Be Not Deceived is a podcast dedicated to looking at Biblical truth and comparing it to the lies the world and the devil is telling to cause deception in the church and in our society at large in the present day. The devil is trying to deceive as many as possible, but God always wins!
[Speaker 2]
Welcome to Be Not Deceived. This is episode two, and we're welcoming you to join us as we study the doctrine of the rapture. And I have Pastor Rick Beaudry here with me, who is gonna help us along.
And he is the pastor of Calvary Chapel, Bremerton, in Bremerton, Washington. And we love you so much, and we thank you so much for having such a working knowledge of the Bible. And we're going to explore with you today what the Bible says about the doctrine of the rapture, even though the word rapture is not in the Bible, but that we would be caught up, caught away in the clouds.
And I thank you for being here today.
[Speaker 1]
Thanks for having me.
[Speaker 2]
And that we are so excited that this is such a great topic. I've had so many people ask me, can you please talk about what the Bible says about pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, no rapture at all. And people are hungry to hear what the truth is.
And we just explored the first episode in what is truth and how the Bible is our foundation. And we can trust it. So I'm really excited to now dive into the scriptures and see what the Bible says about the rapture and how we can look forward to this glorious event that is for us believers.
[Speaker 1]
All right. Well, I'm excited. I'm very excited.
Thank you for having me. I recently was at a pastor meeting and they pointed out that only 6% of the people that call themselves Christians believe that there even is a rapture. And then some other data that I'm hearing is only 2% of churches are teaching Bible prophecy, which 27% of the Bible's prophecy.
So what's happening is what the Bible calls a blessed hope in Titus 2.13, looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ by rejecting the doctrine of the rapture or putting the rapture at the midpoint of the tribulation or pre-wrath or at the post-trib or whatever, you're taking away the glory from God and it's not a blessed hope anymore. It's doom and gloom. It's like they're not excited about the Lord could come at any moment.
Instead, they're angry that he hasn't come just yet. They don't seem to like the left behind series of Tim LaHaye and them years ago. And because he hasn't come just yet, let's just throw it all out.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, let's not be real.
[Speaker 1]
Let's get ready for the tribulation period because you rapture people or just escape artists and you guys don't want to go through the tribulation period. Well, I'm here to let you know. You're right.
I don't want to go through the tribulation period.
[Speaker 2]
We're not going through it. We don't want to do that. I'm not that tough.
We don't want to go through the tribulation period.
[Speaker 1]
But I am here in the state of Washington and I haven't moved to Idaho or Montana or any of these places people trying to escape the political climate here. So we are here where we're supposed to be doing what we can, but we want to provide hope, that blessed hope that in light of all these things, it's not doom and gloom. Jesus said, when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up for your redemption draws nigh.
So we want to establish, first of all, that it's a glorious hope. It's a glorious truth. Why would you want to bury this truth?
Why would you want to try and go through the tough times ahead, you know, in and of your own strength? If God says you're not subject to wrath, you know, why not teach people and get people excited about the soon return of Jesus, right?
[Speaker 2]
I wonder if they just don't realize that, like you said, that you're taking away God's glory in what he has set up to happen because of impatience or being taught something totally different, like Preterism, which is Kingdom Now philosophy or theology, which I've heard a lot recently, that God is not coming back for us to catch us in the air, but heaven is meeting earth. It's come down to the earth, and then we're here to then clean the earth up to usher in the second coming of Christ. So they're kind of skipping the rapture altogether.
[Speaker 1]
Can we think of any scripture that proves that?
[Speaker 2]
Right? Where is the scripture that proves that?
[Speaker 1]
I don't know any verses of the Bible that prove that, but the New Apostolic Reformation, NAR, and others are ascribing to that with a replacement theology in place of Israel. So Israel's being bombed right now, and they're bombing. The big war is breaking out.
But they just think that the church has replaced Israel, and Israel's irrelevant. It doesn't matter.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. You really have to redefine a lot of words in the Bible to askew it to your own belief system or your own way of thinking to be able to make that even feasible in your mind. And I don't believe it is actually feasible, but there is a lot of people following that way of thinking, unfortunately.
And I do believe that they feel like that they are grasping a more spiritual understanding beyond the Bible, even, or enhanced Bible.
