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Welcome to the Clydesdale
Media Weight Loss Journey,
where Scott does his weekly
check-in with nutrition
coach Cheryl Nassau every
week live on our YouTube channel.
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What is going on, everybody?
Welcome to the Clydesdale
Media Weight Loss Show.
I have been sulking for the
last 30 minutes,
licking my wounds after my
defeat on Around the Whiteboard.
After I made it three rounds, man,
competition was tough today
and lost by a half a point.
I haven't watched this.
Oh, I think I've watched one of them,
but I got to catch up on that.
Can you explain it to me again?
So this was...
so this was the finals for
this quarter basically um
and uh what it is is three
people come on they get
three questions you give
your opinion you have 60
seconds and then 20 second
rebuttal and uh it's on
coffee pods and wads he
gives you points based on
your answer and then um the
highest points at the end
wins and moves on
So I made it three rounds.
I made it from the prelims
to the quarters to the semis.
No, sorry, prelims, semis, finals,
and then lost today in the finals.
Okay, so I have watched,
I think I've listened to a
couple of these.
So he's just assessing
points based on what he
thinks is the best answer?
there's a show like this on ESPN.
It's been around for 20 years, um, called,
around the horn with local sports
And yeah,
so it's been around a long time
and everybody knows it's, you know,
it's whatever his opinion is.
So I tried to like,
I tried to knowing Peter,
what he would give points for, you know,
that's what I try to do.
But yeah,
I like, I like his show.
I like his accent.
That's what I like.
So I, I don't know.
I've always had like a thing
for the Irish accent.
So, but yeah, anyways,
Irish and Australian.
So, so we're here.
We've missed two weeks in a row, right?
That's correct.
Oh my God.
It feels like it's been
forever since we've been on the air.
You, you got to stop having things happen.
Well, I had a flat tire.
Literally, um,
that day I left the gym and I'm like,
what's going on?
And I'm like, oh,
there's a nice flat tire.
Funny story about this
before we get into you is I just read,
I just had to get a new lease.
My lease was up.
And when I got the new lease,
the guy that was selling me the car,
he was like,
do you want to pay an extra
so-and-so amount a month?
We do roadside hazard assistance.
So if you ever need anything
like a flat tire or anything,
we repair it for free.
And I'm like, listen,
I don't want an extra $15 on my lease.
I want the cheapest payment possible.
I was that girl.
And I argued with this guy for 20 minutes.
And he finally convinced me
the value and having this
extra $10 or so on my monthly lease.
Thank God,
because I didn't have to pay a
dime for the tow, for the tire,
for any of it.
So, and then last week my mother was sick.
So it's been a little bit of
a rough couple of weeks for me, but.
We're here.
It's been a rough week at
the Clydesdale Media Company.
Another co-host of mine had a parent sick.
So it's been kind of going around.
Hopefully it stops right now.
We're done.
let's talk about your wife first and
How's she doing?
How's things with her?
so she got cortisone shots
um in her knees a couple
weeks ago a week ago a week
ago so she's able to move
around a little bit more um
but like I was telling amy
today on the round table
then she feels good and she
wants to do like a ton and
then she they hurt again
and then she's down yeah so
I'm really trying to put my
foot down and say
You don't have to do it all in one day.
Like, let's be smart about this.
The other thing that's happening is...
We switched from my
insurance to her insurance
because her insurance was
cheaper on paper,
but they have denied everything.
So now we're switching back
to my insurance.
We're in open enrollment right now,
so we can switch back and
that'll take effect July 1st.
So we just have to keep her
upright and moving in a
smart way until then.
and um the trend of people I
work with they get the knee
replacements improved or
approved okay so that's
what we're aiming at is
getting there so she can
get them approved get what
she needs and then we'll
get back to uh where we
need to be gotcha okay and
how have you been handling
everything at the house
you've been doing all the
cooking and everything still
I have been.
She's cooked like one or two meals,
but right now I'm doing all
the grocery shopping too,
so there's only so many options.
That's got to be nice for
you to not have that extra
stress of having to buy
this instead of that, that kind of stuff.
Like I told you my check-in,
my nutrition is as good as
it has been ever with you.
I, and I would agree.
I feel like when I was
looking at your nutrition, I'm like, man,
I'm like the things I was looking for,
the fiber changes, the food changes,
like everything is like
really coming together.
