Faith & Family Fellowship Podcast

Mothers in the Bible: Mothers Operating Under God's Grace in Parenting their Children

Interview with Yewande Sobamowo

In this Faith and Family Fellowship episode, Dallas interviews Yewande Sobamowo, author of "Mothers in the Bible".

About Mothers in the Bible:
"Mothers in the Bible" by Yewande Sobamowo is a vital guide for Christian moms. It tackles challenges in marriage and parenting while emphasizing God's grace. Using stories of biblical mothers, the book imparts lessons on obedience, godly parenting, strong family bonds, and trusting God. A must-read to find strength in modern struggles through the wisdom of ancient women. Embrace God's grace—read it now!

Connect with Yewande Sobamowo

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What is Faith & Family Fellowship Podcast?

From dual studios located in Texas, and São Paulo, Brazil, Pastor Chris Buscher & Dallas Monticue bring you ‘The Faith & Family Fellowship Podcast’! At a quick glance, both Pastor Chris and Dallas have a combined 20+ years of missionary experience. Together they co-host the show addressing a host of topics such as; The Great Commission, and Christian Discipleship, and often featuring interviews with special guests who are experts in their field. The Faith & Family Fellowship Podcast is sponsored by Lay Me Down Ministries.

Faith and Family Fellowship Podcast is a Christ-centered podcast.

established in 2019 and hosted weekly by Pastor Chris Busher. Addressing a host of topics such as the Great Commission, Christian discipleship, and often featuring interviews with special guests who are experts in their field. The views and events expressed on this podcast and all related materials belong solely to their author and not necessarily to the author's employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. While all attempts are made to present accurate information, some information may become outdated over time.

Fellowship Podcast makes every attempt to timely update any and all such information. Without further delay, here's another powerful episode of Faith and Family Fellowship Podcast.

Welcome back to another episode of Faith and Family Fellowship podcast. Once again, my name is Dallas here. Today in the studio, we have another incredible guest joining us all the way from the UK. Her name is Yawandi. How are you today? It's such a pleasure to have you on the show. I'm all right, thank you. And you? I'm doing great today. I can't complain. It's Friday, God is good. Yeah, everything's going well. Yeah. Today we're gonna discuss a little bit about your newly released book, Mothers in the Bible.

mothers operating under God's grace in parenting their children. I think in 2023, parenting is so important. The way that we raise our kids and the way that we, I'm not going to say protect them from the world or hide them from the, I mean, protect, I think is the best word, not hide them from the world, but protect them from the world and raise them up in truth. It's so valuable today. And so I'm excited to have you on the show. As you know,

And as our audience know, I'm a young father, so I'm learning everything I can. My wife is a new mother. I mean, so you are here to educate us today. So thank you for your book and all of those things that you brought today. Before we get into that, I just want to give you the opportunity. Tell us a little bit about your faith. How did you find the Lord? How did that change your life moving forward? OK, so I was born into a Christian home in inverted commerce because we went to church. I was born in church.

grew up in the church. But my mum was a Muslim before she became a Christian and my dad was a Christian all along. So Christian, we do a lot of intermarriage in Nigeria where I originally come from. So they got married and brought us up in the church. But I wasn't a Christian. We just went to church. We just celebrated Christmas, celebrated Salah. But when I was about 14 years old in school,

a friend of mine came and told me about Christ in a new way. And she told me about being born again, she told me about what Christ did. Well, I've been in church all my life and I think, I don't know if I've ever heard such things. So I gave my life to Christ and then I started, and what the most important thing that I realized that she really hammered on, because I was a teenager, and you know the things teenagers got into, even now.

was about sin and trying to live holy. That's the only way you can get closer to God. So that helped me a bit, like navigate where I should be and what I should be doing and not doing. It took me a while, but slowly, slowly I got closer to God and that's my story.

as you were growing up in as well. And so now you are a mother, you are a parent, and you raised your three children as well. How did that, how did your faith incorporate into your parenting? Well, I'm fortunate because my husband is a Christian as well. So we have the same values. And I tried as much as I could to let them understand God early, like from a very young age.

we had devotionals. You know those baby devotionals? I don't know if they still do it now. Baby devotionals? Yes, like some of them are 365 days with the Lord and things like that. For babies, they're picture books. So I tried to get things like that from when they were young and that was what we used as like the go to book every night when they're going to bed. So we read them, we say short prayers.