[Speaker 1]
So new revelation? They have new revelation?
[Speaker 2]
They have apostles, current apostles. So not just that there's no rapture, but there is current apostles and prophets and things that are, I don't believe, scripturally sound. So how is it that, maybe you can explain, how is it that we can't have prophets today or apostles that are above and beyond what we have in the Bible?
Or correct me if I'm saying it wrong.
[Speaker 1]
Well, the qualification for an apostle, in a general sense, you know, Barnabas is an apostle, is one that's sent. We can be an apostle by definition of one that's sent. But the apostle, the definite article, one of the apostles, the qualification is they had to see the risen Christ.
And so Paul was an apostle born out of due time in that the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus. And so he is included in the, you know, of the 12. Peter was concerned because, you know, Judas, a son of perdition failed.
So who are we going to bring in? And before the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them, they were casting lots to try and determine who would take the place of Judas. And so it fell upon Matthias.
And then later, what's interesting is after Pentecost, after the Holy Spirit came upon him, they never needed to cast lots again, like an Old Testament way of trying to determine God's will. They never needed to cast lots again. In chapter 13 of the Book of Acts, we hear the, as they're praying and fasting, the elders there in Antioch, Pisidia, they're praying.
And as they're praying, the Holy Ghost saith, separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereof I've called them. You see what I mean?
[Speaker 2]
So the Holy Spirit is upon them.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah, the Holy Spirit's speaking to them. So they're being led by the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit, the apostles. So with the death of the apostles, there's no new apostles that take their place in that office of an apostle.
But in the general sense of going and being sent, Paul talks in Romans 16 of Junia, and it's in the feminine, who is of note among the apostles. So she's either well regarded by the apostles, or she's one that's been sent. They're recognizing that she's done a good work in being sent.
So today, in order to gain authority, much of the heretical church is trying to ascribe these offices, like I'm not a pastor teacher, but I'm an evangelist, which might be true in Ephesians 4, but not an apostle, not in the sense of the qualification of having seen the risen Christ and prophet. First Corinthians 14, 3, the prophet speaks toward edification, exhortation, and comfort. So as we're speaking forth God's Word, there's a work of prophecy, the Word going forth, but being a prophet, having the office of a prophet means you have to be 100% accurate if you're going to foretell, if you're going to tell events that are up ahead.
So if you're in that group, the NAR group, or the Kingdom Now, and you want the second coming of Trump, and you begin to prophesy and tell everybody on YouTube, hey, I believe Trump's coming, and America's going to be great once again. If that doesn't happen, we need to roll you out and stone you, because you're a false prophet.
[Speaker 2]
And that happened a lot. There was quite a few of those YouTube prophets.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah, and James warns us, be not many teachers or masters, because you're going to have the greater judgment come upon you.
[Speaker 2]
And they seem pretty casual about being able to prophesy. I pulled up on YouTube the 50 prophets or dreams about America, and there was 50 that somebody put together just recently that was quite fascinating, that they were, I had a dream, my whole family, even my children had prophetic dreams, and about America, and about the judgment that's coming, or different things that really had no biblical substance to them, but they were very spiritual-sounding. But you have to back what you say with the Bible.
How does it line up? How does it pass the test?
[Speaker 1]
So we were reminded of Acts 17, 11 of the Bereans, they were more noble, in that they searched the scriptures to see whether those things were so. So when you have an experience, or a dream, or a vision, or whatever, we're instructed to analyze it, look at it, test it, prove all things, hold fast that which is good. So first of all, we say, well, where's that in the Bible?
We're told to take every thought captive, every thought, every idea captive to the obedience of Christ, right? So in 2 Corinthians 10, take every thought captive, take every imagination and high thing that exalts itself, above God, and bring it into captivity to the obedience of Christ. So people can have dreams, they can have visions, they can have all those things, but then I'm going to take that, and I'm going to bring it to the scripture, the filter of God's Word, and I'm going to say, where is that in God's Word?
So let me give an example. Let's say somebody's in the ministry of slaying people in the spirit. Where do I see people being so-called slain in the spirit?
Put your hand on their forehead, and boom, they're falling over. In the garden in Gethsemane, I see where Jesus is there, and they come, and they're looking for Jesus. He asks them, who are you looking for?
