

Doing that every morning break.


And then every afternoon

break and then right before bed.


So you're getting,

you're doing better than I

am because I'm not doing all that.

Kenneth asks,

are you still on medications?

So I have not seen a doctor

since we've talked.

okay so you're still on

everything or now yep

antibiotics no pred we know

that you're on the insulin

the stuff like that but

anything insulin metformin

uh a heart medicine um a

blood thinner yeah um

a blood pressure pill that

I'm hoping they take me off this week.

Cause my blood pressure is not high.

It's like day of surgery.

It was one 15 over 70.


Um, it's just,

they were worried about stroke.

So they were putting me on everything.

I got your blood pressure pill.

And then I think that might be it.

So Jeffrey was asking about your F a fib,

um, and that we really just, we,

you're not symptomatic right now.

So it's going to be a matter of, you know,

getting in check with the doctor.


At the cardiologist,

they'll give me an EKG again, just to,

to verify everything.

But right now it's just, um,

it's, it doesn't, I don't feel it.

So I'm not getting that like

feeling of a flutter, um, anymore.

Uh, so I think we're okay, but,

and there's no way to tell

without an EKG.


All right.

Well, I feel like right now, this week,

our main focus is going to

be getting you back into

the gym and keeping you

consistent with what you're

currently doing with your

nutrition and not having

any missed days on your tracking,

because I want to make sure

we keep you honest with that.


That's what I really want to

focus on this week.

Do you have anything

important coming up for you this week?



I hope not.



just I am missing the open a little bit

this year,

just the community aspect of it.

But at least like with the show,

I'm still somewhat involved

and get to kind of watch everything.

You know what I feel right

now for me with the Open

because of where I'm at

with my own journey is the

only thing I feel is like

the way that people are

talking about the games now

relative to Masters,

it's always kind of been

like that I feel like a little bit,

which is fine.

You know,

like Masters and age group is

different than the individuals.

But it's like, oh,

it doesn't even really

matter if you're competing

or not because like the

Masters aren't even at the games anymore.

Like that's like,

it doesn't really matter.

Like, why does it care?

Why does it matter?

I'm like, well, because it does matter.

Because if you value like

doing that for a reason,

it doesn't matter whether

you're showing up at the

CrossFit Games in August or

whenever the Masters Legends is.

I get it.

It's not the same,

but like it does suck that

people are kind of like, oh,

it doesn't really matter that much.

You know,

it's all the qualification

process is still through CrossFit.

It's still the same thing.

It's just the end goal that's different.

So, and what I always tell people is this,


you're only going to be on that

field for a couple of days.

So the season and the

training and all of your

stuff leading up to it is

really the enjoyable process.

That's just the end day.

You're only going to

experience that for a couple of days.

So if that's what people are

hanging up their whole year

on is that one thing, it's like,

you're going to be very

underwhelmed for sure.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

This swag is nice.

I think it's, I think it's the, the,

they feel like they were

just thrown to the side.

A hundred percent.


That's something I agree.


Like adaptive got their

thing rolling early, got all this,

their stuff going on.


Teens have a beautiful arena

to compete in.

They've got Go Ruck as a sponsor.

They've got all of the swag coming.

And Masters was a late

announcement in Birmingham, Alabama,

with a sponsor nobody even

knows from Europe.

So nobody really knows what's going on.



I, I, I, again,

I agree that it's messed up,

but it does suck that like, you know,

when I was talking about

like being bummed about the open,

I was busy.

What does it really matter?

The open's not the same for

masters anymore.

I'm like, because for me, I,

I've never been the kind of

athlete that's like,

all of my ducks are about that one day.

That's what I'm saying.

It's like, I value the stages and,

and the progressions and, and,

the hard work it takes to

get to the top level.

And so that's,

that's what I'm saying is I

don't like the fact that people are like,


it doesn't really matter because of this.

I don't give a shit about that.

I mean, yes, I care about the end.

I do wish the matches were

going to be taken better care of,

but at the end of the day,

that's kind of what I feel

like I was hearing.

I'm man, we're all on a riff today.

This has been,

This has been a Sherilyn

Scott riff kind of a section.

Well, the final riff,

and I've been on this for a while,

is I just hate that they

put masters on the same weekend as teens.

It's going to create a void at some point.

There are too many masters

athletes that are coaches of teens,

too many parents of teen

athletes that are masters

athletes that are not going

to go to both.


It would have made more

sense if they did that,

if they were going to be

co-hosting it and doing

like a big extravaganza together,

which would have been really cool.

you know, like having it together,

like the age groups, you know, and they,

they could have done some really cool,

like event type stuff,

like teens versus masters,

like spectator stuff, like, you know,

the old dogs versus some kind of,

I don't know.

There could have been some

cool shit they did that

people would have participated in.

But anyways, uh, see Lex agrees with me.

I, uh, say that.

So that's just awesome.

So, yep.

I agree.