I tried little by little to incorporate, apart from them going to church, what the Christian faith was and how it should play out in their life. And hopefully we did something right because they're still in church. They're still Christians. They're still very active in church. So I thank God that we did the practical steps of.

Of course they did their own thing in school, in union, all that, but they never really left church. If you know what I mean, they might go to parties and the, but they never really left the faith. So thank God for that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You, you mentioned the routine at night. You guys were, were reading the Bible together, doing the devotional and praying. How valuable is routine? Did you see growing up or raising your kids is very important because what I did was when they could read.

I got devotional for their ages, for them, the proper ones, like seven to eleven and things like that. And I got a lot of Christian books for them. So they read the secular books on them, but they did read a lot of that. And so what starts happening is they still do devotionals now. They believe so much in, they come to me and say, oh, mom, I'm following this podcast. You should listen to it. They have different names. I don't know these people, but different Christian podcasts.

devotional by requiring the, they, they, they believe in that routine of doing devotional every day. So that's helped them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And in your book, let's dive a little bit into that as well. One more time, mothers and the Bible. And this book is available on Amazon. And the thing, the under the overlying thing I would say is grace, God's grace in your book. And so can you tell us a little bit about

What is God's grace for those who are listening today and don't understand the grace of God? Okay. So I think even I got educated on grace when I was writing the book. Grace has been defined as the undeserved mercy of God, that we don't deserve it, but we get it anyway. And there is nothing you can do to earn it. It's just by the mercy of God.

Wait a second. Nothing. There's nothing. All right. So what do you mean? You mean if I do all these good things, and if I go to church, and if I feed the hungry, and if I tithe, I still don't... That's what you're telling me. Christ died for you. Come on. You don't deserve. We don't deserve. And that was one of the things. When I started this journey, I wrote this book.

because I started studying the life of Abraham. So it was for me, it was just, I was pondering, why did God choose him? Why does God choose people? What do you do? So I said, okay, why don't I delve into the Bible and see what they all did. And then the more I read about them, the more I saw their failures. The more I saw Abraham lie twice, the more I saw Sarah laugh.

Then I saw Rebecca desist and then I'm going back and forth and looking for what they did. And I realized that. And I struggled and I said to God, that's the truth. So if I'm doing all these things, I'm trying to pray, you said we should pray, we should pray. Does it mean I don't deserve? Because I believe and God made me understand that we don't deserve anything.

is just the mercy of God. It's because he loves us so much that he gave us Christ. We don't deserve God to come, the creator of the heavens and the earth, come as human to die for me. Even before you see that. And then listen to what I'm saying that I found out that even while I'm doing all these good things, I still sing.

I still do those things he said I shouldn't do. I still don't pray sometimes. I still don't doubt. I'm not nice sometimes. And then yet, he still loves me and he still blesses me. And I realized that all these women enjoyed the grace of God. And I asked you that question in that way because grace is defined in many different ways.

have our own understanding of grace. But I love what you said. We can't earn it. There's nothing we can do to change it. It's the grace of God. I think that is the fundamental part of grace. No matter what you do, you can't earn more of God's love. He already loves you and accepts you today. It's not saying to go and do all the crazy stuff either way. That's not what it's saying. But when we do fall short, he is our advocate, advocate or right? So excellent. The grace of God. Continue, go ahead.

And another definition that I've heard that I really like, like I said, when I was writing, it was ministering to me because the book was supposed to go another way. And I found it going on the way of, you can't do anything. And I'm trying to go back because I was trying to write about what these people did to deserve these things. And then I found out that I was digging more holes for myself because they didn't do anything.

So I realized that another definition that they use for grace is an enabler. It enables you when you can depend on God and realize it's all the grace, it enables you to work according to His plans for your life. I would say I tap into this one because I say, Lord, I'm a new father. I don't know what I'm doing. I need some grace in this area as a father. Yes. Right? It enables us. And we just need to...

believe and rest. Like a passage I wrote down, Philippians 2.13 says that, it's God that gives us the will to do of his good pleasure. It's God. For it is God who works in us, both to will and to do of his good pleasure. So really and truly, is that grace that helps us, because God has his own plans and we can't do it without his power.

So he knows us, he knows our weakness. He just wants us to relax and let us, you know, depend on him. And that grace will carry us. Yeah. Well, that's my belief. I love it. I love it. Let's go a little bit into parenting and grace. How do these two go together? So what I found out, right, was that with certain mothers, I'll give you some examples in the Bible.