Jesus of Nazareth, I am, and they fall over. But that's it. I don't see the apostles, the disciples running around with the ministry of slaying people in the spirit, or waving their coat, and people falling, and things like that.
[Speaker 2]
Or soaking up, laying on graves, soaking up the power that previous people have had, supposedly had.
[Speaker 1]
So they're able to deceive people, because most people don't have today, we're living in a time of a famine for the Word of God, and that's your show is, be not deceived. So you're able to deceive people that don't know the truth. If they don't know the truth, they can very easily be deceived by the wicked one.
[Speaker 2]
Right, because it sounds good, it feels good.
[Speaker 1]
And appeal to their senses.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, I was going to say, the senses, that is exciting. The glitter dust, the flags that are done, and I had a personal experience going to Spokane years ago with the NRA, and that whole...
[Speaker 1]
No, the NRA is good.
[Speaker 2]
Did I say the NRA?
[Speaker 1]
NRA is good. That's a good one. You said NRA.
[Speaker 2]
I mean...
[Speaker 1]
National Rifle Association.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
NAR, sorry. I never get that right.
[Speaker 1]
New Apostolic Reformation.
[Speaker 2]
There you go. So Kingdom Now, with Bill Johnson, and I spent three days there, and it was quite eye-opening, where I could perceive right away that Bill Johnson was quite the manipulator of people's emotions, and very theatrical, not believable at all, biblically, in my experience, and he had a lot of false humility up on stage. It's not me, it's not me.
It's the work of God. But here, everybody stop and look at the feather falling from the ceiling of the conference center, and everybody hushed. So it was really working the crowd, working the people into the frenzy that appeals to their senses, and leads a lot of people astray, because once you get jazzed or energized by that kind of spirituality, which I see as mysticism, it's hard for people to stop, because it's like an adrenaline rush, I bet.
I mean, I could imagine. But I experienced that myself, and I didn't realize that that was what it was going to be. I thought it was a Christian conference, and the people I went with I loved, because they were my friends, but definitely was eye-opening first time, and I'm glad I experienced it, because I could have that testimony of how off it was, how deceived people are, and they're continuing to be deceived.
And even our local churches that we might have seemed sound, or sound in doctrine, are incorporating so much of the Kingdom Now teaching, and especially with the rapture. And Bill Johnson, he has a book and a teaching that is called The Raptureless Church. So he is definitely a driver of teaching the church that the doctrine of the rapture is not right.
[Speaker 1]
So he's more authoritative than the Apostle Paul, and of Jesus, and of the Bible itself that, you know, clearly teaches the rapture of the church.
[Speaker 2]
Right. So let's look into some scriptures that will help us follow what, yeah.
[Speaker 1]
So there's no blessed hope then, except unless Bill and the guys can usher in the Kingdom Age. Wow.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Wow, they're really heavy hitters. Well, I've enjoyed studying prophecy. Pastor Chuck, my pastor, loved to teach prophecy, very consistent over the years.
And I know he would love right now, if he were alive, to see a lot of the prophecies being fulfilled every day. But according to Isaiah 57, 1, guys like him, the Lord has taken home so they don't have to see the evil to come. The evil that we're seeing, it would overwhelm them.
He's been with the Lord for 10 years, but the enormous amount of evil that's intensifying as the beast system is being set up, the tribulation period, the final 77 of Daniel, the final seven year period of time before Jesus does return, is coming into view. It's coming into place with the technology in regard to the economic system, Revelation 13, 16 through 18. We're watching a central bank digital currency.
We're watching this on the horizon. And that's one thing that the Bible predicted, nobody would be able to buy or sell without this mark on the right hand of the forehead. And never before has that technology been there, but it is now.
[Speaker 2]
We couldn't have even imagined it.
[Speaker 1]
It's right here.
[Speaker 2]
How is that possible?
[Speaker 1]
It's right here.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
It's ready for the whole globe.
[Speaker 2]
It's real.
[Speaker 1]
And Chuck used to talk about it that day that these things would come, but the technology wasn't there yet. And then a one world government that the Bible's laid out for us with Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17, where the world is divided into 10 regions and a king over each region. And then that the world would reach a place where wars, rumors of wars and breaking out.
