I am joined by James ‘Jim’ Thorp, MD. Dr. Thorp specializes in Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM). This is a subspecialty of obstetrics where he is referred all the mothers that have multiple medical issues or are expected to have multiple medical issues. He is a warrior for God and for truth. I am happy to be in the fire with him.
Mentioned at 33min. Pfizer 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization adverse Event Reports: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf
Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.
43. The Bioweapon part VI with Jim Thorp, MD
Nurse Kelly: [00:00:00] Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr.
Nurse Kelly: Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time. Of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.
Sam Sigoloff: All right, well, today we have an amazing pleasure. And we, we have a man who's, who knows a lot about not only medicine, not only pregnancy, but specializes in development of the fetus and medicine for the woman. And, and that specialty is called maternal fetal medicine.
Sam Sigoloff: And, and to give you an idea of how much education this this man Dr. James Thorpe has had, he's gone to medical school at Wayne State. He's done his residency at the University of Colorado. He's done his fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. He's done an internship at the university.
Sam Sigoloff: I'm [00:01:00] sorry. The internship was before the residency, but he is also board certified in. In the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and American Board of Maternal Fetal Medicine. So this makes him as most expert as anyone can find in the development of the fetus and the health of the mother.
Sam Sigoloff: At the exact same time, he sees the sickest of the patients pregnant patients, the ones who have had previous serious complications, and ones who are expected to have serious complications during this pregnancy due to issues with the pregnancy or concerns. But it is certainly a pleasure to have you on today, sir,
Dr Thorp: Dr.
Dr Thorp: Sam, thank you so much for having me on your platform. It's an honor and a privilege.
Sam Sigoloff: It's truly my honor, sir. And, and I'm, I'm very thankful that there are men like you, you know, physicians who, who are in this subspecialty, who have potentially been indoctrinated for such a long time with medical education.
Sam Sigoloff: But you sir, have not been because you're, you're still speaking truth. And that, that's hard to find amongst any physician, [00:02:00] anyone who's had any higher education. And today I really, I wanna talk about what were your concerns at the beginning of this? Cuz I had my concerns and I, I counseled patients on what could be risks and all of those things that I said that could be risks have actually become true.
Sam Sigoloff: And we know that they are risks, serious risks like loss of pregnancy you know, even the ability to become pregnant or stay pregnant and dividing those things up. And how many doctors don't they, oh, you'll get pregnant. Yeah, but are you gonna stay pregnant? Are you gonna be able to carry that pregnancy to complet?
Dr Thorp: Absolutely right, Dr. Sam. And, and first, I, I do have a confession to make. Okay. And that is that I was deeply entrenched in the system and deeply entrenched in, I think the, what, what I would call the medical industrial complex. I was deep into the academic scene. I've always [00:03:00] been very, very busy.
Dr Thorp: Clinically, I've been actively involved with clinical research and, and I've published a lot and, and I've reviewed for medical journals. So I, I must say that I, I'm, I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I, I, I am responsible for. Pushing vaccines, A lot of vaccines in earlier in my career. And, and I deeply regret that because my eyes have been opened up.
Dr Thorp: I've focused on doing a lot of clinical research on my own. I, I did. Push a lot of the influenza vaccine in pregnancy and even the pertussis vaccine in pregnancy, because I thought doing my own focus due diligence, I, I really, truly believed at the time, years ago decades ago, that the risks for mom and the fetus outweighed the, the benefits [00:04:00] outweigh the risks.
Dr Thorp: But since then I've become greatly concerned a, about the vaccine and, and the rollout. I became very concerned three years ago when there was so much advertisement and predictive programming telling us that Dr. Fauci and, and many others, the World Economic Forum that we are going to have, Pandemic.
Dr Thorp: And then the next thing that struck me was, you can't treat this early in the disease. That was very bothersome to me because in the whole history of medicine, I've never encountered a disease nor has the global community that I'm aware of, that you don't treat early and aggressively.
Sam Sigoloff: A hundred percent. And I agree with you also, like in residency, I actually contracted pertussis and that was [00:05:00] miserable. I was c coughin for a hundred days. And so, you know, that that idea of giving the, the t d a during pregnancy, it seemed like a great idea cuz I've, I've personally experienced how bad it is and I've typically diagnosed about five cases a year.
Sam Sigoloff: And, and most doctors, you know, ridicule me for that. But it's, it's a common, it's fairly common and, and it's miserable for children. I mean, I admitted a child because he was vomiting so much, he was coughing so much that he would vomit. And so it seemed like it makes sense. Let's give these, let's give these immunizations that may prevent terrible disease.
Sam Sigoloff: But, but then also we've been lied to so much. It's hard to find the truth. So much has been suppressed that, that it's, it's. It's hard to question the narrative as a clinician, and then I just applaud you for that. And it's, it's taken my own journey to figure this out and certainly, you know, you're telling us about your journey of that, and I love to hear more of, you know, what, what led you down the road that some vaccines may be dangerous and, you know, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but do we need to va vaccinate against things that we can treat?[00:06:00]
Sam Sigoloff: I don't know. That's a good question.
Dr Thorp: That, that's a really good point. I, I think that it, it certainly we should never be using an emergency use authorization for a vaccine. In fact, it's outlawed to use that if there's alternate treatments. And I think that. Call me a skeptic. But I believe that that was the rationale for suppressing this brilliant early treatment, which, by the way I, I think Dr.
Dr Thorp: Sam, you know, as well as I do that the verdict is in, the science is in it's proven by millions and millions all over the world. Early treatment of vitamins and supplements and repurposed drugs is way over 90% effective, way over 95% effective. Let's talk about 99.99% effective. According to Dr. Ben Marble, CEO and founder of my free doctor.com, one of my heroes, [00:07:00] he's treated 270,000.
Dr Thorp: Patients with early treatment that had severe covid, 270,000 in all 50 states. And did I mention he's done it for free pro bono? This, this is a true American hero and there's many, many others. Dr. Ze, Lanco, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Corey, Dr. Me, Dr. Mary. And, and I could go on and on, Dr. Malone, myself, Dr.
Dr Thorp: Viglione, many of us, but we were threatened and we were censored for doing so. And, and when, when we go back and look at the data, Dr. Fauci himself funded research showing the brilliant ethic. Hydroxychloroquine for SARS Cove one, and it's published, it was funded by the N I A I D in 2005. So he funded that.