I found out that Sarah was a woman that, to me, she had given up. And every relationship that her husband had with God, Abraham, was Abraham and God. So she wasn't really part of all this deal. She was 90, she didn't have a child, and I won't say she hated God or anything, but she had given up. There wasn't really anything. And when God said,

was going to give Abraham all these blessings. She tapped into it the way she could and gave her husband a wife and all that. But what happened was the minute she trusted God to have Isaac, because basically she would have trusted God enough even though she laughed, she got the power to meet with a man at 90.

You have to believe some that I'm sure she was menopausal by then. I'm sure they had forgotten about bedroom and things like that by then. But she gave herself because she believed that, okay, this God can do anything. So with parenting these days, the way I see it is that the minute we become parents, and we yield, so to speak, to the plans and purpose of God.

and believe that even we as parents, we are custodians. The child you have is God's. The Bible says the children are his heritages, his God's. There is a child of God, God's got plans for him, like God had plans for you from where you were born. Dallas, you are here now, you might not be what your parents wanted you to be, but God knew.

that this is what I want to do. So God's made us as parents to be custodians, co-labors with him. So if we partner with him, he will help us by guiding us into which school the child should go to. You will feel led. I have three children, like I said, they're different. They're so different. You could not have brought up my last child the way you brought up my first. And so if you...

Trust God and know that there's nothing I can do to help this child. You are the father of this child. I'm just here to guide him in the way of the Lord. So the Lord said, be grateful, be forgiving, be kind to people. I'm just here to help you do all that. The Lord would lead the child. Good reminder, because it's so easy. It's so easy for us to fall in this trap to say,

to raise this child, right? But then that takes away God's part and He plays a bigger role than I do, that's for sure. I like what you're saying. It's such a good reminder for me personally that it's not all up to me and my wife, it's up to God and we're just here. We don't even have the capacity. We can't. Yeah. We can. Yeah. Wow. Wow. And let's talk a little bit about...

strong family bonds are also highlighted in the Bible. Give us a couple examples of that and how we can learn from those stories. So I, when I look at the story of Rebecca, to start with, she was married to this guy. So from my, so, you know, when I was writing this book, sometimes I put myself in that position. And I think if I can, if it's something I've experienced before. So years ago, my father-in-law lived with me.

and my husband for about four months. And I remember so well, he was always telling me stories. My husband wasn't bothered. So I couldn't get up to say I was leaving. So we say, oh, when they were this age, so he told me loads of stories. And I would kind of tell my husband about, oh, did you know when you were this age? He said, no, I never heard that. So I pictured Rebecca sitting with Abraham while they were all living together. And Abraham telling her,

all these stories about the promises of God for his lineage and God telling her that, oh, Isaac is going to be the heir and God's telling her that God is going to bring us back here. And I believe that she held on to all that and wanted that so much for her sons, that this God, we have to serve this God because he's got great plans for us.

I'll be if she did it in the wrong way because she was helping God, God would have gotten there without her. But what I see is that despite what she did, Isaac, they forgave each other. They were still together. They saw that you deceived me. They were still together even till the end. And I see that in marriages we're going to do things that we shouldn't have.

to each other. But when we have this solid rock, this God of love, you know, when God says his love, and when we have love as our bedrock, we forgive. We forgive. And then we forgive great things because they're ready, we're going back. Why would you do that to your son? Why would you do that to Esau? Why would you? But she saw Esau that Esau wasn't

and he wasn't. And she saw that he wanted to go for money. And she saw a take up that this guy, the Lord has said, is going to be the one. And she did what was wrong. That's why I said that is grace. Because she did wrong. But God still did what he wanted to do. He forgave her, the husband, and they were still together. So I believe that if we stick together, we don't give each other chances anymore.

sometimes it's one strike you're off. We don't, we're not patient with each other anymore. We're not, we're not, we expect too much from our partners this month. Sometimes we put them on the pedestal that they can never get to. They can never. We turn them to mini girls. You're supposed to be perfect. You're supposed, you should know me. You should know how I feel. You should. And I think it affects marriages and homes these days. So I think if we can all...

Forgive each other, be gracious to each other. Believe that we're all work in progress. We'll all get there. No matter what happens, we'll all pull together to be strong. That's my opinion. Yeah. And I think it goes really well together with what you were saying in the beginning of our episode today about that routine in doing devotions as a family. I think that goes such a long way when you pray together, when you worship together, open up the scripture together as a family.