And then the globalists, these globalists would, you know, have a solution. They'd have their guy emerge. The Bible describes them as the Antichrist that would have the peace treaty that he signs with the nation of Israel.
So Israel's being bombed right now. They're bombing. Wars breaking out on different fronts.
And if this escalates, it's escalating to the point that the world's going to need a savior, going to need somebody to broker a peace treaty. And that's going to be the Antichrist. But before that can happen in 2 Thessalonians 2, that which restrains this guy from emerging, although we can see the tribulation period, the technology, the governmental system wanting to merge because that globalism they want, right?
They don't like nation states. And then thirdly, the Abraham, the Abraham House of Abraham, the one world religious system.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And so that's emerging. So you're watching these three things happening right before our eyes. It's coming into view.
And the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum.
[Speaker 2]
Well, and they have the world, you know, no other time in history have we had a World Health Organization have such overreach over the entire globe.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And it's not a, it's not a political group that's been elected. These are guys that Bill Gates funds and supports. And these guys get the allegiance of governments.
The governments acquiesce to their edicts, their mandates, their COVID-19 and all that.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And so they're wanting to sign a treaty and give sovereignty over to them because they have to circumvent the constitution that we have and everything. So you're watching it. You're watching it emerge.
It's coming.
[Speaker 2]
And the globalists are, they've shown their hand. They've shown, unlike before, where they were in the, in the, behind the curtain.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
They are now, we know them. We know them by name. We know the bankers by name.
We know the players by name. Yes. With Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates in there too.
The elitists and the, who are they?
[Speaker 1]
Yuval Noah Harari.
[Speaker 2]
I can never say his name very well.
[Speaker 1]
And then the young, the, all of, all of these like Trudeau and New Zealand and Australia and in California, a lot of these global leaders have already been trained at the young global leaders thing with Klaus Schwab. So they've been groomed and they get their talking points and they all at once do what they're told to do with the COVID.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. Was there, uh, that was a mystery, you know, a lot of people didn't realize that they were, they had already gone to the young global leader conference or training. It was mind blowing to think that why is so many of these leaders in lockstep and, and, and because it was a well planned out for decades plan.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And, and we are just reeling through the lies of COVID and the, and we need to protect and save ourselves through lockdowns and getting the jab and doing the things that they're telling us to do.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
Because it's the right thing to do, but they have already plotted it all out.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. They're, they're, they're working. We fight not against flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities who are watching their boldness, like you're talking about to put this in place.
And so as we're looking at it, we're going, Hey, this is what the Bible prophesied. This is all coming together. So like pastor Chuck would see that he'd just be, wow, this is, it's really happening right now in real time.
You know, revelation 1717 says that God puts it in their heart of these guys to do his bidding. They're setting the stage stage being set for Jesus to return. So the stage isn't being set for these false prophets to usher in the kingdom.
No, the world reaches a place. The Bible says where there's perilous times where people's hearts are failing them for fear at a time where Jesus says in Matthew 24, except those days be shortened, no flesh would be saved. So all of this utopian pie in the sky, we're going to be as God stuff ends miserably for them.
And the only thing that saves the planet is the return of Jesus, right? That's the only thing. So that's where our hope is.
He's, he's the one we're looking to. And the prophecies are lining up like, like incredibly for students of prophecy. Only 2% of churches teach prophecy.
[Speaker 2]
Only 6% believe in the rapture.
[Speaker 1]
Why wouldn't you believe that God's going to catch you away saying, you know, the church before he pours out his wrath on a Christ rejecting world, you know, for a seven year period of time. It's mind boggling to me that people would be antagonistic or angry about a pre-trib rapture. Where's their hope?
What are they hoping in?
[Speaker 2]
Right. They have to polish up the world. They have to endure.
One person that had said, what makes us think we're so special that we won't have to go through the tribulation, the great tribulation?
[Speaker 1]
What we're so special?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. What makes us Christians think we're so special?
[Speaker 1]
Because he says that we're not subject unto his wrath. You differentiate between tribulation, which Jesus promised us, you shall receive tribulation, but be of good share of overcome the world. The word tribulation speaks of pressure.
So there is a greater oppression and pressure upon us as human beings. That's kind of the powers of darkness are encroaching the salt as it loses its savor. It doesn't have the power to stave off the corruption.