Dr Thorp: He, he's aware of that research. So, you know, when you look at allegedly the [00:08:00] 500,000 people in the United States of America that have died of Covid 19 there's a lot of blood on their hands because they thwarted and they demonized, they villainized treat. It was 99.99% effective. Let that sink in. So it's, it's very concerning.
Dr Thorp: And, you know, one of the things that I, I, I like to do, and I've tried to mentor my three daughters and, and my young medical students and residents throughout my career is, listen, I'm wrong a lot of times in my life, I mean, I was wrong. I was dead wrong on, on the safety of the vaccines and I, I pushed them, but I, I think that, I'm not embarrassed ever to say that I'm wrong because the human experience is one of collaborating and continuing to learn and search new data and to not get emotionally arrogant and proud.
Dr Thorp: Like [00:09:00] I think I was when I was in the academia and publishing and getting accolades and all this stuff. No, it's not about that. It's about can I look into the camera and say, Hmm, I was wrong. I'm really, really sorry I made a mistake. And, and I think that's important for us as, as researchers to do and as clinicians to do so.
Dr Thorp: I, I, I, I was wrong. I was wrong about Bobby Kennedy. I, I wasn't particularly fond of his work, I think because I might have had some, maybe some inherent bias against the Kennedy family and, and their dynasty. But I just, I didn't really believe him. But after really focusing and doing detailed research and sitting down and talking to young, beautiful people, new parents who look at me and say, this is what happened.
Dr Thorp: I took my [00:10:00] toddler to the doctor's office. My toddler got a vaccine, and within hours, my baby was never spoke, was having abnormal motor function and w was totally nonfunctional. And if you, instead of attacking those people and questioning them and throwing 'em under the bus to receive their story and listen to their story.
Dr Thorp: And after doing that a number of times with people that I really believed, I realized I was dead wrong. You know, the every, the first things that, that physicians or researchers like to do is they like to parse, they like to parcel, they like to aggregate, segregate, eliminate, and make a reason why data doesn't fit their narrative.
Dr Thorp: It's a very dangerous thing to do. I'm cognizant of, of many studies suggesting that [00:11:00] 90% of physicians or researchers will always side with the behemoths, their foundations, the. Money sources that their research is funded with. That's a dangerous thing. 90% of researchers will always side with the opinions of their funding sources.
Dr Thorp: Let that sink in. So all the pediatricians, by the way, and I just learned this, that are pushing the vaccines, their, their incomes are supplemented by as much as $80,000 a year by the federal government, depending upon what percentage of their practices vaccinated.
Sam Sigoloff: And this may be a great point to, to kind of plug, you know, like there's, there's these doctors who don't follow the rules and most of them don't take insurance.
Sam Sigoloff: And what I've been discovering is those are the people you need to. And when I open my own practice, I'm gonna be one of those, those crazy [00:12:00] doctors that doesn't take insurance. Because when you don't take insurance and you do cash, you can truly do what's most beneficial for the patient. And if you are, you know, the listener, the viewer is looking for a doctor right now, consider looking for a doctor that does it by cash only because then they're not required to follow these laws by Medicare, Medicaid, and all these great big insurances or the rules of the hospital.
Sam Sigoloff: They can do what's truly best for you and not what's best for their
Dr Thorp: wallet.
Dr Thorp: Amen. Absolutely. Right. And the same thing goes for the entire what, what. I like to refer to as the especially since our disaster cap covid 19 and disaster capitalism manuscript that was just published in, in the peer review journal Gazette Medical Sciences. We, we refer to this as a medical industrial complex.
Dr Thorp: And truly, it, it is a complex with a [00:13:00] sole purpose of bringing a tremendous amount of wealth and power to those who already have way more than they need and have been corrupted by it. So you're, you're absolutely right, this assault on the physician patient relationship that, that I published an article earlier on this year called Patient Betrayal and the corruption of healthcare informed Consent and the physician patient relationship.
Dr Thorp: It's devastating because, Science doesn't progress by gag orders and every single physician in the United States and Nurse in September of 2021 is put on a formal gag order, including myself. And I've been voraciously fighting it and attacking the medical boards and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, who have absolutely no business [00:14:00] getting acting as bureaucrats.
Dr Thorp: Yes, some of these are physicians, but they're, they're not active practicing physicians with any clinical experience like you or me and most of the other physicians. They have no business interfering with a personal physician patient relationship and threatening your credentials and my credentials if we choose to inform our patients based upon our research.
Dr Thorp: That's the way medicine has always been. Dr. Sam, you know that.
Dr Thorp: Sorry,
Sam Sigoloff: you froze there for a second. I didn't hear that last little bit.
Dr Thorp: I, I just stated that you and I both know that physicians should never be hog tied and reprimanded and given orders of cookbook medicine from bureaucrats that are by [00:15:00] and large corrupt. Whether they're hospital administrators, whether they're the physicians associated with the ngo specialty boards or whether they're politicians, they have no business.
Dr Thorp: Reprimanding me for treat. Early treatment of Covid 19 in 2020, you have absolutely no business. I've been a practicing physician for 43 years or more. And how, how dare you interrupt my sacred physician patient relationship,
Sam Sigoloff: right. And recently got some news that American Academy physicians and surgeons aaps, will be suing my board certification granter of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Sam Sigoloff: And it couldn't make me happier because American Academy of Family Physicians put out a thing saying that they would come after doctors giving disinformation. Well, that sounds a lot like the Gestapo, you know, like, oh, well you didn't say the right political speech in your patient [00:16:00] encounter, so we're gonna come and take away all your credentials and take away your livelihood.
Sam Sigoloff: That's not acceptable in this country.
Dr Thorp: It's, it's not, it, it maybe belongs in North Korea or Wuhan China or Iran or Russia, but not in the United States of America. And, and I, you know, you take it a step further, the, these, these boards the, they've never, ever done that before in, in the history of, of, certainly in my career.
Dr Thorp: Sir France, sir Carl Popper, the famous researcher of the 19th century in England is on record and was knighted by the uk. And Jerry, brilliant researcher and philosopher says that science progresses only by engendering minority voices. It is absolutely the antithesis of science to. Eliminate an opinion or data that you [00:17:00] don't agree with.
Dr Thorp: And, and, you know, we, we need only go back to 17th century Italy and look at the powers entrenched at the time, which were the Catholic church. And Galileo. Galileo used, you know, was prescient, but according to Sir Carl Popper he had elementary observations with regard to the heliocentric nature of the universe.