And I just hope that my
biggest hope is that when
she does get back to doing
things that you're going to
be okay to say, Hey,
can we make sure we're
keeping these things in the house?
You know, like I want you to keep that
you kind of have control right now.
I don't want you to keep that control.
And it's also just something
for everybody out there to hear.
It's so important that
if you're not taking care of yourself,
you're not gonna be able to
care for others.
And it's really important to
be open with people in your
circle about your needs and
being okay with that.
And like right now,
like I think you're in the
best place ever because you
don't have that barrier of
like having to explain things.
You're like, well,
I can just go to the
grocery store and buy what
I need and cook what I need.
So it's really important
that when the family's on
board and you have that and
you can do things,
it makes it so much easier.
And what's great is she loves what I cook.
And so we're setting habits.
And so I think this is going
to be a good thing.
I gotcha.
So I'm looking back.
I know this week is...
we talked on Thursday and you had
told me that you were
having some sinus stuff,
in which case I explained,
I responded to you like,
get to the doctor because
it sounds like you have an infection.
And then you text me later
that a something by
something square foot piece of gauze.
Not square foot, thank God.
comes out of your nose and I'm like,
oh my gosh.
So have you been feeling
better since sneezing up
the leftover gauze from your surgery?
So it was a surgical sponge.
It was a half inch by two inch rectangle.
And I sneezed and blew my
nose and it went into the tissue.
Since then,
breathing on that nostril has
been clearer than it's been in years.
It's been amazing.
That's crazy.
That's crazy.
Who knows how long that
thing was in there then for?
Well, my surgery was in October.
Oh my God.
It had to have been in there
since October.
That's just insane.
so I did suggest last week in our
check-in that you kind of
start dialing things in a
Uh, within, you know, your numbers,
I kind of made you,
gave you some like parameters,
185 to 205 and everything.
But when I look in your nutrition log,
I don't really see much of
anything logged since last Wednesday.
I see a little bit on Saturday,
unless you just really under eight.
So I missed a couple of days,
but I've logged everything.
pulling it up this time yeah
I just want to make sure
because I see I mean I see
saturday maybe you were
just really under on
calories but like saturday
you only logged about 1500
calories and then sunday
yes saturday was a full day
I logged it all and sunday
as well you again only
logged about yeah calories
what happens like and I
know this probably isn't I
get up very late okay
and so it compresses like how much time
I have to eat.
And so the weekends are
harder for me than weekdays.
That makes sense.
As long as I wasn't missing food,
like you just under ate a little bit.
I mean, at the end of the day,
your protein was still pretty good.
You were just under on carbs
for the most part.
But then, yeah, like you said, Monday,
you'd nailed it.
Monday looks really good.
Your food looks great.
And then we're here at
Tuesday and so far you've
got everything but dinner log so far.
So things are looking really good.
How's your appetite been?
Um, I think just, just right.
Like I just had some strawberries.
Oh my gosh.
They're actually good right now.
It was so good.
I just had them right before
we went on the air.
Ours were,
but I wouldn't get one free
right now at Publix.
Ours were a dollar a quart.
Oh, that's good.
I don't, do ours come in a quart?
Is it like a rectangle?
It's the smallest.
Oh yeah.
So I don't know.
Um, so that's,
so your food's been
definitely a huge improvement.
I just want to check in on, on things.
Like I said, I know you missed,
it looks like you missed Thursday,
And then, like I said,
Saturday and Sunday just
looked like it was really under.
So, uh, weight trends are looking down.
That's going down.
Um, so everything there is good.
And I just want to double
check any other notes that
I gave you for last week to
fill listeners on.
Well, I do have super exciting news.
I had my physical checkup
since we last talked with
updated numbers.
And I'm going to share my
screen from my app.
Here we go.
So this is my A1C.
So when I was in the ICU, my A1C was 10.8.
When I was checked May 13th, it was 7.3.
And A1C is a three-month average.
So that includes like that
reading back in February
all the way to today.
So we are on a downward trend with A1C.
That's awesome.
In a very cool way.
And you're still on medication, right?
I am.
I am.
But we have a plan.
The doctor and I have a plan.
And then these are my
cholesterol and triglycerides.
And you can see they're all in the greens.
The only thing that's a
little bit off is my good
cholesterol is a hair low.
So it's at 38.
They wanted at least 40.
So I started back with fish oils.
to try to get that up a little bit.
So yeah.
You can also do grass fed beef,
omega-3 in pasture raised eggs, salmon,
cold wild caught salmon, also good.