Then the evil powers are emboldened to take more ground. They're always trying to advance their agendas.
[Speaker 2]
They're being bolder.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And so, but what's frustrating for the globalists is they can't keep the pedal to the metal. People are waking up.
The reason people are waking up is because of podcasts like this and others who are seeking to educate people. That's the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is working through the church in certain groups of people to study prophecy, to study the word of God, and to provide answers of the hope that's within us.
That's what Peter tells us. Provide an answer. People are looking for answers.
So if we don't provide these answers, biblical answers, and point people to Jesus, then the false prophets are going to get away with steering them in a fallacy, in a wrong direction.
[Speaker 2]
Us two percent has to step up and show what the truth is.
[Speaker 1]
Exactly. Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, and few there would be that find it. So this church, this professing church at the end of the age here, is a church that's apostatizing, that's rebellion, and falling away from the truth, and has been for quite a while.
And so there's a sifting taking place where we're watching more and more those who truly believe and those that don't. And it's not entirely evident. We don't know exactly.
But for those that are willing to suffer for their faith and continue in their faith and not give up, those we're saying, well, you know what? They haven't gone out from us. They're continuing in the faith, and they're continuing to follow the word of God.
Stay the course. One thing I haven't heard over the last few days from any commentators in regard to Israel being bombed is nobody, nobody has mentioned the enormous amount of Christians in Iran. None.
This is the fastest growing church in the world.
[Speaker 2]
Isn't that amazing?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah, it's amazing. And God is moving and working.
[Speaker 2]
That's awesome.
[Speaker 1]
And it's just mind-boggling to me that nobody's mentioning the suffering and how difficult it must be to be a Christian in Iran right now. So we do agree with people. Being a Christian doesn't mean we're exempt from trouble.
It doesn't mean I'm a Christian in China and I'm not suffering. In America, to be a Christian, it's the bless me club. We have not experienced the persecution throughout history, throughout church history that the rest of the world has.
But we have to differentiate. The tribulation period is a time of God pouring out his wrath.
[Speaker 2]
There you go.
[Speaker 1]
And as he pours out his wrath, we're told in 1 Thessalonians 1, verse 10, that we are not subject unto God's wrath, that he saved us from the wrath to come. Now, at the cross of Calvary, Jesus is in Gethsemane and he's saying, Father, if you're willing, remove this cup from me, that cup of wrath. Jesus drank that cup of wrath.
Nevertheless, not my will, but I will be done. So the wrath that I deserved to go to hell, Jesus took upon himself. So he that knew no sin became sin and God is just and holy and punishing his son in my place.
That's what theologians would call a so theological wrath, a salvation wrath. So Jesus suffered that wrath, that just wrath that God pours out upon unbelievers, right? Upon sinners.
So I'm saved from that already. But Paul says to the church of Thessalonica, who has saved us from the wrath to come. What wrath is that?
That's the tribulation wrath. Yeah, I've already been saved from the so theological wrath. This is an eschatological wrath, the last day's wrath that's coming in the seven year tribulation period where God is going to say to Bill Gates and Soros and Yuval Harari and all these guys, he's going to say to him, you know what?
You guys are so afraid of me. You're hiding in your bunkers in Revelation six, trying to hide from the wrath of the lamb. There's nowhere to hide.
There's nowhere to run. You know, you guys are caught. It's too late.
So it's great, great deception is upon the planet as so many people are being sucked into this, this lie that they can be gods. That's the lie that they can be gods. That's what they're presenting.
You can be as gods.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So anyway, it's very exciting if you connect the dots and the in First Thessalonians five verse nine, Paul is real clear. We're not subject unto God's wrath. So that's how we differentiate between general tribulation pressure.
When Paul was stoned at Lystra in Acts 14, he woke back up, you know, he was dead. They surrounded him and he went back into Derbe and Lystra and Iconium and let them know that we through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Being a Christian doesn't mean you're not going to be stoned or killed or martyred or whatever, but it's different.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers on them all. We're not presenting the Christianity. That means you're never going to suffer.
What we're saying is you're not going to suffer God's wrath that's being poured out upon a Christ rejecting world.
[Speaker 2]
And we suffer here because this is not exactly the battle that the devil is still in charge right here on earth to a degree. He's on a leash. He's on a leash, but he still the corruption is here.