I mean, you're protecting your home, you know, you're equipping your house. In this house, we will serve the Lord. I think that's so powerful to do that as well. And one thing I know, reading the Bible and doing devotions together brings out stuffs. The light of God always shines. I remember when my kids were teenagers, my goodness, the revelation my husband and I got from devotions.

Because after we finish, my husband can say things like, so what's your opinion, so and so? Does this happen in school? And we encourage them to share. And they come up with all sorts of stories. So we've told each other, you don't sound surprised. You don't start just, mmm, mmm, mmm. And then they can use it to, you know, to, and another thing it helped us to do was,

We used to do something, we'd give each other a piece of paper and say, define more, define so and so. Use adjectives to define so and so. So when we do that, when two or three people write the same thing about you that is negative, then you have to go and think about it because that's the way they see you. That's unique. Wow. That's the way the others will see you. So that helped us as well. The devotion thing really helped a lot to know more about each other. Even your husband.

You will come up with stuff. I didn't get into the room. I'm also say, why did you say that? I did. And then you realize, so God sheds light into situations in the house where you bring him in. My wife and I recently went through a marriage course. Sorry. No problem. We'll wait for a second for that to go. So I think there's a helicopter. Yeah. No problem. My wife and I recently went through a marriage course and it was here in Brazil. So it was in.

in Portuguese, of course, and it was called Married Forever. And in this course, they had these little pills and inside the pill, it had a piece of paper, a way to serve the spouse. And so some of the things were like breakfast in bed, pray together, do things like this, right? And so we liked it so much, we created it for our own house. And now we have this in our own home. And every week, we can go through and pick one out. And the goal is you're supposed to do it until the other person notices, you're not supposed to tell them what you got, right? And I think what

What you're saying is like, it's a really cool kind of, it's similar, but different. It's negative things too, things that you notice about the other person instead of just serving. I think that's a, I'm gonna bring it up with my wife. That's very interesting. The way to grow, you know, constructive criticism. It's so valuable too, and to affirm the other person. That's valuable. Wow. So we're talking about marriage. I wanna talk a little bit more about the challenges of marriage and how the challenges of marriage impact parenting dynamics.

What about that? Yeah, so I saw that a lot of the women had some challenges. Most of them, actually. They had similar challenges that we have now. Like Hannah did not have a child. And unfortunately, the husband went to marry somebody else for children. And Ruth, her husband, died. She was a young widow. And she didn't even know the Lord. Went to a strange land.

And I realized an aga was one of the ones that, when I was writing in the aga layer, I didn't expect to feel so much empathy for them. Because they're probably people I never really read about or that I heard about. But when I pictured, like I said, I put myself in their position, when I thought of what aga must have been going through, that Abraham sent away with a bottle of water in a desert, I just couldn't picture it.

And you see women that husband walked away from. And the husbands are the breadwinner of the family. And the women probably didn't have any job before. And you have things like you have women that their husbands are cheating, even in churches. And the husband don't love them like Claire. He knew that the husband did not love her one bit. And I realized that with both women,

the first child, they turned How I got turned to god and god of her. And he did. Leah praise the lord, turning saying, I'm going to serve you painful but he's carrying you.

these things are going to keep happening. They were happening then. They're going to still happen even in the future. So like I said, the grace of God is an enabler. It helps even in difficult times. It enables people to move on to get strength from the Lord. And so no matter what people are going through now, I believe that the enemy makes us wary, makes us really wary. Sometimes you've prayed.

Just bask in the presence of God. Just bask in it. And just tell God, I always teach my children this. They don't pretend to God. He sees your heart. Go on your bed and sit and say, you know what? I'm just feeling so sad today. I just have a conversation with him. He's a comforter. Don't take offense with him. That's what he doesn't like. Tell him, pour your heart like a father and say, I'm so sad. And I know because I've gone through things.

I know that the strength comes. It might not change easily. It might not change, but strength comes to keep going on. What would you say is your purpose of this book? What do you hope your readers get from this and learn from by reading your book? I want people to learn certain things. The first thing is, the first thing for me is that these children, they're not yours, your custodians.

and you're supposed to help God bring them up in the way of the Lord. And when you cannot do it on your own, you can't do it on your own, never. So ask the Holy Spirit to help you everywhere you come short. The second thing is, don't over protect your children. This is the real world. It's tough out there. It's very tough.