All that stuff will bring up that as well.
And then my blood pressure was 112 over 70,
which is as good as it's
been in a very long time.
All really, really good stuff.
Lex asks about progress photos.
Those are due by check-in on Thursday.
I messaged you about putting those
photos in.
I love photos more than weight.
And I love this stuff,
like you just mentioned, the A1C.
This stuff is also more
important than just one specific number.
People should be focusing on
all the areas.
Heidi wants naked photos.
Oh, man, that's hilarious.
But no,
I think that photos are much better
to kind of tell how a
person's changing overall
is to be able to assess changes.
What I love the most is the blood numbers.
Like that.
Because I know from past experience,
when all those are in good shape,
then everything starts lining up.
Everything starts happening better.
And I feel better than I
felt in a long time.
You sound like energy's better.
Everything sounds better.
I mean,
and I know you're in a busy season
with the podcast,
but I think your energy in
general has just, I don't know.
I can tell a difference with you for sure.
So it's, it's night and day.
I've been getting up like an hour early
and just doing stuff around the house,
just kind of setting my day.
And that usually I was,
because I work from home
like 15 minutes before I have to work,
rolling out of bed,
logging onto my computer.
Now I'm up about an hour ahead.
A cup of coffee, enjoy the morning.
Oh, my gosh.
Who is this guy?
I know.
I mean, like, but this goes to show you,
I'm thinking back to because your
wife's little patch right
now isn't the first hard patch we've hit.
Last October, before all this happened,
you were going through some
rocky stuff and likely still are.
We just haven't really
talked much about it with
Julie's family and your own family,
with your mother.
And I mean, and I know that people
I feel like there's so much
of this like divide between
physical and mental health,
but I honestly think even
the way that that was affecting you,
might've even been more physical too.
Like you were honestly
feeling physically sick and
didn't even realize it and
likely were like, God,
like I'm in the dumps.
And you were probably in the
dumps about the situation,
but we're just assuming you
were in the dumps and there
was actually something
going on that you were not even aware of.
And it took you about three
months to finally get your
ass in the hospital and figure things out,
And then another three
months for me to blow
something out of my nose.
Yes, that's just crazy.
That's crazy.
I mean, did you call the doctor and like,
hey, you know,
you left a piece of sponge up in my nose?
Because I would have.
I called somebody else and
they advised me not to call the doctor.
I would have called.
I would have been like.
I called an attorney.
Did you?
That's definitely what I
called somebody like that for sure.
So we're going to wait and
see what they find out.
All right.
How about the gym?
Have you been getting into the gym,
working out at home?
So we're still down to one car.
So the majority of my
workouts are in the garage,
but it's been 80 degrees here.
So it's been awesome.
If there wasn't cottonwood in the air, um,
yesterday I was gagging on that, but, um,
I got a good workout in, um, I'm God,
I'm just really excited
about how things are going.
Um, I wish I could,
I was talking to somebody
earlier about this.
I actually think I was
talking to my podcast about this is like,
you guys in the winter time
hate working out in your garage.
So cold.
It's so cold right now.
It's like you literally, you walk outside,
you're in a sauna and it's just,
it's only May.
It's just, just going to get worse.
It's going to get worse.
I'm still,
I worked out at around 1230 and
my sports bra still does not feel good.
So I'm going to shower after this guys.
Don't worry.
I'm going to take a shower.
So Jake,
you may not be aware that one
Colton kicked my ass just a
half an hour ago.
So stop putting salt in the wound.
There is a tree in here in
Ohio called cotton wood.
And when it blooms,
it drops like puff balls.
And so we have one in my
neighbor has one in their backyard and it,
it literally looks like it
snowed in my backyard.
Um, and so, and I, that I am allergic to.
So Judy,
I am doing the same workout as Polaris.
I did not do that yesterday
because I was jonesing to
throw a sandbag around.
So I just I made up a
sandbag workout for me to
do because I just was I
wanted to throw it around.
I've been getting on my
sandbag a little bit more lately too.
Now that my body's getting
back to like not having injuries anymore,
like I'm almost like all healed up.
It's been nice to be able to
throw that thing around and
not be afraid of hurting myself anymore.
So it's been good.
Um, okay.
So all blood biomarkers are
on the up nutrition's on
the up weight is on the down.
You are getting photos over
to me this week.
So we'll have some things to look at.
Um, anything going on this weekend routine,
not traveling, right?