The earth is not new. It is not renewed. It is corrupting, right?
It is going down, not up until God is not getting better. So we are going to suffer through the devil hating us, demonic movements that are out there in our communities that are not liking it when we speak the truth. And then just people in general not liking their sin being exposed.
[Speaker 1]
If America collapses unto communism, if the communists take over America and we have no more constitution to protect us and our God given in the amiable rights of the Bill of Rights are null and void, hell's going to break loose in America. And that's not the tribulation period. That's just simply a demonic system of government that prevailed over this beautiful, wonderful constitution and this form of government of a constitutional republic governed by we the people, right?
And if we don't preserve this last vestige of freedom, the globalists want to bring the whole world into tyranny, into slavery unto them. And so if that were to happen, if I'm a Christian in China in the fifties and the globalists, the Rockefellers fund Mao Zedong and they strangle and they starve Chiang Kai-shek, who was our friend and lots of evangelists, lots of Christians in China. And if they succeed in toppling the government of Chiang Kai-shek and supporting the government of Mao, Mao's going to kill 60 million of his own Chinese people.
And they're going to have a one child policy. They're going to be the beta test for the globalists with the social credit scores and inhumane organ harvesting, all of it. Now, if you're a Christian in China today, you're under the radar.
You're suffering. You don't even know how many millions of people, Christians are being killed in China and North Korea and these other countries. So America, the only reason we've had this wonderful, wonderful season of prosperity and blessing is because America was founded upon a Judeo-Christian ethic, upon the Old and the New Testament.
And the church was once strong in that restraining influence of the church, kept at bay the Illuminati and all the different groups that are trying to take us down. Well, at the end of the age here, the power within the church is waning because the church has lost its way. It's weakened because the church doesn't know the truth, the word, the church, and nor lives according to the truth.
So those documents and all those things that are there to protect us are going to crumble because of deception. They're going to deceive and because of inactivity, because the salt, when it loses its savor, it's good for nothing but to be trodden under the foot of man. But God is still sovereign.
And until the rapture, as weak and anemic as we are, we're still a restrainer against the Antichrist emerging. He can emerge till the rapture happens, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. So we're watching the apostasy.
We're watching the great falling away. Jesus described this apostasy to the church of Laodicea as being lukewarm, neither hot or cold. And why?
Because they were fat and because they said, hey, we're rich and increased with goods in need of nothing. And so you're you're self-sufficient. Hey, God must be loving me because look at how much money I got.
Well, if your money, your idol goes down, if the bond market and the stocks and bonds and everything go down, all of a sudden, oh, oh, what happened?
[Speaker 2]
That can change.
[Speaker 1]
And so it can change in a second. And so Jesus said, no, your true conditions, you're naked, poor, blind and miserable. That's your true condition.
Church of Laodicea.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And so and Jesus is kicked out of that church.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
That's the last day's church. He's kicked out. And guys, like you mentioned, are all of a sudden authoritative, making a whole new Bible, a whole new eschatology.
We're going to we're going to take the kingdom by storm.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Where is that?
[Speaker 2]
We have a we have a where is that? We have a new revelation of how what the Bible is saying. Yeah, it's crazy.
So it's time to to help people realize that the rapture is real. It hasn't happened yet. We are anticipating the pre-trib rapture for the point that you just made that we are not to suffer God's wrath.
It is not it is not appointed to us to suffer God's wrath. And it just it just doesn't line up in the Bible to go up mid midtrib. You can count the days.
So, you know, you know, so you lose the doctrine of eminency. Yeah. No eminency anymore.
[Speaker 1]
You have said Matthew 24, 36. No man knows the day or the hour. Only my father in heaven speaking concerning the rapture.
So if along the lines you're saying, if the rapture was made or post, I'd be able to count 1260 days from the midpoint and know that it's going to happen on this day.
[Speaker 2]
Yes. But and that's in Revelation.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
13, I think.
[Speaker 1]
Well, it's the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, the prophet. When you see, Jesus said, Matthew 24. And so Daniel spoke of the beast going into the temple after 1260 days of signing that peace treaty.
And he goes into the temple that he helps Israel rebuild and he declares himself to be God and demands to be worshiped as God. So if I'm a midtribber, that's the midpoint of the tribulation period. You know, if I'm a post tripper, then I'm going to count 1260 more days, three and a half years, 42 months.