Dr Thorp: And, and he refuted by, by his observations, he falsified the the geo geocentric universe. And, and he set forth a heliocentric universe. And for that, He was martyred and persecuted and actually put on house arrest for the remainder of his time. And we fast forward to the 19th century in Hungary Vienna, lying in hospital.
Dr Thorp: My hero Igna, Phillip [00:18:00] Sowe why I went into ob is, is that in Vienna Langan Hospital in the mid 19th century? The. Maternal mortality rate after childbirth was approached 50% from Peral Fever and he very clearly identified the source. And the source was going from the autopsy room to the delivery room, infecting patients with group, a hemolytic strep, and they died.
Dr Thorp: And he discovered that he discovered how to prevent it by hand washing, and he was totally stripped of every human dignity you could imagine. You know, fast forward to to Dr. Snow in, in the same century in England identifying cholera outbreak in water again, he was totally destroyed politically, the powers it be totally destroyed him and mocked him, and dried at him for the rest of his life.
Dr Thorp: Fast forward to the 21st century. You [00:19:00] got ze lanco, you got heroes like McCullough like, like yourself, like Ben Marble, like Brian Artis, like Judy Markovitz, like I, Dr. Merrick Lee Merit. I could go on and on. I, I, I know I'm missing some, but these are the heroes in the dissenters of today that are being persecuted.
Dr Thorp: Yourself, myself, were being persecuted for the truth all throughout history and all of those cases, truth prevailed and truth will prevail in this fight as.
Sam Sigoloff: Two of the names are, a couple of the names I wanna mention are Dr. Lee Vallet with The Truth for Health Foundation or Truth Yeah, truth for Health Foundation.
Sam Sigoloff: And, and if any of the listeners please go to truth for health.org, she has amazing things right there. And retired Lieutenant Colonel and Dr. Pete Chambers and current Lieutenant Colonel and Dr. Teresa Long, [00:20:00] they're all getting the same, same punishment for speaking truth, but for the listener and the viewer.
Sam Sigoloff: If, if we're wrong, if all of our sight is wrong about this, what are the repercussions? Okay, so you might get an illness that's 99.9%, 99.1% survivable, and if we're right, then you're in a really bad place because the destruction that's happening to humanity is inconceivable. It's one of the worst things that I've, I've ever read about, and it hasn't even completed yet.
Dr Thorp: It's it's, it's horrifying and it's horrifying. And I'm currently in the process actually Teresa Long, Dr. Lieutenant Colonel Teresa, long lives close to me. So does Dr. Tankersley, both of them are whistle blowers. And I'm a veteran air Force veteran as well. And so I have a special place in my heart.
Dr Thorp: But both of them are co-authors on a [00:21:00] paper that we're about ready to submit, which is a, just a horrifying paper regarding the horrible devastation in killing that is taken place by this vaccine being pushed in pregnancy to women of reproductive age. And Dr. Sam, it's, it's just horrifying. And the data is, is irrefutable.
Dr Thorp: It's undeni. When I was
Sam Sigoloff: stationed in Alaska and I'd see, you know, I I, I did not take any pregnant, didn't take care of pregnant women at my last duty station. And that's part of my practice is kind of falling off. And you know, I'm, I'm okay with that cuz waking up at, you know, two in the morning to go deliver babies.
Sam Sigoloff: It's okay. I don't wanna be doing that too much more. But I was talking to these pregnant women and they would go see their OB and their OB would tell them, and this is on post, their OB would tell 'em, oh yeah, you should get this shot. And I would straight up tell those women, that is reckless dangerous and you should not get that there.
Sam Sigoloff: We don't test, we don't do a medical experiments on pregnant women, on breastfeeding women nor on children. [00:22:00] And you should refuse that. And I will tell that to any ob I will tell that to the president of the board of
Dr Thorp: ob. God bless you, Dr. Sam. You're, you're a truther and, and you, you're a very young and, and brilliant physician and you know, I, I.
Dr Thorp: I salute you, sir. Hats off to you because very, very people, very few physicians have the ability to transcend the threats of your career. In, in, you know, you're very young and, and you have your whole career in front of you. And to take that stance, I applaud you. It's bold and it's courageous, but it's, it's truthful.
Dr Thorp: And there's a lot of lies and deception. I, I just read this article that was broadcast, I think it was put out two days ago. This, it, it was really not an article. It was a, a journalistic hit piece by a um, I, by a person, a journalist up in Ohio, and you may have seen it, where she's talking about the tragedy of all the stillbirths [00:23:00] that are related.
Dr Thorp: Having c and say they all could have been prevented from the vaccine. It's such I, I don't, I I, I, it's so sad because she is either purposefully lying or she is diluted. And you know, I looked at this article really closely and they suggest that because the patients and they use the buzzwords, the patients that are not fully vaccinated are the ones having the fetal deaths.
Dr Thorp: Well, that might be true, but it's Can you dissect that term? I think you know this. What is, can you dissect that? And it's in the
Sam Sigoloff: article. Cause that is an interesting term that they use. Yes. Can you dissect that for
Dr Thorp: us? Well, a, a a according to completely vaccinated, you're not completely vaccinated until Two [00:24:00] weeks after the vaccine.
Dr Thorp: So all the deaths and all the fetal deaths and all the adverse events that occur before. And, and they won't even call fully vaccinated after the first shot. It's after the second shot. So this is the deceptive language that they use in the writings that is extraordinarily dangerous. And this lady went on you know, I would actually, I would also cite the name of that article.
Dr Thorp: Well, you're
Sam Sigoloff: looking for that. I'd also say that if you qualify for a booster and you haven't had it, I would also assume that they would call you not fully vaccinated if you qualify for the booster and you have not had it. That's right. Or you're not 14 days passing. This is.
Dr Thorp: That's ab. Ab, absolutely right.
Dr Thorp: Dua Lde, d u a a l d e l d e I b. And she's rep a reporter for ProPublica. And her [00:25:00] article is just, she's either really severely diluted, but this is kind of the emotional stuff that you get into. And pregnant women are gonna read this and believe it, and she goes and, and right in one of the paragraphs that I've highlighted, I will quote it and, and I quote, their next discovery was equally stunning.