No semi-final stuff.
So Friday is my anniversary.
Ooh, 27 years.
That's how,
where are you guys going to go?
You know?
we haven't decided yet because my wife
can't walk a lot.
So we have to figure out
like someplace to go and
enjoy the day where she,
where we can be okay.
So you guys, are you off that day?
Uh, yeah, Monday.
Well, we're it's Friday.
We're going to do it Monday.
it's already going to be Memorial Day.
It's crazy.
It's crazy, man.
I feel like this past couple weeks,
like you said,
it's been a time warp for me.
So, well, that's awesome.
So you're going to go do
something on Monday, not on Friday.
We're going to go to dinner
on Friday night,
but do like a day activity on Monday.
I gotcha.
All right, cool.
Well, that'll be nice.
So obviously that's where
I'm like memories over macros, right?
Enjoy your dinner with your wife.
So there's a Chinese restaurant in town.
That's, I don't even know how to,
it's not your typical Chinese.
Like it's like all white meat,
chicken breast.
When they do a chicken dish, it's, um,
and it's her favorite.
So we're going to, uh, go there.
It'll be easy to, to eat well.
Cause I can get a chicken
dish with some vegetables,
not a ton of sauce.
it's funny because people often don't
realize that Chinese restaurants,
if you're in a pinch,
can actually be one of the
healthiest places and the
cheapest places to get
healthy food because...
you can actually,
not that I would recommend
doing this on your date night,
but if you wanted to,
you can order everything
steamed with the sauce on
the side and they won't fry
anything in oil.
So you get all just chicken
and vegetables and rice plain.
And then you can add,
you can get the sauce on
the side and then you can
control everything.
So a little hack.
And then there's pretty much
a Chinese restaurant anywhere you go.
And this restaurant will do
anything to order.
That's awesome.
So, uh,
wide zombie says not your typical
That's also Judy Reed's nickname.
That's funny.
That's funny.
So, um, yeah, I feel like this week, man,
you got a lot of good reports.
So now with all of that,
when do you have to see
your doctor again?
So because of insurance,
I can't go for three months,
but that's already set up.
And then cardiology is in July.
So things are all in the up.
So I still have a couple
months off before I have to go back.
The game plan with the
insulin is that if I can
hold under 110 blood sugar
for five days to decrease
the units by two,
and if I can hold it for three more days,
another two,
and then trying to get off of
that insulin.
I love that.
And so maybe it's three months.
Sounds like it's so far away,
but it's 12 weeks.
It goes so fast.
It really does.
It is.
So, but so, okay.
So you're not, so you're not traveling.
Are you going to Knoxville?
So I wasn't going to go,
but I found a super, super cheap hotel.
And if,
if we get our car back and Julie is okay,
I'm, I think I'm going.
Well, look at that.
You're just going to go for the weekend.
How much is it?
You're going to drive?
It's six hours.
That's not too bad.
No, that's not too bad.
Well, cool.
So that won't be until next
weekend though.
This weekend's correct.
There are some ifs in there
that we still have to figure out.
I gotcha.
I gotcha.
Um, what's a little red bull on your right,
So it,
this is what I had my strawberries in.
But it's a,
it's actually like a Santa dish.
My wife likes to eat out of,
and so I just grabbed it to
put the strawberries.
Very seasonal.
Um, yeah.
I mean, I feel like right now we're in a,
a really good place.
So I feel like this week is all about,
I'm glad that you didn't get
sick after that.
Cause I was all, I was worried about,
I'm glad that you had your checkup.
Cause what was the person's like,
you got to make sure you go
to the doctor.
Cause your blood sugar is going to spike.
You know,
people don't realize how much infection.
And so that spikes your blood sugar.
I'm like, don't get yourself being honest.
If it's been in there since October.
I truly feel it's what
caused the AFib because the
AFib clinic said it was the
chest infection.
If that's been in there and
caused an infection that
spread to my lungs,
it could be what caused the AFib.
Oh, wow.
Whole series of events, man.
It's crazy.
All right.
So this week,
I think the main thing that I
want from you
is a food diary,
making sure that you're not
missing that out.
Because I know that last
week I was just looking to
kind of get you a little
bit more optimized in your ranges.
But I think that obviously
you just really had
Thursday and Friday where
you didn't track anything.
Were those just kind of like
days you just probably were
just routine and just forgot to track?
I was routine.