And I say, well, that's the second coming of Christ. And if it's the rapture that they describe of, he's going to take the saints up with him in the clouds and then come right back down.
[Speaker 2]
I mean, I know the day.
[Speaker 1]
So there's no eminency. There's no point of only my father knows the day and the hour. So the emphasis upon watching, the emphasis upon living a life of purity.
You lose that. Yeah.
[Speaker 2]
And anticipation. That's awesome.
[Speaker 1]
That's perfect. So we have to define the tribulation. What is the tribulation period?
The tribulation period is in Daniel 927, and it's the signing of the peace treaty with the Antichrist, with the nation of Israel, which is miraculous because they've been out of the land for close to 2000 years. Yeah. But Ezekiel 36 and 37 is fulfilled so that Israel can come back into their land and their rebirth on May 14th, 1948.
So there's a point in time where Israel has been regathered in unbelief. And according to Romans 11, verse 25, blindness in part has happened under Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become in. So we're in what's called a church age.
The church started at Pentecost and continues to this point right here. And the church age will end with the rapture. The tribulation will begin with the signing of the peace treaty, two different events.
And so the tribulation period of people, what's the tribulation period? The tribulation period is the 77th of Daniel. This is what's called the time of Jacob's trouble.
This is where God takes and he purifies a one third remnant. Two thirds are going to die in the tribulation period of the Jews, according to Zechariah 13, 8, 9. A one third remnant is going to be purified, going through the fire of the tribulation, the pressure, all of it.
And Jesus told them, you're not going to see me again until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. And they're going to be with no other options. They're going to know that the Antichrist has deceived them.
And with his armies converging upon them, according to Revelation chapter 12, going after the woman and she's fleeing Jerusalem. She's lost ground. The nation of Israel can't hold Jerusalem from the armies of the Antichrist.
The armies of the Antichrist is looking back and Babylon's just been hit.
[Speaker 2]
It's taken out.
[Speaker 1]
And rather than going toward Babylon, he's going to move toward the woman, Revelation 12, toward the nation of Israel. It's a trap that God's setting, setting a trap for them. And so the area of Basra, Isaiah 63, is where the nation of Israel, the one third remnant, ancient Moab, Southern Jordan of today.
And Jesus is going to return. Petra. And Jesus can return, according to the second Thessalonians chapter two, and he's going to destroy the Antichrist.
[Speaker 2]
By the brightness of his coming and his sword of his, no, say it, help me, the brightness of his coming and the sword of his mouth.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And so he's going to come in the clouds and we're going to be there with him because we've been raptured. We've been raptured seven years before.
So we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, but that's the end. That's the, that's the end of the tribulation period. So we just spoke of how it starts.
And we've talked about how, how it ends. It ends with the second coming of Christ as he's going to intervene. And he said in Matthew 24, except those days be shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for who?
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
For the lexic, those days are shortened.
[Speaker 2]
Which is Israel.
[Speaker 1]
Which we distinguish, that's Israel. That's not the church, right?
[Speaker 2]
And when they say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, some people might be confused. What they're saying is Jesus is the Messiah. That is an interpretation, interpretation of blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord is those one third remnant escape.
They're protected in Basra in Petra by God. And they, they, they catch the light bulb goes on and they say, Jesus is our Messiah.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And then, then Jesus comes in that second coming. That's so amazing.
[Speaker 1]
And the reason he says that is that in his first coming on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, everybody's crying out Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna. And he says in Luke 19, if you'd have known in this thy day of your visitation, but now it's hid. So in, in Daniel, he says, Messiah would be cut off, cut off after 69 of those sevens or 483 years.
So he says, Daniel prophesies from the time of going forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. And to the coming of the Messiah, the prince would be 69, seven year periods of time, which on March 14th, 445 BC, Artaxerxes gives the command to go and restore and rebuild Jerusalem for the Jews that were held for 70 years in Babylon. Now Nehemiah gets to go back and Ezra gets to go back and Zerubbabel and they get to go back and rebuild the walls in the temple and get things going again.