Oh, don't tell my child off. Oh, I don't like him to cry. He's gonna cry. Boyfriends will disappoint them. Girlfriends will disappoint, they're gonna cry. Yeah. And then they're going into the workplace. The workplaces are not friendly. Their hostile there is a dog eat dog world. So when you've gotten wrapped to your child, and your child gets to somewhere that they tell them off so much,

they don't know how to handle it. So I'm praying that when mothers read this, they will see how these women depended on God. Like one of the ones that I really, that stood out for me was Bat Shepa. She was a foolish woman. But by the time she was, David was dying and Solomon was writing Proverbs, they called her the mother of the very wise man.

she went to get wisdom. By the time she had God in her life, God gave her the wisdom she needed. So I'm praying that people that read this will realize that God is not giving you an impossible task. God has shown us that he came to die because it's a tough world. It's a very tough world. And your children are going to live in this tough world. All you need to do is make sure

you lead them according to the will of God, and God will sort the rest out. Wow, that's so comforting to hear that. That's what I feel. Because it's so easy to be a parent and want to protect from the world and want to hide from the world. But it's not, you have to find that balance, you know, of not putting them in the world, not influencing them in the wrong way, giving them the truth, but protecting them in the right way and allowing them to experience and overcome difficulties as well.

Yeah, that's the challenge. That's the million dollar question. This is a big challenge. It is a big challenge because the world out there now, there's so many things you don't want your child to know, but the school will tell them about it. You don't want them to know certain things at certain ages. The school will tell them about it. Friends will tell them about it. Social media will tell them about it. So you have to depend on God to erase those things that are not important in their memories.

to let them realize that what you're teaching them at home is the best. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Wow. And is this the first of many books to come? Do you have other things in your mind? I'm hoping so. Yes, I have a few things in my archives, so to speak, that I'm going to try and pull out. Yes. So I'm hoping that very soon I write something else. Yeah. This is how I see this all the time. Almost every single author I work with.

they write one book and then that just opens up the gates to write another and another and another and they just open this side up of you that just keeps writing. That's amazing. That's so cool. And how can we connect with you and find this book in your social media platforms and maybe be watching for future projects that come out from you? Okay, so I'm on the Facebook, but I'm not very active. I'm really bad with things like that. But my book is on Amazon and I'm on Instagram as well.

So I'm hoping, because this is my first, I'm hoping to kind of like know the right places to advertise, because I've realized, I went to a school called Self Publishing School to know how to write, and Jerry Jenkins was, I was in his writer's guild. And what I found out with when you write my journal, you have to target your audience, or else you'll just be everywhere and it will be meaningless to them. So that's what I'm trying to do, like target my.

audience and join people like BookBob and things like that, so that it sees the generating religious inspirational book and those people can get it there. Yeah. Yeah. And who would you say this book is for? Who is your target audience? Would it be the mothers, grandmothers, future mothers, husbands, dads? Everyone. Even dads. Even dads. Okay. Even dads. I believe he's just talking about mothers in the Bible, but there are a few things about fathers as well in it.

And it's just about growing, bringing up children and hopefully having a peaceful home. So I believe, and even non-Christians can read it because Ruth was a non-Christian and she found God. Yeah. So, yes. Yeah. And I want to say that even us fathers can learn something from the mothers in the Bible too. So, come on, we can learn something. We have a lot to learn still. So.

Excellent. Thank you so much for your time today and everything that you shared. Anything else you want to just leave us with today with your time here? It's been a pleasure. It's really nice that you're doing something like this, especially for Christians, because the market is actually shrinking for people, even when I want to get some books for Christian book. And it's so difficult to know the new authors. I know before we used to have good Christian bookshops and things like that.

But things like that are diminishing. So it's a good thing you're doing to kind of keep the market open. So that's really good. Excellent, excellent. Come back, write book two and come back and let's talk about it as well. Thank you, thank you so much. If I can have you end our time together with a prayer, that would be excellent. Okay. Heavenly Father, we do thank you so much for this opportunity that you've given us. We do not take it for granted, Lord. It's only by your mercy. For the Lord we pray that

Dallas and his group, Lord, you will continue to bless them and you continue to use this platform not only for Christians, O Lord, for non-Christians to come as an evangelical tool to know you more and to draw people from the world to Christ. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.