Those were days that I did a
shit ton of interviews.
Yeah, that makes sense.
You've been doing a lot of interviews,
like back-to-back a lot.
So good, good stuff.
It's probably getting more
eyes on the podcast, which is good.
So what about getting back into the gym?
So as soon as we get another
car or I can get Julie back
to work where I can take her,
I'm going to go on those days.
But the one thing we didn't
mention is I got a Ninja Creamy.
You have been flaunting that
in front of my face for six
months and I finally got one.
Because I literally,
I can't believe we haven't
had a podcast in two weeks
and I feel like, oh my gosh, yes.
So I am very curious.
I know you mentioned the black cherry.
You're trying out some different things.
Have you mastered your base yet?
Because that's the first part.
Yes, I have the right consistency now.
That's the first part is you gotta,
you gotta get the base down, man.
I jacked up the black cherry.
It was so bad last night.
So what did you end up doing?
so I found a black cherry extract to go
in with the black cherries
and it made it bitter.
Oh yeah.
So I made a new base tonight
with no extract,
just the frozen black cherries.
And, um,
I put in the Fairlife protein as my base.
And then the sugar-free
confectioner's sugar.
My favorite.
And some vanilla jello sugar-free pudding.
And that's sitting right now
to be the base to spend tonight.
So here's the tip for you
for your black cherry.
Rather than using black cherry extract,
what you can do is buy the
black cherry Jell-O mix too
and put a little bit of
that in and it won't make it bitter.
So I didn't put any extract in this base.
But what I was saying is
because you tried the
extract and jacked it up.
If this base doesn't work, try getting the,
so do your vanilla,
but also get the black
cherry jello and add a
little bit of that in.
And then you'll get that
black cherry flavor without
the bitterness.
So that's another hack.
Man, Jell-O.
Growing up, I remember making Jell-O.
Never did I think I was
going to be using Jell-O
like I am in my adult life
in these different ninja cream recipes.
That stuff makes everything.
It's awesome.
And I asked you,
what happens if I put the
black cherries in as the
base or as a mix in?
If it's in as the base, it chops them up.
Yeah, that's what I was saying.
I think if you want it chunky,
you could do the mix-ins.
So I did a little bit of
both last night because I
wanted a little chunky,
but I wanted it kind of
spread throughout.
But then the bitterness was just too bad.
And yes, Heidi, all sugar-free.
And then people can – you
can do like the – like I almost got –
the different jello flavors,
they have like banana cream, pistachio.
I sent you that butter pecan one that I
haven't tried yet,
but I even found online,
you can get sugar-free candied pecans.
And so you're getting a
little bit less of the
calories from the sugar.
Um, and that would be like a really good,
like mix in for like the
butter pecan ice cream.
So I did get those pecans.
They just came.
That's awesome.
That might be a try this weekend.
It makes it so easy to get
your protein in at nighttime.
Because it's, it is a bunch of protein.
Great treat.
I like it.
I'm pretty simple.
I like I get I know you're
like not a birthday cake person,
but I like using the
birthday cake extract.
And I do the vanilla or I do cheesecake.
I like the cheesecake flavor
to those ones are like my favorite.
I also like making a cookies
and cream and I'll buy the
Oreo thins or I'll buy the
Lenny and Larry's Oreo creams.
They look like Oreos,
but they're like a little bit healthier.
They have more fiber in them.
And I'll put a couple of
those in as mix-ins,
make a cookies and cream.
So I tried making one for my mom and just,
my mom is very much a
purist with ice cream.
She's like, she likes the full stuff.
So she was like, this is not ice cream.
The ones that came out good,
like I couldn't tell the difference.
yeah and with the ghost
protein you you suggested
to me yeah like the flavors
are freaking awesome like I
know the nutter butter
butter flavor is like put
that in your coffee it's
awesome I'll try that I'll
try that tomorrow morning
yeah put in your coffee
it's good I like that so okay but um
But yeah, Jake's having ice cream tonight.
You can literally make ice
cream for dinner now with
the Ninja Creamy.
So it's funny though.
The only thing I use it for is, I mean,
there's all these different
settings on it.
All I ever use is the light ice cream one.
I would like to maybe try
and make like a smoothie
bowl or something, but I just never do.
I'd like to try the,
cause you can make milkshakes in it.
Like I could make a protein
milkshake or like, yeah,
it'd be really good.
And then you can make slushies.
Or adult beverages,
whichever you're in the mood for.