I would a hundred percent

agree that that would have been cool.

But, uh,

But we'll see.

You know, it is what it is.

It is what it is.

I look at my friend, Rudy Berger,

two-time defending champion

of the games and his

daughter is 14 and in 24.1

finished seventh in the world.

There's a very good chance

his 14-year-old daughter is

going to qualify and he's

going to have to make the choice.

And as a sponsored Masters

athlete with pressures that

most of the Masters athletes don't have,

does he not fulfill his

obligations to his sponsors

and go to the games?

Or does he go see his daughter?

Well, I mean,

you and I both know that that

does suck 100%.


At the end of the day, I feel like, poor,

that's a good one.

I feel like the family

dynamics of the daughter and the father

they're both going to understand, Hey,

we're doing this together

in different places,

but it does suck for them.



So, and I'm so in on the masters this year,

I've been watching it very closely.

Of course,

Jamie has me there with what she's doing.

And if people don't know,

Jamie won 24.2 in her division.

Oh, that's awesome.

That's great in the world.

I couldn't do it.

So, I mean, I,

I wish I could have been able to do it,

but you know,

life's just going to keep

kicking me and I'm just

going to keep kicking back.

So I'm actually in a really

good head space though,

right now about this whole situation and,

uh, feeling really,

really in a good spot.

If y'all saw my Instagram story today,

I actually had a lot of stories today.

One of them I talked about

was the season of fasting and, uh,

I'm in a really good spot right now.

Don't worry.

The gains train is still going on.

I'm not cutting out foods.

But there's just some other

things that I'm getting rid of.

So anyways, again, more of a rant.

Jake wants to know her name.

Whose name?

I think it's to an earlier comment.


All right.

I'm reading these comments.

I still like Corey's LA Gear comment.

Do you remember LA Gear?


Was that like, was that like,

or was that like a little, I don't know.

Cause you're a little thing

for like a year.


But you were, you see,

you're a little bit older.

So it was probably like

popular for the kids.

Hey Cheryl.

I'm just saying it's like

when JNCOs came out,

like that probably wasn't your thing.

You remember watch wearing,

like looking at all the kids,

like wearing these baggy

pants or like when fresh

Prince of Bel-Air was big

and like people were

wearing those like bright colored pants.

Remember that?

Yeah, I do remember that.

That was a little bit...

That would have been in college.

LA Gear would have been high

school for me.

Yeah, LA Gear.


How about the Nike shoes

with the bubbles in the bottom?

And they said Air on the side.

Did you have any of those?

Oh, yeah.

I was Nike all day, every day,

back in the day.

I had a pair of those, too.

I had Nike, too.

When Reebok did the whole CrossFit thing,

I was like,

aren't those like grandma shoes?

Like, Reebok is now doing...



Did I ever tell you that?


so my first year at the CrossFit

games was the first year

that Reebok was sponsor.

And so when I qualified,

I was one of the first

athletes to like test all

the Reebok year.

I had the OG pair of Reebok

shoes and I fucking threw them out.

And back then I'm like, there's,

cause I wore like, you know, I, you know,

me, Scott, you know,

I like wear my shoes out.

So the toes are poking out

and that's how they were.

I'm like, Oh, Cheryl,

these shoes have got to go.

And now I'm like, why did I do that?

I actually would keep,

I would have those shoes

boxed up somewhere.

I still have all my jerseys, but like, man,

anyways, that was my last little thing.

All right.

Just, uh,

Corey's still hitting them out of

the park.

That's a good one.

That's another good one.

You wouldn't have caught me

in a starter jacket because

I knew where that was from.

I would wear Adidas, Adidas, the,

the windbreakers.


when the Adidas windbreaker pants were

big with the stripes inside,

that was like,

that was like around the spice girls time,

you know?

And so I was like, no, I'm GMC.

Oh yeah.

Then spice girls kind of,

they kind of brought it back up.

Sporty spice, you know,

she kind of anyways.

So yeah.


We can talk.

Don't give them the glory run DMC.

We're doing that way before.

So it's the same thing now.

I mean,

girls are wearing jelly shoes again.

I'm like, listen,

we did that when I was younger.

The clothes that they're wearing now,

I'm like, yo, this was so 1990s.

You won't catch me in these pants again.

So what is British?

I do remember British nights.

They had their,

they had about six months

in the eighties.

Is that a music group?

no they were a shoe oh they

were really fancy like they

were all like glitzed up

and bedazzled and yeah

philip what do you know

about jelly shoes acting

like you know about jelly

shoes shoot jelly you oh

they were so gross as a

female they were so they

were like plastic so your

feet would sweat in them

really bad like it was just gross anyways

But yeah,

we could just keep going off on

talking all this stuff.

But I think we're pretty

good on your goals for this week.

I don't want to deflect from

this being a show about

Scott's weight loss journey.

But listen,

there's more to life than

weight loss at the end of the day, right?

So... We can add some... We

can zhuzh this thing up.