Dr Thorp: None of the still bursts they studied involved a pregnant person who had been fully vaccinated. The doctors check with the colleagues across the country and around the world. The fetal pattern held well. And then she goes on to say that the pharmaceutical complex and Pfizer and the medical industrial complex did a huge disservice to women and children because they didn't include them in the studies, Dr.
Dr Thorp: Sam. And as to your point earlier, the, the study [00:26:00] was completely illegitimate because the eua was illegal based upon federal legislation that suggests that you're not allowed to invoke eua if there's early treatment options. So they did that and they pretended like early treatment options didn't exist.
Dr Thorp: But if that, this reporter, she's ab absolutely wrong illegally and unethically, they did include. Pregnant women in the early phase trials. It wasn't just rats. And if you don't believe me I've been in receipt of the Pfizer 5.3 0.6 post-marketing data, which is all the data of the first 90 days of the rollout.
Dr Thorp: I've been in receipt of that from a whistleblower that sent it to me for 16 months. Wow. Now I couldn't, I didn't know whether that was Yeah. 16 months ago. I did an episode
Sam Sigoloff: on [00:27:00] that back when that first came on. Oh, yeah. I did an episode on that and it was, it's a pile of crap. I mean, that's, this is radio and there may be children listen to us.
Sam Sigoloff: So I can't use the words that I want to use, but it is terrifying. It's got like an 82% pregnancy loss. It's got a 14% issue with mother's breastfeeding.
Dr Thorp: Sorry to interrupt you. Yes, you're, you're, you're absolutely right. No, you're absolutely right. Dr. Sam. There, there's two pieces of information that if you go to pa, if you just don't Google it, but you gotta go to duck dot go, because Google is, you're the, the terms and their search engines are stratified to only put out their own narrative.
Dr Thorp: But if it's now a matter of public record that as you know, the Pfizer 5.3 0.6 post marketing data, the, the, all their data from the first 90 days of rollout is, is although I've had it for six. 16 months. It was only made public by a federal judge on April 1st. So I call it the Pfizer's [00:28:00] April Fools Day joke on everybody that took the vaccine because that is right now publicly available.
Dr Thorp: And if you Google that, you'll come up with a p h m p t.org. It's on that site. The trache was April 1st. And if you go to page seven of that tranche there and table one, there were 1,223 deaths in addition to major adverse morbidities and outcomes just in the first 90 days from December 1st, 2020 to dec February 28th, 2021.
Dr Thorp: Let that sink in. Dr. Sam. That's 1,223 deaths. The vaccine should have been immediately removed from the market in December of 2020. In the midst of that die off the federal government had that by February 28th. They should immediately have stopped it. I was a young physician at Wayne State University School of [00:29:00] Medicine in 1976.
Dr Thorp: The swine flu vaccine was rolled out and Dr. Sam, there were 26 deaths. It was, and it was yanked from the market, immediately removed from immediately the. Yeah. And immediately and there's no issues of, oh, it's not causation. No, none of that. And after it was removed from the market, there were another 25 deaths or so, but there was never causation.
Dr Thorp: It was, it was dangerous. You look at the associated risk. Now, you know, the same thing happened at the turn of the century with Rotovirus vaccine. And, and you're well aware of that 1999, 2000 the rotovirus was vaccine was immediately removed from the market. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. Sam, but I don't even think there were deaths.
Dr Thorp: It was just a, a dozen or so cases of interception in, in the toddlers. And it was immediately removed from the market. And by the way, that vaccine was ultimately vindicated. It didn't, wasn't [00:30:00] thought to be associated or caused causing that into Subception. And it took five bloody years to get that back on the market.
Dr Thorp: Now we fast forward to. 2020 in December, and you know, in the five Pfizer 5.3 0.6 internal document. This is Pfizer's own data telling you that a FOIA request was made. I've had this for 16 months. I couldn't vouch for the veracity of it until the federal judge ordered these documents to be, to be released publicly, which they did on April 1st.
Dr Thorp: And on April 1st, that document that I got had the exact same artifact copying marks on it. Every dot tiddle space was identical. 30 pages of horrible stuff. And and it's their, you know, every physician now in the United States of America, in the world is responsible for looking at, they need to look [00:31:00] at that.
Dr Thorp: Now if that weren't bad enough, if you go to page 12 of the Fi, Pfizer, 5.3 0.6, and you can do it right now for those who may be listening to us after production of this tape. But go to it p h m p t.org and that's public health p and medical practitioners for transparency.org. They do a great job.
Dr Thorp: And, and so if you don't believe me and if you don't believe the vers data, which is absolutely horrible and if you don't believe that 25 or so totally independent resources that actually are worse than the various data, then here's a question. Doctors, will you believe Pfizer themselves if they. In their own documents tell you [00:32:00] of the death morbidity, permanent morbidity and deaths from this vaccine, will you believe them?
Dr Thorp: And if you can't, then it's very, very sad. I would say that it is impossible for you physicians who are pushing this vaccine. It's impossible for you. You are a liar if you're pushing this vaccine and. Allege that you've given informed consent. Doctor, you're lying. And I will stand against you in the court of law.
Dr Thorp: You are lying. You are lying, and you are lying. You cannot give informed consent. Nobody in the world can give informed consent because nobody knows the content of the vaccine. Number one. And number two, ro, Dr. Rochelle Wolinsky and the was the head of the FDA and the CDC and [00:33:00] her, the other head of the fda, as at Janet Woodcock, they've come out and admitted that they're not being transparent with the data.
Dr Thorp: Well you cannot give honest, informed consent if you don't know what's in the vaccine and you don't have all the data. So these patients that are killed and ma where you've told them to take it, You're gonna, you're liable for that. And I will stand against you as an expert witness in a court of law.
Dr Thorp: And I'm collecting a lot of, a lot of devastating vaccine injuries.
Sam Sigoloff: And to kind of piggyback off that, we are kind of at this, maybe even past this inflection point, but we're at this point where there's enough of this information out there that if you're still pushing these vaccines, you, the doctor, the commander, anybody who's pushing these things will be held personally liable.
Sam Sigoloff: Following orders was not an argument that worked at Nurenberg. And there will be a Nurenberg 2.0. You mark my words and, and [00:34:00] Dr. Jim will be there and I will be there and Dr. Pete Chambers will be there and Lieutenant Colonel Long, Dr. Long will be there. Dr. Elite will be there. I want Dr. Lee. Me will be there.
Sam Sigoloff: Dr. Merrick splint will all be there.