Yeah, I know.
It's crazy all the things you can make.
But yeah,
I'm excited to see all of the
experimental things you do.
I love following... I can
never say his name right.
Zach Rushlow, whatever his last name is.
Flexible Dieting Lifestyle.
He's got so many fun recipes
and Ninja Creamy.
But little hack is...
he always tries to sell you
his flex brand protein his
flex brand cookie butters
and they're like 20 for his
powdered peanut butter just
get regular powdered peanut
butter they sell different
flavors on amazon so that's
what I do it's way cheaper
so jay birch asks what's
ghost protein so you know
ghost the energy drink what
I didn't know is it's a
full supplement company
yeah they have protein powders too
they have like flavored protein and
it is really, really good.
Yeah, it's delicious.
And I like my first form.
I'm usually all first form,
but I like the flavors that Ghost has,
like the Chips Ahoy, the Oreo.
I still, I just, I'm sorry.
I can't say it enough.
Back in the day, Progenix, man,
like you just couldn't beat.
If I had Progenix cookies
and cream right now in that Ninja Creamy,
oh my God, like that would be insane.
Well, and I like first form stuff too.
It takes like a week to get to me.
Yeah, that's true.
Where the ghost protein I
could get overnight on Amazon.
Yeah, for sure.
Phillip remembers, you know, it's funny.
I saw somebody at the gym
and they were wearing a progenic shirt.
I'm like, Ooh,
that guy's been around here
for a long time.
So it was pretty funny.
But, um, but yeah, awesome.
Um, so I feel like this week,
I feel like we're in a good spot.
You're like doing all the things.
This is what I would like to call, um,
boring work that gets the
work done like I think
people want the exciting
stuff but nutrition at the
end of the day you should
fall into a routine like it
should end up becoming to
where it's just like
And this is the exciting stuff.
We're adding new things.
It's funny because I'm
creating a guide right now for people.
Because I'm not a recipe girl.
I have a few recipes,
but for the most part,
I know you saw I put out a recipe book.
I'm working on getting more recipes.
But this concept of people
go on diets and they remove everything,
but they don't replace them.
I'm like, if you like ice cream,
the Ninja Creamy can be a
great addition to your kitchen.
Now you can have ice cream
every single night.
And every once in a while
you go out for the real thing.
But this is the stuff that
people need to think about
when they're going on their journey.
It's exciting for the first
couple of weeks, but in a month from now,
you're going to be like,
I Ninja Creamy every night.
That's what I do.
I Ninja Creamy and chill.
So yeah.
I do not have a plunge pool.
Maybe that's what you can do
with your backyard.
By the way, how is your backyard coming?
So I got all the plants are set to,
to plant vegetables right now.
And I bought the vegetables.
I just got to plant them.
Um, so tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, uh,
we're going to plant all those.
You can have some fresh veggies and, uh,
and then again,
it's my piddle project for the summer.
Love it.
Slow and easy.
Work at it how I can.
Cause with the way my wife's been,
I haven't been able to pay
a ton of attention,
but I did want to get those
planners in so I could.
To get the vegetables in.
It's funny.
Last week I was out of town.
My mom has not been doing very well.
And on Thursday when I was driving home,
I'm like,
I'm not going to stop at the
grocery store.
I'm going to Instacart.
And I try not to Instacart
because it's so fricking expensive.
I'm like, this is ridiculous.
I'm paying $7 for $50 for the groceries.
Anyways, when I get home,
There was a basil plant in my groceries.
I'm like, did I order a basil plant?
but somebody delivered me a basil plant.
So now I've got this random
plant of basil that
somebody ordered and didn't get,
but now it's sitting on my
kitchen counter.
I'm like, I guess I'm growing basil now.
we got a package of wheat flour last
time we Instacarted that we
did not order.
Which is crazy.
I was missing my English
muffins and I got a basil plant instead.
So just not, whatever, but-
Don't you,
don't you cook Italian for the
family occasionally?
I do.
Yes, I do.
So in fact, my mother's here right now.
She's staying with me for this week.
And so I think I'm actually
going to make a tomato sauce tomorrow,
which I haven't done in years.
And so fresh basil.
I do.
We'll see how it goes.
Cause she loves Italian.
So we'll see.
All right, guys.
Bob, it's been a good week.
Glad to be back.
We will see everybody next
time on Slidesdale Media
Weight Loss Journey.
Have a great week, everybody.