...But God

1 Peter 3: 1-2

Creators & Guests

Chad McBeam
Business Leader, Foster Advocate and Fighter of Human Trafficking, Chad enjoys hosting this podcast channel as a way to spread and highlight the great examples of those who live out their faith daily. He can also be seen on occasion on your TV or Film Screen or be heard narrating one of your books as his love of acting has stuck with him since his childhood.
Aaron Marcarelli
After getting his under-graduate degree from Cal State University San Bernardino where he played college baseball and received all American honors. he was a graduate assistant baseball coach at both Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville, Tennessee, and at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington.  He received his master’s degree in Teaching from Whitworth, with plans to someday be a head baseball coach at a university.  However, God had other plans.  Aaron started teaching English and History and coaching baseball and other sports at the high school level and found out how much he loves high school kids, and he has been doing that for the past 27 years.     Personally, heI has been married to his wife Sharon for 32 years, they have one daughter, Amanda Parrish, who has been married to Austin Parrish for 2 years. Aaron also has two grandsons Travis age 2 ½ and Aden who is 13 months and are blessed to have another on the way due in May. Aaron loves reading, golfing, and spending time with his wife and grandkids.
Linda Cowen
Linda Cowen of San Antonio Christian School is our gracious and talented art designer for the But God, weekday morning devotional series.

What is ...But God?

A weekday morning devotional series written by Aaron Marcarelli and hosted by Chad McBeam

“In the same way, you wives, be subject to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won over without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your pure and respectful behavior.”
1 Peter 3:1-2 NASB2020
I’m not skipping any scripture because it’s uncomfortable, it’s only uncomfortable because it is so often taken out of context. Context is so important with any scripture, and especially this one. Peter is explaining how we should follow Christ in the context of being a witness to the unbeliever. He has just finished explaining the implications of how a servant should act in order to win his boss over to Christ. This scripture is in the greater context of how we all should follow Christ in order to have our lives be a witness to non-believers and non-followers. Therefore, if the servant works and just does the minimum and does only what they are asked to do, and they are bitter about their work and they show no gratitude. How will that win their master or other servants for Christ? That is the context in which Peter writes these verses in Chapter 3. The wife should love her husband, she should lift him up and give him praise. This should be done out of a pure meek and quiet spirit. Like the meek and quiet spirit Christ speaks of in the sermon on the mount.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
Matthew 5:3-5 NIV
This type of attitude is so rare in the world. Being a follower of Christ is not about us. We should never say look at me, and my beauty or my fine clothes. All those things are earthly things and are gone in an instant. We all should follow Christ as a servant. In all we do we should point others to Christ and not ourselves. This is the lesson that Peter is teaching. Peter will deal with how husbands should act and then he will bring it all together and give a summary regarding how we are all to witness to others.
Therefore, let us all serve God and be a witness to others through our loving, meek and humble spirit, so that the attention goes to God and not ourselves.
Lord we praise your Holy and mighty name. Let us draw our strength from you and the power of the Holy Spirit that is in us. Help us to be meek and humble so that you can be strong and brave and so your Holy Name will be glorified. So that others will know that you died for the forgiveness of our sins and you rose again to conquer death. We pray this is Jesus Name Amen
Shalom, Shalom Blessings Press in and Press on!