Dr Thorp: This corrupt medical industrial complex. and I'd rather have you a thousand pieces.
Sam Sigoloff: I'd rather have a third, only a third of the doctors remaining if they're truthful and, and have to, you know, yeah. It's gonna be hard to treat that many patients. I'd rather have that on my hands than have liars who are trying to kill you out there.
Dr Thorp: They're what they're doing, Dr. Sam, is they're taking their paychecks as bribe money to continue the status quo, and they are breaching their hippocratic oath. They're breaching the oath to the creator and those who are former military officers, like I think you and I are, we're breaching our officer's oath.[00:35:00]
Dr Thorp: Yes, sir. Which is a lifelong oath, by the way.
Sam Sigoloff: Wow. Can we get into some of the, Some of the things that you've seen in, in your pregnant women with, with the, the women who have unfortunately chosen or been coerced or tricked into getting these things.
Dr Thorp: It's it's very devastating. Sam Dr. Sam. So the first before we get pregnant, there's a massive onslaught of the most incredible, horrible menstrual abnormalities that, that I've ever seen with any other, any other intervention. And, and we published on this, I'm, I'm working with a group in our first article is out and it's called it in essence, it, it delineates a, a massive surge in residual cast and massive [00:36:00] abnormal bleeding.
Dr Thorp: Can you explain what residual in 2021. Can you explain what Al cast is? Al cast is a, al cast is a very rare event in which, in essence, the lining of the uterus, a large cast of the uterus, including part of the uterus, the dec decidua, the endometrium is shed in total and it's shed with a complete outline.
Dr Thorp: And that's why we call it a cast of the internal. It's a triangular shaped, massive, what appears to be a piece of tissue. Well, you know, over 109 years, I think since the early last century there's only, there's been less than 50 of those reported in in the literature. They're usually associated with ectopic pregnancy, with early with, with
Dr Thorp: Missed abortion is what we call that. A, a, a miscarriage that doesn't extrude itself immediately. And then we, we can also see that [00:37:00] with prolonged use of progesterones, but so kind of get this picture, there's less than 50 in, in 109 years of medical literature. And then 2021, we had I, I wanna say 294 in six months.
Dr Thorp: Wow. And I, I credit Tiffany Prato in my cycle, story.com and my cycle story. And she did a massive questionnaire, which has been developed by the expert. Medical questionnaire folks in, in, in the, in the world. I'm working with RFKs organization with a bunch of a group from all over the United States.
Dr Thorp: You know, Dr. Brian Hooker out in San Francisco, Dr. Raha Stricker Maureen O'Donnell. Many, many experts. But Tiffany Prato is the CEO and founder of My Cycle story, and she's the lead author on [00:38:00] that. And, and we're about ready to get into our, our subsequent publications on that project which are gonna be really good.
Dr Thorp: But, so, so One of the concerns that that I have is exactly that before we get into the pregnancy, because many will say like Dr. Fauci, oh, it's no big deal. Or even OB GYNs that don't understand it, it is a big deal because here's why we were told. By the stakeholders and by the medical industrial complex that the vaccine stayed in the deloid muscle.
Dr Thorp: Well, we were lied to. It doesn't stay in the deloid muscle. And we had data as far back as 2012 byla and colleagues, these lipid nanoparticles are rapidly dispersed all over the body. The and, and then not, it's not only Shad lake's [00:39:00] data from, but that, that documented clearly in wistar rats and in several mouse species.
Dr Thorp: It's concentrated in the ovaries and the Japanese Pfizer FOIA request, which I've also been in receipt for some time, is a devastating indictment. They have data that shows from T zero to t plus 48 hours after injection. There's 118 fold concentration in, within 48 hours. It goes straight to the, over that sink in 48 hours.
Dr Thorp: Wait, and so the, the lipid nano particle with,
Sam Sigoloff: well, exactly to your point, I don't know if you've seen my bio weapon part one series, but I talk about the lipid nano particles and how I truly believe they're a bio weapon developed by China. And what's a better, what's the best way to wipe out your enemy?
Sam Sigoloff: Never fight them. And if you wipe out an entire [00:40:00] generation, then you never have to go over there and actually shoot a gun because they won't have children and they won't be there to fight.
Dr Thorp: That's exactly right. You're, you, you're absolutely right. So not only is there polyethylene glycol, you know, what is that antifreeze in the lipid nanoparticle, but, but it, it carries a very dangerous pseudo urinated mRNA. So think about that now. Just let this sink in because it most most non geneticists and most nons really don't, don't really focus on this, but it keeps me up at night.
Dr Thorp: You know, it's no big deal. Well, I shouldn't say it's no big deal. It's not that I don't care about men and their testes, but keep in mind that the testes produce a millions firm an hour or more with every ejaculation we have 150 or 200 million gait. I mean, it's, it's an ongoing [00:41:00] lifetime process. That's not the case for a woman.
Dr Thorp: For a woman, a woman in the womb, a female fetus by 30 weeks will have all the oum in both of her ovaries for the rest of her lifetime and a rapidly die off after birth. And, and so there's, there's only a million of them for her entire lifetime. Now think about this, this lip, this lipid nanoparticle in the dangerous vaccine is in the blood within hours.
Dr Thorp: It, it crosses every God made barrier in the human body. It crosses the blood brain barrier it in the pregnant mom at crosses the maternal blood, placental fetal blood barrier goes straight to the fetus. In the fetus. It crosses the fetal blood brain barrier and goes straight to the brain. It concentrates in that.
Dr Thorp: That fetal female [00:42:00] fetus ovaries. So every single of them, the million of them that this woman has for the rest of her reproductive history is contaminated. It's contaminated, not only contaminated, it's concentrated 118 fold. Now, Dr. Jessica Rose from Newfoundland, I believe we were, we just had a long chat.
Dr Thorp: Two days ago on Sunday morning. And you know, when I showed that data, she said, you know, Jim, it, it's, they stopped it at 48 hours, but the slope from from zero times zero to 48 hours was rapid. And if they had kept study, they sacrificed those animals after 48 hours, but it would've gone much higher than that according to Jessica Rose and, and she knows her stuff.
Dr Thorp: So it, it's very concerning. So there's been a significant increase in infertility. You asked me about the pregnancy [00:43:00] complications. And, and we have I've published extensively. In our patient Betrayal article earlier this year, and then we, we have the, my Cycle story, Tiffany Prato article, but I also have trilogy published with my research group, which is entitled Covid 19 on the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine.