The command went forth historically on March 14th, 445 BC, 483 years later, 170, 173, 880 days to the very day Jesus walked into Jerusalem and they didn't recognize him as the Messiah.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Right. Palm Sunday, Palm Sunday. And Jesus said, because you didn't know this day, this day, this very day, you know?
And so he's weeping over the city of Jerusalem because he knows that in 70 AD, Titus would surround the city and destroy these people. And how often I would have gathered you as the mother hen does gather her brood under her wings, but you would not. Your city's left you a desolate.
You're not going to see me again until you say. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
[Speaker 2]
So that is that one third remnant that's going to be there.
[Speaker 1]
And they're regathered presently in unbelief. They don't believe right now. The believers are in Iran, right?
How do you, how do you do that? That's amazing. God's word in Israel presently.
We love Israel. God's going to bless us and bless Israel. But by and large, they're regathered in unbelief.
They don't believe in our Jesus. It's amazing.
[Speaker 2]
They're being called, they're being led by the spirit to go back to Israel because it's pathetically going to happen, but it's going to take up a major trouble.
[Speaker 1]
It's going to take a major, major, major series of events to bring them to the place where they have no other option.
[Speaker 2]
That's right.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
At the very last, you know, the very last, and then they recognize their Messiah is the one they crucify.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Right. Amazing. I mean, they have Isaiah 53.
They have Psalm 22. They have Micah 5 too. They have so many prophecies, old Testament prophecies, but they can't see, they can't connect the dot.
They don't recognize Jesus presently.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You see what I mean? Wow. I came into my own and my own knew me not, he said, right?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. They didn't know him.
[Speaker 1]
Jesus said, I come in my father's name and you know, you received me not in John 5. Another shall come in his own name and him you will receive. So they're going to be deceived by the antichrist.
[Speaker 2]
They are. And the antichrist is going to help them build the temple.
[Speaker 1]
But their eyes are going to be open.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
When he goes into the temple and declares himself to be God demands, then their eyes are open.
[Speaker 2]
We've been tricked. They're like, what?
[Speaker 1]
Don't you hate when you realize you've been tricked?
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You've been deceived.
[Speaker 2]
The light bulb goes on and you're like, oh no, what have I done?
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
What have I done? And then the, then all hell breaks loose on them.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And the world, especially.
[Speaker 1]
So this dispensation here, the church age starts out Jewish. The church is all Jewish in the beginning. And then it extends toward the area of the Samaritans with Philip and Acts chapter eight.
So you have half breeds. And then by the time you get to chapter nine, Paul's all the way to Damascus going after going after Christians, but the house of Cornelius in chapter 10, Peter's visiting there. So now the Gentiles are starting to respond to the gospel and less and less Jews, but more and more Gentiles.
So Paul's the apostle of the Gentiles. That's that mystery. So there's a very small number there.
They're the true vine we're grafted in. So we can't get all haughty about it, but God did not replace them. Paul pointed out Romans nine, Israel's past election, chapter 10 of Romans, Israel's present rejection right now, chapter 11, Israel's future restoration.
So the gospel goes forth to the Jew first, the priority to the Jew and then to the Gentile. So the Joshua by faith. So that's our emphasis where we're going and we're sharing and preaching, teaching the good news.
We're also students of prophecy, letting people know all throughout church history for 2000 years, be looking up. Jesus could come right now. He could come right now.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Living with expectancy, living with a sense of our Lord cometh.
[Speaker 2]
With our lampstands filled with oil and ready. Well, that's awesome. Thank you so much.
This was such a great explanation and scriptures. I love that we have the opportunity to give the ones out here who have maybe disregarded the rapture because they said, my grandma used to believe in that and maybe I did too at one point. And I'm not so sure about it nowadays because the church I'm attending is not teaching us this or any prophecy at all.
So, but what better time in our world to bring that to light, to bring the scriptures to people's attention again, to begin to grasp the doctrine of the rapture and embrace it and use it as our blessed hope. So I thank you so much, pastor.
[Speaker 1]
Thank you. We laid the foundation episode one of the rapture.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
The next one, we'll go through the verses for them and go through it in a systematic way to explain the biblical layout of the rapture.
[Speaker 2]
Yes. Thank you so much.
[Speaker 1]
Thank you.
[Speaker 2]
All right.
[Speaker 1]
Thanks for having me.
[Speaker 2]
You're welcome.