I really do think that for you this week,

it's smooth sailing.


you just have to keep looking forward.


i do want to keep seeing

steps so I want I like I

think that's really good

for you to keep up with

that I'm trying not to look

toe jam these are good I

don't know sassoon I don't

know that company ah vidal

sassoon you know oh oh yes

they came out with a like

like an apparel line oh my

god did they really the

hair people is that was

that the commercial with

the guy with the blonde

hair like the long

yeah oh yes I remember that

I remember that oh the 90s

commercials there's a guy

that I follow on uh on

instagram like 90s for life

or something like that and

he always puts out like

hilarious 90s content he'll

have like the can of surge

like just funny stuff umbro

oh I did I was a soccer

player so I had a lot of

umbro I had a lot of umbro

Stuff, for sure.

My daughter, when she was playing soccer,

was all Umbro.

That was the brand.

I liked Adidas, too.

And Ross is quite the store

to get your cheap apparel.

Yeah, I don't really go to Ross.

I definitely would go to TJ

Maxx because that's where... Little hat,


If you guys like flavored coffee,

we're going to go back to nutrition.

You like flavored coffee.

I love the Jordan Skinny Syrups.

And they're like $9 for a bottle online.

You go into a TJ Maxx or a

HomeGoods and you go to

their like specialty food section.

They always have them there

and they're like $4.

So I will go in there and I

will buy like 10 bottles of

it and stock up.

That's it.

And they'll have the holiday flavors.

So you get the fun flavors too.

Like around the holidays,

you can get the pumpkin

flavored ones and then the

mocha and the gingerbread.

That's it.

Ross is a little, um, wow.

So here I always found that

Ross was like a little bit above TJ Maxx.

Wad zombie saying TJ Maxx is

fancier than Ross.

I would agree.

So I would agree that Ross

has a little bit more high ends.

I'm sorry.

TJ Maxx is a little high.

So I'll be honest.

I don't like going into Ross.

Ross looks like a very Ross

kind of is like Burlington to me.

I like walk in there.

I'm like, it just looks like one big,

garage sale all right our

burlington is in like the

nicest area of town well

see when you go to when you

go to tj maxx it's like

everything is like section

I feel like I'm in a

department store but I go

into ross I feel like I'm

in like I said like a like

a a big garage sale I go

into tj maxx and I'm like

oh I'm in the I don't know

I bought some nice stuff at tj maxx so


Maxx equals Target.

Ross equals Walmart.

I guess I had it reversed.

Jeff goes to Kohl's.

Kohl's ain't the same thing, though.

Kohl's is kind of like an upscale.

Y'all remember Kmart?

Who remembers Kmart?


Do you guys have a Kmart out there?


Those are long gone.

Oh my gosh.


What zombie says TJ Maxx has credit cards.

Ross knows it's not worth

checking their customers credit scores.

That is a good one.

Oh my God.

That's a good one.

Oh, that's a good one.

a great one no that was the

best kmart did have a great

toy section I will agree

with that so shopko I don't

know that I remember that

one but that might have

been an up north thing I

don't remember that one but

I don't remember shopko no

yeah we were so we had a

kmart where I grew up and

that was pretty much the

only place to shop yeah

And then a local department

store that nobody would have heard of.

I remember as a kid,

like if you bought your clothes at Kmart,

like you'd get made fun of.

Like you don't buy your clothes at Kmart.

Like you don't buy your shoes at Kmart.

You don't buy your clothes at Kmart.

And so like,

if my mom would bring me there, I'm like,

mom, I'm not buying my clothes here.


I I'd rather have like one

pair of pants from the department store,

like JC Penny, then the Kmart like,

but just, but, uh, but yeah.

So you go to like a big town to,

to get decent clothes like

Pittsburgh or Erie.

Cause where I grew up, they had,

we had nothing.

Yeah, we didn't, we, well,

I really only got to go

clothes shopping twice a week growing up.

It was like, or twice a month,

twice a year, sorry,

twice a year growing up.

I'd get new clothes around

the beginning of the school

year and usually get

something new around my,

around Christmas time.

It was like always when we

would buy clothes.

But other than that, that was it,

you know?

All right.


this has been one of our longest

shows ever.

We got to shut up.

So we're going to let

everybody head out the chat.

Awesome today.

I'm just trying to get

Kenneth back involved, back engaged.

Cause he told me this is no

longer his favorite show.

And so if he wants me to get

back to talking about

women's hormones to keep them here,

I can do that.

So I'm just saying.

my goal is just to switch

him from this show to

thursday to this show to

thursday every week yeah we

just keep elevating both

shows yeah so we'll figure

out what's got we got to

figure out what keeps him

going so but uh but yeah

Well, with that, again,

you guys in the chat on fire today,

like one of the best chat

sessions we've had in a long time.

And I guess we'll just need to riff more.

We will see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale

media weight loss journey.

Thanks everybody.

Love you.