Dr Thorp: These are published in the Gazette of Medical Science, is a peer reviewed journal, and there's a trilogy. There's three separate publications in that third publication. Dr. Sam I enumerated and studied and read 1,366 peer reviewed medical journal publications documenting severe adverse events after the Covid 19 vaccine, 1,366.
Dr Thorp: In. Just related to the complications, death and destruction from the Covid 19 vaccination. Now, if that [00:44:00] weren't, now, this journal was really impressed with, with my, you know a d d focus on reading those. I assembled them and there's 160 pages of references in standard medical reference format that the journal published as an appendices online.
Dr Thorp: And what's cool about that is that I, I created a table that goes through all those references and then summarizes alphabetically in the first com, in the first column of that table by alphabetical order, the actual subject of the nature of the complication. Complication it called, how many references there were, and then the exact references in the 150 pages.
Dr Thorp: But it's a very powerful indictment, Dr. Sam, because there's no other, I've studied vaccine, like I did this for all the other vaccines. The, the, the only other vaccine that has there, there's no other vaccine in, in the history of the United States, in [00:45:00] the world that has. 40 or 50, and there's 1003, and that's over 30 years or 40 years
Dr Thorp: And in less than 18 months, we've got 1,366, and now there's over 2000 because I'm keeping that up. That in of itself is an indictment on the safety of, of the vaccine. And, and then we go to in the, I want to go back, circle back because in that P H M P T, the Pfizer 5.3 0.6 document and, and Google it and look at now go to page 12.
Dr Thorp: I'm telling you exactly where to go. Go to page seven for those watching this P H M P T go put in Pfizer, 5.3 0.6, page seven. You'll see all deaths. I'll put a link in the show notes below and on page, on page. Page 12 is the, they actually did enroll illegally enrolled. There's 274 pregnant [00:46:00] women on page 12.
Dr Thorp: Look at it. It's astounding. It's astounding. Dr. Sam, there are 274 pregnant women and 45% of them had. Vaccine complications. 45% of them had vaccine complications. There were 75 of the 274, which I think is 29% were serious complications. And then there were another 49 that had what they called non-serious complications.
Dr Thorp: So this lady that wrote this article that was published a couple of days ago saying that there wasn't research on it there, there wasn't any credible research, but there was research and in the own words, the own internal documents, it's deadly to pregnancy. And yet the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology is still pushing it [00:47:00] to this.
Dr Thorp: Day what have I seen in pregnancy? I'm gonna shut up and let you talk.
Sam Sigoloff: Well, I, I'd like to hear your opinion on the Jam article that's been pushed around and said, oh, look, it's, it's a normal pregnancy loss rate. But they did this funny thing with the numbers. They, they didn't divide 'em into trimesters.
Sam Sigoloff: They did first and second trimester, and then they did third trimester. And they, they said, oh, well, if it's, I, I always get this wrong, but it's a spontaneous abortion. If it's before, or miscarriage is the common name for it, but spontaneous abortion, if it's under so many weeks and over that, it's called a stillbirth.
Sam Sigoloff: And they, that's right. Didn't, that's 20 weeks. And, and so they, if you don't divide up first and second trimester, then you have stillbirths, which are not spontaneous abortion. And so they didn't count 'em. And then you have, let's say you have all of the people, first, second, third trimester as the denominator.
Sam Sigoloff: And you've got first and second trimester as the numerator. [00:48:00] Well, it looks like it's a very small percentage of pregnancy loss, but when you do the numbers correctly and you, you take the, was it 124 divided by or 112 divided? 1 24, it ends up being like an 82% or 81.9% pregnancy loss that they demonstrate that they did not specifically state, and they lied.
Sam Sigoloff: Oh, it's upsetting to me.
Dr Thorp: Your attention to and recall of detail is phenomenal and I'm very impressed with you, Dr. Sam. It was actually the New England Journal of Medicine. The Shima Baquero article published in June of 2021. Sorry. Its been, wasn't, were 19 authors. No, that's okay. Your recall is phenomenal.
Dr Thorp: It's right on. But this was, it's my opinion that this was written by the, in medical industrial complex. It was written by Ghost Writers at Pharma. And what they did was they took that real data, this is my [00:49:00] opinion hard to prove, but it's so consistent with the numbers that are in the Pfizer 5.3 0.6 document.
Dr Thorp: And remember, they weren't allowed to enroll pregnant women in these trials, nor were they allowed to enroll underage children, which they did. It's, they're in there. So so Shima, ura and those 19 authors, they went to Eric Rubin, who is. He's the editor in chief of the flagship fraudulent Medical Journal for the medical industrial complex.
Dr Thorp: It, it's all abhorrent. The major medical journals are all controlled by pharmacy dollars and it's a large group. Think you pat me on the back, I pat you on the back, you slip me some money, I'll slip you some money. So they, Eric Rubin had the audacity to put this [00:50:00] and publish it and put the seal of the New England Journal of Medicine on it.
Dr Thorp: And most doctors and physicians in care providers, and nevermind the public, they don't have the ability to parcel that data like you did. I almost don't.
Sam Sigoloff: Absolutely. I had to sit with an OB doc on the phone and be like, okay, now explain it again. Tell me how you got this number. Okay, tell me where you got that number.
Sam Sigoloff: Okay. So I went back and looked, wrote 'em down, and my notes looked like chicken scratch on there. Like it was a difficult thing to comprehend. I explained it very quickly, but it took a lot of bring power and it took a lot of help from an OB doc who also knows a lot about stats. It's stats.
Dr Thorp: You, you're absolutely right. My, my older brother, Ken Thorpe, who is my collaborator, and we, we went to medical school together. One of the most brilliant physicians I've ever met in my life said the exact same thing. He goes, Jim, he goes, this is really subtle. And then Ken, Dr. Ken Thorpe went on to say, there's [00:51:00] something really bad here.
Dr Thorp: He looked up every single one of the 19 authors, they're all employed by the federal government. Wow. And it gets more ugly. It gets more ugly. And, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna present this as a question so we don't get you and I in trouble. Sure. But there's, it's, it's obvious of the six 16, of the 17 people that were advisors to the fda, Eric Rubin was one of 'em.
Dr Thorp: And for those who wanna do their own due diligence out there, it's a matter of public record. Figure out whether they have any of the conflicts of interest. Okay. It, it is alleged and I think good authority has it, that 16 of the 17 have major fiduciary conflicts of interest with Pfizer Moderna, j and j and Gilead.
Dr Thorp: So, you
Sam Sigoloff: know, it used to be, which makes Fore Gilead makes fore [00:52:00] it's.
Dr Thorp: Rem Death Avir. That's right. Yeah. Run Death Rem Death Avir.
Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Run Death is near, as Dr. Artis says.
Dr Thorp: Horrible. Horrible. So it, it's so it's not Ill founded that, that these that one can guess that these vaccines are gonna destroy and terminate and injure a lot of fetuses and a lot of mothers and, and a lot of children.
Dr Thorp: And, and if you don't believe me, will you believe. Pfizer themselves with their internal document. Well, you better doctors because it's a matter of public record. So what, what we did, Dr. Sam, and this will be published soon, we took out of the Bears and, and I have, you know, incredible co-authors.
Dr Thorp: I have a A D O D PhD statistician that not only verified all my statistics, but he said, you know, doing [00:53:00] more sophisticated tests, it's even more damning. But what I did was, my thought was, okay, you know, we've been pushing. Vaccines in pregnancy. The most common one is influenza vaccines since 1997.
Dr Thorp: So we chose January 1st, 1998. And and we compared, we used the influenza vaccines. There's a host of them as our control group and compared them to covid 19 vaccines. And wouldn't you know it, let me go through the litany of what we found. And this has all been verified, this has all verified. So the, of course the menstrual irregularities we're talking about odds, ratios of, of we're talking odds, ratios of a thousand.
Dr Thorp: With a confidence, 95% confidence intervals that are so far away from unity. It's frightening. But then we're looking at a [00:54:00] substantial increased risk of miscarriage. We're looking at a, and these are va covid vaccine pregnancies compared with influenza vaccines. So we're comparing apples with apples
Dr Thorp: of the exact same vers vaccine Adverse event registry system that's a federally mandated legislated.
Dr Thorp: 85% of the cases are submitted by care providers. And under penalty of law large monetary penalties, end imprisonment if you submit false data. So miscarriage massively increased. Fetal malformations massively increased specific fetal malformation called cystic hydroma, a malformation of the lymphatic system and the lymph ducts in the first and second trimester increased overall fetal malformations [00:55:00] significantly increased.
Dr Thorp: As we progress in pregnancy, fetal cardiac arrhythmias significantly increased fetal cardiac abnormalities significantly increased fetal cardiac arrest, significantly increased oligo hydra or low amniotic fluid volume. Significantly increased fetal growth disturbances where the placenta is not working and the fetal is fetus is not growing appropriately, massively increased.
Dr Thorp: And then we have fetal abnormal fetal surveillance tests massively increased fetal vascular mal perfusion by doppler velos symmetry, mass abnormal massively increased and then fetal death massively increased. And,
Sam Sigoloff: and I know we keep using the word fetus cuz it's easier for us as [00:56:00] doctors to use that word.
Sam Sigoloff: But you have to remember that when we say fetus, that's your baby. That's gonna grow out to be your, your son or daughter who's gonna hopefully graduate from high school, college, get married, have kids. And, and this is an entire generation that's just absolutely decimated. And this, this is hard to listen to.
Sam Sigoloff: You know, we use these terms because we have to distance ourself because it is so unbelievably, this is worse than the Holocaust and people are lining up to get this. It's, they're not being forced, you know? Yeah. They might coerce you a little bit and coercion is terrible. But like, if you're a mom and your dad and you're taking your kid to go get this, or you're pregnant and, or you're breastfeeding and you're getting this, you need to look at reality here.
Sam Sigoloff: And you're lining up for the showers at Auschwitz voluntarily hoping to get in quicker because you wanna get ahead of the next guy. That, that's, that's I need a second.
Dr Thorp: Well, Dr. Sam, you're, you're, you know, this is for our viewers. [00:57:00] This is not hyperbole. Dr. Sam is not exaggerating. This is absolute reality.
Dr Thorp: Just reading yesterday off a sub stack, the data, the running average of the death rate, which which is being recorded running average death rate over a week, the week average, it's just over the last month. Now it's up 40%. All of the epidemiological studies show that the die off really did not begin until.
Dr Thorp: After the vaccination rollout, and there's literally dozens and dozens of irrefutable epidemiologic studies we look at. I believe it was Mr. Davis, the CEO of the Indianapolis based massive insurance company, one America that [00:58:00] last year reported. This is unbelievable. This is a a 40% rise in death benefits.
Dr Thorp: It's 40, let now let this sink in. A 10% rise in all cause mortality and death rates. 10% is a black swan, one and 200 year event for the insurance industry and it's catastrophic. We've had four times that never seen in the history of the insurance industry. And, and that's not the only, it's all the other major insurance companies.
Dr Thorp: Lincoln Insurance Company came out earlier this year with a massive increase in their payouts for permanent disability. And I wanna say that it was increased by a similar proportion. It's, it's stunning. We look at the millennials what, 18 to 40 in six months of last year, the all cause [00:59:00] mortality was 61,000 in six months, people 61,000 up.
Sam Sigoloff: These
Dr Thorp: are 61,000, 60 1006 months
Sam Sigoloff: in all the years of the entire Vietnam War. There's the published number, I believe is 58. And that decimated an entire generation. And we felt that for years into the future, there's people that I didn't go to high school with because their dad was killed in Vietnam, let that sink in.
Sam Sigoloff: And we had more than that in six months. This is why there will be Nuremberg 2.0 that this cannot stand.
Dr Thorp: Yeah, I'm, I'm in complete agreement with you. And this, the difficult part is getting loved ones and family members, and I'm in this right now, you know you know, we have, we have family members that are horribly damaged [01:00:00] and, you know, they've just shut us off. They, you know, I mean, horribly damaged.
Dr Thorp: They may well probably die. And they just keep getting boost. It's unbelievable and they can't receive this data. They have this incredible trust in the government. And they would say, no, there, nobody would ever do this. This is, you're a conspirator theorist. This is not happening. You know, this is just bad misinformation.
Dr Thorp: You know, you should have your credentials revoked. I, I
Sam Sigoloff: wish it was bad information. I wish this, you know, people would be incapable of this type of destruction to all of humanity. But this is, this is the unseen realm, right In open warfare in front of our eyes, and people too spiritually blind to see the death and destruction all around them.
Sam Sigoloff: Not a day goes by that I don't hear some actor, actress die. Some sports guy, you know, [01:01:00] drops dead on the field.
Dr Thorp: And the 13 physicians that, that just that Steve Ksh reports on 13 young beautiful physicians dead 13. This has never happened in the history of the world where you have a, a short amount of time and you have 13 young healthy physicians, dead of unknown cause Justin Trudeau, you killed them.
Dr Thorp: You're a murderous fascist thug and you are killing and terminating so many people's lives for your globalist agenda. You and kk, Klaus Schwab, bill Gates of Hell, these are really, really evil, evil, evil people. I, I don't like to I, I have a very deep. Conviction of faith. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.
Dr Thorp: [01:02:00] I'm a student of the Bible and have been my whole life. The scripture verses that call out to me. Dr. Sam are in Josea, chapter four, and God warns his people, you and I, the sons and daughters of the most high God. My people die for lack of knowledge. My people die for lack of knowledge. My family members are being killed and maimed because they didn't receive knowledge that God gave them.
Dr Thorp: God gave them the knowledge through you, Dr. Sam. Through me, through many of us purveyors of truth. But you rejected it so you are dead or you're maimed. And I feel very sad for you, but it was preventable. And I tried to do my best for you, but you didn't receive it. [01:03:00] And then the other scripture that comes to my mind is, you know, my, one of the greatest heroes of the Bible St.
Dr Thorp: Paul, that wrote two-thirds of the New Testament, if you want to get an understanding of, you know, Michael Savage's book I think at the turn of the century wrote this book that says, you know, progressives are mentally ill. Well, you know, you might laugh at that and just throw that quote, that book around and, and I've only read snippets of it, but my conclusion is that.
Dr Thorp: This is scripturally and biblically based in Romans chapter one. Paul says, if you mock God and you hate God, which the progressives do because they don't pay attention anything in his book, if you pay attention to God then you know you will be given wisdom. But if you reject God and you become your own God, God [01:04:00] will give you over to delusion.
Dr Thorp: It says that right in Romans one. That's what has happened to you. People that cannot see truth, you never will see it because you are mentally ill, you've been spiritually diluted, and you do not have the ability to think rationally. If you don't believe me, read the book of Romans and then Paul goes on to say, professing.
Dr Thorp: To be wise, you've become fools. I can't summarize it better than God.
Sam Sigoloff: One of the things that has been driving me since the start of this has, and I'm gonna say it here cuz I, I can't remember it as well, but, and this is from Thessalonians first, Thessalonians five 14. If someone is frightened, talk to them in a way that helps them to be brave. And that has just been, God has laid that on my heart.
Sam Sigoloff: And I, I saw that and I didn't really, it started at the beginning of this, it was a, Hey, remember [01:05:00] back at, you know, remember this post you put up 10 years ago on a Facebook thing? And it was kind of towards the start of this. And, and that has been my drive and, and why I say, let's make courage more contagious than fear.
Sam Sigoloff: Because my, the whole reason of doing all this is to help you, the listener, and to help the other doctors realize, look, we can be brave and we are more brave together. A cord of restraints is not easily broken. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. And that's the whole reason for this podcast.
Dr Thorp: I, I wanna thank you. You know, Dr. Sam, because you you know, you look very young. You're, you're, you're absolutely right in that you know, I'm, I'm alone. I've lost a lot of friends. I'm being persecuted, I'm being attacked. My wife and I from everybody. We love all my, many of my colleagues and, you know, it's people like, That give me faith.
Dr Thorp: You know, even my [01:06:00] children are blind. My family members are blind. I've lost so many friends that think I'm, you know, I am a conspiracy nut. They don't talk to me. They launch ad hominem attacks on me because I love them and I try to give them truth. And so I have found a whole new family of people that my relationship, I've never met you before.
Dr Thorp: We've chatted a little bit, but you have no idea how much encouragement Sam, Dr. Sam that you bring me, you, Dr. Malone, you know Dr. McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey, Dr. Lee Merrick. I could go on and on and on and on, and I should, because there's so many people, you know, on my signal groups, on my email groups nationally and internationally where I receive my comfort and my, the knock [01:07:00] on the Holy Spirit from me saying, Jim, you know, you are my son.
Dr Thorp: I've given you truth. Be strong, be courageous. Don't ever fear no weapon formed against you will prosper. I will be with you. I will never leave you and I, I take peace because even people that don't have our share, our faith, I, you know, whether they're you know, Hindu or Muslim, it transcends religion when they see truth.
Dr Thorp: Jesus said, to whom much is given, much is expected. He's given you Sam a gift, which is so precious besides his only begotten son. But he's given you truth in this horrible, horrible fascism, this genocide, he's given me truth. So he expects us to, [01:08:00] to carry on. To give that truth to everybody in the world.
Dr Thorp: He, we are his temples. We are the body of Christ, and that's what we're expected to do. Even if we get persecuted, we lose our homes, even if we're murdered. I, I, I'm happy to go down fighting. This is why God created me to protect my pregnant women and my fetus as my children, the sons and daughters of the most high God.
Sam Sigoloff: And to your point of all this persecution that we've had, I mean, they haven't started actually killing us yet, but if we look back to Shadrach, Micha and a dego, and I know I've used this a lot, and sorry for the listener, you've heard this a lot. They were told, you'll get thrown into a fiery furnace if you don't bow down.
Sam Sigoloff: And they did. We have to remember, they did not know they were going to survive. That was unknown. And for them, it would be better to be burned to death. Then to bow [01:09:00] before pagan God. And the people that threw them in this furnace, it was heated seven times hotter than normal. They died the minute and then they were standing there and another in the fire appeared and their bonds were taken off and they were singing praises in the fire, the refining fire, the one that purifies us.
Sam Sigoloff: That brings truth forward.
Sam Sigoloff: I'm glad to have you in the fire with us. You
Dr Thorp: too, sir. Dr. Sam. Thank you.
Sam Sigoloff: Thank you. And, and I truly appreciate, appreciate you coming on with me and, and sharing just a bit about yourself.
Dr Thorp: I'm always here to help your ministry, brother, Sam, Dr. Sam. Anything that I can ever do to facilitate your ministry just holler at me. Send me a text and we'll make it happen.